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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2021 1:30am-2:01am AST

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exposing your family. busy your life, it's a problem to be put on the mound, but child who stands beside symbolizes a different era of ways. crime, you know, dwarf by matthew cartels, bribery, corruption here and overseas. and there's pollution never seen before, coupled with inaction and apparent indifference in other european states. andrew simmons al jazeera, bucharest, ah, the top stories on al jazeera western countries are racing to evacuate people from afghanistan with less than a week to go until all foreign troops leave thousands of afghan si fi a taliban rule. have been trying to enter a couple airport us president joe biden has ordered all forces out by the end of august. the telephone urge afghans to stay while saying those with permission to
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leave will be allowed to depart once commercial flights regime. for many afghans remain skeptical. charlotte bellis has morphin cobble. the countdown is on as the us and foreign forces. now, you have until tuesday to get out and what that means. the end of evacuation like from here outside the airport there is people rush. see if they can get on a flight. we understand the you with and the telephone have a deal that the taliban are only allowed to make people who have torn past pieces and you have paid thousands of indigenous protest. this is gathered in brazil's capital, the supreme court prepared to rule in a case that could put the ancestor lands at risk. the court sufficient could remove protected status for some native lands, opening them up to industrial farming and mining. the agribusiness business lobby says land protection should only upon apply if inhabitants were present in 1988.
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indigenous activists say they've been 4th of that territory. is already soldiers. so if i tear gas and live ammunition to disperse palestinian protest is garza's border. at least 14 people have been injured during demonstrations against israel. blockade of the gaza strip. the violence took place shortly after the funeral of a palestinian man. he died after being wounded by israeli fire during a protest on saturday us intelligence agencies of reportedly set to release an investigation into the origins of the current of ours. the classified report is said to be inconclusive. and the origins of the panoramic and part due to a lack of information from china. the chinese authorities of accused the us of scape goat in the country with suggestions of love or treat lake. with all the headlines, stay with us. next up is people, and i don't go away. how many nukes is too
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many new america has in many ways driven the arms race parties are much more like the british parties. there are fewer regulation to own a tiger than their our own. a dog. how can this be happening? weekly take on us politics and, and that's the bottom line. the latin america has seen his share of coups insurgencies and invasions over the years . some that have achieved their aims, some which have notes, but few can of failed so miserably as an attempt in may 2020, to overthrow the government of venezuela. with a cost of political exiles, military renegades, us mercenaries, and at least $1.00 president. this is the story of how the plot fell apart. the
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me, venezuela may 20, 2011 clayton high security prison. venezuela. maturity forces were interrogated, recently captured, american mercenary just to see the progress and secure in airport here. plains, one of which includes one to put on and taken back to united states, looked and then had come with others to kidnap when, as well as controversial president nicholas an improbable hatch. and my former
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u. s. army greenberry jordan goodrow, a special for the soldier who hold is skills in unconventional warfare during tours of afghanistan and iraq. goodrow had struck a deal with the venezuelan opposition to our president, my do rose and put them into power. in return for 200000000 us. but it all went horribly wrong. thing was on saturday that a little and i will need i'm on be on. you have any sort of help you out on local one year after the attend to kidnap president my dora. we investigate what's known and now she really was behind that operation. we pick up the story in february 2019 at town on the border within a convoy of a native by the us and other was just the right there to meet it was one. why do
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leader venezuela's opposition? why don't have become the head of the national assembly on the 5th of january 20191 week later, claiming the country reason, election types in recent tevo madura, he declared himself interim president. he quickly gained recognition from 60 countries around the world and call on foreign assistance. but the aid was stopped, so i went and bought a full day. good job either may have been much needed, but it was also a clear publicity designed to draw attention to when it's food and medical shortages. and why do leadership claims? it attracted many of his followers to the border. some of them crossed over to join 1700000, fellow venezuela and refugees already in columbia. it's government was 2nd who i'm
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glad those presidential bid in the whole heat fixes countries deepening problems back in venezuela's capital character president my duel with rallied his supporters . he blamed his country's troubles on us sanctions imposed an oil which venezuela to contain its socialist government. a sailor got other feeling but only the american, but it was just another attempt to undermine his presence as developed at the border. and the convoy never made it across by the summer of 2019 . the opposition had more secret plans for the removal of my duel by force. we need
