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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm AST

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pictures look at the lush vegetation here, and that is the aftermath. we also know, unfortunately some homes had burned down here. so we can really see in the afternoon and there is rain falling across turkey. but it's exactly where we don't need it toward the black sea region where folks are recovering from devastating flooding. they're off to africa and we are keeping our eye on those big storms through the t o b in highlands because it feeds into the blue and white river niles and heart tomb, where residents are on high alert. as those water levels rise toward the south. an abundance of sunshine johannesburg. 23 degrees. but prepare for jo. your temperature are on the way down. only 17 degrees on saturday. that sure update. we'll see you soon. the if you are looking at this from the outside, you would really wonder what was going on, what, what is this is a religion that they have an in depth exploration of global capitalism on our
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obsession with economic growth. this is still the center of capitalism. there is no limits. i view myself as a capital artist we are trying to bake as well as smaller and smaller. we don't want to be so realistic in the way we would rather have a fantasy growing pay on al jazeera in 2011 out. they were reported from tanzania on the senate to trade in the body parts and i'll be and this is where the me put it right here and on the spot rewind, revisit the survivor. mutilated to service, the rituals of witchcraft. when you do trash to rewind spell of l b, no, on our 0. 0,
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a slogan you're watching as a reminder of our top stories this out, the tunnel on have capture of the city of poly home re in afghanistan in babylon, province. it's the 8th provincial capital since friday, this comes as emergency talks ended for the day in the hot to stop the violence. if the prime minister has called on all capable citizens in his was to join the fight into the government, launched a military offensive in the region last year. but rebels have made territorial gains in recent and the u. s. the governor of new york state andrew cuomo is resigning after the state. attorney general alleged sexually harassed multiple with chroma denies the charges, but has apologized for what he says offending his accused. a candidate
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has condemned the chinese court decision to uphold the death sentence of a canadian national convicted of drug trafficking. roberts schellenberg was given a 15 year jail term in 2018, but he was re sentence to death. 2 months later, after top chinese tech executive mang one, joe was arrested in canada in relation to charges in the us. canada ambassador to china says it is no coincidence. this verdict is out while men's extradition trial is ongoing. katrina, you has more from beijing. he can appeal one last time to try his highest court. that's the people supreme court, but it's very unlikely that he will be able to reverse this death sentence. in china. 99 percent of all criminal cases are found guilty, and beijing has an a tourist lee hard stance when it comes to any drug related crime. but there is a very important political dimension to all this as well. china, in canada,
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the bilateral relationship has reached an all time law. and it was, wasn't earlier this year when the canadian government described the treatment of the muslim league of population. and she's young as genocide by the chinese government. now of course, the main sticking point, the main point of contention between beijing and auto is the rest of chinese while way executive mung one. joe. she was arrested in december 2018 and she's currently facing court in canada, fighting extradition to the us. now, beijing denies that these cases all linked, but the canadian government has described schellenberg death sentence as arbitrary . and it's really important to look here at the timing as well. schellenberg was arrested 1st in 2014, but in 2018. he was initially sentenced to 15 years in prison, but shortly after among wanders rest he was hurriedly re trials. and then we saw the subsequent change in his sentence to execution. or michael abbas
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a q as a global affairs analysts. joining us now from sidney in canada via skype, thanks very much for being with us. so, 1st of all, let me just ask you, broadly speaking, what, what do you make of this? stand off, as it seems of this point between canada, in, in china and all these 3 canadians, mr. schellenberg and the 2 other canadians who, who are being held to the moment are about to go on trial. are they essentially political pawns in a larger game? he's sure, thanks for having a yeah, this is nothing less than hostage caking diplomacy, something beijing has become famous for over the years. look for a sentence to go from as your corresponding pointed out. 15 years to the sentence. quite incredible. and especially the timing because right now across the water from the actually your, excuse me, british columbia, my one job the,
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from the power house family way is about to be in the final stages of being tried for us expedition. so we had the case of mister tolliver does now and soon probably this week the sentencing of michael bob or who was accused of espionage and then probably shortly after that micro corporate look. by the time the basic winter olympics happened, happened these to michael's will be he will have been in prison for 3 years, a long time and its effect, the relation between canada and china. now the chinese, they've not did not set it explicitly, but they have suggested that there is an out for canada here if they release ms when to, to, to, to the chinese. but the canada has the canadian government has said that that is simply out of the question at this point. so given that they've, they've rule that out. what leverage does canada has less the what leverage the
