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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm AST

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but i hope you can entertain it's according to politico, the us knew where the attack would roughly where the attack would take place on thursday and when it would attack, when it would take place. why were there us troops? i back gate at that time. jeff, what i can tell you is that we have been monitoring as close as we can intelligence that lead us to believe that we're in a very dynamic and in some cases, specific threat environment. number one, number 2, as gentle mackenzie said, we're going to, we're going to investigate. we're going to get to the bottom of what happened last thursday. 13 precious lies were last. we're going to take that seriously and we're going to and we're not going to investigate it. in public, at number 3, i am absolutely not going to speak to a press story that was informed by the unlawful disclosure of classified
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information and sensitive deliberations here at the pentagon. just not going to do it. yeah. just given being conducted a residential area, this straight drawn strike was the collateral damage up there with all the printing . so wasn't the only option you guys use questions about if you were there, any other option? do to stop that bomb laden, i'll let the general general to provide context. only thing i would say is that we've used the word dynamic a lot and, and i know that sounds like pentagon speak and but that's really how you the best way to describe the threats for facing dynamic moving fluid. quick and because that's how i c. k operates and we have to try to be as quick and nimble
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as they are. and when you have what we believe to be an imminent threat, and we believe this to be an imminent threat, we took the action that we believed was, was the most necessary at the best opportunity to toward that attack. commanders will always minimize collateral damage. that is one of the key tenets of, of what we are, how we operate. in this case, just like mr. kirby said, that this strike prevented a high profile attack against both the, you know, coalition us forces and other afghan siblings. and so as we looked at the information that we had during the time, the strike, we took all those measures in place and the decision was made to strike. and toward that, that attack on the,
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on the find records. so the us for protection measures engaged goes right, it's one of them or you didn't engage the other ones. you just wanted the 4th one. as we look at just going back, the forest protection, see ram did work, it did engage and had effect on the one. and then one did land in a, in an area, and it was not effective. didn't, didn't interest after that one by correct. we intercepted one and it was effective . ok, see ram was effect 3. now, to clarify the numbers you stated earlier on, so 122000 is the 5400 a part of that number of americans evacuated or is that a separate number from the learned 22000 plus, evacuated over the course of this operation. going back to late july when we
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started moving as the applicants back home and then you add in that since then. yes, 5400 is included in 122. of course, i understand you can give us an update on the number of troops on the ground, but i'm confident that all that would be outweighed the deadline. and also if you can log ty, when that deadline would come into effect like cobbled time august, it's it's, it's a little bit cool. no, no, i affairs for answer. your 1st question is yes. and the answer to 2nd question is, i'm not going to get into it. jen, thank you. if you do it, i s k. perry, the continued periods of time, even after the over us troops on the 31st. we do united state get involved with the war on terror again.
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well, i think i'd like to go back to what i said before to, to courtney the. the president has made it clear that our, our combat mission are that the war we have been fighting in afghanistan, that, that's going to end. and it's going to end very soon here. but we're not going to end is our commitment, especially here's the defense department to protect the american people from, from threats, and particularly from any terrorist threat that could emanate from afghanistan again. and as i said to, to my, the previous answer you can see, and just the last 2436 hours that we do have an effective over the horizon counterterrorism capability. we've employed it now twice and that capability will, will remain. and obviously, we're not going to detail what it looks like on any given day against any
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particular draft, but we're going to maintain that capability to protect the american people from threats that could emanate from afghanistan. it's also important to remember that counterterrorism that isn't just enough. ghana, stan, it's in a lavonne, it's in north africa, and we and you guys all seen that and we are going to still maintain that ability to, to tort those threats as best we can and, and over the horizon is not something new to us either. i mean, we're, we, we've been doing it for a long time and in places outside afghans. yeah. that'll arise an ability for striking for sar. is that still still coming from goal basis, or are you making progress with regional partners for that override that comes from over their eyes and abraham and i'm not going to go into more detail or being made with those negotiate. we continue to have discussions with neighboring nations about about possibilities. i don't have anything to announce today alex, come back to you. are you there? yeah. can you hear me john? i got you. yeah. go back to the strike. the john strike on the vehicle.
