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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2021 12:00am-12:31am AST

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like other such mosque can be washed and reuse. the design that we've come up with, ethical, sustainable, and entirely made in the u. k. it looks like face most to be part of many people's lives, at least in the short term. whatever, calling the way they're being urged to consider where it comes from and where it'll end up i this is al jazeera. ah, hello, i me, parker. this is the, i'll just hear a news live from london coming up. the honey close couple airports is thousands, desperately tried to force their way onto evacuation flight before the august 31st deadline. the legal bachelor for indigenous people in brazil. what it could mean
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for other tribes and they're in such a toxic relationship. we look at how organized crime groups have turned romania into europe's dumping ground. i'm devin ash, with sports the route of international football, intensifies fever is urging english and spanish clubs to release the players for wildcard qualifies adage versus u. k. government asking especially exemptions. it's a cobit 19 travel restriction. ah, the massive if accusation efforts, cobble airport is picking up pace. panic is growing as thousands of people trying to access flights before next tuesday. the us and allied forces have now flown more than 88000 people out of afghanistan since the taliban took over. but some foreign military of already started to leave. as the operation enters its final phase,
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charlotte bellis reports from couple. the count on is on as the us and foreign forces. now you have until tuesday to get out. and with that means the end of evacuation like from here outside the airport, there is people rush, see if they can get on a flight. we understand the you with and the telephone have a deal that the telephone are only allowed to make people through here who have torn past. you had be and you have paid didn't was it going to going to i'm here without documents because a lot of people that went to the u. s. on evacuation flights were civilians. so i thought if civilians are going and i served in the army, i should be eligible to go to pick. i got an offer on the thought of everybody's going. so i'm going to my house that won't leave me alone. my wife says get down there. why are you so lazy? i leave the house every day, so my wife stopped hastily in a way to control the crowd and tried to figure this out. they've been looking for people's paperwork at different locations around and then putting them on the
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sauces. these people are actually about to be on the slide and they are prioritize to get through. and in the meantime, they are trying to control the crowds and keep people back from swamping to the bosses can come through doing that by shooting guns in the air by using water cannons and by beating people to push them back close to the gate 3 times but because of gunshots and shouting, it makes everyone scared me. since i'm a woman, i don't have the courage to push past them. i'll do my best to get out. even if i get shot, i will continue trying to get inside the airport. that's now the telephone, say that anybody who wants to get through and wants to leave and has the paperwork that would allow them on the flight can do so. but they also tell us they hurt people. they say that these people, many of them who are highly skilled, would be an asset to the country going forward and that they hope that they say. but in the meantime, with only 6 days left the flight at the ends. and we know that the numbers number
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of flight will be crazy and going because that the crunch is on and a lot of these people are trying to get through it into the airport today. well, us secretary of state, anthony blink, and insist diplomatic efforts will continue enough kind of stuff beyond august the 31st. and there was no deadline to help those who want to leave the country. he told out just they were state department correspondent, role jordan, that america remains engage with the taliban. despite not recognizing the group as the legitimate political leadership in afghanistan. why should the united states even care what the top on wants to be done at the airport? or frankly, anywhere else in the country since they are not in the us, his eyes, a legally recognized government. our focus right now is on getting our citizens and getting other our partners. afghan partners
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through country partners have been working in afghanistan with us out of the country in the safety. and for that purpose, 1st the taliban. whether we like it or not, as controlled, largely in control. the country certainly control of the city of couple. and it's been important to work with them to try to facilitate mature the departure of all those who want to leap. and that has actually been something that we've been been focused on for from the beginning of this operation. because as a practical matter, it advances our interest a bit della bye. here is a lecture of transitional justice to the american university of afghanistan. he says the international community must persist in engaging with the taliban. you have to set up an understanding. the major feeling here with regard to negotiations is the communication off expectations. so oftentimes,
