tv [untitled] August 25, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm AST
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with detailed coverage, the government themselves are still too risky to send all the children back. not only for them from around the world, hundreds of children have been born to women, abused by fighters. in addition to social pressure can only carry their religion if both parents are v i this is al jazeera ah, hello, hello raman. you are watching the out there a news life my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. desperate to get out of on his thumb. evacuations, pickup pace, as country scramble to fly out troops and civilians before this month's deadline. the sooner we can finish the better 3 to leave comes as us president joe biden refuses to delay the withdrawal saying that the risk of attacks against foreign
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soldiers also, algeria cuts, ties with morocco because of what it calls ha style actions against this, the moroccan government says the move is unjustified. also the legal battle for indigenous people in brazil and what it could mean for other tribes of their ancestry land about the same as with the sports 23 time grand slam champion. serena williams pulls out of next week for us open with a tune hamstring. ah, welcome to the usa. western powers rushing to flower, the citizens and vulnerable afghans from cobble airport. britain says it lead every hour up to the august 31st deadline for foreign troop withdrawal. from says its mission may finishes alias. thursday on tuesday us president joe biden refused requests by g 7 allies for an extension to that deadline. insisting that forces
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must pull out to prevent the risk of attacks. the taliban takeover has prompted the world bank to freeze its 8 payments to correspond. it says the armed groups, new position will impact development, especially for women and the welfare programs as a combination of drought conflict. to cope with 19000000 vaskins consumed phased elevation if the global leaders don't act quickly. or we have several correspondence covering these developments. our white house correspondent can be healthy to standing by washington, d. c. she'll have more on the pressure that biden is facing. the baba is in london . news brought concentra will bring us the latest on the u. k. europe's evacuation efforts. professor scott over charles struck, but who's actually in i've got some in the capital cobble of course, we've been talking about this impending deadline just days away. now. charles and the pressure mounting. the tension to i presume it's very much the case. a hail. yes. the closer we get to this deadline, the more. busy panic stricken the thousands of people waiting outside the airport
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because we had a team on the southern gates of the port a couple of hours ago. they describe roofs a scene of kale taliban doing their best to keep people back, but firing in the air using water, hoses and tear gas crowds running out of those clouds of 2 guys. one lady telling the team that she had all the paperwork and she was legitimate in her plight to get out according to the kind of requirements that the us and nato are needing. but she said that things are being made difficult by many people who are going there. just taking a punt, if you like. so desperate to get out, even though they don't have the paperwork. but she said that she was willing to take a bullet or risk taking a bullet if it meant she could get on one of these planes. meanwhile, the northern gate to the porch, evidence of the top of on sticking to what they said they were going to do
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yesterday, that press conference by trying at least to keep people the way they've set up a check point, about 5 kilometers back from the northern gate, the northern gate is an area where we've seen some of these immense crowds in recent days, sporadic violence about 20 people killed in this crisis, started with the taliban at that check point. not allowing anybody to go through without either a foreign passport, a visa or some sort of official invitation. and it's a similar scenario at the eastern gate as well. another checkpoint by the taliban set up there. so yes, the situation increasingly tense, thousands of people trying still to get out and seemingly not believing the taliban problem is that they will be no reprisals against people who have worked for nato. will forward organize since or the foreign media in the past. those thousands of people outside the airport simply don't believe that indeed because the taliban
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press pound a, getting a little bit more frustrated, perhaps with their own position. they're trying to run a country now as they see it. but that sort of channels of finance are being squeezed. you need money to run the country. that's right. and this country is in dire straits and has been for a long time round, 50 percent of the population live under the poverty line. and as you say, you've had now the i m f, the world bank saying noble funding for the time being. you've got around $9000000000.00 in afghan money. an assets that the u. s. is frozen in banks in the u. s. so some people are even talking of a catastrophic situation in the coming months. and when you speak to afghans about it, in the context of what's happening down there, the f, all these new lines coming from western institutions and western governments now