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you know, i want to revisit the evidence you used. you know, it seems like verification that it was a legitimate target came from the secondary explosion though. an ordinance expert in trying to detect told me, you know, extracting the wire photos publicly available photos of the scene show, you know, a lack of stood on the walls, you know, relatively little amount of shrapnel. there's a tree that was knocked down that with the foil, it's going tact. so, you know, after viewing these things, you know, what was your, you still stand by with a degree of confidence that there was a significant explosion and not something like you guys think explosion or something like that. that may miss direct the be evidence of a big secondary explain. know. we know that, as i said earlier, there was a secondary explosion that assess that the,
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what was there was going to be used in a high profile attack. i don't have details on the know the information that you're just saying that, but our intelligence expert and the centcom will continue to assess the post strike activities. ok, kept warm and back there. the president has made it clear we'll maintain over horizon counter terrorism capabilities. woods there of pentagon, press secretary john kirby, taking questions from journalists alongside the u. s. army major general, hank taylor, kirby went on to emphasize that counterterrorism capability is effective and it will remain ill. so touched on the evacuation, which have taken place so far, saying more than a 122000 people have been evacuated. this of course is the final ours is we
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understand that of the u. s. evacuation process. hello, i'm sam is a diamond da. how will that look at the al jazeera news out here? now, us evacuations are in the final hours. is it winds down it's 20 a mission in afghanistan, the pentagon just announced the 122000 people have been flown out since july and the biggest air lift in the u. s. history. and as the last few flights take off from cobble, several rockets were 5 towards the airport. early on monday, i saw the affiliates in afghanistan says it is responsible at approximately 11 pm eastern time. last night. as many as 5 rockets were fired at the cool airport, u. s. military forces successfully employed our force protection measures to thwart
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that attack. us forces retain the inherent right of self defense and are authorized to meet threats with a swift and forceful response. us troops are among the last to leave among international forces. and while huge numbers of afghans have been flown out, many who want to leave off stranded bis and the looming humanitarian crisis have set off a flurry of diplomatic move us secretary of state and to be blank, and will hold the virtual meeting with several allies, including casa and turkey, while france and the u. k, will urge the un security council to protect civilians and ensure a safe passage for those who want to escape. we have 3 correspondence covering all these developments, and i've kind of fan, kristen salumi is live at the united nations. figure out what the hells and what's being discussed spare the latest on the grounding, cobble we have, rob mcbride standing by. but 1st, let's take you to alan fisher. he's at the white house to address that pentagon
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briefing. so very clear that the message which the pentagon is trying to emphasize is but they've done a huge job when it comes to evacuations, right, alan? that's right. and joint can be a saying that no one could be expected, the government to collapse quite so quickly where people suggesting that that might happen. so there will be questions after this about whether or not there was a huge intelligence failure, as there was 20 years ago. when some of been latin coordinated the attacks in the united states on 911, which precipitated the us going into afghanistan in the 1st place. what was interesting of the 5 rockets that were launched at the airport overnight? only one landed one was intercepted by the rocket system 3 landed outside the airport. but this talk about how they are able to continue to target people. even after the united states pulls, it's what they've talked about for
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a long time. this over the horizon security capability to be able to still neutralize threats that the c i knew from speaking to people over the last few hours that the americans really want this operation to be done. they what they want to get to the deadline. they want all the american troops out, every american who wants to leave, they want them out. they want to remove as many afghans as they possibly can do it without loss of life. because there's, we've seen the lives lost at the end of last week. and then a number of civilians killed depending and says it targeted what was potentially a car bomb and cabal on sunday. the really just want to wake up on wednesday or thursday morning and have the headache of processing all these people rather than have the headache of ending america's presence in afghanistan after 20 years. and kind of related to that. you and i was chatting before the show about the whole issue of counter terrorism operation security corporation that came off in the
