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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm AST

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trusted rewind, spell of l b. no. on audi 0. play an important role checking in. ringback in the this is al jazeera ah, just $11800.00, gmc hello, i'm kim. i'll santa maria. welcome to the news that the taliban takes charge of a 9 provincial capital and i've kind of done while the emergency talks continue to try to in defiance. and i'm sure that balance with it's gonna stones and harry, a minister who tell us how the government plans to fight back against the taliban. recently. also in the news haunted by rape and torture or human rights groups of
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hundreds of to great women and girls have been used as weapons of war in ethiopia, finding fives with whatever they've got the desperation to stay home and live in isolated parts of algeria. i'm ash, with for paris. sponsor last president says that most comes has to skip football team in the world at signing a little messy. honestly, they are not many would argue from the thought and they for this our me. so the taliban is making you gains across that dennis done again while diplomats from several countries to get attempt to get the inter africa and talks back on track here. and doug ha, now the african government is arming local groups as it tries to push back the town of bands offensive type. interior minister is told out 0. the forces are trying to
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secure main highways, large cities and border crossings. we'll start with this exclusive report from charlotte billus. 5 weeks ago general abdul sat mirza quell slipped into the roll of it's going to stones and terry, a minister in all he commands a force of 130000 people. today he is driving toward deck a province west of cobble. much of the province is controlled by the taliban. government personnel travelling by road is rear and requires an escort official forces. in the last 3 months, a taliban has more than doubled its territory. and in the last week started to take provincial capital. what's going through your head at the moment about those provinces? how? how worried you? and how do you put the room? looks cool. we are working in 3 phases. the 1st is to stop the defeat. the 2nd, re gather our forces,
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security rings around the city with all the soldiers that abandoned their posts were bringing them back to their post. the 3rd is to begin offensive operation and him and all these trips are about boosting morale. he admits that is suffered with the advances the taliban has made. also the telephone attempt to assassinate the defense minister and promised to target other government leaders, security around minutes to move. the quote has never been tied to. a simple task of visiting checkpoints requires this many special forces. you survived multiple taliban assassination attempts, and his previous jobs as the governor of turner and condos was. i'm a soldier, a soldier never gets frightened. when we wear the uniform, it means we are ready for death. i'm not worried about it. he says a lot of the governments losses are as a result of them losing control of roads and highways. many areas must be resupplied by air. and after the us withdrew, they lost
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a lot of that capability with spanish. unfortunately, with their withdrawal, the fighting started in $400.00 areas of the country and we have very limited air support. the helicopters have been busy with moving supplies and evacuating our dead and injured force, and so they are delegating to local leaders, empowering them to recruit within the community to rise against the taliban. billy car miller fellow mother. there are concerns from the international community about these uprising forces at the moment. all their members will eventually merge into the afghan national security forces. would ex governor says he already has 300 men fighting in one 4th, but he complained he could only provide weapons for 2 thirds the rest. he said he cannot provide with water, let alone money or arms. for the last few months, people are waiting for the weapons, but unfortunately the promises i made to these people were not fulfilled. but there
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is no doubt and a loyalty and desire to help outside the room. the minister's men wage war that police and soldiers joined them. this talk of last night's gains and losses, where they may be st next and how the many injuries are healing. some briefly leave to push off a telephone, assault. thousands of police officers have abandoned their posts in recent months. the interior ministry says they are returning and will be retrained and sent back to the provinces. they say 5000 people have signed up for the police force and just the last 3 weeks with another 2000 graduating this weekend. ah, the government strategy is slowly becoming clear, but its implementation is still fraud. and the stakes have never been higher. the telephone what, what would you want them to do? i know i'm asking the taliban to stop their brutality. leave killing. sit down with
