tv [untitled] August 8, 2021 3:30am-4:01am AST
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it's really time to change haiti as requested. united nations help with the investigation along with what they already receiving from the united states. because one month on there, not much closer to confirming who is behind the killing of president coven invoice, or the reasons why daniel shambler out to 0. ah, this is al jazeera and these on the headlines, the taliban says it is captured a 2nd provincial capital. in 2 days, the afghan governments ascending reinforcements to ship at hand to re take control comes just the day after the group sees the city of surrounds the enemies of afghanistan cannot arise the history of his gun a stone and they cannot take our honors away from us and clearly my promises that we will find the killers and god willing,
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we will punish them. every one should know that we are standing in our place like a mountain. their waists will be broken because they have no message other than evil. they fill coffins with young people and send them like savages. this is not humanity. we stand for the humanity, life and dignity of afghanistan. and this is our vision as well. a leader has some those that allah has won't of a proportionate response to is really air strikes and full as an exchange of rockets attacks by the lebanese group. and this really army thursdays is where the air rates for the 1st time planes were used. the 2006 more tens of thousands of people in france joins protests against a new cove at 19 health paths for monday needed to get into cinemas, restaurants, bars, and other public places. opponent say it infringes on their civil liberties. frances constitutional courts will pass largely complies with the countries funding charter
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president emanuel macro hopes of new rules will encourage people to get vaccinated . catastrophic wall, far as continued to burn across greece, moving closer to the capitol. thousands of people who fled their homes north of athens, the far as a threatening several towns and cities. one firefighter was killed, the neighboring turkey for a cruise, working for an 11th consecutive day to contain forrest in the south. go on, ben officials are a loving stranded migrants to leave the coastal town over the coakley. around 10000 people are stuck there waiting for weeks for boots to take them to the border with panama. the coakley has traditionally been a transit points for those headed to north america. the land border between continents during gap, as well as the most dangerous jungles in the worlds, i'm not sure to dates to keep it here and al jazeera inside story is up. next. me
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challenging the monarchy in thailand, processes breaking a long standing bu by calling for reform or what spock this latest anger against the ty, king and government, and how will they respond? this is inside thought. ah, ah hello, welcome to the program on has him seek for the past year. thousands of people in thailand have been holding protests. they've been angry at the government and the
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royal family in particular. but it wasn't covered. 19 crisis has once again renewed that anger and led to mass protests on the streets of bangkok. many se officials are not doing enough to keep them safe. protesters are demanding a change of the entire political system. they want reforms to vague laws that could see a person jail for up to 15 years. for publicly criticizing the monarchy on the one year anniversary of their rallies, protest lead to say they're working on new strategies and will try to introduce new legislation. the hi. this year shall be the last year that we will discuss monica reform. after this, whatever will happen will happen. you can't stop the sun rising. you can control what people believe in. we are here to fight to build a better future together. this year we will fight with strategies. we will fight with goals. not only will we fight 3 protests to bring pressure, we will also fight to propose laws and parliament will bring in our guests shortly
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. but 1st, let's take a closer look at what the protesters are demanding. on the top of their list is the resignation of prime minister prices. john, okay, he's a former army general who came to power in a crew in 201418 disputed election in 2019 demonstrators. also one reforms that will limit the powers of the king that includes reversing changes that give him personal control over a vast royal fortune with tens of billions of dollars. they want parliament dissolved and new elections held, as well as the rewriting of the constitution, which was drafted by the military and their calling on the government to end its intimidation of dissidence. ah, all right, let's bring in our guests now they are all joining us from thailand in bangkok. jade donald vondik, chairman of the faculty of law at the college of asian scholars. he's also
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a former advisor to thailand's constitution drafting committee. in con ken david stretch was historian and author of truth on trial in thailand, defamation treason, and less majestic. and also in bangkok we have private rajan for a writer and columnist for the english news publication, hostile dot com. all right, welcome to all of you. so if i could start with you profit region for just just tell us what's what the situation is right now there, particularly in, in the, in the capital bank hawk. and where things stand right now with these protests, which, as we said, began as, as, as a protest against the government's handling of cobit 19, in particular, the prime minister. well, i'm currently at 25 minutes before 9 pm bank of time. and because you is at 9 pm, this is the coven, 19
