tv [untitled] August 15, 2021 5:00am-5:30am AST
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being totally destroyed, we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on our sierra. ah, cities continue to fall as the taliban consolidate the control of the more and more . ah. hello, i'm on the inside of this is als, is there a life and also coming up at least 300 people are killed off to a magnitude 7.2 quake strikes. haiti thrives among all positions the porters in zambia as they come to take some early lead in the presidential election, living on deepening fuel crisis triggers. widespread blackouts and bread shows the
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central bank head says, no one is running the country. ah, taliban fighters have seized a key northern city in a gun, a storm in yet another blow to the government's efforts to blunt the armed groups onslaught. that's all about now. controls maza e sharif, which is the capital of bulk province. and means it's fighters. now control all of northern afghanistan on the government has been reduced the capital kabul, and parts of the east. and the taliban say they are now moving to words. gyla bod afghans. tom's 5th largest city, south of couple sharona the capital of puck seeker province fell early on saturday, followed by the cities of the bud. and god as both of them, nick, couple of the president remains defiant. astra gone,
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pledge not to give up what he calls 2 decades of gains. and the u. s. sector states has been pushing for diplomatic efforts to reduce any further violence. andrew chappelle has this report. as the telephone claims, another city afghan forces are seen getting out of their way. in this case, out of the country to beckett's tan, a fortress of a city, missouri sharif as a major price. taking it consolidate the taller bonds control of the north. talk to you and other provinces, closer to the capital, were added to the list on saturday. 22 provincial capitals falling to the group interest a days the telephone celebrating its lightening advance and places that controls fighters. florence had recently captured hardware during a helicopter hanger in western herat province and hoisted their flag in kandahar city. a top a gate that leads to the governor's compound. u. s. president biden has warned the taliban of a swift and strong response if us personnel or put it risk in cobbled. the
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americans began evacuating the embassy. only mission critical staff will remain. 5000 troops are flying in to assist when kilometer away in the presidential palace . i struck, connie addressed the nation. the taliban have always refused to go. she with the government as long as connie is at the helm, that holly can meet the castle. i know you are worried. i assure you as your president, my focus is to prevent further instability, violence, and displacement in mind. as my responsibility, i will try to prevent this war from killing more innocent people from that. and the taliban is circling with every provincial capital. it takes the government's leverage lessons and or chappelle, i'll do here with his the math off afghanistan as it stands right now. the gray shows the areas under taliban control. the yellow shows areas on the government control. and these have been shrinking by the day, as shown in red hang in the balance will thousands of us troops will soon be enough,
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got installed to help evacuate american diplomatic personnel will have more than that with mike hannah, who is law for us in washington, dc. but 1st, let's go straight to couple and speak to the correspondence charlotte balice. charlotte fastly bring us up to date with the latest from the fighting. well, there's been a lot of developments overnight starting with you as you said, missouri sharif, the biggest city in the north, that was the last best in it, had been holding on to try to stay in government hands. the government had said some senior leaders to missouri, including general dawson, another man known as adam home in nor there was a lot of people up there trying to boost morale and, and keep hold of it for the government. it was one of the last remaining big cities that they still how but the taliban pushing and yesterday, coming in from the west and the san breaking a prison pretty swiftly and then very shortly after that there was just
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a convoy of cars, security forces, and some of these leaders that government leaders that they had seen from cobble were just driving to his biggest pitch, seen of them on the bridge, on the biggest trying to escape. so now the boat province in taliban control, that is the 22nd provincial capital before but they have not stopped there. we are hearing this morning reports that they have taken. nangle ha, the provincial capital of july le bed in the east. their telephone report saying that, but then also residents a saying that they have taken over the major government assets in that city. july labatte is a large city. it's one of the biggest cities in afghanistan. and it is incredibly significant because it is east of afghanistan on the road to pakistan, which means they've essentially cut off couples access east now and to talk and crossing which was the biggest crossing and get this done. and where they had
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a major source of revenue through customs and border control. so cobble, becoming increasingly isolated, another province to tell a bon claiming is also on the east next to july. the bad luck among the provincial capital, they admit the tell about saying has fallen also. so to put this into perspective for you on friday, logo province directly south of cobble fell yesterday to the west of cobble. they pushed into war deck and they have taken over some buildings in the end, the main city via which is about 45 minutes away and then overnight from the east. so really put some suspect of how they are starting to encircle the capital. now that they have all these other places in rural areas and to the north of cobble is background me a field that was a big, biggest space for the us when they departed a month ago they, they live from background field, the taliban saying at least that they have broken into background prison inside
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that field and released over the prison is there. we haven't been able to verify that, but that is true. it is very symbolic, at least as it was a picture of kind of the us base and representation in afghanistan. if that has also fall into the tele bond and they're certainly coming from all directions. so that what is the mood in couple as the taliban get closer and closer? panic is growing for sure. local residents will, sorry, the international community most international evacuation. now there's evacuation flights. seeing us embassy come down to critical mission stuff only is that thousands of horses come in to help execute that mission. but among ask and there is a lot of panic. but then there's a 2 prong situation where they want to get out themselves cobble residents, but their, their families have also arrived. i talked to one woman yesterday who was a interpreter to the us and she wants to evacuate as part of the s i b program.
