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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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not for me. and can i get you to be a little more specific again, on what, what you still left to negotiate over when it comes to forming a transitional government. what, what is it that the colleague bon, will not agree to all the other side will not agree to what you're demanding. yes, that's a team. should come what i tangible proposal and also teams, sorry upon. you have a meeting. you have your teams have comments, my heart has been mediating della della has been travelling and talking with you. what is the final point that needs to be resolved in these talks directly is what time i'm trying to i think that up to the other side of the book come with the tangible proposal suggestion, which will pay away from the sport. i'm sorry so but i found the other side has. 1
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power and also to how do would be the competence i'll mix the future go. i mean i you saying that the other side has not proposed any proposal to the tale bond for what a future transitional government would look like. and a power sharing agreement would look like is that what you're honestly telling views in the past, they were forecasting that the we have, this is 20 years games, the republics in the law talk about the constitution. these are our lines in the are also seeing better. they sent me committee to be part of the company ministration. that was the stand which is slowed down the progress in talk . so now, now the light of the new developments in the ide once meant by the somebody committed by anytime they have not to come with the new proposal. then tell us what
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your proposal is. what does a pow sharing arrangement look like from the spectrum of tommy bon that can be discussed in detail, but the main thing is the peaceful transfer of power and also discussion about the future government. so when you say a peaceful transfer, it sounds like, are you insisting on the other side, basically surrendering unilaterally to the taliban piece for transport is very important because if there is a fighting, but is that what you mean by the other side? surrender to which we do not want that. so it is very important for that and that that thing is a. 5 future, boardman called back to godaddy to talk. but sorry, just to clarify, when you say a peaceful transition is your demand that simply the afghan security forces the northern alliance to me or send me all these forces must simply surrender to the
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tale. bon, that is the sort of peaceful transition that you mean that we do not see that the summer forces they have going that we see they have stopped the fighting and they have joined. ok, so probably jointly what you're looking to. 1 find they have joined. 1 it and they have ended or they come with the way and it will change and they are their name. 1 just that so the proper steps will be taken in pure job for for how the will be invaded in the government. so, but call and joining or surrender or handover, but you expect an unconditional joining or hand over of military forces to the county bond. yeah. 2 now you see that
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our money of the problem fits all with that. we are pulling was the 90 per some of the $2.00 to $3.00. right? we are near to the city, but we do not want to enter the city by force in order to prevent any damage to people, to properties and also to the people. right. so it is really important piece for transfer and also to make sure that they've gotten boardman bit. i'm wanting to see what we should, what was willing to talk about that to go about it. that company. alright, i think that's at least clarified the situation for views in terms of what you expect from the other side will final question before we go, how long will tale bond forces be willing to sit at the gates at the outskirts says,
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you said the vented only the outskirts of cobble, how, cobble city, how long will they be willing to sit on the outskirts of cobbled city until the other side agrees to your vision of handing over them forces and joining the taliban? we will be we will be waiting. what i said. how long but baseball transfer we will see, we will see back in the future. but our policy and our intention that our forces will wait at the gate up the car in deadly. so we, we saw a piece for transport, city, for, but again, for how long will he be willing to sit there and wait? got back. depends. we can do it in one day and do 2 days in one week. it
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depends on that. okay, thank you very much for joining us and clarifying your position that was the taliban spokes person here and you're watching al jazeera is just a few minutes now after 0900 hours g n t events moving very quickly enough can stand. let's bring our view is up to speed with what's been happening. taliban fighters have been seen on the outskirts of the capital cobble and follows the rapid full of provincial capital, which left campbell as the last major city held by the government. the group says it does not want to attack cobble. it's told their fighters to simply stand at the gates is what we call on tell us. we ask our president, i shall valley mean wiser. formerly holding emergency talks with the u. s. envoy for i've got to stand and senior nato officials, shawl about us joins us now live from cobbles for charlotte. when we spoke too
