tv [untitled] August 14, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm AST
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able to spread their message far beyond their hamburg home. but some police history is far from innocent. the club is sending out a warning about the rise in popularity of the far right parties like the a, f. d. nazis and fascists have no place in san poly today. the this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm having to think of this is the news live from coming up in the next 60 minutes . warnings of hi casualties and widespread damage from an earthquake that struck katy and sent shock waves across the car b. yep, the app can lead a braces, saw it and says fi is rise of itala bon takeover. i supply it says re mobilizing
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the military is a top priority. ominous signs for the countries, minorities, we take a look at what it means for them. if the taliban takes over. turning to ruins. algerians displaced by wildfire struggled to pick up their lives. and timely hardy with sports manchester united have made a statement on the opening weekend of the premier league mashing leads 51 with bruno fernandez for a hat trick in front of a capacity crowd at old trafford. ah, a powerful 7.2 magnitude. earthquake has struck haiti, prompting a red alert from the us geological survey for what it expects will be many casualties. buildings of collapse than a number of deaths have been reported. the epicenter was about a 106,
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the kilometers west of the capitol porter, france. disaster flag nation is still recovering from the earthquake in 2010. killed more than 200000 people. that's cross live to heidi ho castro in washington d. c. so how do you tell us what we know, what more we know about this at the moment? well has, and we know that this quake struck at about 830 local time in the morning and haiti that was about 2 and a half hours ago. and the country's new prime minister ariel henry has confirmed that there are dest, though the official numbers may still take awhile to come in due to the communication breakdown, that's part of the destruction. here the us geological survey has issued a red alerts for the likelihood of high fate holidays saying that the high casualties are probable and that the damage is widespread. now of course, this couldn't come at a worse time before the worst circumstances,
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haiti is still struggling to recover from the magnitude $7.00 earthquake that hit in 2010, which was smaller than the 7.2 magnitude measured this morning. battery quake, of course. leaving close 230-0000 haitians, dead destroying homes, 1.1.5000000. now we're seeing images from social media of crumbled buildings of hospitals that have been devastated. others overwhelmed with a number of people streaming in with injuries. and of course haiti is still over going through its political crisis after the assassination of, of its president, just 5 weeks ago. indeed, all is coming at a time when the country is already reeling from all of the problems that you just outlined. there, heidi show castro will check in with you again, hopefully when we get more information for the moment. heidi ho, castro life was there in washington. d. c. well, john bellini is geophysicist at the us geological survey,
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national earthquake information since you joined us now from golden in colorado. thanks so much for being with us. now. i know your team has been monitoring this quake. tell us what you know about at this point. we know that we have a magnitude 7.2 for this earthquake and it is located west of port prince of farther west actually than the january 2010 earthquake, which was a little bit smaller out of magnitude 7.0. so that is definitely a positive thing with them, but because of the size and population density, there will probably be widespread damage. and what sort of damage i know information is sketchy at the moment. and this, this may be a little speculative, but give us a sense of, of the kind of damage that an earthquake like this on this magnitude could do in a country like haiti, where the infrastructure is already not particularly strong. and as we said of the
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top there, the countries still recovering from that devastating earthquake of 2010 based on what we saw with the 2010 earthquake, we will not be surprised to see lots of buildings collapsed and have others having quite a bit of significant damage and how long would it take for. ringback you know, to, to fully assess the kind of damage should that would be done after, after a quake like this. well, we don't do damage assessments directly, but, you know, big because of the location and the nature of the, the situation there of damage assessment. you know, something that's going to take some time. good to speak with you that john bellini, thanks so much for being with us. now, not giving up. that's the message by from afghanistan as president as fears rise of
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a taller bond takeover of the country. national connie is saying his top priority is to re mobilize the military in a rare public address. ronnie says he's been in talks with local and international partners to end the conflict till next. i am not going to allow this imposed war. now, nation to lead, to more bloodshed, and to losing the gains of our last 2 decades and damages to our public goods. an infrastructure. because of this, i've carried out widespread comprehensive consultations with representatives of the people and leaders by hand without international partners in the consultation to be in carried out in a speedy manner. on the ground, the taliban has captured shut on of the provincial capital of particular province, just south of campbell. they now have 21 provincial capitals under their control for the north. a fierce battle is on the way on the outskirts of mazata, should leave the city as a regional hub and
