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tv   [untitled]    August 12, 2021 3:00am-3:31am AST

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ah, i care about helping us engages with the rest of the world. we're really interested in taking you into a play you might not visit otherwise. i feel as if you were there. the news. ready the taliban takes charge of a 9th provincial capital in a gun is done while emergency talks continue to try to end the fighting. a warning to be all group couldn't circle a capital cobble by the middle of september. i'm sure the found this with the scanner stones and terry administer to tell us how the government plans to fight back against the taliban reason it's on. ah, the whole rahman, what else they were like?
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well, headquarters here in the whole. so coming up, battling fires with no end in sight, we follow the fight to save land homes and live in isolated parts of algeria. plus the fee is millions of people living on india street, su, aren't getting vaccinations. the cobit 19. ah, welcome to the peg. we begin in a gun this fall where it's president sheriff connie has flown to the government's last stronghold in the north as the taliban continues its rapid and violent assault on territory. across the country, connie arrived in the city of missouri sharif and a bid to rally government troops in the escalating battle with taliban fighters. if the city falls, the government would lose control of the northern region. the us defense official has told reuters news agency they believe the taliban could isolate the capital cobble in at least a month. in the past week televisions taken 9 of the countries 34 provincial
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capitals. meanwhile, efforts to get the taliban and african government back to the negotiating table in doha failed the armed group. and since that committed to further talks, but government representatives claim the taliban isn't interested in a political solution. and an exclusive interview with al jazeera, as his sons interior minister told us that local groups are being given weapons to fight back against the taliban offensive. he says that govern force is pushing to secure main highways. large cities and border crossings. charlotte bellis has this exclusive report with the minister 5 weeks ago general abdul sat mirza quell slipped into the roll of f. ganna stones and terry, a minister in all he commands a force of 130000 people. today he is driving toward deck a province west of cobble. much of the province is controlled by the telephone for government personnel travelling by road is rear and requires an escort of special
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forces in the last 3 months. so taliban has more than doubled its territory. and in the last week started to take provincial capital. what's going through your head at the moment about those provinces? how? how worried you and how do you put the room? looks cool. we are working in 3 phases. the 1st is to stop the defeat. second, the re gather our forces, security rings around the city with all those soldiers that abandon their posts were bringing them back to their posts. the 3rd is to begin offensive operation. the moment on these trips or about boosting morale, he admits that is suffered with the advances the taliban has made. also the telephone attempt to assassinate the defense minister and promised to target other government leaders. security around minister murder quote has never been tied to a simple task of visiting checkpoints requires this many special forces. you
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survived multiple taliban assassination attempts, and his previous jobs as the governor of colonel and condos was. i'm a soldier, a soldier never gets frightened. when we wear the uniform, it means we are ready for death. i'm not worried about it. he says a lot of the governments losses are as a result of them losing control of roads and highways. many areas must be resupplied by ear and after us withdrew they lost a lot of that capability. but as far as unfortunately with their withdrawal, the fighting started in $400.00 areas of the country and we have very limited air support. the helicopters have been busy with moving supplies and evacuating our dead and injured force, and so they are delegating to local leaders, empowering them to recruit within their community to rise against the taliban. billy car millions, dilemma. the, there are concerns from the international community about these uprising forces at
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the moment that the, all their members will eventually merge into the afghan national security forces. would ex governor says he already has 300 men fighting in one 4th. but he complained he could only provide weapons for 2 thirds the rest. he said he cannot provide with water, let alone money or arms. for the last few months, people are waiting for the weapons. but unfortunately, the promises i made to these people were not fulfilled. but there was no doubt and a loyalty and desire to help her get her around outside the room. the minister's men winked. wouldn't police and soldiers joined them? the talk of last nights, gains and losses, where they may be st. next. and how the many injuries are healing. some briefly leave to push off taliban assaults. thousands of police officers have abandoned their posts in recent months. the interior ministry says they are returning and
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will be retrained. been sent back to the provinces. they say 5000 people have signed up for the police force and just the last 3 weeks with another 2000 graduating this weekend. ah, the government strategy is slowly becoming clear, but its implementation is still fraud. and the stakes have never been higher. the tell about what, what would you say them to do? i know last i'm asking the taliban to stop their brutality. leave killing. sit down with love and we should find solution. i'm asking them not to destroy buildings or are cheap minutes and let's come and sit together and make a coalition. government is one that would be acceptable to all side. the sooner we do this, the better yet they need leverage on the battlefield to force a group to make political compromises. and every day, with every loss that leverage weakens. charlotte bellis al jazeera warder,
