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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm AST

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creating some hazy sunshine. we've also got a shim mouth picking up the dust, 4 pots of q 8, and katara. lots of hazy sunshine around here. it is looking cooler in the south, thanks to a southerly breeze. so coastal areas of oman and yemen, likely to see the temperature for slightly in the days to come. now for the wet weather, we have to move to that central band of africa. we've got those thunderstorms rolling across. we are going to see some heavy falls in cameroon, and we could see more flooding there, the democratic republic of congo. we'll also see some of the heavy rain rolling on thursday. now was we move to south africa. we've had a cold front bring someone usual snow to the western cape. it fell quite heavily in the mountainous areas. now the temperature in cape town is looking rather low for this time of year, but it is going to pick up on wednesday before things get cooler at the weekend. the
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in ledger yes, life use a bit or the use of the ball is one of the with your right. i do not know and it is the joint that is follow the night. you like football my name is nadia is development. my major is epson. this is my, you my, my, on our do there. ah, the latest news, as it breaks, the storms spared the worst for a long island, which fear to direct it, but it still whipped up high winds and high waste with detailed coverage. the government and set up is still too risky to send all the children. not only for them from around the world, hundreds of children have been born to women, abused by fighters. in addition to social pressure can only carry their religion if both parents are v
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o. a man can watching out this time to recap the headlines now. the thought on says new guffman will be announced in the coming days earlier. it took control of cobble international airport hours off to a last american soul. just flew out. the group says it wants to establish good relations with the international community. the withdrawal of us troops, monks the end of america, the longest war and the 20. it presents enough. the last c, 17 transport claim to golf from campbell and just before midnight, local time cutter is cold on the tardy bon to cooperate in the fight against
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terrorism. foreigners bananas. fanny was speaking off the talks with german count, often doha i'll just have gains exclusive access to kandahar the birthplace of the taliban. and from where much of his decision making is taking place by wisdom, heidi reports from there. done or should he be medina? at the hydrogen will be up at the monta square in the heart of kandahar south of at the dentist in on as can see there is a marches, people took to the street carrying taliban bennett. they are celebrating the withdrawal of all foreign forces up to 20 years of occupation, which was the syllabus to remove, to sweeping the city and beyond how to get the body. but we did the taliban flags also waving on shops and residential houses as an expression of support to the movement of the 2 decades of occupation. the last american soldier left the country last night with the pounds
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a chanting slogans afforded the current leader of the taliban movement. also praying for the late leader who passed away years ago, but they are also changing slogan, celebrating their freedom, the freedom they have been longing for and believe to have restored with the withdrawal of the loss for a soldier after 20 years of occupation. with how this era has been granted rare access to the eastern city of july, the bad some of the job aid is that have taught a bond celebration where the group is promised. security and reform celebrations have been taking place across the sun. this is one of them in the city of gyla by the commanders of the taliban, and have been congratulating the people saying that they have ended the system of corruption. the system which favored the powerful and the system that was against the oppressed. they have been expressing their commitment that they are going to continue to uphold the values which the taliban have been promising. which means
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that they are going to provide justice. they are going to provide basic freedom and they're going to provide a system where people are not going to be subjugated to corruption or other ill of the society. again, these are promises that we've heard before. this album came to power. and now we're hearing these from this is again in front of an audience. i mean these people are the residence of denial about people who have been injured about for a long time. and they have been witnessing the quick takeover by the taliban. and their thoughtful that there is going to be a system which protects him and provide them with much needed social security as well as prospect. let's take a closer look at us kinda stands recent history. in december 1979, the soviet union invaded and stayed for a decade with us support muslim fighters called the j dean full back a 1000000 afghans were killed along with 15000 soviet troops. so jiving then
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splintered and fought for control of the capital leading to a 4 year civil war. in 996, an off shoot known as the top bond came to power for being couple of course in that 2001 us led invasion in 2009 president brock. obama sent thousands more troops, and nato soon had 850000 soldiers on the ground. in 2011 obama released several called bond officials, the whole talks in culture. those talks lead to a peace deal with a tiny bon last year. the us agreed to pull out by may of this year, president biden delayed this by a few months and all of the military to withdraw by august the 31st and spring in douglas lute. he's a retired general who directed afghans strategy, the national security council for president george w bush barranca. bama is the chairman at the b g. r group a bipartisan lobbying firm joins us now from arlington. virginia. good to have you
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with us for much of the world watching what happened in afghanistan. it looks to many people like a defeat for the us. how do you think the pentagon is reflecting on this in the military thinking? let's see the immediate reaction in the pentagon and across our national leadership business side of relief. because the very vulnerable, risky situation of the last several weeks has now been busy with the departure of the last us troops of what is the coming days and full. i expect we'll take a deeper look at the meaning of the last 20 years and so forth. and, and frankly, from a military perspective, i hope that we recall that the core objective here had to do with our car. and then by and large, that objective has been if you think american military planners who feel
