tv [untitled] August 12, 2021 10:00pm-10:31pm AST
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how many nukes has too many new america has in many ways driven the arms race parties are much more like the british parties. now, there are, you will regulation to own a tiger. then there are tone a dog. how can this be happening? you know, we take on us politics and, and that's the bottom line. ah, the taliban is relentless notch across afghanistan gaffney and her out claimed by the fighters. kandahar is under threat and us troops a dispatched to campbell. ah, i'm not trying to, this is al jazeera alive from london was coming up high, a voter turnout across ambia as a country decides on its pregnant post say the election is too close to call.
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nearly 70 dead, jerry as far emergency as the nation begins 3 days of morning. and a fresh wave of coverage infections and deaths is ignored and the u. s. a thousands attend the iowa state fed. ah, hello, it's nearing midnight thursday and i've kind of done a day in which the taliban captured yet more major target. the city of guys me, which is just 3 hours from the capital. the target was a significant price so far as her rat countries, 3rd largest city. now there's fighting and i've got a song, 2nd city, kandaher. 11 provincial capitals have fallen in the past week, and advance seems to be heading inevitably towards cobble us troops have been dispatched to the airport there to help pull out embassy stuff. she had her tansy is in washington. but 1st let's hear from charlotte bellis in couple. charlotte we
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can confirmed here that herat has fallen this evening residence there. we took about half a dozen page for her also at the same thing that they would tell yvonne in all the streets in the center of town that they had come into town this afternoon. pushed through, they had been trying to get into the city for about a month, but they made a breakthrough cross through the front line this afternoon and they broke into the prison. they got into the police compound. they got into the governor's compound, they released all the prisoners residents telling us that they had prison is one man, said my relatives when the prison another in my house. and they could hear gunfire . but they said us driving through town. that gunfire is not coming from clashes from security force. it is, is it is celebration, reagan fire coming from the taliban. they said from what they could say that security forces seem to just give up without a fight. now it is a huge price. as you said, for the taliban, the 3rd biggest city in afghanistan and a huge loss for the government is the biggest city and the west and. and they had
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tried very, very hard to hold onto it. they had empowered the former governor of harass his name is male hon. to create a local uprising movement who had worked with the special forces using it strikes also to keep the telephone out. but the taliban breaking through this evening. it is not the only place that the taliban claiming this evening. they have also claimed a province near that. in the west school bag geese was took to local journalists there. that said, heavy fighting has been ongoing in that province. that they are a police, an intelligence compounds have been captured, but there is some heavy fighting. and the governors compound, there's not entirely captured by the taliban, but certainly on the cost of going there is also heavy fighting in kansas city. now that is incredibly important because it is the 2nd biggest city in afghanistan. it is the birthplace of the taliban. they have been fighting incredibly hard to get and the government has seen a lot of the most elite special forces to keep the telephone out us. it strikes
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have been ongoing there to, to try and, and push the taliban out for at least a month. but they, they managed to get into the heart of the city today. we saw the videos of it thought communications are very poor, so it's incredibly hard to stand up exactly where they're at. now i talked to someone at the short time ago who said he'd be fighting is ongoing, but it's hard to tell exactly what the telephone now controlled in kandahar city was communications down. not earlier today, the province of gods and he fell gods ne city. it's just 150 kilometers from cobble with the closest city to cobble that they had captured his report on that. professor taliban fi, she's overlooking land that would soon be there's the group tried to take got me 3 years ago, but failed. this time it had control. in a matter of hours you can see our fighters with tanks from the city were doing an operation heading towards the police headquarters. there was
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a prison break and the prisoners were released. the taliban are here and we're moving forward to capture more places. keep watching. the governor governor don't lead money. is accused of doing a deal with the telephone. the safe passage to escape to cobbles. about the telephone yell. the governor has run away, flaunting trucks and equipment. claimed in recent conquests, the tele bomb was seen escorting the governor through its new territory, as can police arrested him shortly after, for surrendering without a fight. gaffney is the chain to prevent you capital to fall in 7 days. prior to this week, the last time the taliban had held a provincial capital was 5 years ago and that was only for a matter of days. its location is also significant as a gateway to the south of the provincial capital that have fallen golf news the
