tv [untitled] August 21, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm AST
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the home from around the world, the price tax to the tokyo games have officially helped $15000000000.00 that already the most expensive summer games ever stage me the. ready this is al jazeera ah, a little from i'm how am i using that the user coming up for you in the next 60 minutes? the taliban school leader is in our system to begin to form a transitional government. as the chaos cobble airport shows widespread criticism, the taliban tells al jazeera america is responsible for the mess all we are doing
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at the moment, helping the united states in the security arrangement. and i think we have, we unfairly be blame the scenes and hate see how she survivors with the earthquake, those killed over 2000 people bloss. ah, the york forces comes together to celebrate the city opening up despite a new threat from the corona virus. find the how much would the day sport and playing with fire more cove with 19 infections ahead of the tokyo pile, mpeg federal nations pull out because of pandemic problems. ah,
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the co founder of the child lavonne has arrived in kabul for georgia to form a new government's miller barometers, presence in the capital comes as the group plans to unveil its governing framework . and as fortunately bringing in experts from afghanistan, former administration to help manage the transition, well, taliban is also promising to hold its members accountable if reports of crimes and atrocities are verified. meanwhile, thousands of afghan sees vanished to evacuate form a cobble airports are preparing for a new life, but many remained stock, and in fear for their lives. at least 12 people have been killed in the chaos. well, let's get more from kabul. charlotte palace is ally for, as charlotte, so talks no wonder way that will put the company on a pathway to a government's of source. where do we know at this stage about this political transition, whole. mila barracuda,
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is the political chief. he's the co founder. he's normally based in don't hire and has been for some years is out of these ongoing negotiations with the americans and the afghan government. we know he arrived in kandahar early this week and is now just arrived in carnival. he is talking, negotiating consulting with religious scholars with other taliban commanders also with f form, asking government people as well as the telephone say that they want to have an inclusive government. and he's not a 1st high level hello bond leader to engage with the former government members this week and assa connie also the political mission commission, met with the former president common cause i was ceo of dillard villa. earlier i spoke with abdul ha bulky, he's from the cultural commission where he confirm to us that yes, they are working through these consultations at the moment. they don't know who will be in government who won't be at this stage will kind of sit up. they'll be working with you said we don't have a deadline,
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but we are working as quickly as possible. i also asked him about where the capital will be because there's been some conversations that it could be moved to can to ha, the tele bonds birthplace. and he said that is out of the ongoing computations. and meanwhile, the well, the pathways government continues but on the ground. and right now, the still a certain amount of chaos, particularly around the airports, but the us embassies know, advising its citizens not to avoid the airport case. what's going on right now in the car was the situation like what's interesting polarization, because today is the start of the work week in scanned on and interestingly life appeared almost as it did a week ago onto the gandhi government. it was, people went back to the government, jobs. traffic was very busy. people chewing outside banks, life appeared very normal, at least in the city, but the us remain a crisis point. i sort of video earlier outside the north gate,
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which is where americans and s i be interpreted off to being transferred through to get inside the horse where the people were bloody. there appeared to be some type of incident that had taken place and the northgate was shot. so security situation, there is teams. i asked for p from the cultural commission earlier about how it is working with that security arrangement between the telephone and the americans. here's what he had to say. we in talk, then we have a relationship, a working relationship of with the americans about the security arrangement. and the outside check posts are in our control and insight as under the control of the united states forces and then constant contact with one another. all we are doing at the moment is helping the united states in the security arrangement. and
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i think we have, we are unfairly being blamed for what is, is not a problem that has been caused by l people. so what is also exacerbating the situation? and i talked to bulky about this is the distrust, especially in call between couple residents and the telephone. the telephone has said, you will have them this day. let's move on. we're not going to, there's not going to be any type of revenge or tactical cummings or any, any, we're not going to target you or harass you. but the cannibal residence, it's very hard to just trust. they don't have a relationship with the telephone. he's a new new group in town and all that seen of them in the last 20 years have been a war search. it's exacerbating the situation because so many people in cobbled flooding to the airport terrified it was hysteria about the telephone being in town and people trying to get out. it's also worth noticing that the situation with the evacuation the difficulties don't just lie
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a cobble international airport. they also lie outside of us going to some. this is the biggest air list in history. and getting all of these people out the us that she had to expand to 13 3rd party countries as almost kind of wasting, holding areas to process these people have expand that. it was initially the, you know, capacity to other goals, nations, to uganda, even columbia. ok, charlotte bellis? the bring is the very latest form carpool. thank you. charlotte will stay with the situation in kabul, and particularly the political situation. joining us to discuss this phone couple is live to live, stay research and political analysts. it's great to have you with us. we're listening that see what charlotte was reporting about the taliban. so in talks the fairly tight lips about the formation of the governing framework, whatever it may be. what's your impression of?
