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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm AST

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me oh a again, this is just a reminder of our top stories to sound the taliban has taken control of cobble airport hours after the u. s. completed its withdraw from afghanistan. group says he wants to establish good relations with the international community. which all of us troops marks the end of america, the longest war, and a 20 year presence in afghanistan. the last, the 17 transport planes took off from cobble airport just before midnight. local
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time. tyler bond is promising to form an inclusive government set up. whole human rights. the un security council has passed the resolution calling for the safe passage of people who want to leave the country. a katana, foreign minister, she had been abra minus. then he says he is in talks with the taliban, about restarting cobble airport. he said, what is a clear itala bonn objection is that they don't want to see a foreign security presence in the airport or their territory. what we are trying to explain to them is that airport safety and security requires a lot more than securing the perimeters of the airport. a my one shot as, sorry, morrow. michelle is a senior political analyst. he joins us via skype now from paris. so, here we are, marwan 20 years later, afghanistan is back. intolerable, hans, after all of that time, your thoughts?
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well, you know, i was listening carefully to our correspondence from various parts of the world. sort of a to do force reporting from the various angles. and if i could bring it all into one phrase, i would say that almost every player of significance in this issue was to see the curtains close on the past 20 years. there's a sense that ok, these were terrible tragic years for everyone, including 4 gunston and as we've heard very well from all our course funds back to standard banker spencer ford just as much or so for the law. and clearly we have the who mission, the america we have but also faced by the british and so on, so forth. but even the chinese now wants to see that curtains close they want and you're beginning everyone is talking about that when you're beginning. of course,
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everyone is talking about a new beginning in new, different ways. not everyone agrees on what the beginning should be. certainly the chinese are saying this has to be unconditional. but generally speaking, no sanctions nor this. and that time to talk to the part of our talk time to work with taliban for the advancement of science. but of course, as we know, the french and the british and americans would like to see more, you know, we'll see the behavior of the pilot bon in order to judge how we move forward in terms of working with it. and the 2nd thing briefly is also i've noticed from, from charlotte and reporting from the airport. and again, stan is this the re paradox, right? essential, overnight celebration and anger the following morning when they saw the reality of what the americans left behind and basically destroying their own equipment. because this is the challenge for the family right now. they won the war. perhaps
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the biggest challenge for them as, as counter insurgency, would be building and i've gone, stand governing the gun stand and taking i've got to stand out of its isolation, and beth is going to be a huge chunk. oh, you talk bear my want about this being this 20 year period being a sad chapter in history and there is plenty of evidence to try to show that. but the united is the united states and the united kingdom will point to the achievements that they feel that they have made during that period, particularly securing the rights of women education for girls, the infrastructure they have built and so on. what does that, what about that part of the equation? well, clearly in terms of the tragedy that this thing started as a revenge was revenge for the actual 9911. but instead of finishing 2 years later,
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when that mission was accomplished, according to then donald rumsfeld, you're not just decided you couldn't go to another war in a walk and then tried to change the transformed in the police. that certainly did not work out. when they were good intentions or not, i am not here to judge intentions, but if they wanted to really transform women and that was the world doing it from, from or through the air force and military, military occupation, better news and not work out. and i would, i was one of the people who would say it could have never worked up. you can have a military co said to transform women's destiny in the most a world. and yet, yes, there was progress. yes, girls did go more girls went to schools. yes. kept enjoyed, certainly better life than the previous 6 years on the part of life. but none of that was necessarily better for the ganges, and none of the price was chucked with the gun as if they want to pay the price for
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it. there was and there was a big destruction to communities and sponsible. that's all. remember housing that pre 973, solely invasion. and then later, american invasion of a dance of your patient by the way, they might call the patient of twice as long as more than to the patient against on was relatively, you know, more safe and secure. and more than the country in the sixties and seventies that it was in the 90s. and then then it that it's going to be the next decade. so clearly wor, invasion and occupation does not transform any pool countries, especially when those countries are divided in from sectarian lies. when those countries are poor, impoverished, when those centers are divided and when there is a strong thunder. constituents, senior political analyst model and sure shot joining us there from parents. thank you. well, let's bring in, sam, i've been j v. now he's been given rare access to the east and afghan city of july
