tv [untitled] August 25, 2021 10:00pm-10:31pm AST
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briefly i'll try to be as brief as possible to think on the numbers of the american citizens. does it? does that include green, cardholders, healthy, ours, and if it doesn't, or does it know it? you know, it does, it does. okay, is there a way to get these a number? hospital ok, but have l. p r's also been contacted? you know, and what about the applicants? people who are we are we are in contact when we get number, all of those things out. if you don't, and then i'm sorry. okay, i don't expect you that all of them. but then, you know, since this whole thing began, there's been a lot of criticism of the administration or over how it handled it. and there's been a lot of pushback from people within the administration about the hand that you were basically don't or what you say you were dealt by the previous administration in terms of the deal. ready with taliban in terms of the s id program in terms of the broad refugee program. but you guys have been in office for almost 8 months. it's been 5 months since the presence decision was made. is there anything about the
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shortcomings that have been so readily identified? by all sorts of people that you guys are actually willing to take responsibility. ready for yourselves, thanks, matt. let me say 2 things. first with regard to the numbers in these different categories. as you've seen by how i've laid out how we get to the numbers of americans, this is both incredibly complicated and incredibly fluid. any number i give you right now is likely to be out of date by the time we leave this briefing them. so what we're doing is very carefully tabulating everything. we have cross checking it referencing it using different databases. we will have numbers for all those different categories in the days ahead and after this initial phase of efforts to bring people afghan to stand ends. and with regard to the 2nd part of your question about taking responsibility i take
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responsibility. i know the president has said he takes responsibility and i know all of my colleagues across government feel the same way. and i can tell you that there will be plenty of time to look back at the last 6 or 7 months to look back at the last 20 years. and to look to see what we might have done differently. what we might have done sooner. we might have done more effectively, but i have to tell you that right now. my entire focus is on the mission at hand. and there's going to be, as i said, plenty of time to do an accounting of this. when we get through that mission or, or editor, could you speak today about the us embassy in cobble, whether it will remain or american diplomat for made in cobble after the military withdrawal on the 31st. and also more broadly, you know,
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we're already seeing women being repressed in afghanistan by the taliban. people being attacked, intimidated, being kept from getting to the airport. i'm wondering if you can give us any concrete examples of steps that the united states is going to take to assure the applicants and other high value, or i'm sorry, high target, high risk africans, that they're not going to be forgotten. when the united states military leave with regard to our diplomatic engagement, we're looking at a series of options and i'm sure we'll have more on that in the coming days of weeks. but we're looking at a variety of options. and as i said earlier, particularly because the effort to bring out of afghanistan, those who want to leave does not end with the military evacuation plan. on the 31st, we are very focused on what we need to do to facilitate the, the further departure of people who wish to leave afghanistan. and that is
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primarily going to be a diplomatic effort, a counselor effort, an international effort. because other countries feel exactly. exactly the same way . and i've tried the 2nd part of your, your question. is there any concrete step? oh yes, i'm sorry. you can give to people who are very worried right now, understandably about whether they're just going to be forgotten left behind, disappeared once the united states withdraw this military and can no longer protect their safe passage to the airport or their other livelihood. the short answer is no, they will not be forgotten. and as i said, we will use every diplomatic economic assistance tool at our disposal, working hand in hand with the international community. first and foremost, to ensure that those who want to leave afghanistan after the 31st are, are able to do so as well as to deal with other issues that we need to be focused on. including counterterrorism and humanitarian assistance and expectations of
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a future afghan government. i mentioned a few moments ago that we got 114 countries around the world to make clear to the taliban, the international expectation that people will continue to be able to leave the country after the military regulation effort ends. and we certainly have points of incentive and points of leverage with a few traffic and government to help make sure that, that, that happens. but i can tell you, again from, from, from my perspective, the president's perspective, this effort does not end on august 31st. it will continue for as long as it takes to help get people out of atkinson who wish to leave. what's your level of competence today that the taliban will actually abide by some of these requirements and expectations that the international community is put on it. i'm not going to put a percentage on it. i could just tell you again that the taliban has made their own
