tv [untitled] August 13, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm AST
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wait this to be we say we need to take america to try to bring people together trying to deal with people who left behind me. ah, marching into the 1st place, the taliban captures afghanistan, 2nd largest city. was it rapidly gains more territory? ah. hello again. peter w, watching out 20. live from also coming up, struggling to keep up infections outstripped vaccinations in thailand's biggest surge of corona virus infections. yet an arduous journey we talk to migrants making
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a desperate and dangerous jungle trek to panama in search of a better life. and the father of britney spears says he'll give up control of a korea after a bitter legal battle. ah, the taliban has made its most significant gains yet in an offensive that's leaving, cobble, dangerously exposed. it's captured, galveston, 2nd largest city, canada, which is the arm groups birthplace. elsewhere in the south, taliban fighters also took control of laska go. so the latest gains mean that in the past week 18 of afghanistan's 34 provincial capitals have fallen. the capture of kandahar and alaska adding to other territory taken including her at in the west and gas. ne, which it took control of on thursday. and the tunnel van has detained the veteran commander of a militia in western half. galveston,
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ismael con. he's known as the lion of her rats. he was taken as taliban fighters seized, that city con is one of kennesaw ins most prominent was battling sylvia's occupiers in the 19 eighties and working with us forces to topple the taliban in 2001 live now to couple on my colleague charlotte bellis. so charlotte drawing towards the end of another day and clearly the taliban still have the strategic advantage here . another 2 provincial capitals today, poly alone provincial capital of logo is just to the self of, of carbo about an hour drive from cobble, but 65 kilometers. so now they are knocking right on the door of cargo. the taliban say that the governor actually joined them. how we understand it is that they seen hundreds of fighters into the city and this actually, his compound was stormed and he was forced to surrender. it is significant because it is gone, is harm province and also because it is just so close to the cap. he now it is not
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the only place that fall today collapse, which is the provincial capital, a volleyball that just in the last few hours. we've seen video of be vaudeville governor being escorted by the taliban out of town. very shortly after that, the taliban took over and claimed it as the 18th provincial capital. to put this into context for you, there's only 34 provinces in the country, so they now have control of more than half the provincial capitals. they hadn't had control of one in about 5 years and managed to do this all within a week that picked up in the last 24 hours, 7 provincial capital. and that clue, the 2nd and 3rd biggest cities in afghanistan, kansas city in the south, which is the place herat and the west, and also let chicago and helen so they own a role at the moment. i talked to telephone contact this morning, who said even they a shot at how quickly they are taking control. they've also detained ismael con.
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what's your interpretation? charlotte, of how symbolic that is. or is male hahn is very well known in the west of afghanistan, who's a former governor in her ross. but he's been a figure have kind of resistance against the taliban and he's is an older man. and yet he was leading a resistance at a local uprising movement, but he was leading it on behalf of the national security forces in recent weeks helping to keep the telephone out. when herat was taken by the taliban yesterday, he was on the run alongside the governor. we intend to forward the deputy interior minister and other leaders in harass not. it was said that he was captured this morning. we understand that perhaps they had some type of agreement that the telephone saying that he has not joined them. that how to press conference this afternoon. it's unclear how much free will these leaders have had in this. but certainly an interesting gesture from the taliban to offer amnesty to essentially one of the biggest historical photos. now this isn't the only instance of amnesty
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from the taliban as being quite a few gulf moves where the provinces have fallen and they've been seen to be getting safe passage by the telephone out of the cities. and very shortly after the taliban have taken over with very little fight, which means essentially that it has been much, is bloodshed and destruction been. it might otherwise have been we've got u. s. u. k. and canadian forces all heading for cobbled in some shape or form. charlotte, us forces also been deployed to cattle and q weights as far as those extern allied forces are concerned, the shaping up to look like something that might be spawn as a failure for them. i mean, the united states to spend $800800000000.00 since 1996. yes, perhaps i think they've been asking, they've been dealing with that question for
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a long time now. especially from afghans who was saying, what was all this for. and there's a growing panic in calvo, a lot of international journalists and g o. as a rule, leaving the number of people i talked to who are getting on the next slide out. there is a lot of uncertainty at this point to the americans coming back a lot of ask and saying, are they going to come back to defend us when in fact, nor be coming back with minimal forces to protect their own embassy and then get out again shot it, thanks very much on joining us live from cobble well the case as it could return to afghanistan. if al qaeda is allowed to flourish again and threaten the west. the defense secretary, ben wallace, till british media afghanistan is at risk of becoming a failed state. and they tell about to have a message from last time. you start hosting al qaeda, you sell packing the west or countries of that. we could be back. let me think of natalie does, is underway on afghanistan and her simmons is falling developments on that aspect
