tv [untitled] August 29, 2021 7:30am-8:01am AST
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rolls, it's a chain for this. we said we need 1015 years from now to demonstrate the day on rolls in the forest in bio diversity and company in the area and the bison. already breeding, born into the wild, one of the cars is seen here. this we wilding program does look successful. the face of the bears, though, is causing consternation. hunting lobby on one side, conservation is on the other. andrew simmons al jazeera in the copy, the mountains of romania ah, could check at the top stories here on the or the us is warning of a specific credible threat. nick campbell airport earlier president joe biden said another attack within the next 24 to 36 hours is highly likely. biden has also promised further strikes against iso giblin is on. know, has more now from washington dc. you know, what we're hearing is,
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is that from the white house and from the pentagon, is that they're keeping all options open on a potential another strike against iso k in terms of the threat to the airport, to the people either outside the airport or to us service members guarding inside the airport, where the evacuation the white house is not saying exactly what the threats are, but they clearly are very clear and very credible threats. and joe biden says that he met with his top military commanders and intelligence officials that say, it's very likely that attack could happen. come within the next 24 to 36 hours on the last, british military flight has left cobb county. the u. k is remaining diplomats and troops out. it ends nearly 20 years of british military presence. the final flight for afghan civilians left earlier on saturday, hundreds of people are entitled to resettlement in the u. k. and then left behind. canadians have been rallying to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis,
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not gun is done in toronto. the protest has called them the government to do more for those have been left behind or can ida is expected to make landfall on the u. s . gulf coast late on sunday as a dangerous category for hurricane. louisiana has now declared a state of emergency. it comes exactly 16 years after hurricane katrina cause devastation to new orleans. hundreds of palestinians have demonstrated in the southern gaza strip and what they say, the 1st series of nighttime protest along these rarely border calling on israel to ease its blockade. on garza, australia is most popular. state new south wales is reporting a record of more than 1200 new current virus infections in the past 24 hours as no sign yet that the outbreak that started in mid june is slowing. more than half the australian population has been under lockdown for weeks as the biggest city struggle to control the virus. well, those were the headlines. the news continues here now, which is era after the stream statement of what the taliban has taken control of f
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. kennesaw on 20 years also it was the whole from power. the country now faces a new reality. how will that impact people as events unfold in the world, react day with the latest news and analysis from us going on to the highest? i me okay. back from holiday to bring you the bonus edition of the stream. this show is what happens when you keep the get off the line will constant take the filter off. coming up on packing katie's parable, history of natural and man made his office as 3 power limpets and what it's like to compete as elite athletes with disabilities. but 1st, a warning. in the next few minutes, she may crack a small or even low laugh out loud. i love this network,
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but it is not known for comedy. are you ready to go on this journey with me? you are about to experience tre crowder, who calls himself the liberal redneck. he's a comedian from tennessee who relo. she's making fun of his fellow selfishness. here he is talking about the corona virus pandemic. i try how you doing? well, the confederacy of dummy is, continues to hold the same people in this country hostage as the delta, very right out of control because they like a poorly trained dog will not take their medicine. i don't understand these people have, i don't believe the viruses re, although by bullying that water into wine, no evidence, but then say multiple elderly neighbors died like some kind of government called gun conspiracy or whatever. and then the ones that do believe it and have somehow wrapped the conclusion that the most appropriate response of the delta barrier would be to send all the mexican back to their country. what is going on was i got a little confession like i'm a dad and will liberal bend and pay for instance,
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at least out $3.00 and an early 2020. i was skeptical cove and i've been other stores are swam blue situation. but here's the thing. i'm virus down. so shortly after that, whenever smart person on earth started saying something different, i realized maybe i was being an idiot. nope, not an idiot. the liberal redneck is a very clever way to deliver comedy. and what i takes, i caught up with trey recently on instagram to talk about his distinctive style. i wanted to stand up comedy since i was a kid. i was 12 years old because i watched chris bigger and blacker with my dad on h b i. when i or whatever, and my dad, which is losing his mind, that the whole like daddy don't get nothing but the big piece of chicken all. but my dad was a single father and everything's my dad's just love and all this. and i'm going to watch it as the 1st time i wanted to, to do it. so i spent all this time thinking about it before i ever actually that put on stage. and i used to always think i got really understand and watches and up