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afghanistan. while the bride has more from cannibal, the ever changing map of who controls what in afghanistan really not looking good for the government after. what's been another very heavy day of fighting? you know, more than 25 years ago when the taliban 1st emerged largely from the south of the country, it found resistance to it in the north. what eventually became known as the northern alliance? well, you know, we seem with his latest resurgence that resistance simply being swept away with the gains of these territories and provincial cities really leaving only bizarre sharif ms. r sharif was the only the city holding out against the taliban in the north. another city can do which is very important in the north, fell to the taliban at the weekend. and now we know that the airport, which had been holding out to conduce that is also full. and there are reports, a very heavy fighting around conduce. and that is significant because given its importance, the government has promised a will. we take this city and we have been expecting a counter attack. so that's
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a real test because if it fails that test, if it doesn't, we take that safety. that's going to be very telling on which direction this whole conflict is moving. so you have all of these gains in the north. and then of course there's the continuing violence in the south. in helmand, in kandahar the strongholds of the taliban in the city of laska, which is heavily contested, there has been a massive car bomb. this was a humvee packed with explosives that was trying to get to the main police headquarters. it was intercepted as he was detonated, causing a number of casualties. meanwhile, in neighboring kansas city, that city has been under attack from all 4 sides, so that fighting in the north and the fighting and advance is made in the south. that really puts a psychological pressure on the center here in cobble will into the days of the news now and wildfires. now jerry and ripped across his mountainous regions killing at least 65 people fell. jerry and red crescent says more than 1000 people having
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injured and that the 600 families have been left homeless. the president fired a 3 day period of morning to honor lives last, which included 28 soldiers officials. they also suspected in some of the size in the barber region of compile, despite the ongoing heat wave, laura burton manley reports it's a desperate situation from branches to plastic containers of water locals using whatever hand to smuggle the flames your call, but you to we have fighting fire to protect at least the houses we evacuated, the elderly and we stayed, as you can see on the hook, mama catch michigan. as you see there are 5 everywhere. we've not seen the government here. the people are acting as the government long lived. the civil protection team was jerry, as can be region, is known for its lush mountains and forests,
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but scorching summer temperatures have reduced the trees to kindling if one of 16 provinces in the north african country that's been hit by wildfire since monday. but many villages are isolated, difficult to reach and suffer from severe water source just as home burn and cause disintegrate. many people have escaped to shelter in hotels and schools. some soldiers sent into help were reportedly cut off from safety by the fires. answer comes to the flames. others badly injured with burns more? well, we have 3 dips here and for the village. the hospital is full. our jury's present abdomen, she dare. boone tweeted, condolences to the soldiers, families. the interior minister has blamed awesomeness for the fires,
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but so far hasn't provided details. no coffee will and in the bitter which i can tell you for beating the fire, we're fighting it with all that we have as a thick blanket of snow consumes could be as mountains and the skies tint, amber residents, fire crew and soldiers continue to battle. the destructive force of the fires, nor by the manly out 0 creases. government has pledged billions of dollars in aid for people and for is affected by the devastating wildfires. those who have lost homes will get cash payouts and tax exemptions. but as a bas wrong report from every island, it may not be enough to qual, public anger. and i hope that you can. 6 let me know, my budget god, they're going to put the ball. there is anger and regret in when wildfires began greece's prime minister kitty customer to talk,
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he's said houses can be rebuilt. now is the time to save your lives where the fires have stopped on the island. there is a clear picture of the price people paid to heed his words, he give em. you cannot be the case for beth. i want to see the government hanged from that pine tree and burning. that's it. that's what the government did. of a going to give me back the house as it was. what i'm going through now. can they give everything back to me? my happiness, my joy. right now, no amount of money seems like enough compensation. most get us. i spoke to the office to say 50 bed and he said, i'm going to tell you what the government's mistake was. they told us to evacuate the villages and towns, so there were no casualties. i remember in the past when there was a fire, the church bells would ring. all the people in the nearby towns and villages would go to the fire and put it out themselves with their own hands. men, young kids, so the fire doesn't spread the mama now with the evacuation the people left. so
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there are no victims. and the evacuation was obligatory, whoever's homes were not burned, they saved their homes because they were hiding under their cars. so the police could not find them and tell them to leave these other people who saved their homes and the wildfires in heavier happened at the same time as the ones in the north of athens. residents blamed the decision to divert rescue teams and water dropping aircraft away from, for the severity of the fires. many who followed evacuation orders lost everything. one woman who was told help is on the way, said her form ended up burning down. and she is still waiting for the firefighters to show up. the speed will be to my house caught fire. everything was turned, detractors, agricultural equipment. animals are warehouses in food. that's what we lived off. we asked to help and nobody offered it. my husband who did talk to in the other villages to help fight fires. why now house burned down and what can i say?
