tv [untitled] August 18, 2021 11:00am-11:31am AST
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the center of saigon was, was zone. the press retreated in effect that the caravel hotel. and many of the story is mentioned we were saying was from the caravel. ah, the promises of respecting human rights, tabano shoes, safety for everyone off to take control of afghanistan. but many remain unconvinced on tatooine allow safe passage for thousands of american citizens and afghans and us forces completely. ah, i'm having to think of this is as just a live from the how also coming up anger and frustration in haiti,
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a tropical storm hits, survivors of a devastating earthquake us declares the 1st water shortage on the colorado river is implications for its western states. as well as mexico. ah. other taliban has promised to respect women's rights give amnesty to those who fought against it and make sure f canister does not become a shelter for other groups. but afghans and world leaders are skeptical about those pledges. many fear returned to the color bonds harsh rule of 20 years ago. charlotte palace begins our coverage from come after years and the shadows, the taliban smokes and face was finally revealed. w hold much ahead fronting for the 1st telephone press conference in 20 years. and 7000 us forces scrambled to
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evacuate americans on military plains. the taliban coded and historic movement. as the club has been taken to freedom is the right of all nations. the outcome people by using their legal rights after 20 years of war were able to take the freedom to clean the country of the patient occupiers. while the group could not reveal who lead the country much ahead. sid talk the ongoing for an inclusive political system . and promised all afghans rights will be respected. there's a lot of concern about whether women will be allowed to work. that girls can still go to school. what assurances can you give to women and girls that their rights will be protected with? i had the stomach emerett is committed to the right of women within the framework of sharia. or we may have the same rights that going to be working shoulder to shoulder with us. we want to assured international community that will be not as cumulation against women, but of course we think our religious framework but after use
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a for trust is hard to come by on day 2 of taliban rule and cobble. they were few women on the streets as a woman. should i be scared of the telephone? not, i don't know what it is. no. why should you be scared of us? you should never be afraid of us. to tell, yvonne has asked everyone in carville to continue their lives as usual, and keep going to work. it is also declared an amnesty for all those who are younger, a list given and the embassies and foreign nationals should feel. the telephone has sought to portray itself is more moderate than during it's in 1900 ninety's rule. yet people are wondering if this really is the telephone 2.0. what's the situation in capital is really good. now, the taliban, here we have taken control of security and we will hold it until the end of the telephone have made a number of statements that on the surface,
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the reassuring. but that actions so speak the deeper than words submit. it's very early now, it's very fluid. it's very hard to say what is happening exactly. if the taliban are in high spirits and defiant as gonna stones days as a battlefield over your head said he hope people start fleeing and state to the assets for the nation. the move on to hum. we have pardon everyone. all those who have fought against us, we don't want to repeat of war. we want to do away with the factors of conflict for this law make, i mean rate of got it done, does not have any conflict with anybody. we want fighting to end. would you had stated journalists should remain free and independent to critique the group so it can improve? oh, go ahead. one journalist off. you say you can forgive everyone. what do you think
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the victims can give you? the africans on all sides. there is a lot of healing ahead to charlotte palace to 0 cobble or let's go live to rob mcbride in cobble for so rob, what's been the reaction to the tyler bonds takeover and their statements? i think that continues to be a very mixed responds. mixed reception to the return of the taliban. these are still very early days, a hearing cobble itself. that continues to be calm on the streets, but there is a certain level of tension that you sent. but there is also you see signs on the streets of more stores opening more restaurants, they're more people out on the streets. also more taliban, it has to be said in the last couple of days or so we've seen far more taliban fighters come again on the pickup trucks or motor bags or flying the flags that
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toting weapons, et cetera, coming onto the streets. i bet remains that the 10th. com. the next the big event we are expecting hearing cobble is again on the political scene, the return of mullah paradigm. now he is a very influential figure in the taliban. he was a co founder of the organization. he has been very instrumental in the piece towards going on in guitar. now he had returned with a cold group of taliban leaders to afghanistan. interestingly, that 1st the destination here was not cobble but kandahar. and that's very symbolic kandahar is the birthplace of the taliban. it's a spiritual home if you like, so i think it is symbolically. it was very important that when i return to afghanistan was made that which they have done. we've seen uploaded various images of crowds cheering, and we are expecting at some point that they will make their way to cobble for the formation of the new governments. what that looks like remains to be seen,
