tv [untitled] August 27, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm AST
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but in this case, they're also doing that well, there is a, an ongoing and acute thread from ices k. so that is what they are facing. i would note, since you gave me the opportunity that the military made clear to the president that they are committed to continuing this mission to getting to saving lives, to evacuating more people from the country over the coming days and completing their mission by the 31st what it will also mean as they move to this retrograde phase is that there will be a reduction of numbers over the next couple of days. and we've been putting those numbers out to all of you twice a day so that you can see how that, how, how we are evacuating people out of the country. those numbers will go down in the next couple of days. and you should anticipate that that is as a result of the retrograde process that needs to take place. but also i will note that of course force protection is front and center and it is vital to the mission . one more refers in the office
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meeting with 5 minutes for you talk to dr. how she was shocked after 5 months on you. so i was looking at that low. what information? now it just defines possibilities, going that direction to be very clear, the president would rely on any guidance by the cdc and the ca and his health and medical experts, that guidance continues to be 8 months of that has not changed. so i want to be very clear on that if they were to change their guidance based on data for any particular group, he would of course, abide by that. but for people watching at home for you all who are reporting out that nothing has changed about the 8 month timeline as it relates to the boosters. why, why did they go? why is the conversation even further from me? well, i would say i can't, i wasn't in sitting in the meeting, having the discussion with them on this. but as israel has taken the step of 6
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month boosters, and it's the president referenced advice he'd been given from the prime minister. obviously we make our own assessments based on, based on our health and medical experts here in the united states and nothing has changed on that front. so i think it was more likely the reference to that. and obviously we have ongoing discussions with our health and medical experts about what they look at, go ahead to, to on 1st i just wanted to get an update on my, on this guy, if he has any to be troops. my names are we're talking, i hadn't been an announcement as you know by the us military, about the timing of that. but i can reader what i conveyed yesterday, which is the president will look for any opportunity to honor the service men and women who lost their lives yesterday. but i don't have anything to announce at this point in time. one other thing, there's been some reporting around the taliban requesting a diplomatic, an ongoing diplomatic present. could you tell me a little bit about what is here, the white house, about whether that's appropriate and how,
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how long it start with the as of august. well, i would say 1st that we are looking at ways and i will refer to our secretary of state and the state department here to continue to engage. i'll know something i said, i know this wasn't exactly your question, but just to, to get it in here. that the president to direct the secretary of state to continue diplomatic efforts with international partners to secure means for 3rd country nationals and afghans with these as to leave the country even after the us military presence ends. a part of that would certainly be having a coordinated approach and engagement with the taliban because in order to continue to evacuate, any american citizen who was not yet prepared to leave, who wants to leave the 3rd country, nationals and africans with these, as we will need to coordinate with the taliban, that does not mean or translate into a presence on the ground. as we've noted, we are pulling our presence out by the 31st and that has not changed for sure.
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thrust themselves in with american security in terms of the way the attack yesterday get a rough but i guess my question is, is the coordination of the child and the best of bad options, right now or view from what house that it was. the only option given the dynamics may be both, and i will say, i know i won't get into a semantic debate, but i think it's worth repeating as often as i can, that we don't trust the taliban. this is not about trust, but there is a reality on the ground. and the reality is the african, the taliban control, large swath of afghanistan, including the area surrounding the perimeter of the airport. so by necessity, that is our option to coordinate with, to get american citizens out to get our african partners out to get individuals who are eligible for the range of programs. united states has out and we have now evacuated, more than 105000 people as a result of those coordinated in enlarge part as
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a result of those coordinated efforts of getting people out. but i will say that as, as the department of defense noted earlier today, clearly something went wrong here on the process that we saw. the ice k attack occur yesterday. we don't have additional information to suggest that it was, you know, intentional or anything along those lines. which was the question that was asked yesterday, but clearly there was a break in the security process here. there's no question about that before he's really good. he was officially definitive about the security threats for where this is always been something president for us. why, why is there a fee tangible difference in what you guys are seeing perhaps over the last several days, that makes it more different than what the president reciting over $10.00 days ago? well like i can't always, i know you're not asking me to, but i can't clearly get into specific details from here. but what i think the,