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love and we should find solution. i'm asking them not to destroy buildings or are chief minutes and let's come and sit together and make a coalition. government is one that would be acceptable to all sides of the sooner we do this, the better yet they need leverage on the battlefield to force a group to make political compromises. and every day, with every loss that leverage weakens. charlotte bellis, osha, 0 water. afghanistan. you have a taliban filmmaking? huge gains across afghanistan. rob mcbride has more on that side of the story from cobble this, the ever changing map of who controls what in afghanistan. really not looking good for the government after. what's been another very heavy day of fighting. you know, more than 25 years ago when the taliban 1st emerged largely from the south of the country, it found resistance to it in the north. what eventually became known as the northern
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alliance. well, you know, we seem with this latest resurgence that resistance simply being swept away with the gains of these territories and provincial cities really leaving only bizarre sharif ms. r e sharif as the only the city holding out against the taliban in the north. another city can do which is very important in the north, fell to the taliban at the weekend. and now we know that the airport, which had been holding out to conduce that is also full. and there are reports, a very heavy fighting around conduce. and that is significant because given it's important that government has promised a will, we take this city and we have been expecting a counter attack. so that's a real test because if it fails that test, if it doesn't, we take that city that's going to be very telling on which direction this whole conflict is moving. so you have all of these gains in the north. and then of course that's the continuing violence in the south in helmand and kandahar the strongholds of the taliban in the city of laska, which is heavily contested. there has been
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a massive car bomb. this was a humvee packed with explosives that was trying to get to the main police headquarters. it was intercepted, was detonated, causing a number of casualties. b while in neighboring kandahar city, that city has been under attack from all 4 sides, so that fighting in the north and the fighting and advances made in the south. it really puts a psychological pressure on the center here in cobble the taliban advances in the past. week have been quite extraordinary the speed with which they've gone, but there is a much bigger picture here. we can't look at the last week or even the last month or so in isolation. so got some maps for you from the long war journalist, an excellent results from mapping really the last 20 years. and i've done, i've decided to go back to january of 2017. so that 4 and a half years ago. and this is what i want you to have a look at here. it's almost like an electoral college tally. we're looking at gray areas which are under government control, pink areas which are contested,
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and red areas on the tunnel band control. so yes, lot of government control at this point, we move one year on to january of 2018 and the picture is starting to change. you're seeing more areas that are contested. another year late january 2019 and actually the contested areas for the 1st time. and now more than what the government holes by the end of 20. 19 again, there are more contested areas. the taliban is increasing its number of red districts, 420 districts. we should mention across have denison and then we get to this point . april 20, 2194 contested districts in afghanistan and the only real saving grace is the fact that cobble herat kandahar these big population centers are still pretty safely in government control. so that's year by year i want to bring it right down now and actually go week by week just for the month of june. watch what happens to watch. the red districts keep adding up june nights, june, 16th, june 23rd,
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june 30th. they have piled in there to the point where you check out tally at the bottom there contested areas and taliban areas are even that's through june. and the reason of stop there is because we need to think about what happens at the thought of july the united states leaves bankrupt by it's a trigger point. let's roll this with starting on july 10th. and the red districts keep piling in again and again. and as we get into august, you see what's been happening in the past week with that big search of red areas right across the country. it's an extraordinary situation. and let's not forget the big picture is all yes, right? there were looking at the taliban in 2021. the same taliban that was removed from power almost 20 years ago. meanwhile, you've got taliban representative government officials and foreign diplomats here in carter trying to resurrect the inter african piece talks moment jump to him. has the latest and those talks here and very few concrete details emerging from day 2
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of the african talks here. and how, what we do know is that there was a meeting of the extended troika that is comprised of russia, the us, china, and pockets on the extended troika, is a moscow initiated group that conducts consultations on ways to support inter afghan negotiations to help the parties reach a political settlement in afghanistan and to reach a ceasefire. now, all the diplomats that we've spoken with thus far have said that of paramount importance during these talks is to try to come up with a joint solution for the rapidly deteriorating situation in afghanistan. the fact that these talks are being held, it all really goes to show just how much urgency there is. how much impetus there is for the international community to try to come up with some kind of a solution. and to also try to get the inter african piece talks and dialogue back on track. of course the inter app can piece process the last time they help talks and how was in mid july, and it's really come to