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like that objective has been achieved, when you look at the situation, the u. s. end to the scanner, stan vowing to destroy a either also to remove the tale bond from power. it leaves the us with the leaves have kind of stand with the ton of on back in power either hasn't been destroyed. and now we have this new threat of i saw look kind of in this region. again, a standard package has not been eliminated, but it has been decimate and move prominently, of course, with the 2011 attack that broad been line himself to justice. there's been no major attack out of that region launched by al qaeda since the 2005 bombing in london itself. so isn't that partly because the south or some parts of it have splintered to form i for so while i'm high that may not be,
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you know, launching these attacks. there is tell this problem a new problem, a lie. so this is a multi part, right? so kind itself has, has macapp to size, and while not, no longer prominent in afghans and pakistan, it has branches, or affiliates and yemen, somalia, ne, syria, the hell in africa and yes, a offshoot of al qaeda, although not now close. the line is the islam estate, which of course has been largely featured in syria and iraq. what do you think the future of us military intervention will look like going forward? i mean, everybody's looking at, you know, the boots on the ground, the gone, but looking at what's happened in the last week, i think it's fair to expect that we'll continue to be some kind of us military engagement enough gonna stand right. let it last couple weeks provide us a couple models for what to expect in the weeks and months and perhaps even years
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ahead. and that is these 2 of counterterrorism strikes which had been launched inside up canister indic have a couple indicators. well, 1st of all, clearly we, we have sustained sufficient sufficiently precise intelligence to queue the strikes . and the 2nd of all the strikes themselves were launched from outside the country by with precision and timeliness. so i think that the model of over the horizon capacity, if you will, will be the model for the future. will that over the horizon take place? do you expect at some point with any kind of coordination with the taliban? well, potentially, especially if the strikes are targeting this womic state, which of course is not only our enemy, but is the, is the enemy call upon itself? alright, we'll leave it there. thank you so much for your thoughts. international
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talks that taking place about the management of campbell, apple frances fondness, that says, commercial flights must resume as soon as possible due consider security dick at the security council resolution about securing the airport must be implemented. there are talks underway with the categories and techs about the management of the airport. luckily, must demand that access to the airport is safe. we did the with turkey and carter involved in those talks about the future of complex or there are some of the challenges in getting it up and running on wants to reopen it, to say connected to the world of course and help maintain aid supplies. but it's off limits to civil operators because of a lack of and traffic control. and the functioning civil aviation authority runway appears to be usable towels and terminals on the military and civilian sides of the airport are in bad shape. keith mckee is the president tax mackey international aviation consulting firm,
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specializing in safety and risk management. he says making the apple operational again will require foreign expertise. there's quite a few things will lead to be done. there's a lot more to securing the airport than just securing the parameters before the airport can be used effectively to transport passengers. a system of security is going to have to be developed as any other airport to screen passengers and keep people who might be dangerous off airplanes. this is not done properly. a terrorist keyboard and airplane, and kind of all and then be transported to some other place in the world or get onto another flight without going through any additional security and be certainly a risk that will have to be taken care of. my understanding is that the air traffic control equipment has been damaged by the what's been going on lately,
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so that'll have to be repaired or replaced. i'm functional. then we're going to have to have people who are qualified, the usually equipment to act as traffic controllers. and they're probably not resident amongst the taliban. so likely they'll brand farmers. perhaps some turks, some cut or folks. but i understand have been discussed with the taliban about taking over the operation that might be a satisfactory solution. the regulations are actually now controlled by the taliban. hurricane ida has left thousands of people on the u . s. gulf coast without drinking water and electricity, louisiana, as governor called the destruction cassius traffic. several communities are on the water for people are known to have died in the storm, including 2 in mississippi when a highway collapse, flash flood warnings have been issued for tennessee as either moves ne and b,
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c. j gray has more from new orleans real mass, no electricity, many no water. i want to give you an example of what this storm left behind and you can see the devastation here. what was a building in the downtown area, just left as a pile of rubble at this point looks more like a tornado than a hurricane. and that's how forceful these winds work. gusting over a 100 miles an hour for a followed 4 or 5 hours here in the new metro area. there is devastation like this and the even worse, that stretches across all of south east louisiana. right now, you've got $5000.00 national guard troops on the ground. you've got teams coming in from around the country 30 states sending in to help, and it's help they're desperately going to need at this point. this is a process that's going to take a lot of time getting back from this is going to be very difficult and it starts