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canada have left than to resolve this? sure. well, the only leverage kind of had was when my one joe walked through vancouver airport and she was arrested on a us warrant. i would say the canadian sort of look the other way, something before. but i think the only leverage left is to follow through with canada commitments with extradition. but also, you know, as i mentioned the beijing winter olympics are coming up and canada could play hardball just as china is playing hard bar. how, by cutting the olympics, because it's very dangerous for canadians to go to china right now. we know that and to send police there would also be dangerous. i think for them one more thing that i can mention in a recent pulse, 7077 percent of canadians, said that warming of relations between china and canada depends on the outcome of the cases of the to my goals. you say that the that the canadian athletes might,
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might be in danger there if they with they went to beijing. what would you say that? well look at the last just concluded summer olympics, there was an element of politics there of people making a stand athletes making a stand on the podium. we have the case of the bell, a roof from athlete princeton. so i think this is now become an element of a limpid games and there are many issues when it comes to china that are well known, especially the treatment of the muslim minority. so it would, it would be very expect, i think, for athletes to make some kind of stance there. if i could just add the other kind of factors here that isn't much talked about concerning the timing of these sentences is where on the eve of a possible federal election in canada and the way trying to play the diplomacy games is to put western leaders in a top spot, so if these 3 canadians are sentenced in the next few days to the maximum,
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wouldn't probably play well in the hands of prime minister, just intrude all who's trying to retake his majority. so that's the way they play. and canadian politicians have to be a lot more hardball and so i've been to put up with us. get to get your perspective on this. michael prosecutor, thanks for the was my pleasure. have a united nations has held a briefing on to me and me on nationals who've been arrested on charges of plotting to kill me. animals, un ambassador child mo, tune who was appointed by the deposed civilian government has openly criticize the military gender since it sees power in february, the military responded saying it has nothing to do with it, but they are demanding his removal, which i'm going to spoke to earlier he told us he will continue to stay in his position at this point, the remainder of your mind to
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reach out to the member state of the un because i'm part of for the people of my family. it is important because they were on the pickup, they were in my team. and also i make it very clear that i was appointed to find the government still that i knew presenting the electricity 1000000000 of government i saw because i thought they were the military illegally. on stage a coup. uh so we now need people do it and we do fighting against them. so people are very just to me we were, we were not give up. we were fight and did the end of this matter. in our corona,
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virus cases and hospital admissions across the us have reached a 6 month high fueled by the spread of the delta variance. the number of new infections is now averaging 100004 day numbers. not seen since the winter surge, health officials are urging people to get vaccinated to 1000000 people have begun gathering in the u. s. state of south dakota for the annual sturgess motorcycle rally. the 10 day event began on friday and is being held despite the rise in coven 1900 cases. last year rally became a super spreader event, with around 500000 attending. well, gabriel alexander is live for us in just so gabriel. give us a sense then of what it's like me. well, welcome to main street in the town of sturgis, south dakota, and welcome to the sturgess motorcycle rally. as you can see behind me,
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there are motorcycles, for as far as the i can see if there's any sort of motorcycle that was ever made. it's year in sturgis, over the next 10 days, they're expecting $700000.00 participants this year. that's a record. and they come from all over the united states and even a couple other countries as well. it's a huge event that goes on for several blocks in the small town, a small town that is only has a population of about $8000.00 people. but for 10 days, every august, since 940, this rally has been held here. it's a little after noon right now. you can see how busy it is already. and this goes on through the evening. there's people that are writing through town, there's rock concerts at night. people go out to eat. there's all sorts of different venues, but it's made basically a place for modal motorcycle enthusiast from around the united states to come and gather. but of course, gathering now certainly is difficult. now because of the spread of corona
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virus, there are no sort of social distance seeing or any restrictions in place whatsoever . here you can probably tell a lot of people here say that they're not so worried because at least now it's outdoor events. a lot of them that reduces the risk. however, at night there's a lot of indoor events with a lot of people, thousands of people shoulder to shoulder. but clearly there's, we're, we're in washington at least that this could potentially lead with so many people in one place to really corona virus concerns. but you could definitely get a sense of how many people are here, and this is just one quarter on the middle of the day in the afternoon, gets even much busier. i want to bring in someone here, alex nurse, how are you alex? get your from the what do you williams foundation, you're a vendor here. what does your organization do briefly? absolutely. so we're nonprofit organization, our founding father, what he williams is the last living metal,
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bonner recipient from world war 2. and his life long goal was to honor, recognize and serve gold star families and the legacy of their loved ones who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. so we are here today in partnership with the city of surges and helping us spread that awareness of what goes our families are. you're one of many vendors that are here. this is your 1st time here just briefly. what sturgess like for you? what's been your impression? ah, it's been actually amazing. i never really been in such a small place with so many people. it's eyeopening with the amount of motorcycles in individuals here and just kind of the lifestyle that it brings. so i definitely, my 1st impression is totally exceeded, my expectation can emerge. i can imagine a lot of people, you know, it's noisy at times quite right now, but the bikes go back, it's noisy, real quick. what we hope does not exceed expectations, is any spread the cronum virus? absolutely. do you feel safe? i absolutely do. i've been vaccinated. i do feel state would be in the majority of
