tv [untitled] August 4, 2021 6:00am-6:30am AST
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that is what we've always done. that's what we will continue to do. the on the brink of a civil war, this fighting intensifies the afghan army, or just people to leave on. chicago and bomb blasts. go off in kabul. ah, i'm hello my. hey, dina, this is al jazeera life and also coming up reports to ship and they have been hijacked, the united arab emirates and several others were doing that. they power hundreds are evacuated as raging wells. far as inch closer to home on the outskirts of athens. above the vision of position activists exiled in ukraine is fund hangs in
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a part in cuba. police are investigating if he was murdered. ah, the us has condemned an attack that killed at least 4 people in the african capital campbell thing. it bears the hallmarks of the taliban. the a car bombing was followed by a gun attack near the home of the defense minister. it's close to the city is heavily fortified. greenville and governments, buildings and embassies on the case. it has been no claim of responsibility. show me in rose a suicide attack by while terrorist targeted my house by the grace of god, neither me nor my family members were hurt. but unfortunately a number of my body cars were wanted. i assure my beloved countryman that such a tax cannot have any impact on my willingness to defend my countrymen and my
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country offers was fighting intensifies elsewhere between the taliban and the military. the un security council sense it's deeply concerned about human rights abuses and escalating violence in a statement have condemned to liberty of tags on afghan civilians and so on. the you and compounds inherits province last week. one member of the african security forces was killed in the attack. it's also colon for progress towards the seas far and a political settlements. well, it's a magic as sir james bass is in kabul and joins us live now from the african capital james, he were caught up in that those bond blasts in the afghan capital last night. how are things right? no, it's calm again in cobble this morning. yes, we will happen to be in the car and happen to be quite close to the defense ministers house driving in the direction of the defenseless. this house about less than 300 meters away. when there was this very loud explosion of seem to lift the
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front of the car very briefly and, and then we saw the sparks in the air and massive plume smoke. and we now know that was a car bombing. the start of what is known by experts is a complex attack. so the bomb goes all 1st and then the gunman take, hold, go in and carry out more of the attack. it took a long time for the african security forces to get things on the control, but they have done so now. we believe the official figures come out yet. the for taxes have been killed. we believe also for other people killed what we certainly know and you heard him speak a moment ago, is that the african defense minister business han was not injured in any way. and actually wasn't president present at his house at the time this attack took place. but this took place in what is supposed to be one of the most secure parts of cobble. so i'm sure there be some questions off also i think worth noting that as
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the attack was getting on a pretty bad plan. so show solidarity by residents of cargo. many people took to the streets, shouting, god, his great waving. the afghan flag show support for the african government from a large section of the population in kabul. and i'm told that that shows that he was also joined in other provinces across i've got my son james. he mentioned there is somewhat disconcerting that an attack of this type is made it as close to the $45.00 green zone. as 8 days there has been cons and nation from the security council just how concerned is the international community about these events in afghanistan? i think the concern is very, very great. i don't think anyone watching the situation expected the us to pull out quite as quickly as they did. i think it took the rest of the international community and many of us as close to satellites feel they were very well consulted
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to them all by surprise. the biden announcement to pull out of afghanistan, that was surprised number one that it was happening so quickly. i think surprised number 2 was that the taliban so quickly filled some of the vacuum, particularly in rural areas. quickly taking large parts of the north in rural areas, then taking border areas. and then the 3rd phase, i think has been in the last couple of weeks when they've started to push them much more on the big cities of afghanistan, particularly can particularly herat. and now lastly, could go with a right in the heart of the city for presenting a real problem for the african security forces of the international community, all concerned. they want everyone back of the negotiating table, they want a sci fi, but the leverage on the taliban isn't there anymore. because of course, the leverage was the international forces. and that was the bargaining chip, whether the international forces with madrid redraw not well the international
