tv [untitled] August 13, 2021 7:00am-7:31am AST
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catered to making your experience exceptional and flying the youngest, greenest fleet in the sky. more than an award. it's a responsibility to continue to provide the very best for each and every one of our customers. cut our hair ways. you can rely on us. ah, getting more grounds. the taliban captures f ganna stones, 3rd largest city that advancing towards the capitol. ah, i'm doing all santa maria here in doug. this is the world news from al jazeera. samsung's vice chairman j wiley is walked out of a south korean prison on parole, released early from a sentence of bribery and embezzlement. the votes have encountered in zambia,
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where president edgarland, who is seeking a controversial 3rd term and no one is above the law, the u. k police say they are reviewing allegations against prince andrew is accused of sexually abusing a teenage girl in the united states. ah, very fast moving situation in afghanistan with a taliban made some of its most significant gains since this offensive began. now seize control of her arts, which is the countries 3rd largest city, the 11th provincial capital to fall in the past week. taliban fighters also captured the city of because ne, that happened on thursday. and there's been an escalation fighting in the southern cities of kandahar and laska, in fact, us officials, fear capital, cobble could fall inside 90 days. we've also had a 3rd day of emergency talks between the african when men and the taliban here in
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doha. but it's ended and stalemate. international calls now for an urgent piece process to begin. all of this leading the united states in the u. k. to dispatch 3600 troops to cobble to help pull out empathy staff, and local interpreters. let's check in with rob mcbride reporting from cobble this friday morning. i mentioned herat their 3rd largest city, 2nd largest city of kandahar, spiritual home of the taliban. what something that very significant, in fact, you know, the whole of afghanistan is waking up this friday morning to once again, completely changed dynamic and a country that has been changing by the day and over who controls what? i've got to say an immediate future that they've now completely uncertain. where do we go from here? a lot of the focus of attention has been down in the south in the city of kandahar . this is hugely important for everybody involved in this conflict for the government. it's the 2nd city and it's because it's in the hotline of the taliban.
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what the birthplace of the taliban. it is treated almost as a fortress city. and while much of the rest of kandahar is gradually come under taliban control, once more it was the government has been determined to hold on to kandahar itself with some of the best, jude it's defending it from the special forces and so on. that's where we've also seen many of the ass strikes being called in for both the african air force, but also the us military who have been thus far still providing support is a way of defending the city. but it has been the out to defense that been stormed. it has been breached. all of it began thursday through into thursday night here with reports that taliban forces had stormed into the center of the city. there was intense fighting going on. then there were claims from the taliban who had earlier got also got a still the prison releasing thousands of prisoners that they had overtaken the governor's resident's reports. that the governor and his officials had been forced
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to flee. and they have not been report said that the governor's resident's, the police headquarters, are indeed under the control of the taliban. and it seems that a lot of the government forces have now taken refuge in what is a massive army base have met large military base on the side of kandahar itself. so the future kind of how really uncertain that this state, equally uncertainty, laska itself. that's in they bring hellman province again, that has been on a siege days. but as of this friday morning, the position for all of the government forces in the south of the country extremely precarious. rob, i don't know that you'll necessarily have an answer to this question, but maybe it's just more of a talking point. the the how and the why these ask and forces have been pushed aside in so many faces in such short space of time. the speed is extraordinary. it has the surprise many people here inside afghanistan and
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also the international community, the speed with which these policies have collapsed. there is, i think, a feeling that the international community with redraw, with the withdrawal of us forces that has had a huge psychological impact here in afghanistan that they really do feel as though they've been left alone. to some extent. there is also in the ranks of the afghan forces, the police dis, john went with, with the way that, that the forces have to some degree be mismanaged. that would be an allegation of corruption and so on. so morale, and many of these units has been very poor. and as they, especially in some of the more provincial areas, they see these gains being made by the taliban at the taliban have been broadcasting messages saying, you know, we look at what's happening. we are on the ascendancy, come and joined us brothers way, and i for a large part that have been a number of people, basically switching sides. other people simply dropping their weapons,
