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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm AST

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it is a distinct cities and towns that been really badly affected. the government got a major challenge and he knows it has to be really quick and getting back to meeting the people as quick as they can. in the stop, the government is planning to get 60000000 st. back right now they have a little over 10000000 vaccine stocks. we know that there were lines of people here from 9 in the morning like any other hospital in the fifty's. it's all filled out, not by about an hour ago. everybody laughed. most people got vaccinated. there was some confusion the because the government said people who do not have access to internet, who lived in rural areas aren't even in the city. they could come with the national id and get vaccinated, but when they did, they were turned out where they said, you must get a confirmation on your mobile phone. i need to prove that. you said so that confuse john a to take that many people done. the government also faces challenge in the village areas because there's no clinics they have to set up more well. in many cases, they have to send more way to team house to house to get people vaccinated. and
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also the fact that many people didn't register create this confusion and made a logistical challenge. and one for the government. another logistical effort will be the inoculation of her anger, refugees living in bangladesh. what more can you tell us about that? very much. so it's now the largest strategy camp in the world. and one of the most densely populated plays the population is very barnett ball. right. now it's suffering from monsoon, rain, and flood. the people are already very vulnerable. so government decided to start vaccination program bear from the 10th of this month with the help of you and hcr and well tell the organization. i got a certain mind that i bought over 800000 going i'd have to use an isolated island port partial shore where they were relocated from the main came to that island. those papers out of warner, but i need to be vaccinated. so the government is determined the plan to do at
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least $50000000.00 people by this year. and the goal is to turn 18000000 vaccination out of a population of 165000000. so a major goal, a major challenge ahead for the government. okay, thank you for that temperature is very long for us and darker parts of libya have entered another full lockdown in an attempt to curb the spread of corona virus. the capital tripoli is one of several areas now under the restrictions is the 3rd time such measures have been imposed at the start of the covered 19 pandemic. the government has received 2000000 doses of china's son or farm vaccine to speed up its campaign. malec. trina is live for us now from ms. ross, a mallet. what more can you tell us about this next lockdown? well, like you said, this is the 3rd time that a complete lockdown has come into effect since the beginning of the and them ex, listings for the next 3 days. libyans are expected to stay at home. i can tell you
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many here are really happy with, with this order for the complete lockdown because there's a lack of basic services including electricity at the moment. there's about $2.00 to $3.00 power cuts on a daily basis for a total of 12 to 15 hours per day. is extremely hot. here, i think now, the temperature is about 35 degrees. it's also very unit without electricity, without, you know, air conditioning and being forced to stay at home. people aren't really accepting this lockdown or are very happy with the decision by the government now has a really poor health sector. so they've had a hard time coping with the rise of co 19 within the country. just to give you an example on thursday about 1879 cases were registered in the country. britain, the total 2 o 2, nearly 265000 cases throughout the country. the government has ordered
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a there's been a partial walk down for the last about 2 weeks. that means that people are businesses and people are forced to stay at home or businesses recalls from 6 pm to 6 am official saying that has help curb to spread the virus. the hope is that this, this lockdown is complete, locked down, will again, help the government, the officials here and stopping the spread out there is a camp, a vaccination campaign on going in the country. but there is a lack of credibility when people don't believe that the government can bring in enough vaccines or, or store the vaccines at the right temperature. just for example, when they initially started the vaccination campaign they brought in these, they rushed sputnik vaccine. so many people came in, they did their 1st job and were told to come in after 3 weeks to get their 2nd job . when people came back and, you know, they didn't have those,
