tv [untitled] August 13, 2021 3:30pm-4:01pm AST
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your network out here, we know what's happening in our region. we know have some get to places that others and not as far as i said, i'm going or the way that you tell the boys is what can make a difference. ah again, peter, they'll be hearing you top stories from al jazeera. the taliban has made its most significant gains yet in the defensive. it's leaving, cobble, dangerously exposed. it's captured kennesaw on 2nd largest city kandahar, which is the group's birthplace. elsewhere in the south taliban fighters also took control of laska gun shot at bellis reports. now from cobble just in the last few hours, the taliban say that they have claimed the alarm, which is the provincial capital of logo, which is just south of cowboy. they say that they have control of the city and that
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the governor and his immediate staff have joined the movement. they do add, however, that there is some heavy fighting still in the city with special forces, but they say they have claimed it. we cannot independently verify that the reasons we spoke to said there has been very heavy fighting. there this morning. the taliban has detained the veteran commander of a militia in western afghanistan, ismael, con, known as the lion of her raps, was taken. as taliban fighters seized, the city con is one of afghan histones, most prominent warlords, battling soviet occupiers of the 19 eighties and working alongside us forces to topple the taliban in 2001. at least 21 people who died after heavy flooding and central china's hu bay province. torrential rains that cause power, concent, landslides, destroying hundreds of homes. nearly 6000 people have been forced to evacuate 5 cities and who a province of now declared red alerts. torrential rain in japan has triggered
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a mudslide that engulf 2 houses in the city of and then in a psyche prefecture. 4 people were swept away. one was found dead to others, still missing some areas have been told to prepare for evacuations. 22 people have been arrested in algeria suspected of starting many of the countries devastating wildfires. the government has been struggling to contain the fires of appeal to international assistance. 3 days of national morning taking place to honor the 69 people killed in the fires. samsung's vice chairman has been released from prison in south korea after being granted parole. he's j y lee. he was serving a 2 and a half year sentence for bribery. it's unclear if he can return to work. critic say his release reflects a culture of leniency for corporate bosses. you're right up to date with all the top stories back now to growing pains. after that, i'm here with the news for you 60 minutes, news and comment. see that i
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if you gross something positive, it's great watching our kids grow up or seeing a tree drove it we always aware at all growth must come to an end. there's no limit. nature knows no such thing as infinite growth. israel seems to apply to every kind of growth but one. economic growth is supposed to continue indefinitely . as one person recognized 150 years ago, the growth is the fundamental principle of economic system. capitalism only works when the economy grows. but call marks, recognize something else as well. it is. this grows that it will eventually destroy the system itself. and today, after we reach that point, it's
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a system about to collapse or might infinite growth actually be possible. the bloomed company from new york to place a central role in the financial system. since 19 eighties, bloomberg has provided stock traders and bankers with lightning soft price situations and finance data from around the globe, making it $1.00 of the world's most influential media companies. around the clock, bloomberg news agency and stock market channel broadcast, the glad tidings of the free market. rolling financial markets is a provider of transparency. we provide a huge amount of data, huge amount of numbers on markets, on economies. all companies provided a chronicle of capitalism telling the story of money vitally important to believe that and central to what day theresa is one of the us department numbers. we look for advice on the, on the state of an economy steady,
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solid growth in financial markets. usually reflected in solid state of growth and in economics, in demand, in job markets. the reason is, is that people feel, well, if you look at the textbooks, there should be no limit to growth. but if you look in the newspapers at the moment you get the feeling there is a, is a, a brain con growth. the central question now is whether, when a cyclical slung, or the something structural is going on. so they get dropped to about that a release as mission systems, empire based upon people's remaining to have confidence in the information they giving out and the promotion of the ideology in the narrative. which finances best ran, which is increasingly become this kind of game show approach. to things for a period of time, everybody wins. and then as number of economists, marks, canes,
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and pointed out is eventually all these menus go up a lot. and they crush me to those heavy lobbying by the financial effect on the government to ensure actually that the financial effect growth could continue. and governments believe that it was in the interest of the economy because everyone told the monitors and told them that if you had all this liquidity in the system, then you must be growing. you're really economy. but actually what was happening within that system rather was that you freed up all this money, which was then used to bet on the increases in the value of certain companies and certain shares and of money itself in the system. and the people who were doing that betting will not only profiting from it, but they were also the only people who were regulating the system. so they created a huge unstable and an incredibly unequal system in which the rich got very much richer, really, very fast. who for decades,
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society has been transformed into an enormous market to which there's allegedly no alternative. the huge sums and a few in the financial markets screen for high returns and have penetrated every corner of the globe. new ways are constantly sought to expand profits already industry. yes. the world seems to be getting too small for the capital i use ah . when i was a kid, i couldn't afford to fly in an airplane. i actually joined the transport industry before i ever flew in today, people take flying for granted. it's shape the way we buy goods shaped places.
