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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2021 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the center was a revolutionary football, known to locals, as the doctor football rebels concludes with the celebration of life and legacy of socrates and the corinthians, democracy movements on al jazeera. ah, the former can president has gone. he speaks from exile in the united arab emirates. he says he left to avoid bloodshed, international monetary fund to us financial pressure on the taliban. suspending ganna sons access to its currency reserves. ah, hello magazine. and this is al jazeera life from jo. her also coming up the
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president boynton, offers community far as booster shots for americans rejecting world health organization concerns. it will deepen global vaccine in quality. i disagree. we can take care of america and help world the same time and aiming for goals a new generation of indigenous brazilian ers and sponsored by a gold medalist at to kill them picks ah, of kenneth stands, former president of connie has spoken from the united arab emirates in his 1st appearance since fleeing campbell, he defended his decision to leave as the taliban pushed towards the capital, saying it was to avoid violence. he also was denied rumors that he fled with suitcases full of cash. the u. e z has gone. he has been taken in with his family on humanitarian grounds, muscle getting divorced. i me should input. if i stayed,
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i would have witnessed bloodshed and couple a couple should not be turned into another yemen or syria over power struggles. so i was forced to leave. i left with just a waste coat and some clothes. the personality assassination against me has been ongoing, saying i have taken money with me. the accusations are people's lives, but you can even ask customs officials they are basically back in ghana, stan taliban fighters of open fire on crowds of protesters. the people that have been killed the demonstration against the grants takeover in the city of july. the people were marching in the streets, chancing and carrying the afghan flag with you over the event later. so taliban fighters firing into the air and hitting protests. that sticks
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is also been heard during protest in the eastern city of coast. there would be no immediate report of injury. demonstrators raised the afghan national flag over a route in the city taliban fighters with the chasing crowds away. rob mcbride has the latest form. campbell on those process across the country. i think it's being seen is really since the taliban just assume power a couple of days ago as the 1st major active defines against them. just jot about this very important city. it is east of here, towards the border with pakistan. and this protest began over the national flag. now since the taliban have taken power, they have a very consciously being removing the afghan national flag and replacing it with the taliban flag. we've seen that a lot here in the capital, kabul. it's left a lot of people. i very upset, but people of by and large, put up with especially here in cobble. well, it seems in july, the bad people have not put up with that has been
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a protest. people kicked back and pushed back against the several 100 people, took to the streets proudly waving the afghan flag. they marched on a square, apparently, and put the flag back up after have been removed by the taliban. this resulted in a clash with the taliban themselves. initially we understand taliban fighters began firing in the trying to disperse the protesters. then it seemed. the firing was more directive to the crowd resulting in death and injury. so it is very serious incident. there was another protest over the same issue, the, the removal of the national flag in the province of costs that it again involves several $100.00 people. so it is the motive issue here, and it does come at a sensitive time. this is the eve of afghanistan's independence day when we might expected that well, feelings are running high and there is a possibility of more protests than the possibility of more classes.