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those available to the public. so a lot of people, you know, don't trust the government, don't trust the officials here, which is why it's taking so long to get the general public vaccinated. but like you said, with the whole, with this complete lockdown is to help stop the spread. so less people will have to go to the hospital and most people and, and the idea is that more people get vaccinated and the situation will, so we get more training in ms. ross. thank you to people from me and me all have been arrested accused of tossing attack the countries un ambassador k o way, tongue, who was appointed by the deposed civilian government has openly criticized victory dentists. and in february, the un still considered him to be mid miles official envoy, even though the general fight him prosecutor say, to men who live in new york plans to either injure or kill him. baset. debbie so
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hard is the founder of the in burma, a network of us in organizations working to support human rights and democracy and me. and she says, i'll see on is not doing enough to address the situation when april ivy and adopted a 55 consensus and claimed that this would be the blueprint for trying to achieve a peaceful resolution. and the rest of the world has been waiting for this plan to deliver. and it hasn't been actually has been effective at all. and i think it's time for the security un security council. it's time for the rest of the world to actively turn around. this horrendous situation is in 6 months. the military has launched 3 attacks on many civilians and killed yet over a 1000 people, including children. i think it's time to stop this before it gets out of control. there's been too many compromises amongst individual states,
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but actually at the end of suffering, a crisis of leadership as well as a region, especially after it hit the region last year. so i think it's time we actually stopped wasting around 5 to act and started acting now at un level. and i think we also need to understand that it's time for the credentials to commit to committee when it meets in september next month to recognize the government that represents 76 percent of the elected members of parliament. a huge wildfire in northern california has become the 3rd largest in the states. history. emergency crews are trying to stop it from reaching more forest towns, the so called dixie font has already destroyed much of the historic town of greenville. john henry has more from quincy in northern california. the dixie fire has grown tremendously. it's now the largest wildfire in the united states, and it's gotten there fast. on wednesday,
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it was the 8th largest wildfire in california history. on thursday it was the 6 in by friday it was the 3rd and it's only about 35 percent contain so after it burns up trees like this, it just moves on, firefighter se covers an area of a 175000 hector's. at about 14 times the size of the city of san francisco, and they tried to save property. that house behind me had the deck burned off, but firefighters managed to keep the fire away from the structure itself. but they say their top priority is preserving human life. we will switch to helping law enforcement evacuate in rescue some of those people. if that fire gets to that point. so we may be able to save your life, but that may be at the cost, saving your home. the air quality has changed dramatically. it's gone from an identifiable plume above the fire to a kind of hazy london fog. that's because the smoke has descended to the ground and
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that has caused dangerous air quality. as far as 3 hours drive away in sacramento, columbia and panama have agreed to work together to stand the flow of migrants stranded at the border around $10000.00 from cuba, haiti, and west africa, a stuck in the small town of nichol, clea and columbia. there is a ball is there, the abuse chanted this people in front of the ferry office in the colombian town of nickleby. they come from haiti and have been waiting for week for a chance to cross the goals for food and continue with our journey towards the united states and canada. but the ferry announced they will only take 200 people a day, even though they sold more than 1000 tickets via john, but he says he needs to leave columbia. now again, i got the we've been here for a month. we want to travel, but they won't let us go. we are in the sun with no food, no water, no money. what we need is for them to let us go. we don't want to be here. we don't
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have any more dollars. we need a solution. as pandemic border closures to have east, this small town has been overwhelmed by the arrival of some 22000 people. people who have been waiting for days, children pregnant women, ready to embark on a very dangerous journey ahead, which is to cross the area gap. by the way, just costing them they have to pay for, for a place to live and many are running out of money. it isn't only haitians who have come here long $1.00 fee is from gardner. he was living in brazil, but the condemning an economic situation force him to leave on damage night when he's done everything was right over the land. that's a good thing to be rain 500 and kids are very old. you know, that is the very, very much we can afford to get to the new