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moving away. ross, within the forces though still there is still a desire to fight to resist the taliban. and the question for the shrinking government areas here cobble included is how to get some of these units that are still stranded and wants to carry on the fight. how to get them back in some respect, respect from these more remote provincial areas to continue the fight. really consolidate. defense is now around what the government does whole that seem to be the question. now not so much what the tile about has gained is what the government has left. thank you for all of that. rub mcbride reporting from campbell's. i mentioned this briefly earlier, american and british troops on their way there to campbell to help embassy staff and local interpreters to get out. washington insisted not a full evacuation, though in the embassy will remain open. or in this report from montana. it was just a month ago that the top us general and i've gone is don returned to the united
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states. his mission, apparently over me since then the taliban has made huge gains throughout. have gone is done. and now be with is read deploying troops to assist in the evacuation of the american nationals and afghans who worked with the us. this is a temporary mission with a narrow focus, as will all deployments of our troops into harm's way. our commanders have the inherent right of self defense in any attack on them can and will be met with a forceful and an appropriate response. $3000.00 troops on arrive at couple airport in the next 24 to 48 hours. a support team of another 1000 is being sent a cutter to process the single immigrant visas that are being given to african personnel. yet another brigade is being deployed to kuwait to operate as a quick reaction force. should the u. s. embassy and trouble come under threat, but the state department dismisses reports at the embassy make close. my response
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to that is, that's not true. this is not a full evacuation. un secretary general, the new york has expressed great concern about the situation, but still holds out hope for a diplomatic resolution. we are continuing to engage with the taliban. in doha, i mean we are continuing to believe that there is a political solution that can be had. this doesn't mean that we also blind to what is going on in the, on the ground. we are not blind to the suffering of the civilians. we're calling cross fire in in urban environments and the u. s. president insist it's f guns who must deal with a situation saying he does not regret his decision to withdraw us forces african leaders have to come together. we lost thousands at last death in injury. thousands of american personnel got to fight for themselves, fight for their nation. but i radically,
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with the latest deployments. the american presence will be back to the same level as it was for the past 2 years. of the u. s is longest running war my kind of audience era. washington. well, the international talk so invoice that the talks here and i have released a final statement and they've encouraged the town about an african government to build trust, to excel or at the peace process. mohammed jump, dream is more than that. after the conclusion of 3 days of africa talks here in doha, a final statement was issued by the envoys from the u. s. copper, china, pakistan and other countries in attendance. and it said that the peace process in afghanistan must be accelerated as a matter of great urgency. now, the envoys also reaffirmed that they will not recognize any government in afghanistan that is imposed through the use of military force. over the course of 3
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days. the envoys here in doha met separately with both the delegations of the afghan government as well as the taliban delegation. this was difficult and delicate diplomacy. very few concrete details emerged from the meetings that were all held behind closed doors. and many of the diplomats who were present were loath to speak on the record to the press about exactly what had transpired during those meetings. there was a lot of concern that the participants had about trying to formulate some type of path forward for afghanistan at such a critical time for the country. and there was a lot of concern about how exactly the countries might have leverage over the taliban at a time when the taliban is taking over so much territory throughout the country of afghanistan. hundreds of afghans stranded in pakistan, a 4th with police at a border crossing which was captured by the taliban. protesters threw stones at
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security forces, who responded with tear gas. they are angry after an afghan traveller died while waiting to return home via the crossing. it's been bolduc, it was that kind of some 2nd busiest entry point before the taliban closed it last week. onto the news and samsung vice chairman has been released from prison in south korea after been granted parole. j y lee was serving a 2 and a half the a sentence for bribing a friend of the former president over a merger deal. it is unclear if he can return to work, but critics say his release just reflects the culture of lenient c. for corporate bosses, more on this with robert kelly who is an associate professor of international relations in the department of political science and diplomacy at for some national university. he says leads release as part of a wider approach to white color crime. in south korea. the korean government has a habit of releasing corporate bosses who have been convicted of various crimes. some of that was actually being like physical salt and some,
