tv [untitled] August 26, 2021 3:00am-3:31am AST
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and i'll do there. ah, i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is alike. and it's my job to shed light on how and why me. ah, the careless continues that cobble airport thousands try to force their way on to evacuation flights officer the taliban takeover. and in the meantime, they tried to control the crowds and doing that by shooting guns in the air, by using water cannons and by people to push them back. a,
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you're watching all their life from headquarters and i'm getting navigator also coming up. thousands of indigenous people protest in brazil as the supreme court case threatened to limit their rights to throw land fuel or his appointment vacancies, and get a vaccine. australians are urged to get vaccinated against hope of 19 as the government struggles to contain an outbreak. ah, hello was less than a week to go before the deadline to complete evacuations that cobbled airport panic is growing among the thousands trying to access flights before next tuesday. the massive evacuation effort has picked up pace. the u. s. and allied forces have flown out more than 88000 people from have gone on since the taliban takeover. but some foreign troops have already started to leave as the operation enters its final
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phase. charlotte bellows reports from couple count donna is on as the us and foreign forces. now i only have until tuesday to get out. and with that means the end of evacuation, like from here outside the airport, there is people rush, see if they can get on a flight. we understand your with and the telephone have a deal that the telephone are only about to make people from the area who have torn past pieces. and you have paper was that did i was going to have and i'm here without documents because a lot of people that went to the us on evacuation flights were civilians. so i thought if civilians are going and i served in the army, i should be eligible to go to got to got an offer on the thought of everybody's going. so i'm going to my house that won't leave me alone. my wife says get down there. why are you so lazy? i leave the house every day, so my wife stops hastily in a way to control the crowd and try to figure this out. they've been looking for paper work at different locations around,
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and then putting them on the boxes. these people are actually about to be on the slide and they have prioritize to get through. and in the meantime, they're trying to control the crowds and keep people back from wanting to the bosses can come through doing that by shooting guns in the air by using water cannons and by beating people to push them back to the close of the gate. 3 times, but because of gunshots and shouting, it makes everyone scared. since i'm a woman, i don't have the courage to push past them. i'll do my best to get out. even if i get shot, i will continue trying to get inside the airport. that's now the tele bomb say that anybody who wants to get through and wants to leave and has the paperwork that would allow them on the flight can do so. but they also tell us they hurt people. they say that these people, many of them who are highly skilled, would be an asset to the country going forward and that they hope that they say. but in the meantime, with only 6 days,
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be slight at the end. and we know that the numbers, the number of flights will decrease and the day is going pause that the countries on and a lot of these people are trying to get through into the airport today. just in the past half hour or so, the u. s. embassy and cobble has asked american citizens not to travel to the airport. it's also advising those already there to leave immediately. and fishers live for us in washington dc. what more do we know about why this alert has been issued? well, there seems to have been a specific threat made against people gathering. i'd say the airport, particularly americans from ice. ok, which is the militant groups off shoot in afghanistan. it is carried out a number of attacks across the country during this year. certainly the airport was considered to be a vulnerable target. it's something that the americans are weighed up. undoubtedly during the conversations with the taliban. it's something that has come up. in fact, you remember that just on tuesday, joe biden essentially saying to the taliban,
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you have got to keep an eye on ice. ok. jim sullivan, who's the national security advisor, said when he did. some of the us talk shows on sunday that the threat from isis was acute and persistent. so obviously there is deep concern in the embassy and cabal that something may be coming from ice. ok. and as i say, the americans will be making very clear to the tell about who considered sworn enemies of ice or k, the security outside the airport is really up to them, and they don't want to see any problems. particularly as joe biden is still very keen on getting through and completing the pool load of americans by august the 31st. what is interesting is that just in the last few hours the pen to get held, the briefing and joint kirby, the main spokesman for the pentagon, said that the military would actually consider going into cable to get a hold of americans who haven't been able to make it to the airport that suddenly
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might become a much bigger operation. you remember the job biting said on tuesday. he want to dixie contingency plans from both state and the pentagon. if the whole operation to get people owed by august, the 31st couldn't be completed by that date. he was briefed on them in the oval office on wednesday. we are told that this is a fluid situation and this threat from ice. ok, me know. factor in to change in those plans for the united states. thank you so much, allen, for that update from washington d. c. now the u. s. secretary said anthony lincoln says about 1500 americans may still be awaiting evacuation from of gone on. he insists that diplomatic efforts will continue beyond august 31st blink and says america remains engaged with the taliban. despite not recognizing the group as the legitimate government. why should the united states even care what the total bon wants to be done at the airport?
