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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2021 3:30pm-4:01pm AST

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a multi $1000000.00 online sec scam in the philippines, his black mailing men from around the world, $11.00 east, uncovered. how small time syndicate became a terminal on al jazeera. ah, i'm kimbell and all how would the headlines on al jazeera, but this is in thailand, have been facing off with police and the capital bangkok, the demanding the resignation of the prime minister and calling for urgent reforms to the monarchy. they also want the government to be held accountable for the latest wave of the cove at $900.00 outbreak. at least one person has been arrested so far. the telephone says it has captured a 2nd city and intensifying campaign against the afghan government. the armed group says it took control of shiver, gone the capital of the northern province of giles john. on friday,
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the telephone captured its 1st city. provincial capital is around since us and nato troops withdrew, shall a bell has more from cobble. we just spoke to her a local contact. insure the guy who said that this person is affiliated with the government saying that the city has fallen to the taliban. although it does appear to be quite fluid and subjective because it seems that the taliban don't have control of all major government buildings like the police headquarters, the army compound, the governors compound, the intelligence offices, but they are still security forces at the airport a 6 day mass vaccination drive is underway in bangladesh. the government has set a goal of innoculated, 3200000 people above the age of 25, at a plans to start offering jobs to bring a refugee by early next week. acquisition vaccine campaign has been one of the slowest in south asia. the government is struggling to contain the delta outbreak has extended it all down until next week. part of libya have entered another full
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lockdown in an attempt to curb the spread of corona virus. the capital tripoli is one of several areas now under the restrictions. it's the 3rd time such measures have been imposed and thought of the pandemic. the government has received 2000000 doses of china as son of fall vaccine. there have been massive accusations. north of athens of wildfires tear through vast areas of pine forest and get closer to the greek capital. thousands of people now fled the homes. more than a 1000 fire fighters and 15 aircraft are battling a furnace across grief. in turkey, tens of thousands of heck, there's of forest have been destroyed, and wildfires being described as the worst and decades. at least 36000 people have been displaced from the homes of the southern province of move up. those the headlines taking you back now to all hail the locked down of the shortly. bye bye for now. i
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me in 2017 and book was published called the great level. it's written by wal push idol and austrian historian. he provides a detailed analysis of the forces in history that have proved powerful enough to transform society and reduce inequalities. he writes for different kinds of violent ruptures, have flattened inequality, mass mobilization, warfare, transformative revolution, state failure, and lethal pandemic child spaces is that shock events highlight in qualities and justices and absurdities. bringing them into public consciousness in ways that can force processes of change. where clearly know when near whatever transformative
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change this corona bar pandemic might lead to. we're still in the shocking phase where every way you look, it's glaringly evident that the social and economic qualities that surround us a much deeper, more pervasive, and much more problematic than we thought. the in india, the 2nd most populous country in the wound, the 19 trigger, looked down, sent shockwave across the nation. it became instantly obvious that the virus is much more brutal and those who have less marginalized was systematically impressed . i spoke with alter an activist ern daddy really, who's been spending lockdown at home in delhi, where it's behaving with society exactly the way behaves. the body
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amplified the diseases live to inequality, tearing them in the near to mattie read it, displayed it on a single day. the day are and he's speaking about is march 24th. when an 8 p. m prime minister in or inger moody delivered a televised speech and announced a strict nationwide locked down who did visually ards. at od bought out by some one day to make some warner logged on when a data, a country of 1300000000 people had just 4 hours to prepare for a period of stringent physical distance. it would be a shock for everyone, but particularly if you are among the indies we were doing for us to prepare for this most punitive law down in the whole world. since it was the 24th of march. people hadn't got this salary. landlord in the crowded