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2 opposing parties don't know what the other and expects of them so that rationality is very limited from time to time. so it's very important to engage with the taliban and to communicate with them as to what are the expectation, what is the recognition or the condition on for them to understand exactly what the red lines are. and again, this is an opportunity for the thought a bond with regards to conflict transformation. once you enter a post conflict society, you have the opportunity to rebuild to recreate a society, 3 of the flaws that existed before. and one of the major gaps here is the gap of trust. again, the pilot one cannot hold people hostage if they want their skills. they need to establish a government soon because they need to give people a counterfactual. you know, people are trying to go abroad, but they need to have a counterfactual in upon a son to stay for. they cannot stay for an unknown future that is full of fear of
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retribution. so taliban really need to start addressing these points if they hope to stop these people from leaving willingly un secretary general says all steps are being taken to keep operations running about going to some faces, a mounting humanitarian crisis. the agency has lifted some stuff from cobol to context on where a temporary office has been set up. mike, hannah has more from the un. the un says a 3rd of its international staff have now been relocated from a gun is done to its temporary base in context on in addition, it says a number of gun nationals have also been brought out of the country. though there are no specifics as to the exact number the staff have been told to work from home, unless it's necessary for them to go into un offices to complete their work. un secretary general held what is called as a virtual town hall with you and stuff in the course of the day. he is said to
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reassure them that the un is doing everything it can to protect their safety. but he also says that it's necessary for the us to carry on its activities and i've gone is done with a view to the mounting humanitarian crisis. the un spokesmen confirms that they will be a substantial staff in country, but would not be drawn on the exact number that is needed for the us to be able to continue its operations. all of that is still being worked out right. we are ongoing with a number of programs that we've talked about. debris of p, eunice f u n h c r w h ho. obviously, as the situation stabilizes are, we will have a better idea of what we're able to do, what the humanitarian needs are. and what the staffing is, will be that we need to run those programs. and most importantly, the funding that we will need to earn this program that being
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a number of reports about discontent among un staff, about the lack of action in terms of protecting their safety. the un spokesman refuses to comment on the specific allegations, but he did confirm that a number of letters have been received from various unions, which are being considered by the secretariat. from the situation i'm going to send, i'm joined biologist here, a senior political analysts, marin bashar, via skype from paris. one know, how did we get here? because it didn't start with joe biden, even though he has been accused by many of letting the side down. and you think history will vindicate this current us administration? well, clearly there is a lot of blame to be set at the doorstep of job by them at least operationally and in terms of timing, clearly he did not. he did not read well. certainly the, his c,
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i a did not give him the rights report about what would happen once the us forces start start to draw finally from again this time. but yes, as you said, this has been a long time coming 1020 years. in fact, one could say that this whole operation, this whole war, started on the wrong footing. this was a revenge war. the united states wanted to venge the 911 attacks and it carried this war against against town. and within less than 2 years, declared mission accomplished. but it did not need it states. and in fact, to start another war in iraq reaching another mission accomplished in iraq. and then it decided it wants to change of gunston and the whole middle east region. the idea over a crusade on top of a tank to change the muslim world did not go downward neither in iraq, afghanistan, or elsewhere. and clearly, we start counting, ger,
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comes counter insurgency. rise up again by the taliban, and others. and, and sooner or later against the game, the forgotten war. because iraq took the, took on the titles in the main newspapers in the united states. so the counter insurgency and gas can continue, and the us forces continue to lose, but they continue to lie about it. obama came and tried to save that day through his aspect strategy that did not work. then he came up with another strategy of i think it was called clear, clear to build on hold and was certainly thought about what's going on the, let him, you know, build on hold and, and it certainly terrorized the population that was cooperating with the united states just a bit of a note about data funded bond does not believe in the international montana or international law for that matter. they fight to win and they fight mercilessly.
