tv [untitled] August 17, 2021 10:30am-11:01am AST
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and has lost their loved ones, not just in chile, but in the entire world. the fabric children are lucky to at least have their elderly grandparents, still recovering from the virus. but until now, no government agency has knocked on their door to offer help to see a newman al jazeera valparaiso. ah, and let's take you through some of the headlines here now to 0. now, the situation of cobbled airport is stabilizing with military and civilian evacuation lives. now resuming it follows monday scenes of desperation, and chaos is hundreds of afghans rushed the plains on the tarmac in an attempt to flee the toddy. bon shala balance has the latest from cobble that waking up this morning today to under taliban control in cobble and grace ref canister. and we still don't know who is elidah,
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how they plan to govern what this structure is going to be. i was told this morning by telephone context that the whole of moved your head, which is the main communication spokesperson will be holding a press conference today. they said he would be holding it yesterday. it appears to be delayed. that will be today. now, no one has ever seen his face. he's only repaired an audio clips with his face blurred, sir, it will be very interesting for them to finally reveal themselves. us president joe biden has defended his decision to pull out troops, sang and endless military deployment is no solution. he said american troops should not be expected to fight when afghan forces are unwilling to do so themselves. heavy rain. heavy rain is lashing parts of haiti as a tropical storm loom. there are reports of flooding in some areas that have already been hit by saturdays, devastating earthquake. more than 1400 people have died. rescue teams are searching for survivors. for, for the 1st time, the u. s. is declared
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a shortage at its largest water reservoir triggering mandatory constance in western states. lake mead on the colorado river says some 40000000 people. farmers in arizona are expected to see the biggest drop in supply. nevada will also face cuts as well as mexico across the southern border. 3 john is struggling with a drought and rec hold high temperatures. new zealand is moving into a snap, locked down for 3 days after reporting its 1st local cove at 19 infection and nearly 6 months. the case was detected in oakland still not confirmed whether the latest cases the highly contagious delta variance. only about 20 percent of the population is fully vaccinated and those are headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera. after inside story, stay with us. how many nukes has too many new america
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has in many ways driven the arms race parties are much more like the british parties. now there are fewer regulations to own a tiger than there are to own a dog. how can this be happening? we take on us politics and, and that's the bottom line. after nearly 20 years, the telephone is back in power enough chromosome. it says it won't, that is nomic system that's compatible with the psyche. will that mean the millions of africa and how will power reacting to this development? this is inside the ah, ah hello, welcome to the program. i'm kim vanelle. i've gone on is now under the full control of the town, a bomb. it took the armed group less than 10 days to sleep across every province
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and all the way to the presidential palace in the capital campbell. its leadership says at once peace and an inclusive government that's compatible with islamic law, that many africans are skeptical. observe as a worried, after scenes of panic and desperation, that campbell's international airport, on monday, thousands of afghans have been trying to leave the country since the fall of the government today earlier. but all commercial flights have been cancelled until further notice. the telephone tried to reassure people they have nothing to fear. in the us, the rapid fall of the afghan government appeared to come as a surprise for some white house officials. president joe biden is facing criticism for sticking to the plan initiated by his predecessor donald trump. to end the u. s . military mission, the secretary of state and the blinking insists, washington hasn't changed its goals and gone asked on. let's take a step back. this is manifestly not saigon. the fact the matter is this. we went to afghanistan 20 years ago with one mission in mind. and that was the deal with the
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people who attacked us on 911. and that mission has been successful. we brought in loudon to justice a decade ago. our k to the group that attacked us has been vastly diminished. its capacity to attack us again from afghanistan has been right now does not exist. and we're going to make sure that we keep in place in the region, the capacity, the forces necessary to see any reemergence of the terrorist threat and to be able to deal with it. so in terms of what we set out to do and f canister and we've done it, the taliban is holding talks to form recalls and open inclusive islamic government . it's on clear what that will look like. but a spokesman says certain policies have already been agreed. the group says the rights of women will be respected. they'll have access to education and will be allowed to work. as long as they were, he job. people will be able to criticize whoever they want media freedoms, we tolerated spot with limits on quote, character assassination. and the taliban says criminal punishments will be decided
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by the courts will bring in august and just a moment. but 1st robert bride has this update from cobble chaotic and tragic scenes continuing to unfold cobbles, international app, old with thousands of people. still desperate to get out of afghanistan as the taliban secures its control of cobble. all of this began when it was realized that the government here was collapsing. there was a surge of people to watch the airport. they have completely taken over the terminal with many people spilling onto the runway clambering to get on to across that were park there. also clambering to get onto u. s. military aircraft, as they were attacked, seeing for take off their, of also being some clips. tragically, of people clinging to wings and then falling to their deaths as the planes were taking off that has been to some extent a certain amount of order has as attempted it being restored with the taliban,
