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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2021 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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re, corruption here and overseas, and their pollution never seen before, coupled with inaction and apparent indifference in other european states. andrew simmons al jazeera, bucharest. i remember you can find much more in all of our stories. the address is al jazeera dot com. more news in 30 minutes time per 1st. the stream ah. top stories on our western countries are racing to evacuate. people from afghanistan with less than a week to go until all foreign troops leave thousands of afghan. sophia taliban rule have been trying to enter cobble airport years. president joe biden has ordered all forces out by the end of august. the taliban of urged afghans to stay was saying those with permission to leave will be allowed to depart with commercial flights. regime for many africans remain skeptical. charlotte,
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ballast has morphin cobble. the count on is on as the us and foreign forces. now you have until tuesday to get out. and with that means the end of evacuation like from here outside the airport, there are 2 people rush, see if they can get on a flight. we understand the you with and the telephone have a deal that the telephone are only about to let people who have torn past baez's and you have paid thousands of indigenous protest to have gathered in brazil's capital. as the supreme court passed a rule and a case, the could put the ancestral lands at risk because deficient could remove protective status from native land, opening them up to industrial farming and mining. the agri business lobby says land protection should apply if inhabitants were present in 1988th. that indigenous activists say they've been force of that territory. it's rarely
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soldiers to 5 tear gas and live ammunition to disperse. palestinian protest is garza's border. and these 14 people have been injured during demonstrations against israel blockade of the gaza strip. the fathers took place shortly after the funeral of a palestinian man. he died after being wounded by israeli fire during a protest on saturday. a 13 year old palestinian boy is in a critical condition in hospital and so isn't this railey officer. us intelligence agencies are reportedly set to release the investigation and the origins of the corona virus. the classified report is set to be inconclusive on the origins of the pandemic. in part, due to a lack of information from china, the chinese authorities of accused the us of state go to that country with suggestions of a la oratory league. while those, all the headlines, stay with us, the stream is next. don't go away. me.
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ah ah. ah. hi, i'm sammy. okay. on august the 14th a huge 7 point to earthquake, hit haiti today on the stream, we're going to check in to see how the cabin harvey nation is doing and what health and support does and does it need. if you actually on youtube right now, i want you to be part of this conversation. i know you've got thoughts and opinions and experiences comments. thanks dwight. they're waiting for you. be part of today's show. let us meet, i guess hello to talk to in a bad hello, natasha and john. nice to have you all hear from within haiti talking about the
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current situation. it's in a back. welcome back to this to remind you what you do. thank you. so it's been more than a week now. it's 11 days since $7.00 upgrade hit us haiti. and then we've been working here at the hospital, seeing patients and also working with other hospitals to address the new insurance. just to remind our audience, tell them from what you do and then i'm going to say hi to the other guest. before we get into what is currently happening, go ahead. don't tell us about your heart just briefly. so we're hospital is located in for the oblong and is that 220 beds also? providing general can't. so that's sort of model. okay,
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we'll come back to you just a moment. natasha. welcome to the stream. hello audience, who you are and what you do? yes. net this, i mean, hold on, i am the country director of patient help on de shan is an organization that has been in the area of jeremy grant for the last close to 40 years and of a main work is on health service delivery. we also do community development strategies as well as education right now we are in athens, mobilizing our team to respond to that. it's after i continue with the basic me the day today, the community. all right, very good. i will come back to you, john, home, and you would have seen his reporting on outreach for the last couple of days. john, we might want it to you on what i may. yes, i'm
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a correspondent with 0. i'm usually based in mexico. but as soon as we heard the earthquake, it hit, obviously we want to come here and cover it. so for the last week, i've been a fed in, in like high in the part of the region that the earthquakes affected with your, of a to, to get to a base the a now i'm input to print the capital. i'm going to show you why don't just mentioned like hi, it's right here, my laptop. this is like height here, and then i'm going to show you where the earthquake hit. they just remember that little point there on the map in haiti, which is quick for you one here. look at the intensity of the earthquake and i am guessing just about they're both in a bed is where you're sitting right now, right? right day, if you get a sense of how badly hit that southern part of haiti has been, if you could walk around right now and show us, what would we see? so if we can look around and see we would see
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a lot of so many on did the station that is not known for their work because muslim did happen in the most remote area. it's very difficult to access and yes, but again, we toward one ask for one of those places and we were really shocked by expense or asian. so in some areas or the houses are last and people are just living outside under like talks or like it's really a very complicated situation. natasha, how much of have been impacted, and we can see the southern part. absolutely. but all of haiti's, all of haiti be impacted by the earthquake. well,
