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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2021 4:30pm-5:00pm AST

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for the man's race walk is a curious b i o. c of making a terrible mistake, my scrapping there. then the paris ah north korea. isolated and heavily sanction yet earning billions around the globe euro. 39 is involved in everything that makes money for, for you to carry different passwords, saying contact the money this year, and it goes straight into the coffers system leadership a to power people in power investigation bureau, 39 cache for kim park, one on jesse era. cut one of the fastest growing nations in the i won a contest needed to open and develop it into national shipping company to become
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a t middle eastern tough for trade and money skill filling that out. 3 key areas up to about filling up front of connecting the connect in the future. i want a cut cut to gateway to whoa trade. oh, the me. you're watching al jazeera reminder of our top story. this all the taliban has captured the southern african city of their 1st provincial capital to fall since the group began and offensive to take territory. video released by the telephone shows them on the streets of the city. israel's iron don't defense system has
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intercepted 10. rockets fired from southern lebanon siren sounded in northern israel and the occupied golden heights, golf the several were fired. his follow has claimed responsibility. wildfire burning across parts of greece. forest, more of accusations near the capital athens firefighters continued their efforts through the night to stop the flames from reaching population areas. the un security council is due to me soon to discuss of cornerstone diplomats are under pressure not only about the current concept, but also what shape the country is taking from the u. n. in new york, kristen salumi reports with hundreds of thousands of afghans being displaced by the taliban. recent offensive against government forces un aid workers are sounding the alarm on human rights abuses in afghanistan as civilians. not to mention more than 1000. you and employees get caught in the crossfire. unicef, so today is outraged by report that
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a 12 year old boy from sheer into gob district in far providence suffered a brutal flogging by a member of an anti government group. women in particular are at risk from violence and the loss of basic write a letter signed by prominent feminist and rights activists calls on the security council to authorize a peacekeeping force. under resolution 1325 which demands the protection of women in armed conflict. women are at risk or being women and we know many of the things that are happening. i will not repeat the litany. what has happened to women during the advance? so the primary thing is to get a ceasefire. betty riordan, who work to get the resolution passed in 2000 says it also promises women a seat at the negotiating table. the protection of women, an armed conflict is not just some lofty un ideal. it was enshrined in
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international law right here by the un security council, which is under increasing pressure to help stabilize the situation and afghan, a stan. but the council is unlikely to authorize and peace keeping force, given that any mission would have to be approved by the 5 permanent members who all have veto power. there is no real danger, a spread of extremism and terrorism in countries surrounding of them. there's no doubt about them. chi ida is a former un envoy for the region. he says with the withdrawal of us forces, the taliban needs extra incentive to negotiate. he's calling on the secretary general to appoint and the security council to get behind a single un appointed mediator for peace talks has been said for a long time that you should be gone live on own negotiations the way that doesn't work. you know, you have to put somebody else in charge here. council meeting on friday to discuss
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the situation. but civil society groups say it's action not dialog afghans need the most. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations, which join us now live from cobble is to korea box. i a former africa and member of parliament. thank you very much for joining us. what does the taliban advance in afghanistan mean for women's rights? for women's freedoms, for women's protections. how concerned are you? i think would you time, i could not say there are so we can talk about delight, especially where to tell about controlling for men and women. and especially when it comes to the women of god. i think the outcome of the current p process or p d was just the violence in war for the people of us got it, especially in the last one and a half year. of course, we are very worrying and concerning about the circumstances which way should not gonna change because between the target bob and they're still in the governmental
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operation. that's the people are going to be squeezed and press from all sides and all parties as part of the, the peace process was not been made as it was been promised. and according to our re, tyler bonded in decrease. their violence in assault kept their child, which al qaeda in the dice. and that's why we are with the think a lot to lose the last part of her 3 of got com and beside that brutal action from town about across the country. facial indian war and the south and west, as we had from i corresponded earlier on the protection for women in armed conflict is enshrined in international law. at the un security council, alexis signed by prominent feminists and rights activists calling for peace keeping force. and i've gone to start to protect everyone but to protect women. once you will take or met, is that a necessary move?