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putting a cord and around the terminal to stop any more people getting in and the us forces, of course, as they continue their evacuation of embassy personnel and other us citizens have their own cordon. but still, there are thousands of people between those 2 cordons. desperate to find any flights as the flight or commercial flights at least remain cancelled at this stage in cobble itself as things remain fairly calm and quiet on the streets. but there is a fairly so real feel about this 1st day of a taliban rule. here with many people, cobble residents coming out for the 1st time to see a taliban fighters now taking over a check points where once there were a soldiers and police who again seem to have disappeared, melted away as the taliban gets to grips with the governing of this country, but it is fairly surreal with many cobble residents, talking for the 1st time to the the taliban who arrived in the midst here in cobble
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as they get to grips of this new reality. many of them taking selfie shaking hands as we move forward into the unknown as the taliban takes control. and we see what this new taliban rule will look like. rub mcbride and cobble for inside story. ah. okay, let's bring it out. guests in washington dc, we have chevy condom form, a deputy senior advisor to former president us off county and pharmacy advisor to nato enough cornerstone. doha, we have both alarms, i have a founding member of the color bomb and former taliban ambassador to pakistan in new phones. mont, we have peter galbraith, a former deputy united nation special envoy, to have gone on a variable. welcome to you all. i thought to begin with you, mister phillips, life, you, one of the founding members of the town of on tell me, is this going to be what we see now? is it going to be the telephone role of old or have things changed?
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has the group changed? i think and i know this is worry faster justice, although i think we should do this because there are believing to come, the notion are not sufficient for the carbon before that time fund was coming to pop and yesterday was suppose to the time to buy will not enter to carbon 10, where the negation is coming to go with the taliban in discussing how to come to crop and how to be part of the power in copper and how the type of bond wouldn't be coming in to the carbon. but unfortunately, navient copper some stuck, some responsible to security in the problem. that's
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again check. the tired of the banker entered for the 1st or the best care can be from this one. i'm sure some from, from, from the top of the bunch particular sparks because there is no security for the problem. there is no spot the one for about. ok, i think there are, there are both. there are some house still they are waiting there. tim, when they come to the house, was supposed to come today, but i didn't know who to try to. okay. they went to discuss it. sure. sure. we didn't know what what would be the next position on our end?
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yeah. okay. we will talk a little bit later in the program about those talks in doha and what a future governance might look like for someone to come to you should be come down . you were an advisor to the former president. i guess i shop gaudy. what's your take on developments? does the taliban have legitimacy? no, not at all. so far. you know, they do have the charge. they do control a lot of the country. but in order to have legitimacy, they the quiet. it avoids an endorsement or whatever you call it. from the often people. so for that i think it's required that immediately paula on have to call for a lawyer agenda. we actually presented this often. people get together and they decide about the future. if i'm going to set this up, i get the color bon hutch clean repeatedly, and they're standing on this saying that they're about fighting for power. they're fighting for position. and now they have to cool because you know,
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they have all the 200 of them and they have force for troops to lead up on the sun . so now they have to proven action what they have. so if even think of this as often, people have to choose elect or vote for carla bon, that's absolutely fine. but for a ton of on, the immediate thing is to have this legitimacy internally, then they can appeal to the global or what does community for their the commission . but 1st, the 1st have to have 1st. 6 mission with the african peoples, and this is immunity needed because there's a back from the policy back about the me see, redo how, you know, institutions we do have a government that needs to be. meanwhile, we do have diplomatic representations across the globe that they have to be accountable to somebody and have to be officially present. it doesn't think i've done it. i think about have more to do now than they were getting all of them they
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had to do. why they were fighting. ok, peter galbraith. if you accept as chef a come to posit said that the taliban doesn't have the g. missy did shelf gone. have you to missy? did the afghan government have judy missy. well, that is the question that and that i think the lack of legitimacy explains why the whole, how can government mit mit, a military collapsed. and in a matter of days, us ross connie was in office as a result of 2 consecutive massively fraudulent elections. his predecessor homage congress, i one obtained a 2nd term as a result of a massively fraudulent election. and they the trouble was that when you come into office by having crop power, brokers put you in power. it makes you, it makes it almost impossible to deal with the problem in afghanistan, which was massive corruption. and you can see this in the,
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in the military where soldiers weren't paid, where they weren't resupplied, where afghans felt that the, the institutions didn't serve them. you know, when the roads were built to allow for subsistence farmers to, to be market farmers. and then a corrupt police would set up checkpoints and basically rob them. so this was the, the larger, larger problem was a lack of legitimacy by the previous government. and frankly, if soldiers weren't willing to defend it, even though they were vastly better armed than the, than the taliban. and more numerous. ok. and also on that, i'd like to come back to you were talking about the way that the taliban has has taken over. often it was able to come through taking over the many districts seemingly without a fight. but human rights watch says they have also been instances that the taliban has executed soldiers and even civilians who have ties to the african government.
