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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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way to the city, we say we need to take america to try to bring people together trying to deal with people who've been left behind me. ah . as the chaos, the cobble airport straw's widespread criticism, the taliban tells al jazeera america is responsible for the mass. all we are doing at the moment is helping the united states in the security arrangement, and i think we had a fairly being blame ah, how am i here? this is al jazeera,
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my from joe ha. also coming up. i keystone for minister says country is talking to different factions in afghanistan and wants to see an inclusive and stable government back. desperate scenes and hazy is little help breaching survivors of the earthquake because kills to size, and people are going to come together to celebrate the city opening up despite a new threat from the virus. ah, the co founder of the taliban has arrived in kabul for talks to form a new government's move. her artist presence in the afghan capital comes as a group plans to unveil its governing framework. and it's reported labor in experts from afghan. a stands for administration to help manage the transition. the taliban is so promising to hold its members accountable. if reports of crimes and
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atrocities are verifies, well sizes of afghans who manage to evacuate from cobble airports are preparing for a new life that many remain stuck and in fear for their lives. course these 12 people of already been killed in the chaos. let's get more and i live from kabul. charlotte bellis is there for as a show that let's start with those political developments. mila brother is not in kabul. any indication of this political transition is going to look like at this stage. the so very little information mainly we just know the latest movements and that is that molar baron was the political chief. he's the co founder of the telephone that he flew in from dora, where he is normally base using base as part of these political negotiations for a couple of years now. but we know he came to kandahar early this week and now arriving in cobble with a high level tele bond delegation as part of the consultations or what the future
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government will look like. who will be and how, how it will look if basically what's on the table even to the extent that will cobble remain the capital, all kinds of how the birthplace of the taliban remain the capital. he will become the capital. we know that he is meeting with religious follows. he's meeting with taliban commanders, even meeting with form of government leaders and the telephone have been during this week and off the colonies in the political commission. you are met with the former ceo de la submit with former president, holman, cause i so the telephone interview saying that they want an integrated political resolution to this to fold these people and they are reaching out, but it's unclear as to what the product will look like i'm told that they don't have a deadline as to when they want to have this will result by, but they tell me they're working quickly and show them the political developments.
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but it's still quite chaotic on the gardens. is it not particularly around the airports, in fact, us embassies, been advising its own citizens to avoid the airport gates? just give them a sense of what like his life is like in kabul this saturday. well, it's a tale of $200.00, so the airport remains a crisis point. i still choosing this still be things happening there. thousands of people, a still flooding around the perimeter. the taliban still controlling the security around the perimeter. the americans are on the inside. some kind of interesting dynamic playing out with security with 4 sides. earlier i spoke to abu cow bulky, who's in the telephones cultural commission, about how the americans and the taliban are working together to try to provide security and facilitate these evacuation sees what he said. we talk then we have a relationship, a working relationship of with the americans about the security arrangement. and
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the outside check posts are in our control and insight as under the control of the united states forces. and they are in constant contact with one another. all we are doing at the moment is helping the united states in the security arrangement . and i think we have, we are unfairly being blamed for what is, is not a problem that has been caused by l people. so what's also being exacerbating the situation is a lack of trust between the taliban and people. in kabul, there's almost a hysteria amongst a lot of people in cobble about what the taliban will bring. are they safe? and that is leading to thousands of people flooding to the airport because even though the taliban has said that they are safe, that they have to see that all the given
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a lot of people just simply don't believe them. and a terrified and so of lean towards the airport because they don't know what the future will hold and trying to log. and that is leading to this the lash point, where the taliban are becoming overwhelmed. the crowd control you could say, leave something to be desired as misusing, beating people, as i understand that right now, all the gates are closed around the nobody can get in to evacuate because they have been various security incidents and people are trying to jump barricades from the telephone beating them back. so the situation at this point still isn't really improving. it's unclear what can be done to try streamline the process. ok show that bella said bring is the latest form. couple. charlotte, thank you. well let full aloof. there's a researcher and a political analyst. he says the taliban are speaking closely with the leaders of the previous government. this is all the political argument that they are looking for will be like in and making sure that they have to walk out
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as table and sustainable political librium. meaning the do for all the, all the political fires and political parties and particularly different political leaders on the book, which i don't think they will be able to hammer out a political system. and i didn't that stiff will along. and i didn't mean is involved in both for domestic political legion and also for international recognition. we have a student for this in the last 20 years. we have seen that in our argument, we have people from different political and clinicians from different backgrounds, from different ideologies. it was not expected at some time, but at the end of the day we have seen them together. we have seen them in the,