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. so sam, i was like, there for people on the taller bond. i know this, that city fell to the taliban several weeks before. cobble what, what are people saying that but we've just entered gyla by then we've been speaking to people on the street. it's topic as usual, shops are open and people are going about their business on the way to do a lot about the stop that a couple of places and we spoke to people who came out there was surprised to see if they haven't seen many cameras around in the last few weeks in these areas, and they were telling us that they are actually happy that there is no lawlessness . there is no unrest. there are no killings that is happening around general about between july, about and talk on a traders returning us and truck drive was that they are happy that they don't have to pay bribes at every check point at every entrance as they go from door. all the
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way to couple dollar, bonner are charging them as a flat fee and that is a clickable all over the country. we've also been talking to people about their fears under the taliban, and they say because it is silly early days and we had a few with all of their own lives. they were speaking completely freely. but so far, the feeling is of relief that there is no more fighting. and there were a lot of positive on fighters who were those who are very happy about the you and the united states. finally pulling out of the sun the mountain driving the lead vehicle was telling us that he was getting back ground for 9 years. most of that time was spent in solitary confinement and he wasn't even allowed to see the fund. so there is a lot of angst that is built up in the last 20 years. according to all of those people who support the taliban. it is a day of joy and they have been special prayers and they've been going to the mosque and thanking their leaders as well as their elders that they have now given
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being given this opportunity that they can establish their brand of syria and this country. and all the taliban, clear or santa, on how they will rule afghan stuff. but that is something that we've been asking them all along in the last 2 weeks. and what is their plan for the future? they say that they are going to establish a system which is bids on justice, which is against corruption of it just not allow the oppressed to be pushed down by the powerful. so these are vague ideas that they have in their mind. i was also talking to them about the hotline groups that have been operating in these mountain ranges, from the auctions for the parks on the taliban and others. and they were telling us that they are aware of i c. k. they're aware of the ttp, they're aware of the offshoots, but the world's needs to give them time because they've only been here for 2 weeks, and they're going to establish a system. and that is something in the early form and a very cool form that we saw on the way coming here that we saw abandon bases
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airfield. t was 45 positions where nobody was there apart from the taliban flag. and it's all about say that on there is checkpoints, there now establishing systems where people from problems is in cities will be issued id and then we checked so that they can keep a tab on all of those elements that shouldn't be here. but so far it is still early days for them and they're still trying to find a solution for this city, at least where everybody's happy. and i also asked them about recent protests in july of other people came and they wanted to leave the guns. like they said, if people want to put up be up and flag on the rooftop, they're perfectly fine with it. they're not going to stop people and they're, they've been told to be gentle and be kind so that the people can appreciate at all of our group which is different from what the experience 20 years ago or santa be jaded lie 1st there in july about how the un security council has adopted a resolution calling for the safe passage of people who want to leave afghans on
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the u. s. hopes that resolution will protect people's rights to leave the country no matter. the reason kristen salumi reports from the united nations as the u. s was completing its withdrawal from afghanistan. the security council was voting on a resolution meant as a message for the taliban, that the world is watching. one such commitment which the taliban has made publicly and privately, is that those who wish to leave afghanistan will be able to do so. today's resolution signals just how seriously the security council takes that commitment. along with the commitment to allow humanitarian aid to flow and prevent terrorism, russia and china expressed concern that afghan, a stan could again become a safe haven for armed groups who could attack other countries. but they abstained from the vote. more with perhaps a fleet had more time the result of the vote would have been different. at the same
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time, we can see in this an attempt to shift the blame for the failure to collapse after 20 years of the presence of the united states and their allies in the region onto the taliban. and all the countries in the region that will have to deal with the results of the western powers had hoped for unanimous support and even stronger wording. but said, further action is possible in the coming weeks, including when the mandate for the un assistance mission in afghanistan comes up for renewal in mid september. today's resolution is an important step towards a unified, international response to the situation in afghanistan. we will continue to build on this to ensure the council holds the taliban accountable on its commitments. what leverage does the security council have over the taliban? one possible tool is really lifting of sanctions. the taliban wants existing ones removed. council members said they could impose even more if the taliban doesn't
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follow through. on its promises. kristen salumi al jazeera, the united nation of scott lucas is an emeritus professor at the university of birmingham and join us via skype. now from there, thanks very much. be with us. so i want to ask you, 1st of all about the security challenges now for, for the us now they are physically out of afghanistan. how, how does it baffle the threat of groups like ice ok and al qaeda when it no longer has that presence inside the country? was an excellent question. but in fact, you've got the surface and reality, the surfaces that job and then effect declared the 2nd war on terror last week after the killings outside couple airport by making isis k, the target, we will hunt them down. we will make them pay. but the difference from 2001,