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forces. effectively there are a handful here effectively that out. and so i think that changes the dynamics on the talks. and i think the taliban must feel with the military gains they made in recent weeks that they now have the upper hand at the negotiating table. those talks have installed until now we understand that the hot talks are likely to try and resume in the next couple of weeks. ok, james space, i'll just say for my tickets that lie for us from couple james, thank people have been ordered to get out of canister southern city of lush car guards. the security forces fight bank against the taliban government troops. to launch a big operation on the arms group in the capital of home and province, at least 200000 people live there. charlotte, bella has more than i own the situation in laska, let's call god the capital of home and province and in the cross hairs of the tele bomb. after fighting government forces the weeks on its outskirts,
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the armed group could be on the brink of taking its 1st city. since the u. s. began its military draw down the telephone, publish videos of themselves in the center of flesh, car, gar, and at the main market asserting they had control of most of the city who the enemy is stuck in some places of the city, like their intelligence, offices, police, and governors compound, but our tele bonds are at every corner of the city. now the afghan military is trying a new strategy. after 4 days of fighting with its most elite special forces and pounding the city with air strikes, it is asking all people to evacuate the city to learn some of my just. i'm leaving here. all the people have left. there is bombing from the air and the tell banner on the ground. the army commanded for home and made the request in a voice lowers. it was quickly spread among those still in lush cargo. the no arms misconduct, it will be very hard fighting. we will not leave the taliban life at any cause. i
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know it will very hard for you and it was very hard decision for me to see. i don't want to hurt my people. please forgive us if you will get this place and please evacuate. as soon as possible, analysts in cobble say the strategy is flawed, telling the population to go and not giving them an exact timeframe, and then bumping the hell out of the place and, and leaving the place as, as a, as a terrible battle ground in the same way that we saw pictures of capital back in the 1990 s. it's tens of thousands of people unless car guy he generals warning many will have 3 hours to can to ha city the close the city and still held by the government. $150000.00 people have already been displaced there after fighting last month. but it too is contested by the telephone. the so many people fleeing the village is gone. find a place to sleep, not even intense. the situation is so bad. i want both the taliban and the
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government to stop fighting for god thing. stop the fighting. in the western city herat, the situation is equally fluid. special forces arrived to boast of the military and allied fighters after the taliban cut off the cities airport last week. even then for a brief period, the taliban got within 3 kilometers of the city center. does not know the enemy is close to the city and we are very serious and defending the city. we hope we will push them back. it's a possibility and we need to step on the telephone pressure on provincial capital just growing every day. the moved to evacuate. last got some personal questions about the solve, maybe the best, the best shot, 0 an oil tanker is thought to have been hijacked off the coast of the united arab emirates with several other ships. signaling that they too are in trouble. fitness maritime agency says
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a potential high junk is unfolding off with the pierce involved. mitchum and tanker called the asphalt princess for other ships in the area reported that they were not under and the voices, news agencies reporting events. revolutionary guards is denied of alien forces over its allies are involved. last week 2 crew members were killed in a drone attack on this really managed vessel off the coast of mon britain. the us and israel have accused yvonne, which has denied involvements. thousands of people on the outskirts of athens had been forced to flee. their homes is a large, wild, far closer well than 500 firefighters are trying to contain the place in an industrial area. in a suburb of the great capital, temperatures of more than 40 degrees celsius and dry winds fanned the flames of more than a 100 separate fires. while the weather is also driving far as an italy, tourists san residence,
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having told leave the coastal cities of atanya and the scott to verify his se, they faced hundreds of flare ups and populated areas in the past few days. but they're starting to get some under control from the scar, honestly, eastern coast. adam rainy reports, fire brigades, and pest scott on italy central. a direct coast struggled to control ablaze and applying force their fight, stretched well into monday nights. still smoldering tuesday morning, firefighters assessed the damage and the risk it took firefighters to day to bring the blaze here in per scott under control. and you can still see the fire isn't completely extinguished. by mid day, the worst was over in prescott and the surrounding towns. only a few small fires still needed attention. they don't know if y'all move to the fishy layer. they were very high flames. they were tough to put out. we had a lot of teams out have tackling them. it's been difficult because we've had 3