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a base for forces loyal to the government. go to, i'm sorry, on the situation is dangerous outside the city and inside the city there's no business. can you believe we cannot even n just over a dollar a day? that was that child, haley had all the security situation is getting worse. the young person who's been living here for 18 years on pieces stability. the 4th issue a shot a bell has more on president granny statement form called why i think he was trying to show that he wasn't isolated and cut off by giving this address today. the 1st time we've seen him speak and about a week now, and in this speech he tried to offer support to his citizens. he said, i'm trying to avoid the bloodshed. i. he said there are consultations ongoing with local and international leaders. and we understand that when he says i'm trying to avoid bloodshed that, that involves these negotiations and consult ations with, with all these different parties that he's trying to find
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a way out of this. even though these negotiations very much as we understand and looking at his future specifically and where he will be able to stay on as president taliban certainly don't want him to stay on his president. they have refused to negotiate with the government with him at home in the past, and they are essentially undermining him today. they had is mel con, come to deliver a message on behalf of the taliban. now he is a very well known leader from harass in the waste is very anti taliban. but when herat fell a couple of days ago, he surrendered to the taliban and sent him to cobble with his message. since you trying to get other government leaders to join beam and move away from gandhi, and then he's also facing a heap of pressure as the telephone, just steam roll across the country. $21.00 provincial capitals have now fallen in 8 days to the group. the controlling about 2 thirds of the country and closing in on cobble hot raimie is assistant professor of law at the american university of
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afghanistan. he says, connie will have a difficult time keeping his promise. he's not in control anymore and it's not a but prison gunny anymore. it's about making a transition as blood leslie, as orderly, and as soon as possible. the fight is at the doors of cobble. i mean, you are reporting show that the cobble is being encircled and the time is not undergo and the government time the government, the bridge is shrinking. and there is heavy fighting and happen. happening in missouri. if missouri falls and if cobble falls under pressure, then the all hope for a political settlement, all hopes for a publishing agreement would be lost. these are critical moments. these are moments that will turn up into chaos. the capital, the home of more than 5000000 people. and how's them up into the place people into chaos long? and it's going to turn the situation into an organ urban warfare that
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a cornerstone and cobble in particular experience in the ninety's. or will have orderly transfer a power where people's lives at least will be say people's property will be, will be safe. and the future government, you have to think we have to have foresight here. the future government has to have some sort of literacy otherwise, if mil, if allah get to a military takeover or they can force the government class without transition a government in place, then we will have a government that will have come to power by new force. so it will not have international timothy, and it would not be seen as the limit in the eyes of athens. so just going to prolong this, this cycle of violence and destruction. a cut us foreign minister has met the taliban delegation in da. how for a follow up on talks being held, they're aimed at ending the fighting cutlass for mr. released the statement, urging the taller bond to reduce escalation and accept the ceasefire. discussions
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with taliban and african government officials in doha so far have failed to reach agreement rights. groups are concerned that afghans who faced persecution from advancing taliban forces, or an urgent need of evacuation and international protection, or taking a look at one of the most prominent groups at risk. the hazard a she as are among the most vulnerable recent estimates suggest they make up less than 10 percent of the population. their leaders say since the 1900 ninety's, they've been the most persecuted community in afghanistan in the past 6 years. at least 1200 hazardous were killed in attacks and many are still living in fear. last year, many has honors, were killed in attacks that took place in the maternity ward. and again, a few months ago at a girl school in west cobble, most attacks have been blamed on isom human rights watch. there's some of those acts of violence could amount to war crimes or money on my tosh is an international lawyer from afghanistan specializing. and she would rise,
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she joined us now from los angeles via skype. thanks very much for being with us. so we mentioned the hazardous there let's, let's talk about them 1st. historically, they have been a persecuted minority in afghanistan. how is that experience likely to change if at all, if the taliban were to take over the whole country? thank you. i think it's important to give your viewers a little bit of a context before we discuss that specific issue. because i've kind of stand, has actually a very multi ethnic, multi linguistic country. the constitution recognizes 14 at the groups. there are many more been estimated. there are 40 different languages. and through history, it's been a crossroads of civilization, many different empires rule that area and ethnic groups that we see today. they were part of some ruling empire at some point of the modern state of afghan,