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people go to shape the meetings between people and different cultures. over the next 20 years, we expect the world to meet 32000 new civil at the moment around 1000000000 of the people who live on our planet. fly by regularly. the remaining 6000000000. don't yet fly by and it's these people who will be tomorrow's passengers and tomorrow's customers. in addition, for those of us in developed countries who take flying for granted the limit over 6 years, more than 100 brand new applicants to g l i n c chart. when airplanes,
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every spring days, the changes spent takes of the years neutralize each other. and we don't know, even if we're currently we have slightly more than 200 pounds in china in 1010. and every year, in the range of 10 or 15 new apples would be viewed, imagine if everybody enough on the travel expenses, even a peasant with low cost the business water worker is willing to travel by the market . it is fantastic. you can't imagine. and i, i already seems
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a sign of that. that's why when i look at it, every time i'm asking about the perspective though market, i cannot to measure the dimensions of this market. when i have a reference of 1400000000, which is even more important than the higher of europe, but more traffic means more pollution. what do you do about that? we made every single effort to try to reduce emissions. but if we look at the social benefits and to the economy, benefits was a ration industry bring to the humanity. and then people may think differently we are trying to make as well as smaller and smaller to make it a real village. ah,
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the in the for decade grows was kept on, their support was debt only a few had the courage to say that the party couldn't go on forever. but no one listened to them in september 2008. the time had come to the house of cards, collect is a black monday for the american capital market. despite dramatic rescue efforts over the weekend, all efforts to keep the world's 4th largest investment bank alive have failed. layman brothers is shutting and stores for good. also, i think a necessary part of the clean up problem that we knew was weak. we expected to go.
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it's not going in the way the people expected it to, but it's gone. the long run. i'm confident that our capital markets are flexible and resilient can deal with these adjustments all. but there was a deep shock in the system. there was a sense of like this. we can't let this happen. again, governments have to have a better handle on this system. and for a while, there were attempts to do that. it lasted probably a matter of a few months. in fact, by the end of 2009 and into 2010. the very same company's been responsible for some of that off the were still engaging in those same kinds of risky trading procedures that for a while had been stopped in the wake of the crisis. and we learn the lesson. but
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then we started to get me. the financial crisis was a huge opportunity for governments to free the word from its dependency on financial markets and to change the system. but they wasted it. instead, they did all they could to revise the old system spending trillions of dollars to save the banks. that something incredible happened. the banking crisis miraculously became a sovereign, that crisis drive. it that became public, that governments and citizens were subjected to asperity policies. and there was millions of people who suffer to this day. banks and stuff. markets however, were keen to demonstrate the sense of normal teeth as soon as possible. in reality, nothing is as it seems. capitalism survived the crisis, but no longer functions like it did.
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even though it's not as busy as it used to be, this is still the center of capitalism. you can look at all the tourists who are outside the building, taking pictures. they all still believe is the center of capitalism. it's a symbol of something mean something to that i'm sort of like the weather man for the stock market. i come in every day and trying to figure out what's going on in the stock market. i talked to the trading desk. i thought people who know a lot about the stock market and i go on the air and on the internet and explain what's going on. remember the $500.00 is down one and a half percent is one. we have very clear market leaders. and the reason we've had it is because of better prospects for earnings in the 4th quarter. remember what the market leaders have been. energy tech and bank lagging today. energy and bank. that's interesting.
