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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2021 1:00am-1:31am AST

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holding back inevitably of mother nature's fury is dangerous and exhausting work done to give whatever we got. and the hope is the fire will stop when it runs out of fuel. but for the moment, the fuel is everything inside ah, most of ne, i've got to stop now under ton of uncontrolled, a warning that the group couldn't circle the capital cobble within a month. i'm sure that found us with that ghana stones and terry administer who tell us how the government plans to fight back against the telephone 3 in advance. ah, nor inside of this is al jazeera live from london, also coming up the hottest temperature ever recorded in europe. 48.8 degrees in
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sicily. as far as continue to rage around the mediterranean and risking it all thousands of migrants sets aside from the dangerous crossing from columbia to panama, in the hope of finding a better life. ah . hello, f kinda stones, president, ash rough gunny has flown to the northern city of missouri sharif to try to rally battled government troops. as a taliban continues its assault on territory and cities, if missouri falls, the government would effectively lose control of the country's northern region. the u. s. defense official has told the roaches news agency that they believed taliban could isolate the capital cobble in one month and take full control of the city within 90 days. in the past week the taliban has taken 9 provincial capitals. meanwhile, efforts in dough to get the taliban and african government around the negotiating
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table have ended without agreement. the taliban says it's still committed to negotiations. despite the rapid escalation in it's offensive, afghanistan's interior minister has told out his era, the government forces pushing to secure main highways, large cities and border crossings. local groups have been given alms to fight back against the taliban. charlotte bellis has this exclusive report. 5 weeks ago general abdel sat murtha quelled, stepped into the roll of it's going to stones ontario, minister in all he commands a force of 130000 people. today he is driving toward deck a province west of cobble, much of the provinces controlled by the taliban. government personnel travelling by road is rear and requires an escort of special forces. in the last 3 months, the taliban has more than doubled its territory. and in the last week started to take provincial capital. what's going through your head at the moment about those
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provinces? how? how worried? and how do you stop in the room? look, you gotta cool. we are working in 3 phases. the 1st is to stop the defeat. second, the re gather our forces, security rings around the stadium. all those soldiers that abandoned their posts were bringing them back to their posts. the 3rd is to begin offensive operation. the moment on these trips are about boosting morale. he admits that is suffered with the advances the taliban has made. also the telephone attempt to assassinate the defense minister and promised to target other government leaders. security around minister murder quo has never been tied to. a simple task of visiting checkpoints requires this many special forces. you survived multiple taliban assassination attempts, and his previous jobs as the governor of colonel and condos was. i'm a soldier,
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a soldier never gets frightened. when we wear the uniform, it means we are ready for death. i'm not worried about it. he says most of the governments losses are as a result of them losing control of roads and highways. many areas must be resupplied by air. and after the us withdrew, they lost a lot of that paper ability. but that's when it's unfortunately with their withdrawal, the fighting started in $400.00 areas of the country and we have very limited air support. the helicopters have been busy with moving supplies and evacuating our dead and injured forces. so they are delegating to local leaders, empowering them to recruit within their community to rise against the taliban. billy carmella paloma, that there are concerns from the international community about these uprising forces. at the moment, all their members will eventually merge into the afghan national security forces. would ex governor says he already has 300 men fighting in one force,
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but he complained he could only provide weapons for 2 suits the rest. he said he cannot provide with water, let alone money or arms for the last few months, people are waiting for the weapons. but unfortunately, the promises i made to these people will not fulfilled. but there is no doubt and a loyalty and desire to help get around outside the room. the minister's men, wink ward at police and soldiers joined them. this talk of last night's gains and losses, where they may be seen next and how the many injuries are healing. some briefly leave to push also tell a bon assault. thousands of police officers have abandoned the post some recent months. the interior ministry says they are returning and will be retrained in st. back to the provinces. they say 5000 people have signed up for the police force and just the last 3 weeks with another 2000 graduating this weekend. ah,
