tv [untitled] August 17, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm AST
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the defendant would actually be variance with this but despite high vaccination rate, careless positivity rate is above 15 percent prompting the central government to give more than $30000000.00 to strengthen its health services. pardon him at the al jazeera new delhi are back to the ongoing situation in afghanistan. let's have a look at the scene in the media center in couple lots of journalists and photographers hustling about. no sign of the taliban, at least not less breaks person yet. there was a tweet earlier from the taliban spokesperson and debbie. hullo, magid. who said that he will be holding a news conference. and that's why you got all those journalists and meter representatives assembled from afghanistan itself and for right around the world. indeed, including our own reporters, and we'll get back to that just as soon as that happens, it will be very interesting to see what the taliban have to say and what tone they
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set. let's speak to chris when robert bride is also incapable waiting to monitor those events and rob as a say, it's going to be curious to see how the taliban handle is. yeah, that's right. i mean it is, as you mentioned, it's a like a key note address all most it's going to set the tone for what we might expect with the new taliban government. this is really the 1st time they have had a full address like this since coming to power over rather unexpectedly, probably unexpectedly to themselves amongst everybody elsewhere when the government collapsed on the on sunday. so we always see what he says. it also coincides with this amnesty, which the taliban has announced it tuesday across the country, telling the whole country that it is okay. it is safe to come back to work. this is very much directed. i think the government officials, because people who served the government worked in various ministries,
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even at fairly low levels, were considered to be, i think, legitimate targets by the taliban in many, many instances during the previous a government. and so there is an awful lot of fear here, an awful lot of unease from civil servants, people who said the government and all sorts of capacities about whether it is okay to come back to work. also for former soldiers, full of police officers, etc. but the taliban is giving this message that whatever has happened, it's time to move on. there is forgiveness, you will not be harmed. and it's okay to say this, the, the difficult part is getting people to believe it. obviously, it is a message that's fairly widespread. in fact, just a couple of hours ago, we were listening to press from one of the main mosques here. and at the end of prayers, we were listening to a sermon. and again, from the mom that was the say message that was being passed through the speaker that we could hear drifting across saying yes, well, there's no need to fear us. he said,
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so that is the message that they are trying to promote and it's directed. i guess the direct to the get, especially people who have seen during this conflict, the unfolding human rights abuses because that have been allegedly war crimes and we've seen images uploaded, horrible images uploaded to social media, allegedly of atrocities being carried out by taliban groups. these groups acting in their own independent ways out in the provinces. as this conflict is unfolded around the country that have been colon from human rights groups, international bodies that they should be pursued, that the charges should be brought against what or effectively allegedly was criminal. i think that taliban really wants to try to distance itself from all of that. you know, it's easy to think of the taliban is a very disciplined, monolithic structure with a very structured command in place. and to some extent it is there is
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a very specific leadership, but you know, as you look at the taliban all around the country, it does vary from province to province. providence from different tried to try depending on us as mr. t's, et cetera. and so groups will act independently of each other. and this is tyler and tried to say that it is not our policy to recrimination to try to target individuals. so it is safe to come back to work. and in fact they have actually set up. i'm this the hotline, these a special telephone numbers, the people can call if they want to find out whether or not said they would face any persecution or face any repercussions for helping or working with collaborating with the government or foreign policies or foreign aid organizations or develop the organization hotlines now set up where people can call to get assurance is that it is safe for them. under the new taliban taliban administered afghanistan. rob, so we're waiting for this press conference to start because he intends discussions
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on their own stage. you know, it's, i can show what's happening and various assembled media representatives waiting for this press conference to start at rob say, how is the situation in, in cold today after the celtic scenes that we saw on monday, it continues to be slightly surreal. it is quite a calm on the streets. it is quite tense. there is an uneasiness, the tension in the air. we are seeing far more taliban on the streets today tuesday than we did. monday, yesterday, monday was the 1st day that people really started to go out and about and looking with absolute amazement, in some cases, curiosity, and other cases. these new covers people were taking cell fees. they were shaking hands with them. they were looking at in amazement at these taliban as they took up their positions, manning, roadblocks, and so on. we have seen far more