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what else can i say see at this church or community center and rub? yes, 8 has been coming in from all over the country, food, water, all kinds of other supplies. and it is available here for whoever needs that the overwhelming message from the people that we've met here is that now is the time for solidarity. now is the time to help and support each other because of as many of them have said to us, they feel there is no other help coming across greece. communities like this have had hard days and the road to recovery looks long. zane bas robbie. oh, jazeera grove, yes. village on greases area island, while fires also burning through the vast forest of south eastern siberia, where there are more than a 100 active flames. emergency officials said smoke shrouded more than 700 villages and 9 cities in the goods. and you could tear regions. nearly 4000000 hector's of land have been damaged by the fires. when the people living in the cookie is metal
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in ski village were evacuated. and a blistering heat wave is also feeling fires in southern ethylene homes and crops in the sleeves. matoney mountains may be destroyed as well. so phase that fires, but also ignite in spain and portugal where temperatures may soon reach the low fourties. and the heat wave is also found in guam fans in tennessee as western mountainous regions. temperatures on wednesday reached high for 49 degrees celsius . the demands the power of an ac conditioning has led to electricity outages in some parts of the country. while still had here on out there why protest isn't poland thing the government is trying to silence its critics. after pushed through a controversial media vill oh, something jobs for the jobless. i'm b as opposition. candidate aims to win in certain states general election to stay with us here along with
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the it's another beautiful sunny day at 35000 feet. the weather sponsored by cattle airways booted world's best airline of 2021. hello, good to see you. here's the thing, the southwest monsoon for the west coast of india, we're going to lose some of that intensity. so in fact, for places like new delhi, a mix of sun in cloud on wednesday. but where the monsoon rains are picking up is toward the northeast. so indian states like the har westbank all into disha, this is really where we're going to have to watch for the potential of some flash flooding in the mon soon range really shopping up against the foothills of the himalayas. so the paul and booth tan will also see that rain pick up on thursday. meantime, asia pacific, we've got our plum rains, they're really getting go and let me put this into motion right now and you see really not a whole lot of change. these are training storms,
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so that's when the rain is parked over an area and just ringing out it's moisture through the yang. see the east china sea into southern sections of japan. speaking of the yang sea, pretty much from the yang sea to the south trying to see we've got birth of rain here. anywhere from about 50 to 100 millimeters of rain has been falling over the past 24 hours in time. subdued rain across the philippines, but locked into high humidity here. so manila 30 feeling about 40 and we've got some big storms over borneo on thursday. that sure weather update season. the weather sponsored by cattle airways, voted world's best airline of 2021. since the celebration, the food for reconciliation, ah, and from ancient civilization, algae 0 world goes on a mouth watering, cut, and re journey from spain to the middle east. to discover the hidden history behind
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some of the region. bad luck, diffuse favoring the hard on out. did the me the the me watching i'll just there with me the whole realm. the reminder of all top stories i've gotten present, shock, county has visited the government last stronghold and all that a bit to rally troops against an escalating battle with a taliban. if the city of missouri falls, the government would lose control of the country's north. efforts to get the taliban as can government back to negotiating table in doha sales. the armed group insist that committed to fed the tools for government representatives claimed
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talented and interested in a political solution. a while now, jerry had ripped across its mountainous regions kinda get at least 65 people. count . syrian by clinton says more than 1000 people are being injured. the presence of the class, 3 days of the morning, poland government has pushed through a media ownership bill that many se threatens press freedom. the controversial law passed with a narrow win in parliament after the vote was briefly postponed by the opposition pull. brendan house, the story. yeah, pre media is the chant, thousands of demonstrators in dozens of polish towns and cities have taken up the call that convinced that the right wing government a prime minister, much more of the sky is trying to silence the channel t the n 24. whose flagship news program is watch daily by millions that's exhibit that is if that happened,