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what are you hearing? i, i don't know really because i'm not far away when i'm in can i. a was giving you something were happy and something was happening well, not from time to monday because you know, i was mark up was done before and this was punished if one was doing what you had expected happening. but it was messed up. they were trying to go high. did something wrong, enjoy the hillman rides bus was mark nice way. yeah, we have some, some i guess the problem. okay. should be time done. your family is in
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a gone is done. you're in washington dc, but your family is there. how are they feeling? how are you feeling? ah, it depends. you know, i do feel very bad because, you know, i'm worried about this safety and security and they punish you. they are not worried about security anyway because it wasn't secured before this. but there was like for my mother who's teaching goes, if she can continue teaching. and from my sister who has studied stomach, she is she's graduate of college in actually i took her didn't paula by the gene to secret school. and now gladly she's, you know, a graduate of college. can she continue on work? and my brother who's a computer scientist, another better with an engineer and then other other result of the nation with the, with the ability and knowledge. and beyond that, i think, you know, now our shop has gone. there's another another placing, correct?
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but what about the woman cabinet members? women, the parliamentarians, politicians, you know, i know taliban has claimed that they have been changed and i'm looking and observing. i hope it's true and i have seen some signs of changes as well, but they do not have the capacity to replace these one. they do not have invested on woman. you know, you have the paula now to come in the face for what so called a you know. busy the g or whatever you call me. so i'm afraid if warm is not included, if that motor from the political decision making body, especially from the especially from judicial system, then i think we will return back to before 2000 or 2001. so my suggestion and i think it's college for the way that the world and asking people to see how much they have changed, how much tolerance they have against minority again, you know,
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different miss if you groups these are the thing that we still have to observe and see the changes what the fall of on her brain so far? i'm the salon life. what are you hearing from the taliban? this is because this is a big question for a lot of women will they have access to education and girls? will they be allowed to work which i'm hearing. i know i hear from the parmesan that want me to walk to school through to study and i'm starting to study and i'm sure to walk to do a walk through the product to general job on the, on the algorithm before there would be not again, a new one, but i think just condition with the changes that i wanted to do was not gonna stand there and to do and to do a study it's we're not changing. ok,
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peter galbraith, we heard earlier from the secretary of state who said that american interests or objectives rather have been achieved. but this is also been described as a colossal humiliation for the us once you will take well, it's a catastrophic failure. the united states was in afghanistan for 20 years, twice as long as the soviet union. it spend around 2 trillion dollars more than $2300.00 dad. it spent hundreds of billions on the afghan military and police and a programs. and the thing collapsed in days. you know, when the, with my 1st trip to afghanistan was february 14th, 1989 with the major dean. and that was the day the soviets withdrew. the soviet installed regime lasted more than 2 years and even out last,
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at the soviet union itself. whereas this collapse took place before the americans said, even finished their withdrawal. so, so it's really stunning. and i, i want to say a couple of points. first i feel for shopping condos, family, and the families of my friends who are in cobble. this is a time, a terrible uncertainty. speaking to some today, you know, there are people going door to door calabasas, or maybe just robbers, people dress like cal abad. so it's terrifying. and, and the other point i want to make is there is the problem of, in addition to women and girls, which courses enormous. there is the problem of the how sorrow, who are she? and if you look at the map, that's the part of afghanistan, the taliban have not taken or not yet taken. and when the tell on were last to power, there were massacres of she and something that began to look like,
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genocide. so, and of course, the telephone or a cell teacher, hottie group who abuse she, it's as apostage. so what's going to happen to that community is 15 percent of afghanistan's population. this, this is something that ought to be a major concern to the international community. in addition to the concern about the future of women and girls, ok, you're making make it very interesting point. i want to put that to you. both alarms i use, i mean is that something that the international community should be concerned about? i both shaw this is not the issue of concern. i'm not problem position to come in and make her dish. their problem is it is all there is nothing to last time. buy