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a taliban stream in to cobble the capital overnight from outside, from outside cobble and very distinctive in the taliban garb. and the long had most of them touting weapons on the backs of pickup trucks. most of the vehicles flying the taliban flag, some of them motor bikes driving around. but the order has been still from the taliban commands that everyone should be behaving themselves should be very disciplined. you do get the sense that this is the taliban on parade. if you like, they, this is a very important public stage for them, the world is watching as we keep on hearing from the international community. and i think that message resonates with the taliban themselves. they know that they are being looked at, said they have to act responsibly and be taken as a responsible force here. it's interesting that so the order has gone out that they should not end to people's homes without permission that they have to abide by the
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law. interestingly, they has been, you know, all the confusion of the last couple of days and interesting criminal phenomenon here. and some people of a been disguising themselves as taliban. these are criminal gangs, and there are an awful lot of convicted criminals walking around the streets of afghanistan these days. because of course, in the, in the fighting that took place around just kind of started an awful lot of prisons were overrun that the doors open. and people simply allowed to walk out many of them for the taliban. but amongst them also very many just ordinary criminals. so there are a lot of criminal elements around that. in fact, some criminals, according to the taliban and according to other sources, were disguising themselves as taliban unit, stopping people in the street. so stopping cars at their instances of carjackings taking place. this has to the taliban to say the least. and so one of the reasons
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for having taliban roadblocks has been not only to check vehicles and all of ordinary citizens, but also to check taliban vehicles to make sure from the taliban that these other people are in fact taliban and not people pretending to be taliban taliban, concerned about them getting a bad rap for the it's getting a bad name just while we wait for this press conference to start it, the desk area at the top, the station has actually cleared. so maybe we are going to get somebody will plowed in the meantime. it's important to remember though that we've seen these seen those all those scenes yesterday. if people desperate to flee, couple very reprisals and indeed the, the general state or taliban role is not necessarily the case across the country where in other areas the taliban enjoy a great deal of support. yeah, absolutely. i mean, you have down in the taliban strongholds, provinces of helmand, et cetera. there is huge support. that's the, the pass to homeland. they view the,
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the taliban very differently. 2 ethnic groups in other parts of the country you have in the center of afghanistan, that has ada, who traditionally, politically, ideologically, ethnically, diametrically opposed to the taliban. they will never really submit to taliban rule, but you have small areas of the country that will never subject themselves or accept taliban rule. large sections that supports taliban rule. and then you do get, you know, other big city areas where they, there is a mix, a lot of people that very are so we keep hearing the hearing cobble, for example, where they've had 20 years of these games as everybody talks about, of the greatest sophistication of becoming more international of having more worldly view. there's a lot of people here who don't want to go back to the age of the taliban despite all that, the taliban assurance is that they are a very different kind of organization now. but there are many people who simply are
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tired, tired of the war, they are tired of business, just being lousy of the unemployment, of not having enough money, of not having the money to send their kids to school, et cetera. not having a good life. and they see that taliban, if the taliban means that they will have some kind of level of peace and stability, find out without the fear of car bombings in cities and so on. and that can get on with business. they can, they can put enough food on the table, they can save for the future. they can send that kids to school then soviet they certainly don't want to have some of the more ideological dogma that we saw previous times. the very strict interpretation of islamic law and all the rest they, they're very wary of that. there are, you know, people have very bad memories, especially in places like cobble of a certain generation. but there are many people do. you will talk to them on the
