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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm AST

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on our obsession with economic growth, this is still the center of capitalism. there is no limits. i view myself as a capital artist. we are trying to bake the world smaller and smaller. we don't want to be so realistic in the well, we would rather have a fantasy growing pains on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera. ah, hello and welcome. i'm pete adobe. you're watching the news live from coming up in the next 60 minutes. chaos at the airport in cobbled people trying to leave afghanistan, a scene, trying to cling to a us military plane. taxiing on the tarmac. after taking charge of the country taliban leaders insist people have nothing to fear. also ahead,
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lazy as prime minister, attended his resignation. the king, but he will continue to run the country for now and more bodies support from the rubble after that powerful earthquake and haiti at least $1300.00 people have been killed. i'm sure i will go with the for the overnight with the care paralympic confirm that fans will be banned from attending events because of the rain of virus pandemic. ah, seems from cobbler for showing the desperate length that people are willing to go to to get out of afghanistan. video from the airport clearly shows crowds running alongside taxiing, us military aircraft. some people are even clinging onto the sides of the aeroplane . all commercial flights have been canceled the taliban and to cobble on sunday night, completing its takeover of the country. earlier us
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troops fight shops into the air to stop people trying to board military aircraft. while the taliban has also been firing shots in the near the airport in an attempt to discourage people from trying to enter. more people have also been thing trying to climb up and bought the passing commercial jets before the flights were stopped . the us and other countries urging the taliban to let people leave freely. they want to go over the next 30 minutes will bring you comprehensive coverage from inside and outside of galveston. we'll start with 2 correspondence roast jordan at the state department's washington to bring the latest from the basement ministration. first to rob mcbride in cobble, rob, just looking at those pictures of what's going on at the airport. astonishing scenes. not only people hanging on to the side of the aeroplane, but also kind of half marauding across the active runways. yeah, maybe i've been real scenes of chaos and real scenes of tragedy as well when you
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consider what's taking place there. all of this began to unfold, of course, on sunday evening when it was realized, the government here was collapsing, the taliban was entering the city. we know that there are people here who are desperate to leave. we know that there are people who are linked with the the us forces and nato forces, who believe that they may face recrimination. and of course, they seem to get mixed with people who have the legitimate tickets, who were going that legitimately said there was a surge towards the airport as they arrived at the terminal. it seems a lot of the security line stuff. ground stuff simply melted away and so they simply took over the terminal surge don't to cross that were parked at the terminal, hoping one thing that somehow these aircraft were going to take off. but obviously i made such chaos. there was no chance of that happening. in fact, we believe now that there were some in been flights into cobble when all this was taking place, basically had to turn around. there was no way that we're going to land amid such
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chaos. so what you have at the moment it continues. if anything, the chaos that try to limits that things don't get any worse. the taliban, let's put a cold now around the airport terminal to stop more people getting in. the united states forces that have taken over a large section of that part of the, of the port. they have their cotton there to try to keep people out there. operation continues, evacuated, embassy staff, and other us citizens and so on. but you still have these thousands of people in the terminal on the runway and the adjoining taxiway is all milling around. and so the chaos does that continue. we have seen various clips a tragically of people clinging to plains. in some cases, it seems to be falling off the wing of a plane as it was. taking off another clip, showing an apache attack helicopters hovering a couple of meters off the runway ahead of attack. seeing transport play tried to
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clear people out the way to allow this transport plane as attack the ready to take off. so real celtic thing that it's difficult to see when the food is going to get back to normal and commercial flights can start again. they have been cancelled for the moment. no indication yet, at least of when things might return to normal. meanwhile, rob has the taliban spent today day to, i guess we're heading towards the taliban normally being in charge kind of taking over the institutions of government. you know, the foreign ministry who runs the police force, who runs the interior ministry, who make sure government workers get paid on time. yeah, i think it is. it is a work in progress if you like. i think all of this has happened so quickly. i'm not sure whether that was a contingency plan for all this to go ahead. so i think you do get the impression that they are catching up with themselves. in some regards. we have heard various reports that at different ministries of some sort of handover process taking place
