tv [untitled] August 22, 2021 12:00am-12:31am AST
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you want the un to take and who stopped you? we listen, you see the whole infrastructure and being totally destroyed. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on our sierra. ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello i mariam i was watching the news, our life from london coming up in the next 60 minutes. a dire situation. a cobble airport is the us and its allies struggle to evacuate tens of thousands of afghan personnel and their families as the taliban solidify that hold on power. and it's lead is meet in kabul, discuss how to form
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a transitional government. a we calling from haiti is devastating us quite. we were for some people still struggling to survive with little government help. and i'm lead hardy and joe, how with sport several pacific island nations have withdrawn from the paralympics in the premier league, liverpool stay undefeated with their 2nd when we'll have more action for you later in the news. our ah hello, welcome to the news our. well, it's now 7 days since cobble fell without a fight the taliban, and still people a desperate scrambling to escape their reports. at least 4 people were crushed to death as they try to force themselves into the airport. the white house says it's removed about 17000 people in the past week, but european union has criticize the evacuation efforts. you foreign policy chief
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joseph morale claims that u. s. security airport was overly strict and preventing afghans from entering. he warned that it was mathematically impossible for the us and its allies to fly out with tens of thousands of afghan personnel and their families by the promised august study 1st deadline. away from the airport though, there are signs of normality, with ministerial offices opening for the 1st time. since a taliban takeover. robert bright begins out coverage. answering the taliban call to turn up for work. most government employees arrived at their offices for the start of the working week to be met by a new set of gods for the taliban. it's another important step toward securing power. we are quite pleased that there has not been any looting or anything and the people beginning to,
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to be confident and going back out and resuming their normal lives. and hopefully, in a very short period, we will move back to complete, you know, complete normal the, the streets have been getting busier every day. but then expected reopening of the bank didn't happen. only the cash machines were working with a maximum withdraw limit of $200.00. there are some of the ones that i was told to come to the bank concert today, and i would get my money. i don't have any money left. most of them are on the asa . these banks are holding many people salaries and everyone has been here several times, but gotten nothing. plans for a new government continue. one clear sign of that. the taliban political chief mother up the guy he bought a has returned to the country. but taliban is holding told on ways to make its government more acceptable to people here and to the international community,
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but insisted has no time for elections all the while. the country is still reeling from the upheavals of this past week. the most pressing crisis is still the chaos at ca, both international airport with pictures uploaded to social media, showing more people bloodied and injured as thousands try to leave the country. in contrast, doctor jeff action worry and his colleagues at the ministry of public health could only report and uneventful end to their working day. each other bought a book out of each one of them pretty well. nobody should see the country. what this is their country. no matter how beautiful other countries may be, they will feel like a slave in this place for the 1st day back at their desks and for these workers, at least so far. so good. rub, mcbride al jazeera couple or us president joe biden has met with his national security team to discuss the afghan crisis. american citizens have been advised not to travel to campbell airport due to those security threats. the pentagon says it's
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a rapidly changing situation. the situation in cobble are not in the whole cities, fluid and dynamic. and you have seen the images over the last 24 to 40 hours yourself, of the situation outside the perimeter of the airport. and it changes it changes almost by the hour and it changes in locations around the airport. it's very, very fluid and dynamic. and so i don't want to speak for the state department obviously, but, but, but like our military commanders, they are going to make decisions in real time about what's in the best interest of, of innocent civilians that, that have need to get to the airport. and we want to get inside the security gate. so for more on this, you can speak to for the best, han is a corresponding covering. afghanistan for radio. free europe joins us live by skype from vilnius, who've been seeing distressing scenes from campbell airport,
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thousands of afghan stranded fearful of their face at the hands of the taliban. tell us more about why it's so difficult for them to, to leave and board these flights. well, 1st of all, miriam, the situation outside cover airport is catastrophic. it's a scene of human misery. of people, including children are getting crushed by the huge crowds that have lined up outside called the way a port. others are getting beaten up by the taller barn. one of the reasons, main reasons why african, the one who have travel documents to travel and ends. because the way the main reason they haven't been able to is because of the telephone. the top one is preventing afghans. someone who have no travel document from getting in the airport, but also actual i'm going to have trouble documents and they using brutal means
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to stop atkins. in some cases they are shooting in the crowds. ah, they are beating people with clubs which stinks with width. one postman on the ground that i talked to when i witness. she told me that she thinks that this is the form of communication. that the taller bond sees these afghans who want to leave the country as foreign slaves. what about the footage of a young girl who is killed in the crush cobble airport? do you have any information about that? can you describe what you've seen? well, we've seen several videos circulating today among africans, that shows a weeping, crying father carrying the the body of a young girl, his daughter. and he's like her lifeless body away from the crowds. and this is not
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just oh, this is just one case. every day people are dying because of the chaos and the panic in the field. every day, several people have been killed and they've been killed because children bail believe the most fun of being crushed by stampedes. but it's also because of heavy handed tactics by not just taliban fighters, but also foreign troops who are firing india, who are pushing people back. and this is made cobble, arguably cover web or arguably more dangerous than cobble itself the city. right? so that's very important. you have thousands of afghans stranded between the taliban using heavy handed tactics on, on the one side and then foreign troops on the other. what are you hearing about the people in causal who have received death threats as the taliban go door to door?