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the government strategy is slowly becoming clear, but its implementation is still fraud and the stakes have never been higher. the telephone at watching. what would you say them to do? i know. i'm asking the taliban to stop their brutality. leave killing. sit down with love and we should find solution. i'm asking them not to story buildings or are cheap minutes. i'm have to come and sit together and make a coalition. government are going to one that would be acceptable to all sides of the sooner we do this, the better yet they need leverage on the battlefield to force the group to make political compromises. and every day, with every loss that leverage weakens. charlotte bellis, osha. 0. water. afghanistan, your state department spokesperson says the u. s. intends to forge an international consensus in the push for peace accord in afghanistan, while admitting talks in doha have been painfully slow,
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but the return of us troops is off the table. the fact is that we will not hesitate if we think it will be in the interests of the people of afghanistan. if we think it is an appropriate recourse to you to use any and all tools at our disposal, the one the one tool we have taken off the table, of course is the, the reintroduction of your service members. because this president, in the priority attaching that he attaches to the safety security of american citizens, including of course our, our service members. we have concluded that the united states will no longer use our service members as sources of leverage in a negotiation. representatives from several countries have met taliban and africa negotiators in cutout capital to try to get them around the negotiating table. the african government is concerned that the group is not serious about funding
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a political solution. i'm a jump room has more. very few concrete details emerging from day 2 of the ap can talk here and do what we do know is that there was a meeting of the extended troika that is comprised of russia, the us, china, and pockets on the extended troika, is a moscow initiated group that conducts consultations on ways to support inter afghan negotiation to help the parties reach a political settlement in afghanistan and to reach a ceasefire. now all the diplomats that we've spoken with thus far have said that of paramount importance during these talks is to try to come up with a joint solution for the rapidly deteriorating situation in afghanistan. the fact that these talks are being held, it all really goes to show just how much urgency there is. how much impetus there is for the international community to try to come up with some kind of a solution. and to also try to get the inter african piece talks and dialogue back
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on track. of course the inter app can piece process the last time they help talks and how was in mid july, and it's really come to a stalemate. so one of the things that diplomats want to see out of this is they want to see a way for the afghan government and the taller bond to resume their negotiations to try to come up with a cease fire at such a critical juncture. and to really do all they can to improve the situation in afghanistan. thomas h. johnson is an author and research professor of the national security affairs department at the naval postgraduate school. he says the piece talks and have little chance of success with a taliban political chief and co founder motor i bologna. barracuda, demanding more than the government can give. it's very important to remember that even before the piece talk started, which were september 12th of last year, graders assistant came out said they were to non negotiable demands of these talks . one is that they wanted to re establish the islamic emerett and to they wanted
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to reestablish their view of radical d o bonds. sri la either of those to. ready mean to enter the capital regime. i mean, it took 2 months for them to even come up with any procedures and they're still arguing about procedures for the talks. ah, the city on the italian on and of sicily, his record to europe. hottest ever temperature. syracusa registered 48.8 degrees. the world mitre logical organisation is expected to verify the record shortly. well, that heat wave is fueling fires in the south of richly homes. animals and crops insist cities monia mountains have been destroyed in recent days. there are also fears of pfizer opting in spain and portugal, but temperatures could reach the low fourties. greece is government has pledged
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billions of dollars in aid for people and forests affected by fires. those who lost homes will get cash pouts and tax exemptions. but as in bus robbie reports from india island, it may not be enough to quote public anger. the no hope you have, let me know, my buddy, god, they're going to put another ball there is anger. regret in the i don't, i don't know when wildfires began greece's prime minister kitty said houses can be rebuilt. now is the time to save your lives where the fires have stopped on the island. there is a clear picture of the price people paid to heed his words, he give em, you cannot even get back with me. i want to see the government hanged from that pine tree and burning. that's it. that's what the government did. are they going to give me back the house as it was? what i'm going through now? can they give everything back to me? my happiness, my joy. right now? no amount of money seems like enough compensation most get. i spoke to the law