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the reason we put this out publicly in the way we did is because yesterday there was a attacked by terrorist that killed 13 members of the u. s. military. and it's important for us as the better as the government to be clear about what threat r u. s. forces are facing on the ground as they continue to implement the mission. and that threat is acute. it is ongoing, our troops are still in danger and they are taking the steps they are taking to save lives and evacuate people because of their commitment to the mission. and we felt it was important for people to understand that go ahead thing. so no one is asking about the statement he put out. he said that in light of the x rays at the troops, there are taking maximum force protection measures at coppell airport. what resources are available to them that they didn't have yesterday, they had the same number of troops and the same amount of equipment, any resources that they need and they request from the president. they will be granted, but i'm not going to get into additional details. and then i'm also wondering if the president has a plan to speak to the families of the fall service members. yes. so how this
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process works is the next of kin notifications. that of course, happen by the department of defense typically in person to next of can. i believe they gave an update on that this morning conveyed that that process is ongoing. the president wouldn't then make a call or reach out until that process is completed and it would be up to the next of kin and the families to determine if they are prepared to receive a call from the president of the united states. and i think it's important to know that this may be the worst day of their lives, and they may or may not feel they're ready to talk to the united states, or they want to talk to the president of the united states. and that's their choice . but i expect once any calls are completed will provide you all an update. and then finally, i want to know if the white house has any reaction to the author, republican lawmakers who are now calling the president to resign. well, an answer, i have to say that seeing some of those occur or be called for or be put out on twitter. you know,
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the backdrop here is the us men and women of the military. deployed on the ground are bravely continuing to implement a mission to save lives on the ground american citizens ask and partners. many people that some of the same individuals are calling for us to evacuate yesterday. they lost 13 of their own, and the president made absolutely clear that we are going to cut down go after and kill the terrorists, who are responsible. everyone should be supportive of that. i think now, not the time for what correct. go ahead. bank again, when the president says we will hunt you down and make you pay. what does that look like if you can order emission to kill the people responsible or would he be satisfied that they are captured and brought to trial? i think he made clear yesterday that he does not want them to live on the earth anymore. okay. and the us is for meeting with the taliban. about clarity for the next couple days. some of the people running security for the taliban in cobble are
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terrorists with millions of dollars worth of bounties on their end. are we going to try to bring those known terrorists to justice before we leave the country feeder? i think our focus right now is on doing everything we can to get the remaining american citizens who want to depart out of the country to get her african partners out of the country. as i just said, in response to phil's question, this is not a preferred relationship or a situation that we would have designed if we had started from scratch. i think that's very clear. but right now we need to continue to coordinate. that's our focus for the next couple of days. the last one you said, you think we're going to have a great deal of leverage over the taliban after we leave. you think we're going to have more leverage with no troops on the ground that we do with thousands of troops on the ground floor to be clear. one of the steps at the present directed a secretary of state to take, which was in statement this morning was to engage with our international partners
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to determine what the path for it looks like. and there are key components here. the taliban are going to want to functioning airport. so to wait, there is an enormous amount of economic leverage that the global community has. that's something we need to work with our international partners on. as we have more updates you want, we will update you on it. certainly the president's commitment to make those who are responsible for yesterday's attack. pay is the present committed, and even after american troops leave afghanistan, he would be willing to that in american troops even more to complete that mission, to kill. those are responsible. i'm not going to get into details from here on what going hunting down and, and going after the terrorist who killed 13 service members will entail or detail. and i don't think the department of defense will either, but that will. he, that commitment will remain until it's done by the potential exists for troops to go back. even after that, again, i'm not going to get into the detail of what that would require, but his commitment remains until it's done in terms of the commitment just so it's
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clear for americans right now. just 4 plus days away from the august 31st deadline is the white house. this commitment still at this point that all americans who want to leave afghanistan will be able to leave before that date. that is what we are focused on committed to and working toward the diplomatic effort friday mit tuesday . what more can you tell us about these talk? the president directed the secretary states undertake how close is an agreement? well, we have a diplomatic presence in i can sell december 1st. that's not what we're predicting, nor are we predicting. we're going to have it. we're not predicting a diplomatic presence on the ground and afghan, and we are. what we're talking about is coordinating with our international partners in order to determine what the path for looks like so we can continue to evacuate 3rd country nationals, afghans with visas, and any american citizens who have not yet departed because they are not prepared to depart after that period of time, and that will require coordination with their international partners who will also require continued engagement in some capacity with the taliban. just to be clear,