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and everything. and i remember being pretty aware immediately that there wasn't really anybody that were read net comedians, you know, who were all, are all true popular. and i mean, honestly, i love, i love them too, but they weren't, they weren't. why do they may? yeah, yeah. right. and even as a kid, i was like, there are people that sound like me, but not people that side of the things that i think. and then there are people who things that i think, but they don't it all sound like may. and i remember like noticing that even way back then. so i kind of knew that it would be different. yeah. right. so i just stared right into that because it's all, it all comes from very organic. you know, like i was the smart kid in my store, which also meant like the weird, you know, got my phone out, the bugs, butcher guy, that whole fine. that was always fun like the rain, which is weird. yeah. but not, you know, at the same time they wanted to cheat off my math homework so it wasn't too bad us, you know, it's a violence, but i'm saying i was always like,
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i never really fit. and because of the way that i come for a very authentic place, you know, it wasn't anything i had to conder up in the lab anywhere. and i said, you do a lot of yelling and you think of yelling like yeah, well, you know, louder is funnier. everybody knows that i can, you know, right now try really like doing your heading. i mean it's, you know, just always republican governors are saying hell, bent on getting the maximum out other people killed for no reason. just the delta variant ever, i really thought wants to, vaccines came out and some restriction started lifted and things like that. again, we got some tour dates on the books and whatnot. i was, i thought that we could start going back to us and what's a normal but then the depth variant comes or lack of max for you. thank you. are, this is 2021. we don't play that game around here, but just it, there,
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it kills me. it makes me very upset because of how unnecessary it seems to me like it is like, it doesn't. yeah, i know that everything's terrible when you take for granted the things you're terrible now, but like this thing in particular doesn't have to be as bad as this. there's plenty of things that could be done in a lot of places to just aren't in the name of freedom or whatever puts i had 2 sons that are $89.00, and they go to school in southern california. so it's not like as bad, but lots of stuff. these like school board meetings and people scream and doctors because they want to put a mass on there to protect their child and they're threatening the doctors lives and stuff that is in my home state of tennessee. and i watch that and it makes me want to just pull my hair out and because there's just no excuse for that type of thing as far as i'm concerned. and so, i mean, you know, that's been the same thing, that's making a lot of people might, i guess right now it's been the same. it's been upsetting me the most. i just know what is the about the south. do you think that encourages people to do something
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this in a certain way, you've got the inside skinny on this, what do you think it is? i'm, i'm probably all the we do all the time and our general actions in question and yeah, you know, just the sum total of our history probably i would say a lot of it because in sincerity. yeah. i think a big part of it. i don't know, some of it, i don't really understand why, but just for an example, like when people think of a southerner, they think of the sign saying, always mean like, you know, somebody like, you know, and, oh boy, it looks at me. but without the glasses and sounds like may, but, you know, holding up an anti abortion sign or whatever outside of the, you know, a clinic, just just screaming about freedom with an eagle chart. that's a picture. but like there is all, there's a bike that i feel like people don't think of like out tasks or whatever when they think of the main like that. yeah there's,
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there's more black people live in the south than any other region in the country. but like they don't get thought about when people think of like what the south is like. and also the white people like me who are like that get discounted to when people take into consideration what the south is like. and for us, i think a part of it, or large part of it is because people who don't want to be viewed as being that way, usually lose the accent and stuff and sort of differently. oh yeah, very much paper. yeah. because it's like i don't want people, thank them. i'm a rice and stuff, whatever. i don't want to think that either, but my thing was always, yeah, but i'm not in the fact that i've found this laid doesn't make it so. so i just didn't buy into that, but i'm saying, you know, people that talk sense from the south usually oftentimes, not always, obviously i'm accepting the role. they don't sound like you know. and then anytime you like channels like that, again,