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or frankly, anywhere else in the country since they are not in the us, his eyes, a legally recognized government. our focus right now is on getting our citizens and getting other our partners. afghan partners through country partners have been working in afghanistan with us out of the country and to safety. and for that purpose, 1st, the taliban, whether we like it or not, is in control, largely in control. the country certainly control is the city of trouble. and it's been important to work with them to try to facilitate mature the departure of all those who want to leap. and that has actually been something that we've been been focused on for from the beginning of this operation. because as a practical matter, it advances our interests or by della bye. here is
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a lecturer transitional justice at the american university of august on he says, the international community must persist in engaging with the taliban. you have to set up an understanding the major feeling here with regards to negotiations is the communication off expectations. so often times 2 opposing parties don't know what the other and expects of them so that rationality is very limited from time to time. so it's very important to engage with the taliban and to communicate with them as to what are the expectation, what is the recognition or the condition on and for them to understand exactly what the red lines are. and again, this is an opportunity for the taliban with regards to conflict transformation. once you enter a post conflict society, you have the opportunity to rebuild to recreate a society, 3 of the flaws that existed before. and one of the major gaps here is the gap of
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trust. again, the pilot one cannot hold people hostage if they want their skills. they need to establish a government soon because they need to give people a counterfactual. you know, people are trying to go abroad, but they need to have a contra, factual in up on his don to stay for. they cannot stay for an unknown future that is full of fear of retribution. so taliban really need to start addressing these points if they hope to stop these people from leaving willingly un secretary general says all steps are being taken to keep operations running as i've got some faces amounting humanitarian crisis, the agency has air lifted some stuff from trouble to kazakhstan, where a temporary office has been set up, my counter has more from the united nations. the un says a 3rd of its international staff have now been relocated from a gun is done to its temporary base in context on. in addition, it says a number of gun nationals have also been brought out of the country. though there
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are no specifics as to the exact number. the stocks have been told to work from home unless it's necessary for them to go into un offices to complete their work. you in secondary general health, what is called as a virtual town hall with you and stuff in the course of the day. he is said to reassure them that the un is doing everything it can to protect their safety. but he also says that it's necessary for the us to carry on its activities. and i've gone is done with a view to the mounting humanitarian crisis. the un spokesmen confirms that they will be a substantial staff in country, but would not be drawn on the exact number that is needed for the us to be able to continue its operations. all of that is still being worked out right. we are ongoing with a number of programs that we've talked about. debris of p, eunice f u n h c r w h ho obviously,
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as the situation stabilizes or we will have a better idea of what we're able to do with the humanitarian needs are. and what the staffing is, will be that we need to run those programs. and most importantly, the funding that we will need to run this program that being a number of reports about discontent among un staff about the lack of action in terms of protecting their safety. the un spokesmen refuses to comment on the specific allegations, but he did confirm that a number of letters had been received from various unions which are being considered by the secretariat. some afghan nationals have arrived and you've gone under adeel, arranged by the united states. official say the evacuees will stay in uganda for a short while before being resettled in other countries. the group of 51 men, women, and children were subjected to security screening and co,
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with 1900 quarantine procedures. you gone to has agreed to a request in the us to temporarily taken to a 1000 afghans fleeing the country. turkey has begun evacuating its military personnel from cavil airport taliban has reportedly asked for a technical help from anchor to run the airport, but once its troops out of the country before the august 31st deadline, turkey has been part of the nato is mission in. i've got a son and has hundreds of troops station there were hundreds of afghans were trying to enter pakistan at the busy tour come border crossing, but without proper documents, many are unable to get through. some have been job aid reports in the past on afghanistan border from 3rd from atlanta. son i've just entered the door on the box is fine. if i, this is the main border crossing between the 2 countries for trade and for people. as you can see, taliban fighters are manning all the border post across the country with neighboring countries, including central asian states, market fun, and iran. and these fighters have been telling us that they're allowing everyone to
