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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2021 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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into the human story, but it's also the idea of challenging those in power. if a politician comes on this channel, they will be challenged and that's what people expect, what they want. the questions answered. that is what we've always done. that is what we will continue to do. oh, i know i'm, i am was in london. quit look at the headlines now. rebels from if you appears water. one region of take ry have taken control of labella, which is a unesco world heritage site. it's located in hum horror and it's a sacred locations of pilgrimage from millions of questions in the country. fame for its 12th century, rocky and churches fighting into gray house built into neighboring regions and
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recent weeks, thousands of people have been forced to flee the violence. malcolm was following the story from nairobi who residence and others have told us that fighters from the degree region of entered the historic town lally better. there were rumors that they were closed, some local residents over the last week, some of the residents that they've had gunfire at night, but they say it's normal to to have some gunfire at night there. but in just in the last few hours, resident said they could see the, the gray and people's liberation from fighters getting close. and then just to show a while ago, they've taken control of the town. in chad, 24 soldiers have been killed in an attack by suspected book r. i'm fighters. it happened on an island in the lake chad region, boca ram and a rival splinter group. have been using the area to launch attacks in chad and neighboring countries. last year, at least a 100 champion, troops were killed and assault by the armed groups fires fuel by heat wave,
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a raging and grease were 3 significant. blazes burning on the island of via a know, death for injuries, but it has been widespread destruction of buildings and the countries where the shrinking forest, a prime minister is wanting more difficult days ad with wind for cost to strengthen over also been 5 in the us with one blaze, wiping out much of the community in northern california, of greenville central business district has been destroyed with street lights melting in the extreme heat, known as the dixie fire. it's been burning for about 3 weeks. fed by high temperatures, strong winds, and low humidity iran, new president has taken office with a direct stance on us sanctions and has countries, nuclear ambitions. and brian rice. he said he would take steps to lift the sanctions, which have devastated the country's economy. he insisted the iran nuclear programs for people peaceful purposes. and he does and to office at a time of height intentions. i'll see for the news hour at 2100 g empty bye for now
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. welcome for iran, a president elect in his home town of mash. at the image of the shrine, crowd had gathered to hear what their newly elected leader abraham, right. you see, have to say on the issues that affect the job, shut off in domestic politics, domestic policy and foreign policy. the focus should be on the dignity of this nation. and the focus should be on the fact that in any negotiations, the dignity of this nation should not be hers is already made large keeping promises including fighting corruption, improving the country's economy and maintaining a wrong interest. in negotiations the wes, but it's not clear yet. if you will be able to deliver on his promises ah, 3 months after the riot, a new bond between wider and arab, a stranger is formed on cornell,
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a beach working with the 3rd lifesaving association and chronology shy council, the lebanese is trading community launches and initiative called on the same wave ration or whatever. we train, some muslims in becoming lifesavers. so not only do i see what being a last cyber is about, but they also can give an opportunity for people to understand what they are about me. i guess having witnessed the colonel riots and other forms of racist attacks, i fell into the trap of the victimization mentality. way of poor me, poor muslims, poor beneath. you know, i'm sitting here thinking, you know, this person needs to do something and this person needs to do something. i thought, why don't i do something?