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press briefing, didn't it about what sort of as the americans are cooling over the horizon counter terrorism capabilities will be maintained and how much coordination will there be with the taliban? what is clear is that at the moment the real politic dictates the taliban is in charge of our canis. done. they're in charge of cabal that for the united states has to work closely with them to make sure that this operation continues as smoothly as possible. what happens in the future? well, we already had from the taliban who condemned at the attack that targeted the so called sports or the, the senior i so figured that was killed in a joint attack. and then they also condemned the attack on sunday, which we believe may have killed innocent civilians. what is clear from speaking to some security people i know is that they don't think there will be sharing of intelligence with the taliban. they say it's a complicated situation,
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but the believe that there is too much overlap between i saw k and the taliban even though the 2 groups are meant to be in opposition. there are still links between the 2 groups and therefore the united states are not, isn't going to flag. and the thing up before it can be an operation. if they think in joint curve, these words, that there is a threat to the united states or to americans emanating from afghanistan, then they will act at the said, the although the us and the war and i've got a son that's come to an end. what we'll know and is this commitment to continue to protect americans, so it will be complicated, excuse me, the maybe discussions on a diplomatic level between the taliban and the united states. but the idea of them sharing intelligence according to the people i've been speaking to seems farfetched unless there is a common goal. unless there is something that the taliban need dealt with or have
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highlighted on the united states believes it's also its interest to take some action on that front. then there may be some joint action, but from the people i've been speaking to say, it's far too complicated to consider sharing any intelligence with the taliban. all right, good stuff from alan fisher. let thank him for that. let's head over now to rob mcbride. he joins us live from cobble. of course we have those latest rocket, a tanks towards cobble airport. what does the situation on the ground looked like? well, the aftermath of those attacks look like, i think it is quite troubling for the americans. probably more insight, logical terms, is that now into this game of the backyard ation exercise. that because that seems to be little indication of actual harm or damage. but the us had warned specifically about a rocket attack as one of the continuing threats from this islamic state affiliates
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. it seems to be prepared for that. it, it deploy. does we just have confirmation that with more details on the pentagon, this anti rocket system that it has? it said it was successful. intercepting several of the rockets that they came in saying that just one of those rockets fell harmlessly. it says in an open piece of land the, the islamic state group has claimed responsibility. they say a total of 6 could choose cuz the rockets were fired at presumably from a vehicle which would seem to be on fire after this attack. but the evacuation exercise continues this monday evening, all throughout the afternoon and into now the hours of darkness. here we have been watching from the end of the runway as these big c. 17 transport planes have been lumbering off into the sky. and as they do, of course, we are counting down the hours now until the end of this exercise, the military continue, that the american military contingent is starting to reduce its prints at ever
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smaller base within the airport, giving up positions to the taliban in preparation for the very final flight, as we heard from the pentagon, that they know exactly when that is going to be, but they are going, giving no indication of that. it is, as we know, sometime between now and this deadline of tuesday, midnight here local time on an important development is a now being flown into the country. that is important, by the way, we've heard about this monday. the confirmation of this a flight, specifically by the world health organization. that's the flight into the sharif and the north of the country. in practical terms is very important for the w h o. they said last week that they were down to just 10 days of supply. so the whole of afghanistan made what is worsening humanitarian crisis. it is says that that with
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supplies and due by wants to get into the country, i didn't seem to have found a way which does open the wider potential for air roots into afghanistan. irish reef is a big, important city and that all that has a big, important port before the collapse of the government that international flights. so they see the confirmation that they have restored traffic control, which does seem to pave the way or show the way forward cobble here. because of course, when the u. s. a departs, they take with them traffic control and the taliban will have the an enviable job of not and restoring apple but restoring that traffic control. so it does offer a way forward which everybody here it seems, wants to see the government, the 8 organizations most report, the coastal population, because that would that mean the return eventually a commercial flights? i, thanks so much, rob mcbride. let's take this now to christian salumi. she's joining us from the united nations. have been discussions there about that can stand with a security council stand on getting a resolution out well,