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in the government that can be a problem. so. so it is very much expected. and i think the taliban, i see the list since i'll be alive. vision prevailed on the part of italy. bon, the secret we'd be, we'd be far more political party political. you don't or me as you call it. and i think they are looking for, for, for an inclusive government focus on foreign minister and filled out to sera his government is determined to help bring stability to afghan has done sharma courage . she appealed to the taliban to form and inclusive governments, but reject through that keys. asians, the pakistan has aged the group and undermines its neighbors. sovereignty boxed on has been blamed enough. you know, we've had enough of bashing. we've had our share of bashing. i mean, you know, stop scapegoating bucks on for internal failures. now,
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i was shocked euro when i was sitting in dash gun listing to show venting when he said, oh things have gone wrong because 10000 infiltrators have been sort of have been pushed into a tunnel box on greatly. it was the most absurd statement made by anyone and everybody was listening. the question is, you had it force of 300000 korean people. you know, you had air cover. you had, you are the most. you know, you are well equipped train, but you didn't have the will to fight rallies are taking place in the united kingdom to show solidarity with the people over galveston. they're demanding more support. refugees fleeing the taliban. government says that belief settle $5000.00 people in the next year and a total of 20 thousands in the longer term for brandon is in london with more just walk around the well the tell about the job and i publish opinion about
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just for job done by the name chanting, the protection of the african constitution like the lamenting of the old way was what comes back now joining an artist, cluster media about we can visit with you about the situation because there are things we are not going to war wasn't going well. no, i'm not, i'm taking them and they're playing in front of the camera. they're things. i'm not getting people. we are nice with the people. but when you see it's a visual in my,
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in my model and they go to my son, what there are a lot of them are one of the people here and they really because that would be that would be withdrawn as much as normal as previously. just under a telephone government, people hear an american air base in germany is being used as a transit point for african evacuees. hundreds of arrived at the rom, seen air base form cutter. more planes are expected over the next few days as the base can have up to 5 fives and people. germany has also sentence and planes to
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evacuate citizens. but 13 countries have agreed to host afghan asylum seekers. columbia is one on friday president, $5.00 and $2.00 case said afghans are waiting for permits to resettle in the us will be alone into his country columbia. that means they won't group where buys is columbia is also joining the group of light countries that will also support to the united states for those of con nations who have some of the united states for years and who are in the process of registering and migrating to that country so that they can stay in columbia temporarily. united states not only cover all detention costs for these people, but will also speed up all the processes with evacuation efforts. and cale said campbell, airport c u. s. president, how's warrant there could be further loss of life. joe biden says the air lift is among the most difficult in history. he also said the past week had been heartbreaking in great risks, remain. make no mistake. this evacuation mission is dangerous and evolve
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risks to armed forces and has been conducted under difficult circumstances. i cannot promise what the final outcome will be, what it will be that it will be without risk of loss. but as commander in chief, i can assure you that i will mobilize every resource necessary. and as an american, i offer my gratitude to the brave men and women of the us armed forces are carrying out this mission. are incredible. as we continue to work the logistics of evacuation were in constant contact on italy, bon, working to ensure civilians have safe passage through the airport. so to come here on al jazeera, china's me to moments i bay jane says a clump and then on sexual assault. and inappropriate behavior in the workplace. and we can see the science behind india. i'm the world's 1st dna covert vaccine,
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which does not need a needle. ah, ah hey there, hope your weekends going? well, here's an update on our summer rains across india. we will see rounds of rain through the indian states, her astra delhi pradesh and also are con, as we head toward sunday. rains will take our foot off the pedal as we head toward bangladesh. so some subdued southwest monsoon range, but still bursts of rain from nepal. and bu, 10 on sunday, asia pacific, you know the batch of what weather over the korean peninsula. it's now moving to the northwest and the northeast clipping eastern portions upon you and whole kado. but look at this aggressive rein along the yellow river valley, impacting young joe was just about a month ago. young joe got a years worth of rain in the span of a few days. so more to come,
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keeping tabs on tropical storm mice as it moves into the east china sea, likely to meet up with sun moisture from the yangtze river valley and throw buckets of rain to the korean peninsula. once again, further toward the south, we have seen flooding as a big concern in singapore. after more than a 100 millimeters of rain fell swamping roads and stranding motor is still plentiful showers. as we head toward thailand, malaysia and indonesia. and you know, for the philippines are range, are picking up along the west coast of the country on sunday, season, ah, joined the debate, do not have vaccines reaching those who are most of the needs and amplify your voice. it allows a diverse community how an array of different story. no topic is off the table. it's such a tough ethical debate where there is obvious discrimination and systematic
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discrimination of play. people are thursdays for new, wasted. the stream where a global audience becomes a global community on al jazeera. ah ah, this is al, to the real quick reminder over the top story for you know, the telephones co founder has arrived in afghanistan capital for talks to form and you government. will abdul gone the broader lead? the good the go see asians and oh, how the town on says the future governments will be inclusive. tens of thousands of people are still trying to get out of ghana, stan, 16000 talented counsel. at least 12 people have been killed in and around the
