tv [untitled] August 19, 2021 1:00am-1:31am AST
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taken from their homes and executed under pressure venezuela's defense minister by the me said the forces were obliged to defend that country from irregular groups that added the human rights needed to be respected. and that the events at the border would be investigated. the. ready news sharp connie takes to facebook to address i've got to stop from exile in the u. s. e. he says he left to prevent bloodshed plus i'm charlotte, balice and emergency hospital and cobble where doctors the treating patients who were shot at cobble international airport ah. on the barker, this is, i'll just hear a life from london also coming up anger and frustration in haiti,
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a tropical storm compounds the problems, the survivors of a devastating earthquake. and as the u. s. lines up a 3rd job. the vaccine battle spills on to college campuses. ah, i've got the stands for the president has defended his decision to leave the country during the taliban takeover if the capital kabul should've gone. e. speaking from the united arab emirates, says he left to prevent bloodshed and denied rumors that he fled with suitcases full of cash. the u. a says god has been taken in with his family on humanitarian grounds. must be getting my devotion, we should. if i stayed, i would have witness bloodshed and couple a couple should not be turned into another yemen or syria over power struggles. so i was forced to leave i left with just a waste coat and some clothes. the personality assassination against me has been
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ongoing, saying, i have taken money with me. the accusations are faithless lies, but you can even ask customs officials they are based and i've got to stand just the day after the taliban reassured the world that people will be safe on which rule is fighters have reportedly opened fire or protest as the 3 people are said to have been killed at a demonstration against the groups takeover in the eastern city of july. about people were marching in the streets chanting and carrying the afghan flag. video of the event late to show taliban fighters firing into the air and heating protested with sticks. the gunfire has also been heard during protests in the eastern city of coast. there would be no immediate reports of injury. demonstrators raised the african national flag over a road in the city. taliban fighters were then seen chasing crowds away.
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meanwhile, a couple of us lead troops fired into the air to disperse people who have been gathering, trying to leave the country. taliban soldiers also fired into the air to control the crowd, but an official safe. they had no intention of injuring anyone. in the immediate aftermath of the telephone takeover there was a surge of injuries in hospital admissions and couple some of the patients came from the airport where they were short trying desperately to get on flights out of the country. charlotte bell is a visit to the hospital in the capital where patients are being treated this 10 year old from the scanner stones eastern province of parked. he was shot on saturday. it took his family hours to reach emergency hospital and central cobble. my been, he was in bad shape. this is the 1st intensive care unit in afghanistan, doctor say they witnessed a surgeon patients after the telephone took over cobble on sunday. they said most
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were the victims of armed clashes, criminals and chaos at the airport. politic situation. unfortunately causes many, many of the people by bullets by phone. so today's the hospital was slowing. they added extra beds. all admissions were from gunshot wounds. the hospital says it has received about 20 patients from cobble international airport since monday for have died and the rest of being treated for gunshot wounds after the taliban and us forces tried to disperse, crowns the breach the perimeter. be to see if the patient from around bug off they are going to some of the most of most of them, the ability to do the chest and hate. this hospital is run by emergency in g o, an international humanitarian organization with the taliban in charge. they say the operations have continued on uninterrupted. they say the minister of health has
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remain the same. and fighters have introduced themselves. i also say so far that we are in the country. we always, we able to walk and everybody respect off. nobody for us to do my best but was most adjusted. they got the patient. lu brahman is 12 years old when the telephone took over his province of host on sunday. he ran out to meet them. he was hit by a government water and the child died and he is now paralyzed. we have a 19 years of war and in the last 10 minutes he was injured. at least he is alive and he will be okay. i can suffer and tolerate this if there is peace. that is after the war may be over that in afghanistan, the healing will take a long time. charlotte bellis out 0. cobble of the us, secretary of defense. as american troops don't have the capacity to extend beyond
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the cobble apple perimeter, in order to get more people out of afghanistan, really working hard to get as many people through as possible. then quite frankly, we're not, we're, it's obvious. we're not close to where we want to be in terms of getting the numbers through. so we're going to work that 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we're going to get everyone that we can possibly evacuate evacuated. and i'll do that as long as we possibly can until the clock runs out, or we run out of capability. ah, karone of our booster shots will be offered in the us from as early as mid september. the delta very, it drives up cases that health officials say people will be eligible 8 months off. the getting best 2nd job is to find the protection offered by the vaccine wayne's over time for the world health organization is warned. wealthy countries against
