tv [untitled] August 30, 2021 10:00pm-10:30pm AST
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and out there, ah, you want to help save the world, sneeze into your elbow. in the us missile defense systems into set more rock his far to cobble airport. and i still affiliate says it was responsible in the final hour. and so if they have got a son evacuation effort, the un security council needs to consider a draft resolution calling for humanitarian access and safe passage for civilians. the me another, i'm julie mcdonald. this is al jazeera life from london, also coming up more than a 1000000 homes with that power in the us state of louisiana,
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the remnants of hurricane ida move it off. we'll explain why a slowing birth rate has seen china shut the door on a one booming private tutoring street. ah, hello, they're good to have you, company. after 20 years of military involvement, enough gone, a son, the us military presence in cobble is nearly over. the final evacuation flight, so leaving ahead of the tuesday deadline, 122000 people have left on us life with just 5000 of them, american citizens bought thousands of afghans hoping to leave the country under the taliban control are being left behind, including many who worked as u. s. allies on some of the last flights to cough. at least 5 rockets were far towards the airport on monday and i saw affiliate in afghanistan known as i saw,
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k has claimed responsibility. the u. s. s. missile defense systems intercepted one of the rockets with the others landing nearby without interrupting military efforts . the air force funerals have also been held for some of the 12 people killed in u. s. strong strikes on campbell on sunday. at least 6 of those were children, us forces say they were targeting a car loaded with explosives and ice ok, suicide bombers heading for cobble airport. well, rob mcbride, it's join me and i live from cobble. hi, there will is a vulnerable time. as we near the deadline tomorrow. absolutely. i think this rocket attack early monday morning here local time was a reminder for the us contingent here just about its bone rehabilitate, especially as we get down into what is now the game of this evacuation exercise the last remaining flight to go out. the rockets were fired to the,
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from the west of the airport, but as far as the us military are concerned, they had warned specifically about the threats from rockets. they know that there is continuing threats from islamic states. the from the affiliate here in afghanistan, they would probably argue that their systems were, they've always argued that they have a robust defense. they can sustain these kinds of attacks. they deployed the sensor rocket system, intercepted. they say at least one of the rockets they only mentioned about one rocket falling close to the airport. they were inside the apple. they didn't specify but falling harmlessly. but it is just a reminder of the increased vulnerability. as we get toward the end of this evacuation exercise, we see the reduction, the gradual reducing of the force contingent that already the civilians, especially african civilians who were being evacuated. that evacuation that part of his evaluation came to an end more than
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a day or so ago. now they're concentrating on the military elements on getting soldiers on plains and out of the airport. when this ends, the pentagon in that briefing earlier gave an indication that they presumably do know exactly when this end. they are not telling anybody else. but at some point, we are expecting to see the final u. s. service personnel leaving by our club before the deadline of tuesday, midnight tuesday. our time here in cobble mac, by joining me there live from cobb world. thank you. and our focus will soon turn to the un security council. we're members will meet soon to consider a draft resolution on safeguarding afghan civilians guaranteeing access for humanitarian aid. will kristin salumi is live from the united nations. i there, kristin. so this is a resolution that's being pushed by by the u. k. m, by france. but what's actually being decided here that's right in the
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united states has well, with the us withdrawal from afghanistan eminent these 3 major powers. wanted to have on the record, the passage the and call for the safe passage of not only foreign nationals who want to leave the country after the u. s. withdraws but also of any afghan civilians who want to come and go. they are very concerned about the security situation at the airport and on the ground in general. the resolution also calls for safe passage for humanitarian actors as well humanitarian aid and the preservation of human rights, particularly for women and girls, which is of particular concern for the international community that has worked very hard and long to promote that in afghanistan. so we are waiting for this meeting to start at any time. we know that the resolution was very