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what do you imagine will emerge from these discussions and what should we be looking for in the days ahead? route. the deed who found one will make my brother is. ready in trouble in the moon, in intense, intensely engaged with the political leadership. you're in probably the ban bomb and particularly with the former president, harmony in law. and the defects is all the political argument that they're looking for would be like any and make sure that they have to work out a table. and in so can you build political librium cleaning that they get all the, all the political fires and political parties and different political leaders on
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the book, which i don't think they would be able to hammer out a political civil men who didn't that stiff along. and did this, i didn't mean to both for domestic political cohesion and also for international recognition. and of course of this but but heard realistic case said that we're going to see an agreement where you're going to get hammered cars. i are up to up dula sitting next to the taliban in government. so, i mean it's, if you look at a more long term sort of approach, mean is this realistic that the 2 former enemies will be sitting next to each other coming up with international trade policy? yes, so, we have a, mr. didn't for this in the last 20 years, we have seen that in our argument, we have people from logical explanations from different backgrounds,
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from different ideas. it was not expected at some time, but at the end of the day we have seen them together. we have seen them in the, in the government that can be a problem. so. so it is very much. and i think the taliban, i feel the same for the allies. ition prevailed on the part of the olive on the 2nd we'd be, we'd be far more political party political. you don't, or me as you call it. and i think they are looking for 4 or 4 inclusive. gomez, i'm teaching, i'm sorry to cut you off, but i mean, you said that has been precedent for the spring. the previous administrations, me people voted for them, didn't the taliban haven't been voted in? they came in with or rocket launchers and guns and have taken over the city. that's a big distinction. is it?
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no, yes, they came out what they can to cobble in the where the kid is, is if you go in and get some questions that need to be honest. but nonetheless, they are in public and they allow for an intern go in and with and in order to make an interim government to do the best that we found issue for, for democratic that to be there should be a real lives by, by election. then you for, we need to be with the default people new to do you think there will be elections with the taliban taking part. that is what they have promised that the election. but right recently, some of you have come from get logical from your media fiction. that election is not possible when you read to walk on the term government. but we have
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to where do you, how do you react? what is the reaction of the internet community and people want people who want it's done to, to the prospect of addiction or video to get sufficient? okay, mothers, lots to keep an eye on. thank you very much. indeed, lou full aloof research or political analyst are joining us a couple fascinating to get your points of view. thank he rallies that taking place in the united kingdom to show solidarity with the people of afghanistan. they're demanding more support to refugees fleeing the taliban. the government says it will we settle $5000.00 people in the next year. a total of 20 thousands in the longer term will poll brennan is in london with more just work out well the tell about the job and i publish opinion about after
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all, fine, just for job done by the name of the protection of the african constitution. like the lamenting of the way what comes back now? joining an artist to media about we can visit that. i know we are being about the situation is because there are things we are not going to war wasn't going well. no, i'm not. i'm taking them, putting in front of the camera, things. i'm not getting people we are nice with the people but camera when you see is it just vision in my mind? mandel and get it done?