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something that happened to lever aid, our country from the screaming of the king. now everyone, political consultant, j. j. rand on leaded team of high ranking strategists, around glassdoor, they had decided to hire private american military contractors to help overthrown president my doodle when a tyrant take all the powers supreme court, the police, the military isolating human rights. because the tuition of ministry specifically say that every person with or without power have the duty to do everything in their power to recover democracy. the former then as well in military commander now in exile in florida in columbia, along with my dual, reaching out to disaffected soldiers back in venice. when among them was francisco identity or meta. look in the mirror possible the whole litany of the
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metal bite and the only way they said a new one is not please give me a call as soon as i'm in both ways a lot. you know one of the little believe hunter, he my dilemma, ella. realizing i had a gentleman, i haven't, as the opposition fired just began gathering and cans across columbia northern peninsula alarm. in september 2019 venezuela's, vice president revealed the exact location to the united nations general assembly that neither does that, then it does make united. but if i'm the columbia, when i get a young contrariness whaler born and then they will do that, in fact, i believe that they're going to name the information gathered by then, as well as cuban trained intelligence service, was to prove, impressively accurate bonuses. study meant that that was linear for days about us
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already called settled day course. i've been going through with them. yeah. i mean as well. i think it yeah, but a lot out of but i was going to show that we're getting lucky. bushwinger luca, la people swing into this gathering store now that the former us special forces soldier, canadian, american jordan, good. on leaving the army in 2018 goodrow had set up a security services company called silva for usa. and he was even higher to provide security at a ruddy foot donald trump. he 1st forged linked with exile venezuelans, and early 2019 charity cars and prove that met the opposition leadership. now plotting madura as an opportunity, beckoned one race. tanja was treated. he say that he has authorities and
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contacts a high level government in the united states. oh, he say that he has backer, beak days of beak, lonny. ready to sign in? something like that. way to guarantee of future payments in oil and on the tree that he has around 800 people in columbia that were been his whalers, or between 801200 that were ready to go. and he was trained on the 16th of october 2019, incomplete secrecy had done jordan goodrow and several opposition members signed a general services agreement, promising goodrow and fill the cool $200000000.00 us dollars in return for our still president. my do in columbia operation video and it would become known began to take shape aspiring freedom fighters,
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many of them venezuela military deserted when moved into safe houses in a tell you watch your info. and luckily i'm gonna follow up with me. and, and i mean, talking to you when goodrow came to visit, he was received like an official us representative. not the one while you are in the charlotte laportia. she'll be a montana showing us, you know, gigantic systems that sort of one way that idea model will not be shown here, but there's over the bank, the guy on the month and you know what, i'm going as we go, no a which is your mind. but as you know, in 2021,
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i don't travel to the united states. there. he was hosted by president donald trump at the annual state of the union address made it very clear which up to venezuela and president. he was back in the united states is leading a 59 nation diplomatic coalition against the socialist dictator of venezuela nicholas madura giving him a galle, is the true and an gentleman president of venice. well, why, why don't you surprise the feeling the race gideon was gathering pain, but things were going smoothly unexpectedly, why don't strategists had decided to whisper their support toward goodrow said, brand on a curious text in protest. we gave this to you and see if
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a platter and you the whole thing up, you are a multi millionaire shame and you for not fixing your country. you don't deserve to leave in the u. s. goodrow and says that he was only $1500000.00 under a promissory note. while friend don't argues that goodrow failed to reveal a group of financial backers. he claimed to have lined up with the man who had already promised sponsor the overthrow of president my doodle in return a future ride to venezuela oil. the contract rent on said gave goodrow a fine day window to present these back. but according to rent done, goudrow failed to do so we say look, when i cancel, this is not working, is normally for where we don't have that amount of money right now. we don't want to move forward. he basically say he has suspenses and i personally covered oh suspenses. so you're saying you didn't want to work with john goodrow anymore, but nonetheless, you gave him $50000.00 and that came out of your own money. yes. yes,
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yes. like kind of let go in a nice terms, you know, like, that was intention. it didn't work given the finger and there were the arm in columbia. jordan good. rather than went in pull the major general cli, their color was also angry. they even secretly recorded by venezuela insecurity. alkali told a sympathizer, he still believed his partner goodrow was acting with the us government a little bit. in the meanwhile, in the colombian training camps, some of the more recent arrivals were beginning to attract suspicion.