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giving booster shots until more people are vaccinated. worldwide covered 900 cases and hospital admissions are increasing. enormous will, mice, all us states will go straight to she have returns to use life for us in washington, d. c. a. she was prompted the us administration to take these measures. are there several discussions here actually, even in making the announcement that's raised a few eyebrows because i'm making nouns before the regulatory steps have been taken to ensure that this is actually going to happen in september. the f d a has to look at it, then the cdc, the sellers with these control, you, the charitable, might think the bite and ministration. we're just trying to distract americans from another story that may not be going quite as, as well as they have hoped, with what we keep on hearing for them. the administration is that they want to stay ahead of the virus. they don't want to be playing catch up, but say that there's research that shows no just that the delta variance can overpower the the vaccine. but also that anyway, generally the,
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the pfizer and mcdonough, vaccines do lose the efficacy over time when they presented some information. in the last day or so to try and show that. but actually, the installation didn't really show that you should raise a lot of questions as to whether it was showing what they think that they wanted to show because of anything. the data that they showed once again show that pfizer and madonna was immensely effective in preventing series infection, hospitalization, and death. in most people, obviously, they're always in questions about the immune compromise. and the bite in the session took steps about that last week, allowing them to have a child and the elderly and those on the front lines of emergency work, health work, and so on. that why should an 18 year old a perfectly healthy 18 year old, who's already had 2 shots? gotta get a 3rd when he's here, she's a very low risk of any serious illness. they haven't really answered onto that question that's raising it. and that's raising even more questions. and bearing in mind that many countries around the world are still struggling to administer 1st
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vaccines at any great number. how is this news of a possible 3rd, booster dose been received? as you can imagine, not know very well. in fact, joe biden, when he was speaking just a couple of hours ago, he couldn't anticipate that response. and he said he disagreed with the notion that the u. s. can't, can't take care of america and help the world at the same time. and then he went on to point out how the u. s. has donated and has pledged to donate more vaccines around the world than, than any other country. and all other countries put, put together. but clearly, it's already well for him to say that you can do both at the same time, it's not working. there is such a huge gap between the developed world and low income countries, especially when a 3rd boost shot is now potentially going to go out to healthy americans. and you can't, i mean, it's interesting actually that there's a series of quotes from w h r. world health organization officials today, which i think pop pop is going to make the argument's better than anyone else can.
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i mean, we have the, the chief scientist reminds me, nathan, who said, we believe clearly that the data this day does not indicate that bruce is needed. again, suggesting that the sort of data that producing isn't a factor. if anything's just the opposite of what they're saying for healthy people, then a senior adviser, w h, or there isn't a vaccine around the world, but it's not going to the right places in the right order. again, that point about whether yes biking says we can do both at the same time, you can't do both of the same time. you do have to choose where, who is getting the priority for these vaccines. and then finally, perhaps most poignant point point comment in a tweet from a w h. i official, you said that we are planning to handle extra life jackets to people who already have life jackets while we are leaving other people to drown without a single life jacket. that's the reality. alright, she have thank you. while for to returning to a 3rd vaccine, there was still some people in the us who don't want to get there 1st. as rope, right? those reports, the political controversy had spilled over to college campuses. more than 20000000
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us students are headed off to college. this year, there's a new item on the curriculum. cobit 19 vaccine mandates, more than $700.00 colleges and universities now say students must be vaccinated or face repeated cova testing in force, social distancing, or even be barred from campus. colleges are desperate to prevent a replay of last year's damaging campus shut downs and other outbreak would be extremely disruptive. we're risking another evacuation from college campuses in the fall and it will have an even greater impact on those who are already the most vulnerable in our society in the politically hyper charge debate over vaccines in the us. there are naturally those who refuse to comply. riley o'neill, a student at loyola marymount university in los angeles, is one of them. it goes back to the idea that i should be able to choose whether i