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a stand which was said in $1747.00 by much dirani was by a push to and the king from that time were from the pub student ethnic group. and while there was peace, there was discrimination against minorities, particularly the has sorrows. what happened is during the soviet invasion and afterward the power vacuum that existed in the early ninety's, neighboring countries were seeking to create more division between afghanistan groups for political reasons. and these attacks against has, are us, were seen there, the reprisals from has our groups against those who they thought were attacking them. and it's very important that we not allow the neighboring countries to create this division. because one thing about africans, if you look at their history, when it comes time for someone to invade them, they will unite. when you look at the history against the british invasion, when you look at the soviet union's invasion, they will unite the trend that we're seeing actually around the world and this week
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. and there's going to be multiple protests by afghans who believe that it's the neighboring country. pockets on the government, not its people that's been supporting the taller bond and seeking to destabilize, i've got to stand. and perhaps these attacks against our groups, which fell about actually didn't take responsibility for. but i did it the way to create more division. now that doesn't mean that there is not discrimination in the society that needs to be addressed. that is important. that up can constitution recognizes rights and i've gone down has been a member of many international conventions, but the problem has been the system. and since the 2004 constitution, there's been a single party vote, a single individual voting system, which is not allowed for representation based on political parties. so what people have done is gone back to their ethnic group as the group that they feel may represent them. now going to your question about the recent events. it is
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a political crisis, a humanitarian crisis. africans around the world and inside afghanistan are calling upon more international intervention from the united nations, not just statements, but peacekeepers need to be sent in natal. i south, which were there. they want more international intervention now that the u. s. has withdrawn and had told the african people, it's an afghan problem even though they were involved in the process. so i think the issue of the issue of minorities is reflective of the broader political problem, which is that neighboring countries have interfered and thought to divide afghans and make the problem worse. and that should not continue. and with the peace agreement, all ethnic groups need to be represented and feel represented, so they can rebuild trust. you mentioned there about neighboring countries like pakistan, for example, that you say would be making the situation worse, dividing, dividing groups further in afghanistan. what can it be if, if the,
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if us lead presence, what should be reversed there? and they would to stay in afghanistan. what would they be able to do to, to push back against that? i think from the beginning there was an issue where the united states did not send the message to pakistan. that training, equipping, providing support for the taliban, providing a safe haven for them and other insurgent groups. it's not just the taller bond who have gone across the border, come back and waited to tax against the african people, not just ethnic minorities, but people around the country. if you look at the civilian casualties. and atkins, had worked in partnership with united states. they knew that there would be a withdrawal, but they wanted it to be responsible with raul, in which there was a peace agreement and peace. at least the fees fire in place a new and term government or new piece agreement for power sharing in place. but for the troops with 2 completely and to make sure that the national security and
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defense horse had the capability to deal with these attacks. but when you don't have support for them, and they're not getting their basic necessities that it's difficult for them to provide for their own security. so yet the u. s. does have a key role because in the early 2000 and the u. s. that we want to take the lead role and i suffer nato's role was diminished. so i believe the u. s. does have a responsibility to show a commitment to the african people that it will do what is needed to send a message to pockets on and the hash tag that it's trending worldwide. it's sation pockets on. and it's that unity amongst the african people that they want to live in peace with their neighbors, but they don't want them to intervene and create di to create instability in their country. and so yes, you have to take a role in this because they have been, you know, part of the process. and these backroom deals that the can, people have felt and the government has felt that the u. s. peace on boy has had with the taller bond, as we're seeing today, has failed. so more international cooperation is needed. if the u. s. is not going