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airport. you as president is morning there could be further loss of life. he governments is facing growing criticism as it struggles to get age to victims of the powerful earthquakes. it's killed on 2000 people and we're desperate seems in the heart of the city of k, people scrambled for supplies and we cone, many in rural areas. still waiting for help to see was shown home and spoke to leaders about the crisis in the capital puerto prince haitian prime minister. on the re riding of his 1st press conference since in earthquake writ through the country, south west, leaving more than 130000 families homeless. we have a lot of questions about his government's handling of the disaster, especially why a week later, a still not getting to the many destroyed villages close to the epicenter. one of the regions has been completely flat and this last ill we went to last year and
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they said they haven't had any one from the government coming off of the made when they took, he told them to white to that. why are they not getting a sooner since 98 percent of the houses are destroyed? but the prime minister chose not to answer the question, passing the might to his head of civil protection. we are formulating a response or mechanism is in action. evidently, we have some issues related to security, but we are doing our best to accelerate the process. but it's not just the villages lacking aid. it's the cities too. and we also went to like a, an in the cave as a camp full of people just not even just sticks with top pulling above in the area . presumably you can get to but they also said they haven't seen any one from the government. why haven't they received any help either? like i said, our response is ongoing yesterday. i know there was distribution in the guy using
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our methodology. it may happen that you didn't go to where we were distributing but as a huge problem with distribution that the prime minister had so far, only vaguely alluded to. something that we're talking about as a stretch of the road from here to like tie, which is really difficult to get a down because it's controlled by gangs. what is your government doing to try and figure out that road and also to try and stop those gangs? they've also kidnapped an orthopedic surgeon over the last couple of days. what is your government doing about the the 1st thing to say is that the southern route is better now. we're working hard to make it permanently safe, so people can circulate without any risk. also the press conference, the deputy secretary general of the united nation. what the journalist asked could be done to stop the mistakes made off the monstrous 2010 quaker when the rebuilding
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process was flawed. at best. what we have to do it different, different things to take the leadership to build the institution capacity. not to say that there are no gap. there are gas is a different situation. requires a different response. seeing will be believing for the many watching on and those desperate homeless and still waiting for help. john home and i'll just put the prince to high profile sexual assault cases have brought china me to movement. back into the spotlight. chinese canadian pop star chris wu is under investigation after being accused of rape. it follows and i cry over an alleged assault tech giant alibaba. katrina, you reports now from beijing. video of a woman protesting in her workplace canteen was viewed hundreds of millions of times on chinese social media. the employee of tech giant alibaba had been silenced
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after accusing her boss of raping her during business trip last month. security cameras recorded her supervisor entering her tell her several times. the women took to social media after management failed to act. alibaba human resources team were slow and indifferent, so they didn't take it seriously. i was shocked because alibaba is such a big, famous company, but i'm also used to it because these incidents happen again and again in one public outrage around the case prompted a police investigation. alibaba 5 the many question, and also several executives for miss handling her complaint. the incident came the week after the arrest of chinese canadian celebrity chris lou, the pop singer, actor and variety showed judge has been accused of luring under age women for sex. more than a dozen brands, including louis the tall and push, have severed ties with ruth, and they have been cause for him to be deported. both incident have turned to
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spotlight on cases of sexual assault and misconduct in chinese workplaces. it's also given birth to the countries me to movement, which has been stifled by for she's in recent years. she's concerned of sparking social unrest. lee might, sir, is it wouldn't rights activist who's detained in 2015 for protesting about sexual harassment on public transport. she says women working for chinese companies often suffer harassment and are forced to drink during business events. alibaba has a serious problem. i would say there's a culture of haunting women or using women as sexual resources. this phenomenon also exists in many of the big companies state enterprises and even n g o c d 's. in recent years, china has introduced laws dealing with domestic violence and sexual misconduct. but active is said the poorly defined and difficult to enforce. police are often reluctant to interfere with what are traditionally seen as private matters. alibaba
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says it's reviewing company guidelines and has set up an emergency hotline for employees. right. group say they hope the alibaba and chris were scandals will encourage more victims to come forward. and for employers to change their work cultures, katrina, you all to 0 dating catholics and shall anchor are putting up black flags to demand justice to the victims of the 2019 easter bombings. many are angry over what they say has been an incomplete and non transparent government investigation. the attacks that killed more than 260 people more than 20000 charges were filed against 24 and suspects last week. at the head of sir lank as catholic church, says the real conspirators are still at large. malicious new prime minister has been sworn in its mil sabri. jacobo was formerly appointed on friday after the resignation of ma here, dean. yes. seen. he's the 3rd premier in less than 4 years. the former defense
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minister will tackle the administration's widely criticized hand. demick response was protest isn't franz rallying for 6 straight weekends against the health path, saying that the curbing curving the spreads of call with 19 opponent, say it limits the freedom pass shows of people are fully vaccinated. have a negative test. old, recently recovered from the virus. it's not compulsory to ends or venues including restaurants, bars and sports arenas. protests, the path is supported by the majority of french people. meanwhile, hundreds of people have been arrested in australia after protests against locks and turn violence. they came the same day health authorities reported a record 900 new infections. most of them in sydney and you break in neighboring new zealand is also going as priyanka to reports on the deals.