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cross the border. now the problem here, as you can see, hundreds of people have been gathering every day since double came to the control of the taliban. on august the 15th. and these people have been trying to get inside pockets on the bus. funny, it's hard to say that they will only allow people who have the right documentation to make sure that no extremist elements, no terrorist groups or no infiltration of august on can take place. wednesday, my family and kids are cross in pakistan and we have been waiting at the sport crossing for one week and will be here until we are allowed to go. and the trucks go back and forth, trying to earn a living in this area. for humanitarian reasons, the soldiers have not been stopping them, but they've been carrying cigarettes and other things that they've been trying to smuggle across the border and make a quick buck. people have been seeing the desperate, not just to cross into focus on for safety. but because they have tribal ties on either side of the line and which device is the country and they want to visit
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their families, they want to go and meet people who are sick and who passed away. but so far, if they don't have the right documentation, they're not going to be allowed inside bucket thousands. if i've gone seeking safety abroad after the taliban takeover are demanding clear resettlement terms, they say they've been facing uncertainty after arriving and neighboring countries have name at all met some of them in new delhi. we're outside the united nations high commission for refugees, for you in, in the are in use any more than a 1000. i've gone national movement, living in new delhi, have been on the side. they've been here protesting today's day and night demanding the refugee agencies foster asylum claims research. and then i also guarantee them security. i've got some people enough kind of stuff may die one day because of the we refugees and india feel like we die every day. it's like being imprisoned was just like, you know, i'm out of the month. we'll stay here until life fill out
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a mind. even if it takes money, just like the farmers have been protesting, we too will keep sitting here. a protest has been growing. that does not mean i mentioned north side of the country on the un. it for a god now did not recognize the muslim limited opportunity. why even still ahead on 0 south africans unemployment rate is the highest in the world. why there is concern things will only get worse. the us vice president calls her pressure on china for its claims in the south trying to seat accusing it of bullying. its neighbor. ah,
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it's another beautiful sunny day of 35000 feet. the weather, sponsored by cattle airways, boated world's best airline of 2021. hi again. hope you're doing well. our summer rains a bit subdued across parts of india, particularly toward the northwest. this includes new delhi, but still getting that mon sooner moisture go down to connecticut and careless states on thursday. so for new delhi, we've got an abundance of sunshine for the next several days. your temperature at 36, but we are locked into high humidity here. the heaviest falls of our southwest monsoon will be toward the northeast of india. indian states like west bank all and be har . see the yellows popping up there. the darker the color, the more intense the rain is shoving up great against the foothills of the himalayas. se, asia, we've got a concentrated pocket of rain toward the southwest corner of borneo, dries out across the java island. so this includes for jakarta over the next few
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days, a mix of sending cloud or your temperature at $32.00. your next rain risk i think will come on sunday. heavy rain have has also been falling across indo china in particular toward the northeast vietnam where we have seen some deadly land slides . heavy brain continues on thursday into laos as well. or plum rains. they really get going across the yangtze river valley on thursday. give you a wider view because all of this weather lands into south korea. as we head toward friday, soon. the weather sponsored by cattle airways, boated world's best airline of 2021. a story of deception life and death. an israeli spy operating on the deep cover in syria, knowing that discovery would mean certain death. algae, 0 well health gripping story markets by l. e. calling operated on the cover in syria, in the $960.00 notation career that ended in public execution. l eco. and
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most of the agents on al jazeera. oh, the me again, the top stories on how to 0 western countries are racing to evacuate people from. i've got a son with less than a week to go until all foreign troops leave the taliban of urge afghans to stay while saying those with permission to leave will be allowed to depart once commercial flights resume. meanwhile, the u. s. embassy and capital is off american citizens not to travel to the airport . it's also advising those are ready there to leave immediately. the u. s. secretary state and lincoln says about 1500 americans are awaiting evacuation from