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months with no rain. if you could fit, your taishan is dried up and the terrain is so dry. we haven't seen such weather in a very long time. you'd like to get on to that if you go over that bundle them with the danger past lot i wish she tele returned home, where 3 generations of her family have tended olive trees in the hills above the sea. they aren't sure if the scorch trees were still produced, olives from which they have made oil for decades. this is what she filmed from a safe distance on sunday. as flames blazed through her family's grove, there movie saw the little sham. we saw it all catch on fire. it was a horrible scene. my grandfather grew up here. my father grew up here and i did 2. most of these trees are more than a 100 years old. and i think what already on tuesday the we g v to return to the beach in or dona 48 hours earlier. he had been relaxing here with his family. as temperatures rose and fires approached, he raced holmes committee to to tell and all this had you know,
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yeah. all afternoon and all night it was just with our garden hose and buckets. we've ended up the flames all night to keep them from growing into a bigger fire. while the situation was largely controlled in central italy farther south and poorly and sicily, firefighters tackled more than a half dozen fires on tuesday, and mid 40 degree temperatures. for those like lottery, she tele, once the fires pass, the true extent of the damage will come into full view. adarine al jazeera, the scatter italy and so it was turkey for as far as getting closer to to power stations. winds and high temperatures are finding sample fires in the area, firefighting planes from spain and croatia, food and to help with criticism all the governments respond. scrolling fil, a heads on al jazeera lebanon is still looking for on, says, almost a year after the capital was ruled. by
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a huge explosion process on capital hill with millions across the us face eviction from their homes. ah, the america, here's your weather headlines right now. we'll start in north america where we had a cold front rates across the southern areas of the united states. i want to go in for a closer look there, cuz we're still getting some storms bubbling up here in particular along the florida panhandle, georgia rate through the carolina shooting up to the mid atlantic. and you know, we can't rule out the potential to see up to 200 millimeters of rain in some of these places over the next few days. talking about heavy bursts of rain as we head toward mexico. but it is scattered at times. concentrated along that pacific coast of mexico impacting areas like i could poco falling right through into guatemala
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and heavier rounds of rain as we had toward hunters and the corolla on wednesday. take you to south america right now, and it's unsettled toward the top and the bottom end of the continents are continuous rains falling through the amazon basin outs were plenty of sunshine can be found. temperature is bouncing back us on the on 25 degrees. if we look at the next 2 days, we could touch 30 over the weekend, but some breezy condition, so it's above average as well. now toward that south, it's our usual systems crashing into southern chile, giving us some snow for the southern andes point to rain as a height of 10 degrees for you on wednesday. the who's the story that need to be told find away and demand to be heard. the opening, the window into another light and challenging perfection and personal endeavours in
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epic struggle with the colossal sacrifices in individual journey witness showcase it inspiring documentary. the change the word on al jazeera. ah, ah ah, the me this is al jazeera, quick reminder, all the top stories for you know, us as condemned an attack that killed at least 4 people in the african capital campbell saying that there's the hallmarks of the telephone car bombings from my gun attack in the home of the defense minister, an oil tanker has been hijacked,
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the united arab emirates, several other ships signaling that they are in trouble, because maritime agency says a potential hijack is unfolding office era and wells far as raging and parts of greece and italy, thousands of people in the outskirts of athens forced their homes tackle to happen . you fires in sicily and poorly in italy when more than once, he was far as an eye burning in the western united states. and one of the leases places a vehicle far spread. see for us just know it's over sanchez and then northern california, the state's largest world far is going again, forcing the evacuation of 1000 people. a bell origin olympic sprinter has left japan after being grown to the humanitarian visa and poland. christina, seeming to sky us as authorities in bella, luce made it clear she would be punished as she returned home. she used to teams,
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officials of trying to force her to leave the talk you games early after. she criticized her coaches. a murder investigation has been launched after a vocal bella recent activity was sent dead in ukraine. vitality shows laser group that helps people fleeing persecution for president alexander lucas. shank of governments contribute to him in london, the exiled opposition leaders said she knows she could be next to fall foul of the regime. and simmons reports from london, italy she shoves life ended here, his body hanging from a tree. he set off for a run near his home in kiev, but didn't return. police believe it could be murder disguised, a suicide. that may have been a struggle in this office that says there were marks on his face, left knee, head and chest chauffeur dedicated to political opposition to autocratic rule in his home country of better cuz he was working with an organization helping