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treaty recorded its high number of covered 90 infections. thousands of people protested across several cities against loc dance in melbourne and sydney protested, broke through police lines and fought with offices millions of people in around some of the country's largest cities have been under locked down for weeks. but cases of the highly contagious delta variant. after rising no matter how hard we work, no matter if 99 percent of people are doing the right thing, there's an element of deals that nobody can control. and that is what we have to accept and the best way we can protect ourselves the best way we can look forward to freedom ease by making sure that we get vaccinated. the outbreak in australia has spread to me, bring new zealand that was free of coven 19 for 6 months until tuesday. but it's now under a snap nationwide lockdown. no one wants an extended lock down,
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and no one wants to see that right of transmission. so the number one thing everyone can do right now is reduce down your context and ensure you stick to your bubble. like new zealand, vietnam had also avoided the worst of the pandemic. but not any more. 10000000 people in hold, human city will be bought from leaving their homes for monday. the government is deploying soldiers to deliver food and aid to people facing the nations toughest covert 19 restrictions to date. i think what human depend make is getting more and more serious and hold human city. many go 900 patients will have to see piedmont at home. so we are forming more by medical teams to help them at their home. and for the 1st time, the pacific nation of palo has reported a corporate 19 infection, losing its status as one of the very few countries to be spared by the pandemic. but with more than 80 percent of his population fully vaccinated,
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the government says the island is covert safe. bianca gupta al jazeera india has approve. what it says is the world's 1st dna vaccine. again, school with 19 vaccine make a copy of health care says the job has a 67 percent efficacy rates in preventing symptoms. it will be administered in 3 doses without a needle to people over the age of 12 previous dna. vaccines have worked well in animals, but not in humans. us regulators are reported to be caused to fully approve and vices. corona, virus vaccine emergency approval was granted in december. but full approval involves the review of more clinical data. it could boost the vaccine, more lights by convince and more unvaccinated americans to get the job. york is holding a spin cold, a homecoming concert on saturday to celebrate reopening, after the worst of its crew of our recite break,
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new york with the city hardest hit by the virus in the united states. chrisman salumi looks back at how far the city has come and how far it still has to go. it was the scene notable for what it lack of city famous for its energy at a standstill. the only hustle and bustle taking place in the hospital. overwhelmed with patience, new york lost more lives and more jobs to the corona virus pandemic, than any city in the united states. even bringing the lights down on broadway. the new yorkers tried to keep their spirits up through the darkest days. a knowing that the show must eventually go on. the city began to reemerge this year, slowly at 1st as the winter, 2nd wave abd and summer came. people returned to the streets. i'll be cautiously
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in a bid to bring more people back to the city this week. began implementing a policy that's rankled so many other parts of the country, requiring proof of vaccination to enter into our restaurants, museums, and other venues. restaurant owner, jeremy ladies welcomed the move. i felt i won the lottery when i was, it was my turn to get the vaccine. and i don't understand why everyone doesn't feel the same way. you'll need to vaccines to come here as well. the stage is set in central park for what's being billed as new york's homecoming concert featuring some of the biggest names and entertainment to celebrate the city's return. ah, it's part of a huge lucy drive that includes this star started video aiming to revitalize the city hard hit, not just by the virus, but also economically by the shut down people we spoke to agreed that the city
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still has some way to go to get back to its former glory, they're still closing down a lot of the restaurants by 10 o'clock pm, so that you know, the city that never sleeps doesn't sleep at 10 o'clock. and i said, i don't think you're going to ever go back to what it was. but it is become a new york. we're always modifying a really library it may not be fully back yet, but this city can count on its hardest to put the whole world in a new york state of mind. kristen salumi al jazeera new york. ah. this is al jazeera and these all the headlines. the taliban co founder has arrived in afghanistan capital for told to form a new government's will of july. gandhi brother led the groups negotiations in doha .


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