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we know that the united kingdom and france have been pushing a resolution that we expect some action on later in the day. that essentially calls for the continued safe passage of civilians and 8 agencies in and out of cobble worth noting that the taliban has said that civilians will be able to come and go as they please. this essentially puts it in writing let's the taliban know that the international community plans to hold them to that commitment by enshrining it in international law. the resolution also, i think attempts to put the focus pack on the humanitarian situation in the country with so much attention on people trying to leave africana stan, you want officials have been warning that the situation on the ground is increasingly dire. there was concern about medical supplies running out earlier
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today. w h show the world health organization got its 1st flight into the country. since the taliban take over, bringing much needed medical supplies and health related supplies into the country, some 12 and a half metric tons that are expected to be delivered to 29 different provinces and health centers. but that flight had to land in missouri is sharif. it could not land in cobble because of the terrible security situation there. so un officials are warning that there are some 3 and a half 1000000 displaced people inside afghanistan about a half a 1000000 of those happening in the last year. and there warning that the situation on the ground is just going to get worse after the united states withdraw. so this resolution, we do expect to be voted on in the coming hours. and it's the hope there that
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the taliban will see that the world is watching and that this will make a difference going forward. all right, thanks so much. kristen salumi the more still ahead on the news out including new zealand, extends the curve at 19 locked down in its largest city while relaxing restrictions for the rest of the country around meeting between top israeli and palestinian leaders hours off the 5 minutes. and finally, bennett returns from the us sport to find out who came out on top off to an epic final round on the pga tour in the world. health organization is warning more than 200000 people could die from covered 19 in europe. by the end of the year, the di projection follows an 11 percent increase in depth across the region. this past week. the w h o says if this continues, it expects at least 236000 deaths by december. infection rates have been rising
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across the e u. the w h o blames this launched me on the highly infectious delta variance easing of restrictions and summer travel. it says the regions, poor nations, including the balkans and caucuses, are experiencing the highest rise in new cases and estimate 1300000 people across europe have died from cove at 1900. google is the regional director for the w h o europe. he joins us on skype from copenhagen. good to have you with us. so what is the bottom line of this report is you're about to lose control of the pandemic again. different last year. we know more and we can do more. but the main challenge is some kind of increase in lack of things. and all that going to do is we do have faxing. we see a lot going over the vaccine. so
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a priority is to use the vaccine hesitancy. why are we seeing the vaccination, right? plateauing, so we need to understand the protection of the people and address the concerns, including concerns about vaccine hesitancy. is a whole range of reasons that if there's an issue with production, an issue with that issue. oh, so if we have to do is definitely eat with ro, out of the vaccinations and work with the community to decrease the agency and need to be as a number of countries having doing, considering the model of the nations in some professions and population groups reach are more exploring,
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do you think the government is going to move towards the long pounds if they cancelled out vaccinations and do you think that would be a good move? i think by all means we have to loyce law don't and it shouldn't be necessary. maybe some real dose, but we know it has to be done things and the mux is very important. then we have to see the number of going to be too soon. the funding over when it was just the way. so even if we need to keep pressure on divided by mux by little mobility then today should and very important to know is to keep the scores open and what will happen to less resource countries like in the balkans. nathan voltage, kobuck seen diplomacy. we know that you don't think you can either take that excess
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vaccines and that's why the sharing, whether it is mostly less reported between countries or the surplus country need or the. and we see that happening more and more, but it needs to be accelerated. i've been going to wanted to make, they should not wait to own that expire the date is too short because i received it . but it really needed to put that in place. how much of a game changer was the delta variance? and if it has made a huge difference to your projections of, of getting this under control, what does it say about the possibility of another mutation? another very and like we ever get on top of this, we had very years and with the very beginning. yes. so how does what the game