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early and we can see pictures now the, some of the smoke seems to clear up how things looking on the ground now where you are at least well just to speak to that snark, we understand that may wolf. the u. s. embassy is directly behind me, further to the right of the camera that we understand is a us government building and they may be burning documents. there is they vacate, in a very high hurried session. now, just going off. what's shaheen the telephone spoke to us and was just saying, i've just received the audio recording which was recorded by the telephone military commission. and it was sent to tell yvonne members to translate to you what was in the audio recording. they said, congratulations to all taliban. but it was, it was quite a short message and it was very direct and said, you know, one should in chicago. you do not have permission to enter. if someone cannot plead
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ignorance to be very definitive there from the telephone military commission on that was an audio message recorded by them for the orange slices that we've just received. search they are on district directions not to cobble and stay at the gate to the city. we understand that official from the presidential palace has told agencies that they are holding emergency talks with us special representative. so make leels as i spoke with. so my colleague said about 10 minutes ago and said to him, is we looking at a breakdown of these negotiations in terms of we're seeing gunfire there at the gates. they've taken districts inside cobble province. and he said, no, negotiations are still going well. so it looks like those talks are continuing between the taliban, between the government and other international broke is still on the ground. the atmosphere is incredibly paints, especially behind us,
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where the u. s. embassy is and where they are rapidly trying to get the stuff out. they had intended to start pulling people out last night. official bosses arrived yesterday 3000 of them. there was actually, it's well to 5000 to help support the efforts to get all these people out. and we have been seeing helicopters, burying people from the embassy to the international airport, where most of those special forces that are flowing in a base to help extricate these people. and at the same time, they are burning documents. but their tone has changed in the last hour or so. there's been heavy gunshots. heard around the outskirts of the city as the telephone had come closer. and since that time, they had been many, many more helicopters in the air, black hawks as well as chinooks. they flying and pier which they normally do for security anyway. but something they don't normally do is fire heat please. and behind us about an hour ago, an hour ago now, as they came in to land today,
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they fired hate players which are traditionally used to stop, to hinder, as i understand it, ground to imbecile. so they are very, it was a precaution, but very worried. they don't normally do that as they come in to land. and since that time we're seeing more black hawks are circling over the southern part of cobble. we understand a p d 5 where the telephone said they were earlier is in the southern part of the city . and they took the province directly to the south of cobbled logo province, essentially prison, gandhi's home province. they took that yesterday. and so they certainly have the means to push up directly from the south. they also have the means to push in from the east and west because they managed to get those provinces in the last 24 hours or so. the nurses tightening around cobbled with the government. certainly in an increasingly difficult position. they are losing leverage by the hour and,
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and these negotiations happening. but that you heard from the telephone spokes person there. they essentially want a, they want to treat trent peaceful transfer of power. but it doesn't appear that there is much room for compromise. always hearing anything at all from asking officials from the president to say, to give instructions to people what's going on and what they should do. where is the government? in other words, i've been trying to get hold of. i've been trying to get a hold of the interior ministry spokes person. he is not picking up on the government's facebook page about an hour ago. they put out a comment saying, and it was very specific and saying they have been reports of gunfire. and in response to that afghan forces and international forces will be taking care of cobble security. now that is an interesting development to include international forces taking care of cobble security because that has not been the mandate. and
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that would be something that potentially the special forces that have come in from the states would be involved in this very most of the military foreign military has left already about a month ago, they were down to about $650.00 people in total on the us side, most of the base that the international airport a couple at the embassy so they really don't have many men on the ground. and that's why the swell, their forces to this 5000. now to help get all these people out quickly. but a lot of those were special forces in the us that were as i understand prepared for this kind of situation that if the taliban did try to take cobble while they're with americans on the ground, that they would have the ability to both to security on the ground and potentially when the government says, when we're responding to the reports of gun fire that ask and forces and international forces taking care of security,