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what there are we want we want our do. what are the people here just because that would be that would be withdrawn as much as normal as previously just under a telephone government, people hear an american air base in germany is being used as a transit point for afghan re if i q e 's hundreds of arrived at the rom, seeing the air base from quarter more planes are expected over the next few days is the base can house up to 5000 people. germany has also sense its own planes to
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evacuate citizens around 13 countries of agreed to host african asylum seekers. columbia is one on friday president ivan to k, said, afghans waiting for permits to resettle in the us will be a light in colombia. that means they won't group where boys is. columbia is also joining the group of allied countries that will also support to the united states for those of con nations who have served the united states for years and who are in the process of registering. and migrating to that country so that they can stay in columbia temporarily. united states will not only cover all the tension cars for these people, but will also speed up all the processes with evacuation efforts and kale set campbell's airport. the years president has warned, there could be further loss of life. joe biden says us forces a very lifted around 13000 people in the last week. my cana has more for washington, are gonna be on the grim scenes around couple. airport us is continuing to
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ramp puppets efforts to evacuated citizens. it's also send more state department officials to kuwait and cutter to process special immigrant visas. president biden has reiterated his commitment to st. evacuate every american citizen who wants to leave, along with thousands of guns who worked with the us. he's also described the last week as heartbreaking, and warns the mission remains dangerous. make no mistake. this evacuation mission is dangerous and evolve risks to armed forces and has been conducted under difficult circumstances. i cannot promise what the final outcome will be, what it will be that it will be without risk of loss. but as commander in chief, i can assure you that i will mobilize every resource necessary. it didn't take long for the politics of the african crisis to come into play. republican representative mike grudges issued a statement accusing vide enough. once again,
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ignoring reality on upcoming stun. he continues, there are thousands of americans and taliban controlled territories around the country, and the biden harris administration cannot provide an accurate accounting of how many americans are left. a pentagon spokesman confirmed that some us troops was still on their way to help secure coupled airport. the total number likely to rise to more than $6000.00. the main focus is on security at the airport and making sure that as the general said, that, that air operations resume and continue as unimpeded as possible. but clearly, we will be prepared and postured if, if we had to do something additional. but i won't speculate right now, but still no indication as to hall free passage will be guaranteed. well those were not able to get through the taliban court and around the airport. president biden
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has cancelled a plan trip to his home in wilmington and his staying on that the white house through the weekend to continue to monitor the situation. thank you very, very much. and also perhaps to prepare members of his administration for the grilling they are likely to face when congress reconvenes to be brief. next week, my kind of just sarah washington was got lucas is an expert in us foreign policy at the university of birmingham. he believes president biden's policy own withdrawal. let's put the us 1st while leaving afghans behind. this is and a fact, the 3rd big hit to american credibility with the idea that america leads and the rest of the world follows. we saw it after the iraq war in 2002 in the disastrous approach. the americans took there. we saw that their failure to protect civilians in 2011 and beyond. in the middle east. and now we see it here. europe and allies
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are not going to leave nato, they will continue to work with the americans. but the idea that they follow was joe vine, put it in january americans back to leave the world that's been damaged. but i think more specifically it's the region it's, it's the area around f canister. the united states has left the building and handed the keys to the taliban in afghanistan. but now pakistan takes on a key role because they are linked with a tower and have been for years behind pakistan. is china. huge investments with pakistan and now f canister becomes part, possibly one if it is stable of china's built and wrote initiative. iran will have interest in western afghanistan. the gulf states will have interest in there in america, moves from the center to being a bystander, as all these various countries mister own calculations regarding the future of f canister and their own national interest. ok on foreign minister says government is determined to bring stability to the neighboring afghanistan sharma,
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korea. she is appealing to the taliban to form an inclusive government. well, he sits in the ny, with the al jazeera as a summer, been java. let's take life to islam about a summer guess pakistan has insisted that it will not unilaterally recognize a taliban government and says it is using all it can to try and bring the taliban towards an inclusive government which represents all sides of. and all factions of understanding with this is the foreign minister with gregory. thank you very much for being without the very mr court. actually it's been a very fluid situation. what is your assessment on the ground? and is this going to book whether it is a government which is formed by the taliban or respond by international pressure? certainly it is. a food situation is involving situation. but before i comment on that, let me sama share with you who are be victims. barker font is
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a wicked him of this war on terror. we've had 80000 casualties. we've had economic loss of over $250000000000.00. we had to deal with 2000000 close to 2000000 internally displaced people. we are hosting over 3000000 upon reproduce the world at forgotten and we were not responsible for 911. there was no parks on involved. in fact, people rushed into boxes. you know, when there was a, there was an operation that started, you know, by the americans without some dition. we wouldn't be consulted and people came in and we had to deal with them. we had 2 claims in the area areas we had to fight, we had to be had to predict. people. innocent lives were lost and you know, we were asked to do more when they will be engaged. we need to national community with sincerity. we were doubted. we were questioned,
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we kept telling the world that the, the, the, the kind of government you've imposed in a find a son does not enjoy political support. there's corruption. there is miss governance. nobody doesn't, sole in this environment. boxed on ones to be bought for a piece box on has been and it's been an internationally acknowledged if facilitator obese negotiating. if you spend a year, if your waste a year into hop, and this is to show money, who is a stumbling block in the intra upon negotiations is back on responsible. certainly not. we get saying keep the process of negotiations in tandem with the data patrol on condition withdrawal.