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vigorously debated and negotiated going into the meeting at this stage. we can't say for sure if it will pass or not it's expected to, but the diplomats we spoke to were very cautious moving forward. china and russia did take steps to change the wording that was proposed by the united states, the united kingdom and france to be less targeted at the taliban. but the resolution does note that the taliban has said that there will be safe passage for anyone who wants to leave the country going forward as far as they are concerned. so this is really meant to be a signal that the international community expects that and will hold the taliban to its word, moving forward on those issues. and again, the humanitarian aspects of the situation on the ground is of particular concern. we've heard you on fish in the last week or 2 really stressing their growing need
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for help, for many afghans in particular children. unicef worried about 10000000 children more than 500 of them have died in conflict so far. refugees, there's 3 and a half 1000000 displaced people because of conflict in afghanistan, and there's a growing food insecurity situation because of drought in addition to, to violence. and so the worry is that once us troops leave and the situation at the airport changes, the focus will shift away from the country even as the humanitarian crisis gets worse. so this is an attempt by the international community ahead of that withdrawal to show afghanistan, the taliban in particular that the world is watching and it has expectations for how things will play out and the protection of civilians is paramount. kristin,
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i noticed that you said there that there were some intricacies here, particularly about trading cautiously about the use of language. so talking about safeguarding humanitarian passage and moving away from this idea of using their tacoma here a safe. so how important is that? that feeling of going cautiously at such a vulnerable time as this well, from what we're hearing from us tip le mads, the russians and chinese pushed back on some of the language that targeted the taliban specifically. and we know that the western powers would have liked stronger language in terms of moving forward and protection. the resolution, as it's written now, does not say how this will be enforced. who very clearly does not use the term saved zone. that implies some sort of
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a military backup or military component to this and not is not at all spelled out in the, in the resolution here. so, you know, the taliban has said that there will be safe passage for civilians, but we've seen the reality on the ground is anything but so what happens going forward if these conditions aren't met? what would the next step of the international community be? how could they enforce that? none of that is addressed in this resolution. but again, the, the emphasis seems to be to have some action before the u. s. withdrawal. and i could also point out that the un mission, an afghan, a stand who nama, the mandate for that mission expires in september. right now, this is a political mission. there are no peacekeeping forces, no peacekeeping troops in afghanistan, some on the humanitarian, non governmental organization side have suggested that a peacekeeping force should be sent to the country. that would take
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a lot of negotiation, a lot of discussion. but if it's something that has been raised as an issue, and the renewal of that mandate come september could be an opportunity to discuss other ways forward to strengthen the international communities, hand in the country. but right now this emphasis on humanitarian access and on free access, safe passage for people in cobble in particular. and i could also point out that with the humanitarian situation, worsening. the un was very worried that medical supplies were very low in the country. today was the 1st time that the w h. i was able to replenish some of those medical supplies. flight did get into the country, but it had to circumvent cobble and go to missouri. shreeve. it was very difficult
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to get this plane from pakistan by way of the united arab emirates into the country . and the un is looking for easier access to help so many people and what's expected to be a growing number of people to get their hands on that aid. so now they've had this, what they say will be the 1st of 3 medical shipments into the country. that will be going to some 19 provinces and 40 health centers in order to help the situation there. but they want to ensure that there is continuing access and better access through cobble to help people, christine salumi, their live from the you and kristen, thank you. the white house says 6000 us citizens have been evacuated from afghanistan, and it's trying to determine how many might still be in the country and want to leave before tuesdays deadline. but they believe it's a small number. well alan fishes live at the white house. hi there, alan. how would you,
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some of the feeling about have the military withdrawal and this question around how many civilians are left to be evacuated? how would you sum up the atmosphere around feeling of how it's going? but we'll just have from jen saki the, the white house press secretary here in the last 1015 minutes. there's no though that the bite, then ministration wants to paint. the left is a huge success, 122000 people. it lifted 6000 of them from the united cell. and i'm going to go straight to the un security council with the members. so i'm meeting to consider this draft resolution on safeguarding scam civilians and guaranteeing access for humanitarian aid. let's listen in those against abstentions.