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blocking access to bombs. they seeing it as a betrayal, and they were also using language like this is collective punishment for crimes. we never committed charles for the update. thanks very much, charles trots of the 4th in cobble. while the german trans langler medical says that the new reality and have done his phone is a better one, but her government will have to work with it. meanwhile, the british foreign minister dominic rob says the evacuations will continue right up until the last minute of august. the 31st. let's get morning from the dean barbara, he's in london, nice sentra nadeem of course. the u. k. really foreign minister saying it's going to go straight down to the wire. absolutely, and although the government insist they are still pulling out all the stops to get everybody evacuated, who are on the list, were desperately trying to get through those gates that charles is talking about and get onto an evacuation flight. the british media now are reporting defense
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sources here is saying that there are still 2000 interpreters and other afghans who worked with british forces was still waiting to be evacuated. now just a few hours ago, dominic rob the foreign secretary gave a radio interview where he basically admitted some people would be left behind. he didn't, he didn't, he said he didn't know how many that would be that depended on the window in terms of timings as to when the military planes actually stopped bringing out civilians. so he saying that they're waiting on. busy a definitive answer from the military as to how long vail me to get troops and equipment out at the end of all of this. it's a reminder of how rushed and how kale take, but also how distressing it is for thousands of people in cobble and trying to make it to the port. in kabul, we're already hearing from governments like the polish government who say they've now ended their evacuation flights. because of safety fears, the french government,
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anything that they could stop on thursday and in germany, the media were reporting that it could be wednesday. the final evacuation flight y america was speaking in parliament a while ago. she did not confirm that a toll, but she did say that right now, the immediate priority is continuing to make every effort to get people out of afghanistan is definitely if you want us to, we will continue the evacuation operation for as long as possible in order to also make it possible for our guns who worked with us for security freedom, the rule of law development to leave the country. so i'm going to myrtle, said august the 31st next tuesday must not be the end of efforts to get people who need to get out of afghanistan and out of the country by whatever means. she has been talking about intensive discussions going on with the taliban. and other
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partners about the possibility of using a civilian operated airport for further flights beyond next week. she's also stressed the need for international cooperation on helping people with humanitarian needs inside afghanistan. but also helping neighboring countries such as iran and pakistan to cope with refugee flows that he bought in london. thanks very much. let's go to whitehouse. correspondent, kimberly how get chosen from washington d. c. and can be really the pressure on president by them from home and abroad in terms of that final withdrawal date and the clock ticking away. yeah. and the pressure is growing, particularly in the u. s. congress were members of congress are increasingly arguing for an extension of that august 31st deadline. the latest include one member of the president's own democratic party, as well as a republican member of congress who made
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a secret overnight trip to afghanistan. the members of congress are molten and peter meyer. both of them are veterans of the u. s. military and well, their trip itself has been controversial. they have been highly critical of the by the administration said that their trip was necessary to conduct oversight. and what they say has been nothing short of the debacle in terms of this evacuation. both men have been highly critical saying that this is something that would have been entirely avoidable. there is no way they believe that all of the vulnerable app, as well as american citizens, can make it out by the august 31st deadline. and they continue to argue that this should be a deadline but is extended. but i can tell you the white house standing firm on this deadline of august 31st saying it is on pace to get everyone who needs to be out or wants to be out in time. still, the biden administration saying that there are contingency plans being drawn up by
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the pentagon. should the taliban not cooperate and allow for the safe passage of people from the causal airport? so the white house is continuing to stick to the date of august 31st. even as a growing number of members of congress, including members of the president's own party, are arguing otherwise. kimberly okay, thanks so much for the update all white house correspondent back in washington dc. what we're joined now by julie norman. she's a lecturer in politics and international relations at the university college in london where she has, or such interest in preventing encountering violent extremism. josie via skype from london. mister ben, thanks very much for joining us on al jazeera. let's just go back a week or so perhaps 2 weeks with so many prisoners released from african prisons by the taliban in a sort of sweeping takeover of the country. one wonders whether they may have acted in haste and now have an ice full problem to deal with in the coming days.
