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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2021 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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shift the focus, the pandemic that's turned out to be a handy little pretext. the prime minister to clamp down on the press covering the waves. the news is covered. so listening post on i just i with us force has gone the taliban sweeps in to take over afghanistan, main airport and claim all that was left behind. they are disappointed, they are angry. they say they feel betrayed because all of this equipment is broken beyond repair. ah, i'm dealing with all this is sounds rely from london also coming up more huge two's side banks and cobble as people try to withdraw money to buy increasingly expensive
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food. yeah. while there are 2000000000 scenes where including the southern city of kandahar, birthplace of the taliban, i'm, it's all been job in july about and i'll tell you how people call upon support calibrating after the withdrawal of us troops. me a very warm welcome to the program. the next chapter in afghanistan complex story has begun the 1st day in almost 20 years without the presence of foreign military forces in the land. major general christina hugh, commander of the us army, the 2nd airborne division was the last soldier to leave, marking the end of the mission. well, the moment celebrated with browns of gone far across kabul. taliban officials have been missing in the groups birthplace, as can the hasa thrash out arrangements for
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a new government. they promise their will, will be different. this time arrived committing to united country and then inclusive leadership. but many people inside and outside of the country are frankly nervous, waiting to learn what life will be like in this new son, charles stratford begins sar coverage now from cobble in the morning after the tone leave on his calling, a historic victory over foreign invaders. after 20 years of war was wearing us military fatigues and holding american weapons taken from afghan army depose. taliban special forces are in control on the tarmac. cobble international airport, the saba destroyed in the band, in a stand in what remains of the nato bass. and he's going to charge me, no afghans will surrender to force the way americans left us gun. this done is a good lesson for the future generation. they were damaged financially. it's a good lesson for everyone else. it's a historic day with no doubts. it's
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a free country, it's a sovereign country. america was defeated. they could not achieve their targets through military operations. and on behalf of my nation, we want to have good relations with the rest of the world. but there is little if any trust on which those good relations can be built for the time being at least 10 of our leaders say the movement has changed. it promises inclusive governance women's rights according to the groups own interpretation of islam. promises a free media and the right for anyone to leave the country guns, including taliban supporters say they want action. not words though like a check to make it out. whenever a new government is formed, it has to prove itself to the rest of the world. and we are worried. what if the taliban con my children are anxious that they won't be able to go out and live their lives and be involved? maybe in politics and civil society, crowds of people gather outside cobbles, banks, many withdrawing the last salary they will ever receive from western bank government
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that no longer exists. a government widely accused of corruption and mismanagement . the challenges are immense, especially when billions of dollars a funding an afghan cash remains frozen by the west. since that's all the bonds have control women who say they want the same opportunities as men, no matter any expected changes to the law. not totally pushy, that's what's going on. i don't have a problem where in the booker, as long as the security and justice is just a piece of fabric. they have said that men and women will be separated at work. well, that's ok to. i will work out another tale bond says give us a chance. they say it is the 1st day of a new gun. it's up to 20 years of forward interference and occupation. the wide world may have no choice but to engage with the new leaders of this country. if peace and stability is to prevail, stuff because there are cobble zeros. charlotte bellis with inside campbell
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international airport after the taliban fighters to control where on the military side of the airport. this is where the americans vacated from last night. you can still see their planes, equipment helicopters here. the tele bond was us here. and last night they moved was one of the joy celebration they were shooting in the sky. there were, there were fireworks. they were very happy that the americans had left the movies here today is quite different. they are disappointed, they are angry. they say they feel betrayed because all of this equipment is broken beyond repair. they say that they expected the americans to leave helicopters like this in one piece for their youth. when i say to them, why do you think that the americans would have left every single peroration for you? they say, because we believe it is a national asset. and we are the government now, and this could have come to great years for us. so they are very disappointed that