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i will say that there are way areas that have been impacted directly while others have been impacted indirectly. so the area of the earth that you just showed a you can see where jeremy and i were actually in the yellow circle. and that's it was stated before. it may be the reason that why the world doesn't realize the level of devastation is precisely that, because there's no white bread. it's over the read apartments and nick, sued and graham van. and the thing with this 3 departments and they are very, very hard to reach area, the very mom and in nature and the landscape is very different. you have some landscape by the water, and then you have some landscape in very, very high mountains and incredibly so you have very small communities to live in and all of this territory and all of this area. and there are communities that,
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in essence, haven't even been re yet because again, the nature of the widespread nature of this earthquake. and then of course, the rest of the country is impacting by the, you know, the age beginning to arrive, and the transfer patients from prince to the south area and, and the complexity of all of that once you are right to the south. because some of the roads are just not passable. bridges that are down. so you can imagine the difficulty relative to the thought of rod a rate of impact community. so i'm a little 500 people and some as big as the city of chi. yes, impact got a lot of damage and our friends at the hospital benefits i doing wonderful work and
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we know what they are doing over there. john, i'm going to play a couple of trips of the haitians who have lost their homes. they are devastated off my plate, those crates. i'm really interested in the new the atmosphere, the people that you spoke to. let's start with the section 1st of all. because if i bonds it, it's the work of god. it is his will. when you spend your life saving over a long period of time to build a house and it is destroyed in the 2nd, given that i'm no longer young, i'm old. i then ask god, if i will have another opportunity to rebuild, i just don't know. she didn't budget enough off all i'm going. no community is ruined. homes are destroyed. we have seen victims. we need food and water. we haven't received any help. people are sleeping out doors when it rains. they got wet. there is nowhere to sleep. oh, yes, yes. yeah, that's really tough, isn't it?
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to hear these people, you know, saying that this is basically everything would go on in a moment. we actually went to one of the villages. it was really interesting to hear that they should talk about communities, a small ones that are affected because i think not just us, but there's a lot of media group here that were trying to get out to those communities. and we found one cool floor on which we talked to the head of the district. he said 90 percent of the buildings in that community had been destroyed. you much about facing me. every house there and it looked like it. we drove down the road and every house on that road pretty much with a few exceptions, was down and we stopped when we arrived at a building that was the school, the church, and the hospital for that community. it been around for 53 years since a christian lady who had a bill for them and, and it was gone in
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a heartbeat. and obviously that community was just devastated. but just as natasha and in a boat was saying that these communities, hard to get to because they're in the mountains, we had to go through a river that we managed to with. we bought full buy food, but it's not going to be easy for a lot of different vehicles to get that back to that community. so it's, it's destruction, not just in the cities, but in those smaller communities. that's a real, a real problem. there is something the different media group trying to highlight right now. john, you're younger from postway stuff. if you bring a crew with you, lisa is with you on your crew, and i've just been checking out his his instagram seat here in a very guilty anyway, you're going to recognize if this is a reality on the ground. haiti le chi football stadium has turned into a makeshift camp in a pulling conditions with no food,
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water and bathrooms. when it comes, police provide security, but they've taken a 2 way and never combat what to innovate. that yes, yes. this is actually what does have been in this light, but it's the conditions of many more people have been basically receiving attention from bad to the rest of the areas and some areas are asked. so we move that. so for even today, we still discovering people who got injured and they've never seen anybody to have them. so it's very difficult situation and people are in need of everything going from food to medical care. i'm wondering is actually what he's
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doing right. i asked that because i'm looking here, chef the haiti on my on my laptop, delivering food on motiv likes to taos outside of jeremy. that is one way to work out. the lack of access is we're just going to put the food on bikes and then bike it for that. it ingenuity in the face of dissolve the natasha. i don't want everyone to just walk away from this conversation. just we paying a wailing of what can we do? people all people trying. right. good. yeah, i have to fire this incredible ingenuity and creativity to resolve the issues. you know, going back to that terrifying, full or feel seen is, is just what we really have to try to avoid by coming out with solutions with the local people. the local people are really come in to get our thing, make this happen. so you call them a,
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with the people that are already on the ground or have been on the ground. they know who is school. they know their, their patients, there are no the member and the community, they know who the leaders and the community are annual, engage them with their resources, because then that also empower them with some, you know, financial assistance with the ability to really get the assistance out with possibly sometimes even the need, the police are making members of that community. so their community are going to accept that age coming in without any kind of an incident of binary or any age being stolen, etc. we are working with some partners on the grounds and central world history is one of those partner in fact, and that is in coordination with some help on jason. and we're getting very creative to make sure that this assistance truly the people that needed and avoid
