tv [untitled] August 15, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm AST
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to deal with the human waste and toxic chemicals to bring you more award winning documentaries and live needs on air and online. ah, this is al jazeera ah hello. hello. hey dean and this is b l. just the renews. are coming to live for me to han. coming up in the next 60 minutes. i found president touches connie has left the country soon after assuring citizens of their safety in the face of a taliban takeover. as
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more provincial capitals and board coffee for the taliban against time to talk for a transition of power and a taliban spokesman, telephone. just the road. those who works with the government, the military will be offered amnesty in other news rescue teams and haiti look for survivors. such a powerful earthquake killed more than 300 people, 12 anger in lebanon, not to dozens, and kills in a fuel tank or exclusion. oh, well, was a capital surrounded by taliban fighters and his government all but fallen off. and president connie has left the country top official, abdullah abdullah, is among those to confirm the news. referring to connie as the former president's
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combo streets tens, despite the taliban or dreg. it's finances to stay on the outskirts of the city for negotiations are held on a transfer of power. many fear a return of the brutal taliban rule of the past. the group is trying to be assured people of the kind of government it will lead, say, womens fights will be respected embassies are moving out there. staff with helicopter shuffling between those buildings and the airport in kabul will shortly will speak to heidi joe castro in washington. dc 1st, so let's head to rob mcbride. he joins us from the afghan capital robes. there are conflicting reports of the taliban answering cobble. they are. what are you hearing? yeah, it's been a day of incredible development which continue in today's sunday evening here. and it's all compounded of caused by the absence of president or the former president
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ref gunny. we had been anticipating that he had been involved and may well have been involved earlier sunday and intense negotiation from the presidential palace with various negotiators about that here. and i've kind of done and didn't know her about some transitional agreement working toward some sort of deal where we can see a peaceful transfer of power. i think everyone at by now except that it would be some sort of deal that would not involve ref god himself. but i don't think anyone anticipated that he would have left the country completely and so quickly. so does back the question. where is this transitional agreement up to? is there a transitional agreement? so it, it also begs the question, who is actually in charge of what i mean? what we do know is the taliban controls much of afghan is done except for cobble itself. so we know who's in charge about get this done pretty much. but the
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question is, who in this evening this sunday evening is in charge of cobble itself? so there is some confusion that now the taliban that we know has ordered. it's fine just to stay out of the city, although there have been some indication that maybe it wants to have talent. but taliban people inside the city to maintain law and order. the defense minister and the interior ministry here of the afghan government has said that they have guaranteed security. they want to see a peaceful transfer of power. i think everybody wants to see peace. everyone could agree on that. but there are indications this sunday that there are in fact some taliban on the streets. now this is come from a number of different sources. people who've seen people on the streets, either taliban or people who are linked to the taliban wearing taliban dress, but certainly it does seem that there are some, at least tyler units on the streets are doing a kind of a policing duty checking vehicles and so on. and it does seem that they are working in proximity where they are alongside. we're not quite sure with ordinary police.
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now just to confuse things even further, some of those police we know have been taking off the uniforms because it is, they know they're going to become part of a new transition and you had ministration. so they have taken off their police uniforms and don't civilian clothes. so it is a slightly confusing situation on the streets here of cargo, but thankfully, so far uneasy and tense, but a peaceful robe certainly were still waiting to hear news of the location of connie. but has there been any communication a toll from these? suppose it's afghan governments about what happens next. we're still waiting to see of course, what parts of the administration are enfolded and incorporated into the new administration. so understood that johnny actually didn't touch down. that was what earlier communications had said, we keep on expecting, we keep on talking about some, how is sharing agreement to power here?