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are you suggesting that will not be in american diplomatic from them? so i think we've been clear, we're pulling our personnel out by the 31st. i don't think we've made any other assessment. i'll let the state department speak to any other plans beyond that. one more question. i think you want to keep it? yes. so you believe the president has all the legal authority needs to in fact, yeah, i suspect is it the, the white house is viewed, the president lean on the and you want to have that was password after 911. to do so, i can just assure you the president, the military feel they have all the authorities, they need to attack isis. k. good question. 20 from members of the team. are pushing for a special meeting, not ask and again, usually your discussion of having a d for a special jan 20 meeting. it's a great question. it would really happen. be coordinated through the state department, jennifer. so i would refer to that. i expect they'll have more details on their plans engagements with international partners in the coming days. office talks
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about how if he fails with the wrong and he would be willing to look at other options. can you share a little bit more about what other options might be? well, any president always maintains arrange of options. but i would tell you that our objective and our 1st priority and focus is on a diplomatic path forward. and that's what we're, we're putting our energies at this point in time. go ahead. i know that there have been a lot of questions about this. i'm just really want to try to get some clarity around after august 30 for, for people who still be on the ground. and i want to get out is, does the us right now have a vision of a process that they need to get people out after the 31st. and what is the commitment after other than for is have to leave. if you want to get out of afghanistan and you are, you know, that you need help the us military or an afghan. you'll be able to get out. if you are a green card holder or someone else who wants to get out of you. is us guaranteeing
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that you will be in i don't think we can guarantee, but what we can do is work toward and this is what the president directed the secretary of state to continue diplomatic efforts with international partners to cure means for 3rd country nationals, afghans with visa, who may be eligible for programs, of course, any american citizen who remains in country to leave the country even after the us military presence. and there is a means of mechanisms for that. those conversations are ongoing. that's our objective. our commitment does not change on october 3rd, on august 31st, obviously we need to figure out the operational mechanisms, which is the conversation that's underway. question about green card holder in afghanistan. us green card holder. are they being prioritized right now, or is it only us that is our link are upholstered, not being prioritized at this point. again, i think you can note from the numbers even if you look at the last 24 hours and we got more than 10000, i think was actually
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a little bit higher than that. people out just over $300.00 of them were american citizens pass, pass for holders. i should say. obviously the rest of the people were asked were green card holders were others. they are still getting out of the country. yes. go ahead. the administration you're finding ministration is filled with people who've had a long experience with many of them dating back years and not you know, decade putting the president, including the, for most of that time. that's how that was sworn enemy. mean it was the enemy again to we 5, is there recognition inside the administration of the irony, sort of ram irony of having to being in a position to rely upon and coordinate with and have negotiations with the adversary that they thought many of the spot for for today, i think irony is far too light of a term. i mean are the reality is here as kind of to phil's earlier question. this
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is the circumstance we're faced with the taliban control swatch, the slots of the country. that is not what anyone anticipated at this point in time, in order to get american citizens out in order to get her african partners out. in order to get green card holders out. we need to coordinate with the taliban. we've been able to evacuate more than 105000 people. as a result, this is not the only place in the world where we work. we have to work with adversaries or people who have been enemies at times in order to further us national security objectives. that's a part of what you have to be to do when you're running the united states or when national security teams are looking to achieve our objectives around the world. was a little bit more emotional from inside the metrics in the meeting, but you're in a kind of resignation or frustration or whatever you want to call it with their situation that they find themselves. i know i okay. i understand your question. i would say having sat in a lot of these meetings, there's just not a lot of time for self reflection. right now. the focus is really on the task at
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hand. and as even as we're talking about these threats that are acute and ongoing and increasing, we're focused on that. and what the information is that incoming, what steps we can take to get more people out over the coming days or the remaining days. so i wouldn't say there's a lot of focus on self reflection at this point in time. go ahead. what is the white house is reaction to the supreme court yesterday, overturning the cdc's targeted evictions moratorium? does it now? does the white house know what congress to, to issue a new more for him, and what, how do we need to address what could now upon the real eviction crisis for many renters? sure, well 1st president biden would of course support congressional action to authorize an eviction moratorium. and the supreme court has now clearly outlined that as the sole way a moratorium could remain in effect. now at the same time, i think it's important to remember what our objective is here. our objective is to