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mikayla is 19 years old and about to make history. she's the 1st muslim woman to ever train as a lifesaver, and he's one of the 1st to wear the straining designed caney. day putting on the very caney was amazing. it gave me the freedom within the water. it was an amazing feeling to, to be back into the ocean, swimming comfortably freely the make. i did the training logs on the 17th and we had many injuries. someone broke some of my injuries included and fractured, knows, you know, a wave had common had lifted the board and so it had smacked me right in the face. i had serv, attendance in my fingers, i sprained both ankles at the same time,
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even though i had sustained all of those injuries. i just kept going because i wanted to be able to achieve my bonds medallion. so it's a great personal achievement for me. one of my proudest moment in my community life when zeus kids graduated as a weird i truly as you call knowledge i. when the looking at mecca and that red and yellow bird kitty patrolling the beach as a volunteer. i was proud of what she has done. australia should be proud of what she has done. because what she did was 1st and award in the end, the initiative does not end bigotry on the beach. racial harmony is more an uneasy
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truth. but make a law and her fellow life favors make their point. i wanted to be able to put out there that muslims and muslim women in particular as well just as all the with anyone else. and i hope that having achieved that, that that message somehow resonated with every one. 0, this 3 years later, make a law joins jamal had southwest in the labor, in page 8th, and clare, and the future minister for immigration. scott morrison on a journey to the very heart of what it is to be a strain in today the code attract. jason was to bring kids muslim kids. and scott was to bring lifesavers from the show area. you called the my cheap trick because it could show that people from different
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sides can be made. so everything about my chip, everything that what kind of was about stood for that sense of sacrifice that's into belonging. we want to take that we could coda and go through that experience once you in conditions like that, you know, working through the mud in a rain forest. it's quite easy to, to look beyond physical appearance for a lot of people didn't say mean, you know, as they go that way, because i didn't see that person as just a life say, well, you couldn't say that one person was more extra alien than the other when we stood at anzac day, at the issue of i'm immortal. and let me tell you one thing. all over the
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differences, melted into one. we were old one. we were old or sad. ah, and there is one other breach being built. the police has been working and improving their relation with the community. the canal a riot is a cash list for even more action. we ramp up multicultural liaison officer program. these are not police officers, unsworn staff, as we call them, who are embedded in a large number of police stations around the sidney area. we established a consultative committee for the commissioner, which is populated by a really diverse range of representatives of ethnic communities. we also have now a high drawn coordinated position and it's simply somebody who dedicate a working life to monitoring issues of high crime. and i think we're,
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we're lucky because there was a lot of good people that meant well at that time in the police force and in the community in 2006, there is one police initiative with which some in the lebanese australian community, and not impressed whatever it takes to get that control the streets, who are the biggest night, so strike those gains wanted later they don't experience and evident. gathered during a crackdown on a murderous term for in south west sydney. the new south wales police expand the charge of task force gain and form the middle east and organized crime squad yourself well says made a decision which many other states have refused to mike to actually label the people as the criminal problem. ah. so it said we're going to have a middle east and organized crimes, quote,
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something which specifically targets middle eastern people that did not help middle east and crime squad. i can understand it if it was in the middle east. i just can't understand detrimental logy, and said that never be unhappy will start to. and when ology was still not happy with such minority because it actually works against old bridge building between us society and the police. i think the middle east organized crime scorned is called that name, because that is actually what it investigates and certainly some within the community feel that's a good thing. and then i was also feel that it's a bad thing and that a tommy says everyone for me least in background. i don't see it that way. i am a middle east and background myself, and i'm at feel tarnished in any way. in july, 2006, the nation's respectful and loyalty to lebanese straightens,
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is made clear. when israel launch has air attacks on parts of lebanon in its war against his below, the howard government evacuate over 5000 de trailyn stated him to his credit. john howard and the difficult circumstances evacuated these citizens in a way that was very difficult, very costly. ah, but humanely and sent to flee. done. i have no doubt there was evacuation was conducted, made us feel that we are no longer australian of 2nd class citizens. we are australia as anyone else, and there is another event which is destined to change the fortunes of many and
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south with did need lebanese a trailing community. it is now 5 month since she had deep walk through the door, the punch bowl boys high. oh, never forget the dice. out of the punch for boys high school was taking on something that was just too big. why was i doing it while give myself that headache? all of those questions that were running through my head? why am i jumping out of a fly payment into the fire? when i walked in 2006, i felt that the boys, it's up for a long period of time. as a school was struggling numbers, numbers were dwindling. there was, there were threats of a closure. they were, they were things that just weren't work as well as the school and, and every day it seems to just learn from problem to problem to problem in the late 900 ninety's, the school was just 10 minutes away from one of sydney's most notorious drug dealing areas hello p histories. once again,