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however, had other hinder, and this will be fatal. new going on. my mom i was waiting for drop or where had i had to get home and there's a come on come into the both in the young and i was going to get it as these photos show. training in the camps was mentary, in part because weapons promised by goodwill, had yet to arrive in late march 2020 ship and was flagged down at a police checkpoint in columbia of the month of turning a blind eye to the protest activities. the authorities had to step in jennifer to live the little one i wasn't wasn't i didn't go below the people. there was london money to get on the line. belinda,
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i'll be your vote. i love the thing to get along with that. i put him in there, but they're not, you know who unit for the impounded weapon when they had put on show for the press, they included a sold rifles laid, the sites and night vision goggles that would have greatly enhanced the insurgents pricing power, america, columbia. as close ally was also not playing alone in a surprise, move it charged for the major general clever alcala with narcotics trafficking together with a sworn opponent, president my duel and 2 others. millions were offered for their capture and i agreed to be extradited to the united states. but i'll cut out the rest. most of the training fighters obscure and the remainder went into hiding in the desert among them to a good ro, silva corso. she had for me, he was soldiers, luc denman,
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and i'm very cheap. you know, so the me more was the instrument there in the boys and girls over, you know they, me on with the live on the going home in the name of the most. i am on the far more most i am a lot i was looking for is on the but i was calling to venezuela. as defense minister the location was never a secret thing. then you know, some people are still going to see me in the morning till i get to see the movie. he claims colombian authorities could have easily arrested the men with us a port. it was still secretly packing the plotters let us open them. and while the columbia water dusty to show you some in the in lynette
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calling paralegal north america and film strangely on him by the columbia authorities operation gideon was launched on may 1st 2020 so not happy that i'm going to not only ruin that yes, i was wondering if you see coming from my i've been is willing intelligence now down to a few dozen competence that would be and within 10 ongoing ahead of the plan was to circumvent landlord and get to then it went into small got your tell you a little you know, when military knew exactly when and where they were coming in the early hours of may 3rd, as captain parents, the 1st of to approach the code,
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it came under heavy fire will be done by the legal division we're going, we're wide and able to manage what is security had responded with with overwhelming none of frontier is a strong green device. the 2nd bow to was low on lock, beset with engine problems. it started running low on fuel. it was carrying $51.00 venezuelans and the 2 american mercenaries move damn and ira and bury for lunch. if any is the key. but i didn't mean to alarm much at the court on air. a hollows are loving being the only for me, ball and matter brought up or keep pardon if there's one i'll tell you the matter. i thought hollow to me,
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i will deliver it on all those. surely by now aware that this man had run into problem back in florida, so will cause both decided to unveil his master plan. with form of end is what an army captain have you near to continue at his side, goodrow reveal operation gave you on to the world. 1700 hours a daring and fabulous rate was launched from the border of columbia deep into the heart of caracas. our men are continued to fight right now. our units have been activated in the south west and east to venezuela. the truth was somewhat different . yeah, i think you said cyber ball a pretty madeline. most of the thing i'm closing in liberty medical note, your medicine now you have all of that will be in a lot better sick will seal. they'll pick the little mist scenario. they'll say gay, there must have gotten some combo de lake. i don't like what i will find yes. and we have a little us. we got on the look at the community
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as they approached the coast and the bat had bowed francisco and others decided they've had enough very little. so i wasn't there some of that. i must be as another model because i'm a young person at the financial which i'm available to him, which is what the employ love will be for golf market to india or mia francisco and $45.00. others had gone away for the moment where the 2 american and some of the group leaders stayed on board. policewoman ingrid castaneda was among those waiting for them to find out when he got leave at that i thought thought, when all the more money money must,