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order, new game. most people here are on their own. so far, we have seen very little assistance from colombian, authorities before ministers of columbia and panama mit on friday to discuss how to organize the flow of migrants and protect them from traffickers, criminals, and the dangers of a darian gap. the, these people say they have no time limited resources. they say they only want to continue with their journey. that will help them find a new life. various i will, i just see that nick oakley, columbia. nicaragua was an actual tribunal, has disqualified the main opposition party from november. presidential election, citizens for freedom is accused of violating election laws. so they just move in a crackdown on the opposition by president daniel will take his government. he said to run virtually unopposed as he seeks a 4th consecutive term. eric phones with is the vice president of the council of
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the americas. he thinks weston pals need to do more to ensure free and fair elections in the graduate. i'm not sure what kind of an election you could even call it other than just the coronation of a president, who frankly has now created conditions where he can't lose it will be a vote that will be taken, but it won't be an actual action. i think it's the elections were held in a free and fair way. there's a great chance that he would lose because the nicaragua, people are frankly sick and tired of his role from a capricious protesters has been thrown in jail, in some cases killed. and the president of the show, no real desire to compromise or to negotiate. so i think there's also another element here too, and that was life rosario maria, who is the vice president of nicaragua and run in and of course on the same ticket . and there's a lot of speculation that she is really for one string here and really wants to
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make sure that in fact he wins because it's also her ticket to continued power. and you know, as of age does its thing and takes its course. there is no guarantee that the presidents were taken will be around for eternity, and so she would presumably be the successor. so she wants to continue her own will as well. in fact, every time the us or europe announces sanctions the government, the big garage, so we don't care and takes the next step. and in fact, just today, the united states announced another visa, a restriction on 50 more, nicaragua, not officials, and family members of nicaragua and officials. but that's been the problem because to this point, the actions that have been taken have primarily been designed to punish, but they've been relatively limited visa restrictions, travel restrictions. but at the end of the day, if ortega and maria don't want to travel to the united states of europe anyway, what good does a visa restriction do?
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and they don't want to travel to the u. s. a. europe. so it's, it's a lot of symbolism there. i really think that the next steps are going to have to be much more significant. in venezuela, the us dollar is big fast becoming the currency of toys for those who guesses the local money has been made effectively worthless. by hyperinflation. now the government come out with a plan to try and fix it. has our latin america editor, san human. just like you can't judge a book by its cover, you can't calculate the value of in israel as currency by the number of zeros that are added or subtracted as of october. first, this 100, we'll leave our note will be the highest denomination equivalent to today's 100000000 boulevard. note, that means 6 zeros will be removed from a currency that has been sold to valued by hyperinflation. that it become practically worthless. garments. this is only for the bus i want to come at the boulevard. now i run
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a use for public transport or nothing else. everything else is paid with us dollars . when his, when his currency costs much more to make than what it's worth, inflation in the 1st 4 months of this year was nearly 300 percent. and last year it was 3000 percent. that's why the country's de facto currency has become the us dollar. but millions venezuelans don't have access to it by slashing 6 zeroes offered currency. the government hopes to reinstate the widespread use of its own coin, the initial frame, but also been it has certain advantages, but these advantages don't generate benefits from a strictly economic point of view. that would require a series of measures to control inflation. to avoid more recon versions of the currency, the socialist government flashed 3 zeros from its currency in 2008 and 5 zeros, 2018. so deal he'll kill, it's not optimistic that 6 will do the trick. when i look at it,
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this is going to become what it's already become. as all the currents is here, because they have all become with us, saw that is willa has been experienced its worst economic crisis in history, reducing bills to single double or triple digit denominations, rather than millions will certainly make prices easier to calculate. but unfortunately, it won't make the embattled believer more valuable. she and human al jazeera preparations are on the way in the us for memorial events, marking 20 years since the september 11th attacks. relatives victims continue to demand also as to whether the saudi government was involved. they want president joe bought into release documents long held from the public rental to bolts from washington, d. c. some family members of the nearly 3000 people killed in the september 11th 2001 attacks on new york. the pentagon and pennsylvania say president joe biden should stay away from the 20th anniversary memorial observances