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commitments. they've made, made them publicly. they've made them privately. and again, i think they have a very strong self interest in acting with a modicum of responsibility going forward, but they will make their, their own determination next day. thank you. but the town and right now, focusing on the mission right now are not living up to their commitments. people are being stopped to trying to get into the airport. i'm talking about, you know, women, these others, african people with papers and they're being stopped outside the airport. now they were total bottlenecks which seem to right the level of what the president said were they contingency contingencies. if the child that is not complying and the flow can continue loading planes, but some things are leaving without and some people are people who have private planes waiting for them with landing rights, but can't get into the airport as well as beyond the s i. d. 's, there are lawyers,
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there are judges, women, lawyers, judges, educators, we've told them for 20 years. you can live up to your potential, and now they feel abandoned. and then finally, like to ask you about the local hires. we evacuated our embassy and there have been cables back then. i know you must be familiar with your teams. are of people who feel completely betrayed. and these are thousands of people that we rely on, and embassies, embassies around the world. the message is going forward that we will not be loyal . they were not told about the evacuation. they were not put on those choppers with our american staff. and they were forced, many of them to find their own way through the chat, then checkpoints may get turned away at the airport. some even got turned away once they were inside. so what is the message to people working for the us government? veterans groups are angry about vs ivy's and then there are all the millions of
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african women who have told their daughters and been raised under this promise of a future which the taliban already, according to investor revere today is to or, or deny they were horrifying. examples from provinces and from inside couple of people being targeted door to door, people in safe houses being thought out. and all this promise of you will be safe that had been spoken said, stay in your home is because we haven't told all of our people how to treat women, how to respect women. they also say you can go to school. you can work as long as you comply with should be a law which under their interpretation is the most extreme example of islamic code that is seen anywhere in the world and a few things. first of the $82000.00 plus people who suffer. i've been evacuated
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about 4546 percent, who have been women and children. and we've been intensely focused, particularly on making sure that we can get women at risk out of out of harm's way . second, with regard to women and other afghans at risk going forward, we will use i will use every diplomatic economic, political and assistance tool at my disposal, working closely with allies and partners who feel very much the same way to do everything possible to uphold their basic rights, and that's going to be relentless focus of our actions going forward locally employed staff along with american citizens. nothing is more important to me as secretary state than to do right by the people who have
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been working side by side with american diplomats in our embassy. and i can tell you andrea, that we are relentlessly focused on getting the locally employed staff out of afghanistan. and out of harm's way. and let me leave it at that for now. problem. what else? the more fundamental questions about the top on your spokesperson indicated in recent days, that de facto the telephone are in charge and cobble. but there is no legal recognized government by the united states at this moment. and it kind of begs the question, why does the united states even have to pay attention to what the taliban wants? it's an f d g t. it's sanctioned by many organizations. it's already losing access to
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afghan government resources because of its past and current behavior. why should the united states even care what the total of on wants to be done at the airport, or frankly, anywhere else in the country since they are not in the us? his eyes a legally recognized government. thank you. thank you. our focus right now is getting our citizens and getting other our partners, afghan partners through country partners who've been working in afghanistan with us, out of the country and to safety. and for that purpose. first, the, the taliban, whether we like it or not is in control, largely in control. the country certainly control is the city of trouble. and it's been important to work with them to try to facilitate mature the departure of all
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those who want to leave. and that has actually been something that we've been been focused on for from the beginning of this operation. because as a practical matter, it advances our interests. the 2nd. we've been engaged with the taliban for some time, diplomatically going back years and efforts, as you know, to try to advance a peaceful settlement of the conflict in afghanistan. there are still talks and conversations underway. even now between the taliban and former members of the african government with regard for example, to a transfer of power and some in facility in the future government. and i think it's in our interest where, where possible to support those efforts going forward. we will judge our engagement with any taliban lead government in afghanistan based on one simple