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the time that you're spending here is all outdoors. i think it comes down to you personally, whether or not you are keeping your social distancing. i have seen people wear masks, so i do believe that that is something that the respectful to the others that are here. but as far as any concerns in relation to my personal health, i do feel safe. thank you, alex, i appreciate it. absolutely. thanks for having me. thank you. appreciate it. so you heard from one person there, alex nort, vendor here. he speaks for, i think a lot of people that we've spoken to here, they basically say they're not worried and that they're here to celebrate and celebrate with like minded people that are into motorcycles. and if you're into that, there's no other place to be in the world. then right here, right now, this goes on. got another 7 days or so. and again, 700000 people expected to pass through this town over the course of his motorcycle rally. your searches in south dakota or i gave thanks for that. gabriel alexander life was there in stir. just one person has died in guinea of the mall,
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but the virus in west africa was 1st ever reported case the world health organization describing the virus is highly infectious. life threatening illness is similar to ebola. it is caused by coming into contact with infected body fluids and tissue. take a closer look at the mall, but the virus and the risks it poses. the been 12 major outbreaks since it was 1st detected in 1967 and southern and eastern africa fruit bats. often harbor the virus. a sudden high fever can be the 1st warning sign of the virus setting in it leads to headaches, joint and muscle pains, as well as bleeding from the eyes. nose and ears. fatality rights have varied from 24 to 88 percent in previous outbreaks depending on the strain of the virus. no specific treatment or vaccine is available with george kid or about is the world health organizations representative to guinea. he says, systematic prevention and control is key in containing this fars. these are
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madison human, and i mean more populations. it has been found in back in the area of the current case in areas where the central and eastern. so what may have up and i voted for the post on fund into fun facts we've any more that and then, but it's a very cool fiction, especially i would be fu emptying and activity and eventually key officially working with community immediately citing loved ones and actually $155.00 potential fund tax, but being money towards community make sure that they don't the then the sign of
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the disease is important to engage with community based on their traditions, the social cultural beliefs. and also looking place the emergency system in terms of case management, capacity, infection, prevention and control. and also if you give me a call, would you call investigation? i still ahead on as you see it up lino. messy edges closer to completing is moved to paris, sasha mat. we'll have the latest in school. ah, brought to you by accenture, that there be change the
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news with me brought to you by extension that there would be change. oh,
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a on that for all the sport. his jenna thank has him at lena unless he has passed his medical as the edges closer to completing his me. its a parent sandra, the former boss, alona football, saw a way to find that a gather to greet him, a little apple, just off that he touched down in france. he made the journey from spain with his wife and 3 sons. it's been reported, he agreed, a 2 year deal with an option to extend until 2020 for the argentine. it began the day in spain before he boarded a flight to paris. he spent the last 21 years with boston, but after failing to reach an agreement under the contract, had to part ways. massey's life antoinette pasted this picture of the 2 of them on their flight to paris. she captions, the story, a new adventure for all 5 of us. our correspondent pool races in the french capital
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covering developments, and explained how this move will benefit not only messy signing my feet is going to really raise the profile of league. had already been raised with the likes of high overseas homegrown french player, other major stars. abraham eventually landed in league with p. s g in, in recent years. but to give you some context, the international rights for the likes of english premier league, or about 20 times greater than the international rights that league gets. and the domestic rights, which had been over a 1000000000 until a year or so ago, before the collapse of the media pro group had gone down to 600000000. when that was agreed at the end of july, if messy had been fine before then, or that deal, it's been a bit later. there's a chance with the bargaining power could be greater and french football could have got a better deal. some rebellious noise is coming from some clubs saying that should be renegotiated, but in the long term, this will definitely get french for will have an impact when those rights
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renegotiated, again in 2024 and as messy prepared to start his new life in paris. his picture, it was being stripped from barcelona new come stadium, gone, but surely, never forgotten. funds outside the ground said his departure. it was a fine at the club, going through a crisis. and massey's official biography given by the guy agrees that they're falling behind, europe's other big team. the big picture is that pneumonia is taking over for the big decisions that all morning will just moan, moan, moan, but as men that they be left behind, basically thrown off for a while for too long. i've been trying to behave as if there were new money as if they had more money than actually they did. and they got in, in a situation last season in which the wages of the, of the 1st team represented a 110 percent of the money coming in technically bankrupt it p. s. you comply with financial for play. and i know that in france as much relaxed for the next season