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me and others. yeah. they're always saying the same regression book over and over, you know what i mean. so like, you can understand how people get that get that idea. seals on a stereotype for sure. ash find nice. have you experience any backlash from? very typical something as because of your views and i didn't i yeah, i haven't. i haven't had anybody tried to like give me what for and i'm family dollar parking lot. when i'm back home or anything like that, like no physical altercations. i don't know if it's because i'm bigger than i look on the internet or whatever, but or if i don't recognize me with slaves on my shirt, i don't know what the reason is. but anyway, i haven't had anyone like try to start me in my face in public, back in the style. but if you talking about i very much existed. i internet comment
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level of hatred. you know very much i have enough to sit on the comment section and you know, call my guy or whatever from their basement, but not enough to like leave the house and come find me and call me, you know, like they don't, i don't quite yet. i guess it's mostly. yeah, yeah. one of these days. but i mean, yeah, i get, i mean, not from the very beginning 5 years ago. and still now i am very regularly. we'll get messages from people, you know, and just call my blood trader back to your cell and it's all out or saying that i'm making you right. like i know you're not a real southern because you can't be because why you are never buy like that type of i guess stuff like that all the time. it really doesn't fit well. a lot of people and there's some people i know personally who like, you know, i would have thought we were coal and we are no longer co people that i grew up with and stuff but not most, most, my buddies. i grew up with. we fail. you know,
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we've kept it together, but i'm sorry, some guys wash their hands immediately. there's all the se in your comedy and that in some. yeah. yeah. and they're not wrong either. but i'm there with a particular demo and voice and with the dumb. oh boy, opinion to go with it. i'm trying, i think, yeah. right. people say that and make some inferences about the inspiration of it. you know, they might be correct so hard to mine won't prevent an upset. do you think you'd change hearts and minds to ok? yeah, but probably not in the way you're asking, although maybe you maybe it's what you have in mind. but i mean, you tell me how you feel. you've changed people. ok. more classic read next. now for stereotypical redneck. yeah. how many of i heard from dale my like you know what i don't mess with the flag the better flag anymore. whatever like that type of
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thing. has that happened? yes. how many times? a handful, not that many like i've not, that is not happen to me that out. but sometimes i hear 2nd hand storage people my cell, my father and i are very own and kind of whatever i've heard, things like that. but how many times i've, i've been told by people from elsewhere from outside the south, that black my videos, wherever like, change the way they looked at the south in general and made them realize that i thought you're like, santa unicorn. i don't know. people like you existed, i thought the south and just one thing and i realize it wasn't. i've been told that a 1000000 times and that means a whole lot to me to try crowd as a new pro redneck. you could see movies comedy on instagram at official tre crowder . the tokyo 2020 paralympic games on the way. on the opening day, the stream was joined by 3 power libyans after the life will come from got super
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candid about the challenges of completing the power, the bakes carlos meals espinosa from human rights watch. got that conversation started the barrel impacts are starting today, but not all those parents who should be in the event are there. unfortunately, many paralympic national committees are not providing reasonable accommodation and accessible conditions for everyone to go to the games. and these needs to change their needs to be transparent procedure to determine when apparently the pin is eligible to have personal support or so i look at this headline, this made this make me a little while ago this death fly paralympic was told to navigate health care alone because she quit team the u. s. a. this seems like some huge dissonance going on
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here. when you start? yes. so i think what we need to start looking at is, you know, the law talks about, and i'm talking about us, talks about reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. but i think what we're really talking about here is tools to facilitate performance, right? and that's a different question, and she simply needed a tool to facilitate her performance, which was personal support to navigate the flight and you know, getting around tokyo. and so i think we need to reframe this question. and instead of looking at what the athletes need to perform as special, reasonable, different, whatever. we need to look at it as a tool that facilitates elite sport performance and figure out how we can provide that and is making notes. it's going to take while i'm finishing the notes. yeah. what, what happened was, what happened? it's like it's like asking dad to step onto the field without without his helmet.