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closest to cobble just 150 kilometers away. the telephone now hold about 2 thirds of the country, including much of northern afghanistan provinces in the west and rural areas in the self. all now leverage they taking into negotiations with the afghan government. they've got what they wanted from the due process. they've got us to withdraw me the nature of truth with ro. i can't see why they would, at this stage compromise. they think they can take africa stand by force, and that's what they're going to try and do over the next few months. here in the capital, concern is growing about the possibility of a telephone takeover about a machine. we worry a lot when we see the taliban capturing the provinces. it's natural for us to worry about. it was the most other ways gave shuttle. i don't know, we are asking the taliban not to destroy cities, they should do a peace agreement. they should agree to a government, they can be in power and we can be
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a power together. the government is bringing some special forces back to cobble to bokes to security. it means risking the loss of more provinces to the telephone. so there is heavy fighting on going in for other provinces. so this is not stopping is the telephone and not stopping yet. they are turning their attention now that they've claims these other provinces. they're turning their attention to others. tonight, i'm told that heavy fighting has a ruptured in logo, sorry, absorb packed in home, and they say that they think they are making inroads in the provincial capital of flesh cargo, which is essentially been on the siege for about 2 weeks. but of all of these places they are fighting, the most attention will be on can to ha city the 2nd biggest city, hundreds of thousands of people bear the birthplace of the taliban. it would be a huge morale booth for the taliban to get it. and the government of fighting is very hard to keep it shown at venice. thank you very much. indeed for us is meeting
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3000 more troops to cobbled to help pull out its embassy staff from the capital from. won't let it go. she ever tansy. who's in washington d. c. that tell us what the thing about this particular mission. while the state department spokesperson said that they would be a substantial reduction of the staff at the embassy in cobble, the u. s. embassy in cobbled it will now be a core diplomatic presence that will there, he kept on insisting that the embassy would remain open there. about 4000 people, based at the embassy in kabul, which about 1400 us citizens, the rest from 3rd countries. the pentagon briefing is just on the way now, so just give us a barrage of numbers now. so you've mentioned $3000.00 troops will be sent to cobble next 24 to 48 hours to secure how many cars i international airport, where the staff will be relocated. that's 3 infantry battalions, 2 marines, one army. in addition, though, lots of other troops will be heading into the theater
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a 1000 plus. now we'll be moving to doha culture initially, to help process special immigrant visas. that's why that, that number, you know, thousands of, of non us citizens becomes, becomes important to be at the embassy. so presumably this will help facilitate that. although it's not clear whether we, we depends inspector just where are these? where are these non us isn't going to end up? he didn't, he didn't have an answer in order that he seemed completely sure as to whether the 1000 personnel now going to do will probably end up to help with the processing. and finally, there will be another infantry battalion moving into kuwait, just in case then needed in case of emergency. it seemed. if things deteriorated even further and i needed more than $3000.00 troops that are now being deployed in the next 24 to 48 hours to how many cars i apple them, they will be ready to to be deployed in kuwait. there are actors, patients of l. f said. so the, the troops at the airport will be al, lifting the personnel out. there have been reports there as well. that the u. s. is
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considering just relocating the embassy, wholesale suit to the apple that has not been confirmed by any of the specs people we had before. asked how long these troops will be in afghanistan, both by the spokespeople for all the state to publish the pentagon taking pains to say, look, this is not a return to the redeployment of us troops to afghanistan, period, as a schedule here. the biden is pledge to take all the us troops out by east will combat troops out by august 31st. that remains on track. so john kirby of the pentagon, just saying that is the window they're looking at. now, for that, for the length of time that these troops will be in afghanistan, but the state department spokesman not pains to suggest that they weren't taken by surprise. this is always just one of many contingency plans that they had at the disposal. that's not true. this is not a full evacuation. this is not a ration that we're in, and i think it's
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a very important distinction between planning and contingency planning. right now, we are, the embassy remains open. we will continue to have a diplomatic presence on the ground to fulfill these important functions. now, of course, the safety, the security, the welfare, the well being of american citizen serving overseas is of the utmost priority to this president. so of course we're undertaking prudent contingency planning. that's precisely what we did to lead us here today. and that spoke to us not confirming the reports that we've heard of that may close out into hives, trying to get assurances from the taliban that they won't attack the u. s. embassy if they do take cobble, however amount for actually in return for aid. actually if the, if the taliban does take control of cobble however, may make it very clear that if the taliban does attack us assets the us will