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or 2. but if they comply with us financially for play, they've done the job. the ones who haven't been doing the job is not for don't know who been put, you know the weight, and now they have to realize that they cannot afford for ready. so they're going to look into having see, it's patty certainly can afford that ferrari and they've done some good business trauma. so when they have to be said they've all been signed, boston is legend to an captain. messy on a free transfer that's after bringing in the form, a caption of raw madrid. surgery ramos also on a free. they got the best play you are a for free as well. it's legal. keep a job. read you on a river and the netherlands captain georgina, at one autumn, is also signed up and you get it on a free transfer. i forget that you already had go. i will see the stalls and kill them back by name all his the world's most expensive play. i used to play with matthew boffa, john list attorney, han moss. he towed out there that having to best place it doesn't necessarily guarantee success. bullies and magic sport. even if you
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have the best players, it doesn't mean you are going to win. of course, with name are probably within a bit if he's station and now with missy. this is for me, the best practice, the 3 best current of the history of football. but it doesn't mean they are going to win champions. this is not enough to win. i championship like this unique lack. you need to to be very lucky on some moment of the competition. so of course yes for all of us now, vice in german is going to be the favorite to we dish. or if you do doing the terminal you, but it's not going to be enough. what he strong is that we display it. of course, they have maximum pressure, you pressure patient german doesn't when the next champion for them is going to be a big thing because we display, as we thought of money, you have to reach at least the final messy isn't the only one that getting
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a new deal at dallas, mavericks thought liter don't judge has signed a 5 year, 207000000 dollar extension with the m b a franchise is the richest contract in clubs history. so really special moment here. thank you to dollars for offering me this. i don't know what to say because it's i never imagined this happening. i was only dreaming, can only plain them be a and now i can sign an extension with dollars merricks for 5 years, which i never had a daughter that was wanted to sign this. when we draft luca in 2018, we had an inkling he was good, but we never imagined he was this good. and that the combination of a lot of hard work on his part. you know, he didn't just show up. he put in the time his entire life off to be thing,
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australia and a series for the 1st time bangladesh is cricket team could be a force to reckon with that. that c 20 world cup which is being held in the u. a and the man in october after coding. and so one of the former players, after alli khan, who we spoke to earlier, know he started to realize we can actually want to surprise stronger opposition and do it on the consistent basis. i think they started to realize that it was against the switch in this moment and then they're going to give a very good, i mean, i presume is building up to do and we haven't really played the way we really in the, in addition to this sickly motor full dish, we have done this again so sweetly at home, but we need to do this list similar brand of cricket. and if you can have a really good present again to keep it, which i mean that we are more than given. i think we can see the
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signs up in the morning and in the work up and so you're good enough to without some really good results in our field england, captain j rate supports the idea of cricket returning to the lympics, the international cricket council hoping to get the board included the funds of these games in 7 years time, having not featured since paris and 1900 it be great to see cricket lympics for. yeah, the 100 seems to fit the bill, doesn't that thing that would go down already and yeah, i mean, i would say it it'd be, it'd be fantastic to get to get cricket and on that stage and they're going to reach out to the country then what what a charity will be about soil for an hour. i'll be back with more a little bit later. thanks jana and that is it for this news,
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for me hasn't. and all the team here in the colleagues in london will have more of the day use in a couple of a news news, news. news for celebration ah, food for reconciliation. ah, and from ancient civilization, algae 0 world goes on a mouth watering, cut, and re journey from fame to the middle east. to discover the hidden history behind some of the region,
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best luck diffuse favoring the park. on our did the freezing winds and rugged terrain and at times seem impossible. but for afghan traders who braved the con corey door, that it's no choice combating the impossible to sound that good in isolated areas. we follow that daring journeys as they overcome the extremes. risking it all i've got is john on al jazeera oh, the conflict between the if you can government and the regional take, great people with the racial fund has killed thousands and internally displaced more than 2000000 over the past 7 months. 350000 people in the region are facing famine, according to the united nation, which says that our vision is being used as a weapon or for those who managed across the borders. say it's not because they
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have improved back home. they say to continue to be targeted because many properties are being reported and all they come to taking refuge here. last time idea the news. the taliban sweep through large parts of afghanistan to provincial capital, fall under the groups control within a few hours. while there is a last ditch attempt at reviving talks and initiating a ceasefire, taliban is warned that military takeover would result in total isolation. ah, well, i'm sorry i'm to live in london. you're watching algae.


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