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a few from 9 pm to 4 pm in order to minimize the possible infections. and as we speak, the riot police mopping up the area where the the von trader retreats that's around the area called victory monona. i think we expect some continued confrontation to go on, at least for the next hour or 2 by a few remnants of the demonstrators who will refuse to just go home. so that's the situation, but tomorrow there's also another protest by a different group that will also call for the resignation of the prime minister general. are you done, osha so this pie cobit 19, particularly the delta, the variance. why thailand is now seeing an unprecedented number of daily new infection at the range of about $20000.00 class per day. today. it went beyond
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21000 and the death today. for the 1st time above the number of the finger of 200. still, the demonstrator have decided that there will convert and they did. and they have refused to simply just go home without making the message clear. for the police, a lot of gas have been used, including rubber bullets as well as water can on lace the chemical that would cost your skins to irritate. so the police are using a heavy tactic and one, on the other hand, a police wine has been down late this afternoon. so that's the situation. and we do not expect the demonstration to see in the foreseeable future. so this
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could become a weekly, thanks to this pie, the widespread outbreak of the delta barrier of cobra. indeed, and i suppose this is, it gives you an idea of the level of anger, of, of people out there that these, that there is no, no sign of these protests. bating, despite the, the pandemic going on and the rising number of infections. so david strikes us, if i could ask you, then, is, is, is that adding to the, the long term grievances that people have about the system in, in thailand and particularly in particular the role of the monarchy. i think we have to go back maybe even a few decade, maybe a decade and a half and look at the 2007 coolie against the democratically elected government. and the one that removed tax in
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general from from 2006 and. and then the new constitution was, was made and the toxin cited forces still won the election. and then there was some back room deals done by the military. and then there were protests against that government and call for new elections that lead to the 2010 crack though. what happened during this time actually from 2008 or 9 until 2014 was a real opening of ty, society in a way that never had done before. people had access to information and there was a bit more freedom to get to talk about the role of the monarchy. and that all ended in 2014. and this new with
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a could retire and a new constitution which is very and democratic almost impossible to change under current conditions. and that led to new elections, which had been, as you said in your introduction, were contested. and then one of the parties that was most popular among the younger generation was dissolved in february after was dissolved the kobe crisis. and, and protest sort of disappeared for a while. but there was a real reopening of internet space and discussion about the monarchy that that thailand has never seen before. that led up to this now one year anniversary of demands made about the monarchy not to overthrow the one r t by to reform the monarchy. and make it a truly constitutional monarchy as envisioned back in 1932
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ad j donavon. the fact that there is even a discussion going on right now in thailand, about the role of the, of the monarchy. is that in itself, perhaps a sign of progress? i mean this, this would have been unthinkable. wouldn't it more than a year ago? well, let's say this is a discussion or even at the whole the credit system on the monarchy. i think that can be said partially as having some progress in having some sort of reform to democracy with the king as a under the constitution that can be accepted if it's a discussion or if it's a criticism the most. but what is witness in this country? it's not a discussion, it's not a credit, but it's a value. it's
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a fame. me, all the use are not acceptable. if you are calling for reform, monarchy, then the society of all, we'll have to discuss this issue together. and you will have to listen to the polarized asian up the society. so side ideas of what the want to means to the countries as a whole. not only to those people who call themselves the marketing, not to those people who call themselves a new generation. those people who don't want it, but the whole country and not only within the country, you will have to do what the or at not only what has been done in france, what people did in france, what some people were said. and this is just one issue. you have to separate the
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issue of monarchy. we're all on the form to the constitution with whether to out general, whether it has to be can be the prime ministers with all the people. why mr in the country and legitimacy to administer the country. the 3rd one is that what is happening with the cobra? 1900 non break. very, what am aware and then we have a situation of the call we 19 do we have to do something with it? and do we have to find a way which is better than the present government will be doing oil has been doing and will other people are doing better than i think these 3 issues will have to put in 3 will have to be put in 3 problems and will have to be buying it and will have to be separate and separately. and i don't think that
