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tv   [untitled]    August 15, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm AST

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you can have birds are at risk of extinction. human emissions plan to read the nation of the privilege sizes. one of the best guys on out in the me, me this is al jazeera. ah, hello and welcome on peace adobe. you are watching the news out live from our headquarters here. coming up in the next 60 minutes. what are the places are at the gates of combo? the taliban negotiates with that. again, this done governments for the transition of power. the group is assuring a nervous capital. it was attacked,
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but many feel the taliban return. we'll meet also ahead. more than 300 people killed off for a large earthquake. it's west of haiti's capital. and i'm seeing basra in greece were residents of every island are coming to terms with the environmental as well as the economic impacts of the worst wildfires, the country in decades. i far as small with this ford as messy mania continues that inherent man. oh, they are super star received a while. welcome from fans inside their home stadium. me taliban fighters have been ordered away on the outskirts of the afghan capital cobble as the arm groups leaders negotiate with the governments over a transfer of power. despite no threats of imminent attack,
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there are worries on the streets of carpal about what the taliban returned will actually mean. many people have been scrambling to withdraw their money from the banks, and they're looking for ways to leave overshadowed by its brutal rule in the past, the taliban is offering reassurances about the kind of government it will lead. it says women's rights will be respected and those people who work for the governments will be offered an amnesty. foreign embassies are evacuating their staff with helicopters going between those build things and the airports, us officials and working from that airport while some e. u staff of move to a safer undisclosed location. we have 3 correspondence covering what's going on in afghanistan for us. this our come, all hider is across the border and pakistan. he was also in afghanistan when the taliban fell. 20 years ago heidi joe castro gauging reaction for us out of the bureau in washington 1st to rob mcbride in cobble. so rob, clearly the message from the government seems to be your safe, nothing to worry about business as usual. well that is that the hope at least
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and i hope of all the citizens here of cobble as we get into this very tense sunday evening at a continuing day of extraordinary developments here. all the focus the attention to the balances on the presidential palace. these continuing negotiations between taliban government negotiate is also us to go see a to that, to try to come up with some form of deal that would allow a peaceful transition. and what that would look like it is a deal that would still have to go to doha, where there's talks taking place to be ratified. so a tense way to we get into the hours of darkness here in cobble as we do. so there are other concerns in the residence of cobble. yes, the, the streets are tense but relatively quiet. although the had been off a lot of activity, bro jams, people moving about the city quite a lot of nervousness. but also those nerves have been added to by the release of prisoners that just as the taliban have in other parts of afghanistan as it's going
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around taking over provinces and opening up prison. that is done. so here in and around the cobble towards the background at base this bob was a former hope of us and they tow forces. here there is a very important prison that with a bunch of very important prisoners, quite a few i so prisoners among, amongst them that was overtaken and prisoners were released from that also from another prison. this was cobbles, the local preserving the cobble area, poly chocky, that to the gates were open, the prisoners were released. so an awful lot of prisoners this sunday evening walking around free. where a few hours ago they hadn't been given all about the taliban. we know has told it's fight, it's stay back, they doesn't want to see bloodshed. it wants to see a peaceful transition of power. a similar message of security has come from the african government. this message from the country's defense minister,
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the smaller monitor him, the security forces are incapable providing security. the international forces are also that supported. yesterday, the president in a meeting decided to send a delegation to doha, to reach an agreement there. we will provide security until they reach that agreement. the enemy is spreading rumors until the peace agreement cable will remain secure. so rob, those discussions are taking place inside the palace. there's no taliban delegation inside the palace. i guess that would be to totemic for any one to withstand a guess. doing know if the taliban is kind of overlaying this with a timeframe here. i mean, are they saying you've got to make a move in the next week or the next month? i don't think there is any a stipulation of that, but i think tacitly maybe everyone knows that the clock is ticking. this is a very tense situation. there are an awful lot of forces heavily facing off against
