tv [untitled] August 15, 2021 11:30am-12:01pm AST
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about whether he will continue on. okay, we have another helicopter coming in here, very quickly get us us operation out to get these people out is moving at some space with multiple helicopters coming in and out of the embassy which would fit with this sort of scenario. about the bond on either at the gates or perhaps even into the outskirts of call. that makes sense, right. the american didn't expect evacuation and it's quite subjective as well because it's not like you can picture an army of taliban walking down the main highway and saying, well, we're going to be in charge now. it doesn't quite work like that. they might come in looking like normal residence a couple and just drive in and congregate once they're inside. and then when you've got the sleep itself it's,
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it's hard to force exactly how many talib on are in cobble at any given time. but we, we know they here and we know that they have their intention is to put a lot of pressure on the government at this time so that they can come up with a political settlement that they are happy with. and the speech shift today from ghani, they were very upset about. i think that they may have been expecting him to resign and he did not. and now we're seeing more and more pressure. we know talks ongoing . the taliban have said that we don't want any blood. she's incapable because we are still negotiating. at this point. they've asked people to stay calm. the even commented this morning on the run on the bank saying people shouldn't run on the banks that everybody should continued life as normal and capital. but it's incredibly difficult to continue life as normal and cobble when you're hearing gunfire. when the grid law, because teens of thousands of people have flooded into the cities, playing vine in other provinces. when you're seeing the american fearing
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helicopters from the embassy to the airport back and forth at a rapid speed. when the firing heat slaves to stop ground to air missiles, and yet there's very little word from the ask and leadership of any method or any kind. and then the from the taliban leadership we get is stay calm. so a resident here, it is certainly unsettling. people wondering what to do, where do i go or should i go home? i need to check on my family and nobody really knowing what comes next. all right, charlotte. no doubt. we're going to be coming back to you a lot today. as this fluid situation develops, and now give you a break, we'll come back to later. let's talk mount to huddle and rainy. he's an assistant professor of law, the american diversity of, of kenneth standing, joins us on skype. now from stumble, i'm pretty sure how to and you're probably watching these pictures as closely as we
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are. this looks like the final hours for the government in cobble of rights. absolutely. i think it took them longer than that. it should up to wake up the reality. i think a lot more preparation should have been done to avoid the course case scenario. the worst case scenario and they said they want to talk cobble. they said that they are, they come on order forces not to injure cobble. they have said that they don't intend to take over but force. but there are also reports of random gun cards in cobble and it is on both the statements can be reconciled. there are a lot of bad actors in cobble your report and talk about leaving fell asleep refilled. that's true, but there are also other but actors, a lot of people are armed. there's a lot of organized me. a lot of people had a lot of guard with weapons. a lot of there is
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a part of the organized criminals in cobble. there's a lot of possibility that this, this to this process of getting out to this, this process of this confusion, a lot of bad actors going to take advantage of this and create chaos that would lead to destruction of public and private property that would lead to violence and that would lead to a situation that no one can control. you have to realize. caldwell is not comparable to other city like rod or missouri. they're not comparable. probably the city of more than 5000000 people. it's a huge city. taking over, cobble is going to take time security cobble is going to take time in the absence of an orderly and swept because there is no time to think that there could be in fighting happening and couple but had caught up on order to the fighters or not, and it could be from party out of them all about i'm not saying all about are not in cobble because you said they had all the people there other than the i did there
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also talk about it's leaking, so they also organized the packs in cobble so they couldn't, that's true, even if it is not them. many, but actors in cobbled, i mean, and at this moment a lot of incentives, what does that experts explain the situation, trying to exploit any security back to you? let me just. ready stay with us for a 2nd. i'll bring you up to speed with a few lines the dropping here. and i'm show you how long will be interested in hearing this too. but this is royce, is quoting tommy bon leaders in da house saying that they've their finances have been instructed to stand the entry points a cobble and also calling for what they say african forces to stop gun fire and allow passage to civilians and foreigners. good. you know, put this, let's analyze this, this, this look to you is the picture that's emerging here is that the taliban trying to surround the city, send obviously a very strong message to the government. what's left of it, but not actually enter it. this is part of the negotiation pressure tactic to
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really drive home the point to, to and the anti taliban forces left in. cobble that have this. there's no point now just agree on our terms on taking the city. is that what's happening? i mean, that has been a strategy in many places. that's been how many places, many other problems, but you have to call it a different case. i mean, that must have been the strategy that you could, you could mind the that was a strategy that was a lot of fighting happening. cobbled, some district felt like by growing there was a lot of activity in belgrade. i mean, it's called to confirm what it actually completely fell, but there was a lot of activities and background around cobble so called the city, not public property, but this point. and it didn't, it started you of the city and then putting pressure on the people in charge of the city to hand over what is the use other places. but the thing a mix called much more comp, that 1st of all, you have the feeder garmin there. so over
