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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2021 10:00am-10:31am AST

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the country's elite, rewind, north korea. cinema of treme, analogy 0. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wow. don't know how you take it will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. i prevent afghan a stand from descending into a situation of catastrophe. you in one's a dangerous turning point of the town about capture the 1st asked the provincial capital and fight to take out that ah, i want to come down when i'm come all santa maria, this is the world news from al jazeera to people and arrested in new york accused of plotting to injure or indeed killed me and mazda basset to the un who opposes
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the military genta. also, we take you on board one of the aircraft trying to bring turkeys. wildfire emergency under control. and we'll talk your big strong to close the next hopes that he is looking at what it can learn from the pandemic here again. ah, the un security council has been told that kind of stands conflict has entered a, quote deadly and more destructive phase. even reminiscent of syria, the di warning from the you and the special envoy was delivered after the taliban captured the provincial capital of that ons. in an intensifying campaign against the african governments, it is the 1st city to fall to the taliban since the us and its partners began pulling their forces out with the last of a forces out. we will have more on that to un meeting shortly, but we're starting in cobble with our diplomatic as
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a james by james. tell us about this. the fall is that on festival. well as around it was the 1st provincial capital to fall into the hands of the taliban. the desert province in some ways quite a small population, but still very, very important that it is the 1st provincial capital to fall into the hands of the taliban. and if the taliban are to be believed in the statements they've released in the last half hour, that may now be a 2nd. the taliban have tweeted the spokesman has treated in the last few minutes. the capital of joe was john province. shipper, gun quote, has been liberated by much i had dean the latest information according to taliban, is just the governor's office, police headquarters, intelligence headquarters, and all related buildings have been cleared from duster militias and fell under complete much id in control. dawson, abil. rashid, dost the veteran command been around enough going on for many years,
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made marshal dos them by president god, that is his strong hold, the strong hold of the man who is the leader of the back community in afghanistan. i can tell you that we don't have confirmation from the government side. the ministry of interior is confirming that the police headquarters is now in the taliban hands. but not clear at this stage. the rest of the city, the, the government saying that fighting continues. i can also tell you that pretty similar tactics we used in john, john, as well used in nym, rose and in giraffe, the raj. they, one of the 1st things they did was go to the prison break, hoping the prison freeing, of course all the detainees. quite a lot of them. taliban fighters fighting continues and other parts about got a song in helen province in the south in canada, in the south, where the local hospital reporting 18. injured and 6 that overnight. and in the west in herat fighting continues. so the taliban advance continues,
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and it's causing concern of the internet community. in the last few moments, i can tell you that the u. s. embassy here in cobble has issued a tweet to all americans in afghanistan. this is what it says. the u. s. embassy urges us civilians to leave. i've got to start immediately using available commercial flight options. so certainly the situation getting more serious for the government and the taliban it seems advancing. we'll try and update you. come out on chevrolet and what's going on there. it's a confuse picture, but the taliban play. the 2nd prudential capital has now full. okay. james, we're going to have a report in a moment to have spoken to you about that you in meeting, but you're, i diplomatic as here. you're usually based there in new york. i just want your take on these sorts of warnings. very di, wanting syria, s warnings, 20 years after the initial invasion of afghanistan. that in itself is extraordinary