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a stalemate. so one of the things that diplomats want to be out of this is they want to see a way for the afghan government and the taller bond to resume their negotiations to try to come up with a cease fire at such a critical juncture. and to really do all they can to improve the situation in afghanistan, coming up 12 minutes past the hour. here's what's coming up with turkish, like, what's gone from being home to doesn't speak of animal to in just mom. feeling left out the field for millions of people living on the streets of india who are getting their code back. the nation and our perception. felina met the offer. you officially presented a powerful benjamin player. we will hear from him in for. but jim, are like, ah, the personal acts of sexual violence have been used systematically as
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a weapon of war in today. as finding the come from a report from amnesty international, which is mainly ethiopian and era trained soldiers, raped hundreds of women and girls, subjecting some to sexual slavery mutilation. hey morgan, as of course covered the take very context extensively for al jazeera. this is her report. this faith, conflict, and displacement, but the women and girls in the gray region of northern european have also been subjected to rape other sexual violence and slavery. amnesty international interviewed more than 60 victims and in a report say, soldiers from the european and returned armies. i'm harris, special forces and militia, as are the main perpetrators. we met but to come at the refugee camp in neighboring sudan in me. one of more than 60000 to grands who fled the fighting in northern european. she says she was raped at the thought of the conflict in november. also hello for military soldiers from i'm horror got me and took me to
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a house. there. 2 of them read me 4 days there refused to give me food or water. they beat me when i tried to run away to the point i still suffer from back pain. i begged them to stop and ask them why they were doing this to me. they said that it's because i'm from t grey. i get a booster can told us she's still haunted by her ordeal. i miss these reports as the acts of sexual violence constitute where crimes and may amount to crimes against humanity and were intended to terrorize and humiliate the victim and their ethnic group. some survivors have had to have surgery after being raped, some have since tested positive for h i v. others reported physical trauma including bleeding back pain and immobility . we are now 9 months into, into the t great conflict and really statements to condemn the atrocities no longer suffice. and the un secretary general must send to t grey as soon as possible. if team of expert on sexual violence in conflict,
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any special representative on the se, miss you, the conflict integral has displaced nearly 2000000 people and left more than 5000000 in need of 8. according to the united nations, rape has been used as a weapon of war with more than 500 cases of rape and sexual violence recorded between november and made. several reports have been released on sexual violence in particular conflict, some of which also accused to grant people's liberation front, or t p, a left of atrocities, aid groups working with victims in the refugee camps in sudan. se the known cases are just the tip of the iceberg. you know, and the report thing is everywhere. and you know, there's many parts of fixing these, like the feeling of shame of the park thing may be the same way with both know what that is said. will you be able to give you the lessons that com and all these talks contributing to and reporting
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if you p as government has previously described the allegations as propaganda. but in me it convicted 3 pm soldiers and indicted 25. others for rape and other forms of sexual violence from any survivors just as far from being therapy. he will morgan ultra 0. now also any p o p, an armed group has said it is reached at alliance with the t guy forces. that is, of course the ticket and people's liberation from the t p l. s. and the aroma liberation army. you say the only solution is a military overthrow of the government. really to see if he's government added those 2 groups to ethical, terrible a reminder of now we got to this point of a conflict that actually broke out back in november. that was an easy, i've been prime minister via had sent troops to fight the t p. l. s. the group dominated national politics before i became to pass by the end of november,
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the government announced its forces had taken control of 2 guys regional capital mckellar. but the conflict took a stunning turn in june when to go in forces took back mckelly, and government soldiers withdrew. then the rebels have pressed into the neighboring afar region and the east and hara and the south as well meant that more than 250000 people have been displaced. or he's got to talk to our alo about these issues. he's an analyst on the horn of africa and senior lecturer in law at keel university on scott from london. today, i will thank you for your time. explained to us how significant it is. if the t p l f and the aroma liberation. you're talking about a, an alliance, i guess, because if you're is a very regional sort of country, isn't it? absolutely, this is enormously significant than i think while we are looking at is probably the beginning of the end of the iraq in mind. over the course of the last 3 years.