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each other at the same forces that have been fighting each other toe to toe for weeks, if not months to go out. the whole basket is done. so it is a tense situation that everyone realizes that unless there is a resolution fairly quickly, it leaves open the danger of miscommunication, of things falling apart once more, as we know, i've kind of stand is prone to incredible bouts of violence and that no one wants to see that so there is a tension, hey, you talk to people on the streets. they are incredibly nervous, especially in cult, more cosmopolitan cobble about a return of the taliban regime, despite all the assurances from the taliban. but also when you, when you talk to people, i think there is an acceptance that you get a vest. the taliban must be included in fact, that they will be an administration. but where it's almost up to the taliban of how much, how inclusive it wants to be about incorporating some of the existing or going,
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if you like, regime at the moment. so there are concerned, but i think an acceptance that there is a transformation on the way, and we are seeing taliban coming back into cobble. let's just show you the latest coming to us out of the afghan capital. cobble was that asked rapp ghani, is giving one of his televised addresses. what right now? he will, if you were with us this time yesterday he did this yesterday and there was some speculation the same yesterday that he would have resigned or he was planning on resigning. he didn't as it turned out when he did that televised address yesterday . what he basically ineffective to minutes to say was, we fight on, we fight to when we will get you across. what mr. ghani has been saying, just as soon as we can, when we find out the provenance of that, clearly he was inside the presidential palace. there, i suspect it was the presidential policy hasn't been moved to another safe location
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. he wasn't on one of those helicopters flying through the skies of cobble. let's go live now to washington and our correspondent, heidi joe castro. heidi, what are they saying there about what's going on in afghanistan? peter apparent, chaotic change in the plan that the u. s. embassy and called the when we saw those images of helicopter, after helicopter. * filled with passengers evacuating american civilian and diplomatic staff from the embassy. of course, the original plan was to have a core groups remain within the embassy for possibly the final days of the, of the afghan government. but now that core group has been moved to the international airport and they will remain there for an unspecified amount of time . this coming after president biden deployed an additional $1000.00 us troops to
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facilitate this evacuation that brings up the total number of american combat troops to $5000.00 in afghanistan. but yesterday, when by the address the nation, he was still adamant that he was not changing his mind about completing the total troop withdrawal. he still adamant to complete that process and not pass it on to get another american president. we do expect more updates from antony blink and the secretary of state. when he speaks later today, they're saying that they're going to keep the embassy not up and running, but they're going to kind of half most bullets. given the fact that they've flow most of their meaningfully employed staff from the embassy to the airport. what's the point to mean is that just signaling to the taliban more than to the afghan government? i guess look, we're still here. right. my understanding is that this core
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group of diplomats who will be working to process these special immigrant visa for these are the these is given out to ask gowns who aided the u. s. war effort in afghanistan. they will be operating out of the international airport and there was directives given to the embassy staff in the last few days to destroy all materials found within the building, including us flags that may be used for propaganda purposes by the taliban. so certainly this is a battle that the u. s. is waging as far as the image that this is projecting as well. but it is undeniable that these images of helicopters, evacuating staff in this k arctic fashion from the embassy is already being compared to the fall of saigon when us troops evacuated in 1975. so this is potentially very politically damaging material that the by the ministration is very