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. it is absolutely extraordinary. no one can believe how fast all of this is moved. most of the international community, including some of the u. s. allies, was surprised by the original announcement by president, but that was pulling out and he was going to pull out so quickly. and then they've been even more surprised by the speed of the taliban taking up the space that the americans had taking 1st the rural areas in the north of afghanistan, not the taliban traditional heartland. taking the borders and now trying very hard to take the cities. remember they still technically piece process going on in doha, of the international community, really want the taliban go to go back to the table. but they don't really have much leveraged all that saying that taliban is. if you take cobra militarily, that we're going to treat you as a pariah state. so they're going to have to hope that the taliban don't want to be a prostate. and want to come back to the negotiating table and form
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a government with, with the afghan government to unity government. but it's pretty certain that right now with the taliban position of strength that any negotiations in doha, if they do get started again. and certainly there are some meetings in doha, in the coming days to try and get them started again. the taliban at that negotiating tables now have a much better negotiating position. that it, it just a few months ago. always good to get your context and expertise there, james, base out, diplomatic, get it are currently in cobble. now as i said to james as regular patch, the u. n and new york, where the security council heard it cannot stand by as that kind of stuff thinks further towards catastrophe. kristen saline has this report thing. the country is at a dangerous turning point. the un special representative for afghanistan called on the security council to act and act quickly 1st by demanding an end to taliban attacks against cities to attack urban areas is to knowingly inflict enormous
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harm and cause massive civilian casualties. nonetheless, the threatening of large urban areas appears to be a strategic decision by the taliban, who have accepted the likely carnage that will ensue. russia said the emphasis should be on restarting stalled political talks between the afghan government and the taliban. achieved. mister william lewis shaking guns, it is clear that there is no military solution to the afghans situation, but in the current situation, given the absence of progress on the negotiation track of the prospects of afghanistan slipping into full scale and protracted civil war. unfortunately is a stark reality. the united states whose withdrawal of forces precipitated the escalation put the focus on the taliban. the taliban must hear from the international community that we will not accept military take over that began
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a stan, or return of the taliban islamic emerett. in addition to the worsening humanitarian situation, many speakers described grave human rights abuses from summary executions to the flogging of children with women. at particular risk, afghanistan's ambassador told the council that their own report suggests more than 20 foreign terrorist groups, including al qaeda, are operating in afghanistan. let's not forget that. these fighters are there for a reason for reciprocity. they will be demand. they are, they are helping taliban today. tomorrow they will be demanding a favor from the taliban. so we, our, our concern is afghanistan. once again, if not prevented, turn into a terrorist hub. with more and more people fleeing afghanistan, the situation there is already affecting its neighbors and could be stabilized the entire region, giving the security council rounds to act another meeting on the us mission to get
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a status scheduled for september. but there's growing concern that will be too late . kristen salumi al jazeera, the united nations on to other new send to people from me and ma, have been arrested accused of passing to attack the countries un ambassador cumulative, who was appointed by the deposed civilian government as openly criticize them, electricians sensitive power in february poured tonight, the united nation still considered him to be made mas official envoy, even though the generals fired him prosecutor say, to men who live in new york planned to either injure or kelly ambassador. and scott, from bangkok excuse me to talk about this is debbie still thought who was a founder of the burma. it's just a network of ass e n organizations working to support a human rights and democracy in me and not debbie. we have seen so much violence and killing at target killing inside me and not ever since the government
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was deposed and we focused on that. and then we see something like this which proves that the reach of the military government is further its international. well, it's the find that the military regime is increasingly desperate. they failed to gain political and territorial control over the country. and yet mind the 1st place and now they are panicking that they may not be recognized by the un credentials. challenge coming up in the us in mid september in which the un committee will have to decide whether trauma to who represents the civilian elected government is there indeed the representative of the country or whether they will recognize this murderous regime instead? is there any precedent for this sort of thing happening sort of targeted killings outside of the country. it have happened before under the previous military regime . we'll see elected in peace assassinated by military agents in from burma,