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she's waiting to hear become increasingly panic. she couldn't meet us because she said the sporting people in my house because all of her relatives have flipped from condos in the north and arrived at her house. they had nowhere else to go. and she was looking after them. so we're hearing more and more stories of people ending up with dozens of people in the home trying to look after family members. on top of that, prices are skyrocketing. there was a run on banks here today. i drove past the bank, there was a 100 people outside 1st thing in the morning chewed up just trying to get money out. the some conversations about people trying to get all the money out of the banks and the government. putting a stop to the amount of withdrawals you can get out so that these banks don't run out of money. fuel prices have doubled in the last 3 months that sending food prices up. these conversations that even the price is the book is arising as more people here and cobble, consider the option that they might need a booker, if the telephone into cannibal. so let us know for us in kabul. well,
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as i mentioned earlier, thousands of us troops will soon be in afghanistan on let's go to my account. i was live for us in washington, d. c. mike, charlotte painting a very dye, a picture, the how is what is going on in afghanistan? big view domestically well, it was announced in the course of the day that another $1000.00 troops will be sent to cover, bringing the total in that city to $5000.00. but in addition to this, as well, another 2 south and from 82nd bone are being sent to bolster the falls that is already in kuwait to the 1000 marines. that already that will operate as a quick reaction force should be embassy in couple of or if it comes under threat domestically, this is playing out. this being a lot of criticism off the bite in administration for going ahead with this
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withdrawal, and not having plan sufficiently, it would appear for this massive surge by kind of bond. among those criticizing president biden is former president, donald trump, who's issued a statement saying that the biden administration did not follow his administration's blueprints. he does not point out that this results directly from the peace deal that the trump administration did with taliban back in may. last year and trump agreed at that time to withdraw all us forces by may this year. biden, when he took office, extended that period to the end of august by himself saying in a statement that he was locked into the situation by the actions of his predecessor . but there are many democrats, as well as republicans who are criticizing by them not only for the withdrawal, the total withdrawal, but also for the manner in which it is being conducted. arguing that his administration should have foreseen the fact that taliban would embark on this
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massive search, clearly the bite and administration not understanding that the habit button could deploy so quickly as us troops withdrawal money. thanks for that, mike. hannah there for us in washington dc. early i spoke with david ross, a professor at the national defense university of former nato operations director at the join chief of staff. he explained to me how the conflict will play out. so it is a critical moment. i mean this, the collapse, the african government has been unexpected, unexpectedly rapid. and it's also been an areas that you don't expect it normally that the taliban is passion, moving as hearts. but what they've been able to do is form alliances with leaders from other ethnic groups of blokes in numerous province. the respects ensure began province and they've been able to in effect, isolate the government of afghan garrison's. and for the most part,
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been able to just get them to surrender and conquer these capitals without shots being fired as the fall of cobble. now inevitable. i don't think it is. know what we're seeing is remote garrisons in isolated areas. ready that are ethnically different from them for the most part. busy and that, you know, are unwilling to risk their lives for you know, regime that it or leaders that have proven unable to support them. but as the, the movement goes into cobble. what you're getting is the hard core of well trained people, the special forces, the african forces. and you're also going to people who know that their, their livelihood is not going to be very long under a taliban leaderships. we've really overlooked just how brutal taliban government could be. so i think we're likely to see more orchestrated military activity from cobbled up till now. this is mostly been about forces retreating or changing sides . you say that there is the 5th warfare preventing a bloodshed in the capital?