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meanwhile, at campbell airports, the us led to fall into the air to disperse people who are gathering, trying to leave the country. governments are rushing to bring home their citizens as well as nearly approved staff can immigrants. the us secretary of defense says american troops don't have the capacity to extend beyond the cannibal airport perimeter. we are hearing for the 1st time from the top us military commanders since the fall of cargo. they're defending the actions they did and didn't take that lead to the current situation, saying they have no intelligence that said the african military would collapse. so quickly. classical have has the latest from the pence again. the top military leaders in the u. s. faced the press and make promises, and we are the united states military, and we fully intend to successfully evacuate all american citizens who want to get
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out of afghanistan. all american citizens who want to get out of afghanistan, they are a priority number one. but then these leaders admit, they can only do that if the taliban let them. and right now there are widespread reports of people being denied access to the airport. we don't have the capability to go out and collect of large numbers of people's birth. they say they are negotiating with the taliban to allow americans and credentialed afghans to pass that say the number of us troops there means they can only focus on keeping the airport safe and was another 2000 people evacuated on tuesday. there are still tens of thousands of us citizens and we need to get out. how did this happen? the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff says no one saw this coming. the timeframe of a rapid collapse that was widely estimated in range from weeks to months and even years following our departure. there was nothing that i or
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anyone else saw that indicated a collapse of this army in this government in 11 days. the consistent line from the pentagon has been this is not the time to look at what went wrong, but instead to focus on the mission. but with growing outrage from both republicans and democrats, it's likely congressional hearings could start as early as next week. for what many are calling a humiliating catastrophic failure tagline. al jazeera, at the pentagon. the economic faith with ghana stone is now in question. in light of the taliban takeover. the international monetary phone says its withholding $460000000.00, which was meant to be sent over on monday. the biden administration has also fruit and $9500000000.00 in the afghan government reserves. and us bank accounts that's near the all of the central bank of afghan stands reserves, a u. s. special inspector for afghan stance that in march,
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that 80 percent of the countries budget is funded by the us and international donors, sanctions against the taliban. and the lack of recognition from countries could mean most of the money that's most of that money rather will not stay out of reach . well, alex certain, the founder of capital peak strategies, he also served as the us treasury department's financial shea at the u. s embassy income from 2018 to 20. 19 join us from pitt can county calla co rajo. asked to have you with is here on al jazeera withholding this money is one of the few leaders that the us has. would you say it's right to use these lever is given the states as the country as in how thank you so much for having me. and yes, 1st my heart goes out to the afghan people right now. and my thoughts are with the u. s. service personnel and diplomats who are on the ground helping american citizens. to your question,
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i believe that the $9000000000.00 belongs to the afghan people. it is a rainy day fund. it is international reserves. so these are not to be used by the afghan government and now certainly not by the taliban. and it's not their right to have this money to the ask and people's money. ok v i n f as indicated that once there is stability and governments then some solar transfers could happen. do you think this will happen once there is stability, we could start seeing more cash flowing into the country. i think a lot remains uncertain. us sanctions still exist on the taliban. they have been in place since 2001 led by the treasury apartments, office of foreign asset control or facts. and those were actually implementing united nations sanctions from the 1990. so the international communities still have sanctions on the taliban as well as the united states, which makes it very,
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very difficult to engage in financial transactions with the taliban. and now that they lead lead the government. and it was just where the impacts of these decisions of jonathan's already one of the poorest countries in the world is very reliant, heavily reliance on internationally john donations. you've been in the country. what impacts do you see this having on the people themselves? no. the q managerial crises, it's not just one, but it's multiple different crises from internally displaced. persons from a looming drought, from endemic poverty that has existed for a long time. these are critical issues to deal with in the international community has been resolute and supporting the afghan people over the past 20 years. the question is, you know, will the international community and will the united states continue its support to your point to the tune of billions of dollars a year, which represent a huge part of the african gross domestic product. and