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well, that is certainly a possibility. and in fact, i saw or islamic state has been acted in afghan at stan for over 5 years. now. they are considered arrival of the taliban that you have essentially been at war with initial battles in 2015 and again and 2017. so what we can expect is that as mom is state, will be trying to take advantage of what's essentially a security vacuum right now. there will be trying to take advantage of the taliban needing to move on to governance and trying to consolidate power in different ways . and you'll be looking to fill that vacuum with personnel on the ground as well as trying to bring in fighters and also resources from syria and iraq. so this is something that will be watching very closely. it's always very difficult thing to gauge who eyes the law where they all come from, how they're actually comprised. because, you know, you just mentioned like many of the analysts that come on 12 is there to talk about iceland, small pockets, focusing on certain areas. very difficult to pin them down. what sort of
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communication if any, do they have within no amongst each other to know where to regroup, to know where to go to know what type of target to, to focus on. as you said, yvonne mc state is very decentralized. 9 and the group that's called a k that operates in pakistan and afghanistan is essentially an offshoot of the atomic state that we've normally talked about in the past in syria and iraq. however, with that said, the group is looking to again, leverage their brand so to speak. right now they have always been very savvy with media, with social media, with twitter, with putting out kind of messages to their networks. so even though they often operate autonomy we, they will use moments like this to try and galvanize under that single banner to again recruit more people to come to the specific territory at this time. what is interesting at the moment is, as you just mentioned, a few moments ago,
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these 2 groups, i saw the taliban a been sworn enemies for many, many years fighting what they may have described to the public government. one supported by the west. that's gone now. and the taliban are in charge. so who are the natural enemies of isolate? well, and this is what we'll be watching to see how i respond to this new reality of having the taliban in charge rather than what they see as a foreign or western occupation. but again, i so has always tried to differentiate themselves from the taliban. they believe that the taliban is not extreme or hard line enough. they criticize the taliban for working with international governments and with international institutions. so they'll be trying to denmark them. so as the true the to college to should be the true leadership. and we can expect them to try and continue differentiate themselves from this taliban government and whatever any for whatever form it takes . you know, another d stabilize region in the world is not what the international community want. so
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where do iran and pakistan now sit on the state? they board each side of afghanistan, they have vested interests on either side of afghan to stand and they have had influence within afghanistan over decades. what do you think is going to be, you might say the outcome or the next move by to harass or islam about? well, the regional implications of this will certainly be unfolding and rather dramatic ways. and we'll be watching this closely for pakistan. again, it has had a somewhat supportive relationship with the taliban over the years, has allowed for movement back and forth over the border. and we can expect still some of their sympathies to exist, but also still kind of some watching out for some pragmatic interests around we can expect also to be taking advantage of this moment, especially as the taliban starts getting squeezed by the west with the world bank with the un, with the u. s. squeezing some of the other financial assets that we looking to
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actors like iran to support them and keep those resources and finances flowing. judy knowledge from university college london. thanks so much for joining us and for your insight. thank you. though thousands african refugees abroad so that they're facing even more uncertainty after the taliban take over bobby metal. but some of them in india's capital, new delhi here outside the united nations high commission for refugees. all un, it's the, are in use any more than a 1000. i've gone national movement, living in new delhi, have been on the side. they've been here protesting was treated day and night demanding the refugee agencies foster asylum claims. reset them and also guarantee them security people. enough canister may die one day because of the rule. we refugees and india feel like we die every day. it's like being imprisoned. yeah, just jot them out of the month. we'll stay here until life a. fill out a mind,
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even if it takes months, just like the union farmers have been protesting. we to, we'll keep sitting here. a protest has been growing up. i mean, i mentioned north side of the country on the u. n. a or a god. now did not recognize the muslim limited opportunity or even hundreds vaskins are trying to end of august on the token border crossing, but with new proper documents. many are stuck on another side. some have been very, how's this report from the pockets on afghanistan border from 3rd, from atlanta to sun. i've just entered the door on the box is fine. if i, this is the main border crossing between the 2 countries for trade and for people. as you can see, taliban fighters are manning all the border post across the country with