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in tylen and on the china border. and most recently in 2008, the very notorious assassination of korean lead a part of mine shot in thailand for whom that's been no arrest. no one has actually been arrested for that crime. so your group debbie looking at trying to support human rights and democracy through as see on organizations. do you feel that the asked the on group as a whole has well is doing enough currently to try to to, to find some sort of breakthrough. i feel we haven't, we haven't heard about any sort of process in me enough for a long time. well, you know, in april at the end adopted a $55.00 consensus and claim that this would be the blueprint for trying to achieve a peaceful resolution. and the rest of the world has been waiting for this friend to deliver. and it hasn't,
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hasn't been effective at all. and i think it's time for the security un security council stephan. it's time for the rest of the world to actively turn around. this horrendous situation is in 6 months. the military has launched 3000 attacks on many civilians and killed over a 1000 people, including children. i think it's time to stop this before it gets out of control. and why has been so ineffective? is it because of the relationships which some countries have which me in my, which are getting in the way almost there's been too many compromises amongst individual states. but actually at the end of suffering, a crisis of leadership as well as a region, especially after it hit the region last year. so i think it time we actually stopped wasting around 5 years to act and started acting now at u. n level. and i
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think we also need to understand that it's time for the credentials to commit to committee when it meets in september next month to recognize the government that represents 76 percent of elected members of parliament. debbie self is from san berner. joining us from bangkok today. thank you so much for your time. debbie. ok, here's what's coming up to you. more than 3000000 banks nation in 6 days, bangladesh. busy set them ambitious, covered $900.00 target and venezuela economic crisis will look at the big gamble, the government's taking to get people using the local currency again. ah hello, good to see you. we have wildfires exploding around athens degree prime minister
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has warned that this situation is going to get worse, people doing whatever they can to protect their properties. a bit of a glimmer of hope here as temperatures have come down in athens at 34 degrees, but it's going to take much more than this mean time for turkey. we do have some scattered showers and fire, ravage parts of antalya providence. but again, it's going to take much more than just a few spits of rain. we really need that concentrated rain. next, i want to take you to the bulk in temperatures have lowered here as well. but the situation still dire, in fact, for north macedonia, the country has declared a crisis for the next 30 days. where across europe, we are watching energy bubble across the alps, particularly for eastern portions of france into switzerland. and you know, for the british house, we've got a weather maker swirling around. it's giving us what wendy and stormy conditions. and that is also slamming into portions of the low countries and southern scandinavia. after africa, the southwest corner of molly has scooped up more than
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a months worth of rain. in the past 24 hours. we have our storms along the gulf of guinea, but they are really dialing back as we head toward saturday. that's your weather update. catch you later the from the world's most populated region, the until the story from across asia and the pacific. to discover the current events with diverse coaches. and conflicting politics. ah, when i went east on out there of the
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the me you without the iran things off the top stories the united nations has been worn down, astound heading for a catastrophe. so serious because the quote that it would have few if any parallel with century taliban has kept to the 1st provincial capital. that ons wanted us in nature trips, jury, prosecutors in the us have charge to people for me. and now i was talking to the country the past that the united nations jo motel, i've been outspoken supporter, the democracy movement for me and my military be ready military has bombed him at targets, including a rocket launching site in the gaza strip. it says the operation was in response to the balloons being sent from gaza into israel. with the starting fires, there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage me.