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it's exactly the same thing. it's like lauren: yeah. okay, cool. but you know how many times you can take on the rush naked it's, it's disgusting. i can't even imagine it's like a pair of bikes to his friends. it's bad, it's. ready a piece of assistive equipment it's, it's a central form and i've heard where you struggle to understand how those come, how those come from the i p c or in or an n p c. that sort of thing really, really should all be happening. you've got no comment from me other than just outrageous what. but this is a parent pick committee who agree to this and this is because of they wanted to juice the footprint of people in tokyo because as covert 19. and when you hear that, you know, you know that what is your response, you know, i read that story and, you know, i was funded because how do you send
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a builder and you know, to, to construct a building and take away his or her was that is just one question that kept bringing in my mind, how would you expect someone to you not to, to prepare in a certain way, then get to this to the start line and take away all those things. that's what, you know, how supports you know, to end it more to, to perform. you know, it's really, it's just sad to be honest. but you know, i'm always so from, i think the people who are involved the people would in to look into these. they should be ashamed of themselves. they should be totally yes of themselves. and unfortunately, it's only, it's only a very, very small drop in the ocean of what happens to the person every single day. there's no end of tweet, so i see from friends wanting to get on to trains and one of the trains or anything that we're friends and they get stuff one is right, because the because people say i don't want to get the again,
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the person to the wheelchair it's attitude like that, the very, very commonplace. frankly, it doesn't, it doesn't surprise me. it's the same. and that's right, i think that's, it's when again, when we look at things through this lenses, special are different. instead of facilitating equity, equality equal access, right? than that one, you know, you become this other and it's, you know, it costs too much money. it takes too much time. it's very special way. instead of saying, you know, we're all on this planet, we all have a right to be here. let's facilitate making that as comfortable and safe for everyone as we can. and, you know, i don't have the answer. how to make that happen. but i think again, i think it's, we have to shift the way that we think about it and recognize that, you know, we, the 15 are part of global society. we're not separate and apart. we are part of humanity and need to be need to be part of humanity. and maybe it takes
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a different resource than somebody who doesn't have a disability for me, or sam or an to be included. but let's provide that. yeah, you know, you know, what frustrates me is the fact that, you know, people disabilities on sunday have to keep begging and validating the existence. and then, you know, you will sort of never find in the northern pic village for example, where somebody has been taught, don't bring these or don't bring your spikes or, you know, so why is it happening to the disabled person or the december directly? it is because disability is always an after thought and will feel a strike. sam roddic and linda math, andrea bringing that parent picks for it to the stream. thank. finally, to haiti, where haitians are recovering from a major earthquake this months, followed by
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a tropical storm. and the assassination of president last month we'll have you ever catch a break in a post show discussion, gas, john home and the dish and the job and built in a bad pierre tackled a question that people in haiti often talk about like every haitian. yes, i wonder about that and i think it probably has to do with many reasons one, but one of the main reasons is bad leadership, as you pointed out and by leadership has been in this country and been our ability to match war disasters, for example, or hurricane, sometimes the whole retains not, not really strong fading, but because of our population. we're cause a lot of warren and adequate also we've seen major upgrades
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happening elsewhere, but not causing that much stations. but i think it's because by leadership and or related issue like or russian as made their country much more about to to natural disasters, not very journalistic. but i mean, it is a, a real conversation that was having, have you ever thought about, hold on a minute. have news again? oh, an acceleration. way to do all the money. go for the. what is a billions of dollars go for rebuilding hazy. how can you misplace billions of dollars? what is your analysis does have really difficult. well no, i think there's even the books written about it. yeah, i think in 2012 to use the. busy earthquake and 2010 there was