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but that's the next step we can expect. politically. having said that, it has to be remembered that there is still a lot of unrest and it's still a very volatile situation here. and i've kind of done. i evidence of that. we are getting reports of some very serious disturbances in july about now this is a very important city to the east of cobble. it's towards the border with pakistan . it's a very important trading city and so on. and there has been that protest there about the national flag. now, since we seen the arrival of the taliban, they have gradually been removing afghanistan's national flag and replacing it with the taliban flag. we have seen that hearing cobble a lot of people are not happy with that. a lot of people have been very upset. but by that, but they have by and large, had to just put up with it in july. the bad they have not put up with it. that has been resistance to that by a fairly sizeable part of the community that we have seen uploaded on social media protest in the streets. so people waving the national flag really quite large
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protests of hundreds of thousands of people. and we do know that they have put the flag back up again. an important square in july the back. and that, that have been class with the taliban with reports of gunfire. and also that a number of people have been both killed and injured. so that is still developing, but isn't worrying situation. and it is, it also comes at a very sensitive time. here it is a day before afghanistan's independence day. so feelings running high that tensions are running high and it has resulted in what we are seeing to be fatal clashes. and what's the situation right now on those airport evacuations? that remains, if you like, the order has been restored to some extent, in fact, to a large extent at the airport. nothing like the kinds of chaos we've seen in the past couple of days or so. but again,
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it does remain volatile. you get the varying sizes of crowd outside the terminal and you know, the authorities will buy that. well, i guess we mean that the taliban and to also the united states for the present that had cleared the airport of all of these people who just rushed into the place to try to get on planes. and we understand the gradually the terminal is being restored and so there is an expectation and anticipation that at some point commercial flights will return again. but just when that will be, no one can tell, but it hasn't stopped people wanting to go to the full on the off chance of getting all the plane and getting out of here. so at different times, there are different sizes of crowds, and that does remain a volatile situation. of course, the military side of the united states, that's the largest operation. they continue their evacuation exercise, but other countries are also continuing. their exercise is the australian. they have laid on a plane to take some of their citizens out,
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and people associated with that military mission here. the canadians, the same, they are planning a flight. so although in this extraordinary news conference, we had the taliban administration urging both afghans and also the international community. please don't co please stay there is no need to leave. ask alice down and to jump on a plane. it seems increasingly a lot of people, a lot of old people here in afghanistan, voting with their feet. rob, thanks for that. rub mcbride life which is called while as rob said there as the airport and cobble is under control, the u. s. says the taliban has agreed to allow safe passage war civilians struggling to leave f canister. american officials insisting order has now been restored at the airport for president joe biden has continued to face criticism. as my can reports now for most to evacuation operations are once again underway at
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a couple airport. the nato partners of the us scaling up their presence. and the u . s. department of defense says within the next 24 hours, there will be up to $6000.00 us soldiers in place to maintain airport security, the pentagon insisting that order has been restored. right now. we're looking at one aircraft per hour in and out of h kaya re predicted our best effort could look like 50029000 passengers departing per day. we have had no ha style interactions, no attack, and no threat by the taliban. the deadline for complete withdrawal of forces and civilians is still the end of the month, a date set by president biden. earlier this year, the commander in chief made it very clear that we weren't to complete this drop down by august 31st. and that which now includes the drop down of american cities pulling out of american citizens and drop down over embassy personnel. so that's