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older committed is molded in understanding of just how complex dentistry is essentially bottom gained with the life of the nation itself. the ruling more based on evidence and can i try that? he's formed, he's been busy, lean bid on instincts and religious whole britain bringing the tensors with final suction and devastation that we have the normal just destruction to some a life and property, but also to the long term vision of the country. so difficult to get to see how the government survived responsible for from the north by the exit, also from east sounds and width by over the relation on. so i have to admit, i wasn't expecting that sort of answer for you to say that it could be sort of beginning of the end for be made. you really think that this idea of
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a military overthrow, the government as these 2 groups are talking about is the possibility. it's a significant possibility because remember tv, if it's a lot of money to force, the army was supported by and by the government told to god so the the to been govern safely. what if we didn't, the guy we do from what the government is doing now is basically the sheet or you know, power, all man rich country or 100000000 people have been mobilizing young people safely without get consent because the more likely militia be more by the police for us, what, what the government is really trying to do now is to defend its position to defend as a cure by cory hundreds or talking to people. so from immediately
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standpoint, i think the government is going to be before you've been before for some, some different forces that could be sent to government and states. so this is potentially really bad for the whole countries. and i made the point that it appears a very regionalized country, and you might think, well, this is all happening in the, in the ticker region. and now you know, around we're getting involved as well. but the knock on effect for the rest of the country. remember when, when this conflict be gone into there were similar instance or marriage. the government has been in the army. and in fact that the one that was extended to actually began to be a whole. ready him or we had before, the governments had significant just because partly in that region, it was able to separate provisions for leasing again for, for, for a while. back when the brian's and the government
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was 6, i was in dependence. we can and also we've got 500 forest. it was, it was forcing to be big for what to be in by the government. so it's a highly parliament extension where why use our id to secure their own interests and make the government, there's more space to somebody in trying to dig into and the convergence between the, the guy and, and all that talking about other forces joining the alliance and i think that would be about the significant change in some so at the stronger stuff our, our great to talk to you and get your opinions. thank you. let's look at the wildfires starting in algeria 5 that have ripped across the mountainous
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region. they're killing at least 65 people, 28 of them actually soldiers who died during rescue operations. this map all the orange dots showing where individual fires of effected at least 16 provinces. since monday, the majority is you see slightly inland from the coastline, but the largest 5 on the of the cities of tissue in the could be region. and also by jaya where the fires started spreading. more details on this report from lower bed and many it's a desperate situation from branches to plastic containers of water locals using whatever hand to smother the claims your call, but you to we are fighting fire to protect at least the houses we evacuated, the elderly and we stayed as you can see. well no, it's all i hope mama, catch michigan as you see there, a fire everywhere. we've not seen the government here. the people are acting as the
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government long lived, the civil protection team. okay, what i'll jerry as can be region is known for its lush mountains and forests, but scorching some. temperatures have reduced the trees to kindling if one of 16 provinces in the north african country that's been hit by wildfire since monday. but many villages are isolated, difficult to reach and suffer from severe water shows just as homes burn and cause disintegrate, many people have escaped to shelter in hotels and schools. some soldiers sent into help were reportedly cut off from safety by the fires. and for comes to the flames, others badly injured with burns. for more? well, we have 3 deaths here and 4 in the village. the hospital is full of jury's prison
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abdomen. she dare. boone tweeted, condolences to the soldiers, families. the interior minister has blamed awesomeness for the fires, but so far hasn't provided details on the field on the fuel and bitter, which i wish i did. i can't tell you for beating the fire. we're fighting it with all that we have as a thick blanket of snow consumes could be as mountains and the skies tint amber. residents via crew and soldiers continue to battle the destructive force of the fires, nor by the manly out to 0. we spoke to cram, had a about the seats, a security analyst, and the chief editor of mina defense. he says, most of the victims of died simply trying to protect their properties. the people are living there. they are working there. a lot of them are are farmers,