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they're fight without any mercy in the sense that you know, they just will do whatever it takes to win. and they did to a large degree when they did not when they made sure that america does not win. and so we reached that time when america continued to lie until we know other than don donald trump came up with the idea that now we need to negotiate with the taliban. we need to end that never ends in war in afghanistan. i'm, i was one if you think a degree of naive, etc. coming from the united states, u. k. and, and other countries when it comes to having a working relationship with the taliban. okay. countries i haven't officially recognized the taliban leadership at the moment, but embassies remain still open or be with the skeleton stuff. where do we go from here? it really started with, with trump, as i was saying in the sense that trump negotiated with the thought with the taliban without giving the public government getting involved without the regional
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countries getting involved. so trump recognize basically the pilot and surrender have gone against on to the probably been so by then basically it's been walking, you have to put in his footsteps because he wants to end the war. and clearly in the united states, if it's going to deal with a can stand, the future will have to deal with the tale about those who are suddenly out of the blue. as i heard earlier, the press conference asking, asking, blinking circuit their state. and then you call him with a terrorists, was just that they haven't been paying attention for the last 2 or 3 years. what's been happening? yes, the united states will continue to talk to target but, but yes, everything else will be conditional. meaning the next 7 days will be probably the longest, 7 days in the and the last time of job i didn't was i think now 70 plus years, right. but after that, when that bleeding finishes by the beginning of september, clearly there's going to be a disaster and i've got the taliban is not going to be able to hold much without
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money. they're not gonna be able to pay salaries and whatever hardware left by the americans is going to need software, guy need maintenance and so so forth. so i think i've got to start is going to go down to dark, dark tunnel and it's going to need international help, or that would, that would come with a chinese or a come from the russians or the american. it's not clear, but certainly america and the west are going to have some leverage against them and they're not going to be judging that algebra according to its words. they're going to be judging it according to deeds. and then it could be a straightforward scenario that the pallet by accepts the rules of the game and plays by them and forms that consensual government, some of those opposition parties today. and begins to own lies relation that the national community, or it goes back the counter insurgency. because as we know, counter surgeons are not very good at governing and creating a major void and against and bringing in iran and pakistan and perhaps others to
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interfere. and that gunston basically creating a major mess moving forward. so there could be a straightforward scenario with the tyler by the operative and the united states being helpful. or we can go through yet another decade after 4 decades of chaos. and ma'am, you know, i've got to start maron, bashar, thank you very much. i'll just do a senior political analyst. i thank you. hundreds of afghans are trying to enter pakistan at the busy talk of border crossing. but without proper documents, many unable to get through a summer been surveyed reports from the pakistan, afghanistan border from the home of the sun. i've just entered the door on the box on the slide. this is the main border crossing between the 2 countries for trade and for people. as you can see, taliban fighters are manning all the border post across the country with neighboring countries, including central asian states, market fun and iran. and these might have been telling us that they're allowing everyone to cross the border. now the problem here, as you can see,
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hundreds of people have been gathering every day since double came to the control of the taliban. on august the 15th. and these people have been trying to get inside pockets on the back, finding hard to say that they will only allow people who have the right documentation to make sure that no extremist elements, no terrorist groups or no infiltration of focus on can take place. my family and kids are crossing pakistan and we have been waiting at this border crossing for one week and will be here until we are allowed to go the trucks go back and forth, trying to earn a living in this area for humanitarian reasons, the soldiers have not been stopping them, but they've been carrying cigarettes and other things that they've been trying to smuggle across the border and make a quick buck. and people have been seeing the desperate not just to cross into august on for safety, but because they have tribal ties on either side of the line which divides the country. and they want to visit their families. they want to go and meet people who
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are sick and who passed away, but so far, if they don't have the right documentation, they're not going to be allowed inside bucket. well, there's much more head on the al jazeera news. our neighbors, the fall out, dominates headlines off the jury a couple times with the rocker. we'll look at why china hits out as a cia report into the coven, 1900. i'm demick thing. the american investigation is driven by politics. not fun and 23 time grand slam champion. serena williams was out of next week's us, opened with a torn hamstring coming up with jemma. ah, brazil supreme court is due to deliver a landmark ruling on tribal lands. indigenous people favorite could lead to their on federal lands being taken away, opening up space for commercial, farming and mining. as monica you can report from brazil, you thousands of indigenous people have set up