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aware of. they're facing quite a bit of concern and criticism about how quickly this this withdrawal has unfolded . and of course, while the focus now is on evacuating the $10000.00 or so, americans and afghan is stand. there are still many more thousands, 20000 afghans, many who are translators, who health american forces. they are still waiting for their special immigrant visas and then some $50000.00 family members. they are of course, still waiting to see what their fate will be. although the u. s. government says they're working to get them out of the country as well. i do many things, heidi joke has started talking to like the out of the bureau in washington. hide is going to be monitoring what anthony blinking is saying, the secretary of state, i can tell you he has just started talking to the local breakfast, shows there in the states. and he said, and i'm quoting, the reuters news agency. the fact for the matter is afghan forces have been unable to defend the country. while we were talking about stuff, connie, he's been giving us one, his televised address. the address is rather less listening to what he had to say
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was in there, clear need that the national director of security alongside the police and the gun army take responsibility for the security of all citizens. i have asked the difference minister and the into the minister to convey that message. it is our responsibility and god willing we will get that out in the best possible manner. anyone who is disturbing the law and order attains of looting should be confronted with full force. for young groups, also taking control of every major border crossing in the country. the last to be seized was the crossing at top. com, one of the largest gateways between the canister on and pakistan for many cobble airport is becoming the only escape route, but few people have the resources to use it. come hider is in islam about, come out, put this border, crossing in context for us. how important is it very important indeed. in fact, it is known as the lifeline supplies of water st on regardless ventures. and also
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the fact that this was the major ground lines of communication for nato and us lead applied. and ron don, situated at the end of the bars, down of the border. and i did the dreamily crucial law river budget on her close that border because of restrictions nowadays, a backlog on both sides where door there was no fighting or the thing going to bullet fired, attach a degree made between the dollar bond and the avalon border. police as well as the outbound national army who left door come after the dollar bond game. and so indeed, everything wide normally as part of the security situation is concerned. but bye guest on i've got a rare that up for a long enough runners on that. there would be a dream of refugees sporting across the border. also the fact that the closure of
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this border cordell's i mean shortage, age and populated centered of, of just on such as gobble jalar bod. so at some point there will be an agreement to or to open this white carter. it all come out the last time again, it's done, went through a convulsion on a par with the events of these last few days and weeks. you were there, you were in cobble as somebody who's observed and watched that country. the many, many years. when you heard the news 1st thing this morning, that the taliban were now literally at the gates of the city. what went through your mind at that point? well it was, it is a huge developed man, bigger 20 years ago. i remember when the dollar bond will wake a thing come off day toward our game. what operating from gun the reporting from
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that that they will be creating the city. because the correlation for the, along with the militia that we're rallied against the dollar bond, we're going to march into grandma and car. and that's all a barn. did not want a blackboard. so they simply bid drew from the city. i knew because i spent a lot of time and i've run it on during that dollar bond rule, that this would be a protracted and long conflict, but never in my wildest imagination. good. i've seen the day events that we're witnessing right now, particularly the dollar bond ripping across the country. but it should be remembered that the taliban 1st came into power against the war, large meeting out their trucks or did against the people that were popular uprising that dollar bond. we're able to creep across the country where local support, people who are fed up with the warlord shadley doors was large, brought back by the americans to help them against the dollar bond. so the writing
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was on the wall. the dollar bond was going to succeed at some point by default against overwhelming. org and up god. from what we have seen. it appears that they have learned mistake from their mistake of the boss and if they're not care for it . and if they're not given to the reservation, that the people have about how they're going to govern, then they could have problem. sure indeed, dash range like reality. and for the 1st time and decade did of all that, but have a pull it a good schedule. and maybe a time, something that the i've gone at been waiting for for decade. come, i'll thank you so much. can, i'll hi to the correspondent in islam about that. still not to oma some out for many african ambassador. he was advised that the former c, e, o of afghanistan, abdullah abdullah. he joins us from washington. well miss, i'm a good talk to you again. so what happens next? do you think?