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the human beings wants stories. they don't want an endless list of numbers. nobody's impressed with a list of numbers. they want to know what's going on. tell us in plain english what the markets are doing. and that's the real skill set. and often that's not easy because things are very complicated. people have always claimed that capitalism can be evil. capitalism doesn't help people. i completely disagree. what i see in the last 150 years is millions of people had been listed out of poverty. i personally am a true believer and still believe that the system works well, and i'm committed to that system.
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under funding, i went to new york about 7000 mention of the pocket schedule, one of the middle of the dimensions in them to be to take the lives in the fall. and i didn't start from talking it's not power will not be for pardon? i open that up in new york stock exchange. let's go to our new infancy into the machine. just about when we are acting for the death type, you're speaking about it once a name and be given the village off the top not been given. that isn't an even spiking well then starting him off the acting cause. but that's come enough for the 100. if have been on question that the i love the shop 1000. if you have minute with odds, i love that side, but it wasn't continent well kind of talks about getting tied, given has been staying the bells and was docked him. i believe the vital when conflict just wanted to build up on the kids up the
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i think will be seen over the last few years. is cracks in the, in the shiny surface of capitalism. and the 1st floor they look like, you know, they just look as though something not quite right on the way the light reflects off it. and that you look more and more closely. you see this, you see that these cracks go right to the heart of the model. they go right to the heart of the basic ideas of capitalism in does capitalism to work, can the system deliver what it promises? providing growth, jobs, and prosperity for all. i me use the ongoing,
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your new smart factory in the field, and that's going on in the mid on the when it comes when disable maternity is on the fuse. does the white light your instead use a couple middle life you to me up online bring been unit been corporate top, isn't bob, that's in the future. and then the, i'm going to, i'm going to go on there and this is all fine. not took it back to me as i know that you can use for me ever since the industrial revolution. machines have been replacing human labor that by causing great societal upheavals. but until recently, they had only replaced the physical of human. now machines are capable of doing what makes us human unique. they are able to think it's
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a completely new chapter in human history, which will have massive consequences on how we live and work. i can't technology, thanks. watson, can i be watching as a technology on like any that's come before because rather than force human just like a computer and interact with humans on human terms, the dentist and so i'm, i'm in the cognitive of the instant that even the team and the competency and damage get somebody be then it's that one kid and vendors don't get any licenses, seem in how to buy something. length and improvement will be and, you know, and to discuss the context interprets you have, the system begins to lamb, went on goals pilot testing, but also the not i've been with him. i'll talk lounge are you interested in drinking? eventually understand the notion,
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take an express emotion differently, just having as well as the right to me. and i think that i may be able to relate to the nation and we're just going to interact with them, bringing them, showing me stuff i once in, in farms that about to soften and getting tired even i increase in the level of the trying to clear minds a thing on when does it fit in to the league in the future? algorithms and robot would be able to carry out community every would previously perform millions of jobs to the new technologies to provide the can only growth. but that's much in the way of job. and that could endanger capitalism. to be able
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to purchase or deny things to mass produced every day when they are not enough people who can pay for them with their wages. ah, in with, in financial markets, algorithms have long since been running the show. computers interact with other computers and fractions of seconds without any human input in this room. that's what we do here. we have an on off switch, right? was there's really no human her mention i really don't believe in leaving the room and letting you know something trade,
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unintended. it's about being there with the, with the creation that, you know, you've worked on, you know, even if i don't, i don't know. you don't control it, but you watch it. is it doing everything that you designed it to do? there are many mathematical models that come out of fields such as horse bedding that are used in our business as fundamental pieces of algorithmic trading. we somehow projects in our capitalist society, this idea that, that this is a safe environment for people to build up. there were tire, met time. it's actually a hyper competitive environment. and depending on the product there's, there's, you know, sometimes i feel safe for going into a casino than trading certain products in our space. i mean, it is
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a very different world than the way it's advertise to the general public. ah, oh, financial markets out of control and no longer has any connections to reality. why algorithms and robots produce growth. they only provide work and prosperity for a few. and it's, this grows that's just drawing off huge on the planet, the science that something has gone wrong with our system after come impossible to overlook. so why do we consistently ignore that this is for tv or food network puts all the stuff together for me, right? i'm not, i'm dressing a lot better now that i was before, i did tell, you know, they, they even higher your style. you know what i mean? you guys look like. so you obviously don't know what i'm talking about, but you know, this is really nice quote. i come on. the most powerful aim in financial television