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get the vaccine or not. and if i'm going to be coerced into doing that, i doesn't feel like a free choice for me. very much feels like oppression. he has sued the university over it's vaccine policy. if he refuses the shots, he could attend loyola marymount, but would have to undergo repeated testing and observed social distancing with other students. o'neil's lawyer was quick to frame the issue in political terms. there's going to be this continued divisive effort by the laughed by the progressive side of this nation to try to create this division between the vaccinated and the vaccinated. so far legal efforts to overturn college vaccine mandates have fallen flat. a federal appeals court recently ruled against students during the universe the of the indiana over its
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vaccine mandate. one of the judges wrote, people who do not wish to be vaccinated can go elsewhere. and the supreme court has upheld that ruling. o'neill seems unconcerned that unvaccinated young people will get infected and spread the virus to more vulnerable people. quite frankly, my age group isn't nearly as affected by coven 19 as, as older generations are. that's a problem that says higher education authorities. part of our educational responsibility is to talk to people not only about their rights, but also their responsibilities and liberal education. america's historic commission of educating for democracy requires that we in part, that message. now, more than ever, survey show the overwhelming majority of college students approve of campus vaccine mandates. rob reynolds al jazeera los angeles new zealand who's reported 9 new
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cases of code 19 taking its active total to 10. the government announced a 3 day locked down from tuesday when the 1st case was announced. before this week . there be no local infection for almost 6 month and the new cases all the delta varied and have been linked to an outbreak in australia. i need everyone to think about what it would be like to receive a call. if you do, we need you to be at home, not out putting others at risk. we very unfortunately need only to look at new south wells who today have reported 633 cases. 92 were active in the community while inflicted level 4 restrictions, the to protect everyone sale to come on al jazeera, the e u accuses valerie suffusing refugees as political tools. we need to form a child soldier. now trying to comfort sierra leone sick youngsters raising money
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to save life. ah hello, your weather forecasts coming up for a straightly a hang tight. we're going to start in asia pacific, where we have seen continuous rain here really raining over the better part of a week and a half scooped up another 88 millimeters of rain. here's the good news on thursday that rain starting to wind down not as concentrated, and we have had landslide alerts in play really for q. she should cocoa and haunt you. but i think by thursday these will be lifted a bit further to the south and west 2nd. we've got to talk about. so keep just showing you here that it is going to be dry over the next few days. ok, now we're going to the south and pretty much anywhere from vietnam rate to the east china sea. we've seen some cluster of cells here drop about anywhere from $50.00 to $100.00 millimeters of rain. concentrated rain will be the name of the game over
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borneo and western to live lazy. and yeah, we've got some thunder. storms for jakarta on thursday with a height of 33 degrees. not much to talk about for australia. truth be told high pressure the driver of the bus here, but somewhat send somewhat windy conditions pushing into western australia. and that pesky cloud covers still towards se, well, in this weather report in new zealand, where once again we're seen some rain swoop in for the south island. we've got a high of 12 degrees in christ church on thursday season. ah, the bulgaria, the poorest nation, the european union rock by allegations of corruption, seemingly linked to the upper echelons of the countries political in the aim of our ruling class was to get the access to money to europe in front of people in power investigation where the country goes from the gary at the crossroads
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on a oh, a reminder of the top stories here on al jazeera or my african president chef connie it hits out to what he called baseless accusations against him. after he fled the country. speaking from the us, he said he left to avoid bloodshed and i've got a son itself, taliban fighters. it proposes the open fire and protested free people are said to have been killed at a demonstration against the group in july about staying with i've got to stand in
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britain's prime minister boys. johnson says the u. k. will do all it can to of, to humanitarian crisis. but critics, including the opposition labor party say he's already falling short with the number of africans allowed into the country. just 5000 people over the coming year. joe hall reports from westminster. the collective anguish of parliament in peace brought back from some a recess to debate. the failure of a mission that claimed 457 british lives make bar is johnson described what the u. k. would do. in the aftermath, our efforts will be focused on supporting us can people in the region itself, particularly those play in conflict or the threat of violence. we therefore call on the united nation to lead a new humanitarian effort. in this region. the government has announced a new refugee resettlement scheme, instantly called an ambitious by critics that aims to bring 20000 of those most in