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we would have party propaganda from the possible bosses. that would be no democracy, no freedom of speech and nothing. the new law would stop non european owners from having a controlling. they can polish broadcasters, tv in is owned by the american group discovery. the prime minister says it will protect poland from foreign interference and disinformation. but many see it as late and censorship of a critical media outlets. a move reminiscence of poems communist past. what's going to be that the source is imposing us? what we have to watch on there has to be in principle, a diverse agenda for every one of the issues of interest. and i'm scared that they will be seen to ship that it will be followed by a lack of democracy, basically at hotel a terry and state democracy itself seems in crisis. it was outrage on wednesday after the opposition won a vote to postpone the master until next week and he for the speaker to set aside that result in order to vote to be re run. now you made intense, political,
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and twisting, and horse trading. the government won the re run and then push the media ownership the through by 12. that's the cost of victory, is that the prime ministers, justice and law party has been left without a stable parliamentary majority the form of pm, donald tusk. the scene by some a potential leader of a rival coalition in the year, we will not be indifferent. we are not resigned, we will shout, we will fight, and we will win. the justice and law party has been accused of repeatedly defined democratic principles during its 6 years in power. there are ongoing with brussels on the europe, ian course and, but on issues, including judicial independence and l g b t. right. and the white house says president vital it taking a keen interest in the fate to tv in for now the prime minister is pressing on, but a snap election looks increasingly likely, the whole brennan al jazeera prescription. the if you're on group says it struck an
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alliance with try forces to overthrow the government and his arbor, the mer liberation. army says it's joined hands with the 2 great people's liberation front or the p p l. f. as it's name, which has been fighting the government for 9 months, based groups have been added to the government parallel earlier in the n. i was a low is an analyst on the whole of africa and seen the electron keel university. he thinks the new rebel alliance poses a serious threat to the european government. this is enormously significant. while we are looking at is probably the beginning of the end of our beyond the era in mind who, over the course of the last 3 years over committed, is noted in understanding just how complex the dentist is essentially bought again with the life or the self lean more evidence and can i find that
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useful? he's, he's smith, there's only one entity and really just whole bridge and bringing the answer to the findings, fraction and devastation that we have the normal just destruction to the life and hoping you, but also to the long term ation of the country. so this is a very difficult to beta, how government survive, response load was from the north by different also from east south and west by over the relation on what the government is, we need to do now used to defend its position to defend as your wife courtney saunders will talk to people. so from some point, i think the government is in a position because if you have any points for that, no longer significant forces that could be sent to government in the state. me
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fear that 10 percent of india's adult population has been fully vaccinated against covered 19. but even as more doses have become available, the country's homeless population has little or no access to them. and the supreme court has asked the government to explain why the middle has moved from the capital, new delhi mohammad. our chrome is with his children in their makeshift home. it's attend, made entirely of plastic sheets, offering little relief against the scorching heat, like others in the settlement of a chrome field. he's been ignored and forgotten about by the government. during the pandemic work has been hard to come by, and there's been little or no support for those suffering from cooper 19 or to get the vaccine. some officials came and they don't to go names and left, but no one has come to vaccinate. yes, they come often to tell us to vacate that's it. even though vaccinations offering
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india accessing the jobs has been virtually impossible for those living on the margin of the more than 4000000 people who are homeless in india. at least 250000 live on the streets of new delhi. a recent study found that more than 80 percent of them had not been vaccinated, mainly because they were unable to register online. a short bond is a social worker who grew up on the streets. during the last down he was spreading awareness about corporate 19 and is now trying to encourage vaccination. one is the people are so scared because of the human and the government hasn't done enough to educate them about the vaccine. you may know about it from newspapers, but they don't have the facility give us some southern, most of them don't have phones and those who do cannot afford to recharge the battery or the for. so there are many issues with getting vaccinated in your