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from london talking logistics really about getting evacuations organized promptly and reducing staff numbers of western embassies. and indeed, changing the location of west notices that are in the capital, kabul, because of security concerns. and everyone saying that there's no panic over this, but there are red lights flashing not only in diplomatic circles, but military ones as well. there are extra $3000.00 us troops going in most of those have arrived now. britain is sending another $600.00 troops into organize the the, the civilians of u. k. possible holders, evacuations that also africa and the civilians who are part of the a british military operation. now they're reducing the number of stuff in the u. k embassy. and they're moving it to an undisclosed location out of the area in right now, which is a secure, high security area anyway. but there is
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a lot of alarm about this. there is no doubt and a major operation going on. now to get out all the afghan has another signal to, to turn about making advances that really surprised military strategists in the west pace of it. and they are making a strident moves. it would seem not in any way put off by any frets of further action from the forces before they leave. and there is definitely a situation now where the, the big word in military circles is get out. the un is calling for an immediate end to a new wave of violence. in serious southwestern city of drop, thousands of civilians fled heavy shilling and ground battles between government forces and rebel forces. the special envoy says local to suffering from acute shortages, food, fuel, water and medicines. the city was put under a blockade by the government in june after residence,
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resisted to surrender weapons and de la forces to search houses with thailand is struggling to control its biggest wave with coded 19. yet while the pace of vaccinations is increasing, it'll take some time to catch up with infection rates. scott highland, now from bangkok. although my lot this is thailand's worst week in its cove. at 19 battles. there were 2 record breaking days of new infections and once with a high of 233 deaths until the start of the current 3rd wave of the virus. and april thailand had only about 30000 cove in 1900 cases in all since then it's added more than 830000. a delayed vaccine rollout has been the focus of much criticism directed at the government and the mixed messaging about preventative measures. as the 3rd wave was just taking hold. the rapid spike in cases has led to heavy strain
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on the health care system, which is considered one of the best in the region. volunteers have jumped in to fill the gaps fell upon loud, gotten to me, the existence of volunteer groups shows how the government has failed the part. so people have to help each other. the health ministry has proposed an immunity decrease that would prevent any legal action against from my medical staff while working on cobra, 1900 patients. it says it's designed to help them do their job, but it would also protect those responsible for vaccine procurement. an area that has come under critical scrutiny from the opposition and pro democracy protesters with it. i mean, i got the discontent of precedent if the government wants to be protected from their own actions, have seen more people. so in the government targeting policy makers, i don't think people will go out to frontline medical staff. i think the officer will be at ease it have some kind of immunity. so off, while medical experts say a better supply and variety of vaccines are critical for the overall battle against
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proven 19. more at home testing should be the top priorities. while the recent wave started in bangkok and other large cities, it is now spread to rural thailand. and that's an added complication because there's limited access in these areas, the health care and vaccines. but experts say more testing would help. i think that the piss his work is the key to, to, to help control the infection. ideally, it should be free for all people, because if you have this test in your hand at home, you can monitor yourself. if you get infect, you have you can help self home isolate and doctor put you and says it would also free a bed space and medical staff for those who need advanced care and it would help protect some of the more vulnerable groups, the elderly and children as the rates have covered, 1900 spreading inside households increases. got either al jazeera bank up south korea's prime minister is treating with the public to minimize travel,
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avoid meeting in groups and work from home as infections rise. the country has reported around 2000 new cases for 3 days in a row. a 4th wave of infections is being driven by the highly contagious delta variant, which is now the dominant strain of the virus across the country. china says it's fully vaccinated, 777000000 people against corona virus. that's more than half its population. country had been stepping up its banks in rolla this month after the delta bearings spread to half of his provinces in less than 2 weeks. china has reported more than 700 cubic 19 cases in the last 7 days. argent tina has started distributing his 1st batch of locally made sputnik corona virus bank seems more than a 1000000 doses of the russian job have been shipped to vaccination census. about 6000000 people waiting to receive their 2nd dose. argentina was the 1st country in the region to approve the vaccine still to come on this program, friends and activists, go to the release of a journalist who's been in chinese detention for