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a protest camp. these come from all over the country, wearing the beads and feathers of 170 different indigenous groups. more than half of those in brazil chanting and praying each in their own language. in the hope the supreme court will hear their voices. it's the largest indigenous gathering in the capital, brazil you since $988.00. that's when the countries democratic constitution was approved. giving native brazilians the right to claim and central land, but they are back again, fearing those rights will be curtailed this week. the supreme court is expected to make its ruling law was would, at least it's the land dispute between the shock long people who lived there territories and the southern state of santa caterina and big law. say they have no rights because they weren't buying those months in 1988 was the constitution was
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util, set a jurist prudent for hundreds of defending cases where he got crystal glen chieftain says, setting a time limit is unconstitutional. and unfair to my part. we were living in our land in 1988 because had we said there would have been exterminated. we have been hunted down by the land owners, so they put a price on there, so they pay people to kill us and ask them to bring our ears as proof reveals indigenous groups have forever been at risk from land grab, eat, legal, mining and lodging. and the say a tax have increased and strain both, so now became president with him, promising to stop creating reservation and further exploit the amazon rain forest there, hoping the supreme court ruling will protect them. well, monica gave us outside the supreme court in bazillion. for more they said monica was the latest from the court and all the tribes that we've seen in your port
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hopeful of a successful resolution. well, yes, but i don't know if you can see behind me people are already leaving. it's been a very, very long day. there was a screen set up here behind me where they were listening to the supreme court justices vote. but instead of voting on the indigenous issue, which is which should have been addressed today. early in the afternoon, they started talking about the central bank and a proposal to make it independent from the government. and so during the whole afternoon, you had all these different indigenous people. just camp out here listening to this, to this wrong session in receipt. but they were chanting, they were praying, they're waiting for it to end because next in line comes the decision on, on their, their,
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their issue which is who have the right to claim indigenous land. only those that have that were there until 988. so what happens to those that were expelled from the land before that and they're waiting for this to be addressed to morrow. this is already been postponed once in june. there was another camp out, but just camp out here is much bigger because the longer it takes to decide this, the worst you have conflicts, land conflict off all across brazil, or $800.00 pending conflict. monica, is this all just about land or more to the process? now there's more, there's land is, is tied to also the environment because by allowing a commercial agriculture, illegal mining by making it easier for line grabbers. it also contributes to
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deforestation. also, even if people don't occupy the indigenous lands, they're encroach these reservations and they are poisoning like the water. the fish are no longer the can no longer eat their staple food, which was fish because it's, it's a poison with mercury. so they're all these different issues which are dress and brazil is also facing with this government. strong criticism from, from the international community and from brazilians themselves saying that it have not done enough to protect the reading for monica going to care of in brasilia. thank you. israeli soldiers and palestinian protests as a faced off again the border with guns them at least 14 people have been injured during demonstrations against israel's blockade of the gaza strip. the latest violence took place shortly after the funeral of a palestinian man. he died after being wounded by it's ready fire during a protest on saturday, a 13 year old palestinian boy isn't
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a critical condition in hospital. and so isn't this ready officer. why supremacist, who was sentenced to death for killing 9 black people at a u. s. church who lost his appeal. dylan roof attacked worshippers in charleston in 2015. he became the 1st person of the us to receive a death sentence for federal hate crime roofs. lawyers argued that he was wrongly allowed to stand trial of represent himself in court during sentencing, but judge as a rule that his crimes qualified him for the harshest penalty. the us vice president is accused china of bullying it southeast asian neighbors, kamala harris, direct to the criticism towards beijing, while meeting the vietnamese president in hanoi harris is in vietnam as part of a tour and to countering china is growing influence in the region on st. louis has more from harlem. the us administration has described rivalry with china as the biggest joe political test of the century. and kamala harris's trip is about