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. i mean, they have to take place because they have to put in place a government, they now they now own this place. and so they really have to sort of catch up with a work of government. so we know that that's happening. be well the, the security situation in afghanistan, it's still not completely secure. i mean, there are still reports about isolated classes. there was reports earlier this monday about a militia from the cost province. this is a province, the board is on pakistan. this militia wasn't happy about surrendering was apparently marching on kabul. they wanted to had to have a go and have it out with the taliban. eldest, seem to intervene so that christ seems to have gone away. so you get these reports of isolated incidents still happening on the streets of cobble itself. you would have to say the things remain a relative become, but it is a fairly so real calm. it has to be said, we've been out on the the streets this monday, and there's an awful lot of people walking around cobble residence getting to grips
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with a new reality that there are new people on the street. there are no longer the uniforms of the soldiers. and the police that been used to instead of that there are checkpoints, road blocks, and all now staffed by taliban. so people have been walking around the gingerly approaching that may be talking with them in some respects that taking cell fees and so on. so it is a gradual process, and this is de one, if you like. this process continues and people here in kabul, at least get used to this new reality. rub many things. what mcbride john is there from the afghan capital cobble officials of the white house in washington have been stunned that the speeds of the taliban take us president joe biden was at camp. david as of sunday, getting regular briefings were told from his national security team. he has been facing criticism for sticking to a plan initiated by his predecessor donald trump. of course, when the u. s. military mission in afghanistan. let's bring in roles. jordan, our correspondent joining us from washington. so are they pushing back against this?
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it seems like rose increasing criticism here i think the by the administration is pushing back and some of their democratic allies on capitol hill are pushing back as well. the national security advisor jake sullivan was speaking to the morning breakfast shows here in the united states. and what he said was that the president joe biden had thought long and hard about this. and essentially said that there wasn't any real benefit to putting us forces lives at risk in order to help the afghan people preserve their country and avoid a return to taller bon rule. he also said in this, one of the criticisms is that the united states is in particular abandoning african women and children, denying them the ability to enjoy some measure of a quality within their society. this is jake solomon,
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the national security advisor. every policy decision that we take, no matter how big or how small has human consequences. and we are aware of that. and it is heartbreaking to see what is happening in afghanistan right now. and we will do everything in our power from the point of view of economic, diplomatic and political tools to hold the taller bon accountable, i to live up to its international obligations. but the alternative that we face to physically protect people in afghanistan was to put american men and women enlarge numbers back in harm's way. fighting and dying in the civil war that had tone forces wouldn't fight in that the president wasn't prepared to do. now one other thing that has been noteworthy about the last several days is that the president is at the presidential retreat camp david and has not yet been seen. speaking to the american public about the events happening in afghanistan, jake sullivan intimated on one of his interviews on monday morning that the
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president would be speaking publicly, but he didn't say exactly when. ok, ross, many things we'll talk to later. i'm sure how ruin raheem he is keeping us company, bring us his take on what's going on in afghanistan, his assistant professor of law at the american university in common. he joins us on skype from a stumble heroine, is there a chance here or a sense perhaps in which all of us, every single one of us, you, me people who watched afghan, it's dawn afghans. americans were being slightly naive here because part of jo biden's political dna to do with afghanistan has always been. we're going to go in, we're going to save the country. we're going to need to isolate, we're going to make sure al qaeda is never a threat ever again. and then once we're done, we are done. so i mean, and by it has made it clear that he intends to meditate engagement enough on a thought. but he says that he would monitor to see what you thought it was my
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choice to the bid tread, to the homeland maria. and i generally avoid their way from common things on to make that decision that's made by the us president that should be held accountable to the us public. i don't comment on that, but in terms of making it sound like us has a responsibility would be what happened and just bringing up the issue of willingness to fight that the by the tough. but i think it is a little bit. i think the disingenuous because it discounts the impact of the u. s . withdrawal. the way it was handled the pace with the will handles. and the way that he was not coordinated enough on the willing, mystified though that there was a development device to fight was not it guys in as to what the decision decisions make they decision to draw how to withdraw, how fast to draw and when to direct withdraw affected the willingness of but also at the same time, the us attempt to make a safe facing bel deal with color by giving involving them opening contact with,