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a huge part of the afghan government's budget moving forward. and i think that taliban, you know, really has to present itself and show that it can adhere to its international commitment on issues like money laundering, counterterrorism, financing and governing that protects the rights of minorities and protects the rights of women. well, so i think the international community must judge this quite well. the taliban is already making noises to that effect. it doesn't appear. it's all about recognizes that it needs to have international partners. if it is to govern, do you think that the taliban will be able to governess? the country has no money because there is a cash crunch right now. the heads of the, the, one of the african central banks saying that the was supposed to be a dollar shipment coming in. that's not coming in very little cash on hands there. if the taliban who's asked civil servants and people to come back to work, can't pay the civil servants. i mean,
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this is going to how severe impacts on their ability to govern the country's ability to function. i understand that the taliban used violence to take over the government. they were in a peace process that was being negotiated. and the u. s. had worked with the taliban and had engage an agreement including to understand and potentially explored the removal of sanctions as a, as a written agreement. so moving forward, the taliban is unfortunately able to generate a tremendous amount of revenue already including through the drug trade and including through smuggling, through taxation. and now unfortunately, they also control points of entry into the country for customs revenue and other forms of taxation. so they do have revenue sources, and it is a question about how the international community and how the united states will continue to or if they will continue to support the afghan people through humanitarian assistance that international bellman is quite the is there not
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a vicious circle here that, you know, even if they get to the taliban to have the best of intentions, if the money's not the least of the community will work with them, they will be forced to return and see elicit sources of generates, again come, for example, the drug trades and other things which they renee instead of in that press conference, are they not cold center? a bit of a vicious cycle here? if no one's prepared to give them a chance? i don't necessarily see that way and i really do respect the brave decision by the us treasury department interagency partners to quickly and swiftly locked taliban from accessing this $9000000000.00. deputy secretary adriano who is running the treasury department was a former deputy national security adviser secretary, yellen is no stranger to financial and economic crises. so from my vantage point is the former treasury act as a full competence in the treasury department leadership and their expertise. and wealth of expertise to address this crisis moving forward. working with the
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international community, working through the international financial institutions like the world bank. i am at the international partners to find inappropriate way for that protects the united states, including our national security interests with counterterrorism. financing being our primary concern, sanction being another concern. well, also ensuring that we are helping the afghan people. okay. alex said in grades get your thoughts. thank you so much for joining us on al jazeera. we appreciate it. thank. thank you so much. thank you. connect. the united nation says the by the thirds of its $300.00 strong staff will be leaving us, ghana, stan, due to the bullets all situation there. that's display growing calls of un to step up. the plastic efforts, insiders believe there may be a window of opportunity to influence the taliban, but warm the time is of the essence onset for months against james base spoke to lots are, but he, me a former un mediator involved in the transition in afghanistan back in 2001
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you asked me to be there. definitely. nothing can be done internationally without the un and the u. s. has been absent a little bit too long. they should really, you know, raise their profile very, very much. yes, it is time for the romance, and again, i'm strong player them out when they get out. if they won't do they can tomorrow, declared the government. you know, they're the all right for one week or 2 weeks for a month yet. but if you don't have a really aggressive government, then you know the, the data saga i've gone on for 40 years, 50 years actually will, will resume or wisconsin and your view half the taliban changed or you know, because they have these low base because that is kind of strange roads absorb,
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we take it margaretta, been on mapping. they know handle for lunch. and then they know that country extremely wet. and this strategy has been, has been absolutely brilliant from your long career in diplomacy all around the world and on afghanistan. what are the lessons you think that should be brought to bear right now? what mistakes should the international community avoid making? heal realty is something that is vitally important. and the realization that when you go to a place like up or anywhere, you know extremely little. so you have got to open your ears and not bus people around still ahead on al jazeera, british prime minister boris jones and faces harsh criticism over his response to a potential humanitarian crisis. enough,
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get this done. ah, ah, it's time for the journey to winter sponsored by kettle airways. hey there, here's your weather update in a minute 15 and we're starting on the subcontinent where we're going to have brain move back in toward the northwest. so delhi has had an abundance of sunshine, but that changes on friday. all of this to say there's been about in 9 percent. a rainfall deficiency in monsoon range across the india. and that takes into account from june 1st to august 16th, where we do have some aggressive on sooner. moisture is toward the foothills of the himalayas, both for new paul and blue tan. you will be in the line of fire on thursday after asia pacific and it has been nonstop ranger for the better part of a week week and a half another. 80 millimeters of rain scooped up. but we start to see that rain