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well, we're going to have to see what decision honey in his team in the palace take. are they going to stay? are they going to leave? is he going to resign? is he going to pave the way for a transitional period? and who is he going to work with? and obviously there are some meet there, somebody's going on right now. the taller bond team is waiting for an answer. so. ready it's, there's a bit of an unknown there. all kinds of rumors going on right now that the president may have left the country and, but it has to be confirmed. on the other hand, others say that he's there and he is working for. ready some kind of a political solution to the problem that exist. one, the taller bond or the gate to cobble, but the central government doesn't have many cars left to play here. surely. no, unfortunately. busy they run out of cards, they want
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a card that is left is a decision on stepping down. how you do that? what mechanism me, how do you transfer power to whom a person a collective. do you follow the constitution? which has a secret thing of events that have to take place and how do you make sure that it's done and a peaceful way so that the people are not hurt to the city is suffering as a result. and that we are back to normal c as soon as possible is what we're seeing today in effects. a failed 20 year, 800000000 dollar experiment to get afghanistan to the stage of functioning like a recognizable democracy. well that is a 1000000 dollar question in one day we'll need our just talking about in short, i will tell you someone who 20 years ago went back to help rebuild my country and
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looking back, i think that we had the will and we had the the goal of doing the right thing along the way, we went off track and i think that it was a combination of bad strategy. bad management, bad leadership. a lot of money for that was spent as a generous donations but did not amount to much as we can see, that would be african army and force and so on and so forth. so and it was meant to do well in good. it did not. and it definitely miss many opportunities to resolve that. honda stars political dilemma end to end for a peaceful end. but right now, as we are speaking, we still have that chance to aim for a peaceful settlement of the african problem around the corner. mister sam at if
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you and i have a conversation in a month or 2, is there a chance that perhaps the taliban between today and then we'll have to engage with 2 big changes in afghanistan and to do with afghanistan changed? number one, the world has moved on and changed since 1996 has it not? we have now got social media. we have got international war crimes courts that can pursue people that can investigate people and hold them to account that theory. number one, area number 2, the pandora's box for afghans of expectation and aspiration has been opened. women's rights minority rice, women who want to have an education, women who want to become politicians. women who want to do the job you use to do, sir. and that would be very, very difficult, even for an organizational at the taliban to shut off again. correct. and the whole pace and that i have learned the lessons from past 25 years. if you look
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back at their actions and statements just in the past few weeks, there is a ray of hope that they have mellowed a bit that they have learned some lessons. i don't know if they have learned enough and if it's deep enough, but they definitely need to make sure that they take the ac and people men and women into account that they take their wishes into account. and the expiration that you said i did take the world into accounted this is not the world of 1990 s. it's a different world that it's a country that is almost 80 percent below the age of 30. and that's the adjust to realities in afghanistan and in the world. they also have to be open and inclusive. afghanistan is a complex and multi ethnic society. there's hope that they have a, they have learned that lesson. so, you know,
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there will be the main power. but others have to be part of it and at the end of the be, i hope that the realize that the stack and people who will have to decide what kind of political, social and economic order the ones. very briefly, mr. summit as ref gone, he phones you. he breaks out of his little cell of isolation that we're told he lives in, and he says to you, do you think i should resign now or not for the greater good of my country? what would you tell him? resign now and do it in a way that does not disturb stability and peace, relative stability and peace. that we have an open the door for a political compromise. that's how chuck anderson. mr. sam at all was a pleasure to get your context and your experience of your country here on out to 0 . we do appreciate your time. so shaheen is the international media spokesman for
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the taliban. he says fighters have taken most city surrounding the capital, but have not entered cobble as yet through our forces have not entered the city. and we just issued a statement saying that our forces will not enter the city. we are talking in the waiting piece for transfer, a transition, awful capital city. so, and also there will be spatial, i didn't mean for the maintenance of security of the city. so that personal property and i got a borman installation offices are not hot on the 4th. if they have going that we see they have stopped the fighting and they have joined us and all probably says an all majority of the problems that. 1 they have joined. 1 forces and they have
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handed or they come with the way and it will thing and they are their names. 1 are just that, so the proper steps will be taken in pure job order for how they will be invaded in the government. the people will coming to us in all the provincial centers, will, our reports is inter, so it is a popular uprising and all the prob, probably in his order with us. so they should understand the know the ground realities and the set in the to submit themselves well of the people. so that is the will of the people, the people there will be a mentor which will be acceptable to all. i think that up to him to come with tangible proposal suggestion which will be away from these 4 times. work pretty support transfer. 1