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they may be referring to the us forces that have come in and the last day as i'm sure we were hearing that when i speaking sure he he was adamant the taliban forces were only as close as on the outskirts of cobble that they hadn't entered the city . he denied the reports, quoting the african interior ministry, talking about the town on entering cobble from all 5. from what you are able to gather from that is this basically a situation in which the tale bonds are respecting the orders of their leadership and not penetrating and entering the city. are they just simply standing around surrounding the city, as you said, from the east west and south it's, it's very murky because so we, it's not going to be like a 100 hundreds of tele marching down the street and saying here we were ready to take cowboy i think they definitely on the outskirts of the city and they've
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claimed districts on the outskirts and we've had that verified by residence on the outskirts of cobbled and the broader problem in terms of cars in terms of find is actually being inside cobble when they say to us were taken p d 5, which is police district, 5. from the south of the city near the inter continental hotel. we mediately started calling one of my colleagues and families there. they said we can't see anything different. we can't see any telephone flashes. they not on the streets, we kept cooling and they couldn't at that time. although it is nuanced because we do understand that the taliban has sleeper cells inside cobble. so it is, it is possible and a true fact that the telephone are incredible right now. but whether or not they are activated for some type of operation on behalf of the leadership. it doesn't appear to be that way. but they're certainly here,
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but they live amongst us if you want to put it that way. and there hasn't been any heavy gun battles or any kind of clashes between afghan security forces and tele, bonfires is inside the city at this moment. all right, that's an important classification. thanks so much charlotte. we're going to come back to later. let's bring in now though haroun ro, hey me, he's an assistant professor of law at the american university of afghanistan, join us on skype from it's stumbled with to have you with us and you are hearing what i reported was reporting to us there. and what the spokesperson for the taliban. so her shaheen was telling me a few moments ago. does it look like the picture that is emerging here? is that one of a tale? bond strategies simply to surround the city or on all or as many sides as possible . and pressure the security forces, the government, what's left of it to simply unilaterally hand over and surrender.
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it seemed like an i don't know if you saw the new alert, be a just release that there is breaking news that the art is that the legation in presidential policy in copper right now. negotiating all signs and i cannot confirm that the be recorded news via english that i looked at. i cannot complement independently, but it seems like, as you said, the sticky point. i said earlier, i think the point is that whether it's going to be a complete surrender, meaning cala bond will take over and then they decide what does an inclusive garmen look like? but it, it, inclusive government mean who should be included or it's going to be hand over to a transition attorney that is acceptable to many side and has some sense of inclusion and neutrality to it. so that in that into maturity can oversee the process of formation of an inclusive government. so it's basically seemed like
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those are the 2 pathways away in terms of which one is going to prevail. i think the one have the upper and militarily, but it will be naive and myopic up of them. they would, they wish would be lack force. i could think that they should not really care about domestic legitimacy or international intimacy. but that seems to be the balance right now. and also on top of all of the clock ticking. because even as you said, the one thing we don't inter to say the government minutes, really the video that we shared with you or not. it was really the video of interior thing that there was a deal reached to transfer power a peacefully to transition on clarity and cobble will be protect that all would not be. the thing is new. these messages make a difference. to 5000000 peoples and thousands of bad actors inside the country. if looting happened, a gunshot increase, someone has to step in,
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would be the up on national security forces who are facing the threat from tolerable. i mean, the law says that the thought about about you just talk to yes, he's saying amnesty, but if you were officer of national security or, or if you were an army official, would you believe that? would you laugh until would you wait until last minute and do your job to protect the city while it is impending the tub? i'm going to take a break and pending and it's for gone conclusion. would you do that or would you to sleep? i'm just saying that there is a clock in the clock on this thing because you can you wait 234 or 5 days? maybe be there will be willing to wait. but what the situation allow that kind of patient will that the tuition allow for that to happen? because someone is going to have to speak to cobble? i don't believe international court is even though they are implicated, they will care more about anything but the security off the airport and surrounding