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straight and on the street and they will be just worn down by it all the want to just give it a go. why not? if this does bring stability a certain amount of stability and prosperity with it, that maybe it is worth it. so yes, not everybody is dashing off to the airport. so there are many, many people who do want to stay and see how this could work and how it might work for that has been an extraordinary turn of events, isn't it something which you say seems to take in everybody's by surprise, but not least perhaps, and thought about and selves. how did the taliban assume control so easily? the whole country it's, it's interesting it's, well, are you part of it? obviously they the, the, the starting point if you like, was they with contributed to in many ways by the us withdrawal. the announcement that after all these years that say we're leaving, we're packing up and going. i think we've got to remember that apart from that, the stripes that the taliban could call a, sorry the,
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the afghan forces could call in there to ground forces that the us for many months that would be relatively minimal. they've almost taken it advisory or training role or a special forces role just to doing a specific operation. they haven't really had boots on the ground in mass numbers for a long time. they did that though, have a lot of ass support, which was very significant to the african military. it effectively became their they're a very old ass force with us on the side that they could call in these strikes. and that when they were pushed by the taliban, that was very significant. what it was announced by the us that they were going and that they couldn't read so readily call on this this proxy air force that the, the, you at the usa be providing that had a huge gym packed and i think that's where the, the ruts really saturated, and they set in very quickly. but before that, you know, that has been this seething discontent amongst the ranks of the african military,
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especially out in the provinces. that has been allegations of corruption higher up the chain of command that they were, that was mismanagement. the leadership was that you had troops out in some provincial basis who complained about not being paid for weeks or months, not being supplied properly. so morale was really very bad. and so when you had that now spent and the taliban started to make gains, it really did snowball very, very quickly. and when you look at the list of all of the provinces that failed, you can almost see half way down that list. and this is only now a week or so ago it's, it's amazing how everything becomes compacted so very quickly. but they see this episode unfolded over the course of about 10 days, 2 weeks, about halfway through this phase of all of these problems is falling. you could see that some of the provinces, instead of fighting and fighting to the law, so putting up a stiff resistance of fierce resistance, as they said they would,
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a lot of deals were cut governors were cutting deals to say, alright, well, if you let us go and you let us drive through to cobble, do let these men or the soldiers, maybe they get upset weaponry, but they also go and they go in that direction will cut you de la once that started and other provinces and the military and other parts of the military, you know, the parts of afghan has done saw that you could make deals with the taliban, that they would accept that and go by that. and it was in the tyler bands in that benefits to, to play by this and to keep that word and to allow people to surrender without massacres, without reprisals. then it really started to unravel very quickly. for the military, you got a sense that a lot of the units had simply had enough. by the same token, there was still many units may be more highly motivated, bore, highly trained who wanted to fight on. but i think the taliban just built up this,
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but then in terms of gaining up gaining provinces, resistance in other provinces fading away as they gained momentum, of course, then they would have other units switch sides may be militias, that had been res, specifically to defend this particular province or city against the taliban could be talked around and they said you would have the taliban telling these groups. look, this is the, this is the deal we are in the ascendancy. if you want to be on the right side of this that you join us now, or you give us your weapons or you drop your weapons and walk away, there was an awful lot of that. so once that built mentioned to a certain degree, i think for the last few days last week or so that has been almost endeavor to bill lity about this collapse. and this take over robot. i have to tell you that just when you think something's about the stuff on the stage, there's another flurry of activity, lots of points to stipulating, but i kinda know that most bottles have been put out. so we, we kind of hoping that something is about to start in this success. it seems that
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the taliban have kind of broken ethnic lines and recruited from other ethnic groups that they would perhaps normally have fought against. how did they manage that? do you think and, and what does that mean for the likely shape? the future administration? yeah, that is true. it is one of the startling things about this. it was always very much patched to dominated movement. it grew up in the south of the country and the early $990.00 just after the the soviets, with the soviet retreat they pulled out of the country. there was a vacuum that the soviets left in place, a kind of government, but it was always on very shaky ground. a was obvious that there was always going to be some kind of internal strife, some kind of conflict. and they did that. but to believe we had the civil war and emerging out of this, came the taliban. but it came very much rooted in the past to communities of that