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allowing me to contact the office without building my constable in terms of maybe actual we'll compromise this also impacted, unlike ology of the troops underground. i will not, i don't think it was all that it was. i mean it's a complicated picture and it's maybe 4 years to come. but at the u. s. has responsibility the decision could be in the us national interest. it's noticed they're very drop determined that i'm not here to comment on that. but as far as they are making it the other problem under the problem, i was always going to be like this. and no matter what we did, no matter how we would we handle the situation. it would have been this result necessarily the same. i think that the just this in general is the process that we've spoken about an awful lot on this channel, the doe, how process is that effectively dead and buried and gone because we understand the delegation of delegation is not coming to katha. so we seem to be in this odd sort
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of suspended animation of every one processing what's going on in afghanistan. everyone's taking a breath and everyone's waiting for something else to happen. but we're not quite sure what that something else will be. i mean, in my a suspended due process was dead officially when president by them announced right before the stumble conference. i don't know if you or your audience remember or not . but there was an expectation of a major breakthrough in stumble parties had to change like grabs were an entrance set up. it was towards the end of ramadan, there was supposed to be a high level meeting, assemble, president biden announced his decision to unconditional withdrawal. days before that, and since then in my assessment, i never seriously engage in any meaningful negotiation for the purpose of actually ending the conflict peacefully. they have negotiated on specific issues, not comprehensively like what there are currently that issue that the new crime reported that mackenzie mckenzie de central command commander in charge of that
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part of the right. now i met with the negotiators into the hot, i think with yesterday they met and talked to them about us back question. how does and should not and truck that do not disrupt that. and the reason is understanding, i mean like this happened. i mean, there were, there was an address for many countries to make deals with, to, to brief understanding what, but in terms of ending the war piece, lee attorney does not see anything since that decision was announced. that proposal, but this isn't what is today the beginning of a process that we've seen played out in different ways under different formats under different leaderships, both internally and externally. the same kind of process that we've seen before, where afghans and ghana storm a kind of caught in the middle of all this hard wired competition. be it say the chinese government is thinking, oh, there are lots of natural resources in afghanistan,
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the russians and maybe allowing themselves a wry smile, remembering the events of 1989, maybe they're thinking, oh, actually, maybe we should get involved in the process with the taliban. whatever it may be, other people are saying, no, actually the germans saying, no, we might have to pull the plug on the whole thing. i mean, absolutely. i think what we see right now is that countries are looking at upon a true narrow lens of nash at their top national security interest. and they are trying to be what is the best way to keep that? and sometimes they're looking at it as, as an opportunity. countries in the region may think that it cools and in a friendly government in power that they've always wanted. you may think that they would be able to contain their risk of i, we merging enough on a son and would also make concessions on what are right be wanting. china may think that they can make a deal with the currently contain of extremism that is coming towards the
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china. from them, we protest and at the same time, positively make deals with regard to extraction of natural resources. central asian countries are also worried about extremism and also they are interested, but connection, the regional collectivity possibility of an honest on pockets on try. and if basically government enough on somebody's friendly to china and focus on and can civilize the country. that's also very important because any investment is gonna depend on his ability to buy country, they can use a product to connect to via pockets on to china. so, i mean, there are many countries that are looking at the situation. i think a couple of everyone minds, a number one issues of security and the possible over from upon a thought in terms of extremism and such, but also your absolute right. the other, the other thing i do to secondary thing under many countries mind is the issue of opportunities, is that the taliban government be present in terms of
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a friendly government in power in terms of possible investment and connectivity. those, i think the secondary talks going to have to wait until we actually see what the, what kind of one can do in the countries. the governing is going to be a fail the state again because you talk about the whole idea of how you're going to actually okay, how are you going to make sure that the service are deliberate? how you actually make sure that it's not going to fail the state again. ok her and we'll have to wrap it up there. many thanks her. and he, me, they're talking to us from a stumble. ah ok. let's continue to broaden this out to some of the international reaction to the crisis in afghanistan. let's begin with pakistan which borders f canister to the east. it's foreign minister sharma more courage. she treated earlier that his country is helping evacuate diplomatic staff and other foreigners, along with afghans who worked with the danish government. pakistan is also allowing some freight through a key border crossing with afghanistan. the top. com crossing was closed on sunday