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proposition, our interests and does it help us advance them or not. if engagement with the government can advance the enduring interest, we will have and in counterterrorism. the enduring interest will have in trying to help the asking people who need humanitarian assistance in the enduring interest we have and seeing that the rights of all afghans, especially women and girls, are propelled then we'll do it. but fundamentally, the nature of that engagement and the nature of any relationship depends entirely on the actions and conduct of the taliban. if a future government upholds the basic rights of the african people, if it makes good on its commitments to ensure that afghanistan cannot be used as a launching pad for terrorist attacks directed against us in our lives and partners
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. and in the 1st instance, if it makes good on its commitments to allow people who want to leave afghanistan to leave, that's a government we can work with. if it doesn't we will make sure that we use every appropriate tool at our disposal to, to isolate that government. and as i said before, that's going to stand will be a prior watching out just era and the tail end of alive briefing from antony blink in the us. secretary of state who's been talking at length about the delays, the dangers and the bottlenecks, and evacuating thousands of people from kabul, airport blink, and said that you're not going to faces aggressively reaching out to remaining 1000 us possible holders in the country. the forces that were operating in a hostile environment with a very real risk of an icy s k. that's i see enough kind of stand attack. he said that despite the 31st of august, pull out something they bought in administration have been firmly sticking by
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efforts to get all us citizens, 3rd country, nationals and african allies. out past august the 31st would continue. the said the taliban had give assurances or commitments both publicly and privately. so that would happen if they don't stand by those promises. he said appropriate action would be taken, afghanistan will become a pariah date. and so if we use of, we heard the, the massive evacuation effort and cobble apple continues, but panic is growing as thousands of people try to access flights before next tuesday. us of the allied forces of now flown more than 88000 people out of afghanistan since the taliban took over. but some foreign military have already started to leave. as the operation enters is final phase charlotte bellis report. some couple. the count on is on as the us and foreign courses. now i only have until tuesday to get out and what that means. the end of evacuation like from here
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outside the airport, there is people rush, see if they can get on a flight. we understand your with and the telephone have a deal that the telephone are only allowed to make people who have torn past pieces and you have paid didn't. was it going to have an i'm here without documents because a lot of people that went to the u. s. on evacuation flights were civilians. so i thought of civilians are going and i served in the army. i should be eligible to go to got to got an offer on the father of everybody's going. so i'm going to my house that won't leave me alone. my wife says get down there. why are you so lazy? i leave the house every day. so my wife stopped hastily in a way to control the crowd and try to figure this out. they've been looking for gables paperwork at different locations around and then putting them on the sauces . these people are actually about to be on the slide and they have prioritize to get through. and in the meantime, they are trying to control the crowds and keep people back wanting to the fossil
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can come through. doing that just by shooting guns in the air, by using water cannons and by beating people to push them back close to the gate 3 times, but because of gunshots and shouting, it makes everyone scared. since i'm a woman, i don't have the courage to push past them. i'll do my best to get out. even if i get shot, i will continue trying to get inside the airport. that's. now the telephone. say that anybody who wants to get through and wants to leave and has the paperwork that would allow them on the flight can do so. but they also tell us they hurt people. they say that these people, many of them who are highly skilled, would be an asset to the country going forward and that they hope that they say. but in the meantime, with only 6 days left for the flight at the end. and we know that the numbers number of flights will be crazy going because that countries on and a lot of these people are trying to get through it into the airport today. thing
