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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2021 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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the loved one and those close to the victims, and we wish a swift recovery to those who were injured. at the same time we were forced to abstain during the vote on the trough security council resolution on afghanistan. we did this because the authors of the draft ignores our ignore our principle concerns. firstly, despite the fact that the resolution was proposed against the backup of a terrible terrorist attack. the authors categorically refused to refer to a passage on the fight against terrorism, containing internationally recognized terrorist organizations. i fell and the ease took this down movement. we didn't. we see this as a reluctance to acknowledge the obvious and a desire to divide terrorist into ours and there's and that is to say to down play the terrorists coming from these groups when you've been. secondly, during the negotiations, we underscore the accept ability of the negative impacts of the evacuation
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qualified specialist, the african economy. in the conditions of this brain drain, the country will not be able to achieve the sustainable development goals. these elements that are important for the african people who are not reflected in the text. thirdly, the authors ignored our proposals to include in the document references to the harmful influence of the freezing of africa and financial assets on the economic and humanitarian situation in the country. as well as the vital need to provide humanitarian assistance to get this done strictly in accordance with the guiding principles of the un enshrined in resolution of the general assembly. 4682 mister president. we understand the reasons that it's cited the authors to try to use the authority of the security council to adopt the resolution in this form and such a tight timeframe. but perhaps if we'd had more time,
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the result of the vote would have been different floating. at the same time, we can see in this an attempt to shift the blame for the failure collapse of the 28th of the presence of the united states and their allies in the region upon the taliban. and also the countries in the region. they will have to deal with the results of this, this irresponsible action on behalf of the western coalition visa. and is not surprising, given the purely formal way in which the form that international security forces. the nature mission reported before the council, which subsequently was replaced by the resolute support training mission place. for our part, the russian federation has consistently called for a peace, safe and going to stand on his territory. that would be no terrorist or drug threat emanating, we will continue our support ref guns to achieve this goal. thank you. i think the
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representative of the russian federation for the statement and i'll give the floor to the representative of estonia. thank you mister president. in light of the uncertain developments enough dentist and the urgent and precarious security situation in couple airport as sonya gave it support to this resolution. today, the humanitarian situation in afghanistan is deteriorating, humanitarian organizations and the un have committed to stay and to deliver relief and assistance, but they need unimpeded access and assurances that their stall and aid providers can work and deliver assistance without interference or threats to their safety. this includes the need for a functioning and secure airport incapable. that enables people in goods to move as necessary. furthermore, although a lot about the situation in afghanistan is currently unclear the last 2 weeks have
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shown that there are many aspects on which there is agreement to highlight for. we have all called for strength and efforts to provide humanitarian assistance. just got to stand. we have all acknowledge that for peace to be sustainable and inclusive negotiate a political settlement must be reached with the full equal and meaningful participation of women. we have together underscore the importance of adherence to international norms and standards and human rights. in particular for women, children and minorities, and we have all reaffirmed to the importance of combating terrorism minutes. gonna start with this in mind. i want to simply conclude that we look forward to building upon these in the interest of all the people of afghanistan. thank you. i think that up to date of estonia for a statement, and i'll give the floor to the representative of china.
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k. thank you, mr. president. don't yet, of when it is a present, a domestic situation in afghanistan has undergone fundamental change. a life of the development on the ground to situate the security council has conducted full consultations, was the aim to find an effective way out and how to help. i'm going to stay restore peace, stability and order, which is in line with the general expectations of the international community. at the same time, given the fragile and sensitive situation, the country as well as many uncertainties in future with any actions taken by the security should help ease rather than intensify tensions and conflicts. so that afghan nathan can transition smoothly rather than relapse into turmoil. when we're down, some of the countries concerned circulated, the draft resolution last friday, the demanding action to be taken on monday. going to china has huge
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doubt about the necessity and urgency of adopting this resolution and a balance of its content. despite this, china has still participated constructively in the consultations and put forward important and reasonable amendments together with russia hundreds. unfortunately, our amendment has not been fully adopted from long term has always opposed to imposing or forcefully pushing for resolution by any sponsors. based on the above considerations, china has of st from destruct resolution general mister president. and the reason casing, afghanistan is directly related to the hasty and disorderly withdraw off foreign troops. we hope that relevant countries will red realized the fact that was sure is not the end of responsibility, but the beginning of reflection and correction. we got relevant countries. she