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what? what are the residents? they're telling you. so my room, the taller bond is waging a p r campaign. they want to make the world believe that they have changed and they are projecting a more moderate image. they have promised this be a blanket misty to all afghans. they vowed to protect women's rights and a free press. but what we're seeing is a huge difference between what the taliban is saying and what they are doing. in terms of the amnesty, what the reality is actually on the ground is that tom on fire is on fire. it is a going door to door in cobble and they are rummaging through homes. they are beating people, they are threatening people. they are confiscating people's belongings and quoting
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personal documents and mobile phones. so while we can see on the streets of cobbled life is turning to normality in but what we don't see is what is happening behind closed doors, away from the cameras. and that is a tolerable crackdown. and so many, sorry. so many people are actually still hiding at home. i have journalists friends who are in hiding, who are his face houses in cobble because they fear telephone retribution. and that's very important. the other thing is that taliban leaders a meeting in kabul today, they claim that any new government will be inclusive if it is not inclusive. will that be resistance in civil war? yes, there will be because it will be a repeat of the taliban regime of the $900.00 ninety's which sought
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a complete monopoly on power. and that's why the form and the lines resisted against the taliban. and now a lot, whether i'm going to stand dissenting with a war or not will depend a lot on what the taliban agreed to if they agree to could to create a broad, inclusive government. and that might include people from the former regime. then they might be step towards piece, but if there isn't, and we've already seen a resistance being formed in the pension valley just north of cobble, i think that's when that resistance will start to get more popularity. thank you very much. appreciate it. food by john, from radio, free or for joining us. thank you. thank you. you officials visited a spanish military airport, being used as
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a hub to receive afghans flowing out of combo evacuees. are expected to spend several days at account for health and security screenings before making the journey to other european countries. the distress that humanitarian assistance must continue in afghanistan. nursing the taliban should be helped to safely and to europe. fin the guns, fish. that's the legal, vague, it is very important that we offer legal options to those who have to flee afghanistan because of their convictions because they have worked for us because they are women's rights activists. or because they are journalists, we must now offer them safe ways to leave the country and be accepted to the head on this london news. our abused by iso, now shunned by the own community. we have applied to young, new jersey, the women in iraq, rescued from the growth. there's anger in china. i was a calm down on sexual assault allegations at the workplace. and then covet 19 affections before the toe power impacts us. several nations pull out because it's
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condemning problems ah, shortages of aid and shelter continue for the people affected by last saturday. the earthquake and southwest haiti al team visited a makeshift camp of survivors and found appalling conditions that john holman has all the liquor football stadium has turned into a rough camp for those left homeless by saturdays, earthquake and a symbol of the lack of help that getting schools of families is struggling in this muddy field. there's no water toilet for effective shelter. a piece of plastic to cover your family is a luxury here. value is not rain. we get wet when lay down, you get which i don't have a top hold and we have nothing but problems when we visited them, they've been there almost a week,
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but nobody from the government had come to her when it doesn't matter if she's even worse or i can't lead to and others we talked to told us that the materials that do arrive a being taken by thugs or even law enforcement officers, you know, having to meet the horn when the police come to provide security. they take the 8 away. i mean, never comes back. when we catch the police station, we see them taking it to the cause. corruption has long been woven into haitian political life. but right now with the president recently assassinated, she organizational capacity also seems depleted. he, you see the result, mud hungry people exposed to the elements. what really strikes you when you come in here is that these aren't even tense, that just blank should have plastic that it held together on 6. so we're right in the middle of haiti's rainy season right now and a decent storm. it's just gonna knock cool this out. limited reach moon is cooking
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for others, trying to and enough to her so poor children to survive. and maybe even get out. of course, if i want to get a place to live with my children, because i can't spend all my life here. imagine it was raining last night. i couldn't sleep. i had to give my mattress to my children, and i sat on a bucket late. some people were leaving, as we filmed constant flights of food and shelter, wound them down. but they told us they're only going to another abandoned lot. there's no safe place, no help for them anyway, right now, john, home and i was, is it a located catholics? and shall anchor of put out black flags to demand justice to the victims of the 2019 east. the bombings the coordinated attacks targeted churches and hotels killing more than 260 people. families of victim say they are still waiting to learn the truth about what happened. michelle fernandez reports the ron juliessa
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denise, following the cold from the catholic church and carrying a black flag representing demands the truth and justice. the victims of the 2019 the, to bombing her husband some but and oh, to me and wish me what killed in an attack at the center vaskins church in the town of car to up it, you may have to had a be to pass the nicole maybe had a who is behind the attack. why did they do it at finding out the truth is my right, because my family didn't die in a war. they died in the place we trusted who died during an important religious day, baby being more than 260 people were killed in 6 coordinated suicide. bombings believed at the time to be carried out by local was limit streaming group. a presidential commission of inquiry revealed major intelligence failures led to the attack. go to the roger box or use the attack as a mean pillar of his presidential campaign,