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well, you know, we, what did you look at the situation with basically a defunct government and the taliban seemingly in the ascendancy and seemingly controlled. you wonder who does the taliban have to share with having said that, i think it is also generally accepted that in order for it to have the g m a c and to be accepted by the wide or international community, it really has to be mindful of being inclusive of incorporating some, at least, maybe not as rough gone is closest allies from the old administration, but at least some elements of the previous administration. it has to be mindful about all the bits, guarantees about women's rights and inclusive, etc, etc. so we are waiting to see just what the format of that you would ministration might look like. people who are looking forward to that, most of all the course of people here in cobbled cosmopolitan city like this. there are many people who do not want to see a return of the old style of taliban government. they really want to see what this
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new taliban rule will look like. so there are certainly concerns, there is nervousness and we got a sense of that earlier today. when we 1st heard that the taliban were on the edge of the city and that indeed some of its fighters had actually entered across into some of the outer suburbs of the city. people certainly there certainly was a very marked palpable res rise intention. those tensions of ease, somewhat, but this is the 1st day everyone is waiting to see what daylights and monday will bring in people when you were talking to people earlier this morning. did you get a sense of what the ordinary africans on the street but what they make of all this turmoil and confusion are people hunkering? dieting? are the facts, embrace the taliban as the and the city? what if they've been telling you it is very mixed. i mean, you do get
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a number of people here are certain in generation who remember the taliban of old, of the late ninety's through to 2000. and one regime that i adopted a very old fashioned, if you like, a very austere form of religious law that really wasn't well liked. people were glad to see the back of the regime in 2001. but gradually, people have become, i think, sickened by the endless years of warfare. here they've become ground down by and i think we've gradually seen some of that acceptance of what's going to take place with the full of these provinces. when you look at the way that the taliban is swept through the country in the past few weeks or so, there would be a soft position to begin with. so big by. 3 a fight says certain cities and provinces were holding out and then gradually more recent acquisitions by the taliban. some of those provinces really simply gave up the accepted well, there's no point in fighting. we can do deals with the taliban. the taliban were
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offering deals. they was saying to governors, look, you lay down your arms, we will give you safe passage back to cobble which they did other governors saw that and i think there is a general weariness here that so be it. if the taliban are back and it may be in a different form and it does have kind of a shed powered form, or at least they share the power with, with a more parties that are more aligned with the majority of the people, then they might be willing to accept that and so we have, we have seen that general acceptance of people if anything, just because they are so weary of the warfare and the attrition that's going on for so long. ok. rob mcbride there, can he hear helicopters behind you reporting live from campbell, a very fast moving situation throughout the day. we will of course, check back in with you, but for i robot pride in couple. thank you very much indeed. let's stay with us. we can speak now, it's a sunday or mir. he's a senior experts at the united institute of peace and joy,
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incense from redwood city in california by skype. it's great to have you withers. how did we get here? many have been astonished by the speeds of the taliban advance. just yesterday people were talking about the of the capital falling within a matter of weeks. i mean it's, it's taken errors. what does all of this mean? be the public has, has collapsed. it has collapse. politically, which is which is triggered to military collapse. the con republic has not offered any miller to be to this any meaningful military to distance in any part of the country. and the same stands for cobbler prisons, bunny who was making announcements to the effect of attending. yesterday he made some melody appointments, and as latin would suggested, indicated that he was, he was preparing for a military campaign. today he appears to have fled the country. so india and the
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republican politically collapsed and we now move on to a very tenuous transition. ok. and to stay with this song here, mere, we're going to go home across c at the us and to get some reaction from there, but will bring you back in again. we can speak with heidi joe castro, she joins from washington, d. c. i d, joe biden. last long to saying that's going to be no circumstance, you see people being lifted off the roof of the embassy if the united states from afghanistan. how is the point host explaining to the scenes in campbell with some very taurus tortured messaging as you can expect? it we had underneath blink in the u. s. secretary of state. speaking with us media, calling this evacuation of the u. s. embassy, ordered and deliberate. was saying that the comparisons between this and the fall
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of saigon are completely inaccurate. and that's just by giving orders to embassy staff in the us, civilians and, and diplomats to destroy property there before they leave the building, including us flags to avoid their use as probably propaganda when they inevitably fall into the hands of the taliban. and also now the decision to leave this embassy completely empty. they're not saying that the embassy has fallen. however, blink and did say that now, all of the staff, the remaining core diplomats will continue to process visas, will operate only out of the international airport. he also issued a warning to the taliban, that any interference with the u. s. evacuation of its citizens would elicit an immediate military response. there are now 5000 us troops who are mainly securing
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the airport and the evacuation route. be it by helicopter. org on the ground from the embassy to, to the, to the airport. here is more of what secretary blinking said. let's take a step back. this is manifestly not saigon. the fact the matter is this. we went to afghanistan 20 years ago with one mission in mind. and that was the deal with the people who attacked us on 911. and that mission has been successful. we brought in loudon to justice a decade ago. al k to the group that attacked us has been vastly diminished. its capacity to attack us again from afghanistan has been right now, does not exist. and we're going to make sure that we keep in place in the region. the capacity, the forces necessary to see any reemergence of the terrorist threat and to be able to deal with it. so in terms of what we set out to do and f canister, we've done it well, we'll fill the helicopters flying backwards and forwards a few hours. go hiding. so i'm not sure how that statements likely to be received.