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areas so they can actually complete the transfer of their, their stuff. i don't think up on people who can be relied upon. i hope it and they can be relied on, but i think there is huge doubt that they can be relied upon because the city because you have to do like paula bon, they have one. and as you said, you said the message center fighters that congratulations. it over one, but on the other side you have on national courses that they are proceeding as a defeat. and they have seen videos of what the taliban have onto some people who surrender. i mean, just assuming that they will kick all about their words and we'll just stay until the last minute and security city in the hope that we can. this is trudy and there will be i must be, i think that's just the big that is going to be a big risk. this means that situation is not stable and whatever it is happening, whether it's indoor hall or inside the act, it has the re to result bay. and the result, the ideal result would be that it would not be just the surrender. meaning that the
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top would not be in control of defining what is an inclusive process. what is government unilaterally imposing based on the definition of what inclusive, but based on the definition of who should be included. it, inter maternity to take over. cobble must have some sense of neutrality, must be seen as faculty meeting, different actors negotiating and agreeing on some sort of inclusive rhyme government that would legitimize the future government in the eyes of us on the right, you have to realize a new group political views, right? there's a lot to pick up on that, but perhaps it would be useful to pause for a moment and take in the situation that we are witnessing right now and the historical importance of this point. this is where we're almost at the mirror of the events of november, 13th,
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2001. when you may recall, us backed northern alliance forces entered cobble and it was the tale bond that was getting out of town. right. this, this is a hugely important point, not only in terms of the history of, again, this time, but indeed of global politics. is it surprising? would anyone have thought some 20 years ago that we would see almost the exact mirror image of events play out? i absolutely, i mean, did not in hindsight you can construct the narrative that explains this bracket falling of everything and just the results were saying, but i think that just that with the benefit of hindsight, i think cannot a lot of people could of a good in color bond, i think that rapid gains were even surprising to tolerable. and would you go to the global implications of it?
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absolutely. there it rate the question as to what is, what is the responsibility of a country to decide to intervene military out of the country? what does it mean when a country takes under all of the building and institutions and doing a state building out of the country? what means what space in particular, when they claim to a train of foreign forces, build property and creating institutions. all those things i think are under serious questions. i mean this is horrible. track record for state building. there is a horrible track record or any hopes of appoint army and doing training and possible the for another army. i mean, obviously there are a lot of things that are particular of on the phone, but a lot of lessons also travel. i believe. the other aspect of the global implication of it is just what does come up on a victory means to the world. not just to other countries that may choose to engage with a part about or not, but what mean or non state actors? some of them turn after some of them sharing many elements of parliament ideology.
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what does it mean for them be mean we are, and i'm speculating here i'm, but i think it would not be far off to compare this to the moment of iranian revolution where there was an revolution in iran took over a religious log, basically took over the state and that became a north star became and an enter guys a course or similar kind of movement. the other countries, similar movements in other countries with the same same sort of message rating. would it be another you don't end up losing woman to tell them to take over? would incentivize many actors who may have similar aspiration with regard to toppling the government that they feed to be propped up by, by foreign forces. but one for powers that will receive actors who wished to reinstate their understanding of underlined organizing more and seeing this taking this as a, as a basically a proof of concept that it is possible it can happen. even the world's largest
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military might be as military united states. and now you may not be able to stop at all. and you can go to the region and region in place. but you can see all of that happening. pakistan has a lot of groups that have sure a lot of links, deep links would tell upon, and they may be empowered at poverty pocket, but the name even they are fighting that the pockets and the government. what does, what does that mean? i'm in regard to the logistic and this is good, but this is called the strategic depth, meaning that they will have a co order or a place maybe to come in. maybe that will be sufficient to come more market for them. even if you don't think about that logically, what does it mean? it's going to be absolute, the energizing. it's going to be absolutely motivating them to parker. in central asia, you have many, some, it's been dormant for long, but now that they have a friendly government in cobble now that they have just experience of cobbler falling and the u. s. repeating, what does it mean for them? are they going to be energized?