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changes, but the strategy to win the war remains the same. the vaccine we got approved by the w. r. c. large effective volumes. and we know that the basic measures of mass creating this thing had watching the basic message, the more mission, the motor values. so we come back to the same point that people need to scale up or to fascination septic. i thank you very much for talking to us hans kruger my phyllis a current, a virus lockdown is being extended in new zealand biggest city, oakland for 2 more weeks. restrictions of being east for the rest of the country. one woman with a pre existing medical condition as di and after receiving the 5, the vaccine, the health ministry says she suffered a rest side. the fact that causes inflammation of the heart. and house officials in the australian state of new south wales,
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1 october is set to be the worst month of its coven 19 outbreak. it's premier says extra precautions of being taken. october is likely to be our worst month in terms of pressure on the system. and that's why we're gearing up for that. we have been for nearly 2 years. can i say again a hospital system is under pressure? we will need to do things differently. of course we will. will we need to manage things differently. we're in the middle of a pandemic, of course, but will we cope? of course we will. people in the us gulf coast star waking up to damaged homes, flooded streets, and no electricity. off the harbor can either may land for me in new orleans as a category for storm late on sunday. either has since been downgraded to a tropical storm forecast. as a warning though, that the danger is, nova more flooding is expected as the storm move north. phil laval is live for us in new orleans. so what does the off them off look like than now?
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it's about some it's friends where in new orleans you also have in the french quarter where, where on higher ground. it's not so bad. i mean, there are tiles of fowl or a signs up valve is a bit of a mess. here i'm considering there's a category for hurricane here as well hours ago, but it's relatively ok and because the temperatures are quite warm and it's quite humid. the water like the river that we had yesterday, which was, which was the road, became a river, has now pretty much gone. it's when you got outside the metropolitan area to those suburban areas that they are real issues. for example, there's a place called the feats which is about 15 minutes drive or so central new orleans . we are told that there are 200 people traps that according to the man recess my or in imminent danger. and the big issue that we've got as we, as well as the flooding, is the fact that there is no power and this is more than just an inconvenience. this is a life threatening situation. the power went off. mason citywide last night at
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about 6 o'clock. so right as the storm had the worst possible time, it was getting dark. nobody could see, obviously people couldn't go outside. and we are told that the power could be off the weeks. there's a 1000000 plus people without any electricity, the court, and get a catheter, catastrophic transmission failure. that's the technical time. although the boss of the power company has, as i said, the great is 100 percent smashed because of down our life down telephone lines. the problem is that people are trapped in their homes. this is louisiana, it's summer. it is human, it is very hot and people call keep the homes cool. there may be people with medical conditions you couldn't leave. who need to try to keep cool. they can't, they can't keep that food secure because the food will spoil very quickly in this heat. and we were told you have to have at least 72 hours worth of food and water. it's also affecting infrastructure, the pump. they get rid of the water. some of those have been effected by the power outage because not everywhere has access to generators. that means that some people
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all without clean running water, it's also effected hospitals, units, which are treating cobit patients. remember, louisiana is in the midst of its 4th way. things are really about here. and not cents alone. they couldn't get any energy. and some businesses do have generators. i mean, you could probably hear a few of them in the background, but then you've got people who are relying on their cell phones to communicate with the outside world. they've got no internet because there's no why fi because there's no power. so they're using their phones that telling emergency services where they all because the 911 lines have been down as well, various points. they're using their phones, but the cellular networks are down in some places as well. so their phones will be searching for signals are going to be doing in the hot temperatures, hot weather, that signal the 2 things that kill batteries very quickly on mobile phones. so they've got limited time and there are people trapped in these homes. so the only way that people can really be discovered is by driving around if you can get them all by from the i. so that's what people are looking for.


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