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what we're focused on. that's the timeline moran. and it's the secretary made clear to to leaders even as recent is this morning. time is of the essence. and we all, we all share a sense of urgency here. the bite and administration continues to defend the decision to go ahead with the withdrawal. arguing that the alternative was escalating us involvement in another countries civil war was unfolded over the past month. has proven decisively that it would have taken a significant american true presence multiple times greater than what president biden was handed to stop a taliban onslaught. and we would have taken casualties. american men and women would have been fighting and dying once again in afghan. stan, both republicans and democrats, subbing highly critical of the manner in which the withdrawal is being conducted. arguing that the chaos that has ensued constitutes a huge failure of intelligence. thanks so much everyone. the criticism and the
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questions are likely to continue for months to come. my can i just era washington of the u. k. has announced they will accept up to 20000 afghan refugees in the coming years, but opposition lead is there. say that's think it should be much higher plan is on top of the existing scheme to resettle interpreters and all the stuff who worked for the u. k. and who might be targeted by the taliban. and after taking over power in cobble, the african tyler bond is now in talk with the pakistani government come out. honda has more on that from the tor hama border crossing a sunnier of won delegation comprising of he knew of our leaders in august on at the moment. they've already had an important round of dogs for the country's military leadership. they have met the bugs on the prime minister. bog it's gone is stretching on the point that has to be an inclusive government. the taliban have
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already signaled that david tolerate other religious minorities as well as admitted written down to varman inclusive government. it is going to be important to see what kind of progress will be made and reaching a political settlement and meantime to budget on your foreign minister planning to witness turkey and also a whole consultation red bra different stage such as iran, the minutes on rebecca on budget gets on and also read the chinese down to barge buckets on has played a lead role. and facilitating that dog between the $1.00 bond and the united states . it is acting as a facilitator. and of course what happens head. and if lama bots will be crucial, but it's also important to know that buckets on it, watching cautiously, the moves inside of vanished on the signs a good defender force diamond decades that the people of granite does have a rail volpe and reaching
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a political settlement to the one conflict gas towns other neighbors are closely watching developments their russia has begun a month long joint military exercise with cust on near its afghan border about a 1000 soldiers use tanks, artillery and helicopters. russia has promised military assistance to ex soviet nations in central asia. if they face attacks by armed groups from afghanistan, catholics dom, kyrgyzstan, antique asked on all part of a moscow lead security pack. a feller head on, i just hear the woman coming here who she lives, but it's in the white european union closes ranks with lift the un here to stop refugees from afghanistan and iraq entering through the bellows. ah, ah,
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it's time for the journey to winter sponsored by cattle airways. hey there when you and i were chatting about 24 hours ago, we were talking about a tornado that talk through the northwest of germany. this is the aftermath we know more than 50 homes destroyed, and his state of emergency now declared in northern areas of germany the northeast could get hit hard with some strong winds. will talk about that in a sec. it all has to do with this mess over scandinavia, diving down, white and windy conditions. we do have amber weather alerts in place, so sweet him, for example, could see upwards of about a 100 millimeters of rain. and there we go. ne, germany winds 75 kilometers per hour. now also romania is got a pretty good batch of what weather could see between 75 to 100 millimeters and a thick cloud deck. we'll put a cap on temperatures in london at 20 and paris. $22.00 degrees temperatures now per freely should be across iberia, $37.00 degrees for cordova. 30 in valencia,
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and temperature is also at the average mark across the mediterranean. in fact, a bit below on talia 33. you should be about 35, talking about a lot of weather for western africa. we've got some storms for northern toko into gone out and look at this for western sections of molly bama co hiv 28 degrees with thunderstorms. and now you're up to date with the weather sponsored pay cut off airways. joined the debate, do not have vaccines reaching those who are most needs and amplify your voice. it allowed a diverse community how an array of different stories, no topic. it's off the table. it's such a tough ethical debate. here, there is an obvious discrimination in systematic discrimination of play. people are thursdays for new, wasted, the stream where a global audience becomes a global community on al jazeera. ah,