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neighboring countries, including central agents, states, market fun and iran. and these fighters have been telling us that they're allowing everyone to cross the border. now the problem here, as you can see, hundreds of people have been gathering every day since double came through the control of the taliban. on august the 15th, and these people have been trying to get inside pockets on the funny authority, say that they will only allow people who have the right documentation to make sure that no extremist element, no terrorist groups are no infiltration of blood funds and take need they said my family and kids are crossing package, john and we have been waiting at this border crossing for one week and will be here until were allowed to go as a truck to go back and forth, trying to earn a living in the area for humanitarian reasons, the soldiers have not been stopping them, but they've been carrying cigarettes and other things that they've been trying to smuggle across the border and make a quick buck. people have been thing the desperate not just to cross into august on
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for safety, but because they have tribal ties on either side of the line which divides the 2 countries and they want to visit their family. they want to go and meet people who ride the 2nd, who passed away, but so far, if they don't have the right documentation, they're not going to be allowed inside pocket 20 morehead hill. the i'll just have a news are including fuel those appointment vacancies and get back st. australians urge to get back to the cave at 19 and the government struggle to contain an outbreak in south africa. unemployment rate is the highest in the world. why does concern things get worse? it's a great start for england and the 3rd cricket test, again, india, the federal, have all of the action. australia's state of new south wales has set a new high for daily cove at 19 cases. and while thailand's death toll from the
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virus cross 10000, the vast majority coming in the last 4 months while the search comes a vietnam receives more vaccine help from the u. s. anti one starts using its own job for the virus scan. hiler has a regional roundup base from hancock. more than half of australia is 25000000 people are in lockdown. hospitals in its largest city sydney, are under severe pressure as its home state of new south wales sets. a new daily covered 1900 infection record of 919 this after 2 months of lockdown, health officials emphasizing the way to counter the surge is through vaccination. the solution easy now, and i urge every one in those local government areas who have access to that vaccine to feel those appointment vacancies and get a vaccine. if we get those high levels, the modeling shows, we will change the reflective and we will see a decline in cases neighboring state. queensland has paused arrivals from declared
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hotspots including new south wales. i think so se quarantine hotels are full across the tasman new zealand has reported the highest number of cases in its delta outbreak. most cases are in auckland, but the entire country isn't locked down. it's stepping up what's been criticized as a slow vaccination rollout. nobody wants to be in lockdown, and the beast way that we can return to enjoying the freedoms that we have paid for much of the last year is to get very high levels of vaccination. the hospitals in japan are also struggling with a search of new infections brought on by the highly transmissible, self variant. 90 percent of tokyo's, critical care beds are occupied. the country has expanded its state of emergency to 8 more prefecture, is making a 21 in total. that'll cover nearly half of all japan's prefix years. and despite restricting movement in vietnam's largest city hotel, men in july covered 1900 infections have continued to climb. soldiers have been
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deployed to enforce harsher curbs implemented this week. hope human has accounted for half a vietnam's total covered 1900 cases and about 80 percent of the depths on her visit to hanoi. on wednesday, us vice president common harris announced the united states will be donating $1000000.00 doses of the pfizer vaccine. only 1.8 percent of people in vietnam are fully vaccinated in taiwan this week, present sign when launched the role of a domestically developed cove at 1900 vaccine. she received her 1st dose of the medicine jap that was given emergency approval by regulators last month. it uses a piece of covered 19 to trigger the body into mounting an immune response. the move prophet strong opposition within the medical and scientific community because large scale and long term studies were bypassed. for the 1st time since may, no new domestic cases were reported in taiwan. on wednesday, 40 percent of the islands population has received at least one dose of a covered 1900 vaccine. scott, either al jazeera bangkok basing has called on washington to avoid politicizing the
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corona virus pandemic. it follows us media reports that intelligence agencies are finished an investigation into its origins. the classified report is set to be conclusive in part to, to a lack of information from china. katrina, you has more beijing. we don't have any details as to what's inside the c i a report, but o. ready? beijing is on the defense and working to discredit the report before its findings are made public. today on wednesday, china's foreign ministry held a special media briefing, and during that briefing the far news re spokesperson food song accused the us of politicizing, the investigation into the origin of the court of ours. it said that washington was simply trying to shift the blame and point fingers add pages to distract from the u . s. as or failed handling of the pandemic. now a ton of foreign ministry spokesperson and chinese officials have also been taking