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so they have the small cheek to cheek and so they have chips, so they try to keep their corporate is as most of the they can. so that's why we see that people are gathering and trying to fight punctually. the fire the flags, but it's very hard because they need, you know, the temperatures are really, really, really high and high, high winds things in one week. so it's very, very hard to for them to, to fight the, to fight fires with the so, so few equipment. so it, and that's why we have the unfortunate that all of up to 65 people the because rather than, than living rather than fleeing,
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they tried to fight back. and unfortunately, a lot of them died or were injured. so many other was fine as well. and very high temperatures and strong winds, fueling them right across the mediterranean, starting with italy, fire burning, in calabria, and the southern island of sicily. fi to say they've been called to at least 150 different locations on wet, and they continue to burn across greece. as well, the 2nd largest island area, at least 50000 hector's, of land have been burned in the past week, destroying homes and forcing thousands to leave. and turkey, of course has seen wildfires, but it's also seen the growing effects of climate change in recent years. like uncle, used to be home to dozens of species of animals, including flamingoes. but it's dried up when the situations raising concern among people who live in the area seen him concealed you. more from eastern city of van. if you came to this area 2 months ago,
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you would have found the $407.00 hector like a good instead, there is now a giant, dried up land. were dozens of species of fish, and fleming goes once made their home. growled has been a major problem here in turkey, especially in its eastern city is like one of the yellows family has lived near like a go for more than 70 years. he's not happy with the change. the wall of we don't have drinking water. we have access to the city water, but even before we topic, they cut off. you see the animals, you see the grass, we have no barley, no grass. if it continues like this, we will all die. our animals will die. we may need to leave this village, but go where we are waiting for god's mercy lake. i was on the migration path of various types of birds and featured several suspicious of flamingoes, like many other le guin and lakes in the space and watching them used to be a visual feast. aka lake has a mind kilometer coastline,
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but after this years lego frayne, the lake has shrunk and dried up. here is a closed basin, meaning there isn't any other water source to feed the lake. experts warn after this years dry up, the lake may never be full of water again. professor moran to ensure rec is head of the agriculture faculty at the university of van. he says less an irregular precipitation and higher temperatures are the reasons for the drought in the basin . we'll alicia mother take longer. i'm characteristically, the temperature is $3.00 to $4.00 degrees higher this year on the lake van basin, generally wheat and barley, a dry farm tier, plans that are supposed to be 60 centimeters long, came out as only 20 centimeters this year. we used to have big harvest, but this year it's down a lot and all of it became photo we'll. groundwater in aquifers is an important resource for crawford, negation and turkey. but crop production could be threatened if drought conditions
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persist. livestock raising will also be effected. some irrigation methods in this part of turkey caused 60 percent of water loss. how do they study them if it will lead the food prices to increase? this means costs will go up for livestock raising an agriculture and a couple of months. what we as citizens need to do is 1st of all, save on water. the local authorities also should reuse, surface borders for irrigation damage. lake van is the largest body of water in turkey and the 2nd largest. and the middle east is switch, and sodium carbonate and other salts. according to nathan earth, observatory, lake van is evaporating because it has no outlet to release water c. now because all the al jazeera from turkey, but in northern turkey, the situation is so different. heavy rain has hit the area and cause flash flooding like the province has been hit,
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especially hard homes have been destroyed. vehicles swept away this video showing at least one house collapsing into the flood waters. also at least 10 people killed in the land side. in northern india, several vehicles were hit when bold as tumbled down onto a highway a mountain a very in the sight of him. a child pradesh, rescuers have been working to free around 25 people. still half way through this new sound coming up, china sent him to the canadian business, been to 11 years in prison, and what had been condemned to hostage diplomacy. the over the roar of the motorcycles drowns out fee as a copay that the biggest bank rally in the united states and the los angeles lakers add another big name to their line up a detail with german sport later. ah .


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