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a lot of this quippman se cannot be used any longer. over to my left is where the commercial side of the airport is debbie. how much ahead, who's the spokesman for the taliban said that they hope to have this area operational in the coming days, which would allow people who want to fly out on commercial flights to do so with these is so will the evacuation if it's have finished because foreign forces have a lift, the telephone say that they are going to stand by the word which is to allow people to fly out commercially when they get everything operational, we understand that turkey and casa, are assisting that with them. i can tell you that i, for dozens of people, arrive even to our own hotel with equipment and personnel ready to support the if we're getting back on it's feet. engineers that type of thing to try and get these, these planes running again. but here on the military side, nothing will be operational anytime in the future. the taliban disappointed as this
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is what the americans have left behind the brightest. joining me now live from cobble. hi, there was so yesterday when we spoke to celebrate 3 gun fire in the air. but what's the most fear, ben? like today? yeah, i think this the 1st full day without the us military or any other country's military to act as a distraction here for so many years as allowed the full scrutiny to be focused a failure. square the right home, the taliban. just what did the taliban stand for? what do they do from here? i would they going to run this country? so we have seen pretty much the same kind of messages that they have been coming out with since they sweat to power unexpectedly. 2 weeks ago it's been the same kind of a taliban 2 point. oh this the softer side of the taliban. this talking about inclusiveness and so on. so in all of the dealings with the media, whether it was at the briefing with you,
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but you hit the main spokesperson at the airport or in late and use conferences. we heard the say messages of assurance for the international community, for example, especially to countries that might be the donor countries or the countries that are looking to invest in afghanistan. because this is the country got to remember which is effectively broke. it needs money. it has assets frozen overseas. so the message from the taliban was that we are a government said that you will be able to trust. we will be transparent and they were able to compare themselves. justifiably with some of the, the mist dealings of the previous regime. because the previous government was not good that it was guilty of a certain amount of corruption, the mismanagement, and so on. so they tell about putting themselves up as a change that they are change, but good. they will be, be clean governments. all of this remains to be seen, of course, also the se, messages about not being a haven to any foreign fighters that are going to threaten especially western
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countries. and moreover, reassurance, i think, for a domestic audience for afghans themselves to repeat the same message that you have nothing to fear from us. that this is a time for forgiveness, but this is a very jittery population. and what, what about that kind of a minute to do list? i mean, standing close to the airport where you are, you know, how do they get that airport up and working again what, what's the order of the big items on the to do list? yeah, i mean, every country we're dodie is worth anything has to have an international laugh or at least one international airport. and right now, african stan has a show of an airport. it has all the infrastructure still there. the americans, although they destroyed and made sure that they sabotaged as much military hardware and gear as they can, they have left the civilian side of it up pretty much intact. but it remains to be seen how the taliban goes about putting in place all of the systems like traffic
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control, security, which everybody wants to see. everyone has a stake in that the taliban, the agencies at the international community, passengers. he wants to take a commercial flight in also the united states, of course, because they want to still see getting their own people out and other people who are eligible to leave here with a visa to take refuge in the united states. moment by joining me there live from cobble, well, thank you. some of innovate is in the eastern city of gyla bar, which was captured shortly before taliban places moved into cobble. and he says people there have been celebrating the final withdrawal of us troops. and there's optimism, but the taliban leadership celebrations have been taking place across san this is one of them in the city of gyla by the commanders of the taliban. and have been congratulating the people saying that they have ended the system of production. the