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unless he agrees to declassify documents, they believe may show links between the attackers and the saudi arabian government, brett eagles, and father bruce was killed in the world trade center attack 20 years is far too long for anybody to wait for information on murder of loved ones. the united states government has documents. they admit that they have documents, which show complicity on behalf of the kingdom of saudi arabia. the government has gone to great lengths and great extent to keep this information buried from public . the classified materials they are demanding include an unread acted version of the f. b i's report on whether saudi nationals living in the u. s. provided help to the 911 hijackers under orders from the government in re on the 1800 member families group released this public message saying that as
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a candidate biden promised greater transparency and pledge to release more documents, but failed to do so. the bush, obama and trumpet ministrations all declined to declassify the materials, citing national security interests. the families have no way of keeping biden from attending memorial ceremonies, but hope to bring moral pressure to bear so far. the white house has not responded publicly to the families groups letter. this is that outcry for help from, from the administration. he has the story oppertunity to do what previous administrations before him failed to do. a bipartisan group of senators has proposed new legislation to force the government to release classified 911 investigation documents, or given explanation on why it cannot. the american people should be outrage at their government continues to conceal this evidence and information
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without any explanation or justification to them. if cause is bigger than these family, even though it is justice for them that is immediately at state, the saudi government ought to be held accountable in court. and in the court of public opinion. 15 of the 19 hijackers on 911 were saudi nationals, the 911 commission concluded in 2004. if there was no evidence to support claims of a high level saudi role in the attack. the commission, we visited the issue in 2015 upon discovery of new evidence, but did not change any of its conclusions about official saudi involvement. rob reynolds al jazeera washington for the head on al jazeera, co care for basketball field and pic flag to paris. how the french planning for a more cost effective game?
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ah! the virus is indiscriminate, yet those living in poverty are far more vulnerable to the dangers of coven $19.00 ollie re examined the reasons for this disparity. the social and economic inequality that surround us much deeper and much more problematic than we thought of. whether lessons learned from the global pandemic could lead to positive change because of the can all hail the locked down, expose the privilege and poverty during a crisis on a jazzy. my name's a place where they can truly call it their home groups. bringing on to me. you want to know you all angel paid money. man. i do a 1000000000 and is just surprises. my name is where we know my niger on. i'll use their,
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the ah ah ah, the it was men's basketball team have avenged their 1st round last france by beating them 8782 in the olympic funnel. the team was led by kevin duran, who became the us highest career score with his 29 point. it's the 16 gold medal in the port for team usa and a 3rd for drap. it's just a journey though, we just saw
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a poor and you realize, you know, you finish the job, you get to go metal, you get the, you know, the trophy. but when you go to the journey manages, it is just incredible to to be a part of some so especially, and i'm bonded with these guys to life stanley for life. and i'm just grateful that we are committed to this early, and we start would it finished at all? nor we have beaten the defending world champions. russia olympic committee team today, gold and the man's beach volleyball earlier, kept her beat lap piano when you're wrong. also countries are 1st time medalist in this point. right now it's a really great feeling for the people in the thought and all of them are really, really proud of us and that's where it goes. now we go into the next step. now this is over and then i'm getting ready for the jump next year in the running for for the olympics in buddy county,
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i was finished 1st and 2nd and the women's marathon. while american molly see though, has taken a surprise bronze. more than a dozen of the runners failed to finish the race. crowds gathered near the finish line in support despite the heat and a ban on spectators. similar indic volunteers were walking around with signs, asking people not to stop and watch. but that was, he turned out to witness america. marathon say it was a unique chance to watch and electric of that. you said maybe there, but my 1st chance to watching the audience what you all they. so this is maybe last time for me. so that's why i'm here. american nelly corda survive de wobbly. final round win gold and the women's goals. the 23 year old will. number one shot around the $69.00, giving her a one stroke victory dependence mon a. and now me claims silver after bidding lydia co of new zealand in