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when the united states was backing local groups like the northern alliance to overthrow the taliban. is it? it doesn't have those local assa withdrew. so if you're going to carry out drug strikes and bombings, where you're spotters on the ground where your assets to identify your targets in. we've already seen the problems with the campaign and it's 1st days when you have the killing of civilians over the weekend. so i think bivens 2nd one terror is more for a domestic projection back home, and it is divorced from the reality on the ground inside afghanistan, which correspondence have been describing when you have multiple groups who are looking for a bit of power, a bit of influence one of them is isis k and other, the national resistance forces in the picture valley. and you have the taliban trying to establish their overall control across the nation. speaking of
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domestic domestic consumption, the button and administration are going to put as much of a positive spin on this as they can pointing to all of the objectives that they believe they've, they've achieved. but you can't hide. the simple fact, can you that the u. s. has handed afghanistan back to the same group that they drove from power 20 years ago. no, you can't hide that. but atkins were always peripheral in the by the ministrations calculations. from the time that the withdrawal was announced in april, the bite employer was especially with the quick advance, the taliban was to get all americans out of afghanistan to ensure there was no loss of american life. and then by september, americans would have forgotten africana stan. they'd be thinking about their army corona virus. the $3500000.00 budget for social programs. now that gamble did not work. when you have the kill you more than a 170 people. 160 atkins, but of course,
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13 years troops. and so then the play is, what do you do next? what you do next is quite interesting if you are really pursuing the campaign against isis k. and if you are going to do so needing those ground assess far from confronting the taliban. the possibility of an expanded cooperation with the television because there was some cooperation after the taliban intricate rule. could we see more about the united states decides that ice k is the focus and that democracy he writes those other buzzwords, that pine is used are pushed to the side in the taliban. afghanistan. good to get your thoughts on this. scott lucas, thanks so much. be was thank you. in other news hospitals in the u. s. state of louisiana. i have been forced to move
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dozens of patients. that's off to hearken. i've knocked out power to many areas, including the city of new orleans. i made landfill on sunday and since been downgraded to a tropical storm, at least 2 people have been killed. full of l reports now from neighboring mississippi. hurricane either took everything it had passed. this is the grand aisle of the coast of louisiana. one of the 1st places she roared into it was back from above either ripped off the roof after ruth. down below, she brought in the water with ankles, me almost chess level. so we just put the dogs on the counter. and then we climbed into the attic across louisiana. they watched as either cause the payoff and devastation, one of the worst storms to ever hit the us, mainland. i beg of damages data profit. this is worth it being in the 20 years that i've been the parish and we've seen several hurricane. even hospitals were not
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imbued from ida inside code with patients fighting for their lives on like outside the roof. coming off one across the state. doctors try to ignore the store and get on with what they do best. treating the l knowing more will be on their way on. we had their kind of move out of certain parts of the emergency department because there was debrief falling onto the roof. the window, the water came hand in hand, the rain hammering from the skies. the storm surge is pouring along streets and trapping. drivers in their cars. power lines being ripped, south electricity to the whole city of new orleans and beyond. just as the daylight was fighting, we've got a 1000000 people in louisiana without power. the people of louisiana have been told that power is likely to be all the way, not just days. this is not just a short outage. it is being called by official, a catastrophic failure, which is why here a neighboring mississippi, you got all of these trucks is about
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a 100 of them. it goes way back. they all being sent across the border back into louisiana to help try to get the power back on as soon as possible for some seeking safety. the only way was up this woman having to climb into her re space from highway wanting to came in, had a quick setting only thing with crime in the attic as did many others who couldn't walk out through the water. it's pretty clear that if you have evacuated now is not the time to return. this is very much a search and rescue operation. now it could take days or weeks. basic supplies are all on the way. we're going to stand with you and the people in the gulf as long as it takes for you to recover. and louisiana needs all the help they can get fed. lavelle al jazeera, gulfport, mississippi. a wildfire has forced thousands of people to leave the resort area of
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lake tahoe in northern california. the council fire, which broke out 2 weeks ago as already burned through more than 700 square kilometers near south lake tahoe. hundreds of buildings have been destroyed. the scientists say climate change has made the region warmer. in the past 30 years, the u. s. has been removed from the european union's list of safe countries. as cases of coven 19 continued to rise. the you is recommending a pause on all non essential travel from america daily hospital admissions in the u . s. a prison, past 100000 for the 1st time since last winter or the man who killed 4 people and several asian ron spars nearly us city of atlanta could face the death penalty. robert aaron law admitted the murder, it's in cherokee county, is accused of killing 4 more people in a neighboring county. south korea's prime minister says samsung's vice