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a year without trial. and the fires may be under control in greece. now those who lost everything off. now demanding accountability ah hello, there. the monsoon rains have eased across parts of south asia in particular for india. they've been below average for the 2nd week in a row. but that hasn't stopped the floods as rivers like the ganges continue to overflow, but the rain has eased in the north west. it's in the north east. we're going to see it for particularly heavily in baton, nepal, and parts of bangladesh. we could see more flooding here along that western coast. the rain has eas, but the wind kicks in and that's going to affect parts of pakistan as well. but for new delhi, it's functional. and through the weekend it's the eastern coast. it's likely to see
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some pretty heavy rain in the days to come, and it's going to be more wet weather on schedule for much of east asia. we've got the may you front back in full force pumping. those pockets of rain, not just across central parts of china, we've seen some flooding in who bay province, and we've got red alerts in at least 5 cities there. but also for japan where we've got the highest alert issued across southern areas and can you show and western areas of hon. she, we've already seen the mud slides and land slides. we could see more as those range for heavy and they are expected to last. well through the week, so we'll keep an eye on that. that should weather update. the news, the madagascar, a breathtaking tropical paradise where its former protectors are now wanting to very we follow their journey as they put their lives on the
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line. 3 think it's all medical knowledge of the euro. ah the me welcome back. you're watching out to hear your top story so far this half hour the taliban has captured i get this done. second largest city kandahar, which is the arm groups birthplace elsewhere in the us. and it's also took control of last good are 18 of afghanistan's 34 provincial capital. so full and in the past
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week as the town of andro, closer to cobble need to pass it as a meeting to discuss the security situation in afghanistan, they want to coordinate measures to reduce staff at the embassies in cobble. one of the story tylen struggling to control its biggest wave of code with 19 to date friday. so a record daily number of infections or the 23000 based vaccinations is increasing, but we'll take some time to have an effect. sampson's vice chair has been released from prison and south korea up to been granted parole. he's j y lee. he had been serving a 2 and a half year sentence for bribing a friend of the former president in a merger deal. it's unclear if he can return to work, could exceed his release, reflects a culture of leniency for corporate bosses. li offered apology as he left prison. i have cost too much concern to the people. i am really sorry the heard. no, i'm listening carefully to your warriors, criticism,
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concerns, and high expectations about me. i will do my best. robert kelly is associate professor of international relations in the department of political science and diplomacy at present national university. he says lees released as part of a wider approach to white collar crime in south korea. the korean government has a habit of releasing corporate bosses who have been convicted of various crimes. some of that was actually being like physical salt and some, some of this isn't just white collar crime like, like leaf conviction but actual assault. and there's been a fair amount of criticism of that. and this is sort of a part of a large debate about sort of whether or not create very largest corporation or mega corporations that dominate the economy. that i have too much influence on, on politics, my own sense. we haven't been too much from the, from the current government. right. i mean, the president current president got in because the president of course is peach. right. and leave with great big ghana. i think the current president moon has been
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content to sort of allow that process to play out. right. he got what he wanted, if you will, politically, from this years ago. and i'm not really sure there's too much left to be gotten from sort of speeding up on the now in peach programs. she's been thoroughly grace right. or approval ratings and she left like under 10 percent or something like that. and you're going after sampling of course, and 3, it's pretty risky, right? so i don't think there's much cause for the government. there's no political advantage program manager really way in on this either way. the government in australia says it's seriously concerned about the welfare of a chinese born australian journalist has been detained in china for a year. chung lay was formerly arrested in february on suspicion of spying. she worked the journalist under the anchor for c g t n. the english language channel of china, television, the allegations could lead to life from prison or even the death penalty. they are highly unusual for an employee of a media outlet tightly controlled by the ruling communist party. la month before she was detained. australia did warn as people of a risk of arbitrary detention in china. beijing dismissed the warnings as this
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information. richard mcgregor is a senior fellow at the low institute and author of the party, the secret world of china's communist rulers. he says, there are many unanswered questions surrounding at attention. what they're doing is keeping this australian citizen imprisoned for a lengthy period of time on charges, disclosing state secrets, but exactly why they're doing them on those charges. main isn't clear. now. obviously, australia, china relations are very poor. ah, it's the case who has to be seen in that context, but it's not entirely clear that chung lays being held simply because she's an australian citizen. and this is some boma fortelli ation. it's the past city of the chinese system. it looks like that, but we don't know for sure. 100 percent. you know, so the 1st time that china has arrested journalist from the state broadcast to be cctv the chinese language service or in fact the english language language service