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mainly the south of the country. but your rights movement has startled many people . you know, we cast our minds back to the year 2000 when the taliban was, which eventually forced out that the reason why the west after the power went down after 911 were able to do that was because there was resistance to, to the taliban. and that resistance was rooted in the north, it was rooted in other communities and it goes back to g, g linked communities, etc. rather than the pass tune. and so you did have that resistance, and that was the resistance which we simply didn't see in the past. few weeks everyone was expecting that as the u. s. withdrew, yes, there will be more fighting, but at the fighting move to the north, then we would see a fight back from that groups up there that simply didn't happen. and so very quickly, we had this collapse across the whole of the north of afghanistan and all of the cities, the provinces fell, leaving only one base of bizarre, re serene,
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for the last remaining stronghold, which itself then collapsed. and that was pretty much the end of the resistance outside of cobble. we have no telegram representatives on stage and they are about to start. we will get into that just as soon as they start to speak. but rope that if you government is representative tribal lines, you then wonder how fragile that might be. once a novelty of being included in government is worn off and especially if the unity was driven by the corruption of the previous government. yeah, i mean there is a push at the moment by the people from the previous administration to go, but the heck match. yeah, he is a former wall loads here. this fairly significant figure, still in african politics who has been pushing with,
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with former president comment hard, how may cause i i've done the rep dollar of the previous administration again, very important figures here. pushing to get the taliban to incorporate some of the some of the characters incorporate some of the groups, the interest groups from the old administration to make it more inclusive. so it isn't a purely taliban administration which might not be acceptable to everybody in afghanistan . so there is a push on at the moment we know that go but then heck, mass yeah, and his group, they got various proposals which they are lobbying the taliban. i don't know if we'll ever hear about any of that tonight when this news conference find finally stuff. but there is a push on to try to makes the new taliban administration more inclusive. as it was mentioned before, all this talk of power sharing has gone out of the window. but it should be at these bull representative according to various factions. give us a reminder,
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if you would of the situation in cooper today because we did see those terrible scene just at the airport. people clean to a plane as it was taking off and people died in that process and how things today it is slightly by the fact that we've been talking we have just before we came back on the, we see that the, the take off the runway from the international airport is behind us and whether that craft take off in a particular direction, depending on the wind direction, they take off just over there. in fact, we did see a rather large wide body that craft take off the big grey shape in the sky, which was probably going to. busy do have, we do have some action on stage now, so let's just get an idea of what's happening then have a listen in contrast, yet with, with perfect timing, rob,
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they have actually stopped speaking. i think it's still, it's still quite a lot of processes to go through before things thought i think let's, let's try and have a list enough. ok. that it's just, i think it's that having some kind of recitations at my room moving forwards. we heard from joe biden yesterday saying that, you know, he still stood by his decision. you wonder, given what happened, what the u. s. involvement will be in afghanistan and indeed out of the international community. yeah, absolutely. i mean, we are hearing different things from different a different countries we're hearing, for example, that while the us wrapping up that a u. s. mission, same with the u. k, i believe pakistan, china and russia are still keeping their missions open here. they of course, have a been quite active and entertaining envoys from the taliban ahead of ahead of this,
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that head of the change over in power. so they will be looking to have a name on the new taliban. so they are keeping open that missions here. they're embassies from because they try now much ahead actually speaking little listen. and this is also a separation from the holy koran about congratulating them women's. i'm the go, my direct us. what the i'm at the radhika way. i'd be on my way home. so the law and the nausea. well, i haven't bought a lot of article at all. this is the continuation of what the law from the holy koran does want to say is about being the united and don't get them i guess 1st before anything else bundle that i would like to the gentleman