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learn from the lessons is truly respect the solvency independence and territorial integrity of african nathan and genuinely respect the rights of the african people to determine their own future. here it is, hope that relevant countries will effectively change the wrong practice of imposing their own wheels on the others and change the heat monic practice of imposing sanctions, or even using force at every turn. when we got these countries, she'd be responsible for what they have done in the past 20 years and fulfill the commitments to was the peaceful rebuilding of afghanistan. they cannot claim to care about african peoples welfare while imposing unilateral trans, your actual sanction, or claim to support afghanistan's acceleration that he can make. and social development wells seizing and freezing africans overseas assets. going to the
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doctor and they have left behind in the country. huge catastrophe they have created, but shifting the blame and responsibility to africans, neighboring countries, and the security council. why would they charge the actions the foreign troops in afghanistan in the past 20 years? including the criminal activities carried out by the united states and australian forces for the indiscriminate killing of civilians must not be wiped out and must continue to be investigated. move on to the united states, recent or retaliatory attack on islamic states have caused casualties of innocent civilians. we call on the united states to refrain from indiscriminate really attack being or bombing the civilian populated areas in afghanistan. mister president, gwinnett in the face of the fundamental changes in the domestic situation. i've got a son. it is necessary for the international community to engage with the taliban and actively provide them with guidance to international community should provide, i've kind of thought was actually needed assistance for the economy, livelihood,
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and humanitarian needs in order to help them. new authority maintain the new normal operations of government institutions maintain the public order and stability, code, and currency depreciation, depreciation and price increases. and he bought on the path of peaceful reconstruction as soon as possible. and china has always, akash is great importance to afghanistan's fight against terrorism. we strongly condemns the recent terrorist attacks and for this terrorist attack, linkable once again prove that the war in afghanistan did not achieve the goal of eliminating terry's. for same thing i've done of done the hasty withdraw. foreign troops is likely to have provided opportunities for various terrorist organizations . so make a call back when you're covered, we hope that the security of couple airport can be guaranteed. the evacuation of relevant personnel can proceed smoothly. and all parties concerned can strengthen
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coordination to jointly prevent new terrorist attacks. and i've got to start must never become the bus place for whatever reason, or the distribution of center for the terrorist. again, this is the bottom line that afghanistan must a here to in any future political settlement. you want, how it is, hope not the taliban will honestly fulfill the commitments and completely cut off ties with all terrorist organizations and resolutely cracking down on is international terry's forces such as these dynamics, state delcava and e t i m countries should follow the international law and security council resolutions, so as to prevent any chaos caused by terrorist by gathering afghanistan on the issues counter, terrorism, there must not be any double standard or selective approach. mr. president, now, who are the mandate for you? nama will expire on september,
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not 17. trying to look for was to continue construct a consultations with members of the security council and conducting in depth discussions on strive for a board consensus on issues such as the you and presence in afghanistan in the next phase. in order to help. i've got a son who achieve peace and reconciliation as starting, it's reconstructed process as a member of the security council and the important neighboring country of kinda sounds in china has all along follow the principles of non interference. internationally in internal affairs, had always pursued a friendly policy for all ask people were ready to continue to develop good neighborly and cooperative relations which are going to stand and play a constructive role in the peaceful reconstruction of afghanistan. thank you mister president. i think that up and date of china for a statement, there are no more names and saved on the list of speakers before joining the meeting. as this is the last annual meeting of the consultant for the month of
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august, i would like to express sincerely appreciation of the delegation of india to the members of the council and to the secret data of the council. for all the support they have extended to us. indeed, it has been a busy month. and one in which we are valid to seek consensus and several important issues building up of you. we could not have done it alone. and without the hardware, support and positive contributions of every day to get every delegation and that present date is of the secret dated, including the conference service officers, interpreters, vacuum reporters and security stuff as be in the presidency. i know i speak on behalf of the counsel envisioning the delivery just joining us here on, on to 0. we've been watching live as the un security council meeting to consider passing a draft resolution on safeguarding afghan civilians and guaranteeing access for humanitarian aid. will they have voted to adopt that draft resolution?