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a new and fun down. not the vision. the stand up issue like the song i really wanted to live this about the on was what i will do. and i just found, i think the time to find out what is what the company from the past and. a then what not to do, the same mistake was done before hallmark we know the importance of our plan is important for us for you understand the importance of the community on there are thinking about they are discussing away from the stand up hop in between jobs are some family,
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not the one to 2 weeks on the going to come up and they are in tom one showing what was what was, what was the for the for the future. there's my security and stability. i think i think this is one of the for the one, the village is probably all possible to discuss the law. i hear when you're saying, hey, what you're saying? i hear what you're saying. i want to put exactly bet to ship. come dumb. because if we look forward and we need to look forward now, the former president, how, because i is forming a coordinating council to try and manage a peaceful transfer of power. how do you think that is going to go? what discussions will be being had behind closed doors? now that's absolutely legitimate. body has no legitimacy and no power and no commission because you know, the,
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the people and this correlation, the 3 individuals cannot present up on the sun and off can people, they are also fail leaders and even they have never, ever, truly received the legitimacy endorsement back to people, so how they would be able to transfer a power that has no, you know, existence anymore, and how they would transfer power to somebody who all the d n power. so i think that's beyond discussion and it's up to the african people to the african nation to decide how they would form their future. got them and, and all of our facility, as i mentioned before, that's, that's going to be the advantage. sure. but let's not, let's not allow individuals to think and not to decide on behalf of us can people, we have experience a matchup failure of present gunny, mainly because he tried to,
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to prevent the nation, but he was through the preventative of the people. so it's all about has to be also careful if they want to get this legitimacy endorsement that have to return to the people and must not include and believe in these individuals who have been part of what been, you know, committing and new. and that's why criminals and atrocities. so if again, these people are involved and the condition of the government, they are in power. i don't see any difference. and i don't see any reason for all of us to say, hey we, we are here with a change. ok, we're it with nearing the end of the program, pretty galbraith. allowed to come back to you. do you foresee a future in which the us will form diplomatic relations with the taliban? well, personally, i think the united states should diplomatic recognition does not apply, imply approval. it simply is a recognition of the fact that the taliban are in fact the government of
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afghanistan, they have seized power. that is a fact. and so the question is, will the united states be better able to accomplish its objectives in afghanistan? which include of making sure that the terrorist groups like al qaeda and isis do not re established themselves there. and being able to do something to promote the rights of women girls. busy to protect the has ours and the ethnic minority and to facilitate the exit from afghanistan. of, of the people who supported the international coalition. not just interpreters and people worked for the embassies to the military, but also people who worked for the united nations and for the n g. i hope many of them will be able to stay, but clearly many of them will want to go. and for all those reasons,
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it makes sense to have a continued diplomatic presence, not like what we had, maybe quite a small embassy, but to be engaged with the, the new government which we of course wish wasn't there. but in fact, is there, all right, we have to leave it there for time. so much more we could talk about it. thank you very much for joining us here on the program. should come down the salon and peter galbraith. and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website out there a dot com and have other discussion go to our facebook page that facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter handle as a inside story, or you can message me directly at kimbell for me and hope to hear me. so huh. bye bye. for now, the me joined the debate. you do not have back scenes reaching those who are most of the needs
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was just there with every ah no, i evacuation flights resume from cobble app for the day off the thousands of afghans attempted to flee the haughty bond takeover. but a different scene along the land border with pakistan inhabited by ethnic group baton bon draw support from ah, i'm sammy's aid and this is just, they're alive from the hall. so coming up, joe biden.
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