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need to britain over the next few years. and despite promises to evacuate up to 10000 people who worked with the u. k mission afghans, resident in the u. k protested outside. we just want some things to put them on do for our families back home. they serve for them for last 20 years and they can't leave them behind this picture speaks for everything. do you feel the government is doing enough to help the people who helped know back in the house among questions about the failure of u. k. intelligence and the prime minister's absence on holidays that christ unfolded last week. there was a powerful indictment of the west's withdrawal from a military veteran on the government's own back bench. nation is mobilized and muster. nations determine and have patients. and here we've demonstrated, sadly that we,
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the western united kingdom does not know this is a harsh lesson for all of us. i mean, sometimes emotional interventions by and please. and despite the government's best efforts to talk up some of the successes of the past 20 years in afghanistan, there was no disguising the fact that it simply hadn't foreseen or being prepared for the speed with which i've got to stand, fell to the taliban. that in fact, this was all around the grand scale humiliation the leader of a leading member of the nato alliance, forced to admit to parliament here that its nationals and support staff were only able to leave cobble at all because the taliban was allowing them to read in the end, the debate a simple motion that this house consider the situation in afghanistan could achieve little more than that. jonah how al jazeera london and the news. a tropical storm in haiti is hampering such a rescue efforts after sundays, earthquake,
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storm graces brought heavy rain with warning. some damage, buildings could collapse. nearly 2000 people were killed and thousands more. have been left homeless with many still waiting for help. john holman reports from the chi, one of the worst affected cities, the aftermath of storm grace in the south west of haiti down pool wasn't quite as bad as fit, but some spent the day bailing out their houses. i'm getting the water out because this is the only space we have to do if the thing we can't live in water. when we feel after shocks, we have to be able to move out of the house quickly. those were the ones who still handhelds. others had spent the night in the field in the rain, victims of saturdays, earthquake. first of all the earthquake, then this and i can't even get a tar poland. i asked god to take my life. there still there. still more in hospital. the quake left more than 9000 injured. this young man was in too much pain to talk. marie was with her young daughter. with her leg got sworn up,
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but not broken. i didn't was her saturday. yesterday she was going to be operated on, but they wanted to amputate the lake. i don't want that. if there was a government, she wouldn't be suffering the way she is. she's talking about the late president assassinated in july, a political crisis. the preceded the quake. it came at the worst possible time international laid organizations trying to help national authorities with the relief effort. now we've been here in the day but it's been hard to get aid and personnel to the earthquake zone. that's because a stretch of the only road into the area is being fought over by gangs the same way i get help in the way my way of coming by. but i can only do the flow
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support for the softer areas and help is needed at the rubble of one of the main hotels in town. a crowd of people gathered reuben, some victories telling me that in the 2010 of the quake block felt and permanently injured his hand. in this latest one, he says, his house fell down. these 2 brothers helped to try and pull people out of the rubble, despite the fact that their house to have been destroyed. we are victims as well, but they were the worst off. i have a chance to be alive, even though i'm injured. thanks to god, we didn't get badly hurt, so we could help out the others. local authorities and international organizations have commented on the resilience of these people. but there's a sense of disbelief over the long series of misfortunes. to many, the question comes when we'll have to get a break, john home, and i'll do it a like i, firefighters in spain is still battling a major for its fire. authorities are using drones to help them track down hotspots
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in a vi catalonia, the play for several 100 people out of their homes on the hottest weekend of the year. wildfires have recently swept across the mediterranean by the affecting pulse of greece, turkey and algeria. thousands of people have been forced to evacuate their homes, hotels and camping grounds. all the french riviera. as the wildfires that burn out of control for 5 years of battling the blaze which covers an estimated 50 square kilometers close to the resort town of center pay. one person has been confirmed, killed with several more suffering, injuries and smoke, inhalation. you opinion has accused better rate. so trying to use migrants of refugees for political purposes by encouraging them to cross its border. the end of may, bella, russian, president, alexander lucas shameka said he wouldn't stop migrants from entering the operating post sanctions. his government's been targeted for cracking down on descent after