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system which favored the powerful and the system that was against the oppressed, they have been expressing their commitment. they are going to continue to uphold the values which the taliban have been promising. which means that they are going to provide justice, they're going to provide basic freedom and they're going to provide a system where people are not going to be subjugated to corruption or other ills of the society. again, these are promises that we've heard before. does album came to power and now we're hearing these from this is again in front of an audience. i mean, these people are the residence of denial about people who have been in july about for a long time. and they have been the thing quick take over by the taliban and they're thoughtful that there is going to be a system which protects them and provide them with much needed social security as well as prospects. well, they have also been celebrations in kandahar the birthplace of the taliban and
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where much of its decision making is taking place. i'll just here is baby old. embody is there done or should he be medina? to put the hydrogen will be up to monta square in the heart of kandahar south of it's going to stand. as can see, there was a march as people took history carrying taliban bennett being they are celebrating the rule of all foreign forces after 20 years of occupation, which was the facility to remove, sweeping the city and beyond the body. but not about the taliban flags. also waving on shops and residential houses as an expression of the court to the 2 decades of occupation. the last american soldier left the country last night with the grounds of changing slogan, or the current leader of the telephone movement. also praying for the late leader passed away years ago, but they are also changing slogan, celebrating their freedom freedom they have been longing and believed to have restored with withdrawal of the loss of
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a soldier. after 20 years of occupation. the republican leader in the house of representatives has heavily criticize have the us with role play that kevin mccarthy wants the white house to explain how it's guessing remaining americans out of, of chemist on what is the plan to get americans out never in my lifetime would i ever believe america would have it administration knowingly make a decision to leave americans behind. whereas just 2 weeks ago, the president promised this nation that he would not leave until every single american without were 2 weeks away of the 20th anniversary of 911. we now have americans stuck in afghanistan, the taliban in charge with mo, more weaponry than they've ever had in the past. and
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a border that is open. well, alan fisher is live at the white house. hi there, allen. so plenty of criticism there and we're supposed to be hearing from president biden later, i believe its been delayed a couple of times. he was due to speak, but 30 minutes ago still new sight of him appearing in the state dining room in the white house. normally there's a pillar reporters that are gathered. they've been told to go back inside. so it could be another 1520 minutes, perhaps even longer than that as they get job and ready to address the nation. it's interesting, he's doing it in the middle of the afternoon here in the united states rather than a prime time address on all the major networks a will be carried by all of the major networks, but not when most people are sitting watching the tv he's going to leave a foreign policy. but before he does that, he will thank everyone who is involved in the a lift operation. more than 120000 people listed in the last couple of weeks. he will talk about the military and the volunteers who are involved in that operation
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and getting it done. and he will claim that that has been a huge success. he will talk about the fact that no one saw the collapse of the afghan government as quickly as that. but he will also talk about how his foreign policy is framed through the idea of what's best in americans national interest. how can you protect the people of the united states and he will have to justify the fact that a man who 2 weeks ago said there was no way he was leaving americans behind him. the trips would stay until that job was done. how he left somewhere in the region of one to 200 people, one to 200 americans still in afghanistan, people who want to get out of the country. and that will be the stick that he will be beaten with throughout the coming days. the coming weeks, and of course, if he decides to run again in 2024 during the presidential campaign, then what is interesting that the american people are very much on joe biden site
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according to a new pull out in the last hour. 54 percent support the idea of pulling american troops out of afghanistan. what makes for less good reading for joe biden? is that $42.00 per and believe that he has done a poor job over the last couple of weeks and getting those trips out of the united states. this has been bad politically for joe biden. remember, you only took office back in january, but this is something that is going to cast a shadow over over his remaining time in office. and now on one next in terms of detailing the next steps for the job of re pat, treating those left behind. he's got to address that. he's got to give a plan and it's going to be more than just we trust the taliban when they say x or why he has got to come up with a concrete proposal that says we will get these americans out by a set date. otherwise,