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the country. indigenous activists in brazil are waiting for the supreme court to make the crucial ruling on rights to their ancestral lands. members of 170 groups or in the capital, brazil. yes, to hear the decision rights group appealed against the state view that tribes can only claim land if they lived there or made their claim before a law came into forest 30 years ago. but indigenous people say many of their communities were expelled from their lands, decades before monica was outside, the supreme court in brazil you it's been a very, very long day. there was a screen set up here behind me where they were listening to the supreme court justices vote, but instead of voting on the indigenous issue, which is which should have been addressed today. early in the afternoon, they started talking about the central bank and a proposal to make it independent from the government. and so during the whole
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afternoon, you had all these different indigenous people. just camp out here listening to this, to this wrong session in receipt. but they were chanting, they were praying, they're waiting for it to end because next in line comes the decision on, on their, their, their issue which is who have the right to claim indigenous land. only those that have that were there until 988. so what happens to those that were expelled from the land before that? there's land is tied to also the environment because by allowing a commercial agriculture or illegal mining by making it easier for land grabbers. it also contributes to deforestation. also, even if people don't occupy the indigenous lands, they're encroaching these reservations and they're poisoning like the water. the
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fish are no longer the can no longer eat their staple food, which was fish because it's poisoned with mercury. so they're all these different issues which are dress, supporters of bolivia, jails, former interim president, janine and he has have been marching through the streets of the pas demanding her release. medic say, on years it's been a stable condition also. she tried to take her own life. she's been charged with genocide over the death of protesters in 2019, and he has also phases charges of terrorism, sedition confederacy. a u. s. federal appeals court has upheld the conviction and death sentence of bill and roof for races, murderers. a black church, 9 people died when rufe, who is white open fire on worshippers at a church in charleston, in 2015. his lawyers appealed his death sentence in may, but judges ruled that his crimes qualified him for the harshest penalty. roof is the 1st person in the u. s. to be sentenced to death for
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a federal hate crime. a new wildfire has caught in san bernadino county in california. it's burning between little creek and fontana. people living in the fire path have been advised to evacuate. firefighter se wins are making it difficult to contain. the fire, us vice president has accused china of bullying. it's southeast asian neighbors come, harris made the comments in vietnam. she's been meeting the president in hanoi. harris is there as part of a tour aimed at countering china as growing influence in the region. florence louis has more from follow them for the us administration has described rivalry with china as the biggest joe political test of the century. and common harris's trip is about convincing nations in the region, in se asia. but the us can be a counterbalance to china is rising influence. now the 2 countries have already traded accusation several times during harris's visit. here,
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paris has accused china of using collage and intimidation in pursuing its territorial claims in the south china sea, saying countries should find ways to increase pressure on china to make it abide by international laws. in china has hit back and editorial in a state one day. he has described harris's visit as a way to contain china and accused us of trying to drive a wedge in relations between southeast asian nations and china. a chinese foreign ministry spokesman set the situation in afghanistan is an example of the us as selfish foreign policy. now, events of guys on have overshadowed harris's trip. she will have to work harder to convince friends, partners in the region about us is credibility. and so her speeches have emphasized the us as commitment to not just southeast asian nations, but to the broader endo pacific region. the us administration has framed harris's
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trip as not just about strengthening ties, but also about broadening the scope of engagement in the region. and that's why they've seen her meeting, not only government officials and singapore and vietnam, but in singapore. she had meetings with businessmen to talk about keeping supply chains open and in vietnam, she officiated the launch of the u. s. a. centers for disease control and prevention, southeast asian office in hanoi, and as, as an example of the u. s. as interest in public health infrastructure in the region. in australia, state of new south wales has a new high for a daily co with 1900 cases. while ty, lines that told from the virus cross 10000 vast majority in the last 4 months, the search comes in vietnam received some vaccine help from the u. s. and taiwan starts using its own job for the virus. scott handler has this look at the region from bangkok. more than half of us, julia is 25000000 people are in lockdown. hospitals in its largest city sydney,