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is it possible though that cobble will just be handed over to the taliban? it is possible, you know, and i was surprised by the rapid advance, particularly in the north of afghanistan. so it is possible, but i think it's less likely i don't think you can just just, you know, just just draw straight line from say the follow bizarre sharif to the fall. a couple. i think that calvo is quantitatively different. and i think that the nature of the afghan forces in cobble are different from we've seen in the rest of the country. but i've been surprised before. what do you think has gone wrong? because the ask on army, we know have a capable air force, something the taliban doesn't have. they have molten equipment. i've been trained for 20 years by the u. s. and the americans. why has none of them? none of that actually mattered when it's come to this battle. well, they didn't have a capable air force, i mean they had a small air force that was truly dependent upon us logistics and support. i think
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what happened was that the rapid withdrawl of us support, particularly logistics support, had a definite tackle impact. but i think it also had and will be arguing on this for years. a morality impact it kind of created that is the idea that the fall of the african girl was inevitable. and nobody wanted to be the last guy to die in the last cause. so i think that, you know, it might be the right decision to withdraw from afghanistan, but i think it was definitely done in the wrong way. and i think that a lot of the actions that the us government is taking probably for good reasons, but they have the inadvertent effective further undermining morales. what we're seeing here is not so much you know, military victory. in many instances, smaller taliban forces are taking provinces from larger african forces. what we're seeing is collapse of morale and a failure of leadership. the other problem is the united states and its partners never really confronted corruption in, in the afghan government. and what you're seeing now are garrisons just stopped
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getting supplies, you know, leaving, and you know, that's the problem that we never really faced ups to. squarely more than 300 people have been killed in haiti, off to the country was struck by a magnitude 7.2 quake more than 1800 people have been injured. the center was about 160 kilometers west of the capital. eighty's bron medicines declared status emergency and says there's been enormous damage for you. i guess i will make an evaluation. we were told that a lot of damage, people were dead and houses, hospitals and infrastructures collapsed. i will check to see what can be done to organize assistance on monday, the, the city that i did miss, we are calling for a lot of solidarity, but highly structured solidarity. we are setting up a task force to coordinate the aid, so that what happened after the 2010 earthquake is not repeated again. or now from the barca. more alive and clearly exhausted.
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a young woman and a child a pulled from the rubble. one moment up to the massive earthquake homes and businesses lie flattened. the 7.2 magnitude quake strike at 8 30 in the morning, sending people out into the streets in panic. it was followed 20 minutes later by 5.2 magnitude. after short, the tremors felt across the caribbean and as far away the southern florida. the epi centers in the country's western tip around a 160 kilometers from a densely populated capital porter print, before the brunt of the last major earthquake in 2010. the left hundreds of thousands of people dead, one and a half 1000000 people homeless. this latest quake is more powerful, but we don't know how deadly that's larger than the 7 point. 2010 killed over
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200000 people. that doesn't sound like a huge difference in the size of the earthquake us about 2 times the energy release . right, our impact estimates are catastrophic. i mean, if it's a devastating earthquake with potential of 10 to hundreds of thousands of people fatalities, haiti is one of the poor countries in the world and play by worsting instability and violence of the assassination of the countries president last month. haiti's also struggled to control a surgeon cove in 19 cases in a country where a quarter of the population live in abject poverty. and now this al jazeera, still ahead on al jazeera, the fighting back japanese ruling policy counter that is aiming to spend off the challenge from the lap a
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it's another beautiful sunny day of 35000 feet. the weather, sponsored by cattle airways, boated world's best airline of 2021. hello there. we seen incredible record breaking amounts of rain falling east asia, and there's more torrential downpours on the way for china and japan. now we seems to be flooding across central hu bay province. we are likely to see more of this as those rain fall, particularly intensely across eastern areas, food, young province, and when dong problems like you to see some of those intense rains fall over the next few days. now it's not only in china, it's also japan, it's set to see more wet weather. we have seen mud slides and key show island. we could see more, their highest alert has been issued and that's covering more than a 1000000 people. they've been urged to leave their homes as those heavy rains kick in. now on sunday it's going to be eastern areas of hon shoe that see the really