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a contract demonstration point which is becoming a riot will. so a lot of these issues and did it coming back to the question is asking whether or not this is a progress i did this, i think this is not a progress. and this is, i'm the developing the country. so it's not progress to, to, to even to debate the role of the monarchy. i mean, i'm not, not, not, not defaming the monarchy, not calling for their removal, but just simply having a debate at this point. as i see, it's not a discussion, it's not a big a, it's not even a criticism, but it's the payment evaluate demonica. so i think it has gone out of the level out of what can be caused from david's check for what's your how would you respond to that? well, i mean there's been a law in place since early 1900 century,
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but strengthened after a few in 1976. that makes the penalty very high for any discussion or mention of the monarchy. so talking about let really know. yeah, the last magic a lot and the, the, the discussion of the king and the monarchy and the royal family have all been completed. so it's, it's really quite impossible to have any sort of debate in thailand under this law where all segments of society and all the country can talk about this law and what they want to do with the institution of the monarchy since november of last year. there been more than 100 cases taken against this the student protesters and they can't debate this out possible debate under
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the present parliamentary system. there is no way for them to to bring a debate into, into parliament. and there is no so they, they really don't have any other than the internet and protest. and it would be great if there could be a country. why discussion about what to do about this law. what to do about the monarchy. but that's not possible under current conditions, a profit with john for what. what specifically are people calling for in terms of, in terms of reforms of the system? obviously there's, there's a lot of anger right now about coven 19 in the way the government, in particular prime minister. they want him removed. but what, what else are they calling for to, to address their grievances? and will that be enough? well, for example, the a sol fact tree,
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a company which produce the vector vaccine ox astrazeneca is actually owned by the crown here in thailand. so it's owned by the brow. and unfortunately, this company, which is called sam bio signs, have failed to manufacture the target amount of vaccines in which we have originally anticipated. so this leads to a very slow roll out of vaccine. currently, only 6 percent of the population have been fully vaccinated. and now, simply because the company is owned by the crown or the king of the press, very reluctant to be very critical towards the company. so this is one of the example which made it clear why the younger generations really want
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a more transparent and accountable monarchy institution. not unlike that say, of the united kingdom or even japan. and they feel that without that space to previously discuss in a critical way on a, you know, mainstream public platform without the risk of going to prison. then that is very little that we can do to improve the situation as far as it's, you know, as far as the monetary institution is concerned. so they want, well, what they want a simple, you know, in the united kingdom, you can mark the queen. some british people may disapprove that, but that's part of the region. while in thailand, actually the ty press cannot write negative news about the monarchy this you know, self, censorship is prevalent and this is more unfortunate. so what's happening is that
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the younger generation pushed the debate onto social media, and jade said, you know, they defamation, you know, that from atari remark it prepped to being used. i saw, you know, terrible graph at the attacking the king. but partly that's because these younger people feel that there's no freedom to, you know, discussion about the role off the high monarchy in common, simple and straightforward manner. it's not really possible, unfortunately. so this is one of the area where they want to see it change. and of course the last and majestic as one of them. and people like i know whom you site that you know, some of the protest leader. i think that if there is no room for reform off the monitoring institutions, more and more people among the younger generation will be attracted by the idea of
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a one thing to try and highlight into a republic. so i expect even take, you know, are we going to deal with the institution yield itself and reform itself to a point where more people would be satisfied or will it continue to stifle critical debate and costs, including definitely already remarked as well. so this is an area that has to be address. however, the elite has always been very dependent on the prowl. whenever this a cool, one of the most often cited pretext or justification for the qu, including the one stage by pre, you'd back in 2014, is to protect the monarchy institutions. so you see the military and a circle of leads who are really collapsing around the pallet and put them any
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meaningful change that would make the palace more transparent, may not be to that to that interest. they want to maintain the status quo unfortunately. well, let, let's put some of that to j. donavon and then what about this argument? better? hold on. so let me, let me just put the question to you 1st this, this argument that this, this should be seen as an opportunity for the establishment and the monarchy to, to, to address people's grievances and look at, look at some reforms. because if they don't, and they simply respond with, with more force, they risk alienating more of the population and, and that in turn may be a threat to their very survival. well, i think it can be an opportunity to discuss. but as i said, it will have to be in a reasonably rational wave of discussion. or if you want to ask for the aid,