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. you know, often that has happened in past corruption cases when they come down the line and, and picked up other people allegedly involved. there's not a suggestion of that involving chung lay at all, but it, the problem is it's simply a mystery as to what she's alleged to have done because the chinese legal system doesn't disclose that. and it's not clear that will even be disclosed at the trial because it's possible, as with canadian citizens in jail, the because it state secrets allegedly the trial could be closed. if he's 21 people who died after heavy flooding in central china's hu bay province, torrential rain, cause power cuts and landslides, destroying hundreds of homes in 6000 people have been forced out of their properties. 5 cities in who a province have declared red alerts. japan has put western and southern areas on highland because of severe weather warnings. torrential rain target,
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a mudslide that engulf 2 houses in the city, and then in effect, the prefecture for people were swept away. one was found dead to others, a missing residence. in some areas have been told to prepare for evacuation turkeys, president rich uptime. erwin has declared disasters in northern regions hit by flooding. there were at least 27 people who died. heavy rain hit the black sea provinces this week. it's the 2nd disaster this month after big fires brought widespread destruction to southern coastal areas. 22 people have been arrested and algeria suspected being behind many of the wildfires that the government has been struggling to contain them. and they've appealed to international help. they will be 3 days of national mourning for the $69.00 people killed. wildfires in greece are largely contained after cause in what the prime minister says is the worst economical disaster in decades. while the 100000 hector's of land and forest burned in 2 weeks, the bas robbie. now from athens. the quiet of
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a life was forest. sharp contrast to the violent wildfires that snuffed it out. crystals be thus walks the burned woods looking for injured animals. the forest stood for many years. he says, filled with animals, dear wolves, wild boar, whatever anyone can imagine to find in a forest apathy. but we started trying to save animals right from the start. and there's a matter of fact, a lot of these animals we knew because we were feeding them to pull out of that one going to the ends. unfortunately, we found many of them dead. all living creatures have souls. he says. so they all matter. looking at the landscape now, he doesn't know how anything can continue to live here. greece is prime minister has promised to replant every tree and rehabilitate every forest that's been
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effected by these wildfires. but we're talking about vast tracts of land that has spread across the entire country. these are forests that it took generations to grow. remember, familiar, he, whoever lives in this area are people who are alive. they live in nature in the forest, they know how to face fires or are brave enough to help the firefighters. not boys isn't going to be the risk. after a 42 year career covering the war in vietnam, as well as conflicts in europe and the middle east. alexis woodside, us retired to a house in the woods, a lifetime of photographs, the tools of his trade cameras, computers, all gone. he might have to return to work but says he doesn't even know where to begin. he is angry, says he could have saved his house himself, but as a safety measure was forcibly removed by people from the civil protection ministry . i don't want to have these missed, even though we could have put it out,
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they cut off our water and they forced us out. these are people who don't know this area. people had nothing to do with fire fighting. it was a mess, and this is the situation. my whole life has been burned. he won't leave even burned to the ground. he says this is his home. he will repair a cott use a brick as a pillow and sleep under open sky. his grit is all he has left his in basra, b o. d 0 in greece as part of the mountains. a man has shot and killed 5 people during a 6 minute shooting spree in the u. k. city of plymouth. among the dead was a 3 year old girl. the 22 year old shooter turned the gun on himself after the attack. police believe the incident was a case of domestic released violence. my shootings are rare in the u. k. where gun ownership is relatively low. this week we been following some of the thousands of migrants making a treacherous journey from columbia as northern border up to panama. many hope to reach the u. s. a. traveling through
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a dangerous jungle region. it's known as the darian gap. theresa bo reports now from one of the communities in panama, that's receiving them ah, right through the to quite the river. dipping the jungle in panama shows how thousands are fleeing poverty in south america. boats filled mostly with patients, cubans and venezuela migrants follow one after the other. heading to the united states on the arriving columbia and cross to panama through the daring gap. the arrived thirsty hungry and walk with difficulty robledo from venezuela travel with his wife and 3 children. he still recovering from the journey. but whatever i can say is small compared to what we saw in one, there was a dead child and in another tent 2 people drowning in the river and left hanging on trees. i counted at least 8. i'm sure there were more, i don't know if this is the worst i've ever lived in hardwood. how many take?