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with getting some more power here. the entire new all in the metro area is without electricity right now. and it appears it will be that way for quite some time. in health officials in new zealand say they expect the number of new covey 19 cases to continue falling. the country's been dealing with its 1st major outbreak in more than a year during the past 2 weeks. but it's way in high reports. the government is now easing restrictions. the new zealand government's decision to lock the country down 2 weeks ago was met with shock and even ridicule in some parts of the world. the prime minister jacinta roger, made the announcement when just one new case of covey 19 was found in the community . new zealand 1st in 6 months, in that 2 week period there have been 612 new infections and the peak of the outbreak may have already passed. today. there are 49 new cases of code 19 to
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report. all of these are in oakland. obviously that's a fair the decline on yesterday's daily case number for fewer and is the lowest number of cases in 6 days. it does provide for the reassuring indication that our public health measures rapidly slowing the speed of the bars. the largest city, oakland, where the outbreak started, will remain under lockdown for at least another 2 weeks. but for the rest of the country, restrictions will ease slightly, allowing some businesses to reopen under tight rules around mosque wearing and contactless service. this outbreak started with new zealand 1st case of the delta variance, which is seen big increases in infections in depth, in many countries. to try to prevent that happening here. the government moved quickly into a strict lockdown, which like last year in the early stages of the pandemic, appears to have worked in contrast, lockdown in australia is worse. depicted. state isn't working. the rules in new
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south wales, onto strict his new zealand and very indifferent aries of the states. it's recording more than a 1000 new cases a day. and there were concerns. the hospitals may not cope. these patients with some of the sickest we've ever saying they require so much support and monitoring and physical care, wherein layers of p p a sometimes for hours at a time. this is really physically hardwick in both countries. the focus is also on trying to recover from a slow start to vaccinate, as many people as possible before the end of the year. to speed up the process, australia announced an extra 500000 doses of 5. the vaccine will arrive this week in a swamp deal, arranged with singapore, australia will reciprocate and see in half a 1000000 doses to singapore. later in the year, new zealand government says it may secure a similar deal with another country amid concerns. its rapid increase in vaccination rates is dwindling. supplies. wayne, hey, al jazeera toner,
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new zealand. students and mexico returned to in person classes. the move is widely backed by the public, but safety concerns of sparked protests and some schools chose not to reopen manju out powder reports from the states of what adul along mexico's pacific coast. the parents, students and teachers are eagerly preparing classrooms in mexico's get a little state for return to in person classes. for the last 18 months, thomas l. the edison elementary school, in the outskirts of a couple equal, has remain closed. the effort underway is to have the facility up and running by the august 30th back to school deadline lab at about your sped. okay, see what about her classes? product. i hope we can pretend to classes so that our children can study and have an interest in their education. because it's not the same to study at home when i me my, to the out in the for the know everyone is linda get hands many here or worried.
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the effort may not be enough. parents say the facility lacks many basic necessities, like sanitation supplies. and at times even running water, when i'm in the school needs many things. as you can see, even the wooden windows are rushing away. corona virus contagion is still quite high in this part of mexico. and so our concerns over going back to school. then i'm off with them and we have to get the school in good condition with good ventilation and enough space. as you can see, the classroom is quite small. social distancing is complicated. today, not, not. the reopening of schools has been a divisive issue in mexico, sparking protests against the government, where many claim authorities have mismanaged the response to depend on this demonstration. in downtown mexico city was organized by students and their parents, many of whom say they want a return. the in person classes are concerned that the mexican government cannot
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guarantee the safety of students. the government statistics suggests more than $5000000.00 children have dropped out of school during the pandemic. children's rights organizations also point to other alarming trends, like a 24 percent increase in cases of domestic abuse. international organizations like unicef, and the w h o c fears over contagion or warranty. but also warrant of the negative impacts. the last year to half has had on children and adolescents, our name was given, nor do we have all the beliefs. the risk of reopening schools is lower than the risks. children and adolescents already running by keeping them out of school. education is not only about knowledge, it's about learning. social skills is the question of development. it's a matter of reaching wants potential in life. and we have to prioritize this. the most schools in mexico began welcoming students on monday morning. many others have decided not to reopen thomas alva edison elementary and get little state is among
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those choosing to keep their doors close until corona virus. contagion, rates in the state are adequately reduced. monumental up a little al jazeera mexico city. 4th is next to now is there, including the late on thought again bought a p s g rejecting a huge offer from reanne, madrid. all the details coming up shortly. ah ah
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ah ah ah ah me ah ah ah. time to catch up what all the sports news with leah think sammy,