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wind down as we head toward thursday less concentrated, and there are still landside alerts in play, but i think thursday these will be dropped q, chicago, coo and horseshoe islands. as that rain starts to fade away, pretty much anywhere from vietnam to the east china sea. we seen some clusters of cells produced anywhere from 50 to about a 100 millimeters of rain. and, you know, checking in on borneo, we've got heavy concentration of rain here. but also forced to the ways the and some thunderstorms for jakarta, with the height of $33.00 degrees. that sure whether see soon sponsored pay cut on airways or june. well, lou, you put you in a kidney so not so much hutch this year or the yeah. my, i me
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a written and diverse culture explored through it's music and songs of the city and al jazeera. this a this is just a quick reminder of the top stories this arm. speaking from the united arab emirates, ghana stands former president, sharp, gone. he has defended his decision to leave campbell. he says he left to avoid violence and denies rumors that he flag with suitcases full of cash. the us defense secretary is conceded evacuations. some comp will happens, met their targets. lloyd austin says american troops don't have the capacity to
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extend beyond the campbell airport perimeter to help get more people to the chemist on the international monetary phones, withholding $460000000.00 from us ganawe's done. so i think a lack of clarity over government recognition for us is also frozen $9500000000.00 of afghan government assets, the entire reserve, its own, its central bank u. k prime minister boris jones says britain will do all it can to a versa humanitarian crisis in afghanistan. the critics including the opposition labor party. so he's already fallen shorts with the home office, restricted the number of afghans loads in. there were protest side parliaments as m . p 's inside rec, and with the cost of the case mission in afghanistan, journal reports now from london. the collective anguish of parliament and peas
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brought back from some recess to debate. the failure of a mission that claimed 457 british lives by his johnson described what the u. k. would do. in the aftermath, our efforts will be focused on supporting young can people in the region itself, particularly those play in conflict or the threat of violence. we therefore call on the united nations to lead a new humanitarian effort in the region. the government has announced a new refugee resettlement scheme, instantly called an ambitious by critics that aims to bring 20000 of those most in need to britain over the next few years. and despite promises to evacuate up to 10000 people who worked with the u. k mission afghans, resident in the u. k protested outside. we just want some things to put them on do for our families back home. they serve for them for last 20 years and they can't leave them behind this picture speaks for everything. do you feel the government is doing enough to help the people who helped know back in the house
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among questions about the failure of u. k. intelligence and the prime minister's absence on holiday is the crisis unfolded last week. there was a powerful indictment of the west's withdraw from a military veteran on the government's own back bench. nation is mobilized and muster. nations determine and have patients. and here we've demonstrated. ringback sadly, that we, the western united kingdom does not know. this is a harsh lesson for all of us. i mean, sometimes emotional interventions by and fees and despite the government's best efforts to talk up some of the successes of the past 20 is enough. gone is done, it was no disguising the fact that it simply hadn't foreseen or been prepared for the speed with which i've gone. a stance fell to the taliban. and that in fact,
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this was all around the grand scale humiliation. the leader of a leading member of the nato alliance, forced to admit to parliament here that its nationals and support staff were only able to leave cobble at all because the taliban was allowing them to read. in the end, the debate a simple motion that this house consider the situation in afghanistan could achieve little more than that. joe, the whole al jazeera london. you, as president says, he disagrees with the world health organizations warning against giving corona virus booster. shots, job wide in the sense is government is capable of looking after its own citizens and helping the world at the same time. if coma has come to the white house and veiled plan's tool for booster jobs from mid september, people will be eligible 8 months after receiving the 2nd job. know there's some world leaders who say america shouldn't get a 3rd shot until other countries got their 1st shot. i disagree. we can take care
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of america and help world the same time. in june and july, america administered 50000000 shots here in the united states and we donated a 100000000 shots to other countries. that means that america is donated more vaccine to other countries than every other country in the world combined. phil laval half more from washington d. c. i've got to stamp the days now back to issues at home for joe biden. cases still rises especially manion vaccinated. but cove, it's hardly a welcome distraction. delta is out of control here. i frankly see tragedy for people who are dying and who will die, who didn't have to, and even some who were vaccinated. panicking about vaccine, into protection. again, sorry. coby to infection begins to decrease overtime,