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indian gentleman from the city demanded of course they were not. so people just began to walk the vast majority of the 10s of thousands of indians walking amidst the locked down were internal migrants, men, women, and children who gravitate to cities for work, picking up in former jobs in construction, manufacturing, waste, collection and scrap sorting with businesses co used in mass transit at hope. this massive floating population of laborers was lifted, drift with no choice. it was the biggest mass movement of people in the country to the partition of india and pakistan in 1947. this was like the chemical experiment having to be doing working on him. sprawled across the hive in network of india. men,
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women and children have been walking at all in search of a way home. my con, every now going to pass on the f bomb. you get to me, you get the buddy i went out and walked some of to the bordo. when i asked him what their idea was us despite us . and what happened. he said, what does it matter? because we don't have food, we don't have water. we don't have any way to escape, so whatever it is for us, this is the problem, not that. and some of them will pretty angry about the fact that you said, why didn't they just stop the rich people. one day, the ones who are bringing it in, why didn't you just lock them in and not all of them are or style to more gum. so one of them said maybe nobody told him about, you know,
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maybe he doesn't know about. and that was really heartbreaking. the government did announce a $22600000000.00 relief package to hand out cash and food assistance to the poor. however, it was only implemented $45.00 days after the lockdown began. and then when you mris bureaucratic hurdles and getting a to people, according to the stranded work is action network, a relief organization that conducted a survey of more than 11000 migrant workers in the weeks following, the locked down more than 90 percent had not received any russians from the government on may 26, india supreme court admitted that there had been quite inadequacies and certain lapses on the part of both the national and regional governments before i don't even help them. you'll see that all the people that are on the government doesn't fund submitted to broadway every day. they've completely their
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faith. bridgewater wilson is one of india is most relentless activists for the countries poorest and most neglected people. when i called him, he was in the midst of organizing the distribution of food packages. and russians meant that they just then tell them, want to be there with their family and your role though, that the 64 international flights will be operating from thursday for one week to evacuate. indian started in 1200 when the want to go back to their own. why do you, how much prorated the kids that we are not giving it? if we're going to want to, we want to actually actually, i'm not understanding the very read the war isn't us, that we are not considering them of the didn't at the heart of any lockdown is the need to stay indoors, stay at home, stay at home, and cannot sit and get up when a good man he let,
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but for millions of indians, not only can they not afford to remain indoors without a daily income to ensure their survival. there is no home to physically distance in . in the indian census, the latest form was conducted in 2011. the homeless accounted under the seemingly contradictory title, houseless households. the official definition is bracing in its bluntness. these people who live in the open on roadsides, pavements and pipes, and flyers and staircases, or in the opening places of worship, railway platforms, the official figures put in the homeless population at around 1770000. however, civil society organizations estimate about one percent of india's urban population is homeless. that alone is 3000000 people. and it doesn't even begin to count those who are homeless in rural areas, the imagination of the prime minister and the government. i'm this world that offer
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a lot downs and i'm so don't you saw this contagion somehow done not. it was the poor guy excited from imagination, but you fear that he was your home and you did not go to speak to the people that you just unplug them. i just have done nothing before declaring why not where did that plea? there is no way that i think the people we don't that you're going to be making a whole country as a one day. i mean, if you look at places like the, which is the biggest room by which was compressed into 2 square meters and $200.00 people ship toilet the y. oh so sure. this thing are locked down for most engine means physical compression for new coverage.