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you have actors against china active in this region. so it's not about mother up like people in africa and middle east copying on the part by the while. so although that could happen as well, but it's also the region, it's still over. but in the region, even if you're not talking about like paul about actually having ties with that, which they do, you want to that, that the ties up there. if you just talk about what it means for, don't even know. don't think about logistically if you don't think what it militarily you don't think about it even into the safe haven. what does it mean? like logically it is absolutely terrifying prospect because to ponder on the sick. but the consequence of this, both for the world that he had and possibly attempt at so many minutes intervention with the hopes of changing space and propping up maybe be able to building institutions and time forming countries and other actors. and honestly, doctors who had hopes to trouble their government and the power using similar. alright, i'm going to ask you to stay with us. how rude and i just want to recap view,
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as with my earlier conversation with so house shaheen, the tanya bonds, international media spokesperson, based here in dawn, he said the fighters have not actually entered cobble cities, said they were on the outskirts, but they were not seeking violence, nice one to peaceful transition piece for transport is very important because it is a fighting proper, the proper case will be, will be harmed, which we do not want that. so it is very important for that. and that, that thing is i. 5 mean, we do not see that the somehow the forces they have going that we see they have stopped the fighting and they have joined in all problems in the majority of the problems it's about. 1 finding they have joined. 1 forces and they have ended or
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they come with the weapons and it will take their name. 1 just so the proper steps will be taken in pure job for for how the will be invaded in the we will be we will be waiting. what i said, the piece for truck the baseball transfer. we will see we will see that in the future. but our policy and our intention is that's our fault. we'll wait at the gate up the problem until we we saw a piece for transfer, a city. thank you. back to her own raheem is an assistant professor of law. the american universe who have kinda stands with us from you stumble via skype and how to when i spoke with so shaheen the media spokesperson for the time on it. it was
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kind of clear to me that when they talk about a peaceful transition where the actually looking for is for anti taliban forces to unconditionally join the tommy bon, bring their weapons as they said, come join us. not the sort of scenario that you are talking about whereby a neutral sort of transitional government is formed that then decides on how i'm going to send this to be governed in the future. but plainly, the question remains how and who has the leverage right now? to force the tale bomb to do anything other than what they want to do. i believe what liberation? i mean, as i said, i mean when we talked to start speaking earlier, the government leverage is gone. there's really nothing left. and there are many conflicts. and for the holiday, but they may choose to actually moderate the position. and these are considerations . i don't think they're going to be decisive and i cannot predict what they will
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decide. one would be the issue of international isn't a see. i'm assuming that you like to see the piece has made it clear to them that if they don't at least agree on some sort of inter government that had some elements of other sites in it, they may not recognize that's one possibility. but the other possibility that is equally likely is that the us may just be worried about the stuff and they may just said that they may submit, incentivized color, but not just so they can take the soup out. and it is possible those to come because those are happening part of their think as we go into government and some, some elements of other side in a to create minimizing process. so we can interact, committee, come back to you out of the same time, they may actually be talking to them. and the problem a thing more friendly you more friendly is that when it comes to track them and see if they choose to withstand and not attack, but city as the evacuating the city. i mean,
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those 2 things may be happening and i think those are going to be measured. they're getting from the us and its allies, with regard to under consideration is the issue of domestic lives, timothy. and that comes down to foresight. whether tough one will have the foresight to think that if they take over a couple in a surrender deal, how would other app on proceed? the ones that are not allowed to talk about how we can not clinically present a tar country. that would be absurd. i believe the present minority, but we can debate how popular they are, but it's absolutely clear that they don't, they don't represent the majority or most how would they take over a couple if it's done to basically surrender would be proceed. how a future government that comes down a comes out of a profit that is absolutely contributed. tell them i will proceed if they don't care about the medical is going to see all my grade. there is going to be armed by the distance against them. i mean,
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that is the nature of the country that is fragmented. i mean, maybe at this moment it wouldn't be because of the fact that the military.


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