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with that kind of stuff. let's pre k, i been deal about here who's electra of transitional justice at the american university of afghanistan. he joins us now live via skype from kabul. thank you very much for your time. firstly, very soon, the world's eyes, the international gaze will shift pops very slowly away from afghanistan when the final flights leave koppel airport. what will life look like? do you think for you and those close to you? thank you for having me. the apprehensions are real, with regards to the pilot, bon exercising retro active duty of justice, one the international communities. i turn away from upon this bond, but we are hoping that what we heard from anthony blink and the rest of the united states administration, that they will keep using their leverage and the incentives that they have to offer to the bond with regards to international legitimacy for an ead and relief of
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sanctions, those can be a continuous process. we hope that at the back of the pile of bonds mines is the idea that recognition can be revoked. that sanctions can be re imposed, that foreign aid can be seized. so all of those are things that can continuously be used to apply pressure and make sure the taliban continued to comply to the promises that they have meet so far. given the fact that most countries have retained some presence in kabul, keeping the embassies that will bit with skeleton stuff for the time being. what can be gained? you think from communicating with taliban diet directly? where do we go from here? what role is there for the international community? when it comes to the ton of a why do you have to set us an understanding? the major feeling we are with regard to negotiations is the communication off expectations. so oftentimes,
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2 opposing parties don't know what the other and expects of them so that rationality is very limited from time to time. so it's very important to engage with the taliban and to communicate with them as to what are the expectations. what is the recognition or the condition on and for them to understand exactly what the red lines are. and again, this is an opportunity for the tyler bond with regards to conflict transformation. once you enter a post conflict society, you have the opportunity to rebuild to recreate a society, 3 of the flaws that existed before. and one of the major gaps here is the gap of trust. again, the pilot one cannot hold people hostage if they want their skills. they need to establish a government soon because they need to give people a counterfactual. you know, people are trying to go abroad, but they need to have come to factual in a plan is done to stay for they cannot stay for an unknown future that is full of fear of retribution. so taliban really need to start addressing these points if
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they hope to stop these people from leaving willingly over della bye here speaking to us live for a couple via skype. thank you. thank you for having me. ah, brazil supreme court is expected to deliver a landmark ruling on tribal lands. indigenous people fear it could lead to their ancestral lands being taken away, opening up space for commercial, farming and mining. as monica carr reports from brazilian thousands of indigenous people have set up a protest camp. these come from all over the country, wearing the beads and feathers of 170 different indigenous groups. more than half of those in brazil chanting and praying, each in their own language in the hope the supreme court who hear their voices.
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it's the largest indigenous gathering in the capital, brazil you, since $988.00. that's when the countries democratic constitution was approved. giving native brazilians the right to reclaim and several lands. but they're back again, fearing those rights will be curtailed. this week, the supreme court is expected to make its ruling law would, at least it's allowed dispute between the shock, like people who claim territories and the southern state of santa caterina, and people who say they have no rights because they weren't buying those lands in 1088 of the constitution was util. set a juris, prudish for hundreds of defending cases where he got sold. fisher glenn chieftain says setting a time limit is unconstitutional and unfair to my part. we were living in our land in 1988 because we had, we stayed, there would have been exterminated. now we have been hunted down by the land owners,
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so they put a price on their stuff. they paid to kill us and asked them to bring our ears as proof reveals indigenous groups have forever been at risk from land abs, eagle, mining and lodging. and the se attacks have increased and strayed both. so now became president with him, promising to stop creating reservation and further exploit the amazon rain forest there, hoping the supreme court ruling will protect them. go right now to monica. you had a kid who's outside the supreme court and brazilian monica, all the tribes hopeful, of a successful resolution from the courts. yes, and there are, there are a lot of expectation here. these are people that have come some from nearby, but song i have taken like 5 days to get here. some have to get can only arrive here taking boats and then buses. so they all are here right now on the side,
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the supreme court and their expectation is that the supreme court makes a decision. today, sometime the sooner the better. because while there is an in definition about whether they have rights or they don't pension on the ground, is growing the land grabbers the miners, the farmers, they feel empowered and present able. so nato has empowered them by saying that he will not them or k one single millimeter of indigenous lands anymore. so we're standing there right now. there's the supreme court, which was, which is right behind me here, which should have started debating this class. this issue now, it postponed it some hours because it is now discussing whether brazil central bank should be all should have autonomy or not. and when that's over, then they're going to discuss this issue. so it might happen today later on. it may