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ah, the me. again, you're watching. i just did a reminder, laptop stories, itala bon has promised to respect women's rights give amnesty to those who fought against it, and make sure africana found does not become a safe ground for grooves. and many afghans and world leaders, all skeptical united states says tyler bond has agreed to allow safe passage for civilians struggling to leave. cobble american military has flown out 2200 people so far. u. k says it will accept up to 20000 african refugees. in the coming years . lithuania says it is concerned that the president of bell roost will open a migration route for afghans fleeing the tyler bond. at the end of may bell,
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russian president, alexander lucas shameka, said he would not stop migrants from entering the you after brussels. impose sanctions. his government has been targeted for cracking down on descent after last year's disputed election. since then, he's been accused of transporting migrants to areas boring, lithuania, latvia, and poland. more than 4000 asylum seekers. most of them. iraqi have crossed into lithuania from bella ruesch this year. they often kept in camps with squalid condition and face violence from border guards and local people. that bus and travel to the border between the 3. when you and bella roost and has this report, they will promise the easy way into europe and paid hundreds of even thousands of dollars for the dream that quickly it was on facebook and on social media says like the borders of garcia, you can process or something together,
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which is relative, 17 year old ali, yes, him from iraq as detained in a camp. luther wayne ya. after crossing the border from barrows, they were picked up with thousands of orders by border guards in recent month. they tell us how they could easily enter battles and received help to regionally away in border gateway into the european union. every people had a very thought children and babies and women. this is in your world, and they were woman coming here with children. but it is, and the reason why because you're coming here because you want it alive. lithuania recently started to push people who showed up at the board back to barrows in return. the russian troops stopped them from entering on this footage, released by lithuanian border guards. a group of 35 iraqis are seen stuck between the 2 sites. lithuania eventually allowed the migrants in an accused bella russians
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from illegally crossing. it's border the, the playing deadly games with the human rise lives is an acceptable and has to be condemned. unfortunately, people whom we consider to be victims in that situation. i used by lucas shanker regime as the tool as a weapon against the european union in general. and particularly sienna, because of its very strong political position in an effort to stop the influx of migrants and asylum seekers. lithuania has been constructing a barrier on its 670 kilometer long border with barrows. these are desperate people who have become victims of political conflict, far away from home. their presence here at this gateway into europe shows how vulnerable district use fence on asylum seekers and migrants has become. the e u. s. had more than 100 border troops and pledge 37000000 euros to helpless away
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. and yet that usually only sees a fraction of these arrivals to deal with the crisis. bella, russian opposition leaders, atlanta taken off guy, i was living in exile in lithuania, or just the you not to give in to local shanker what the regime is doing is blake mailing european union with this migration situation. and the answer should be even stronger. you can't be blackmailed by regime. the number of migrants arriving at the board has decreased since iraq stopped it slides to barrows, but the situation remained. stands warning, shots have been hurt from the bad wish. in sight, steadfast and al jazeera vilios lithuania, a frost as president emmanuel macross says firefighters have stabilized the wildfires that have devastated its southern regions. fuel by strong winds, vast areas of forest along the french riviera were scores. thousands were lost, forced to flee their homes after the flames broke out on monday, near the coastal city of 2 long me
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when you zealand has reported 9 new cases of co with non teen taking its total to 10. the government announced a 3 day lockdown from tuesday when the 1st case was announced. new zealand had been virus free for months. all the new cases are of the delta variant and have been linked to an outbreak in australia. i need everyone to think about what it would be like to receive a call. if you do, we need you to be at home, not out putting others at risk. we very unfortunately need only to look at new south wells who today have reported 633 cases. $92.00 were active in the community while inflicted level 4 restrictions, the to protect everyone. the governor of the us state of texas has tested positive for co with 19, but is not showing any symptoms. greg ever made the announcement
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a day off to addressing republican supporters in doors without wearing a mask. he's been staunchly against mask mandates, despite the rapid search in new cases driven by the delta various a town in northern california has been destroyed by a wildfire, the largest in the us. this was the devastation left behind. off to the inferno hit, the community of grizzly flats. populations $1200.00 houses were reduced to smouldering ash, with few left standing so called dixie fy is now dangerously close to the city of susan. the strong wind saw hampering efforts to contain it. a u. s. government has for the 1st time and house plans to cut the water its supplies to the arid west. the state of arizona and nevada will get less water in the next few months from shrinking reservoirs along the colorado liver. reynolds reports now from the who with them along the hours zone, nevada border. this is hoover dam,