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to step back in good to get your perspective their money and my touch. joining staff from los angeles, thank you. thank you, i'm plenty more ahead to all this news, our hopes rising among opposition, supporters in zambia? karen, did i take them early lead in the presidential election also, why palestinian and jose are increasingly finding themselves targets of israel's military and in sport dreams thought for branford premier league debuts highlights that went over also later in a news. ah, so let's go ahead the 1st in northern turkey, dozens of volunteers and emergency workers are rushing to supply aid to people affected by days of heavy flooding. drone 40 shows huge damage in the black sea
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town of both could. the death hole across the northern turkey has now risen to at least 40 for many a struggling to cope with the chaotic aftermath of the floods. the cause and debris tossed by waves of water, dozens of bridges and roads. i've also been destroyed while power has been cut to hundreds of villages. a fire fighters in algeria are still battling more than 30 wildfires. at least i be 71. people have died. so far in the city of t, z who's who some of those who had to leave their homes are returning to find them destroyed, katia lopez, diane has more thick smoke above these mountains in north central, algeria conceals much of the devastation left by the wildfires. this was one of at least turn in and around the city of t 0 who were entire communities were destroyed. this was delights home. it still standing,
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but inside everything is gone. his few belongings are scattered but now looks like an abandoned building. janos on the kitchen is younger, it was a fire like i've never seen before. the fire wasn't moving slowly, it was gusting and we couldn't be in front of it. it was suffocating to deal with the medulla. family is in a similar situation, trying to salvage whatever was spared by the fire. my home. let's just not leave work when you're given what we've been through. i can't believe or even talking. right? no, not we're alive. it's really a tragedy. something i've never experienced before. 6 the law in other parts of the country, the fires are still burning. the army has been deployed to help, but many team still lack equipment and villagers have joined the fight. in the morning there was a lack of resources. there are only a few why fi is and we are trying to help. may god help us anger against the
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government is growing some emergency measures that were passed in 2004, we're never implemented. there are few, sometimes, no hydrants available for firefighters to get water to battle the flames. it's a similar story with fire breaks and better access to roads. men be facing problems now turned to the community rather than the government. but i think it's our people cell dirty that try and it is l jury. and so there it is. the citizens that try and then the door family is like many in algeria forced to start over with what's left after the fires castillo missile. the young al jazeera, so cold mega fire has flared up in northern california. dixie has destroy several towns in the sacramento since mid july. 5 around 30 percent contained people are being warned to leave their homes. california is on track to record its worst ever
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5 season. russian president vladimir putin says the scale of the natural disasters that have hit the country this year are in his words, absolutely unprecedented. russia has expanded a state of emergency and siberia, where more than 100 wildfires, a burning nearly a 124 spies are raging across 14000 square kilometers and people have been evacuated from several villages. smoke from the fires is choking. the capital you could sk, which in winter is often referred to as the coldest city on earth, a zombie as opposition leader kind a he lemme has taken an early lead in presidential elections. president edgarland who is trailing behind his rival for now, but the outcome could change as more results come from rural areas. how do matessa join us live now from lusaka? so what is the latest? so you're hearing on the vote counting well, we're hearing that it could be a while before the final results released probably
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a day or 2. but the results of the stuff i indicate that opposition be gained a lot is leading for not what that could change in africa. normally when the thoughts are being least election results, they usually start with the urban areas. good. but just to clear just beta to handle that coming for the urban is where the opposition usually has a lot of support. so in, in a few hours or a day or so, the rural votes coming in and that's a governing party. nobody have support, that's way in many african countries like that be more people seem to live and that way president, who is hoping to get a lot of his the vote from the commission say that the reason why it's taking so long to announce all the results is because it's a manual counting process, so it's going to take time in some areas are remote, they're hoping they say to relieve all the results by sunday, but with the delays we be seeing it could be longer than that
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a day or 2. the general moods in the country is that of anxiety. people wait with the final results. if the com pin is attend, come here in stock. i mean, for example, on friday and even sometimes a day when people see soldiers drive past, you see some people looking a bit worried on friday of resolved what the situation, the way people just started running. and people asked you why you running and they didn't know the just for group people writing the writing as well. as i thought there was a problem that it was just the with the minute you guys just driving down the road, you see something to fill out a behind me. they are guarding certain key installations there. in neighborhoods we officially think they could be a problem later. on if the result is the pete, the beated, social media had been interrupted on voting day. it's now back, but it's patchy. so people can access limited amounts of what's up, for example, and can go on facebook for a few hours, but it's still not back to normal as it used to be official say,