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keep as many people around the country in their homes as possible federal legislation is one way to do that. obviously the eviction more term we had have had in place and we've been issuing month to month is one way to do that. but the e r. a funding that came through the american rescue plan and is going out to states is another way to do that. and we have asked and we have put out today the department of treasury and the secretary of hud sent a letter calling on all governors mayors, county officials to put in place their own moratorium. there are 7 states across the country who have done that. it's, it's the same impact, right, because it is preventing people from being kicked out of their homes and the states have the funding, thanks to the american rescue plan to get that done. now the other place that's our responsibility that we continue to focus on is working to eliminate any red tape that exists. we made some announcements earlier this week that allows renters to attest to their economic circumstances, to make it easier. that as we have seen an impact in some states, but we're going to continue to look for ways to ease the burden and make it easier
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to get access to the fund with support and other more for him to be going to actively urge congress to take up with those in the past, he has conveyed that, but i think it's really important just to go back and beat a dead horse here, but to not missed the forest through the trees here, which is what we're trying to do here is prevent people from being evicted from their homes, if there were enough boats to pass and eviction moratorium and congress, it would have happened. it hasn't happened, right. so what we're looking at now is how to achieve the objective that we all share, which is to not everyone i should say, but a lot of the people who are calling for an extension on this, which is to keep people in their homes. there is means to do that in these states, 7 states have taken the steps. more states can take the steps, they have the funding, they need. what reports. while you've been listening to whitehouse press secretary jen saki speaking at the daily press briefing. she's confirmed that the u. s. national security team has advised president biden,
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that another terror attack in cobble is likely. she says there's an acute, ongoing, an active threat. troops are still in danger that this is the most dangerous part of their mission. now, while l. s. will continue, true numbers will decrease in the coming days. the white house remains committed to removing the u. s. presence from afghanistan. by the end of this month, miss saki also reiterated that while they don't trust the taliban, they are coordinating with them in order to evacuate people. she added that the u. s. will hunt down and kill those responsible for yesterday's attack. well, let's remind you of all the latest developments in afghanistan a day now, after bombing there killed schools of people trying to flee. i feel k claimed responsibility for that attack outside couple airport that left at least 170 people dead and injured thousands more. 13 u. s. military personnel. also among the dead, the taliban has condemned the violence and stepping up security around the airport
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. the u. s. says it will continue itself until the august 31st deadline, but other countries, including the u. k, ending will have already ended their evacuation missions while alan fischer is across developments for us at the pentagon. but 1st let's speak to robert bride. he's on the ground there for us in the african capital. cobble, rob, can you talk us through what the situation is like there on the ground, especially in that area around the airport? yeah, i mean the airport this friday night, it's just over days. is this devastating attack? it remains extremely tense around the airport. it's the night time i was now, and the numbers of people around the airport tends to drop in any case, but you do get the sense that maybe more people are staying away because of the ongoing fear of a further attack. and also i think a general acceptance that is the number of evacuation flights now decreases as we get towards these various deadlines that the chances of getting on one of these
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flights is also diminishing for many. so while the remains tense that at the airport i grew up, generally the situation in cobble itself is a lot commer this friday night compared with thursday evening. in the aftermath of that attack, things were very jittery on the streets here of the capital. this is the last day of for many people here the weekend and the we've seen on the streets many more people out in the streets. it isn't as tents as it was thursday night. there were still plenty of taliban around, but that is far less gunfire. we hear the occasional shot, but compared with the night fall less we heard so much come fire 24 hours ago as the taliban. i think we're extremely jittery that we've got to be further attacks on what they regard to be as targets here in cobble. they want to disperse crowds, 5 shops in the to do so. so it is a lot compet, but you know,
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we've had the cobble getting to terms with the, the enormity of this, this blast and this attack and the numbers of people injured and killed. we've had hospitals continue to deal with those injured operating on the serious ones, that of course, friday waves. the 1st of the few rows of those victims coincides with the and the ending. it should be said of this of this evacuation during the evening. we still have a lot of activity above us, so it's a bad cross sounds, some of them heavier transport planes. it seems so we can assume that the, the evacuation flights are still going on. but as we mentioned that so many countries are now completing their evacuations. countries like italy, spain, sweden, france, was meant to finish friday, leaving just the united states to carry on and complete its evacuation from the pride, therefore, of all the latest from the ground in couple. thank you so much, rob. while speaking, all those alice, the pentagon, is now saying about 5400 people inside couple airport are still waiting to be