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happen tomorrow, but the people that are here say they will stay here until the end of monica. is it all just about land, or is there more to that protest? there's also the environment. the fact that these reservations, they're getting there. they're being founded by, by legal minors, as i said, loggers and what happens is like rivers are being poisoned so they can't really fish even if it, if they're not protected reservation. and they, so they say that they would protect the force they would protect these lands, they were protect nature if the constitution protected their rights. so this is in discussion. president wilson has also been criticized for, for not defending the environment as that was expected. when again, the key of in brasilia, thank you or us intelligence agencies are reportedly said to release an
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investigation into the origins of the corona virus. the classified report is set to be inconclusive on the source of the pandemic. in part, due to a lack of information from china, the chinese authorities of accused us of skate go to their country with suggestions of a laboratory, leak. cuban children age between 3 and 18 and taking part in clinical trials of the countries locally made cove in 1900 vaccine. now receiving that 3rd dose of sober into one of 3 vaccines developed in cuba. it's the only latin american country to have developed its own and not kill ation, but it's not yet recognized by the world health organization. china is the only nation so far to allow vaccinations for children as young as 3. israel is authorized it from the age of 5 israeli soldiers and palestinian protest. so faced off again, the border with gaz. i'm at least 14 people have been injured during demonstrations
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against israel blockade of the gaza strip. the latest violence took place shortly after the funeral of a palestinian man. he died of being wounded by israeli fire during a protest on saturday. romania has become a dumping ground for large quantities of illegal waste from across europe. government officials in the country of told al jazeera, the criminal organizations have made it a big business. while one environmental prosecutor says the situation is a serious of drug trafficking and re simmons report from bucharest. this site was registered as a recycling center, yet it became a mountain of waste mixed with building rubble ignored by local authorities for more than 10 years. until now, i think a lot of plastic domestic waste may be induced waste. in that part, the new head of romania is national environment agency,
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octavian. but chombo knew nothing about it until sewage pipes beneath the tip collapsed a few weeks ago, flooding a suburb of bucharest, aside from the acrid stench and the colossal scale of his tip and others like it. romania now has an even bigger problem with illegal waste. go east to the black sea port of coast time to and rubbish is a criminal commodity with millions of dollars. and a determined prosecutor here is taking on the car, sells the model for problem of illegal waste trafficking is compatible with the drug trafficking to doing its faces. an overwhelming challenge, but he did smash warner de should plan to import a shipment of toxic waste from italy, so called business men were involved and they attempted to bribe local officials, way bills from other european consignments, like these sho, recycling sentences destinations. but instead they go to basic considerations,
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sites all landfill dumps pollution on a big scale. this is part of one consignment from the u. k. host of cop 26, the un global warming summit due in november need. so says the u. k is incorporating enough on getting prosecutions. i wish to have more collaboration of from the barbara for video chart or it is where fighting against and be crimes. and you know, any crimes regarding not romania and not going to be time in my opinion. it's a huge problem for all the planet, octavio but john, who says his investigation team is poorly paid, and it faces intimidation from criminals. the boys in your family, your life. it's a problem to be put on the mound. but child who stands beside symbolizes a different era of ways. crime, you know, to wolf by matthew cartels, bribery,
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corruption here and overseas. and that's pollution. never seen before, coupled with inaction and apparent indifference in other european states. andrew simmons, al jazeera, bucharest, remember you can find much more all of our stories. the address is al jazeera dot com, more news in 30 minutes time, but 1st, the stream ah, top stories on our western countries are racing to evacuate. people from afghanistan with less than a weeks ago until all foreign troops leave thousands of afghans who fear taliban rule have been trying to enter cobble, airport years present. joe biden says, all the forces out by the end of august, the taliban of ers afghans to stay was saying those with permission to leave will be allowed to depart. was commercial flights resume for many afghans for.
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