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it's transfer deadline day for europe's main football leagues and the biggest stories around p s g superstar kilian and bob a. it's been reported that parents as your mom, have rejected a bit of almost $260000000.00 from real madrid and bobby's cons. act that p s g runs out in june next year. mean the 22 year old will likely head to the spanish capital on a free transfer. or let's cross over difference journalist, jonathan johnson and parents. thank you for joining us. can you just help us understand why p s g would reject such a huge transfer fee? you know, thanks for having me on. well basically both p s jim robber dreaded are competing to win the champions league and p s g fail for that. charles is, will be diminished if they were to part company with kit in sporting direct to learn all that was very firm. and his wording, when he dealt with the international press last week and said she hadn't given up
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her paste, ending his contract in paris between now and next summer. so i think that there is now this plan for yes, she's still trying to get into extend that contract, which expires next summer despite the fact that he could've moved on around. we did the some. and who do you think the real winner is here? p s she or real madrid. i think in many ways both change when lose same time. she went into their kidney while car class roger, when and that they're going to still have a child to son somebody or afraid transfer. they were about to spend the best part of the $250000000.00 on now. so i think that they both lose at the same time because p s job is run the risk of not putting the champions league with them. and then hit going on. a freight truck struck around did also lose because they don't have this season. and also with him becoming a free agent and able to negotiate comes from january, all would,
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that could be increased competition for signature as well. what do you think that there's a chance that p s g will resign and bob a instead of let him go for free next year? i definitely think that there is a charles. i think you also have to remember what happened with name all back in 2019. he was close to return the boss a loaner that didn't happen. he stayed on the wrong side of the b s g funds for a while eventually with his play on the pitch and he ended up finding contracts extension in his years. that can be done. it has been done before i p s g by and that he made naymark. so now i have to wait and see what happens. but obviously this page is fixed all around woodridge, and will play for me at some point in the future. so the question was, is now b, s g to try and find the right way to, to convince a player who has spurned the contracts extension offers from him. so from actually sign on. and just finally, why do you think and bump a wanted to leave this season instead of play with someone like little messy?
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i think going back to learn all those comments, it's important to know that they, he said the impact they didn't ask explicitly to leave that there was an assumption from g s g that he wanted to go to brownwood and roger to be the contact the best 2 years, you know, and i think as well as a, growing up as a round, madrid support. you know, looking at his icon, christiane rinaldo, you know he wants that to be a part of his full career loans, perhaps worries that if he extends his contract and stays in b s g for a few more years, that interest from roger might go and not come back while he actually love your insight. thank you so much for joining us. jonathan johnson. well deal that did go through is with christiana, rinaldo. he's heading to manchester united from you, bent us. the transfer is now 100 percent complete. united reportedly pain and initial $17000000.00 for the portuguese legend,
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who scored $118.00 goals and $292.00 games in his 1st spell. at old trafford. on tennis world, number one, know that joke of it starts his us open campaign. later on tuesday, the serbian is chasing his 4th grand slam victory for the year and is chasing a piece of history to i'd say, consider all hype that's only good to accelerate. the more he will be know, male has pulled this off in more than 50 years. stephanie graff was the last player, male or female. that was 1988. so for novak yoke of, it's not just to read the grand slam, which is sort of the holy grail tennis. but also if he doesn't ill, also vault ahead of rock in the dahlan. roger federer with 21 majors the all time record. so an awful lot at stake here, and i suspect with each round he wins the pressure on the hype is only going to accelerate. well, we'll have more on that match coming up shortly out of new york. but for now,
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i had you back over to sammy hang sides clear. you can get much more now web site. the address for you now, is there a dot com web back with another full new show that's coming up from london? just a couple of minutes. stay with the news. news, news, news. news. this isn't my story. it's the story of my friend. she told us that she didn't want to be here. she didn't want to live anymore. was too hard. a survivor dedicates her life to educating and saving others from suicide. we're the ones that are dying.
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we're the ones that are losing our friends and therefore we have to be the ones that will stand up and solve it because no one else is going to where there is hope, a witness documentary on, not just, you know, the city of cobble has experience. so much of people for decades and they says another change to get used to. and one that's far from easy situation. and now it's not clear or the people are just lost and confused. there are deep rooted fears about the erosion of basic price in particular for women and girls, despite assurances from the taliban and about to return to true punishments for certain crimes. everybody will be safe, nobody's kid will be kidnapped again to ranch. now together that feeling that way forward into the new reality when freedom of the press is under threat, you know how you just because i thought, genuinely about your thoughts towards the making government step outside the
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mainstream. the has been a implement here, some of access points that shift the focus, the pandemic that's turned out to be a handy little pretext. the prime minister clamped down on the press covering the wave. the news is covered. so listening post on i just i with us force has gone the taliban sweeps in to take over afghanistan. main airport and claim all that was left behind. they're disappointed. they are angry. they say they feel betrayed because all of this equipment is broken beyond repair. ah,
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i'm dealing with all this is sounds rely for monday and also coming up more huge side banks and cobble as people try to withdraw money.


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