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respond forcefully. she overtones the thank you very much. indeed. on the 3rd day of those talks that to she was referring to end up getting asked on government and television representatives to the negotiating table of ended without a parent progress. i haven't jim. jim has the basis for meetings in doha day, 3 of the african talks here and do a hi has concluded and justice in the previous 2 days, very few concrete details have emerged. not even a statement by the diplomats involved the envoys or any of the delegations has been issued, which would very much seem to indicate that there was disagreement amongst the participants as to the language of a statement. now over the course of these past 3 days, many of the participating diplomats have been low to speak on the record as to what exactly is going on as to the substance of the discussions. what we know as to what happened today is that there have been several meetings. there were 2 separate meetings, one that was held between the afghan government delegation and the assembled on
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voice. and then a few hours later, there was a separate meeting held between the taliban delegation and the envoys who have assembled here. once that meeting that was being held with the taliban had finished, the rest of the diplomat walked out. nobody spoke to the press, no joint statement was issued and it's very unclear at this hour. what exactly is going to happen next? there has been a statement issued by the ap can government delegation. this was issued in the name of dr. de la de la, who is the head of the high council for national reconciliation in afghanistan. and that statement had said that the afghan government delegation had presented plan that they, that they said would solve the crisis in afghanistan to the diplomats here, as well as to the extent detroit countries that's comprised of the us, russia, china, and pakistan in which they said that they did seek to continue negotiations and that they thought having a mediator in those negotiations for interact and talks would be a good idea whether or not there will be another session of inter afghan piece
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dialogue or talks that's still very much an open question. right now the last meeting of interact can peace talks was held in doha, in mid july. that ended with very little momentum for the process to go on. at the moment there was very little momentum for it as well because of all the gains that the taliban has made an afghanistan, at least for the past several days. and that's really one of the big concerns of the diplomats that have been here is how exactly will they have the taliban come to the table when the taliban is gaining so much momentum in the country? everybody who's been here the past few days has said that they are very concerned about what's going on. and i've got to stand that they have tried to come up with some sort of plan to deal with the rapidly deteriorating situation on the ground in afghanistan to come down to 0. another month with record numbers of migrants trying to enter the us. we report on the crisis along the border with mexico. ah
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hello there, it's all about the extreme heat across the southern europe and northern parts of africa. and with those dry conditions and high temperatures, those wild fires are continuing to burn across the region. now we've had reco temperatures across southern parts of it to the those are going to continue over the next few days, but up in the north, it is looking cooler and wetter. if we take a closer look, we've got temperatures here where we expect them to be is wet and windy weather for the british isles on the weekend. it's going to get particularly heavy that rain in ireland as we go into saturday. and much of scandinavia is going to be a cooler and wet to picture so severe thunderstorms affecting parts of western russia and the baltic states. but for the really wet weather we have to move to the black sea. we've got severe thunderstorms rolling in across southwestern areas of
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russia, georgia and parts of turkey. we have seen flash flooding, we could see more of that, things looking hotter and dryer down in the south, and it's a similar story. as we move across the iberian peninsula, we are seeing the heat build here. temperatures are going to climb. and as we go into saturday we could see a temperature record set in quarter. but as those temperatures rise up above the mid forties, that's the weather. the who's joined the debate, do not have vaccines reaching those who are most of the needs and amplify your voice. it allows a diverse community and how an array of different story know topic is off the table . it's such a tough ethical debate where there is obvious discrimination and systematic discrimination of play. people are thursdays for new, wasted, the stream where a global audience becomes
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a global community on al jazeera. ah ah, my story here now to 0 the taliban as you control of guys me, which is just 3 hours from the capital. as well as herat i kind of stunned 3rd largest city is also fierce fighting in the country. second biggest that he can to the pentagon, descending 3000 us troops to cobble to help remove embassy staff. post closing in zambia were long queues of people jamming voting centers. a high turn out indicates a tight race between president edgarland who and his opposition libel. i kinda hit you. lemme pose were meant to close 3 hours ago,
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but i'm in law allows those already in the queue to vote still. but as millions cost balance activist, say, social media platforms have been restricted or just has more from a putting station into soccer usually with elections when pulling stations open, you see lions getting shorter and shorter and shorter. but this one seems different . this falling face and other pulling physically seen in lusaka, people still keep dreaming. in most people who register to vote in the selection are young people, people under the age of about 54, no more than 7000000 people have races. devoted this relation, the last lecture you're looking at about 4000000 people. so they seems to be some more kind of interest in the killer polls. now people of course are voting for different candidates based on what they think of the interest. for example, those are supporting the opposition either in the heat level say that he's a business, carmen, super fault, a 1000000