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supreme court is hearing a plea to prioritize vaccinations for the homeless. it has all the authorities, details about what is being done to protect them from the virus bees. we bell, who are actually the last segment of the society. no one is actually concerned or bothered about them about direct nation. i mean, if they are not vaccinated, they will become unintentional carrier to solve. even if access improve, many like sony are reluctant to get a short on good people have died because of the vaccine, so we will not get the vaccine. and if we get the shot who will take care of our kids, the pandemic has already exposed the socio economic inequities in india. now, the fact millions of homeless people are not being vaccinated is threatening to hamper the fight against corona virus. park middle al jazeera new delhi, the israelis imposing the quote of ours restrictions, and they include
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a limit on mass gatherings and implementing digital vaccine passports that he measures were approved due to a recent spike. can you infections fueled by the more infections delta variant? the health ministry reported more than 5700 new cases in the day. the highest since february restrictions had been largely lifted up the country's vaccination. dr. started giving booster shots to people over 60 mexico reported close to 23000 new quote virus cases on wednesday. it's push the total number of cases past 3, millions and spun. debit began. more contagious delta, very into his thoughts be behind the increasing number of people getting tons fiddle mozambie and set the poles in a few hours with the fight against corruption and the economy. top of the agenda, one of africa's most indebted nations is facing an economic turmoil on the pending bailout. how do tasa has more from look sucka? the candidate, her guy in the he to lemme is promising to great job suzanne
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b as jobless youth unemployment, his tenure, high last year. he's been anger and frustration about the economy. that's why supportive of each limb as opposition. united party for national development, a confidence he can beat incumbent president. it's a long so he's a scared of that going to do because sanity is going to the dentist going to be gave. we have committed some in offense. it's been too much for the cases. so they're scared to handle the power, but does that mean people little bit better? pipper will make sure that we handle the power to the president lose batches, say the and not worried the candidates plan to increase their control of the minds as well as development projects built by the government and paid for by debt. zambia has more than $12000000000.00 of external debt, as well as an unknown amount of debt to china. but legal governing party supported believe the new roads, bridges, power stations,
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hospitals and airports are with it. all the people in the position is to accuse us of what i'm trying to accuse us of stealing because of the things that they cannot even 25. so they're losing us pretty much because you know, because we've tested the ground, we've read what people think corruption is another issue for voters waste and donors have suspended age to zambia, saying they are concerned about financial mismanagement. if we do not to tackle corruption, then you find that we have what a distortion within the economy. and we have seen this in the last years that the people that seem to have the resources in the country and not the private sector who run businesses. but people who affiliated to political parties, and this is speaking to corruption, which is really negative 3, want to make the country is relatively calm, but endless. predict this is going to be a hotly contested election offices, a vote if no candidates kill as an outright majority in the 1st round in iran has
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to take place. 5 years ago, president edgarland go, narrowly defeated, his rival. lemme resolve the opposition was ringed, but they failed to overturn it in court. there has been some incidents of violence by governing party and opposition supported across the country in the run up to the vote. that's why president lucas said he deployed the military to maintain peace, but minis, ambiance, fear that could be more political violence. if election results are disputed. how to tulsa algebra, the 2nd, ah, you want you out there with me? it's a whole rom, the reminder of all top stories, africa, and present a chef. connie has visited the government's last stronghold in the north and a bit to rally troops against an escalating battle with the taliban. if the city of missouri surely falls, the government would lose control of the countries north of.


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