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office to say thank you very interesting. i'm going to tell you what the government's mistake was. they told us to evacuate the villages and towns, so there were no casualties. i remember in the past when there was a fire, the church bells would ring. all the people in the nearby towns and villages would go to the fire and put it out themselves with their own hands. men, young kids, so the fire doesn't spread. now with the evacuation the people left, so there are no victims, and the evacuation was obligatory. whoever's homes were not burned, they saved their homes because they were hiding under their cars. so the police could not find them and tell them to leave these other people who saved their homes . even the wildfires in heavier happened at the same time as the ones in the north of athens residence blamed the decision to divert rescue teams and water dropping aircraft away from for the severity of the fires. many who followed evacuation orders lost everything. one woman who was told help is on the way,
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said her form ended up burning down, and she is still waiting for the firefighters to show up the speed. reading my household fi, everything detracted agricultural equipment. up animals are warehouses and food. that's what we lived. oh yes, we asked to help and nobody offered it. my husband is getting in the other villages to help fight fires. why now? house burned down and what can i say? what else can i say see at this church or community center in rove? yes, 8 has been coming in from all over the country, food, water, all kinds of other supplies. and it is available here for whoever needs that the overwhelming message from the people that we've met here is it now is a time for solidarity. now is the time to help and support each other because of as many of them have said to us, they feel there is no other help coming across greece. communities like this have had hard days and the road to recovery looks long zane bus robbie: oh,
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jazeera grove, yes. village on greases area island adapted from 5 ravaging algeria. the mountains and villages has climbed to 65. down here in red crescent says a 1000 people have been injured and more than 600 families left homeless. 28 soldiers died, watching the fires still to come. this off, out, found guilty of spying. china sentences, a canadian businessman to 11 years in prison, customers and big and around, and troops re take a key town from fighters as they tried to push them out of mineral rich capital. aah! who's? hello your whether story for asia coming up in a bit, hang tight 1st we're going to start in australia and truth be told not
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a whole lot going on just some cloud cover for southern coastal areas, but look at the wind for tasmania. that's really the big story here. so the next 3 days for hobart, we could see winds blast up to 88 kilometers per hour on sunday. volatile weather is enveloping new zealand rain and also wind warnings in play here. so let's talk about it in terms of those winds, we could see them up to a 130 kilometers per hour in exposed areas. and then there's that rain maybe up to a $130.00 millimeters. sure, this will mostly be a for the southern alps. and the foothills, but still saki weather to come. ok, here we go. the weather for asia as we move into the philippines are seen subdued. rain, but still high humidity here. manila 30. but it will feel about 40 on thursday. now we are getting bursts of rain really from the gang see river valley down to the south trying to see over the past 24 hours. we've seen anywhere from about 50 to a 100 millimeters of rain. and our plum rains are really getting going across
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seeing see river valley out toward the east, china sea and southern sections of japan. 32 for tokyo on thursday. see you soon. the north korea isolated and heavily sanction yet earning billions around the globe, 0. 39 is involved in everything that makes money for korea. they carry different passwords take on the money this year and it goes straight into the coffers of leadership. a to park. people empower investigation bureau, 39 cache for can park to on a jazzy oh,
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a tough stories. elijah's era, a u. s. defense official warner. the taliban could surround afghanistan's capital cobble in 30 days and take it in. just 90 group has seized control of 9 provincial capitals in the past week. in the exclusive interview with al jazeera afghanistan's interior minister has revealed the government son to stop the taliban government during support behind the local uprising business. here whose own italian island officially has recorded europe's hottest of a temperature of 48.8 degrees. the heat wave is fueling 5 in the south originally with homes and crops destroyed. while turkeys, southwest struggles with fires. the north of the country has been hit by flash flooding homes and cars have been swept away in the black sea province of c nope.