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heavy rains. but by the time we get into monday, southern areas will see those intense rains once again. as we move to south asia for india, the monsoon range are concentrated around that eastern coast edition is going to see some really heavy falls in the days to come. we got a tropical low around the bay of bengal and that's intensifying the monsoon range. not just one or east in areas of india, but for bangladesh and me and mock, we could see more flooding in the days to come. natural weather update. the weather, sponsored by castle airways, voted world's best airline of 2021. madagascar, a breathtaking tropical paradise. where its former protectors are now wanting to very we follow their journey as they put their lives on the line and risking its all
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medical out the euro. ah ah ah, you're watching out, is there a mind if i tell stories, our cities close to the capital couple have fallen to the taliban on saturday, the keynote the city of missouri sharif was overwhelmed by the fight. and then now also claiming to have into the city of july and the u. s. is sending thousands of troops to afghanistan to support the ongoing allowed and help evacuation. american logic has now, as the taliban involves, all the 300 people are dead and hazy off. the country was struck by
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a magnitude 7.2 s. small engine on the minister had declared the state of emergency somebody is opposition leader. how k in de hitch illema has taken the lead and his 6 the attempt to become the countries president incumbent lead a go longer is trailing off the voting. finished on friday with final results not expected until sunday at the earliest results from rural areas will take longer to arrive. they do is running for a 2nd. the precedence opponent has criticized his management of the economy, which is badly hit by the pandemic. how re matessa has more from lusaka we hearing that it could be a while before the final results released probably a day or 2, but the earlier was ought to be. so if i indicate that opposition, neither gained a limb is leading for knob. but that could change in africa. normally when adults
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are being least election results, they usually start with the urban areas could just but just to clear just bit at the handle, they come in for the urban areas where the opposition usually has a lot of support them in, in a few hours or a day or so the rural votes coming in and that's the governing party normally have support. that's where in many african countries like zambia more people seem to live. and that's way president lou who is hoping to get a lot of his votes from the commission say that the reason why it's taking so long to announce all the results is because it's a manual counting process. so it's going to take time in some areas are remote, they're hoping they say to relieve all the results by sunday, but with the delays we be seeing it could be wrong of them that a day or 2. the general moods in the country is that of anxiety of people wait with the final results. if the com pin, if attend, come here in the sock. i mean, for example, on friday and even sometimes a day, whenever people feed soldiers
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a drive past, i, you see some people looking a bit worried. the red cross says at least 20 people have been killed in an explosion in northern lebanon. it happened that a fuel storage facility and i call region doesn't have been injured. i've been taken the lebanese city of tripoli for treatment. have been on central bank governor has no one is running the country as he defended his decision to half the fuel subsidies. the bank had refused to use reserve funds to continue the subsidy, saying that would be legal. the governor re salami, says politicians have been acting responsibly. all the world bank describes lebanon's economic crisis as the worst anywhere for a 150 years. more than half of its population is now living in poverty. the currency, the pound has lost about 90 percent of its value since the end of 2019 and tens of
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thousands of people have lost their jobs pushing the unemployment rate to 40 percent. fee prices have sword milk and cooking oil are no longer affordable for most people. patrick martini, as president of the lebanese institute for market studies in beirut. he explains why he thinks we're moving fuel subsidies can bring doubt prices most. now people 11 on everything. somebody wrote outages because the venue government is subsidizing fewer and subsidies lead to outages. people are doing a get. busy loans hours every day hoping to fulfill their thank. and if the when you are having a lot of the outages because on fewer and fewer is unavailable because it is subsidized, right? people are getting well, isn't it? because no electricity, you cannot have bridge. people are closed,