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promising to restore security and punish doors responsible. but to date, the church and families see investigations have been politicized and used as a witch hunt against political opponents. and to cover up the truth, we look for justice and we will fight. and we will try to solve this problem in all the country. we love it up, we love our country, but if they're not going to give us a this is an awful feel of the intentions. so then we have to go, they all can go. and even to the international level, the church successive governments have not done enough to find those responsible for the bombing for doors left behind like randomly knowing the truth of what
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happened. we'll help find closure and bring some comfort. manenda geneva cut up at least 41 palestinians have been injured when these railey army fight at protest. as demonstrating near the garza border were testers were reportedly hauling 5 bombs from behind. the strips or defense demonstrations of been taking place weakly over the forced expulsion of policy and families from shaft joe raw. you governor andrew cuomo has issued a state of emergency. warning is harken on re approaches the northeast coast. he said people in flood prone areas. miss move to safety now. meanwhile, at least 8 people have been killed and one of the most powerful harkins in years to mexico's east coast storm grace brought winds of up to 200 kilometers per hour, knocking down trees and causing flooding and power outages. hundreds of children in iraq, auntie as the the mothers are either living as orphans when he'd been separated from them. others in addition to i still atrocities is he say the children born to
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iso fighters cannot be part of their religion. minority community says the world and its own government isn't giving enough attention to that offering sullivan job aid reports from to hook in northern iraq. him on the verge. keep her happy. the 20 year old? yes, he the survivor went through a hiring ordeal. when she was abducted by eisen fighters and bought and sold multiple times before her release. punish if not so dish of to i had adoption. no, i have witnessed it all the violence, the beatings, the rape, and all kinds of embarrassment. death was better than all these kinds of suffering . and they were scared to come back. we were told that our families would never accept us despite the fact that everything that has happened to us was by force against our will. and without our consent. many of the girl said the community has refused to accept their children born as
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a result of rape by some fighters. we spoke to multiple women and girls who wouldn't speak and camera about how they had to leave their children. asthma says it was a hard over the i had to choose between my child for myself or return to my family and community. after thinking i decided to abandon my child, it was very difficult decision. suzanne suffered, runs a program to rehabilitate these women. and some of the children who returned names, one is called one home. honestly, these women hardly have any choice. they only have a difficult decision to make. they can just decide if they bring their children here. it is hard to deal with the consequences for any mother to bring her children here and try to raise them in the close community. this would have been even much more difficult. hundreds of children have been born to women abused by ice and fighters in addition to social pressure, you see these can only carry their religion if both parents are these and according to iraq. you know, if the father is wisdom than the child carries the same religion the plight of the
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children doesn't. and there many of those who have returned are struggling to reintegrate. this is the day when his family was destroyed. 21 year old cheryl has edge that on his skin with burning coal and ink. in contrast to the howling wind outside the tent, it is complete silence inside. you see the brother and sister, a meter and a mirror don't talk much. the children were abducted along with their parents by ice and in 2014. we tried to ask her to talk a meet her says she remembers many things, but she doesn't want to speak english, make them after being kidnapped from iraq, the eventually ended up in turkey, just last year they were united with their older brother and sister. now the cannot speak their mother tongue and enable to join school in northern iraq. the only way for shadow to communicate with them is through a translation app. he struggles to provide for them because he has no work and no prospects let them on,
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and we wish we can leave the country and migrate. my sister mirror wants to go to school every day. she asks me either put me in school like the rest of the kids, will take me outside of iraq. the whole day, the family is searching for their parents orphans born twice and are being raised by strangers and thousands of iraq. the answering children are growing up without future prospects in a world which seems to have ignored the suffering. some of and java down to 0. the hook northern iraq, china's me to movement his back in the spotlight following to high profile sexual assault cases. one is a case brought by an employee against her boss at the tech joint. alibaba. the other array pack is ation against chinese canadian pop star chris wu. katrina, you has one out from beijing. the video of a woman protesting in her workplace canteen was viewed hundreds of millions of times in chinese social media. the employee of tech giant alibaba had been silenced