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power in also to how to would be the comfort in the mix. the future go out to serious correspondence. jim jim has reported extensively on the long running talks here in bo, hobbit in the taliban and the afghan government, he's keeping his company today here in the studio. put cobble in the context of the talks here. well peter, let me know what i've found out. so far, just in the past hour. so i've heard that a delegation afghan government negotiating team will be coming to door tomorrow. this is a team that might be comprised of new members. so they can essentially have a fresh start in perhaps talks with the taliban at some point. there are some rumors out there that perhaps dr. de la de la, who is the head of the high council for reconciliation. i've counted and may be a part of that team that's unclear yet. the fact that you have
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a negotiating team coming from afghanistan here to do a half after these talks that didn't lead to much last week. that really goes to show how critical the situation is. i've also just found out that us special envoys all my little sod has remained indoor ha, since the conclusion of these 3 days of international african piece talks last week, that also goes to show there's been a lot of behind the scenes activity to try to get the inter afghan piece effort back on track. the fact that matter is last week when these 3 days of talks were happening here in doha, you had a lot of diplomats that were loathed to speak on camera to speak on the record because it was a very delicate and difficult diplomacy that was going on and because a lot of the countries were far apart when it came to some kind of an agreement on how to try to get reconciliation back on track and canister. and so what they really wanted to have happen out of those talks was an announcement that the intro app can piece process was back on track. the last time there was a meeting of the interaction piece process was in mid july,
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also here and how that process began and how less september. but it lost momentum. and one of the reasons lost momentum is because the tall man kept in and ground. and so because the taliban was gaining ground even throughout the 3 day talk last week. well, they weren't really in a position for anybody to exert leverage over them. it was very complicated. it was frustrating for the diplomat. and it really didn't lead to making an impact on the ground. and it's always kind of classic diplomacy. 11 isn't to get the people who are either the spokesman for the warring sides or they are the controllers of the warring sites. you get them out of that fi, braille atmosphere, you get them to another location. and if they agreed to do that, that's a measure of how much respect they've got for the people who are driving the talks in this case is the countries. absolutely, and the fact is all the diplomats that were present, including others, envoy. they wanted to see if they could get the taliban and the afghanistan government delegation back in a room together at some point. but that just didn't come together the way the diplomats wanted. they still want to see that happen at some point. but now this
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critical juncture, when cobble is completely surrounded by the taller bond, how are you going to get the taller bond back to the table? this is what to faxing. so many of the diplomats yet they are still trying. and again, the fact is, all my bills are, has not yet left up. the fact that a delegation of the african government negotiators are coming back to the probably as early as tomorrow. it goes to show, look, they still are trying, but he's going to only get more difficult mom at the moment, many things to get into her own raimie, assistant professor of law at the american university of afghanistan. he joins us on skype from istanbul. harun, give me, give me a fake conversation. what's the conversation that's going on inside the presidential palace and cobble right now in your mind? first of all, i mean the reports are imagine who are the people that are conversing at this point and their report,
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different reports coming out of different people being involved. but in my opinion, the question is going to be a complete surrender to the taliban, or it's going to be some sort of entertainment that would have an element in it that seem to be an issue remaining. in my opinion, i would say that we have prevailed militarily. we will give you a chance to avoid experience cobble by the budget and transferred over to or under the way that they've done in many other problems. and then we'll decide to have a government on our own terms that we will control and others, but basically asking my magazine that they would who would elements of the other side of the camp as well. that it would be neutral. so it could actually credibly facilitate the process of creating an inclusive political arrangement.
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heroin for the moment to stay with the sit tight because we do want to go to washington, we will come back to you in about 90 seconds, 2 minutes. maybe we're going to talk to heidi joe castro, because heidi to the us secretary of state anthony blinking has been speaking. was he been saying that's our peter. he's been speaking on the morning talk shows here defending the administration's actions, even as they are ongoing. calling the u. s. evacuation of the embassy and cobble ordered and deliberate pushing back on the concerns. and the criticism that you has us has, has been directed toward it, that this has been a chaotic process with helicopters, transporting personnel to account power within the international airport for their security. he did confirm that's happening. he said that the, the embassy staff, which is both civilian diplomatic, is be moved to ensure they can operate safely and securely. and he says that the u
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. s. has told the taliban that there would be a swift and decisive response.


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