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built on the colorado river in the 1900 thirty's. it created the country's largest reservoir lake need water, and hydro electric power from here made the modern west possible. but look at the light colored bath tub ring around the shoreline. that's how far the water level has receded. scientists say the lake is at 35 percent capacity. it's the lowest level ever scientist say, global warming has contributed to a decades long drought. that's drying up the west. this is the 2nd worst 19 year period going back 1200 years. that's a mega drive. the us government's declaration of a water shortage on the colorado river is unprecedented. the fact that we are seeing the 1st separation is quite significant. historically, 40000000 people in the region depend to some degree on this water in booming city
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like phoenix and las vegas, san diego and los angeles water supplies to cities will not be caught, but agricultural allocations will now farmers like will. the lander in arizona visa crisis believe about half our deliverable water potential next year. so can have to come back on a lot of acres that we're having production right now. government officials say climate change is at the root of the water shortage. and it's not just here at lake mead. in recent months, the punishing effects of global warming have been made brutally clear all over the american west. unprecedented heat waves have hit the normally cool pacific northwest monster wildfires have ravaged california and oregon. the water level in one of california is biggest reservoirs, lake orville is so low. the dam can no longer produce hydro electric power in the
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columbia river or huge numbers of migrating salmon sickened and died because the water simply became too hot for them. on tuesday, the southern california water authority issued an alert calling on consumers to voluntarily conserve water and prepare for continued drought. all of which raises questions about sustainability as scientists predict the dryness and the heat will continue rob reynolds al jazeera at hoover dam. and haiti, heavy rains brought on by a tropical storm of complicated the search and rescue mission. after saturday's earthquake, nearly 2000 people were killed and thousands more. been left homeless with many still waiting for help. john home and reports from lake i. the aftermath of storm grace in the south west of haiti down pool wasn't quite as bad as fit, but some spent the day bailing out their houses and getting the water out. because
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this is the only space we have to do everything. we can't live in water when we feel after shocks, we have to be able to move out of the house quickly. those were the ones who still handhelds. others had spent the night in the field in the rain, victims of saturday's earthquake 1st above the earthquake, then this and i can't even get a tarpaulin. i asked god to take my life. there still there. still more or in hospital. the quake left more than 9000 injured. this young man was in too much pain to talk. murray was with her young daughter when her leg got sworn up but not broken. i've been with her saturday. yesterday. she was going to be operated on, but they wanted to amputate the lake. i don't want that. if there was a government, she wouldn't be suffering the way she is. she's talking about the late president assassinated in july, a political crisis. the proceeded to quake. it came at the worst possible time international laid organizations trying to help national authorities with the
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relief effort now. but it's been hard to get a m personnel to the earthquake zone. that's because a stretch of the only road into the area is being fought over by gangs. and then the same way, again, helping is way, way and coming by the colonial frontier. the flow of support for the disaster area and help is needed at the rubble of one of the main hotels in town. a crowd of people gathered reuben, some victories telling me that in the 2010 of the quake block felt and permanently injured his hand. in this latest one, he says, his house fell down. these 2 brothers helped to try and poor people out the rebel despite the fact that their house to have been destroyed. we are victims as well,
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but they were the worst off. i have a chance to be alive, even though i'm injured. thanks to god, we didn't get badly hurt, so we could help out the others. local authorities and international organizations have commented on the resilience of these people. but there's a sense of disbelief over the long series of misfortunes. to many the question comes when we'll have to get a break john home and i'll just like i, i it is easy to get around now of our top stories. the taliban has promised to respect women's rights. give amnesty to those who fought against it and make sure afghan astound doesn't become a safe ground for our groups. but afghans and world leaders are skeptical. the us says the taliban has agreed to allow safe passage for civilians struggling.
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