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. after being seized by the taliban. come hider is there. he sent us this update. there's been some movement. we've seen truck laden red, fresh road and register boat making their way across the border and to get on. however, you can keep behind me, there's a huge q, now they guard for the lot, for any, for the dodge, there was a confusion. i change of come on down the border board when the dollar barn to coal walk up project led to a traffic jam dredging. for several kilometer, it showed you the importance of logistical supply line, which is a lifeline for bonds and the landlord country and rent told me to close it. of course, as to the trouble on both sides, where traffic and drug can contain piling up what it appeared that the border will be open within the next 24 hours. we are told me that budget's on re open doors
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border, working on the mortality at the same time. we are also told that a delegation that made its way to its normal bod, yesterday, headed by unit car. no need the head of parliament also mark cake or the leader of the minority daughter she is in august on and a foreign minister of dressing, the importance of stability. and i've run it on saying that the international community might work very hard because there did in the interest of the international community and the british french states that a political sector remainder to be mentored, be found for one. it's dawn. but we are watching, as far as the garden crossing is concerned, i've been boy dog open. however, it will take some time for the traffic to review at but normally scheduled within the next $24.00 to $48.00 dies. come out to talking to us just a little earlier, kathy and jordan's foreign ministers of disgust. i've got to start at
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a meeting in amman. cat on top, diplomat says they're trying to help get people out of the country. hey, i'm going to ask about what we have also discussed, the latest development and i've gone on and the entire world is concerned with the rapid development in the country. we're also doing our utmost to help evacuate diplomats in foreign staff in international organizations seeking to leave a levy header. well, russia and china have both commented on the crisis in afghanistan. both are permanent members of course of the un security council, which we think in the next 90 minutes or so reactions also coming in from the u. k . on the cross, the e u. countries to bring us all those updates. we have general in london 1st. let's go to our diplomat to get us a james base. so james, we know what the official reaction is as all the sunday morning talk shows. it's kind of, well, the afghan security forces, the only had themselves to blame because it fell and it fell quickly. but for the us ambassador there taught us ambassador at the united nations. what's that
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person's posture got to be today when the un sits down and starts talking, cobble, and all things i've canister on. i think it's going to be a very hard speech for ambassador linda thomas greenfield in the security council today. she's not just an ambassador, she's a member of president biden's cabinet. she would have been involved in many of these decisions. she's going to have to try and explain the u. s. his position to all of the international community. also too many of the u. s. is close allies, remember around the 15 seats on the security council tables 15 countries on it, 6 of them actually, some point had troops in afghanistan, and they will privately tell you that there was very little consultation of the move to pull out of afghanistan. and they were left really no choice but to follow suit. and certainly i think that that caused some, some concern in many of the capitals, particularly perhaps the u. k. and germany,
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which had the largest number of troops. we'll have to see what the close allies of the u. s. say, we'll have to see what china and russia say as you set said china and russia suggesting that they're close to recognizing the taliban. of course to taliban don't actually have a government in place at the moment. they're in charge, but they have no formal government in carpal. the meeting which starts 40 minutes from now will also be addressed by the u. n. sack general antonio terrorist and we expect him to relay the latest information on the ground from the united nations because you know, of the un mission continues to have all it personnel on the ground. although i'm told that confined to that basis because of the security situation. now the other person we're going to hear from is going to be interesting, and that is, and buster column is exciting. he only less than a month ago, became afghanistan's ambassador to the united nations. he is now an ambassador from a government that no longer exists. what is he going to say that important security
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council meeting starting it under 40 minutes? james will come back to you as soon as that kicks off in the meantime. anything like now to london and correspondent john hall. so jonah, some potentially very strong words coming out of germany today. yes. why? i think you were talking about lash at who is sort of would be successor to angler merkel. she's got just about another month, a month and a bit of her very long term in office to go before the election there. and he has declared that this is the biggest fiasco in nato's history. and that is angular merkel herself addressed her colleagues, talking about the 10000 people that need to be taken out german citizens. and i've come support staff during this chaotic lift that they're all undertaking these e u countries in the u. k. as well. and all the while of course, everybody engaging in sort of anguish behind the scenes policy making, trying to decide how to deal with the taliban empower whether to begin to deal with