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to get housing, food, and work, so people fleeing persecution there. he knew he was under surveillance so that his friends for the board lamb. this was an execution vile, nasty execution of a person who deserves more than any of those people who served the regime of alexander lucas shank, sending to the rest of the exiles in ukraine and elsewhere to sit low. give them our shot. because this is what's gonna happen to you. lucas shanker. done by his enemies. the last of europe's dictators has ruled the 27 years. but since a disputed election a year ago, he's been cracking down on a physician support. in may a protest lead a roman protest, a which was detained after a passenger plane, heading to vilnius in this way, nia was forced to land the capital of beller, whose security agents had effectively hijacked the plane. the leader of the opposition's fet, lana, taken off. gaia has been on
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a world tor trying to week night. the western outrage that follow that arrest the u . k. prime minister barak johnson said he was the 1st to impose sanctions and found more support for the opposition. diplomatic niceties. aside though, the opposition data set, none of the people was safe, least of all her. i can disappear in the moment. i understand that. but i should do what time do i cancelled because i'm you know, i feel this responsibility for future. i found with the same as all those fighting the moment feel they were supposed to be said longer taking the sky was in washington before arriving here in downing street messaging in both capital with the same that more action was needed. but there was no concrete response either by the president of the united states, or indeed the u. k. prime minister. as far as the president of better ruses
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confirmed, it appears from events in ukraine that he seems intent on continuing his deadly messaging. if security agents from bella, ruth did kill 26 year old vigilance, she shut off. it is indeed a warning to opposition activists. andrew simmons al jazeera london it's been one years since a huge explosion, devastated lebanon's capital, killing more than 200 people and injuring many more. you know, the 300004 less homeless families of the victims are still demanding answers as faint heard reports from the roots. the gutted silos at bay roots port still stand as a symbol of a tragedy. i see what i know, the building behind us collapse and 4 people were killed. i was strong to the ground unconscious. we will never forget that explosion. it began with a fire at warehouse 12. it's believe to have blown up the ammonium nitrate that was
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unsafely, stored with favorable materials. the neighborhoods were destroyed, more than 200 people were killed on august 4, 2020. we saw her thinkers there, her running shoes. we didn't expect or imagined that he will be at the point, we wrote wolf saw her that her sister, jessica worked at one of the roots hospitals. many were badly damaged in the explosion. all the hospital teens ran to the patients and had to walk them through this secured area which turned into battlefield. we had a few minutes and then because after a few minutes came the came, came the patience which were wounded and that no one has yet been held to account. families of the victims are up against the political and security
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establishment, accused of hiding behind immunity. that defeats the very per, per son, the various sense of the rules flow. and that does not reflect on a dat dish or ability judiciary ability to conduct executive investigation and to ensure accountability for the abuse that's committed. it's still not known what caused the initial fire. what is also not known as if the ammonium nitrate was intended for bay root? the ship that carried 2750 tons of the chemical made an unscheduled stop here in late 2013. the cargo was offloaded after that dispute, but it's also not clear if most of the stockpile was in the warehouse, when the explosion happened throughout the years, top officials, military and security officers knew about the dangerous chemicals and did nothing about it. human rights watch says they also mischaracterized the danger posed in communications with the judiciary. we found that the emissions and actions of
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lebanese government and security officials constituted a violation of the right to life under international law. and there appears to have been an attempt to disguise the true identity of the owners of the ammonium nitrate . i'm the ship and why the ship came to lebanon in the 1st place. a year on a route is still a broken city. yet to recover from one of the largest non nuclear explosions in history. then there else is eda beta 3 weeks after at least 180 people were killed in floods in western germany. many survivors on relying on the help of fallen tears among those lending. hands on refugees from syria. he say they want to give something back to the nation that welcome them steadfast and went to meet them at a church in back know in our deep in the basement of a centuries old church. they are cleaning up one bucket at