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dozens of police were done. the notorious on wall street to murder drive by shootings have had enough. one of the biggest difficulties you have been running a school is you can't control what's going on outside of the school. the school becomes a milton part of its local community and you've got something like to be a straight which keeps coming up in the news when the school has got the title, that's the same name as this other that keeps getting that negative media attention . it does have a massive effect on the school. you got up in the wall. i did represent i generation of young professionals who decide they want to give back to the community and build it. that emergence, not just of d, a, but a whole generation of young people who tertiary educators with i think, critic, vision, which is both lebanese muslim and strive. that means that there is
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a new agenda that is possible. i think. and i just was there was a sense of helplessness amongst the students. we had great teachers and had been try really hard. but there was another, there was, there was like a feeling that they've been a give up mentality. quite a principals had come and gone, staff didn't stay long, which is always indicative of a school. it's in a bit of turmoil. it wasn't a place where anybody aspire to go to. you didn't want to teach a punch bow boys you know where they belong. then i'm talking about not only in the school, but in the water side, they didn't feel like they belonged anyway. but they needed to, it's actually needed someone to love him that i needed someone to believe in him. and someone who could say, hey, you can do this by 2008. she had has been appointed principal. and over the next 2 years, student numbers increased by around 17 percent. over the same period,
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the school records, the nation's highest improvement, right in test results for literacy and numeracy. jad deep is changing, young lebanese australian boys lives like 13 year old nigi who has just started a new 7 on a phone. go to the school there to look in seattle, and i just didn't want to be there. i spent most of my time in the toilet smoking. i'm lacking digging school. i sort of school my friends used to get up to a lot of things. i sang out of a little bad people. lease, thank little drive and it doesn't take him long before he's in trouble with. the principal always used to give it always to be in schools, always gets them the and i said this one to modify what i told the guy for of all the teachers or students or parents getting scared. and i fight of the kid safety. i got that straight away scantron on nice
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non g suspensions mount. when he turned 15, he's taken aside by jer, had did, yesterday told me, and my school might not be cut off. you know, for to a trade, you know, say philips have goes us by. he is is going to be rest, employ nigi is now 2 years into a plumbing apprenticeship. and the influence of his old headmaster is still strong . i think that mr. the really helping him set my last together. because now the start of my own construction from company and i take on for the sexual sites, i have a lot of students from l areas and i take more give them the petition in a good looking. so that on the, on the streets and adds something back for us for what people usually me,
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you can't describe how good it feels to be able to make someone's life better and to be able to make them or help them make the right choices in life once upon a time university, it wasn't an option, it's, it's there where once upon a time you will look down upon because you want it to be a driver and i get you to try them. we save kids and we get kids on the right track. and we get kids to become successful. and now what is to make a difference no matter what? at any cost, ah, today, punchbowl boys high continues to record $10.00 of the nation highest growth rates in literacy. and numeracy are so many lebanese is trailing families. the school is more than a source of pride. it's clear and effective proof that their children
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a less likely to be lost to the straits. it isn't long before the community finds itself once again in the negative media. ah, the court heard that the men had stopped weapons, chemical and bomb making instruction in 2007 after a 3 year investigation. the value of a close relationship between the middle east and community and the police is demonstrated went straight to his biggest ever counter terrorism investigation operation pen. dennis comes to court in melbourne and sydney. i sent you to a term of imprisonment of 20 years operation in den. it's started wednesday counter terrorism unit, and the victorian police received information from was in the community about
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a small group of australian muslim working to plan a terrorist act. it was members of those communities who felt that some had drawn off the wrath and that it wasn't right. and that they needed to do something about it. unless we've engaged with the community and have the support, they will probably never succeed. it's after was when they confidence to build that credibility with them to build rapport with them in a time of non crisis. he cannot gather these communities off to something very bad has happened and say, look, i haven't bothered to get to you, but trust me. i was in 2012. the community faces its biggest challenge since the colonel arrives a controversial film about the prophet, muhammad spark the furious wave of anti american protests across the
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the, in a few days later, it arrives on sydney's doorstep. when 200 people demonstrate outside the u. s. consulate through afternoon, c, b meetings. you can simply, you know, the message and say that, you know, this is a freedom of expression. it's quite significant, very, very small proportion of these. lemme community paid any attention to the purchase . and i think one of the reason that the case could be learned from cornell law, that we can always be so emotional and irrational when we're dealing with things like that, they marched down to hyde park and most families had left. and then that's when it sort of got out of control. they created an opportunity for the demonstration,