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them will consider them a legitimate government and office will consider continue to consider them as many have a terrorist group, but in a sense this evacuation is giving some cover to those instance. the is the need for that decision to be taken. the urgency is to get people out. so whether it's germany or the u. k or, or problems or the netherlands of the check republican ukraine all are engaged in this collective effort they're doing. so under delta conditions, as we've seen, they're doing serving and ever dwindling security window at cobble airport with the u. s. suggesting they might only be willing to stay on the ground. we'll be able to hold that perimeter for around 72 hours. we're not talking about insignificant numbers here. the u. k. say they've got 4000 people on the ground. they need to move. they're expecting to move 122-1400 in the next 24 to 36 hours. as i said, germany with 10000 people that they need to move nationals foreign nationals and you can support stuff. so while you've got on the one hand, the likes of the spanish foreign ministers vowing that they will not leave anyone
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behind, i think there is a realization that at least the possibility is there that people will be left behind. and that is a possibility that has been embraced, apparently by the defense secretary here, ben wallace himself, a former soldier with the scots gods. he served. and i've got to start reacting with deep emotion earlier in a radio interview to the unfolding events in cobble take a listen. some people will get back and we will have to do our best. and 3rd countries, the processes people. why do you feel it? so personally, mister wallace can undersold nicole and the west has done what is done you know, so while these countries are all grappling, as i say, with the urgency and the urgent need of the evacuations, in this sort of instant emergency period, there is also a longer term view, which is hoping into sight whether it's dealing with the taliban. whether it's the coming security crisis within the country from without or whether it's the coming
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wave of refugees leaving the country. it is dawning on all of these governments now that there is a long term view to take care and angular merkel, and as a se, one of her final policy moments warning her colleagues. this will keep us busy for a very long time. jonah, thank you very much, john hall that johnny live from london. well, russia has said it will retain a diplomatic presence in complex, hoping to develop times the taliban, but says it's in no rush to recognize the group as afghanistan's rulers or governors. pabo felton. how is a military analyst 20th on skype from moscow bible? how would the kremlin like to see this process evolving over the coming weeks and months? rush has been maintained in good working relationship with the coward, bondo officially designated terrorist organization and russia, and the russian of thought these they will not remove that the nation immediately.
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but that fact depends on how the power bond is going to work with brush again and moscow. there are different opinions on how to deal with this situation right now. the leading role is taken over by the special residential representative on the gas on that me a couple of, i know that person for a long time and he for a long time has be saying the same thing. america is bad there and i've gotten this done. it's all going to collapse, the obama take over and rush my boob berkey relationship with the bind for such an event throughout the and now he believes that he was saying i told your soul and he's right now the we figure and the foreign ministry following his lead, but there are other opinions in the russian military intelligence command. they should do not believe that that really solid deal with a cow band can be reached,
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says that they are sick and tired of fighting. and they want to establish sharea strict sherry at our again emory. but they don't have any kind of rio id if the moving over their borders are there, sir, who influence outside of us? yeah. so right. can live public just to talk to you for a sec that you're talking about the russian military. the soviet military, of course, got its fingers very, very badly burnt in the late 19 eighties in afghanistan is the thinking of the russian military today, because presumably it's run by people who experienced afghanistan or learnt from the experience of f canister on those people when it comes to their thinking about how i can astonish, should now develop and change. is it the same thinking in the kremlin?
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well, the current one is always plays an arbitrary row. yes, many rushing leading generals didn't experience young officers in the easy enough get this done. so as the others didn't, then the main kind of right now feeling in the rush, mel a tree circle that we found and the americans failed even more. and that's good. but the, there's a threat that the instability, that radical if we miss propaganda and insurrection may spread not russia does not really care that much. what happens inside, again, is found per se. ok, but the sense or form or so give centuries is very important. they're very important assets there. that last could be well, very serious looking to the russian. okay. we're saying that there's
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a perception of risk. perhaps 2 places like to just becky stan kia, guest on backing up to your 1st on suppose you were talking about a mentality and i told you so mentality. if you are circ a lab, ralph rushes foreign minister today, would he be allowing himself a rise smile in a private moment, perhaps because in 1989. when the soviets left the then government in afghanistan, it took 2 years to change the government between yesterday and today in effect as evaporated. whoa, yes. there is some kind of satisfaction. there are closure that the american south to and that's a good idea. actually the russian foreign ministry saying that the gummy pro western government in kabul was worse than the taliban. i mean the.


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