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it's called 2593 with 13 votes for non against and to up sanctions from china and russia. and there were lots opponents afterwards about holding the taliban accountable. well, let's bring in christian salumi now to give us her up some of what we've just heard . it was interesting listening and kristen into the language that was being used there by the different countries about how the international community is watching . we have to get this right, and this is really about making sure that safe passage for all humanitarian activities becomes almost a guarantee. that's right. it's about safe passage for foreign nationals, for afghans who want to leave the country as well. for humanitarians who want to help increasingly, a need civilians. and it's also a condemnation of terrorism and reiteration of the respect for rights,
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particularly women girls and minorities in the country. but we did have 2 countries abstain, the resolution passes, but not the clear and resounding decision that some members were hoping for. because of that. and china and russia each expressed their concern that they had further elements that they wanted to negotiate. they were hoping to inject further language, different language, particularly what they shared with the other countries is a concern that i've ganesha and not become a haven for terrorists groups. but in the words of the russian ambassador vasily, the bent the, he talked about the fact that tell the taliban was the only group that was condemned. or mentioned by name. in this resolution, there is no mention of iso, for example, who has claimed responsibility for the ice ok, who has claimed responsibility for the attack on the airport. and russia also said
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that they wanted to see address the freezing of assets for the country of afghanistan and the need for afghans to remain in the country in order to rebuild the country and have a growth and sustainability in that country. in line with un standing standards and so on, an attempt to shift the way blame away from the united states is the way the russians described the wording of this resolution that russia and china were very pointed in their criticism of the united states for wage war in afghanistan, as they put it for 20 years and were clear and pointing fingers at the united states for hasty withdraw causing problems at the airport. and the one thing, as i said, that everyone in the council has been, has agreed on before and agreed on with kristin. i'm just going to stop pew or poll you there rather for 2nd christine,
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as we're going to go back to you insecurity cancel where we can hear the k u. s. and french speaking after the adoption of that draft resolution 2593 security concepts. there are some very key issues that have come up for consideration in the concept. we have had issues of magic time security. we had gotten this done in the middle east man, man about syria, and human a very notable initiative that our dedication took was the organisation of the 1st comprehensive consideration of the issue, a matter of time security at the high level event chaired by prime minister, she and the model this event was attended by the state and government members of the concert. we also had to, we have in some technology and peacekeeping and counterterrorism, which would change by arctic sound defense minister i was in particular very happy
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to preside over the adoption of today's important resolution. and i've done this done, which is unequivocally conveyed that have gone in san stated, she should not be used to taking water attack any country or to shelter drain terrace, a plan of finance did. it underlines dangerous individuals and entities designated by you insecurity, council press 67. this is of direct importance to india. the resolution also notes the statement by the taliban on the 27th of august and the security council doesn't expect them to deal with their commitments, including regarding the safe, secured an oddly departure from yvonne. this time off of guns and all foreign nations. there is additional recognizes the importance of operating
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human rights, especially of about women, children and minorities, as well as to inclusive negotiated settlement, andrew manager and assistance to have done this time. these are some of the key aspects of the resolution which had been highlighted by india need to see the adoption of the resolution as a strong signal from the security council on and the international community on it . expectations in respect of going to come he would recall that under our presidency, the security counsellor adopted 3 press statements on august on following related developments on the 3rd, the 16th and the 27th of august. i also, we should take this opportunity to extend condolences on behalf of our delegation and our country. those are gone nations and us troops so lost their
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lives and the terrorist attack in cupboard typically, earlier in the day i was privileged to proceed of the concert is deliberations on the middle east peace process in particular the palestine initial. we also also steered discussions and the adoption of 3 other important mandate extension of the un security council on molly, on molly's sanctions, extension of the mandate, the united nations into important lebanon, uniform and the adoption of one song, which is a similar issue with today's meetings the thicker the india, especially the presidency of the security cancer, is now reaches a successful closure. each of our initiatives were designed to produce, to the extent possible consensus based,
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substantive and forward looking council outcomes. this is a testimony to the constructive and bridging role that india attempted to play during his residence. i would like to thank the united nations secret data, in particular, the united nations security council division directorate for the support extended to us during our presidency. and thank you. hi, amanda from al jazeera english. regarding today's resolution, how confident are you that this resolution will send a signal to the taliban to make good on the commitments that have been made regarding things such as safe passage of afghan nationals foreign nationals. and also how long are you prepared to wait to see that the taliban makes good on those
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commitment? and if they don't, what other measures might you consider? i think it would be useful to take more than one question at a time. the thing with press justice india given the security situation, now we have gone to start after the icici attack on the board and the counter strikes me over the u. s. as a regional country. how does interview the security situation and also the senior, the liberal leader share home or the boss has said that it once the group one so very important. india is very important for the continent and that the group wants to continue have gone as don, sky, trill, political and economic trade with india. how does and give you these statements? thank you. thank you. letter back from us. news was service. so today the resolution is aiming to be a step in showing the united united, international community,