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loud enough to know if there's interest in what you are one of the media was the local me compared sampling represents a global media. i would like to express my greetings to you after my greetings. will show you say you have been there. this is all that the but you see the fact that we are the very last john very that i need, i'll take that after him about it. the proposed 23 year after 20 years ago. once again, we have emancipated our country and made made a pin dent again, and we have exposed for mobile and i would like to kind of just hold on this some ha, the, this is a pride smith because i don't know, but because i'm not on the for a limited number of people, but just as
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a pride caught up time is a proud moment for the whole nation. what this is part of this kind of put me by re it when it can be a tv to the whole nation or finish. and therefore, on the basis of this, i would like to congratulate the whole nation. and i would like to look at the heart of freedom and independence, i think is a legitimate right of every nation. africans also use their legitimate body right after 2020 years of struggle for what she does for the move, i'm sure emancipating to come to you from occupation just one hour, right. lots of good. and we just say right, a lot of and we would like to see the extra so mighty god for having fun brought us to this stage. and i would like to thank god for giving credence
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this nation will sell the image of transportation be money. policy is not going to revenge anybody. you may not have any charges against anybody who they can be, you know, that we have been undergoing granted challenging. and i see a lot of mistakes made in the cloud and that vantage of the auto pay us know, we want to make sure we wanted to make sure that that kind of says not the field of conflict in the bottom of contact anymore on the basis of the orders of the middle, the moment we have part, then anyone, all those who who had fought against us, we don't want to repeat any conflict, any war again read, we want to do away with the fact or for consummate. therefore,
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the stomach does not have any kind of foster that you're on the market with anybody who wants to, to have to come to an end. and we will to live fully. i don't know about we don't want any internal enemies on any external enemies. with us, we'll undoubtedly, we are at the very historical stage, our countrymen and women hardly waiting. i would like to move them ashore after consultations are going to be completed very soon. we will be witnessing the formation of a song, islam make my word inclusive. government in charlotte, god willing look at that as the motor loss or whatever it is that the forces up to emigrate into the into the
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problem with it. and now this great development does that apartment, that has unfolded. we have not had any hydro cheese that have been some reuters who wanted to to take advantage wanted to abuse the situation that was used for the car. we just wanted to want attention. we realize that that was the problem was going on. we would like to assure you the defendant, self called for full security for the protection of the technician, security and safety inside security has been insured. god willing day by then the more security i want to ensure the security mr. bottles, not gonna son, especially in cobalt, but there are embassies. security emphasis is very crucial of crucial importance for us to have a thought. we would like to about open up. sure,
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the areas where there are the embassies. there would be complete security. what's out there for all funding countries? getting to mind the representatives, your embassies, your emissions, international relations agencies, the people i would like to assure you that we will not allow anybody to do anything against you. your security is in short, our forces are there 24 hours round the clock to ensure your security bill a 2nd movie network, typically undoubtedly the level that we want. we did not want to see any kind of chaos inconvenience and come up with some of our plan was to stop by the gate so cobbler after capturing all the proven and therefore so that the transition process is completed to
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smoothly without us entering cobol. so that we stop the sun harms or damages back to me because i'm not with us. but unfortunately, i think we're going to hear that it will be this government was so incompetent and as a result of their actions will be their security forces could not do anything to ensure security and we have to do something richer and take the responsibility. so that was the reason that abusers and writers i'm going to place on the day want to, to modern abuse. the name of the stomach m a to enter the houses or to
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harass to people or to still. so we and then therefore we instructed our for system to come to ensure that to stop all the centers, ensure security on the carpet. so we have to do go to the bank when to come to stop those criminal those abusers. so that we, we insure the fact that people and the results of common, therefore, the residents should be assured that your security is as guaranteed to check out all the way up to the critical one when it comes to on the when it comes to the data with circumstances i would like to insure i would like to assure the international community including united states that nobody will be far enough. going to start i would like to assure. busy you that one of our neighbors that got.
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