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authorities, at least one person has died and another is missing. 13 people were injured when a bridge collapsed in thought in. i try to ease the migrant crosses on its border with columbia. the panamanian government is announced. it will allow more people into the country. it will accept $650.00 people a day until the end of the month and $500.00 day from next month. the number of people making their way to panama has been rising for months. now, just the return label has more from san vicente were here at this reception, centered in the province of panama. this is a monday thousands of migrant arriving this year. and they're coming from a darian gap, which is one of the jungle in the world. people here are being assisted, they're giving shelters to prepare for their jerry and most of the people we can tell we also during the work of what they had to endure. we hear
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stories of those who had to leave the relative behind their friends behind those who were injured and had to be left behind of how some people were taken by the river and disappeared. we just spoke, for example, with a group of cubans for traveling together and they were rob. we're also hearing lots of record of women working great across the journey. they're saying that there's family, military groups, among other things, $88.00 women have reported that they have been raised on the trip up from columbia . cuba and other countries have current crisis. and that's why the panamanian government is trying to really within the region to try to talk to what's happening here. they say that a humanitarian approach is needed in order to cope with a crisis to control the flow of migrant so they can be effective. but i mean,
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in authority, say that they want to give shelter to get some medical treatment back there, assisting mike to get to the border. most of the people we have spoken to the fibers of the guardian got their getting ready with their journey, with all the assistance that they are receiving in the centers that are located close to the border with columbia and joint forces. ms. m. beacon and randon troops, you've regained control of a strategic bought in more northern mozambique from a local group. say they're still pursuing the fighters in neighboring areas or symbols. the prior was a major rebel stronghold used by the group to launch attacks in other parts of the mineral and natural gas rich capital got a province, catherine, soil report, the destruction in covered l. capitals. we'll see what our prior is staggering. wasn't big and running shorts. we took this important port town on sunday. it was being used by the arm to group, locally known as all show bob,
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which has ties to iso as a base to launch attacks across the province. the fighters foster talk to town in 2017 mocking the beginning of the conflict in this ruby and natural gas reach nothin most region of mozambique. they took control of what the prior in 2020 but people who fled their homes. and i'll be asked by local officials to return frequent patrols around the town on making that easier for some money because won't be there to not can be a mumble. we for the so just came, we were being chased around like the ghost by us. now police were suffering in the forest where we winding. now we have coming back to civilization. taking this port town is a major victory for the troops. they say they want to remove all show bob from the entire province within a month our actions talk more than what
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i can see today. we are free wherever most of the, the prior fred from terrorist but this is different speech. the next stage is to move forward to go today a big strong hold. some honestly say the rebellion in cupboard l god is largely wanted aided by inequality and grievances against the state. it's also believed fighters from other parts of the continent are involved. and more than big historically, weak security forces, why unable to deal with a situation. so what a deployed about a 1000 soldiers in july to help other southern african nation have also promised to send a stop by force destroying those a stronghold is the initial part. but the symbolism on the phase is also another
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phase that we believe we were to play a part. as we progress was the hall peaceful area of a couple of the soldiers, a strategizing, the next move. they say they want to make sure all sure bob fighters don't return the people they're here to protect the they just want to get on with their life. katherine saw all 0 sexual violence has been used systematically as a weapon of war in ethiopia to grow region. according to a report by amnesty international, it says hundreds of women and girls have been rate by many if you can and retrain soldiers. i'll have a morgan has this report, the face conflict and displacement, but the women and girls in the gray region of northern european have also been subjected to rape other sexual violence and slavery. amnesty international interviewed more than 60 victims. and in a report,
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they soldiers from the european and returned armies. our special forces and militia, as are the main perpetrators. we met back to camp at the refugee camp in neighboring sudan in me, one of more than 60000 to grant who fled the fighting in northern european. she says she was raped at the thought of the conflict in november before military soldiers from her. i got me and took me to a house there, 2 of them with me for days there refused to give me food or water. they beat me when i tried to run away to the point i still suffer from back pain. i begged them to stop and ask them why they were doing this to me. they said that it's because i'm from t green. i get a booster can told us she's still haunted by her ordeal. i miss these reports as the acts of sexual violence constitute work crimes and may amount to crimes against humanity and were intended to terrorize and humiliate the victim and their ethnic group. some survivors have had to have surgery after being raped. some have since tested positive for