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a couple the political ramifications in terms of the part about it will come to power with force or they will come to power to some sort of my, the deal. and that's incredibly important because of how the future government is going to start for board domestically. but the people probably see the future government the military. and for this in order to see it as some sort of legitimizing, deal and is a high consequence for internationalism. but also, as i said, cobble is, excuse city, it would a lot of bad actor with a lot of guns. and right now there seems coming out, showed hill, i don't know who's, who's behind the gunfire, but it doesn't surprise me. there were some people saying that they were bank official, men of fire shot just pushed people back so they wouldn't over run the bank. i can come from that, but that would be a likely scenario. that's kind of the thing we're talking about that there it. if transition does not happen swiftly and orderly, there is a 10th of us and there is a chance that it would take a lot of time and it's going to cost
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a lot of human and in a, in a property to actually fix your cobble and turn the situation into something resembling normal, the other reports i'm sure you've seen also are that a group of competition. i've traveled to some about, there were reports earlier that they would also go to do a ha and that'll be the end of the government and the design of whatever is going to happen. it has to happen fast. i don't told him not to inter cobble want it. how do you, how do we interpret? we're hearing little from a shotgunning from afghan officials at this point. this is precisely the point you if you'd want to hear from them. right? absolutely. i mean, he just, she bought the stop tweet, it basically thing probably save, and he's a spokesperson like a person who's off and on for the, for the act. said that the both of us up and the person often speak would accept that both international courses and the policing
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a couple of keeping the security of a problem at this point. those messages don't have credibility. people have seen what happened. other places people are trying to get out, people are trying to withdraw whatever saving people are trying to get to safety. i mean, even though taught you no matter what, until they're fighters the time is running out, you cannot maintain a stable cobble. in this situation, we cannot the brakes understand. the process is beyond telephone fighters breaking into the city. i think it is much more state the chaos unfolding. there. there are a lot of bad actors are going to be exploding. the, if the, the choppers flying around is going to give the people defense that is impending end, like literally americans that other other countries are just literally thinking the troops out. and you talk about the smoke coming up, the embassy that they burning their documents in the document. how can you tell the people have problems because everything is under control, but when they are still,
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when they see that happening, it has to end pass a has to and i hope, and i believe that that important at l ends which some sort of least amazing deal that would put some sort of power in cobble can actually thicker the city, prevent that looting, prevents the chaos and instill a sense of calm in the population that this is going to be okay. and whatever was about to happen has been, has happened either like the transition is completed or it will not happen. i think the message is from top to bottom and the president to stop mess tweeting or not cutting it. right. let's talk about the priorities of international powers. what, how they shifted at this point. it doesn't look like they're giving a lot of backing to the idea of the survival of the afghan government. and i should've, danny. so the priority is shifted to negotiating for what kind of interests
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in the, the new i think than i think kenny is not relevant anymore. i think honey is really not relevant. i mean, he can still cause damage upset of the agreed that he still can cause damage. but i personally, i'm not thinking any anymore. what i'm thinking about is how big can be an inclusive anti hollow button camp, like a console, a committee, whatever that can actually agree on a deal with a telephone and hand over cobble. i am trying to power a couple from the administration that i'd love to see what it was. i don't mean anything. no one is actually going to believe it towards because of the fact happen to other places. people or not. people can see what happened in general about, for example, people can see what happened in last month. the government telling them all is okay, is not going to cut it. and i think that's what happened. and i think the actually going to be relevant is not going to be any. it's going to one of them going over
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at this point, what, what all the taught bomb discussing in having an all the li shall we say take over rather than a very bloody take over of cobble. what are the sticking points for them to go shooting points? i think the sticky point as this point is going to be, if you a polishing, that's me speculating. there were many points coming out that it's going to be a ignition and trim government headed by some by someone and then long term c fire and then an inclusive government. i still hope that that is the case, but i think the real issue is going to come down to if it's going to be a complete, an absolute transfer of the deal. meaning that someone who's going to hand over the power to cobble something that's called over to somebody that may push more because they may see to self as the absence of this conflict. or there will be some sort of interim government that the present. whoops,
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other than the colored one include anti taliban group as a way to legitimize the interim administration and have some sort of into metal station can that can oversee some sort of inclusive, a political system, some space left for inclusion in a future political system. i think those are going to be the basic point but, but i think those basically should be the basic point. i'm not sure if any actually resignation is been resolved, that he may instill and said that he would have been power his last radio address. because yesterday couldn't handle that the he was willing to resign, but it was unclear. and with regard to the power, she told me also and said that they, they want to ride the military victory to over and they made a fuse to actually accept anything. but i wonder it's clearly a very fluid situation. stay with awesome. sure, we're going to ask you to come back and analyze it as being a pickup. let's take our view is back to cobble. we're looking at live pictures