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the reason why they did this is because in the past from elections, people were posting false information, they were posting, i'm verified result and that caused panic and that caused tension. but right now it is calm, is wait for those final result. you told the next is also be announced. may be in a couple of hours, but like i said, they're saying that it could take some time. good. manual counting and hoping to release the final results by sunday. it's not monday, tuesday had them a tough life. was there any new soccer? thank you. a jennings preparing to choose a new government in september after 16 years of chancellor, anglo merkel, christian democrats, but a very public blunder by the men tip to replace her as dented the parties. prospects ottoman lushu was caught laughing during a visit to a flood hid area. his popularity is nose, di since then. dominic cane reports from berlin implies the political shadow
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boxing of the summer is over. now it's time for the main event for arm and lashes. that means trying to land a few punches on his electoral rivals, both from the social democrats and from the greens, which is why he's been visiting eco friendly projects like this, the new tesla factory outside berlin. this is the future rocher of energy, the future of sustainability. and we thank you for this investment in germany as well. it's a, it's a pleasure to be here. the problem for lash it is that many people seem unsure about him. images like these of him laughing on the sidelines of a visit to a flood hit area last month have damaged his reputation. when he stands alongside angle immaculate, such events, some believe he struggles by comparison. some in his home state, blame him for their problems. this level of dissatisfaction is mirrored at the national level. when in early spring he emerged as the lead candidate for his party
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and their bavarian allies, the c s. u. they were pulling it around 30 percent. now they're struggling to stay above 20 percent. with strong challenges from the greens and social democrats, one analyst says lash. it has been trying to stress his environmental credentials in order to stem the flow of votes to the greens seems to that to russia has to go a bit more towards the issues of the greens and talk the issues in the public and social justice thing over these elections are about choosing who works in parliament for the next 4 years. they'll also have a direct impact on who ends up as the chancellor for the past 16 years, that role has belonged to the christian democrats angular makeover, but with her soon to be gone. and now, with arm and lashes in charge of the cd, you that grip on power seems looser. and the threats from the other main parties much stronger. and all the while the bavarian prime minister mach hazard and looks
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on he wanted to be the lead candidate for the cd. you c s u in september, but last out to lash it in the spring. now the polls suggest most germans would prefer verda as chancellor, and that the cd you c s u vote would be higher if he was but such a change of course seems highly unlikely. with just a few weeks to go. dominant cane al jazeera berlin affiliate dawn as 0 sent back to guatemala. the u. s. is criticized for deporting migrants with no right to seek asylum. and 4 years after sierra lee owns was much slides disaster. experts say it's just a matter of time before there's another one and in sport, things got off to a good stop. so this to 1000000 tennis plans find out where it all went wrong. action from the canadian opens, coming up a
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hello there. those hot and dry conditions are expected to continue across much of the middle east and levant. as we go into sunday. temperatures across an event are where we expect them to be. they have come down slightly across iraq. iran and q weight with temperatures was touching up to the high forty's. now it is looking rather quiet, but we do have a small wind that could blow down from iraq. and that's going to pick up some dust across q weights katasha and into saudi arabia. so there'll be plenty of hazy sunshine around. we've got a strong to suddenly when that's bringing temperatures down across coastal areas of oman and yemen. and we're seeing if you showers across those western mountains of yemen, edging up into saudi arabia. these join up with the most season showers that we're seeing across that central band of africa. and we have seen flooding in cameroon.
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we could see more scenes like this as the reins of falling, particularly heavily as we go into next week. not just here, but also in areas of an sudan stretching all the way through to the gulf of guinea now was move farther south. it's a pretty wet picture as well. for areas of south africa, we've seen a bit of a winter. we mix across the interior, but temperatures are going to pick up in the coming days and they'll be plenty of sunshine. the in 2011 outages, they were reported from townsend on the senate to trade in the body parts and i'll be knows. this is where the theme that they put it, right and on the back re wind revisit system. i then mutilated to service the rituals of witchcraft. when the crash to rewind spell.
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