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but you've got to ext obstruction. so what does he mean to have russia and china observation on the solution? thank you so much. we'll start by saying that as a neighbor of i've done this times a country with whom we have started to connect today's dilution. as well as the dances engagement or the month of august on this time has been very, very important. i've already mentioned to you about the number of outcomes on have gone to standard. the concert is produced over the last month. and i think all of these are very, very significant outcomes. india, they never over the last 20 years, has been to provide development assistance to the people over over the last 2 decades. we have extended, over $3000000000.00 of assistance to have done is done in infrastructure development, capacity building, education, agriculture areas that are important for the people of afghanistan. today's un
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tickler the concert resolution, therefore, is a very important and timely pronouncement. coming as it does and india especially didn't see of the un ticket. the concept, as i said, i want to highlight the fact that the resolution makes it very clear that have gone dentistry should not be used to taken or attack any other country. in particular, the importance and also underlines the importance of combatting. did it isn't. it also refers to those individuals and entities that have been designated and security constitution $1267.00. and that context, i may mention that the last get it diver and the just a moment the l e d and the g m un security council piece, prescribed entities, entities that need to be caught out and condemned in the strongest possible terms. so i think from that point of view, it has been quite a need to book and in the concert. and i think that also reflects the views of
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council members as we understand it from the discussions. today's resolution also highlights the importance of appalling human rights in particular in the case of women, children and minorities. india is always provided a very strong support to minority communities in august on, in particular the thick and into minority communities. and it is an important part of our effort to try and bring doors and nationals including minorities, one to leave with one is done and evacuate them. and i think the resolution in that sense has indicated a need for developing a safe zone for the passage of travelers in and out of gabriella report, which is indeed a very positive development. so all in all, i would say that the resolution highlights the will of the counselors to take
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necessary steps that are very important for the international community in its engagement with have gone this time. and as far as we're concerned, we're extremely happy. as i said, as a neighbor of grandson's to be part of this important process of continued engagement on this very, very important issue. i thank you for your time and spot. thank you very much. we're listening now into the united nations. we've watched the security council this evening adopt a draft resolution which has basically been around safeguarding afghan civilians and all those guaranteeing access for humanitarian aid. and we heard there, the indian ambassador, and he said, what's been decided tonight at the un is a strong signal from the international community and highlights the will. and the commitment of the council will actually kumar is the director of crisis advocacy and special projects human rights watch and she joins us from new york via skype.
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actually very one. welcome to the program. this big question about what happens to all of those people who remain vulnerable in afghanistan has not question been made any clear. or do you think with this draft resolution from the us about how this question will of course get resolved well with the resolutions adoption. it comes into force from the most powerful body of the united nations. and the message is clear to the power button that the world is watching them, watching to see if they will, in fact honor their commitments. and the council is very specific about the commitment to allow those people who want to flee and leave the country that opportunity. and so we will all be watching very closely to see what exactly the taliban does. but it's clear that the council has its eyes on this issue as well. i'm just going to pause you there and swing back to the security council where we can hear from the case representative. let's listen if you wish to leave
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afghanistan. be granted safe passage to do so at any time whether by the airport or land borders. the resolution demands that the taliban live up to that commitment under the dough agreement to ensure the afghan territory does not become a safe haven for terrorists. its ordinary african men, women, and children who will suffer the most if it does. the resolution also could call for complete access for the un and humanitarian agencies. to get aid to those who need it and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law. this resolution shows that there is a minimum standard that the international community expects. the taliban to abide by. the taliban will be judged by the actions on the ground. not the woods coming
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out to the presidential palace. and the security council, of course, has tools at its disposal to hold them to account for those actions. thank you. i this resolution has been talked about as a 1st step. unanimous mandate the un assistance mission, an afghan, a stand. the mandate is coming up for renewal, mid month, september. what other measures are you looking at to strengthen the un presence on the ground and to make sure that the taliban abides by commitments it's made to protect civilians and form an inclusive government. thank you, and i think you're right, this is a 1st step. we will all horrified by the bomb attack on couple apple the 1st type bomb attack consent, condolences to the bereaved. and this is a,
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a security council 1st response to that situation. as i say, we've wrapped in concerns about safe passage counter terrorism, humanitarian access and human rights. but i think as we look ahead, you're right, we've got the, you know, i'm a mandate renewal coming up next month. that would be an important opportunity to look into the medium term the security council does have i think 2 important avenue here. the 1st is that we know that the taliban want to see the lifting or some of the sanctions on africa stone. and that will be an important consideration . the flip side of that is, of course, the security council could consider further sanctions on afghanistan. we want to be careful in doing that because the women and men and children of afghanistan already suffering hugely. but that will be opportunities in the coming days and weeks. now we've got this resolution decided, i think,
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to build on in the un security council among permanent 5 members for the consultation among the g 7, which we've been sharing and g 7, an extended format, working with regional partners to look at ways which we, where we need to move forward on some of the longer term questions the type. so i'm, i'm from a lot of big newspaper. my question is regarding un troops, are you in favor in your national capacity? are you in favor of having you in troops securing the capital area or the airport, and you have any common since you are one of the 3 countries who were responsible for the resolution. any comments on the fact that china and russia abstained and the common they had to cancel? thank you. thank you. so i think on the 1st question, i mean it is critical that the airport is properly secured and.


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