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i think some mission needs to be taken. some decisions needs to be taking immediate b as to be by the united nations security council, especially does people must be accountable while they were signing agreement with taliban, with those from specially they providing wet can. but the taliban at the moment we can see they are having a different type of weapon. and they're one question to re, are getting more stronger than before. it's because politically, they got a large face to face and all say military, they got a lot of power, and lots of foreign fighters are fighting enough. got it. i think it's very important for the human growth and are women's rights activists not got a such, not all lee to raise their voice, but also to share their consent. what do you to national community about the war crime is happening at the moment and i've got to stop. and especially when it comes to sexual library,
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they are taking ribbons in the young girls at the place at during the war, which is that a give all international local law, make law in sharia and custom and tradition. and that's why we women got to pay for the p for the piece above by our body, by our lives, by our blood. why do people of gamma son should pay? and again, another dickie game should be star and keep the war machine all enough. got below, i think it's enough for them no more than a floor to kids. the guns will pay the cry for all you could power into word and this is the punch, at least for the sake of humanity we need. we need the to national community to understand the situation of a guy. so i think one statement calling for peace or political settlement is not making any more sense for i've done. it's not, i think we need a proper action. it's not a part time to see simple teach, we really need understanding and we really need
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a lot in international relation to take a place and i've got a son. and beside of that, we want to invite the international criminal court to come and see and recognize and prostitute days groups, which is they are committing more crimes at the moment. well, yeah, i mean what you're saying is that gender is being used. well, women and girls are being used as a weapon of war. tell me women's rights campaign. oh no we we have, we lost to my apologies from couple that was to korea box. i form africa, a member of parliament. we seem to have lost to there. okay. moving on and turkey is constructing an almost 300 kilometer wall along its eastern border with iran to prevent illegal crossings by people smugglers and maybe ask and migrant sim caulfield reports now from then near the border. another sleepless night for the
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turkish border security and the migrants, thousands of personnel have been deployed to the mountainous border with iran already to put an end in the cat and mouse while the smugglers who cross mostly africa, migrants into turkey, distance city vaughan. but the southern us withdrawal from afghanistan and taliban is expanding influence in the country, pushed turkey into extra measures. 500000 migrants are smuggled through this border . every day. the mohammed family failed this time as they had to slow down because of their baby pile of blood. the tally one tightened us and we had to leave. i'm going to stand. we followed ross family to the repair creation center in van city. his wife city car worked in a bank in afghanistan. she says, the war to get this one person from every single family. women couldn't even go shopping. she wanted to go to europe after saving some money in turkey. the african government doesn't respect women,
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and the taliban wants us to wear the book and isolate us. they will kill the women who worked for the government, and the government is too weak to control the country. the city of one has a 295 kilometer border with iran where they were and, and physical barriers. earlier official figures suggest the number of illegal migrants this year isn't bigger than the last 2 years, but the measures are tighter. good need the walls built in the south and north city increase the pressure on rounds border and all former commodity smugglers in this area became migrant traffic was ologist, lation ties, hands with punishment. following the syrian civil war, uncle started to seal its border with syria and iraq in 2016. this is the border between turkey and iran. once this wall is completed with razor wires on top security, official, soap, it will prevent illegal crossings. but criminal groups may still find a way to smuggle migrants and refugees across the border. experts say any migration
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away anywhere near turkey turns it in term migrant. 3, both will not chosen the. we need to classify whether irregular migration is due to economic reasons or asylum seeking. we must find a similar migration deal with iran, as we signed with the e. you around must be supported to as a, as a border with afghanistan. and it's all about success is expected to trigger a new way of, of migration from afghanistan by the end of august butcher. during such sudden migrations, we expect people to flee to neighboring countries. we hear from the newcomers that iran is not willing to host such a migrant group, and they do not stop afghans from crossing to turkey, but encouraged them. this stud lock may create more human trafficking and more human misery. sienna console, the al jazeera van turkey. let's go back now to show clear bogs. i a former africa member of parliament. we just lost the connection there, but she is back. we're talking about the impact of, of women and girls impact on women and girls. as
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a taliban advance across are gone. it's dawn, i just want to pick up on something you said before we lost you there, you were saying that women and girls are being used as weapons of war. yes, i'm fortunately, not only women and girls, but to the human. civilian was been used as a shield during the war for just the to terrorist. i think the entire village is going to be published. got that well, the way in specially for the women. when do women are kicking the whole stage? one day, he earned the billions or been taking during the war as a human shield. i had, this is a b international law. this is going to be nazi, obey from all parties. and especially from the kind of on site i think by the certain circumstances. and it's hard for us even to think about women's rights human rights. at the moment the women are trying to survive deep until they've been