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are under severe pressure as its home state of new south wales sets. a new daily covered 1900 infection record of 919 this after 2 months of lockdown, health officials emphasizing that, the way to counter the search is through vaccination solution. easy now, and i urge everyone in those local government areas who have access to that vaccine to feel those appointment vacancies and get a vaccine. if we get those high levels, the modeling shows, we will change the reflective and we will see a decline in cases neighboring state. queensland has paused arrivals from declared hotspots including new south wales. i think so se quarantine hotels are full across the tasman new zealand has reported the highest number of cases in its delta outbreak. most cases are in auckland, but the entire country isn't locked down. it's stepping up what's been criticized as a slow vaccination rollout. nobody wants to be in lockdown,
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and the beast way that we can return to enjoying the freedoms that we have head for much of the last year is to get very high levels of vaccination. the hospitals in japan are also struggling with a search of new infections brought on by the highly transmissible, self variant. 90 percent of tokyo's, critical care beds are occupied. the country has expanded its state of emergency to 8 more prefix, or is making a 21 in total. that'll cover nearly half of all japan's prefix years. and despite restricting movement in vietnam's largest city hotel min and july covered, 1900 infections have continued to climb. soldiers have been deployed to enforce harsher curbs implemented this week. hope him in has accounted for half a vietnam's total covered $900.00 cases and about 80 percent of the depths on her visit to hanoi. on wednesday, us vice president common harris announced the united states will be donating $1000000.00 doses of the pfizer vaccine. only 1.8 percent of people in vietnam are
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fully vaccinated in taiwan this week, present sign when launched the roll out of a domestically developed cove in 1900 vaccine. she received her 1st dose of the method in jap, that was given emergency approval by regulators last month. it uses a piece of cupboard 19 to trigger the body into mounting and immune response. the move profit, strong opposition within the medical and scientific community, because large scale and long term studies were bypassed. for the 1st time since may, no new domestic cases were reported in taiwan. on wednesday, 40 percent of the islands population has received at least one dose of a cove in 1900 vaccine. scott, either al jazeera, bangkok, south africa unemployment rate has had a record high of 34 percent with more than 7800000 people. jobless, there are concerns, the situation will only get worse with the economy severely affected by the corona, virus pandemic. for media miller reports from johannesburg, despite being african most industrialized economy. so africa has had an
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unemployment rate of more than 20 percent. for the last 2 decades, and now it's at its worst at the 24.4 percent. so africa lost more than half a 1000000 more jobs in the 2nd quarter of this year, taking the total number of unemployed to $7800000.00 people. and they are concerned that that's unemployment grateful only worse than as the continues. so africans, now it's $500.00. they all of a national lockdown because of the coven. 19 pandemic. many businesses have been badly affected, and more jobs have been lost. economists are concerned about the slow pace of recovery, and they say that it's a job creation most likely won't have an impact in the short term as south africa continues to battle a shrinking economy. so africa economies are really frank by at least 7 percent.
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adding to south africa's bose is large scale corruption according to estimates. it costs the country, at least the city $1000000000.00. it's severely impacted. state owned enterprises, the economy, as well as invest the confidence. this is alexandra township in the north of johanna. and it's in communities like this one poor community where the high number of job losses of the most. in july, they were riots and looting in alexandra and other places in the provinces of halting and was doing a towel. and b, economic impact was devastating. many people lost their jobs. there are stores on the streets which remain close. people here, shop owners trying to rebuild what it will take some time. informal traders outside saying that their business has been decimated. they're now making less than half of what they made before. and they're struggling to make a living. they say they don't know when it will improve its estimates that south
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africa last at least $3000000000.00 due to that, andre. and while economists say they are signs of economic recovery, its wall certainly take some time. * before people in communities like this, feel the benefit of that ah fellow, again, the headlines on al jazeera western countries are racing to evacuate people from. i've gone a song with less than a week to go until all foreign troops leave. the taliban have urged afghans to stay while saying those with permission to leave will be allowed to depart once commercial flights resume. meanwhile, the u. s. embassy and capital has asked the american citizens not to travel to the airport. it's also advising those are ready there to leave immediately. us secretary state anthony blink and says about 1500 americans are awaiting evacuation
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