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a. they think he knows the thing was who about finances and maybe he's the right man who could turn around this economy that heavily in debt. those are the ports, the governing party, the patriotic front bay that they support present with pro pul policies affecting the wants to lower taxes. the fact that he wants to put in place policies that could help the poor more not the rich. the fact that they say that he did a lot of time and the last 2 years trying to develop infrastructure in them year. that's why when you move around, you see in some places in the south, for example, nice road, nice bridges, public hospitals are going up power stations. people feel that that is a good thing. one thing people asking was, relations that is going to be free and opposition support is offer straight. they say that when they were trying to campaign, they couldn't do it effectively. the general ban on the one general ban campaigning
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in them. be a part of the coven 19, but the opposition say the government used it as an excuse to try to live with them . we, when they couldn't campaign effectively, they also say that they're supportive were beaten, injured and some of them were killed. the governor parties is what hang on a minute clashes. we also had our support from the ruling party. also killed and beaten. written results are expected, maybe friday afternoon, maybe friday evening. but i was also only be a mouse in a few days time people. and now wondering, of course, if we have a loses listen, is going to accept the results. and they're concerned about political violence and the way forward for the country. andrea is observing 3 days of morning after the number of people killed and wildfires rose to at least 69. the government has appealed to international help to tackle the blazes julian wolf report. the jury continues to battle. these regions. wildfire and
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ration is under way on the ground and from disguise. watching the fire to try to prevent it from spreading further, but it seems to be impossible and now reached our own emergency crews and villagers are doing everything they can with what little they have. buckets of water, hoses and branches. the declaration is clear as people raise to save more homes from burning to the ground and prevent further. life people have died, schools and houses down the villages of lift their homes and take refuge in communal home. the hardest hit area is a mountainous region of ca beale, east of the syrian capital, as many as 18 provinces and total are affected. and if there is a lot of damage, some of lost their homes, lots of things. nature will not recover soon, given that the people here live off their olive groves. this is only the beginning of the disaster. the government has deployed the army,
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but dozens of soldiers were among those who died during a rescue operation. and the government is now calling for international help. the european union is lending its plains that were used to battle the wildfires in greece. algeria prime minister has visited to the issue one of the effected regions announcing the president's plans to compensate those who have been effected as a country enters 3 days of national morning. post disaster relief operations are already underway with residents teaming up with charity organizations to collect necessities for those that are injured and the hundreds of families left homeless, getting all those we responded to announcement asking to collect donations and medicines. and that's what we did tell you, but i make here another urgent announcement to all pharmacies and algeria, we need medicine here. our new adria is just one of several nations battling wildfires as record breaking temperature's spark widespread devastation. but
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authorities here believe many of the flames were deliberately lift julian wolf, al jazeera, the iowa state fair, one of the largest annual gatherings in the u. s. as opened ultra high interest. it was forced to close last year because of the code $900.00 pandemic. but rising infection numbers haven't stopped. the event is time round. the last time it was on more than a 1000000 people attended governors owners in law. first, this is clearly a major event for the state of iowa, but concerned about the pandemic situation. what are people saying? yeah, 1st about how big this event is. yeah. about a 1000000 people a year passed through this iowa state fair. it's the biggest single event here in the state of iowa, but one of the biggest, anywhere in the united states, one of the biggest it is, it's part of the state fair season here in the united states. at the opening day of this 11th 11 days, state fair, this has been going on for over a 160 years. so it's just full of all sorts of tradition. and last year,
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as we know, it was cancelled because of the corona virus pandemic. this year, against the advice of many health officials, they decided to hold the event and the repair and it really couldn't come at a worse time given it in the last couple weeks. the delta, very inches arrived here in iowa. and we're starting to see the beginnings of another corona virus search here in the state. the number of positive cases has gone up 50 percent just in the last week here in iowa. and just in the last week, more than 600 people were confirmed to be positive with the virus. that's the most sense february, so there are a lot of concerns. nevertheless, there is no mask mandate whatsoever here at the fair or really anywhere in iowa. you're free pretty much to do whatever you want. most people hear that we've spoken to re spoken of many of them. they say many say we've been vaccinated, we feel that we're safe. others say it's just personal responsibility that people