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marcy has disputed election since then. he's been accused of flying in migrants and transporting them to areas bordering lithuania, last year in poland. more than $4000.00 decide him seek, as most of them iraq. he have crossed into lithuania from valerie this year. hundreds of others have been detained in latvia and poland. they often camped in camps with squalid conditions and faced violence from border guards and local residence. so often is in the lithuanian capital vilnius. miss away. now this small baltic states, which has now become the center of a migrant crisis, has the full attention of european lead us unexpectedly and mostly unprepared. this nation has become a new gateway into europe for migrants and asylum seekers at an emergency meeting. today. inferior ministers from the european union collect more financial support, but also practical assistance for the country to deal with more than 4000 migrants and asylum seekers who are already arrived. lithuania is also hoping to get more
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money even from the european union to build this amazing large fence across the board of 500 kilometers long. the border between valor rules and lithuania is an open border, mainly just for us where people can easily come in lithuania, hoping to build a fence to stop people from coming in. meanwhile, it's now pushing back people who are trying to attempt to come in from bella ros. more than a 1000 people have already been pushed back at the border, which has led to some serious standoff between the belt of russian side and the list. the way the inside with this mike, once in asylum seekers stuck in the middle as victims of this political standoff between bellows and the european union. there's also some concerns about the humanitarian situation in the camps. at a very much improvised in this tiny nation, which has no experience accepting these people here at this side of the border, the winter it's coming and they're living and tense. there's also
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a question about the food situation. and the red cross is also concerned about these pushback because it's as they could possibly fire late, the un convention for refugees that way become the signatory off for the situation is still very tense and the water warning shots have been heard as well in these push back and also the stand up for the bell of russian authorities. there's also concern about the security at the border, but also mainly about the humanitarian situation. a project led by a former child soldier of sierra leone. civil war is helping save the lives of children with life threatening illnesses. the project raises money to send kids abroad for treatment doesn't from poor families have been treated in a now leading healthy lives. i'm an interest met some of the volunteers on the streets, free town volunteers from the sic picking project, working the streets of frito, looking for help. 3 times
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a week. they hit the st. visit wash centers, bus stations, and market. soliciting donations to help be the medical bills of children or cbs element was conditions cannot be treated by local hospitals. the project is co founded by a former child soldier for fort jordan several years civil war. this condition that requires a minimum of $15000.00 united fit dollars in a country where the average income, you know, on a very, very low, less than a $100.00, a lot of my colleagues was for less than $100.00. and so you can imagine, if you have to raise a $150000000.00 in the union amount, which is $60000.00, it will require a very long time. he admits that raising funds for the children was hard and at personal cost for many volunteers. here his team is trying to raise
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$16000.00 to fly out 9 year old janet coloma. janet is suffering from many gilmer, a slow growing tumor that threatening to cover her face and head. the child's mother delighted, but how for her daughter could just be month away after so many years. good mother . good to go. although her siblings go to school, i'm a janet, doesn't. we pulled her out because we realized she's subjected to taunts and bullying by other schoolmates because of her condition. and she can't walk that far . he was running in the past 4 years, more than 60 children have been phone abroad for treatment by the fundraisers. one of the success stories is 2 year old id, bussey was had to cardiovascular operations in india and condition change. his condition has improved like i labored. breathing is gone. i really think the improvement done with the organization says it wants to do more,
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but success is limited and those who need help are too many hospitals struggling to treat come on elements like malaria. many poor families look to organizations like the sick in for the help, but it takes several months to raise enough funds to take one child on many occasions helped him too late. for some children. i did read, alexandra ah, the top stories on al jazeera, i've got a sons former president has defended his decision to leave the country during the taliban take over the capital. kabul. sure i've gone e. speaking from the united arab emirates, says he left to prevent bloodshed and denied remiss that he fled with suitcases full of cash. the u. a says connie has been taken in with his family on humanitarian grounds.
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