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this is going to dry going much longer than he would like. certainly, the feeling that we got yesterday in, in washington was that many people here in the administration would like to go to bed phone. that the whole operation was done and there was no loss of life. and that's exactly what happened with the last major general stepping off the car, mike at the international airport ca, bill and onto a plane. and what was interesting as well, was the statement we got when they said there are no more mand flights over afghanistan, which suggests that they are still flying drones over the country. and they will continue to fly drones over the country monitoring the situation there. so what is clear is that you're biting needs to get these americans and get them out sooner rather than later. but although the war may be over in the last troops, me of left america, the goldman and afghan it's done, certainly isn't over. fisher. they are joining us live with the latest from the white house. allen, thank you. still to come this half hour. cities under water and houses
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torn upon us go codes could spend weeks picking up the pieces after hurricane. either these patients to some of the thickest, we've ever seen was trillion called crisis worsens. but new zealand holds a peak. ah hello there. we've got some quiet weather at last coming into central and eastern parts of europe. i am pleased to say you can see this area of low pressure swirling away just around poland. that's they're producing some very heavy rain for poland in germany as part of austria recently. that will gradually just not a little further eastwards over the next complet day. so dry weather will, grassy come back in behind, things a little more stagnant up towards at north side of the atlantic. just around
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britain island. we have got this area of high pressure. it keeps it dry, but it does keep it cool. was a fair amount of cloud tucked in here, got a fair amount of cloud tube into spain and portugal that's producing flooding into parts of east and spain. arrays. lea stays very well. what's a good part of spain and portugal as we go through wednesday, dry up towards the northwest of europe, 3 much of france. hello country is little more cloud than to central puffy. can see that wet weather. now easing across towards russia. 20 celsius in moscow, as the rain goes through on wednesday coast down to around 14 full days right? just continues to ease a little further. reese was dry weather coming, backing behind was still quite a few showers there into northern parts of spain. at this stage, largely drawn across northern parts of africa, some heavy showers just around the gulf of guinea. and we got some very wet weather, the cynical and the gambia. the this isn't my store re. it's the story of my friend. she told us that she didn't
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want to be here. she didn't want to live anymore. was too hard. a survivor dedicates her life to educating and saving others from suicide. we're the ones that are dying. we're the ones that are losing our friends and therefore we have to be the ones that will stand up and solve it because no one else is going to where there is hope, a witness documentary on a just, you know, oh, a welcome back. a quick reminder of our top stories here are now to 0. the taliban is back in control of campbells airport after the final us play left. but the group
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leaders are angry at what's been left behind. planes and helicopters were disabled . other equipment destroyed. final us of draws, been greeted with celebrations in several cities in july about residents pulled down to 0 and they're hoping for a system that protects them and offers you prospects. there have been long queues outside bags in coffee. many government workers have been paid for months and the price of basic good, like food is riving. the indian government has held a rear official meeting with taliban officials in the catawba capital, though. ha discussions focused on india national security and mutual travel for citizens of both countries. the meetings that the indian embassy came at the request of the taliban. the previous, after government had strong ties with india, while the taliban husband closer the pockets on or could have been working for a decade to end the war in afghanistan, the gulf nation is home to the largest us base in them,
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at least with nearly 10000 troops and 2011, they began hosting taliban leaders who were released from guantanamo bay. they laid the groundwork for talks with the afghan government at the request of the us, the taliban. political office was opened in doha, in 2013, 5 years later the u. s and taliban began direct talk, leading to last year's agreement. when they evacuations began, and campbell, the american base at dade, in our suddenly became a hub for tens of thousands of people leaving us honest. on 40 percent of all, evacuated pastoral concerts, now hosting temporary embassies for the us and u. k. his move their diplomatic missions for afghanistan to do well, look at high foreign minister says of got a son is going through a critical stage of the taliban must cooperate in the fight against terrorism. at a news conference earlier in doha shake mohammed been up to law hum, tawny says basic, why should be protected for all africa?