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wall street week is back the news skyberg to actually purchase the right the wall street. i view myself as a capital artist. ok, this company that i've created is my campus. i know you guys in the media don't like capitalism, but you know, someone's had to pay for the camera and the microphone. so, i mean, at the end of the day, the capital system is the only system that we've been able to design that works. let's talk about growth. ok. there is a perception right now in these elitist academic salons, ok, now we're not going to grow any more. well, i should flat out wrong. if you study 5500 years of human history, we know that human beings are designed that great intellectual curiosity and to innovate are so many things that we're going to do over the next 50 years. that's going to shock everybody in terms or capability. we're going to pull asteroids down from the asteroid belt that are loaded with platinum. that will probably be where
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the 1st trillion air comes from. we're going to unlock the ability to stop aging or destroy cancer cells in our bodies. all of this innovation is ahead of us, and there's a tremendous opportunity for growth. ah, there's a sense of desperation for this strategy. we don't want to be so realistic in the way we would much rather have a total fantasy for our guiding star. we would like to have this vision the know we don't have to think about curtailing growth. we have to think about making growth, even stronger. we have to go harder for it. we have to make america great. again. we have, we can all be 1000000000 as we can all be, have property, empires, and of course it's an illusion. i think it goes back to exactly that same simple, basic fact we live on a finite planet. that there isn't the space for the dream of this reinvigorated
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growth fetish around me. we live in extraordinary times. our world is becoming a, using the complex and many i disappointed to find that they are worse off than they used to be. but instead of doubting the economic system, they turn to those who have profited from it the most. those who continually promised new groups for these empty promises, more and more people that are apparently willing to sacrifice democracy, piece and then vitamin capitalism has reached a new level of escalation. but it's no longer suited to the words we live in. it's and disclose. then we st ah
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ah, my name is a place where they can truly call it their home groups bringing on to me to ones you know, you'll angel paid money. my name is just for us to manage here. yes. yes. where we know my niger on al jazeera. ah, it's another beautiful sunny day at 35000 feet. the width sponsored by cattle airways booted world's best airline of 2021. hello, there will look to central america in
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a moment as tropical storm fred makes its way across the caribbean. but for now, let's look to south america and up in the north. it is still a very wet picture. we're expecting heavy rain all the way from ecuador columbia to venezuela and the guy on as well as northern areas of brazil. so we could see some flooding in areas here, but for the south it is dry. if we look to the east coast, however, we have got a weather system bringing the wet weather with it and it's going to be rain in rio's 3 to on friday saturday. it does start to dry up and we will see some sunshine come through. but further south, it is looking rather chilly, particularly for southern areas of argentina. when i said is seen the temperature, well below average, it is going to pick up. if you look at the 3 day, it's going to be edging up on saturday, closer to the average. so a little bit of warms coming back in. but we have got those weather systems continuing to affect southern areas of chile, a wet and windy weather here, and it's very wet and windy across the caribbean. this was the scene in the
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dominican republic as tropical storm. fred moved off towards cuba. it is aiming for the florida peninsula and we could see some very heavy rain and wind come the weekend. the weather sponsored by castle airways voted world's best airline of 2021 . long before the covert crisis broke, the world was grappling with another global crisis. the climate breakdown, destruction of nature can lead to destruction of all hail the lockdown examines links between these 2 crises, and asks why it took upon demik to bring on changes that should have been made long ago. all these things, we would tell him a complete, impossible, suddenly become connected. the wake up call that can't be ignored. on a job, you know, when a military coup overthrew chili's mugs as president one stadiums became prisoners and the hunters sole objective was absolute control. one man publicly refused to
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accept dictatorship episode for football rebels, explodes the life of carlos castelli, the football whose personal stories swayed a vote, but altered the history of his country. carlos casserly and the demise of a n day on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello and welcome, i and pete adobe. you're watching the news. i live from our headquarters here and coming up in the next 60 minutes. marching into the birthplace, the taliban captures afghanistan, 2nd largest city, as it rapidly gains more territory. struggling to keep up infections strip vaccinations in thailand. big is surge of corona virus infections. yet an arduous
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