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some of this isn't just white collar crime like like leaf conviction but actual assault. and there's been a fair amount of criticism of that, and this is sort of a part of a large debate about sort of whether or not create very largest corporation or mega corporations that dominate the economy. that i have too much influence on, on politics, my own sense. and i haven't been too much from the, from the current government. right. i mean, the president current president got in because the president, of course, is peach. right. and leave with great big gamble. i think the current president moon has been content to sort of allow that process to play out. right. he got what he wanted, if you will, politically from this years ago. and i'm not really sure there's too much left to be gotten from sort of speeding up on the now in peach programs, she's been thoroughly raised right. or approval ratings and she left for like under 10 percent or something like that. and you're going after sampling of course and 3, it's pretty risky, right. so i don't think there's much cause for the government. there's my political advantage for president manager really way in on this either way. while accounting, the votes in zambia as presidential parliamentary elections were president
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edgarland, who is seeking a controversial 3rd term and is thought to be an extremely tight race and how to enhance the reports. from this soccer, the more than 7000000 people were registered to vote in zambia presidential and parliamentary elections. there were long keys and the high turnout pulling stations in the capital, lusaka, and other parts of the country in an election unless they will be very close to the high cost of living poverty and unemployment. a big concerns for me, voters. 0, one. ready to ready were receiving this son? everything else to come under the houston port so that we should be head if you are not working, it's quite difficult to cope with the standard of life now. yes, everything is become very expensive. so it's quite challenging. there are 16 presidential candidates, but the men contenders, are the incumbent president edgarland go and this man opposition leader has i in
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lima, who's challenging longer. i suppose that the majority of registered voters in this election, a young people in the last 5 years, also the people of them have seen life get more difficult. jobs are more difficult to obtain. business is more difficult to do. it has been a contraction of economic activity and the contraction of opportunities for young people. so this, it appears that the youth have been putting a lot more time and energy to coming, registering as voted, and coming to vote. because they want to be able to vote for the future that they think will be driven by the candidates that they choose. the president is accused of borrowing from international creditors to find various voting projects. and critics say that is unsustainable. zambia was more than $12000000000.00, takes dental companies and linda president, it was counting on winning based on the floor plan infrastructure projects,
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including road and power station. but its main wible, beautiful and dizzy is a good track record in finance and its confidence can attract investment and better manage economy. zambian electoral commission, people official results are expected by sunday if there are no delays. but it's what happens after that, that as many people worried, how to my daughter algebra, the sucker in the news ahead, braving the crowds will tell you why. one of the biggest math gathering in the u. s . is going ahead and is raising corona virus concern with 3 months ago before the 26 climate conference in glasgow. i'm joe here in edinburgh with the creative arts just emerging from the pandemic. a turning their attention towards the next big crisis of our time. ah,
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ah, it's time for the journey to winter sponsored by kettle airways. hello. their conditions remain hot and dry across much of the middle east and the live and it's up in the north. the we are seeing that extreme wet weather. we've seen flash flooding across north eastern areas of turkey, and that's because we've had severe thunderstorms and heavy downpours around the black sea. we could see more of those as those rains continue for the next few days . but further south temperatures are we. x are where we expect them to be for syria and for lebanon. it's further south and to the east for iran and iraq, and to wait the we are seeing them above average and rising up into 50 degrees celsius. so a lot of heat remaining across those gulf states and we'll move over to africa. there's been a lot of heat in the north that's pushing off to the west. but across that central band it remains very the wet. we've seen flooding in the north east in areas of
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ethiopia, we could see more as those rains continue to fall. but if we go into saturday, it's going to be northern areas of nigeria and southern areas of near that. see the heavy rain we could see potential flooding here. and as we move to south africa it's a pretty wet picture across easton areas. we've got a wintry mix blowing in that could bring some snow to the mountainous areas. it's cooler in cape town, but the temperature will pick up this weekend with sponsored pay cut on airways. beneath the height of english football lies in illicit market for the rich and powerful. i'm one of the leading specialists under cover just years investigative unit exposes the inner workings and key players in the murky underbelly of football finance. for me to tell some people going, in addition, has been said that you can make an elephant disappeared. i have many of the exciting brazen example i've seen the men who sell football just