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but this time at least there's a plan to offer nike booster shots to fully vaccinated adults 18 years and older. the worst kept secret in medicine, but welcome use in a wealthy, if not healthy nation loads of vaccine supply demand. this remains a 10 demick of the unvaccinated. not so much forget the booster. some haven't even had the 1st shot yet. i think we need to concentrate on those who haven't yet gotten the vaccine because we still know that those persons are most risk for serious infection, including ha, hospitalizations and death. and then there's the issue of masks. part of the problem have in the united states is the complete mishmash of rules. and here's why the cdc says that regardless of vaccination status, if you're inside a public building, you should wear a mask, but that is just advice. it is not the law. whereas if you're in a federal building, like for example, a passport office, you have to wear a mass, but then again, you could be inside a federal building and a mosque, free state. and regardless the vaccination status you come out,
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you can take this thing off with no repercussions. it is confusing at best. texas is one of those states. it's governor greg albert still refusing to enforce masks, even though he just tested positive. in fact, southern states being head hard, it makes you feel like it's helpers like you can, whatever you do, you can help your patients. louisiana, more than 3 times the national average of infections, florida and mississippi almost as bad. 10 people in their thirties have died from coded 0 vaccinated and that's before you even look at what's happening internationally. the question why get boost is here. when some countries don't even have enough bus jobs were pending to handle extra life jackets to people who already have life jackets while we're leaving other people to drug without a single live check. that's the reality. and so the u. s. prepared to job again, 3rd times a charm for those who want that. the big battle getting some to start with shot one
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and delta rages on regardless, fill of al jazeera washington. rescuers in earthquake had haiti, you're calling for urgent supplies. for humanitarian situation grows more desperate survivors of subsidies and quake have been hungered by the haitian government slow response. and you have resorted to waiting at the airport to demand food and aid from arriving aircraft. you know, the 2000 people were killed in sizes more have been left homeless. floor on the pin fil is with the international federation of red cross and red crescent societies. he says people in hasty are in dire need of assistance. the main priority is definitely to bring this report that the nice the people need, they are. so obviously it's health care. this is one of the main priority, but also the need to ensure that we provide safe shelters. they food water for carrying the further operation. we also need to ensure that we have a good after mentioned and today having the right information and woo is affected,
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remains very difficult because that the area that has been affected is really, really wide and why and that, that made you really white, right? we need to be able to provide them as, as fast as we can, some emergency shelter for them to be able to have basic roof and that be wet at night. at the same time, we need to start seeing what will be a more sustainable solution for them and start handling what would be the repairs and so on. but obviously take more time. we do hope to have further further interest from from donors. well, because of today we asked the law on defending with, again to the priorities also to to, to bring the relief to the people we need. lympics may have finished nearly 2 weeks ago with a legacy lives on brazil. gold medal and canoeing hasn't spotted a group of indigenous youngsters living in the amazon to go for gold themselves. favorite stokes has the story. the house on the water training hard. these children
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from the indigenous community on the river, quite us. attribute tree of the amazon river. they've been inspired by fellow brazilian is achia kiddos sent us who want to canoeing gold medal at the tokyo olympics. beneath them which us something he motivates me to row every day. my dream is to take part in the olympics and when metals and to continue my career because it is not easy. nothing is easy and our lives growing up in this part of the world may be tough, but when it comes to canoeing, there are some advantages. but it's gonna make you not feel big. boom, boom will practically born in indigenous canoes and that helps them with their balance and stamina around 60 youngsters. some youngest 7 have enrolled in a project called indigenous canoeing sets up in 2019 by the foundation for amazon sustainability and the brazilian canoeing federation. the children used to paddling slowly so as not to scare the fish,
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but they are now being taught well competitive techniques. why med, you've been middle to the gold middle. more and more children are talking to me on what's happening and wanting to sign up. our doors are open for everyone and i prayed for this to happen, not only for us here in the amazon region, but i believe that all of brazil thought, and i think that every day it will grow more motivated by metals and now with the proper equipment many of these children are training up to 4 hours a day, dreaming that one day they to may compete as an elim pick games. david stokes out his era. ah, this is al jazeera and these are the headlines. speaking from the united arab emirates, jonathan's former president of gunny has defended his decision to leave campbell. he says he left to avoid violence and denies rooms that he.


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