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h i v. others reported physical trauma including bleeding back pain and immobility . we are now 9 months into into the t great conflict and really statements to condemn the atrocities no longer suffice. and the un secretary general must send to t grey as soon as possible is a team of experts on sexual violence in conflict. any special representative on the se misuse. the conflict integral has displaced nearly 2000000 people and left more than 5000000 in need of 8. according to the united nations, rape has been used as a weapon of war with more than 500 cases of rape and sexual violence recorded between november and made. several reports have been released on sexual violence in particular conflict, some of which also accused to grand people's liberation front or t p less of atrocities. aid groups working with victims in the refugee camps in sudan. se the known cases are just the tip of the iceberg. you know, on the report,
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the thing is everywhere. and you know, there is many parts fixing these, like the feeling of shame of the park thing may be said, why don't know what the service of that is said with you be able to give you the wasn't that com and all these talks contributing to and the report thing if you p as government has previously described the allegations as propaganda, but in me it convicted 3 pm soldiers and indicted 25 others for rape and other forms of sexual violence from any survivors. just as far from being therapy. he will morgan, all just the room. it's really enjoy the show has agreed to pay $111000000.00 in compensation for oil spills in nigeria in the 19 seventy's communities in the oil producing south of long for legal battles with the company over environmental
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damages show, maintains the spills were caused by 3rd parties during nigeria civil war. in january, a dutch court ordered shell to compensate nigerian farmers for spills that polluted much of the land and the niger delta. after a 13 year legal battle, canada's prime minister has condemned china's sentencing of a canadian businessman to 11 years in prison for espionage. just intruders, as the ruling against michael's paypal is absolutely unacceptable and called for his immediate release. khatri, you reports from beijing. the verdict sentencing canadian, michael spafford to 11 years in prison was delivered behind closed doors in a courtroom in the northeast in chinese city of dun don't. the city had been home to the businessman, who organized tools to north korea until he was detained in december 2018 and charged with sharing state secrets. for the canadian diplomat, michael coverage was also arrested and charged with spying. both men were tried in
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march after more than 2 years in detention. savage sentence was condemned by candidates ambassador to china. we've maintained from the beginning that michael stabber and michael covert are being detained arbitrarily. and we will continue to call for their immediate relief. denouncement came, the chinese executive, one job faces caught in vancouver in a final push to fight expedition to the united states. the former huawei chief financial officer is accused of violating sanctions on iran. relations between china and canada. have soured considerably more ingenious. should she get mad when jose case is purely politically motivated? these 2 canadians are suspected of any kind of data security and stubble and covered retained just weeks after months arrest ottawa has accused pages of hostage to plastic intellect, canadian prime minister, the judge intruder issued
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a statement saying the ruling was unjust, and lacked transparency. representatives from 25 countries, including the u. s. u. k, and japan appeared at the canadian embassy in beijing and supporters babel. the chinese court says it's michael, babble to 11 years in prison and audited people cation. but it's unclear when that would happen. canadian officials say it's more likely after the jail tend to search, but some say it could be an option used as a bargaining chip. it can. it all hangs on what happens to miss mung and cooper. perhaps later if she is extradited in washington. the verdict follows the upholding of the death sentence of another canadian, vic schellenberg. on tuesday, he was jailed in china and 2014 for drug smuggling. it's unclear when the court will give its decision on michael coverage. michael spafford has 10 days to appeal his sentence, but in the country, when 99 percent of criminal cases are found guilty,
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the chances of returning the ruling unlikely. katrina you out 0 beating. a british man has been arrested in germany accused of spying for russia. the 57 year old was detained at the british embassy in berlin, where he worked closely to say he sent documents obtained from his workplace to a representative of the russian intelligence service. in exchange, the cash ah top stories are now to 0. the u. s. defense official warns the taliban could surround africa, stones, capital, capital in 30 days and take it in just 90. the group has seized control of 9 provincial capitals in the past week and an army headquarters on wednesday. it's estimated to be in control of 2 thirds of the country with government forces fighting on multiple fronts to try to stem the.


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