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prosecute. they've been punished on the street. whereas every other tall about ruling at the moment and they've been kicking at the hospital for 6, the library, i think this is a war against you mount mckee and this is about criminal justice need to take action. i think it's very permanent that the court needs to take action against what's going on. i think there's a whole lot of doc smith was been made on the social media and also from women's rights activist groups. and i've got to start and we, we are asking for justice, you're asking for the sake of humanity. i think it's important for women to not be again, a victim of because right now do the profit they call these profit. and we don't want to pay for a war because the 1st victim of war, women, and children, and right now, it's not really pleasant for us to pay back for the p where we can not c p,
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a virus. i'm thinking women as a hostage is i think it's very dangerous. it's never happened before. we never been in the country circumstances today, we all finally. okay, finally i went on to at the moment when reporting on the u. s. is flying out. i scan contractors and people who worked with the us over the past 20 years have gone us dawn, people who may be at risk from taliban reprisals for the women's rights campaign. those who have been pushing for the rights of women in afghanistan. the, however many decades they also going to be at risk liking race and a great because that's not only women's rights activist, civil society organization and employee non governmental organization, employee journalist, people that they are working with the media. but also just simply be being government employee. i think 2 days ago about it was been after the nate,
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a woman just because she was been working with the ministry of women's affairs and iraq purpose. so they kind of action. i don't think that would solve the problem. i'm not in a position to judge whether it's the right decision or wrong, especially because they work with the military. and that's the civilian sector. i think it's important how many billions was need to flew from up. got it rather than thing i've gotten. so i think in finding solution, but a current crisis that will make sense and, and state of taking all the fresh knowledge in, blocked out from off got it from again because the younger generation where they are been well talented well educated. as they flew from afghanistan daily built this country, i think we put time and treasure on the muslim to build a capacity when it will go out. so what be again to lead the country. i don't want
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my country again to be the end of. i mean you can't get people responsible people get. hi. thank you very much for your time. have laid their phone cobble show korea box. i a former gun member of parliament to batteries and coaches have been stripped of their accreditation of the tokyo olympics after a claim they tried to force one of the teams sprint is to return home. christina terminal sky says she was taken to the airport against her will on sunday. she's now in poland. general sky had publicly criticized her coaches and says she feared for her safety if she returned to bel ruth flooding has damaged harms and farms and washed away roads. and north korea ruined crops, the threatening to make a hunger crisis even worse. a sanctions of the country all from 8 and in port leader came to one, had previously warned of a tense food situation. this'll over a week off the peruvian president, with warning protests of building demanding that he go. pedro castillo has drawn
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particular criticism for his choice of public officials. money on the sanchez explains from lima, the eighty's notice, and these protesters won't proceed into your out the march towards congress demanding nothing less and impeach me. now. i'm here because i want him vacated. i don't want communism in my country. i lived through terrorism here and now what they are governing. how could that have happened? and we have to see a choice of some high ranking officials, critic, see some have no experience. others are under investigation for corruption violence against women. as a former gorilla fighter convicted for murder in the 60s, and the prime minister investigated for corruption and sympathizing with terrorist groups. gimme person and not getting you know, mean, i categorically say that need the i or any of my ministers are linked to any
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terrorist group. communities that widespread criticism led the ombudsman, appointed by parliament to defend people's demand, to ask the president to your reconsider. his appointment was based on constitutional principles and public office parameters. we think it's imperative, the president, to reevaluate his ministerial appointments, he's been put in charge to come to crisis and to prevent for the division of society. however, many people who voted forgot he'll say, he has time to men mistake. he's only been one week in office and they say they want to give him the benefit of the doubt. you're putting his among millions of peruvians who voted for he says he'll be patient, but it's the 1st time he's going to govern many leadership taking bribes before. but this is a new guy. so let's see what does the protestors also march the central lima in favor of the precedent?
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some say it's time to turn the page focus in the countries problems while there is growing discontent among some precedent, se, you know, of the presidential palace working and remain silent. i deanna sanchez, jesse, that might be a better way of making a 1000000 to one change to it's hyper in places currency. 6 arrows will be eliminated from prices when the new boulevard bank loads are introduced in october, the new $100.00 volleyball bill, for example. we'll replace the 100000000 back. no, local se won't mean much. is most people pay for things in us dollars come up in or find out who comes out on top after a crash, fill the women's and then pick medicine final. ah.
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the news. the news with me ah ah.