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as a 6 day math vaccination drive underway in bangladesh, the government has set a goal of inoculating 3200000 people above the age of 25 in many rural and regional areas. and it plans to start offering get to your refugees finally next week. as well, the vaccination campaign has been one of the slowest in south asia, bangladesh struggling to contain a delta rock break and has extended a lockdown until next week. so more with time via chandry in dhaka. so time, can you put this into some sort of perspective, these numbers compared with people already vaccinated population size, all that sort of thing? well, let me give you some description where i'm at. i'm in doc i city in the morning. i was in court mitchell hospital. this is justin labor hospital. the line has been
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like then since morning it's been organized like the place paper has been complaining. they've been waiting after getting stamped in the registration, each person waiting like over an hour sometime in case those people are a little bit and not now since february about $14000000.00 people got vaccinated, some of them still didn't get the 2nd job. now that's about 3 percent of the population of 165000000, then over not a government ground shot of indian supply shot because of the crisis by not back company. since i'm buying that, you're saying vaccine from china us and says, not a plan to to go at least 3200000 people within next one week. the idea was to vaccinate 10000000 people. but the federation of logistic in the rural area was challenging because many people don't have access to internet or compete to
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register online in order to able to go to the hospital. so the government, setting up mobile clinic on going door to door and relate as in order to get the paper vaccinated. and yes, people are doing it online and they come with the farm here and then they wait in line to get vaccinated to tell us then about their minds to vaccinate, bring refugees in bangladesh. there are a lot of them. yeah, i mean this is not the largest refugee camp in the world, nearly a 1000000 rec, highly vulnerable living and very congested. although the infection rate was law, those were hardly about around $22.00 people known cases up depth and about a little over 2000 cases. of infection, but despite that, it's a very risky area. the government decided to start vaccinating them from 10th of
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august with the help of you on a year and was held organization. i got to remind you there's also about little over $18000.00 writing or that does living in an island isolated island in boston. john, there are lots to also come in the vaccination program. it's a challenging thing that plan excellent hospital within the camp. the laughter use those in order to vaccinate learning activities and it will take some time, a major challenge. thank you for those updates there from bangladesh that is 10 via children. darker. now here's wildfire in northern california is become the 3rd largest in state history. emergency crews are trying to stop it from reaching more forest tom's. we call it the dixie fire. it is already destroyed, much of the start town of greenville. john henry has more. now, he is in quincy in northern california. the dixie fire has grown tremendously. it's now the largest wildfire in the united states, and it's gotten there fast on wednesday with the 8th largest wildfire in california
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. history on thursday, it was the 6 and by friday it was the 3rd and it's only about 35 percent contain. so after it burns up trees like this, it just moves on firefighters say it covers an area of a $175000.00 hector's. it's about 14 times the size of the city of san francisco. and they tried to save property. that house behind me had the deck burned off, but firefighters managed to keep the fire away from the structure itself. but they say their top priority is preserving human life. we will switch to helping law enforcement evacuate in rescue some of those people. if that fire gets to that point, so we may be able to save your life, but that may be at the cost, saving your home. the air quality has changed dramatically. it's gone from an identifiable plume above the fire to a kind of hazy london fog. that's because the smoke has descended to the ground and
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that has caused dangerous air quality. as far as 3 hours drive away in sacramento, several countries ascending craft and firefighters to grief to help battle dozens of uncontrolled wind foster burning dead. thousands of people have been forced to flee in area just north of athens and the fire. now moving towards like marathon the capital's main water reservoir. houses have been destroyed in one man. it's been killed by a falling electricity pile on and then you've got neighboring turkey tens of thousands of heck as a forest have been destroyed in the fire there, which are being described as the worst in decades, at least 36000 people have now been displaced in the southern problems of nuclear, where there are tourist resorts as well. now, russell soda had a chance to look at these fights from above on board one of the fire fighting aircraft almost a decade ago when spaniel martine was an exchange student in turkey versa, provence, she had no idea, she will be flying planes over turkey,
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age and coastline to have combat was by and i was here for 10 days living with your family. so i have many friends for the size. i chose very food because they are noticing me for fables. a notice saying for there was that we are going here. that is one of a dozen tie fighters who arrived from spain to come to fires. that how eaten off for us and pastors along turkeys, a gym and mediterranean coast. but as it comes to, the spaniards have been joined by specialists from ukraine, russia and john, who have flown into them on international airport. no harbor formation to countered the flames. around 200 wildfires have struck turkey in recent weeks and also support has helped to bring them under control. have craft like this as their