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convincing nations in the region, in se asia, but the us can be a counterbalance to china's rising influence. now the 2 countries have already traded accusation several times during harris's visit. here, harris has accused china of using coersion and intimidation in pursuing its territorial claims in the south china sea. saying countries should find ways to increase pressure on china to make it abide by international laws. in china has hit back and editorial in a state run daily has described harris's visit as a way to contain china and accused us of trying to drive a wedge in relations between southeast asian nations and china. a chinese foreign ministry spokesman said the situation in afghanistan is an example of the us as selfish foreign policy. now, events and i've gone on have overshadowed harris's trip. she will have to work
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harder to convince friends partners in the region about us as credibility. and so her speeches have emphasized the u. s. as commitment to not just southeast asian nations, but to the broader in the pacific region. the us administration has framed harris's trip as not just about strengthening ties, but also about broadening the scope of engagement in the region. and that's why we've seen her meeting not only government officials and singapore and vietnam, but in singapore. she had meetings with businessmen to talk about keeping supply chains open and in vietnam. she officiated the launch of the u. s. as centers for disease control and prevention, se, se, asian office in hanoi, and as, as an example of the u. s. as interest in public health infrastructure in the region, julius decision to diplomatic ties with neighbor morocco is dominating headlines in both countries. it comes out of a long list of grievances including morocco's recent diplomatic recognition of israel. algeria also accuses morocco of spying on its officials using israeli made
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spyware. rocco says, the claims are absurd and severing ties is justified on new for our booth heads, the nordic center for conflict transformation of peace building organization. with a focus on north africa and asia, he says both countries have been at odds for decades, especially over the disputed western sahara region. this is unfortunate situation that has endured for creating, believe, economy, integrated region in the world, in a part of the one that is interconnected, socially and culturally. and may have leaving that to the back to 50 year or more. that when i bought that and the high security council, i thought that it constitutes a strong basis for the come into the relationship to pretty much relationship with russell. but we always need to just suppose this position in relation to what is
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happening in read the written position of morocco calling for for the installation. but at the same time, we don't have to forget that whole thing and they're just on the houses and it's fun to launch war or fat again, more women and then from the idea and again, the more competitors. so as much as you know, one can be, you know, pointing out to who's out of the what, the narrative, the anterior is that you stick to, the morocco is focusing on the future on how to de escalate a more likely relationship. they called for them to sit down with them with a junior and actually looked into the different problem. because then the other day, who is suffering from all of the diplomatic training is actually in the people in ontario and the morocco you are watching al jazeera life in london,
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still ahead. more cases, more restrictions, but nowhere near enough vaccines administered across asia pacific. and as a great start for england, and a 3rd cricket tucked against india, jemma will be here with reaction ah, i again, thanks for joining in here, sir. whether headlines for europe and africa will start toward the northwest for we still got this disturbance over scandinavia. the baltic states, but now what's happened is this weather has pressed further toward the south impacting central parts of europe. and because we have rain, we've got cloud cover and low temperatures. so prague just a high of 17 on thursday. that's the best i can do for you. our breaks is storms across the bulkheads, mostly contained toward albania, and as we head toward bulgaria as well on thursday. now,
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i don't think that this batch of what weather is going to push into is stumble on thursday. it just some increasing cloud cover with a height of $31.00 degrees and hey, we've lost those brisk winds that we were dealing with over the last little bit for barrier. daytime heating will produce some storms, mostly into the interior and northern portions of portugal on thursday. ok, when you say we go to africa right now, promise, see, we would get there and i wanted to start with some rainfall amounts toward northern toko, scooped up 54 millimeters of rain. and we will see our strong storms toward western africa flaring up across the gulf of guinea. widespread rain across nigeria, but also heavy for the ivory coast. and as we head towards the air, the oh and so free town, a hive $26.00 degrees. that sure weather update. thanks for tuning in the news to discover a world of difference the nation. i'm coming down with me. we are
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moving the freedom shot. so the 16 people corruption and compassion, the just 0 world selection of the best films from across our network of channels i'm alike of us in the south of india to find out call me back. in this case, brought an extent of mining operation to a grand corona virus wept across the world with devastating effects. and it's widely believed to be connected to the legal wildlife trade. here in vietnam, we visit a rescue center for some of the world's most threatened animals and joined the call for an end to the global wildlife rise on al jazeera. ah.


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