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chair should be able to return to work after weeks. from his release from prison, kim book kim told the financial times it isn't appropriate to ban j. lee from the role he has just finished serving. i'm part of a 2 year sentence for bribery involving the country's former president you've been released on parole due to mounting public pressure. but china has cut the amount of time children can spend a gaming online to 3 hours a week. state media says gamers, under the age of 18, will only be able to play between 8 pm and 9 pm on fridays weekends and holidays. it's in response to growing concerns over gaming addictions, lead on the edge azeta, support. find out how the raining us open champion fed on her return to grand slam . actually make flushing. meadows coming up. mm
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ah, excuse me. ah ah
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ah ah skills for now his center. thank you very much. hi, the manami sucka has made a winning return to grand slam at tennis. the japanese thought through to the 2nd round of the us open. she looked to defend her flushing meadows crown. so my customer, the mio soccer, is back in grand slam action. and with fans also making a come back to the us open. having been locked out last year due to the pandemic, the japanese dom month, the occasion with some of our best form. the 23 year old had pulled out of the
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french open, citing mental problems. she did complete the olympics, went out earlier than expected in new york, however, the 1st round opponent marie booth cova post a very few problem. osaka, cruising into the 2nd round, 6461. so i didn't feel pressure today, but i know i think i felt nerves because i wanted to perform well to time grand slam when a mon held up has also progress. but having miss roland garrath, wimbledon and tokyo 2020, due to a coughed her, she struggled to find the best form against camilla georgie. after winning the 1st set, halleck was pushed to a tie break in the 2nd she managed to battle through though winning it $73.00 to advance. i struggle a little bit in the end to finish the match,
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but i'm happy that actually i've been strong enough in the, in the end. arguably, the much of the day came in the men's rules. 2012 champion and the murray looked to have turned back the clock as he faced the seat depth of fits dependent on the british doll was looking good for the women to do on a bus pass proved to be too strong. the greek shattering maurice hopes of a fairy tale run. taking cit, 456364. there was also a bit of controversy though with murray unhappy with the past for taking length the toilet break during the match. i think he's great for the game, but i have 0 time for that stuff, a tall and i lost respect for him. i don't think a broken arrows i played by the guidelines and how everything is 2nd. see done in
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med with. it is also threw off the dominating france is richard, gas, gay, and straight that the russian was the runner up in 20. 19. but judging by his 1st drawn form, it will take quite an effort to stop him this time round to his malik algeria. well, number one, know the joke of it will play on tuesday, the beginning of the end for him to try to win his 4th grand slam in a calendar year job where time from tennis channel it says if he can pull it off, it will make history i'd say consider all hype that's only good to accelerate. the more he will be know, male has pulled this off in more than 50 years. stephanie graff was the last player, male or female, that was 1988. so for novak yoke of, it's not just to win the grand slam, which is sort of the holy grail tennis. but also if he doesn't hill, also vault ahead of rock in the dahlan. roger federer with 21 majors the all time
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record. so an awful lot at stake here and i suspect with each round he wins that the pressure in the hype is only going to accelerate its transfer deadline day and football clubs in europe is biggest leagues are expected to complete some major last minute business. one deal has been dominating the headlines. this christiano are and all those move to man to see nighted the from you event this. the deals now complete the united, the reportedly paying an initial $17000000.00 for the portuguese. super saw was called the 118 gold and 292 games in his spell. at old trafford. about a month, get him back, is the talk of the time with him being linked with the move to real madrid, but according to reports of french and to national what believe in p s t before the deadline woke up. whenever, however, out of contract in 10 months, which report suggesting he's likely to sign a pre contract with re out in january. and that's
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a spot for me to send you back to husband. thanks very much. that's it for this news out, but how long will he be here in a moment with more of the days? i news news, news, news, news. i discover a world of difference determination. i'm coming down where we are moving the freedom we saw on the 16th
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corruption and compassion, the l. 0 world, a selection of the best films from across our network of channels. september honor, theera has morocco records would be impacted with 19 the country votes and parliament elections that will shape the future by listening to the media. how they operate, the stories they cover, and the reason why the 911 attacks that the world 20 years on the war that followed had finally ended. and i've gone to sun. but that's what caught didn't real, obviously, unique, attractive on african, happy in history, through the eyes of the fearless and vision, we will make it. germany goes to the poles and elections the, the angular merkle, replace up to 15 years in power. what will the results mean for germany and european union? september on al jazeera? how many nukes is too many new america has in many ways driven the arms parties are
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much more like the british parties. there are fewer regulation to own a tiger than their our own a dog. how can this be happening? your weekly take on us politics and society, and that's the bottom line. ah, 20 years of confirm the united states is no less stuff going on. tell them to say they're ready to work with the world. ah, how am i doing and this is our life. and so home also coming up that far as after
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the last year.


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