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coming in from the afghan capital. perhaps very dramatic and final hours and moments for the afghan government there was seeing smoke over the capital, a corresponding charlotte bellis joins us now. live from that. charlotte just brings up the speed now. with what is happening in cobble the latest lines that i was just reading out moments ago from the taliban leadership in doha, being quoted by reuters saying that they've told their fighters to simply stand at all the entry points around. cobble, what are you hearing and seeing their sharma. yeah. so that in this statement from the taliban said, you know, everyone should say come, we have no intention of fighting. they say everyone is forgiven government buildings a safe. everyone should stay harm woman should hate to protected areas. they said
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they will allow safe passage for anyone who wants to go to be able to go. they've also said that those heard well for want of a better word or on the hit list. basically they've said they have a strategy of targeted killings for government leaders. and they said that those people essentially can apply for amnesty at this point. they're all, they're saying this in the context of ongoing negotiations with the government and this statement, they say we're still talking with the government, so we have no intention of fighting at the time. we don't want bloodshed because we know cobble was very dense of an area of millions of people live here. so we don't want to come in and take it by force, but they say in this statement, they are hurtful. they will transfer to the government will transfer power to peacefully. so interesting comments from the tell about as far as them coming into the city. they have said that they are in the southern areas of kabul earlier.
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we haven't been able to stand that up on any grand scale, maybe a couple of sizes around town, but not on any substantial level. i just got off the phone with and one of the negotiations in doha in casa asking if there was some type of breakdown and negotiations between the telephone and the government. and that's why we may be seeing this push into cobble. now he says no negotiations are going very well and facts and that there is making progress, the government and the telephone on what some type of political fees went to. this could be so good news on that front, that at least they are still talking. but the taliban certainly tightening the noose around the government and around the city. we've heard gunshots earlier. they've, they've been ambulances. the mood is very tame. you've seen fires over here. we
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understand the fires burning over here and now maybe coming from the us government building and the burning of documents as they exit the country. they have been multiple dozens of helicopters flying in and out of the u. s. embassy behind us here this morning on their way to the airport ferrying the people out as the, as we've got word that fighters have reached the city, they've taken actually, districts within cobble province, which is the 1st time i've done that since the us invasion in 2001, but cobbled city is itself in its own districts. and whilst they say that they're the gates, that is what we are trying to determine if the, if they have stopped via but the us moving incredibly quickly, getting people out now. and the helicopter is actually doing different patterns to what they normally do. they normally do alerts, they come over us, and they land behind the embassy. now we're seeing them take different different
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path. when they came in to land earlier, they dropped what we believe to be hateful is to stop ground to emphasize heading the helicopters as they came into land. i've also just seen a couple of black hawks in the distance flying off that would be towards the south of the city where we talk about dropping heat flies. this is a routine sort of defensive or precautionary maneuver, right? we don't have any evidence that actually, well, given the situation, but do we have any evidence to actually suggest that ground to air missiles have been fired or talk to or in any way that's been an attempt to engage those helicopters there? it was precautionary. we haven't seen any, any ground to air missiles deployed whatsoever. however, the 1st time, i mean, i stand in this position every day, hour after hour and see these helicopters coming and going and have done. you know,
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i've been coming and going from here for a couple of years. the 1st time i've ever seen a us helicopter dropped what we believed to be heat flavors coming in. create your and the smart coming up. being incredibly quickly. so those that smoke in the distance jump in charlotte here and ask you to stay with us because i believe we have joining us now. so how's shaheen? he's the international media spokesman for the todd yvonne and joins us on the phone line from here and does a good to have you with us. so 1st of all, can you confirm whether tommy bon forces have actually entered cobble city, not just cobble province for the city? yes, we are, our forces have not entered the city. and we just issued a statement saying that our forces will not enter called the city. we
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are talking in the waiting piece will transfer a transition, awful capital city. so, and so there will be spatial, i mean, for the maintenance of security of the city. so that personal property and i got a boardman installation offices are not hot. and let me read to you. what has been reported. quoting the afghan interior ministry, they said that the taliban have begun entering cobble city from all fines. are you saying that statement? quoted by the afghan interior ministry is in fact not correct. you have not entered none of your finances have entered cobble from any of the sites. yes, that is not correct. i don't know why the issue that the statement liked it is
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not based on the case. you may have seen a letter or statement of statement from the committee saying that our forces will not enter the city and we want to and waiting piece for transition of the city. ok, how close i of forces then to cobble city all they literally the gates of cobble right now when we have got. 1 closer to cobble has pollen in the district near to cobble. so our understand, i think the views understand at this point the pretty much all the problems is around cabella surrounded you are in cobble province. how close are you?