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a time. for the past 2 weeks, the syrian refugees have picked up shovels and how to clear tons of debris left after the worst flaps this historical town has ever seen. so i'm very proud that i can help people here and religious institutions. true for me. there's no difference, whoever i help and what their background is. this is like the last place, the syrians thought they would end up. obviously there was stricken towns back home . here in the darkness of florida, the roman catholic church was showing dead gratitude and the spirit of to get an eye given home to those was still suffering from the loss and destruction. after the plot, most of the syrians came to germany in 2015 when more than 1000000 who fled the war in their own country were accepted by uncle american government. it responded to an appeal on social media. after seeing the scale of destruction caused by the flats on television, germany give us the shelter, give us education,
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give us food and a place to evolve and drive in this country. and they considered us as one of them. so we felt that we are fond of this society and when we feel this, we feel that we need to help and get those trophy nearly 3 weeks after torrential rains, called flooding and north way must finally and rhineland, the latin aid to clean up as well on the way survivors say this is not because of government help, but solely thanks to the volunteers. just showing this is an indescribably strong feeling that people from all nationalities came and helped that every hand helped even when it maybe was not exactly the right help at that moment. what matters as they help and otherwise we would never have managed to do this. church lead us hope tolerance towards refugees and migrants will increase. i'm not ok, but here are people who experience paid because of their religion or that color.
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and i think that's a good sign in. but knowing that this doesn't matter at the moment, having experienced hardship themselves, the syrian refugees feel they can offer the right help. some i've been working for 2 straight weeks, leaving their families and jobs behind is get and will you on through. there are 1000000 syrians in germany, and we are one with the german population in good and bad time. they plan to stay after other volunteer have long gone, hoping to rebuild these historic towns and making friends for life steadfast and al jazeera, but noisy and germany, and the face of rising colored cases across the us and political pressure. the biden administration has decided to extend the moratorium on housing evictions for 60 days, also in jordan reports from washington. 11 months ago the us imposed an eviction moratorium for 15000000 renters to slow the spread of cobit 19 and to not put sick
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people out of their homes. the moratorium expired on saturday, even though cobit cases are rising again. by monday morning landlords had flooded housing courts with petitions to evict their tenants. $3000000.00 could become homeless this month. louise dantes is among them. he was in the hospital and unable to work. he now owes his landlord $5000.00. they gave me 3 weeks because i begged for it, and in 3 weeks i have no idea where i'm going to go. or what i'm going to do. us president joe bite under pressure to extend the moratorium told reporters on tuesday. this situation was not supposed to happen. we'll probably give some additional time while we're getting at $45000000000.00 out to people who are in fact behind in the rent and don't have the money. that's why it was passed in, in the act that we passed in the beginning, my ministration, and it went to the states. we were under the impression of the states for moving
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this money out relatively rapidly. that $45000000000.00 and back rent assistance was part of biden's. first. major pandemic emergency spending law as president. but housing advocates say there are too many roadblock getting the money to landlords, leaving tenants in a bond. and there is the problem of whether moratoriums declared by the administration or legal, the supreme court recently ruled there not. and that only congress can authorize them. well, congress didn't do that before going on summer holiday, leading some congress women to sleep on the steps of the capitol and protest and to call on bite and to act. i do understand it. i do know what i do know what is like to have baby sleeping in a car, trash bag my belongings. everything i own in because i know what that is like. there is no way that i'll just sit back can be quite. and then now abrasion,
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you guys are late on tuesday, the cdc announced it will give renters in areas with high coven caseload, another 60 days of release. but what's needed is a long term financial solution to help americans through another search. one that is not easily found in a time of deep political partisanship. rosalyn jordan al jazeera washington ah, this is al jazeera and these, all the headlines. the u. s. has condemned and attacked, killed at least 4 people in the african capital campbell thing. it bears the hallmarks of the taliban. a current bombing was followed by a gun attack near the home of.
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