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a big investigation, know that the other guests on the panel is going to allow a lot more about than i am. and it was concluded that a lot of money went missing and i think i didn't touch it at the start. so, you know, saying that a lot of engineers that came it's hard to say, you know, if it was a law or if you believe you some money responsible response play and it went missing the regional. so i think a real difficulty and i think you were touching on this as well. and the dish as well, like there's a lot of positive stuff that we just seen on the ground, the injuries are doing or just agencies from around the world, especially right in the aftermath and disaster, they've really try and the best they got so many dedicated people that have come in, i think so it's difficult for them in trying to link up with the government either local or top level because of i think that was also one of the problems with the earthquake a became in the 1st place. ok. so you should partner with local authority, you can't just, you know, you know, one day and then you will see the data with
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a country quite high level of corruption, sundays authority. and there's money that goes missing there. and i can imagine that being pretty frustrated when you're trying to do the right thing. you just seeing it disappear and you know, then you're going to get flamed to that. you know, that does something that i think the best in a bag. and i know a lot more about the name of the sleep, you know, the hey, shanice and berry from we're still in incredible people in the context of all this, things be complex. there is a situation in haiti. 3rd, come the haitian culture. it's a beautiful culture, but it's also a very complex culture with incredible history. so it's going all the way back to
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its revolution. think about bad. they change the economic system of the time, slavery and, and some of that. so it's following katie, the central station of decisions in the country. a lot of the persons made up the central level, which is important. so often times the voice of the people is not part of those. you know, haiti as the country, very good friends. you can talk about the people in the north in similar to those in the south, culturally and socially, economically, politically. very frank, this area. so the sessions often times when the intervention comes and from the international community. whoa, good in town since and there's no question about that. what's the brand that it's
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not what i'm a question and it can be a cookie cutter approach for lack of better words. we really want to go back. we need to start working with those on the grounds to reinforce their capacity to be ready for the next. but what happened says, i said, was explained before the funds or the, or the part or the food or whatever goes to those organizations that don't have a real press then on the ground bug had the big proceed. capacity to be able to manage large, you know, a or large pockets of money, et cetera. but then you're leaving, those are on the ground. and the bone airable as you found them to respond to the neck. and i have to say the 1st responders to any, the faster are those of us that are on the ground experiencing the
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earthquake hurricane or civil unrest of whatever, whether a man made aware of a natural disaster, ready to respond. so i know, you know, the people in kind, the doctors and nurses, all the volunteers, all the people over there was the 1st responders to the needs of the people, the same thing in jeremy, the same thing and all the little area people helping people. but yeah, i read the stuff that i will tell you this in jeremy. we still have homeless people from the 1st place. 2010 from hurricane matthew. 2016. and now that's too bad the most recent earthquake. so that shows you where the process of them recovery, what happens with all of that. so i want to go back to be accountability. that has to be a lot of accountability of those that have come into the country,
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claiming that they are doing something for the people in the country. our coverage of haiti in all of its complexity continues on al jazeera. be sure to follow john holman's reports for the latest from the caribbean nation. thank the watching today . phoenix. ah. a tale of 2 presidents. venezuelan military defectors, me american math, and reese, ah, and to bizarre, he had told daisha attempt at regime change in the ball a very in republic of venezuela. people empowered the bay of pigs on al jazeera. the state of a man sits the most of the gulf eastern end of the era peninsula. if you look at the raven peninsula as a whole,
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the essentially to the ancient countries to the east to west. it's sometimes known as the switzerland of the gulf because of the important regional role. it plays in the gulf cooperation council. the gcc mine long history is not well known outside the gulf region before oil was discovered in 1962 fishing and prototyping words, main sources of income. in this film, we go back over the last 500 years of all 90 history of tribes. boris rebellion and colonization, and explore how and why man still plays unimportant regional role today. how many nukes is too many new america has in many ways driven the arms race parties are much more like the british parties down to the there are fewer
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regulations to own a tiger than their our own a dog. how can this be happening? your weekly take on us politics and, and that's the bottom line. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter when you call home will be used in current affairs. that matter to you, i keep away from campbell airport. the us warnings are americans after what it calls a credible threat. but you last military likely cobbled, taking out nearly 15000 down. but 111. i . hello, darren jordan, this is sarah ally from coming up getting out.
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