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and there was plenty of the jeopardy indian poor marine. it was the endless flu, viral images and videos online that illustrated just how sharply inequality cuts through society. food is taken in new delhi. listen, a month after the doctor had been announced, made clear what was already obvious for that for so many indians, there was no possibility of staying in doors. distancing themselves on a train platform in the eastern state of b ha, a video was filmed of a child. unaware his mother was lying dead of starvation. they just made it back in state after days of cross country travel. and then there were the videos of people being ill treated by authorities. some of it seemed to be nothing more than power trips like police and the state of buddha per day. punishing people for violating lockdown rules when in fact been out on the street was the only place they could be . and miss video taken at the border between 2 states,
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showing people being hose down in diluted bleach as some sort of disinfection process after they traveled days to get there, to get to the left, to how we killed in our field that the man and the team that all covered and the dish is on with one of the mission by the diversity. we are creating a human being like very human. there is nora, not the gravity for someone to think of just using non image object that peaks lot to how people are seeing other people who they think off below this issue and. and when you speak about people thinking of others as being below the station, you're referring to the cost system, right? the sort of social classification of people, the engine that runs in the social hierarchy,
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which is given sort of divine sanction cost. so you do have a society which prevented the divining mastery job and then really kind of green hierarchy to people who are total and the idea of inequality. any nicotine, you somehow institutionalize this in order to have someone to oppressed, and someone to be oppressed by. that is, what does best water campaigns for the rights of indian legions of manual scavengers. these are people who physically enter and clean last sections of the country, sewage system, often without protective gear. he has an up close view of what it means to be a dollar or the lowest, a lower cost in the grid of appending. the more stuff that we are all the way in the cycle. if you're doing what we got into a battery and during the car,
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don't actually the annotation that's coming down the cleaning of the hot sun every day. you know, be when it can float, that is no good. that is nothing. but we are making the big one. so we will bring them into one of the division and you throw the this is our bra must be up. if it does what is waiting on the 20 when i can i get off b, c, b, t, c, and c l is not going to be the josephine at martinez is a historian and gender equity activist in spain. i spoke with her to understand how
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coded and inequality work in an economic and social context. completely different to that of a country like india. but we began with some of the issues that have played out similarly in both countries. for him, mostly in us who asked me what you see national what am i what i'm what i mean? maybe not believe it, but i'm not losing my
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time. you know, if people are gone, we see, let's see that let's it out of the can then it was really him at home, some of the realities of the imbalances and divisions that exist in our societies. for instance, laid upon the hierarchy of label divisions between blue color and white color, non essential, essential workers of politics, gender women form a vital segment of front line workers. according to the un, they make up 70 percent of the global health and social care workforce. recent data from italy, spain in the united states, showed a $2.00 to $3.00 times higher rate of cobit infection among female health care workers compared to their male counterparts. women also perform more than 75
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percent of unpaid care work, and almost 80 percent of domestic work locally affect largely dominated by migrant workers and other marginalized groups of color match the gus in finance on a lot of that or to the meals that are sick i know some critics how much would it cost to put it that is that is and they'll tell me see if there
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was a government decrease declared these people essential workers, didn't they? why did it start backlash? and she said they don't notice. it tells me that it took it, but it shows that people who necessarily are inequality leaves the shop imprint wherever it's measurable. and it's also map of all take the city of buffalo now, where residence of poor neighborhoods has been $6.00 to $7.00 times more likely to contract the virus than those in wealthy areas. in april, the rate of infection in the market area of central bossy was $77.00 per 100000
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inhabitants. meanwhile, just 6 kilometers away. look at this. the rate of infection was $533.00. in our prep, the oregon and sun here it said deliver jets working class satellite town is just outside of buffalo now. the rate of infection was even higher still at 604701 per 100000 inhabitants, respectively. manuel franco is a professor of epidemiology and public health at the university of color and madrid, and john hopkins school of public health in the us. i asked him what might explain the differences between the neighborhoods. one of them, what is the quality of housing and the amount of people living with you within the same household unit where we know so far is that you live in a small last 56 people. it's pretty much impossible to keep the social distance thing that we are right now encouraging people to get the way our cities are segregated and organized nowadays. and you doesn't matter if it's madrid, barcelona london or new york is some people get to choose or to pick where they
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want to live and others don't get to choose. and that's because of also where he started to reasons. it's not a fancy area with that, with lots of renewal, then the perfect pays were low income people and kneeling against going to come on list. so at the end you have an a mixture of low income, elderly people with immigrants from different countries of origin getting to live in these areas where we are seeing high rates of infection market. the money went up initial. well the also my guess is rota. paula, your mas now or last month. but it will turn familiar bonus. it be when my shortest will love took us. we need
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to get to my we tend to think photographs the picture in one moment live. they were stuff that's the reality of our students are vibrant and one of the highly dynamic and those dynamics. sometimes meetings for the better sometimes means or the worse, the real social distance in terms of health, in general, and very particular in this demick. how are we stratified and how are we layered and organized on our site? at the end of 2017, the world health organization issued a report in which it said, at least half of the world's population, cannot obtain essential health services. and each year, large numbers of households being pushed into poverty because they must pay for health care out of their own pocket. what the w h o report was pointing to was that preexisting inequalities be they poverty, race, or gender?