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b, johnny own russian maid and 17 chopper had become essential tools i was saying before but like today it was to have the phone at home was so they go into distance helicopters refilled their empty bucket and other go at the fires, though many are now contained, others have stubbornly spread due to change and renew it craft, hopefully a way to roll in these patients because they can cover long distances in a matter of minutes, especially in mountainous terrain along turkey. southern causes no matter what the
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distance and the cost below my team that seems student turns. right in pilot said, she's willing to go to distance for turkey in if need wrestles out of that. i'll just 0 dot on them now to venezuela, where the us dollars sauce becoming the currency of choice. if you can get it. local money has been made effectively worthless by hyperinflation. but now the government's come out with a plan to try to fix it. latin america editor, c, and human has more just like you can't judge a book by its cover, you can't calculate the value of in israel as currency by the number of zeros that are added or subtracted as of october. first, this 100 boulevard note will be the highest denomination equivalent to today's 100000000 boulevard. note, that means 6 zeros will be removed from a currency that has been sold to valued by hyperinflation. that it become practically worthless. garments. this is only for the bus we want to come at the
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boulevard. now i run a useful for public transport or nothing else. everything else is paid with us dollars. been his when his currency costs much more to make than what it's worth. inflation in the 1st 4 months of this year was nearly 300 percent. and last year it was 3000 percent. that's why the country's de facto currency has become the us dollar. but millions venezuelans don't have access to it by slashing 6 zeros offered currency. the government hopes to reinstate the widespread use of its own coin, the initial frame, but also been it has certain advantages, but these advantages don't generate benefits from a strictly economic point of view. that would require a series of measures to control inflation. to avoid more recon versions of the currency, the socialist government flashed 3 zeros from its currency in 2008 and 5 zero's 2018. so to he'll kill,
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it's not optimistic that 6 will do the trick. when i look at it, this is going to become what it's already become. as all the currents is here, because they have all become worth the saw, that is, willa has been experiencing its worst economic crisis in history, reducing bills to single double or triple digit denominations, rather than millions will certainly make prices easier to calculate. but unfortunately, it won't make the embattled believer more valuable. she and human al jazeera. ah, so the talk here, lympics finishing on sunday, which means japan passes the torch to france, hosting in 2024. and as the richardson reports, the french you had much to learn from these pandemic era games, the tokyo games are still to finish, but already paris, who stepping up its preparations to welcome the world in 2024. the olympics will
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soon be back in the city. the 3rd time simone says the whites is our campaign to win the games began the moment to receive. the limpid flag has been in our heads. and in our hearts that would mean that after a weight of 100 years, the games are returning to paris. paris 2024 compared to paris. 1924 will be on a very different sporting and financial scale. tokyo's budget has just set an unwanted new record. the price tag for the poker games has officially topped $15000000000.00 and is expected to go even higher that already the most expensive some games ever staged. and more than half of the bill is being picked up by the japanese taxpayer olympic critic, se tokyo, his aunts were lose up even before the extra costs of holding the gangs during a pandemic. and without the presence of spectators were taken into accounts. we can not get down our profit and maybe just,
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we know to hold olympic games makes the only the basis for the new infrastructure for new national stadium or will be good. but it's a big problem. it's putting nothing for the people, games in the very heart of the city. the french capital is aiming to start a new era of cost effective olympics with most events being held at preexisting venue organizes claim private money will account for 97 percent of the budget. the head of the parish organizing scene told me any new facilities are designed to have a lasting impact. we have in sun sunday near territory, which is very young, but very poor. so, and we will built quite a lot of facilities that will offer you put unity for people to do sports after the games we build also houses for this territory because there is the big need and 10 of her houses. so the legacy will be when they get the useful for the population.
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paris games hoping to prove it is possible to light the olympic flame without burning a hole in the public's pockets. and richardson al jazeera, tokyo. just a quick space story for you. now, as late as mars rovers begun collecting rock samples, we've got these pictures from the u. s. space agency showing the whole drilled by the perseverance rover into the martian surface. nasa plans to launch a mission incoming years to collect the samples, bring them back. the me to the headlines now and i'll just the or the united nations has been warned desk amazon is heading for a quote catastrophe, so serious that it would have few if any parallels the century taliban captured its 1st provincial capital. that ranch since the us, the native trees of drew a diplomatic editor.


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