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wayne said well, now that i what a lot of money on money i'm will love him. yes, i will go and one of them on a lunch i ring and bring us a lot holiday. barbara perry will sandra a lot. but i don't know. i thought a similar to me something you know, ellen, i was just seeing a indira circle back on the 30. so i'm on home make that the apn, the la boy, the men were arrested and lined up in front of the media. the presence of 2 americans prompted the obvious question. who was behind the attempted invasion, interviewed in the back of a police car insurgent and don't provide well, had no doubt, and we don't want them all getting under the water. so i think there's
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a very common thing in the president. my dual had no doubts. eda lea, a seal not mine. yeah, no, not that of a you're not in in the south america. madura said no longer use its own soldiers, but relied on private companies to fight. it's was your shepherd era principal is really, really more you don't need, i don't want the l a w. w thought about 730. but if somebody for one that is willing to cross the political divide for united, believing that jordan goodrow had the backing of the u. s. government. but donald trump's response was dismissive, we just heard about it. 1 1 but whatever it is, well let you know, but it has nothing to do with government up until then the role of and as well as
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position leaders had been known only to insiders, but face with criticism about his role and operation. gideon jordan goodrow decide to go public. there is really no. there is a contract. absolutely. let me see if you can read it. you probably read it. why? no, i not the math. in an interview with venezuela, journalist patricio lou. jordan, go drove, reveal that opposition leader. why don't signature was on the contract and that he was still trying to get paid. i'm out a lot of money a lot. a lot of us came together to do this. i mean, i've been a freedom fighter my whole life. this is all i know shortly after giving this interview could role then lead to phone recording which apparently captured the moment. that one, why do i signed the contract? nice to meet you? or are we ready to do
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testing here? and then we managed to get an interview with one guy go in hiding and cut our cars and asked him about his involvement in the sales floor level. and i don't know what it would be wholly needy. why do i insist that the venezuelan government was responsible for operation gideon? he accused them of using infiltrators to trick the invaders into going ahead against all on
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india. is it or is it not your voice and your signature? can i just get a simple yes or no? you gotta get nothing with them. it's not that it won't love it. i'm like why do rent on has admitted his involvement key to claims venezuela. i'm recognizing that was a good country intelligence operation of the government. we ne, smart guy with aspiration, 33 years and consulting was like, still believe caught, i over correct that i feel bad about it because there is people would capture torture, kill many bladed. i wasn't suppose the commission was dismantled, embrace was affected. but saying that that is an intelligent hijack the operation. is that not just a way for you to escape responsibility? no, no, no, i'm assuming full responsibility,
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but in violence i will do it again. but not everyone is able to take the outcome so lightly. although no one of the low for $1000000.00 play handle in the middle must always of what i like and then my lunch money today. good row continue to insist that the opposition never explicitly told him to stop working for them. and he's using a lawyer to claim money from rand on. meanwhile, president, my doodles party has taken control of the national assembly in the process, removing one guy doors justification for claiming the presidency in my speech to mark the reopening of that assembly. to no one's surprise, he highlighted once again that failed attempt to unseat him. my son and
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i don't know may be the top, but i feel out of it about me september honor. this era has morocco records would be impacted with 19 the country potent parliamentary elections that will shape the future by listening post dissects the media. how they operate, the stories they cover, and the reasons why the $911.00 attacks also the world 20 years on the war that followed. finally ended and i've got a son. but that's what caught, this didn't real, obviously, unique, attractive on afghan, happy in history, through the eyes of the fearless and vision we to make. germany go to the polls and elections the, the i'm going to merkel replace after 15 years in power. what will the result mean for german and european union?
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september on al jazeera with the cushion sit to rise on the cookie paralytic. i want, i want you to investigate japan problem history of caring for people with disabilities on how do 0 ah, the chaos continues that cobbler, florida thousands. try to force their way onto evacuation flights officer the taliban take over. and in the meantime, they tried to control the crowds and doing that by shooting guns in the air by using both accountants and by people to push them back. i.


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