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i found out the sport, his faro. kim. thanks so much. can you have faith keegan has defended her 1500 meter title, winning in olympic record time, sheet or tack on the back street and never gave up the leap doctor on her 2nd. hassan came to the 3rd. she had been looking for an unprecedented trouble in the 1505 and 10000 meter of that. shawnee miller, we were of the bahamas, had successfully defended her title in the women's 400 meters, mar lady paulina, the dominican republic, one silver. while american allison felix became the most decorated female track and field athlete with her bronze. that's her 10th olympic metal. you've got to joshua
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j. peggy has won the 5000 meters, the world record holder added to his silver from last week and the 10000 meters poland dow tamala, has won the final ever metal in the mens. 50 kilometer race walk. it will be replaced in paris by an unspecified mix team event. as there is an equivalent for women medalists have slammed the decision. that's a terrible mistake by the i o. c and the world lex. i think we showcase today. that was an event that belongs to me, one tax it every athlete from, from the lead, down to the athlete, the path cross national and last and body. everything about the olympics that ability to endure. like i said, it's heartbreak. and what can i say, of course, in a one side we are in the last middle isn't but of course it is great
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about him. unfortunately i, i can say what i can say the history of the 50 k is finished. the women's football final between canada and sweden is going to extra time. the gold mental game is level at $11.00. after 90 minutes, the swedes open the scoring and the 34 minutes the canaday equalize from the penalty spot. in the 67th minutes. great britain had completely dominated the 1st ever women's madison final, which was marred by a number of big crashes. the british u. a kept clear winning 10 of the 12 sprints to claim the gold visible. he was julio la cruz as a back tobacco limpid champion. after winning the heavy white box in gold, metal moved up away class following his victory as the light heavyweight in rio cuban handed his russian opponent his 1st loss. since august 2017 benevolence of quaint gold and the women's hockey, they beat the argentine
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a $31.00 in the final to do it. great. britain took bronze earlier with a win over india. i see president thomas box has a record, 88 countries of now, one metals in tokyo and he says, the atmosphere in the olympic village has been more intense than ever before. we all know personally as well. of course, you know where concerned because these olympic games could become limpy games without a soul. but fortunately, what we have seen here is totally different because the athletes gave her these olympic games a great olympics over us. gymnastic stars, mom biles received the heroes welcome. when she returned home from tokyo, hundreds of orders gathered at the houston airport to greet the 24 year old bowels, one to metal for the games, after withdrawing for most of her finals to focus on her mental health. now away
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from the lympics and coach. paras say she ran more at seal potty. chino fuzzies reached out to. lino massey under bertha lona confirmed. he won't be staying at the club. the 34 year old arch in time is played with the spanish giant since he was a teenager. but it's been a free agent since the 1st of july when his deal expired, or says presidents with financial fair play rules meant clubs. future could have been at risk. but leo wanted to stay so he's not happy. everybody worked for him to stay. now he must face the reality, like out of the club, and the reality cannot be changed. which eminence family all the best. so much much, much about what's going on. there will be demands on us and we are up to the challenge. we are more motivated than ever the boss alona without missy to continue to be successful. amy and we've been speaking to international football journalists, gavin hamilton about where massey is likely to go the reverse clubs in the world that couldn't afford to saw you. i would say there are only really 2 options for
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him to wealthy clubs in the well manchester city and parish. thank you. mark matches. the city today have just broken the british transfer record to saw in jack greenish from ashton villa. 400000000 pounds. so i don't think they have the resources to design missy a because this is moving so quickly. i think perry sent him out probably the only option in terms of the club with the resources to starting the will turnitin all that he takes a little bit time out of the game. maybe songs for major league soccer has been talk in the past of him moving and ending his career in america, or even returning home to rosario in, in argentina. that's a long term possibility, but i think at the moment i restart, humor of the most likely destination. and italy have just caused a big upsets on the track, winning the men's 4 by 100 meter relay more on that a bit later. but for now, it's back to you kim,
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thank you for that borrow. that is the news. all don't go away though. i'll have another update for you here on there in just a few minutes time shortly for like a multi 1000000 dollar online sex in the philippines. is black mailing men from around the world, one on one east uncovered. how small time syndicate became a criminal empire on al jazeera, with more than 200000000 cases because of 19 worldwide government backing to fight fresh wave of the virus and newberry. and that has been a 3rd and the number of people working vaccination appointment from human coast to political and economic pool out. i'll just bring you the latest on the pandemic. this will have vaccinated more than 1100 people here, all of them migrant farm workers. people on home testing because they think that there is a risk to democracy, special coverage when i'll just,
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they were on county in the cold. from soon as you had to south africa, the pandemic has reopened preexisting economic political challenges. but the gap between rich and poor nations continues to widen, with a lack of privacy in china is cranked down on capitalism. counting the cost on al jazeera and we've been working in asia and africa. there'd be days where i'd be choosing and editing myron stories and a refugee camp with no electricity. and right now where confronting some of the greatest challenges that humanities ever face. and i really believe that the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and compromise. because that's the only way we can try to solve any of these problems is together. well, there are so important we make those connections. i
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will just 0 with the taliban fighters capture the southern city of the ranch, making the 1st provincial capital to fall to the monster offensive. and bruce, all the un security council meeting to discuss the escalating situation. and if i can fidel.


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