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which was peaceful, to get hijacked. me has been shut down with hundreds of angry muslim protesters, the cd the yes we do love the process, but that's not the way you defend property image and reputations. do more damage to the profit and islam than the actual video itself. oh, oh, i get a big job. interestingly, what happened next is that the community itself saw the footage. so the news heard the coverage and decided to tell me the
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latest of all of the different organizations quickly got together and said, we don't accept this, this is not what we can dine and we were disgraced on this. so that in itself shows how far we've also come seems cornell, lebanese australian muslim leaders break ranks with their counterparts around the world. openly criticizing their own community over the past several days. high profile was the leaders had both been out against the actions of a few. slimy organizations will not allow for such activity to take place because at the end of the day, the only community will be tarnished while that exercise is the strength. so it's not easy for community leaders to criticize someone's around. and it hasn't happened too often that certainly on this occasion, they were unequivocal of a condemnation of what happened of the support of the police. so we all have to
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work together to ensure that we live in this great country. i think it was a really fun moment for the muslim community and city i was very proud of the way or community handle itself. i was very proud of bead we mobilized or were community effort to diffuse a situation and to send the messages in a different forces, but same message. and that message was, violence will not be tolerated. not now, not ever. the dilemma needs a straining community has spent the last 30 years under age. no other migrant community has had to endure the same. but after 3 decades of pain and struggle, the community have emerged stronger than and i am really proud to be
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part of this community. please. so to zillion, that has survived the gold full saddam hussein, the gang rapes, john howard pauline hanson. and we have proved to art as australian as anyone else. i think we have developed a platform where we've really dealt with pretty much everything that has been thrown out of cultural issues, identity issues, settlement issues. we've dealt with racial issues with issues in faith and extremism. we've, i don't know what else there is to come, but i'm sure that will be something. but i just think we've developed a platform and a resilience that is so strong. and like any group of astrology and living in a big city, the people of southwest, sidney face challenges, gang activity and gun crime still exist. but it talks,
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the minority is no match for a decent majority. fighting for a positive future. ah, there's a great sense of hope and out of everything comes great and the community live in a community, the whatever community. what a 1st of all my story. when i have a seat, i put as much draw and i came into my all the x and i have a do it. i my name, my parents sit back and they know them at the right decision with us. and we never came here for anything other than to have a data line and will continue contributing. i'm a high school principal, i'm a commissioner and a community relations commission. one of my brothers is a boxing champion to allow the brothers run their own businesses. my sister is a beauty therapist. we are all giving and we're all part of the
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society. i think my parents to they just sit at sometimes it's a little bit reminds me of the castle at the very end, where mister kerrigan sits at their back. you know what he's patio and he just sit back and he's just happy. and that's my parents back and i go with somebody. good me ah ah ah ah ah welcome to from every one of us. even those working quietly behind the
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scenes. so you can relax, enjoy a break in your journey. ah, and when you leave with a smile, we know our day's work is done. consort always welcome to our home. ah, hello there. let's have a quick look at the weather in australia and new zealand before we go to the main. whether story, which is in east asia, things looking rather fine and dry with rock, with sunshine for much of a trailer. but the weather is going to kick in for perth on saturday. if the head of that we have got sunshine on friday, but that weather system moves in on saturday, bringing with it the wet and windy weather. so southern areas we are going to see a few showers, but they do dry up as we go into sunday and from monday they will be sunshine,
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much of a wet and windy weather can be found in victoria and in tasmania, as we move over the tasman sea to new zealand. it's going to be rather wet and windy or we can particularly for northern areas of the south island. we've got another system sweeping in on saturday, bringing a bit of a wintry mix to the south. because we go to east asia. it's here that we're seeing a rush of tropical systems. you can see them there. in particular, we've got a tropical storm loop in that's bringing some really wet and windy weather to parts of china. it's moving across one dung province. we could see up to 250 millimeters to 500 millimeters in isolated places, and we could see some flash flooding with that will keep you updated. the multi $1000000.00 online sex in the philippines is black mailing men from around
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the world. one on one east uncovered. how small time syndicate became a terminal empire on al jazeera. ah, do you want to help save the world? needs into your own. ah, ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello mario, minimizing it watching the news, our life from london coming up in the next 60 minutes. flames and golf suburbs, north of the great capital, europe's heat wave continues to generate record temperatures. a holy and historic
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site reviewed by christians for centuries. now under the control of rebels in.


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