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need to take. others are telling us as well, they feel that they feel that sense. a lot of this is held outdoors, which it is. as you can see, there's a lot of natural social distance and that's why i'm not wearing a mask because no one's within about 10 feet of me right now. and so they feel a little safer because of that. but other people are saying, you know, they really thought long and hard about coming here this year. one couple said we decided not to bring our grandchildren this year to be safe. bottom i know is help officials here almost uniform. and we all tell me that they think this is not a good idea to hold the fare this year, and they caution against it. even the top health official here in polk county, which is the home of de moines. she was asked do you, would you go to the state there? her answer was absolutely not. again, that comes from a top health official here just gives you an idea of how health officials really don't think they should be held. a local officials moving forward with it anyway. no matter what goes on in the morning. thank you very much. need the number of
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migrants being detained at the us border with mexico has hit another record high more than 212000 people tried to cross in july alone. that's the 13th and increase from june from all the deepening crisis that speak to phil laval. he's that live in canada, texas. so he'll number of margaret seems to be increasing all the time. yeah, absolutely. lauren, and that was not a one off, you know, june was a high number as well. 888000 e to figures that we've not seen here for more than 20 years. in fact, the average now every day, some 1800 migrants making that crossing. so the whole non secretary was here. he was speaking in brown, which is about an hour north of where we are the moment he was trying to lay out his vision of what's going to happen his way out the site. our efforts will uphold our laws and will uphold our values. that includes
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the laws of humanitarian relief, as well as the laws of enforcement. we will work relentlessly toward illegal immigration and to adjudicate asylum claims fairly and efficiently. both are embedded in the law and we are committed to upholding vote. this was a busy day, wasn't a big policy it out. many was kind of checking in on the situation and trying to reassure people because the democrats have come under a huge amount of criticism. for more conservatively, the members of society say, for the binding ministration has gotten no idea what it says, that it's completely lost control of the situation here. so we've seen over the last few months, there's real offensive by the, by and ministration. to show that it is in control, this was not the 1st time that the secretary has spoken about this issue. in fact, he was in mexico only a couple of days ago for the last 24 hours to 48. i was speaking to counterparts that he was in mexico earlier this year. camera harris was in guatemala in june,
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where sheath quite clearly set down the lens would be migrant. do not come. she's been speaking to her mexican counterpart, but the message just appears to be getting through and this goes completely against . well, joe biden said, not so long ago what he told people, but this was a seasonal issue. the come the summer, those numbers, what dwindle? now the reason he said, thought is because that typically is what happens. you know, it's hot here in texas. it's hot in mexico. there's a huge desert in between the rio grande. it's not the kind of place that people want to get stuck in. but these people are still making this trip, as i say, $1800.00 a day, and they are making it on the male turning up. and then they are either being arrested by customs, a border patrol, or they giving themselves up in the hope that they can claim asylum. what happens then is that they get put onto the buses. they are transported to places like, hey, and mckellar, where they have nothing more than they close on that the paperwork to show that they have a case pending. they go into the care of local charities as one where people are did they give them shelter? they give him somewhere to stay,
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but these places con cope either they say they are running out of manpower. they're running out of money. they absolutely being hampered by cove it and it is getting out of control even for them. this is a situation that is being pushed to the very edge and that it's being pushed even further along. lavelle, thank you very much. indeed. a congress ship is spilling oil into japanese waters on to breaking in half the crimson palarez run aground. while sailing inside at you know, a port it managed to free itself, but then suffered a crack which split the ship apart. all 21 chinese and filipino crew members have been rescued. the carry away maybe 40000 tons and was carrying wood, chips. officials, they're trying to contain the oil spill. where she teams in russia searching for 8 people who are on board a helicopter that crashed into a deep volcanic lake came down in a nature reserve in the cum chuck cabinets in the far east. on it were 13 tourists and 3 crew members. officials say 8 survivors had to swim to the surface of the
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helicopter. thank and water that was close to freezing cause is being investigated for it is my senior police officer says detectives will be reviewing recent allegations made against persons prince andrew, dame christ dick went on to say no one is above the law, but confirmed no investigation is currently taking place prince andrew is being sued in the us by the junior grief. and he says that sexually he sexually assaulted her when she was 17. she says she was trafficked by the late convicted sex offender jeffrey. obscene. i hope a top stories on how to 0 taliban who sees control of more major cities in afghanistan. the city of gas, new which is just 3 hours from the capital, became the tense provincial capital to fall in less than a week. they also claimed her at the 3rd largest city and is also fierce fighting
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