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ah, ah, the me. without since they were they that the tell stories this now the taliban capturing afghanistan's 3rd largest city hereafter. that is now the 11th provincial capital for the past week. the group also gain control of me earlier on thursday, as it pushes on towards the capital campbell. its meaning that the u. s. and the u . k. will send at least 3600 trips to cobble to help pull out embassy stuff. local chapter washington insist so it's not a full evacuation in the embassy will remain open. on vice chairman has been released from prison and south career after being granted parole. genuinely with
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serving a 2 and a half years sentence for bribery critic say his release reflect the culture of lenient thief the corporate office. now the italian health ministry has issued warnings for 8 cities as a heat wave sweeps the country temperature at 40 degrees celsius in rome. but in the sicilian city of cedar cruz, a local major logical service registered $48.00 degrees on wednesday, which if confirmed would be a european rec court. rain that was brought so much needed relief, especially for the 5 fighters on the greek island of area. 5 of scores, the northern half of the island that most have been of subsided. now the countries prime minister is called the destruction the greatest ecological catastrophe. greece is seen in decades, often the same with robbie in athens. it says that there needs to be a fundamental and how not only the government, but individuals carry on with the day to day life of living under these new climate
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circumstances. he said also warning his countrymen, that the danger is not done yet. he also crucially doubled down and defended himself where, where it comes to a controversial policy of mass evacuations, of mandatory evacuation of communities that have been affected by the fire to government. come under serious criticism for using evacuations as, as simply a blanket solution and for not doing enough to save homes and properties. he said in this press conference, there was nothing for it, but for the government to prioritize human life over everything else. now we've gone all across the fire zone in the north of athens on the island, one of the worst hit areas, the worst hit area of grease from forest fires. many people are very critical, were firefighting crews for the government, for not being prepared well enough in advance, and for not doing enough to try to save, not only their homes but their livelihood. people have no way they're living now.
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many of them in those communities live and work locally in those areas. and now they say they'll have to leave. and there's been a math displacement of community all over the country. and a lot of the people we spoke to said, all these promises are fine. when a catastrophe of this magnitude is fresh, but a lot of politicians simply don't keep their promises in the long term. so a trust deficit there as well. that greek politicians will have to contend with. and the crisis isn't even over yet. sedans, former president, could soon be in the hands of the international criminal court. its chief prosecutors and talks with sudanese officials to hand over those wanted for atrocities committed in del 4 in the early 2 thousands over number. she ruled the country for 30 years until he was asked in 2019 an influential newspaper in nicaragua has accused the government of president daniel ortega, of trying to hide the truth. this is after customs officials refused to release the actual paper in portage to produce the plans for seeing the suspension of the
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newspapers print edition from friday. publications been critical of the president has been cracking down on his opponents before seeking a full consecutive term in november's election. what was the latest us census data showing the white population is shrunk for the 1st time in history. fewer than 60 percent of people now identify as the white, a change being driven by increasing diversity of the racial, hispanic and asian populations have grown significantly in the u. s. over the past decade. in karone of ours news, an argentine has begun distributing its 1st batch of locally made sputnik vaccines more than a 1000000 doses of the russian jab have been shipped out to vaccination centers. 6000000 people are waiting to receive the 2nd dose. argentina was the 1st country
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in the region to approve the vaccine. one of the largest annual gatherings in the united states is open despite concerns about rising coven cases, thousands of people are expected at the iowa state fair. which more than a 1000000 people attended back in 2019, but now people are not required to be to be vaccinated or even to where mosque ever lives under reports. it's an american tradition. the state fair and nowhere do they do it bigger or better than in iowa. scott, it's opening day at the iowa state fair, and it's full of rides. and who do want a giant turkey leg? this is the place and there are plenty of big midwest farming trucks on display. kathy green has been coming here all her life. i have been coming since i was born, and i have been to this fair for 66 years here. it's all fun and games, but the truth be told i was going through a surgeon corona virus cases. just last week alone. more than 60000 confirmed cases,
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a 50 percent increase from the week before hospitalizations and deaths also trending sharply upwards. so outside these fairgrounds, it's not about what ride to go on or what food to eat, that concerns are much more serious here at the biggest medical facility in de moines. they're so concerned about the delta variant and the surgeon corona virus cases that the childrens hospital has decided to cancel all elective surgeries, including biopsies for children that could have cancer organizers in state elected leaders, refused to cancel this year. masks are not required. social distancing, and temperature checks aren't happening. very doors have mixed feelings about safety. i was concerned about it, i vaccinated she's vaccinated, but i still think the mask is a safe thing because we're very close to people doubts about coming. did you kind of talk about her was never any we all but especially where we're going to bring