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companies are closed, they come up with all of that is due to subsidy. so the wise thing to do is to actually repute subsidies as long as the government, mundane them. and today the government continues to maintain those subsidies. we will suffer from outages and people who are on gas station and they were suffering from when you cut some of these, we expect prices fuel and inflation increase. however, in level one, we have been suffering from inflation or the 2 years because of the chart, the valuation of the cutting. so the only way to can throw in information is to actually rent them. deliver is to stop that evaluation. and that's how you can contain the impact subsidies, and we can stop that evaluation of that. even if we put in place a currency for meaning, if we do the 3 of the, for as long as the government refuse us to do the work, we will have
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a higher inflation going on country. the ivory coast is reporting its fast case of the boa virus and more than 25 years. the health ministry says the patient being treated in hospital, the commercial capital abidjan tested positive. after arriving from guinea on thursday, the person travelled by road medical staff trying to determine if the case is linked to a bowler outbreak in guinea earlier this year. demons all preparing to choose new government in september, the chancellor, england michael is stepping down to 16 years, but a very public blunder by the man tip to replace her has dented how parties prospects. i'm in love shit was caught laughing during your visit to a flood hit area is popular, larvae has nosedive. dominic cane explains the political shadow,
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boxing of the summer is over. now it's time for the main event for arm and lashes. that means trying to land a few punches on his electoral rivals, both from the social democrats and from the greens, which is why he's been visiting eco friendly projects like this, the new tesla factory outside berlin. this is the future rocher of energy, the future of sustainability. and we thank you for this investment in germany as well. it's a, it's a pleasure to be here. the problem for lash it is that many people seem unsure about him. images like these of him laughing on the sidelines of a visit to a flood hit area last month have damaged his reputation. when he stands alongside angle immaculate, such events, some believe he struggles by comparison. some in his home state, blame him for their problems. this level of dissatisfaction is mirrored at the national level. when in early spring he emerged as the lead candidate for his party
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and their bavarian allies, the c s. u. they were pulling it around 30 percent. now they're struggling to stay above 20 percent. with strong challenges from the greens and social democrats, one, emily says lash. it has been trying to stresses environmental credentials in order to stem the flow of votes to the greens seems to rush it has to go a bit more towards the issues of the greens and talk to issues in the public and social justice thing over these elections are about choosing who works in parliament for the next 4 years. they'll also have a direct impact on who ends up as the chancellor for the past 16 years, that role has belonged to the christian democratic anger the makeover, but with her soon to be gone. and now with arm and lashes in charge of the cd, you get on power seems looser. and the threats from the other main parts. he's much stronger. and all the while the bavarian prime minister mark hazard and looks on he
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wanted to be the lead candidate for the cd. you c s u in september, but last out to lash it in the spring. now the polls suggest most germans would prefer verda as chancellor, and that the cd you c s u vote would be higher if he was but such a change of course seems highly unlikely with just a few weeks to go. dominant cane al jazeera berlin baxter. the president is asking indigenous people for forgiveness for the abuses inflicted by spanish colonialists. as part of mexico's plans smoke the $500.00 anniversary of the fall of the as tech empire. hundreds of people watched a light show eliminating a replica the aspect temples, millions of indigenous mexicans died off to the spanish invasion in the 1500. president lopez operate all calls it and on mitigated failure is to assess city
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this disaster data. clear some data, scruffy, whatever you want to call. it allows us to argue that the conquest was a founding failure record of our most we remember the fall of the great, the not an offer forgiveness, the victims, the catastrophic gospel, the spanish military occupational missile america, and the rest of the current mexican republican. ah, my money inside, but the headlines on al jazeera cities close to the afghan capital couple have fallen to the taliban. on saturday, the key northern city of missouri sharif was either wrong by the faces. that means to tell about now controls all of northern afghanistan. the government has been reduced to the capital couple and some areas in the.
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