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that hazard the voting is as follows. 13 votes in favor, 0 votes against 2 apprehensions. the golf resolution has been adopted as resolution 2593 of 2021. i now give the floor to those members of the council. no wish to make statements after the war i give the floor to the representative of the united states. thank you mister president. today's resolution establishes 3 clear expectations regarding the future of f. stan. first, the security council expects the taliban to live up to its commitment to facilitate
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safe passage for afghans and foreign nationals who want to leave afghanistan. whether it's today, tomorrow, or after august 31st, consistent with the right to leave any country including one's own, everybody must be allowed to safely leave afghanistan for whatever reason, when ever they want, by air or by land. this is the utmost, this is of the utmost importance to us. sadly, the united states is grieving the loss of 13 young service members who made the ultimate sacrifice while diligently working to help people to part the country and safety. were also morning, the hundreds of afghans who were killed or injured during the attack. outside of the cobble airport. they went to the airport in search of a better life. the international community and those in afghanistan must honor
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their memory by doing everything we can to continue to help those who wish to lead . as of this morning, the united states has facilitated the evacuation of more than 122000 american citizens foreign nationals and at risk afghans out of afghanistan since the end of july. so many have made this possible. our courageous service members are tireless diplomats and dozens of countries, including many on this council. our allies in partners around the world have contributed to the air lift, serving as transit countries and some re settling afghan refugees permanently. we are grateful to all who have joined forces in this remarkable effort. second, the resolution makes the security council's enduring commitment to assisting those
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who remain in afghanistan. crystal clear. it underscores that all parties need to facilitate humanitarian assistance, and that humanitarian actors be given full, safe and unhindered access to continue service delivery to those in need. the afghan people are suffering not just from conflict and massive internal displacement, but also from a nation wide drought. and the coven, 19 pandemic. un agencies or warning that he mandatory needs in the coming months will be vast. the you in refugee agency estimates that nearly a half 1000000 afghans have been internally displaced this year alone. the world food program estimates that 14000000 people in afghanistan are at risk of starving without food assistance. and unicef has reported that covert 19 vaccinations
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have dropped by 80 percent in recent weeks. vital humanitarian assistance must flow to people in desperate need. 3rd, the resolution reiterates in strong terms. several of the councils enduring calls regarding the situation in afghanistan. today we have spoken once again on the urgent need to tackle the serious threat of terrorism in afghanistan. last week's heretic, attacked and cobbled demonstrated the very real threat that terrorist groups like i s i s k pose. president biden has made clear that we will do what's necessary to do in our security, and our people. and the entire international community is committed to ensuring that afghanistan is never again, a safe haven for terrorism. through this resolution,
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the security council has also reiterated the vital importance of respect for the rights of afghanistan's people, including its women, girls and minorities. we will not waver on this point. respect for the rights of all the people of afghanistan goes hand in hand with the needs for parties to engage in and inclusive negotiated several men to bring stability to afghanistan, which the council also emphasizes through this resolution. as if ghana stan enters the next chapter, it is imperative that the international community remain unified and resolute, including and holding the taller don accountable for his commitments. one such commitment which taliban has made publicly and privately, is that those who wish to leave afghanistan will be able to do so. today's
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resolution signals just how seriously the security council takes that commitment. along with the commitment to allow humanitarian a to flow and prevent terrorism. through this resolution, the security council has issued a set of calls that are clear, necessary and in the interest of afghans people moving forward, we must address the most pressing security threats. stand up for the rights of the afghan people and lay the groundwork for a stable and inclusive afghanistan. the people of us dana span deserve nothing less. thank you mister president. i thanked the representative of the united states for as different and i'll give the floor to the representative of front. she will miss you, miss you, because you don't. thank you, mr. president. in the city, she did
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a lot of work and the adoption of resolution 2593 to day. i regret the fact that the tax could not down to the support of all of the members of the council, told me the eyes of all guns watching this counsel. and they expected clear support from the international community. and this lack of unity is a disappointment for us and for them. and yet i don't doubt that all of the members of this council share the same priority objective, not just to say, allowing the african people to recover stability and security. in spite of all of this, we have adopted an important text which needs to now be implemented on the ground as the security situation and the humanitarian situations continue to deteriorate. the resolution that this council has just adopted is clear. it sets a series of expect to expectations for the taliban. the 1st concerns all africans who feel threatened and who wish to leave. the taliban has taken commitments and we are asking them to adhere to those commitments. this resolution calls on everyone
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to make all efforts to secure the airport and the surrounding area and to create this safe passage and protection is authentic. went on condition to ensure that threatened afghans who wish to leave can do so safely, but also to ensure that she mandatory and assistance can reach all of those. you need it through the airport of course, but also overland borders. this is the 2nd requirement to set in this resolution ensuring the continuation of humanitarian operations because every minute counts for the 1000000 thousands of guns who are waiting for food and care. all parties, most respect, international humanitarian law, the 3rd requirement, the 3rd expectation said in this resolution is to fight against terrorism. and here i reiterate our phone missed condemnation of the reasons attacks. as we have already said in this room, we will continue to tirelessly fight against this scourge. it is on getting there again, the taliban has made commitments and they should live up to those commitments. they