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then it has to be a debate. but what happened now and what i've seen throughout this country at this moment and for quite some time, especially as they put it a little bit before. busy the call we operate, that was not a reasonably rational discussion that is on the carry, on the way in which we put it, that the young generation were calling. so the young generation want it. if i'm terry for what they want. as i said, it's not going to society as a whole. and then what was said is quite of a threat that said in the morning, he is not listening is not willing to talk. or if this whole country is not ready to be re as it is
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a democracy with the king as it might be transformed into republic. well, cooper. when was was talking about england. i would want to use the world to operate one way the king said i can find like just never before because that is on the monitor. people who want to mark you to say that they want the republic, they will bite, like it's never. it's not only the new generation and only the people who would want to demolish the monarchy can bite other people can do also. so i don't think this is simple and i don't be this bellamy, and this is progress in this country. so don't talk in a good way. and when cooper, when, when saying about sam by the science and link, there's a lot of key. yes. it might be a crown company, but does it have something to do with the outbreak of co 19 and really is it
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something to do with the way in which administration has been administering the coal with 900 situation so badly? what is the administration problem, or if can, what's your problem? does it have anything to do with my team vaccine? if the company lands to the ground, and if there is no actual bag? well no, i can prove no, actually evidence raising the issue this way. it's very unfair because magically the king ok and the berry berry there. so i don't think we put together this way and i think you have to be why the right from each other probably respond to some of that briefly. okay. to bring you well, no, i just, let's just, let's just, let's talk speak 1st thing. pulse. yes. i mean gated j is right. you know, to acknowledge that actually we do have
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a deep this agreement in ty society. now, what kind of platform, what kind of wayne, you can, people of different political ideology could meet and talk the talk very few. and that's more unfortunate. and probably because even the, the press, the media which could act as a public forum for the exchanges. they cannot function normally or in a normal way, simply because there's no really no room to be really critical off the monitor. and this is most unfortunate. i think i totally agree we need to talk and they are disagreement, and they are royalists. the old pro royalists will defend the crown with their live . there is no doubt about that. okay. but you have to acknowledge that they also people who want now to turn pylon into a republic and then not just one thing to see a reform. so tyler has gone that fine, that's why you're seeing these people on the street solving it's close explosives
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against the king. you know, i mean you have to sense i as a journalist, i just posted a, a photo on twitter early. i just afternoon and i have to the face, some of the messages are graphically painted on the container that had been used as an obstacle to block the demonstrator from a bouncing who, the office of the prime minister. you know, i can leave whatever they want to say about you. so i left that, that you know, explicit again for you. but under the law, i have no choice but to the face. those words and it's like in the united kingdom again, if you you could say you're not to hell with the queen and you dont need out of prison. ok. there are programs mocking the queens. i think it's called the prince right as this that's not possible. and so that's, that, that's the problem. we're gonna, we're gonna have to leave it there. a good discussion gentlemen,
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thanks so much for being with us. jade donna, vondik, david stretch was and private, roger in for thanks very much for being on inside school. and thank he was always watching. remember, you can see this program again any time by visiting our website edge 0 dot com. and for further discussion, you can go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside store. you can also join the conversation on twitter handle. there is a j inside for me, hasn't and the entire team here. but now the me news news news.
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all this on the united states is ending its 20 year military present enough kind of done with what it means that the country, one of the one piece showcasing new zealand trailblazing environmental policy, able to read the country of all credit from a 3rd way to the vaccine rollout, the latest developments at the corona virus pandemic continue to spread around the world. witness showcase of award winning documentaries that bring world issues into focus through human stories. with political and economic tension writing down be a hope to the pose as a company to define the future august on a job. my name's a place where they can truly call it. busy their home groups bringing wanted me to want to know you all and paid money when i do
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a 1000000000 and it just surprises. my name is where we know my niger on, i'll use their the ah, ah, i'm how am i in until how with the headlines on al jazeera, the taliban says it sees they seconds. provincial capital in afghanistan and slicing escalates across the country becomes just a day after the group over run the city of orange. the government is sending reinforcements to re take control of ship aaron doing that, but the enemies of afghanistan can not arise. the history of a gun stone and they can not take our owners away from us. and clearly my promises that we will find the kill.
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