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any of the kinds of stories that are common. now that the aid is just not getting to the people don't, i'm just going to pull into youtube comments here and i'm going to play a little clip from your reporting and then i'm going to come right back to you. all right, so you says i am haitian, thank you for being part of the program. when such event happen, haitian elite, and those corrupted politicians take advantage of those monetary and aid. and then it says the un muslim some investigations around those lead and corrupt politicians . interesting because you went to a press conference recently, the un deputy sexy general with their and i should politicians without. i'm not going to add the way that you dislike them. but they were there. and you asked them some quite difficult, challenging questions that heavily from those questions and then tell me what your experience was. how do you think the government is handling this current disaster? let's go to john asking those questions. one of the regions,
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it's been completely flattened. this last bill we went to last year and they said they haven't had any one from the government coming off of them made when they took he told them to white to that. why are they not getting a sooner since 98 percent of the houses are destroyed? but the prime minister chose not to answer the question, passing the might to his head of civil protection. we are formulating our response . evidently, we have some issues related to security, but we are doing our best to accelerate the process. we've already sent several convoys, but gradually we're going to step john. if you look happy, i've, nobody looked happy with those questions you often, but it seems me quite reasonable questions to ask. yeah, that was last friday when we had the prime minister in that, in that press conference or the laundry. and it was interesting that he passed the mike over there, know that he didn't want to take that question. and actually he'd been in
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a meeting before then talking to the organization of american states that i listen been to and he made this thing. so the point that this is with civil protection, there was handling this and all the way through on that week there seemed to be an impression that this was something that his own face and he perhaps didn't want to deal with. and the spirit had that he wanted another agency to deal with that. so i think that perhaps if you're watching that press conference and you saw about clip, you might wonder about the sort of leadership. now obviously the haitian government at the moment has its own problems because the president got assassinated just last month. so there's a whole political situation there. that's a very difficult one for the country right now. i suppose something else about that press conference as well and going on to another the, the head of civil protection that was talking about security, something that we haven't touched up much yet. and that's the fact the on the road, the only road really from the capital to the disaster area. there is a suburb of
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a pull to prince, a district called multi song, in which there's a real 2 gangs of really going to war over that place. now one of the questions i also asked in the press conference is, what are you doing in that district to try and make sure that a can get through. because especially when we 1st landed wanting to go through that because they worried about kidnappings and hijacking. now what the prime minister, he did answer that question. he said that situation is improved. we're working about produce it here. jeremy, the pond, who's a producer in hate. they actually went and asked one of the gang leaders in that district. is this true? have you made peace here? i'm one of the going to says yes, we have made peace with the other. going to let, let the aid get through the district. we then went there the day later, which we would never been able to do. this is a place where we went to police station, it's like a piece of swiss cheese. there's so many bullet holes in it and the law was forced
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out there a month back. but now the traffic is running again. we saw a lot of traffic going through there, so i suppose, as natasha so said, talking about silver lining fear. at least that problem, that security problem has, has been sort of alleviating through what we've heard from organizations on the ground is the another problem is that when it actually gets where it's needed, some people are so desperate, completely, understandably that it occasionally distribution. the aid is difficult of the trucks and people are just wanting to get it as quickly as possible. so maybe it doesn't get where it's most needed. so there's a real complex situation, but obviously the government has done something there. and the organizations are trying to handle it on a day to day basis to make sure things go for while we're on the topic of 8, i want to bring in the voice of timing. misha, j john, talking about n g o, the impact they have had on 80, or really the lack of impact they have had on haiti. data in a bear have
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a listen to this comment, and i would really like you to respond of the back of it. is truly a case of capitalism pushed to its logical conclusion in the caribbean. that is why it is the case in the span of a little bit over a decade. we can see 2 devastating earthquakes happened in the country. and despite the proliferation of n g o there, despite the influx of foreign capital and investment, their infrastructure has not improve their. instead, what we see is that today in the aftermath of the earthquake, where the amount of deaths and injuries are not fully, yet no haitians have to come out and make public please to the international community about which local haitian organization and other organizations are actually collecting fund materials to help haitian versus the proliferation of engineers that happen in haiti every time that there happens and those, and she was profit off of that disaster by not giving those funds over stations.