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how close to your finances to cobble city we on the. 2 outskirts, you can, you can see, but not in the city. the way you we are, if you can market kilometers away from the outskirts of the city. ok. when you set a moment ago, special arrangements will be made for security of cobble. what do you mean? have you reached a deal or an understanding with afghan security forces about how security is to be maintained until a deal is work ca political deal is worked out for transition that special. i think we have made this for all provincial centers when we pull the other provincial centers report that we form a spatial force or maintenance of security inside the city and now that the
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property and or not and right. but how do you done that for is it expected and be liable or not? right, but the problem. yeah, remind fall and you're cutting me you haven't entered cobble. how are you making special arrangements for security in the city then? i said in other cities, we had the same arrangement in place, it wouldn't be too good on those cities. so maybe i predicted that the same arrangement will be in place. right. that's. that's what i mean. ok. bring us up to speed with the political talks. how close are you to reaching a deal for a transition of power in cobble so we'll see
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what this is. 5 our intention and we won't, i'm sure we can just tell you should take place and so it depends on the other side . what they can do for that time. how willing is the tale bond to allow other political forces to participate in a government to run off can this than yes, yes, the bad that is. 5 so our policy, what would we say on inclusive, it's, let me go. i mean, that means all will be we will have parts of speech and then the boardman to see them sales the at the that is, what is the stumbling about here? if that's your policy and you agreeable to all the political forces, being part of a transition or part of a government run, it's kind of stamped. what is the stumbling block? the stumbling block is here and the team said, we do not talk about the 20 of the games they may to minutes. we talk about that
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public. and they said, we do not. we are not going to talk about constitution in all those things that those factors, photo slow progress in the, in the folks. so, how, how soon do you think? well, how do you think the final stumbling goal can be resolved? so we are, we are all you saw, the people were coming in. all, no, probably shall centers will, our reports is entered. so it is a popular uprising and all the prob, probably in his order with us. so they should understand and know the ground reality. and the set in the to submit to the will of the people. so that is the will of the people, the people there will be a mentor which will be acceptable to all of the ones that we
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are intending to have sex government. but we are also hearing reports and we've heard statements from officials as high up as the un secretary general, quite concerned about the safety of some of the people of afghanistan. many people have been fleeing, of course some of the taliban controlled areas heading to cobble, some of whom are afraid of the taliban. can you guarantee to reset your rights? yeah, yeah. what, how do you respond to claims that some women have said that they were told they will be married off in twos or 3 to taliban fighters, which is why they fled to cobble this is totally wrong id put this, not one, maybe more than 10 times that approach it, but still there is a circling and made yeah. why this is such a big place in shots propaganda. people to sort of calling it as long as it's
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not critic how it is possible that to. 1 force them to marry his daughter to our people, which is against the rules up. this club will not do anything. can you say across the board? why we should do that? can you say across afghanistan, that all of your fighters in all the different areas and districts are respecting the rights of women to go to school to get an education? yeah. can on the district street you or i'm that i would want it minutes station. there are schools, hundreds of schools of those groups, and they break it right now. but again, different sources including the u. n. a talked about concerns,
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about least in some areas that taught a bond fight is not respecting that no one should expect. if anyone does not respect, he will be brought to account and will be. a because this is a policy what will, what will happen to african government officials? yeah, i did. did is i didn't miss city to on. we have also in debate statement. why did out to that and mention once more, the gender mistake. no one should be worried and they should feel safe. can you talk to us about whether there is any conflict right now between the tale bond, an afghan security forces are, is this simply a stand off around cobble with no conflict going on?
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so yesterday the war bombardment, the. 1 forces and what about and bombardment in law got. 5 it and also i've got a problem. i think they are agreeing some for will pick things that we retaliate. but still we observing him in sad go for this not to enter the call problem city. and we are focusing on peaceful transfer. so it's how you tell me basically there is absolutely no contacts going on. no conflict between you and african security forces around cobble right now. yes, yes. while we are not attacking the. 1 see tonight, not to turn it into the so that is a problem. our site was the attack us, but we from the side not from out. so i can, i get you to be
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a little more specific again on what, what you still left to negotiate over when it comes to forming a transitional government. what, what is it that the cali bon will not agree to all the other side will not agree to what you're demanding. yes, that is a team should come what a tangible proposal. and also, sorry upon. you have a need. you have your teams have comments, my heart has been mediating abdullah della has been travelling and talking with you . what is the final point that needs to be resolved in these talks? so that is what time i'm starting to i think that up to the other side of the me to come with a tangible proposal suggestion which will pay away from these for.
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