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but we consulted nor withdraw. we consulted nor. now despite that we have remain positive. we have room, we are gauging now, evacuation the immediate challenge that people are facing international communities facing is evacuation, safety recreation. what is park is hungry? positive, constructive role, be facilitating our planes off of flying into cobble and getting people out. our embassy is functioning. 247 helping people. diplomatic personnel, international organizations. are we being acknowledged? no, not even we mentioned in the list of countries that are helping evacuate people. is this an oversight? i am not sure. but i could you hold responsible for what is happening in gunnison because a lot of fun you pointing in the weeks proceeding to the taliban takeover has been
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towards pocket fun. that it is pakistan's version of a government that park is fund one to does. now in place is that true and why is focused on saying to the international community that it wants help if it is, it's government in charge of the 1st fall, you know, boxed on has been blamed enough. you know, we've had enough food bashing. we've had our share of bashing, i mean, you know, stop scapegoating bucks on for internal failures now. oh, i was shocked euro when i was sitting in dosh con listing to show venting when he said, oh, things have gone wrong because 10000 into treaters have been sort of have been pushed into of 100 bucks or fall greatly. it was the most absurd statement made by anyone and everybody was listening. the question is, you had,
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if fours of 300000 green people, you don't, you had a cover. you had, you are the most. you know, you are well equipped train, but you didn't have the world to fight. now is pakistan responsible for that? really? it hasn't happened. how did, how do the taliban move with such swiftness? you know, at ease there was no support for bucks so. well, there was not a question is it's an internal support. you were when the office in columbus on you know, when the bedroll hadn't started, you know, 40 to 45 percent off of long territory was under their control. you know, when the end is regina sitting in cobbler, you know they, they, they were restricted to, to cobble and some, you know, urban centers and really areas honestly. they had no. rit.
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ok, so that was then and we're it now what happens now when the plan is done? what does pakistan favor, what is the role that focused on is playing bought and how can there be piece of guns boxes on as part of the international coalition for piece boxes on wants this huge conciliation box font is not engaging with balaban. pakistan is engaging with in dia, a found leadership here in the forum office, just a few days back. i had the erstwhile leaders of the us while northern alliance. you know, they were not taliban supporters. why we engaging with them? why? oh, why have be being going to, you know, trying to convince them that we have resumed from the ninety's. let us not repeat the mistakes of the ninety's. we want to be forward looking. we want a peaceful, stable upon the far. it is not enlightened self interest because we want and he want regional connectivity. how do we could please look at that with the,
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with the piece. and finally we were running out of time very quickly. how confident are you that the taliban are going to form a government which is going to be inclusive? they're going to make sure that all the rights of women and other minorities are and are you urging them to do so? i cannot predict the future. but where i am, claire is we want and inclusive government. we want a government in a finest on which respects human rights. i think the initial statements are coming out from the leadership of indicative of a new approach. we should encourage that. we should encourage the more bit element d d, the political approach, because there is nobody to solution. if there was one, you can fight it in 20 years. so listen to parker, stop, stop, skip gooding pockets not boxed on, wants to be up opera in peace. pakistan can be the most trusted interlocutor
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in this evolving situation. mister, per se, thank you very much for talking to us. do you have it from the foreign minister? fog fund charmaine with red, she expressing that bucket fund is interested in peace and does not want to be scale go to for what has happened in the past. ok, as i'm, i've been jarvis in islamabad, thank you very much. indeed. the government is facing cooling criticism as it struggles to get a victim of a powerful earthquake, has killed more than 2000 people. there were desperate scenes in the heart of the city of k, as people scrambled for supplies. a week on. many in rural areas are still waiting for help. i'll just say it was john home and spoke to leaders about the crisis in the capital photo prince haitian prime minister, re riving,
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and his 1st press conference in earthquake writ through the country, south west, leaving more than 130000 families homeless. we had a lot of questions about his government's handling of the disaster, especially why a week later, a still not getting to the many destroyed villages close to the epicenter. one of the regions has been completely flat and this lies in we went to last year and they said they haven't had any one from the government coming up for them made when they took, he told them to white to that. why are they not getting a sooner since 98 percent of the houses are destroyed? but the prime minister chose not to answer the question. passing the mike to his head of civil protection, we are formulating a response or mechanism is in action. evidently, we have some issues related to security, but we are doing our best to accelerate the process. but it's not just the village is lacking aid. it's the cities too. and we also went to like a, an in the cave as
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a camp full of people just not even just sticks with top pulling above in the area . presumably you can get to but they also said they haven't seen anyone from the government. why haven't they received any help either? like i said, our response is ongoing yesterday. i know there was distribution in the guy using our methodologies. it may happen that you didn't go to where we were distributing but there's a huge problem with distribution that the prime minister had so far, only vaguely alluded to something that we're talking about. there's a stretch of the road from here to like tie, which is really difficult to get a down because it's controlled by gangs. what is your government doing to try and figure out that road and also to try and stop those gangs. they've also kidnapped an orthopedic surgeon over the last couple of days. what is your government doing about that.
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