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a playoff. right now, i'm writing it down, see what obviously there's always going to be a challenge that golf away humbles you. so see what i can always improve on and go from there because the games always gave the always involving players are getting better. so you're constantly learning and you're constantly working harder and harder every year. the dominican republic, you'll be in south korea, pen 6, when bronze in the men's baseball base scored father there runs in the 8th inning, host, japan leave the us for gold. later on, the president, the russian olympic committee has definetly said move to stop some of its athletes competing in tokyo, following a state sponsored doping scandal. haven't had any impact on the team's performance . russian athletes have so far, $160.00 metals in tokyo to more than in rio, meaning flags. the majority of experts agree on one thing. and the head of state
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talks about this that the decision by the court of arbitration for support was not any sort of problem for our athletes from the perspective of sporting results. and we've all seen this with our own eyes. our target was to perform better than in real. middle total obviously shows now that the target has been hurt. when to hear games finish on sunday, japan will pass the olympic flag to france. organizers for the parents 2024 games a promise to more cost effective olympics are more accessible to the public. and the richardson reports from tokyo. the tokyo games are still to finish, but already paris, who stepping up its preparations to welcome the world in 2024. the lympics will soon be back in the city. the 3rd time simone says, do the whites is our campaign to win. the games began the moment to receive. the limpid flag has been in our heads and in our hearts that would mean that after a weight of 100 years,
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the games are returning to paris. paris 2024 compared to paris. 1924 will be on a very different sporting and financial scale. tokyo's budget has just set an unwanted new record. the price tag to the tokyo games has officially topped $15000000000.00 and is expected to go even higher than already the most expensive summer games ever staged. and more than half the bill is being picked up by the japanese taxpayer olympic critic, se tokyo was onto a loser even before the extra costs of holding the gangs during a pandemic. and without the presence of spectators were taken into accounts, we can not get down our profit. and maybe just, we know to hold olympic games makes the only the basis for the new infrastructure for, for new national stadium or will be good. but the big problem
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is it's putting nothing for the people, games in the very heart of the city. the french capital is aiming to start a new era of cost effective olympics with most events being held at preexisting venue organizes claim private money will account for 97 percent of the budget. the head of the parish organizing team told me any new facilities designed to have a lasting impact. we have in sun, southern year territory, which is very young, but very poor. so, and we will build quite a lot of facilities that will offer you port unity for people to do sports after the games we build also houses for this territory because there is a big need in terms of her houses. so the legacy will be when they get the useful for the population. harris games are hoping to prove it is possible to light the olympic flame without burning a hole in the public's pockets. and richardson al jazeera, tokyo. okay, and that is it for me for now back to you kim. thank you for that news alack mouth
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. and maria will be back with you in just a moment for plenty more of the day. use news. news. news news. a multi $1000000.00 online sec. scam and the philippines in black mailing men from around the world, $11.00 east, uncovered how small time syndicate became a terminal empire. on al jazeera journalist and government panic, they didn't have the infrastructure they needed. they promised results in 5 days,
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but it's been a year examining. the headline. is this another potential flashpoint for conflicts voice is from different corner. every house here has someone who has made it to the top of ever. it's not just one, but several time program that has been your i to not punitive view of the world today on algiers, near the crime that shook japan, or people get killed on one occasion in as bloody a massacre as this was, attracts a lot of report it was just a current drum. who did it? we did. we did it. a hasty conviction that led to the world's longest help desk road frisson. and his sister's 47 year long battle to save him from execution. witness. how come adam? japan's death row on a jazzy data. we understand the different similarities of culture across the world. so no matter what,
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i'll just go around will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you . i'll just i me i key again, it's in arrest and the ty, capital protest around holding for reform ends to prime ministers resignation. ah, hello again, i'm kim, i'll santa maria here and this is the world news from al jazeera. the taliban says it's captured another provincial capital in afghanistan. government forces insist.


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