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i wish all this playing and in the us, i want people reacting to those scenes today. there is much criticism, both foreign and domestic, here in the u. s. healing hearing from republican leaders, who are calling this simply a disaster. that this is a chaotic conclusion to 2 decades of miscalculations. the longest war the u. s. has been involved in, of course, much of this issue was passed on to the current administration. biden is the 4th us president to be fighting this war. he had committed just as its predecessor, donald trump had committed to withdrawing us forces, but there were $83000000000.00 worth of us money spent on trying to prop up the ask the military for it to fall. this quickly certainly is not the conclusion that they had wanted, and there is much criticism leveled ad biden himself,
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of course he did inherit some of this, but it was his own decision. when in april he made the announcement of the troop withdrawal and despite warnings from pentagon officials at this exact scenario, perhaps not as quickly with taliban taking over the country was a likelihood by them made the decision. anyway, and of course now we're seeing the fall out and also the potential undermining of confidence in u. s. foreign policy from allies, even as biden was trying to rebuild after the trump years. id. joe counts through the joining us live for washington, d. c, f. and hygiene, thank you very much and deeds. well, we can bring you more now on the african precedence shop, connie leaving the country, the fellow government liter long time rifle, up till a jeweler had this to say about the abrupt departure on to him. i'm a tenant, as he's i won the valuable movement to give momentum to the docs by not entering
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the city so that people's lives and property are not harmed. this is my wish as a citizen of this country and as the head of high peace council, the former president has left the country under these circumstances. god will hold him accountable and people of a godly style will make that judgment. ivy should tolerance and patience and success from god, so that you successfully pass this hard times. and i wish that there is a peaceful way out for the people of afghanistan will. mamma jumped him as reported extensively on the long run and talks here until how between the taliban and the african governments and he joins. we know how many we have these talks that have been taking place in doha visally. it's very difficult to do that. when we don't know where the president is, we don't know if he is the african president anymore. if we go by what we're hearing from july of july, where does this leave the so called negotiated solutions. and what we're seeing
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playing it's enough canister. holla, it's all very unclear. and one of the more interesting things that i've de la la said in that video statement was that he would like to see potentially the taliban give momentum to the talks by not entering the city of cobble. that's a, that's an odd thing to say at a time like this when, you know, when this message was taped, the city was just encircled. now the taliban has actually entered cobble. so it doesn't seem as though the taliban is, is, is, is listening to this kind of message from any of these officials because the situation has been so chaotic because have been so fluid. there's a lot of confusion as to what exactly is going to happen next. when it comes to these talks, the last thing that i've heard from diplomats that are involved in the afghan piece talks is they've said that now it's unclear if there will be any further meetings here in doha. in the last couple of hours, we had heard that there was going to be an african government delegation that was going to be coming to do how possibly as soon as tomorrow to try to have meetings with some of the people involved unclear who exactly that was going to be we also
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know the us special envoy for i've kind of sense all my bills that has remained in other since the end of those 3 days of talks had happened last week. that seemed to be significant. and that it meant that perhaps they were behind the scenes talk. so going on a do have between perhaps the americans a taller one other players in this process. but this 3 day of talks that happened last week. i can tell you having covered a lot of diplomatic events in the past, this one was interesting because most of the diplomats that were there were low to speak on camera. they did not want to speak on the record, it was very gold. it was very delicate diplomacy. what the diplomats who were talking to us off the record we're saying is if they wanted out of this meeting there to be some sort of pathway for working all the participants on how the piece process, the inter afghan piece talks to get back on track. that's a process that started this past september here in doha. the last session was in mid july. it really just ended without any further momentum, and that's because the tolerance was gaining so much ground. and the question at the end of these talks is how exactly do they go forward when they really couldn't