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yes. that, that big to their reality on their growing. yes, we've seen a lot of new and years every time does a disaster. so with new n g o is coming in and doing things and we're working with the local authorities and not being regulated and sometimes duplicating what is being done all what has been out there already. so wasting the rest of this. so we said that it's very important that the n g o are better with your data by the government. so most of them are not really helpful. # but
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yeah, those working closely to the haitian community, which other ones are making this very difficult for you, but i it's an important which ones are not helpful? yes, i know everyone's probably the wealthiest ones are the most money. got good gun scape, if you can. yeah, i've been working with the region to national for the last, almost 20 years. and i know that the nation has been working hand in hand with the local relation and also making sure that their needs expressed by them are their priorities are the actions. and we've been working in the health sector and we have a hospital or in southern have providing basically freak out the multiple people.
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so that's an in g o n z or is making a real difference saving lives than that we're storing out on a daily basis. i haven't done their research on other organizations to know how effective and i can't name one which is not effective. but i know that we have tons of engineers in the country if they were not as effective as have figured out in the ground out there. i think we will be, we won't be talking right now because you would have all the technology we have, the house building, the restructuring would have infrastructure in haiti. we wouldn't even be having this conversation. all right, let me just bring in one more, yana cathy on it. everybody always ask and we have conversations like this on the stream. how can we help? tatiana has a suggestion,
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and then i'm going to get natasha. to add to that suggestion, hearing us though, of course, right now, keep in mind that it's not just goods that they need. it's not just clothes, they need food, they need water, they need to be able to feed their themselves and their families. so don't overflow . the country with donated goods and donated items we did experience with the earthquake in 2010. there were so many good that were donated. a lot of them went to waste because that's not what the people needed. so if anything partner or collaborate with organizations that are already on the ground that i've heard from and spoken to the actual people that have suffered these losses, to see what they need and understand how you can respond or how you can fill some of those needs so that is just a point. what does hating right now today this week? well, i like to add a little bit to the conversation about the n g o. there are on the ground. i have
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been here for decades and are truly serving the community. they are a nation and they, yes, there are some international, n g o is on the ground and they're doing magnificent things. that is, one of the things we need to do is work with those and yields. as i stated before, the really know beneath of the community and connect with them to then provide that information back for the bill. the level of a the need to come in. so here's what happened while i was know it here in haiti for the 2010 earthquake. i was here for hurricane matthew. so what happens is that in the faster all this organizations arrived, whether the large one and we all know the me about whether the or the little ones or, i mean we had organizations from russia, from one from india,
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from pakistan. i'm going to push you to bring the up to date. were in the last 30 seconds of the show. what, how ok haiti? no policies interrupt you. go ahead. how, how we enforce those that are on the ground. build a bridge between those are on the ground with the haitian community that is in the us that can help facilitate that aid and accountability, accountability, accountability at the end, we really need to know what the and the people that have been assist. john, what's your next story? what are you finding next from haiti? where the next story that we're going to file actually is going to be about the security about the efforts to negotiate. we're going to start to allow that to get through and then the distribution on the ground. thanks, john. look out for that one out there. thank you john trying to talk to in a bad. thank you, natasha. thank you. people on youtube view as being part of today's show. i see you
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next time. actually watching everybody. ah ah, ah ah, in 2009, a torch, a victim of the brutal argent time the delivery gene confronted his interrogator. torture? no, no, no, no. i wasn't trying to, i was interrogating, has justice now been served for the atrocious crimes committed decades earlier. i do that to you were telling like an investigation into the dark history of
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argentina, or why didn't they told me in the end 3 wind interrogating a torture on al jazeera? most people will never know what's beyond these. the deafening silence of 100000 and how it feels to touch danger every day. most people will never know what it's like to work with. every breath is precious, with fear is not an option. but we're not most people. one of the last remaining ancient forests, in se asia is a lifeline to hundreds of lumberjacks and drive. ah, we follow the treacherous journey as they walk through extreme condition together and transport the dangerous but precious cargo risk at all,
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borneo on al jazeera, we understand the differences, similarities of cultures across the world. and so now you take, it will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. oh, i need barker in london, the top stories on our era, the massive evacuation effort cobble air force is picking up pace, but panic is growing, is thousands of people try to access flights before next tuesday. the u. s. and allied forces of now flown more than 88000 people out of afghanistan since the taliban took over. but some foreign military have already started to leave as the operation and says is final phase. so bellis reports, and cobble the countdown is on.


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