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must effectively contribute to the fight against terrorism. in particular, the fight against the financing of terrorism and break any links of allegiance with outsider. the resolution that has just been adopted. lastly, recalls on everyone's obligations under international humanitarian law and human rights. in particular, when it comes to the protection of civilians, humanitarian access, and the rights of women. for the latter group, the horizon is much darker now and it is our duty to give them hope. once again, the achievements of the last 20 years must be preserved, and the africans have been on the front lines in recent years, calling for their rights and their full participation is essential for any political solution. and last year i would like to underscore that france call defects dictations for the establishment through negotiation of a transitional government that would meet the aspirations of the african people. we in the next few days, look forward to the coordination of everyone's efforts on the ground in particular
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with the united nations to ensure that this resolution is put into practice. and here i would like to applaud the essential role played by the unit and the coverage of their team and all of the united nations agencies in particular, the humanitarian agencies. we continue to support the work of enough and we will keep a close eye on making sure that the mission continues to have a sufficiently robust mandate to continue its fundamental role on the ground. thank you. i think the representative of france for a statement i give the floor to the representative of the united kingdom. thank you miss president. to day this council has spoken clearly on the situation in afghanistan and set out its minimum expectations of the taliban. the immediate priority is ensuring that all those who wish to leave african stone can do so safely. we have been clear that the taliban must adhere to
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their own stated commitments to ensure safe passage beyond the 31st of august. second, i've got to storm can never again become a safe haven for terrorists. we have condemned unequivocally the attack on cobble airport last week. and we reiterate our condolences and sympathy to the bereaved and to the injured. a coordinated approach will be vital to counter any extremist threat emanating from afghanistan and we called on the taliban to uphold their commitments contained in the doe har agreement. 3rd, the humanitarian situation requires urgent attention. we are coordinating
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closely with partners to strength and efforts to support humanitarian assistance and ensure unimpeded access for humanitarian workers and organisations. finally, the gains of the last 20 years must be protected and human rights, including those of women and children and minorities, safeguarded this resolution lays down a marker that the international community will be watching closely. today's resolution is an important step towards a unified international response to the situation in afghanistan. we will continue to build on this to ensure the count so holds the taliban accountable
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on its commitments. the taliban will be judged by the international community on the basis of their actions on the ground, not their words. thank you mister president. i thank the representative of the united kingdom for a statement and i'll give the floor to the representative of ireland. thank you very much mister president, and we welcome the adoption today of this resolution on us gowns done on to express our appreciation to france, the united kingdom and the united states for their efforts in bringing it forward. mister president, ard and voted in favor of this resolution, because we believe in the importance of the consulate voice at this critical juncture. for afghanistan, we would of course, have preferred to united message or thought to day or with those afghans who are desperately trying to reach safety outside their homeland. with women and children
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who know their from dementor rights are now a risk. and with the alaskans suffering humanitarian need, including those hungry and without safe access to water. this mister president is where our collective attention needs to be. we cannot look the other way. that is why the focus in this resolution on ensuring food safe and unhindered access to the un and old humanitarian actors to deliver life saving and life sustaining humanitarian aid is so important. we also welcome the emphasis on a b upholding of human rights, and the clear and unequivocal reaffirmation of the importance of the full equal and meaningful participation of women in any negotiated political settlement. we would
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of course, have preferred, stronger language in respect of human rights, particularly given the situation now faced by the women and girls of afghanistan. on the 19th of august, ireland and mexico jointly urged this cons. so to place the most utmost piracy on women and girls are then cause on all parties to uphold their obligations under international humanitarian refugee and human rights. will i repeat what i said in this chamber, on the 16th of august, telling the international community wants to hear? will soon no one. we have noted the public statement by the taliban. we will judge you by your actions and not by your words. right now, the international community must continue to demand that all those who need to leave afghanistan, africans, afghans and foreign nationals are free to do so in
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a safe, secure, and orderly way. we reiterate our firm view that this access at any air or land crossing must be without preconditions mister president, ours and will not be found wanting in our determination to work along side fellow security council members to ensure that we maintain laser focus on the situation enough gamma system, including as our industry rooms the presidency of this council for the month of september. thank you. i thank the representative of ireland for a statement. i now get the flow to the representative of the russian federation over there it was for you today. thank you mr. president. was you can figure out the russian federation life family condemned the 26th of august, the terrorist attacks near the board of couple as a result of which 2 people were killed. the money were express condolences with the
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loved ones and those close to the victims. and we wish a swift recovery to those who were injured. at the same time we were forced to abstain during the vote on the trial of security council resolution on afghanistan . we did this because the authors of the draft ignores our ignored our principal concerns. firstly, despite the fact that the resolution which propose against the backdrop of a terrible terrorist attack, the authors categorically refused to refer to a passage on the fight against terrorism, containing internationally recognize terrorist organizations, iso and the took this down at the movement region, but we see this as a reluctance to acknowledge the obvious and a desire to divide terrorists into ours and says, and that is to say to.
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