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our grandchildren in that. no, it's not where was going to bring the, the young kids because of course they can't be vaccinated. other health experts say that many of the people attending the fer this year are doing so with a false sense of security. it is the perfect mixing pot for people to gather together bread coven, 19. and especially the delta via various and take it back home and cause even further outbreaks. we actually have one model that came out of polk county public health department that shows that will be about $600.00 people who are walking around positive for cobra. 1900 each day of the fair with affairs spreading the fun . but also possibly the virus. gabriel santo, al jazeera de moines, iowa. britain's most senior police officers, as detectives will be reviewing allegations made against versions. prince andrew is being sued in the united states by virginia. afraid who says he sexually assaulted her when she was just 17. the voc us following developments from london. what cost
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of the day, my senior police officer in the country head of london metropolitan police service said the given the civil case that had been brought against prince andrew, the united states of force would now review the evidence against prince andrew. it's important to clarify that this is not the same as an investigation and that there have been 2 reviews of the evidence in the past. and the conclusion is always being here in the united kingdom, not to take the case any further questions. i did also stress that nobody is above the law. the suggestion being if new evidence services of the outcome could well be very different. prince andrew faces accounts of. busy busy of rape of virginia, jeffrey in 3 different locations here in the united kingdom in new york. and also on a private island owned by jeffrey epstein,
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the disgraced by nancy who took his own life in prison in 2019 a man who prince. andrew is alleged to have had a close friendship with the lawyer for pump sub brittney spears and says her father has agreed to step down as the conservator of her estate. jamie speeds is controlled. much of his daughter's affairs since she suffered a mental health breakdown in 2008 american thing has been in a legal battle to end the arrangement, calling it humiliating and abusive. this is the case which sparks the global free brittany campaign and a debate potential abuses by and legal guardian performance at the world's largest up festival, the shining alive, and one of the great crises about time. climate change. john hall is the support for the edinburgh fringe and scotland. i you ok. i got for you to be gone. when a deadly wave in gulf,
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the city of dublin 2 friends must try to survive and reckon with the field of trapped on the top floor of a city, skyscraper, denial, whirlpools, powerful renewable resource afloat, is an online production co written and starring eva o'connor. at this he has pare down edinburgh festival fringe. i'm not sure if ours in and of itself can absolutely change the world. but it can start really interesting conversation. dublin lost forever, and we never appreciated what we had, you know, in a way this is a call to arms on it. i would hope a call for us to organize on math. and rather than sitting at home feeling diseases, the pandemic may have eclipsed climate change as the wills number one threat, but only briefly with the next big planet conference happening in glasgow in november. it's perhaps fitting that art and artists themselves emerging from months of locked down, turn their attention now towards that other great crisis of our time.
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tardy said he was tough. substitute for the belly or to please try. this storyline, it's about species of aliens that have come from that planet. it's been destroyed by the climate. so we've come to this planet, come to to help people make a change in making us better. but we're trying to put it across in a very positive, joyful way rather than keep people down about it. so trying to convey a very important message, but the people li, feeling like uplifted in like, i'm going to make a change and it be exciting. and it be helping the planet with it that we're living on, rather than, you know, telling someone else about it. world leaders are gathering here in november in glasgow. got solving claimant crisis. that was good to say like, a fun way to engage about environment. i hope something happens in november when you know they will meet here to talk about the future of our planet. i've never
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seen anything like it and i really like the connection with united nations and cope 26. that's great. follow up action and show i wish i could go back. so calls to action on festival stages, both real and virtual. as the performing arts make us come back, the message is it's not too late for the earth to bounce back to joe to whole al jazeera, edinburgh ah, pop off the out here on our 0. these are the headlines. the taliban is captured. i've got some 3rd largest city had wrapped now the 11th provincial capital to fall over the past week. the group gain control of gardening earlier on thursday, as well as it pushes on towards the capital cobble. this is all prompting the united states and the u. k. to send at least 3600 troops in chicago.
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