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after accusing her boss of raping her during business trip last month. security cameras recorded her supervisor entering her tell her several times. the women took the social media after management failed to act on the baba, human resources team or low and indifferent. so they didn't take it seriously. i was shocked because alibaba is such a big, famous company, and i'm also use it because these incidents happen again and again. one public outrage around the case prompted a police investigation. alibaba slide the many question and also several executives for miss handling her complaint. the incident came the week after the arrest of chinese canadian celebrity, chris, whoop. the pop singer, actor, and variety showed judge has been accused of luring under age women for sex. more than a dozen brands, including louis the tall. and portia have severed ties with ruth. and they have been cause to him to be deported. both incidents have turned the spotlight on cases
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of sexual assault and misconduct in chinese workplaces. it's also given birth to the countries me to movement, which has been stifled by authorities in recent years. she concerns of sparking social unrest. the might, is women's rights activists who's detained in 2015 for protesting about sexual harassment on public transport. she says women working for chinese companies often suffer harassment and a force to drink during business events. barbara has a serious problem. i would say there's a culture of hunting women are using women as sexual resources. this phenomenon also exists in many of the big companies state enterprises and even n g o c d 's. in recent years, china has introduced laws dealing with domestic violence and sexual misconduct, but active estate the poorly defined and difficult to enforce police often reluctant to interfere with what are traditionally seen as private matters. alibaba
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says it's reviewing company guidelines and has set up an emergency hotline for employees. right. group say they hope the alibaba and chris were scandals will encourage more victims to come forward and for employers to change their work cultures. katrina, you all to 0 dating. so i had honest news from london, you say no, you didn't get the emotions boy over as anti vaccine protest. this clash with health work is in cape town. toxic waste, cutting through one of italy's most picturesque regions, links to organized crime. and in for magic, this is the bounce back from the opening loss. we'll have more on that later in the program. ah
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hello. their extreme heat across southern europe in recent weeks has helped fuel wildfires in the region. and the latest one, which is burning in the south of france is at risk of spreading as strong changing winds kick in this weekend. now. hut and why conditions persist across the south on sunday, but up in the north, it is looking wet and windy a thanks to a weather system that swirling to the east. so we're going to see some heavy rains for the netherlands, for belgium, for germany, and across the our region. we could see some flooding and those rains are going to intensify across poland, the czech republic and austria into next week. but for scandinavia, it's fina and why a much of that wet weather has pushed off to the east. and as we look to the southeast for greece, it does dry up though we are seen some stronger winds kick in across the islands for southern parts of italy. it's hot and dry up in the northwest, seeing the wet weather and the remains hot and dry for southern areas of france,
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which is fueling those wild fires. but we are really seem to heat build across the iberian peninsula. we're expecting the temperature in court about to peek up to 40 degrees celsius on monday, and we will see plenty of sunshine with that. that should weather update the news more than 10 years after the global financial crisis. you've taken home more than $480000000.00 . your companies now bankrupt our economies in the state of crisis. i have a very casey question. this is their last home the us held responsible. i will be fabulously wealthy and i will not take any price for it. thank you. lloyd, the man who still the world on al jazeera. the latest means as it breaks down the north of doing the best job they can. we've seen one water to
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teen at wells far further detail covering government since the taliban is relying on human shields and losing people shot them home from around the world. the price tag to the toko games have officially felt $15000000000.00 that already the most expensive summit games ever stage. me. a. i look at the main story now on the reports of up to 4 people crushed to death. as afghans desperately try to leave that country, that you is saying it's mathematically impossible to evacuate everyone by the
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august 31st deadline. as taliban prepared to appoint you government enough can it's done. it's political. she's up to connie bar, dar has returned to the country or has a sense of normality resuming and couple with more people on the street than many offices. reopening. and are all the headline this hour a week after a powerful of quite killed, more than 2000 people in haiti. homeless the live is, are still waiting for government help. they are living in make shift tense on monday football ground. or more in our top story now, and i'll just there is charlotte. dallas has spoken exclusively with abduct hardballs here from the taliban cultural commission. groups 1st official interview since it took over couple a week ago. all is, well, i will, i will miss. well, i don't care how bulky revealed his face to the 1st time on tuesday. at the tele bonds food press conference, he translated the spokesman, debbie, hullo, much ahead. but remains without an official title. his role is one of many still to
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be decided in the new government consultations or ongoing. and of course it is going to be an inclusive system. he said the talks include whether the capital will remain in couple or move to the groups. birthplace of kandahar loki acknowledged a couple. a port remains a flash point. blaming the you know, states for rushing to evacuate thousands of people. we talk then we have a relationship, a working relationship of with the americans about the security arrangement. and the outside check posts are in our control and insight as under the control of the united states forces and then constant contact with one another. he acknowledged a lack of trust between people and cargo and the taliban. blaming it on the distance created.
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