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come to any kind of consensus? and they really couldn't build on all this momentum going into these talks. what exactly happens next? of course. now with what's happened in cobble, it's very much of the question mark, what will this was going to be my next question for you? is there a path forwards it automatically or is it just he's got the most guns and he's prepared season. i mean, diplomats, i've been speaking with, they believe that they can try to forge some pathway forward that it is going to be difficult, but they can do it. but when you get into asking about the specifics, that's where nobody knows. and of course, the devil's in the details when it comes to these types of things. you know, the negotiations have been delicate, but what they wanted to achieve last week was to get to a place where they could say ok, there's going to be another round of inter african piece. talked happening perhaps next week, perhaps next month. that would have been a victory, you know, when it comes to the diplomacy surrounding these talks. now, nobody knows what's going to happen. the taliban is here, perhaps a delegation of the afghanistan government is on its way. everybody i've spoken
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with isn't quite clear on who exactly is going to make up that delegation if dr. de la bill is going to be part of it, or if it's going to be a new delegation so they can basically start fresh with the taliban. and that is where you see how difficult this process has been. now difficult, it's going to be going for a very difficult process and please get back to work in those phone. thank you very much indeed. know how to jump to life for us here in to help us get more and i own a precedence. i shop connie, what his departure means for of kind of stun that gillian, who takes a look back at his political career. viewed as peacemaker and reformist by his supporters. asher off ghani, hoped to rebuild afghanistan after years of war. as with many in his country, conflict and foreign invasion saw him spending most of his young adult years abroad . national in lebanon, he studied political science, then enter apology in new york, where he became an economist at the world bank. he was in the united states during
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the september 11th attacks in 2001 which turned him to politics back several months later he returned to have gone a stone after the us led invasion and subsequent fall of the telephone. the as finance minister, he led an attempted economic recovery carrying out extensive reforms. my country is dominated by economy in a mafia. textbook economics does not work in my context, and i have a few recommendations from anybody as to how to put together a legal economy. the poverty of our knowledge must become the 1st bases of moving forward. gone. he gave up his us citizenship in 2009 to run for president in 2014. he was voted into office. but there were accusations of fraud. donnie wanted to reform afghanistan,
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but national dialogue and peace always faced serious challenges. 40 char walking, if we want to have rule of law behind liberal officials who are involved in corruption should be removed. so we can have a transparent digital system where as the economy struggled in conflict with the telephone continued gone is authority took a hit, he was shut out of talks between the taliban and the us and guitar. in 2020 gone, he was re elected as president, his win again, overshadowed by accusations of fraud. his main rival rejecting the result after the u. s. and now this plan to pool its troops out of afghanistan by september, 11 this year. the fight for control enough, gone on reached new heights. the president standing firm, wine, dumont brothers and sisters. there is no deal and no will to surrender. there are 2 choices, either to live with dignity or to live with insult. with the taliban reclaiming
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provinces at us with speed and scale. ghani, blamed us for departing, abruptly, leaving off gone us on security to struggle and disintegrate. at the funeral of the government assassinated top media official gone, took a hard stance against the taliban. poor the everyone should know that we are standing in a place like a mountain. their ways will be broken because they have no message other than evil . they feel coffins with young people and send them like savages. we stand for the humanity, life and dignity of a canister. when speaking to parliament, ghani said, i've got a son would be back under government control within 6 months. but in the days that followed, the provincial capitals continue to fall. the taliban defensive has called the mass exodus among foreign government workers. and also i've gone to sans middle class who had the money to escape abroad. i. but among those less fortunate,
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there's mass displacement and soldiers have surrendered. the un says a number of civilians killed or wounded in just 2 months. is the highest recorded since 2009, raising concerns of a humanitarian crisis. the speed and success of the tele bonds advance astonished, gone. his government and the western leaders that supported him with little incentive for compromise. talk back by the us and its allies between the warring sides fail to reach a potential steel. for ghani only time will tell, but it is a result that will always colour his legacy with the prospect of peace. now looking like a catastrophic failure for all those involved. julian wolfe al jazeera. 0 will let say come back to us from him. you're a spend your mere role there. he's senior experts united states institute of peace joining us once again from redwood city california. we are grateful to you for