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the opportunity to promote their or infringe theory as to the origin of the virus saying that it could have originated in a u. s. lab one that's called fort detrick's in the state of maryland. now during this briefing, food song, the spokesperson himself admitted that this was an unlikely possibility. and that paging was only pushing this because of the u. s. itself pushing its own assertions, south africa unemployment rate, as his record high, 34 percent with more than 7800000 people. jobless or concerns, a level of employment will only get worse with africa as economy severely affected by the current of ours pandemic. for me, the miller has more from johannesburg, despite being african most industrialized economy. so africa has had an unemployment rate of moving 20 percent. so the last 2 decades. and now it's at its worst at the 24.4 percent. that africa last more than half
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a 1000000 more jobs in the 2nd quarter of this year, taking the total number of unemployed to 7800000 people. and they are concerned that unemployment grateful only worse than as the year continues. so africans, now it's 5 hundreds, they all of a national lockdown because of the coven. 19 pandemic. many businesses have been badly affected, and more jobs have been lost. economists are concerned about the slow pace of recovery, and they say that if it's a job creation, most likely won't have an impact in the short term. as south africa continues to battle a shrinking economy. so africa, the economy is a really shrunk by at least 7 percent. adding to south africa's woes is large scale corruption, according to estimate it costs the country, at least the city $1000000000.00. it's severely impacted, state owned enterprises, the economy, as well as invest the confidence this is alexandra township in the north of johanna
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. and it's in communities like this, one poor community where the high number of job losses of the most. in july, there were riots and looting in alexandra and other places in the provinces of halting and was natal and the economic impact was devastating. many people lost their jobs. there are stores on the streets which remain close. people here shop owners trying to rebuild, but it will take some time, informal traders outside saying that their business has been decimated. they're not making less than half of what they made before. and they're struggling to make a living. they say they don't know when it will improve its estimates that south africa last at least $3000000000.00 due to that, andre. and while economists say they are the signs of economic recovery, it's woke up and they take some time. * before people in communities like this
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feels of benefit of that will face when to rick tablet kill straightly as new south wales jeff has the details in your world whether oh hello there. nice to see. we did have a weather bomb or pretty close to it's in australia. so what that is is an area of low pressure that deepens within a certain period of time. think the deeper the low, the more intense it is. and we can see it expanding here. just off the coast of new south wales generating cyclic when so we saw top speed 130 kilometers per hour. we say cyclic winds because these are the types of wind speeds we would expect to see with this cycle. so ruth ripped off of homes and thousands of people were without power because of winds that powerful bulk of the energy out toward the tasman. see just swing in whether it's award victoria, south, australia, windy still, but nothing like we've seen over the last that a while. rain is filling in across the south island of new zealand. eventually making it toward the northland island by the weekend,
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but not as bad as hard hit as south island south. east asia. heaviest concentration of rain will be across the southwest portion of borneo on thursday. bring you up to speed with the weather story in asia pacific. what is left of what was a tropical depression? oh mice now pushing out toward the pacific. it's dry across the korean peninsula, but that will change by friday, sol high, 28 degrees. that sure weather update, we'll see you soon. and the drill still had here on out. there are the us top court rejects the vitamin ministrations attempt to enter immigration policy. the false to find them see cause to wait in mexico while i cases for process and the toxic relationship. we look at how organized crime groups have turned romania into europe . dumping ground power. lim, hinz morling, cobble and have been taken to a safe place according to the take your games organizes pito have that story in school. so to stay with the officer and
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a the venezuela, columbia has become a stomping grounds for trespasses, as desperate people transgress an illegal passage to feed an emerging fuel trafficking market. we follow the perilous journey unguarded through the line of fire, risking at all and his wayland columbia on al jazeera. ah, they wanted 43000000 pounds worth of weaponry. that was 6000000000 pounds in commission. there was no hope of any more because there's always a small car. most people for really, really good live in athens. we in the united states have privatized the
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ultimate public function war shadow on al jazeera. oh, a book about kill watching the out there. a news with lisa whole romney reminder of all top stories. the united kingdom says it will need every remaining hour until the end of this month to complete evacuations from i've done this on. the us says that i left is on trying to meet the august 31st deadline. well, front says its mission could be ending as early as thursday. president obama has also refused requests from us online to delay troops withdraw.
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