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i mean? amanda thought his wife florida says she struggled climbing the mountains on the cliffs in the jungle. because it's horrible because i felt i couldn't any more before i arrived here, i felt weak. we hadn't eaten in days. my feet were injured and i was thinking of my children. i thought my baby was not going to make it. florida says they were faulted a woman from her group was raped and she had to cover herself in mud to protect herself and g. o say, rape has become the norm. most of the people we have full control that arrived to this come are desperate. most of them have lost all their belongings, they have no clothes for their children. this group is from venezuela. they say the only thing left are there expired passport. the all arrive at the indigenous village of the hotel quito, where there is not enough food and water to help them recover from the trip. dress
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has just arrived here from haiti. her 4 month old baby is dehydrated and has a fever. whether or not i left, she lay because we don't have papers. the government doesn't want to give us papers . so we're going to mexico. around 16 percent of those here are children. they survive the journey. but unicef says most of them are traumatized. but this gets o'neil's. children are very young and they can be serious health issues like everybody else because of the trip. you see diarrhea formats, but also their effect to technologically because they go to to magic experiences. in some cases they get lost from their parents. so it's very difficult. the countries in the region are struggling to cope with the thousands of migrants heading towards north america. they're trying to implement quote, us, but this is unlikely to work for now. in spite of the risks, migrants continue to arrive. this is only a part of the journey,
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but most of them say it has left ones that will mark them for life. i will see that in panama, a victory for brittany spears and her battle against court ordered measures that she says have been used to abuse her sing as case to shed light on so called conservative ships in the united states. now that's where a judge appoints legal or financial guardians, who control another person's life, even if that person is an adult. as cathy or looper, sodium reports this arrangement can be difficult to replace. the aftermath of public pressure jamie spirit, says he will step down as conservator of his daughter, britney spears, as a state for more than a decade, course have allowed him and others to control the money career and much of her life after she suffered a series of mental breakdowns, but allegations of abuse. how followed the 39 year old told the judge she's been
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drugged, forced to perform and prevented from having more children. 1 she also accused her previous legal team of working against her interests. the hands have run and increasingly, both online campaign free, brittany for a long time. one of the most problematic aspects of this case has been that she hasn't been able to fluctuate attorney. and i don't think that the attorney she had previous to this was, i know that he hasn't been advocating for her interest because we know that brittany has asked and multiple times out of this. and apparently he never told her how to do that. once again, want to thank brittany spears for her courage. the case has brought attention to conservative ships in the us critic say the legal guardianship measures are open to abuse and terminating a conservatorship isn't simple to get out of it. you need to then prove to the court, i've regained my capacity. i've been in therapy, i've been taking medication. i've worked on myself and now i'm
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a to make these decisions. so it's not just standing up and saying, i want to be out. it's proving to the court that you're ready to be out. there is no time lying for when britney's father will step down. he denies any wrong doing, and he's calling for another conservator to take his place with fingers fancy. it's a step in the wrong direction. but the battle they argue is far from over castillo, so the young jazeera ah exactly half past the hour. let's update your top stories. the taliban has made its most significant gains yet in an offensive that's leaving. cobbled dangerously exposed. it's captured f canister on 2nd largest city kandahar, which is the arm groups birthplace. elsewhere in the south. taliban fighters also took control of laska gar charlotte bellis is in cobble just in the last year.
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