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they will compounded by the fact that the systems and institutions that are meant to provide a safety net for the public have been chipped away at for decades. making them increasingly unable to provide the services they were created to deliver the last few minutes. i mean, up only going to the book, but what it was because it medical's been that got a come on the last they did for homosexual really, really in a health emergency before you know. so how will it again, that is something that has been undermined over the years. dr.
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this is the total. how can i you seem to consider that people have a right to him. i mean, almost a 1000000 to die. every diarrhea and the hydrogen, you have a $1400.00 a di dying of to work. so all of these crises deepening now because they're not being get well, no matter where you work or what country you're in. we're all at risk of the corona virus. however, that doesn't make the pandemic, the great level of some would have us believe it does not even add inequalities, because although the virus doesn't discriminate our current social and economic structures do that 2017 book i spoke about at the start of all this, the great level on the also head side. appendix is a force that could in the long run even out from inequalities. how was it in the
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historical data he studied? it was a catastrophic loss of life that pushed the changes. many more people have died of covert 19 men should have, but if anything is going to push for reform and change post grown of ours, it's going to be the acute, an inescapable realization that are unequal systems, not only on just a completely unsustainable. in the early months of this year, aren't you wrote a piece calling this pandemic, a portal? i asked him what she meant by that. so what, when i said the damage to the portal? i said, we can choose either to walk to driving the car or not, could you do 2 years and then we can go to it like leave it a new imagination. right now. those who are responsible for the data ideas are consolidating and they have to begging to drag all of this and all of us with them. the gum. so people are dying of scolded
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for people who have never cared about who have been and now because just because it's contagious, because half of the of sex can reach. that is the reason. but perhaps you can really move towards the situation in which reject do not allow the lender to continue. we have a good imagination is not going to fall into, i'm not going to have to fight long before the covert crisis broke, the world was grappling with another global crisis. the climate breakdown, destruction of nature can lead to destruction of people. all hail the lockdown
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examines links between these 2 crises and asks why it took a panoramic to bring on changes that should have been made long ago. all these things, we would tell him a complete, impossible, suddenly become connected. the wake up call that can't be ignored on our job. news. news. news. news. ah, it's time for the journey with sponsored by capital airways. hello there. let's start in south america and it's looking rather wet up in the northern areas. we've had to wrench rain in venezuela and that's called the orinoco river to overflow and flood nearby communities. now the federal remains over the
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next few days, as those rains continue to fall, not just here, but in columbia, as well as in the guise of and serene nom. so it is a pretty wet picture up north, but further south it is fine and dry and got a lot of warms coming through for southern areas of brazil as well as for bolivia and for paraguay, you can see the temperature, the in a sun shone hitting the early thirty's. now for the south it is looking warm, but one said is, is going to change. let's have a look at that. we've got a weather front moving in from the south, and that's going to bring quite a bit of wet and windy weather with it and keep things rather cold. if we look at the 3 day for when is that the temperature is going to dip right down well below average and will have thunderstorms coming into play. on monday, the moon central america, its scattered showers in storm for much of mexico getting particularly heavy around those southern areas. as well as areas of what molla, we could see some flooding before much of the heavy rain. we have to look to costa
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rica. that's your update sponsored pay cut on airways. north korea. isolated and heavily sanction yet earning billions around the globe bureau. 39 is involved in everything that makes money for north korea. they carry different passwords, say, contacts, and the money this year, and it goes straight into the conferences leadership a to park, people empower investigation, bureau, $39.00 cache for kim park, one on a jesse era. the height of english football lies analytic market for the rich and powerful one of the leading specialist work. undercover just years investigative unit exposes the inner workings of key players in the murky underbelly of football finance. he tells me something like what in addition has been said that you can
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make an elephant disappeared. i have many of the exciting brazen example i've seen the men who so football just you know, you want to help save the world, sneeze into your elbow. in the this is al jazeera ah hi there, i'm kim vanelle. you're watching the news on the line from coming up. the telephone says it's captured and now the african provincial capital. but government forces and they haven't lost all control of the city. the gas and arrests in the tie capital protest is a calling for reforms.


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