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and they said that it to our feet is fully prepared to provide maximum support to maintain stability and africa. and also to provide the prospect for the protection and preservation of the african peoples right? we discussed the mains who heard any possible human catastrophes, including the delivery of necessary age. we also discussed the means to combat terrorism, especially since have canister. and is it a turning point in its history? we reiterated that the taliban should demonstrate full cooperation and to honor all obligations placed on the shoulder. in this context, european union needed have agreed to increase humanitarian aid to us, going to stop, but remain divided over how to deal with people seeing the taliban. the $27.00 nation bulk is looking for ways to prevent a repeat of the 2015 g crisis. we don't know what's going to happen in a week and next month since we have to prepare for, for, for different scenarios. and what you're pointing out. it's exactly, of course,
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it's going to be very difficult to support people. yeah. and you monetary and needs and avoid him into a trust catastrophe. if the taliban se do not comply with at least the core of fundamental rights and women's rights and avoid the terrorist to have a safe haven, enough gun is done. and if they do not allowed humanitarian aid, ah, the syrian government forces of ramps up there offensive on a rebel enclave in the country. south west fighting for the city of dera, has escalated over the past week, along with a state of rebel attacks. and army checkpoints, in neighboring towns. there is military says it's been circles the city for at least 2 months. local officials accused president of the forces of preventing food and medical supplies from entering the city, but say civilians have been able to lead to the states. now where hurricane ida has
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left hundreds of thousands of people on the u. s. golf course without drinking water and electricity. as governor called the destruction catastrophic and says it could be weeks before the power is back on. in some areas, several communities are under water and 4 people are known to have died in the storm. that includes 2 in mississippi who were killed when a highway collapse. either made land for on sunday as a category for hurricane one of the most powerful to hit the us mainland. well, nbc j grey has more now from new orleans. a real mass, no electricity, many no water. i want to give you an example of what this storm left behind and you can see the devastation here was a building in the downtown area, just left as a pile of rubble at this point. looks more like a tornado than a hurricane. and that's how forceful these winds work. gusting over a 100 miles an hour for
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a followed 4 or 5 hours here in the new orleans metro area. there is devastation like this and the even worse, that stretches across all of south east louisiana. right now, you've got $5000.00 national guard troops on the ground. you've got teams coming in from around the country 30 state, sending in to help, and it's help they're desperately going to need at this point. this is a process that's going to take a lot of time getting back from this is going to be very difficult and it starts with getting some more power here. the entire new all in the metro area is without electricity right now. and it appears it will be that way for quite some time. very different conditions in california where a rapidly expanding wild far is threatening the resort city of south lake tahoe. a massive fire fighting effort is taking place and the blazes prompted unprecedented evacuation or to the thousands of people where it is and have also been told to
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leave some areas in the neighboring state of nevada. california has caused all of its national parks from within 2 weeks as firefighters work to put out the flames. thailand's parliament has started debating in no confidence motion, the prime minister for his handling of the pandemic. the opposition says price channel, which is response was poor leading to a 3rd wave of the virus thailand has recorded 1200000 infections and more than 11000 death. there will be a confidence on saturday. health officials in new zealand say the number of new cobra, 1900 cases is likely to continue falling over the past 2 weeks. the country's been dealing with its 1st major. i break in more than a year, which prompted prime minister just in the dance order, a nation wide loc time. but we have reports from to run the, the government is now easing those restrictions. the new zealand governments decision to lock the country down 2 weeks ago was met with shock and even ridicule
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in some parts of the world. the prime minister jacinta roger, made the announcement when just one new case of coven 19 was found in the community . new zealand 1st in 6 months, in that 2 week period there have been 612 new infections, and the peak of the outbreak may have already passed. today, there are 49 new cases of coven, 19 to report. all of these are in oakland. obviously that's a further decline on yesterday's daily case number for fewer. and let's go straight to the white house where you can see the american president joe biden about to address the nation over afghanistan. let's listen in the united states ended 20 years of war and i can stand the longest war in american history. we completed one of the biggest air left in history with more than 120000 people evacuated to safety . that number is more than double, but most expert cellar possible. no nation,
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no nation has ever done anything like it in all the history. the only the united states had the capacity in the will believe you to do it and we did it today. extraordinary success of this mission was due to the incredible skill, bravely and selfless courage of united states, military and our diplomats and intelligence professionals. for weeks, they rest their lives to get american citizens. afghans who helped us citizens of our allies and partners and others on board plains and out of the country. and they did it facing a crush of enormous crowds seeking to leave the country. and i did it knowing isis, k terrorist sworn enemies of the tale. bon, were lurking in the midst of those crowds and still the women and men in the united states military or diplomatic corps,
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and intelligence professionals did their job and did it well. risking their lives. not for professional gains, but to serve others. not an emission of war, but in the mission of mercy. 20 service members were wounded in the service. this mission, 13 heroes gave their lives. i was just a dover air force base. for the dignified transfer. we owe them and their families, a debt of gratitude, we can never repay, but we should never, ever, ever forget. in april, i made a decision to end this war. as part of that decision, we set the date of august 31st for american troops to withdraw this sumption.


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