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evacuated, and spokesman says people will be flying out until those very last moments before the august 31st deadline. what we want to do is preserve as much capability for as long as we can both in terms of the security footprint lives are still the priority and the lives of our troops. and of course, the lives of the act vacuum ease and try to continue to get as many out as possible . so there will be a balance over the next few days as we continue to process through that transition as we continue to as what we call retro grade. and i can't give you a specific number on any given day. but i think you'll see us a just as necessary to make sure that we're achieving that proper balance, but we will be able to fly out evacuees right up until the last moment. that's going to be the goal. well, that's not bringing alan fisher, he's been monitoring developments for us in washington d. c. at the pentagon allen,
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we did also get a clarification today about just what happened outside the airport and that investigation is still on the way i believe. exactly, and obviously that it's very clear to us that i saw k was behind it. and i think jack fecky didn't be thing just a few minutes ago. gave the headline them with american newspapers will go on when the power is he going, how is your bike good to track down the people that were responsible? does he want to bring them to justice? she said he doesn't want them to live on f any more. certainly we had from the pentagon in the last few hours that there was only one bombing there. remember, at the time people thought there had been a 2nd bomb towards the hotel, which is very close to the gates, the abbe gates, where the bombing took place. that's understandable when something like this happens, push reports tend to be wrong. people hear gunshots that didn't happen, or to hear an echo of the 1st blast thinking that's a 2nd blast. all of these things can play into the chaos of the moment. and so at
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a very basic investigation that has been carried out by the american military, they have said that it was a suicide bomber who came to the gate exploded the device on his best. there wasn't a 2nd bomb. and the reason that they're going through this investigation, it's not criminal investigation, it's not going to gather forensics. they're not going to speak to witnesses. they're trying to find out where the failure was. because clearly there was a failure the taliban, that providing security on the approach to the airport at a close some roads to make sure that truck bombs couldn't get through. but obviously somewhere along the line, someone who was carrying a suicide best managed to get up close to the u. s. military. and remember that they have not updated the number of people have been killed at 13 is the new number with a number of those injured. they have been lifted to the american airport space in germany. were there no receiving treatment? and we've been speaking to people who were involved with the american military operation and cabal. they said that the reality is that when the close don't
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background, essentially the close don't the trauma facilities that they had at the base there. so if you were injured in action, it was much harder to get any sort of complicated treatment. it was essentially just basic 1st aid that could be administered. and the point they made was, if you are injured in these circumstances, it is likely that you could end up the key killed inaction. and it seems that the, the, the addition to the death toll was someone who succumbed to the injuries overnight . and the names of those people are now being released in his gen sack. he said the families will be approached to see if they will take a phone call from the president who has really championed the american forces. he finishes every, every speech i've ever seen him make by saying, god bless our troops. and though he has to speak to families who have lost loved ones on what was undoubtedly the duck, his day of his petty young bite and presidency. allan fisher with those lines 1st
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from washington d. c. thank you so much, alan. let's get more now from charlotte that she's in cobble on the victims and their families now facing an uncertain future to come to had served as an escort soldier. he went to cavalier port on thursday, hoping his service would be enough to qualify him for an evacuation flight. the father of 4 was killed at the gate. shady goes on the 4th and he's a martyr because he died for a good course. he was the best future for his family because there's no work here and so much fighting. he wanted out of this place and he died for it to come to spend his childhood and final days, under telephone rule. he wanted life to be different to his children and hope to raise them in the united states. but people here say the us has offered little and taken a lot about this. all this misfortune and all the explosions are all those who had attacks all this. because of the americans mason, i'm fam,
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which does it's outside emergency hospital with her mother. her uncle has called from california. they are all way for news on her father who survived the explosion and his being treated in size and much of a high they didn't give us permission to see him and his abdomen. and hans were what he was brought here in a cart. we've only seen pictures of him and he was bloody thousands of the wounded were brought here to emergency hospital. these are some of the more severe and everyone here had been at the airport hoping for an evacuation flight to escape the violence and stairs. they're going to stones latest victims in the intensive care unit. patients explain why they ignored i saw threats and remained outside the gates to argue the case for evacuation. below had tried to get through with his uncle who had a foreign passport. he said it was red color. his uncle died at the scene. in the
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aftermath, many victims with separation from the family members as the della seine went to the airport with 15 relatives. maybe some of them be endured. maybe do the skip the all. i don't know, i can do anything. i hear. i know. i don't know rid of my family. it's my wife. my children. as evacuations, wind down. this is not how many africans expected to see us forces to pause. there are warnings of more i feel attacks at the airport. the taliban has increased security and expanded the perimeter. the thousands who did not make it onto a flight. it is likely a dream lost for others. it is so much more. charlotte bellis al jazeera cobalt. while 2 british nationals were also among those.
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