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staying with us only as news our. it's a very confusing picture. things are moving, minute by minutes, an hour by hour. the blame game is surely going to start soon, and i've got the outcome precedent. connie has left the country. what does this say, but about who is to blame here and what was the motivation for leaving i think president and he has a history and reading to see it seems like was under threat. i think defeat off many previous have gone leaders is before us, off to violent political change. rebel forces have come after leaders and so in that sense he was, he was 2nd, but i think would many of guns will be disappointed by his hypocrisy,
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the contradictions in his messaging till yesterday, he was criticizing some leaders from year. ready than decades ago, who you know, who didn't leave and who fled in the face of such a existential threats. the fact that he was not able to politically hold the country together to even put up any kind of military to this. and i think that will disappoint many of his supporters, people who supported him in these last 2 election rounds. and i think finally, you know, there's a big question. why did he not do more to secure to deal with the taliban? obviously he said that the taliban would inflexible, but there is also a strong narrative, india counterpart big among lenny. the opposition that if any tried to do everything he could do to block these, these be stocks from succeeding. would you say this? this has faults. if this one is fault that the country finds itself in this
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position taliban, so runs in kabul, we're hearing reports that they're entering cobble when i did this happen, look, he's been president for a long time now. and so he has to take, take a lot of blame. he certainly had the most popular in the country and he was the most powerful of fine actor who was the support of the international community of the united states government. but as i see it, i think this, this more recent, the de deviation that we see, but the collapse at least a piece of the collapse, the u. s. government in general and the bite in administration particular has to take some, some real, real blame for that. by doing the ministration has made a lot of choices into mounting its decision to withdraw us forces. it has failed to manage, or restrain the taliban diplomatically. it has failed to manage the 100 public lead by president. plenty knew the problems that read with need government had political
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problems, as well as a problem on the back feed. lots of sub optimal military choices. the need, the military condition was happ hazard and all of these factors lead to ground. but what we're seeing today, i think that many people to blame for, for the, for the follow up kind of time to, to, to, to the dotted line. but ultimately, the most blamed lives with both the us and prison. funny, as i saw in terms of what the us could have done differently. i mean, the thing that for 20 years they've been training the afghan army for decades. they've been giving them all the weapons they could possibly needs. well, more could they have done i think, you know, focusing on the material that the u. s. provided is not the right approach. i think we have to walk like, you know, yes, the u. s. gave them weapons. yes, the us train them, but how did the train them? right?
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why is it that the gun military, despite getting all this training, was not able to stand on its feet? and if you talk to me, let it do, the analysts will tell you that in the template in the model of training and building up in the u. s. government used was not suited for. similarly, if you look in the developmental sector development approach to, i've got to stand that the u. s. has been be work, it has respond a highly predatory economy, which is, which is repulsive people. it has, you know, it has created lots of grievances which is push people towards towards the taliban . and finally, you know, when it comes to regional politics, the you come in was never able to figured that out the money enjoyed ac. thank you . thank you. the and if you've been in pockets on these last 20 years and multiple us president, we're not able to do anything about that to do you know to deny the taliban does this really important material and political resorts?
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so in that sense, i think we can see that the us did everything, but the way the us went about this intervention, i think these many questions on the table. ok. and of course, the after effects will be felt by the people of the great to get your thoughts on your analysis that we do appreciate it a sunday or mere joining us from redwood city in california. thank you. thanks for having me. well, it's more so have here on, i'll just sarah helping more than a 1000000 people into the streets of hong kong 2 years ago. now, a video for them. what secret if the standing for i am concerned about our kids getting sick and it can be preventable. texas, caesar research and in cooper 19 cases, children set to go back to school. on a football world this morning, the death old legend guest mueller. german passed away.
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