tv [untitled] September 1, 2021 3:00am-3:31am AST
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the best, kennesaw on 20 years also it was the whole from power. the country now faces a new reality. how will that impact the people? events on falls in the world. stay with us. the latest news and analysis formats going on. no, i use us president joe biden has defended the withdrawal from afghanistan, calling the evacuation an extraordinary success. let me be clear. leaving august the 31st is not due to an arbitrary deadline. it was designed to save american lives. ah,
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i money. this is out there in life from doha. so coming up with us both is go and the taliban has sweat fin to take, go back on the main airport and claim all that was left behind on the core and teen in italy, thousands of refugees in a camp waiting to stop in new life and in other news, health concerns and you to stop crime hundreds of thousands in the us have no tricky old power off the hurricane. ah, i was not going to extend this forever war. the words of us president joe biden, defending his withdrawal of troops from afghanistan on his face, criticism over the chaos of the past few weeks. as i've got, his don rapidly fell under the control of the taliban. but biden says the
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evacuation has been an extraordinary success. i'm blamed afghan forces the collapsing far more quickly than any expected on fishes this report from the white house. my fellow americans. the war in afghanistan is now over. joe biden brought an end to america's involvement to end its longest war 20 years, which still lives cost money, and damaged america's image in the world. war to remove the taliban, which again sits in power in kill bill. we're left with a simple decision either follow through on the commit made by the last administration and leave afghanistan or say we weren't levy and commit another tens of thousands more troops. going back to war. that was the choice, the real choice between libby or escalating, he promised all americans who wanted to leave would be evacuated before the u. s.
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military where they went somewhere between one and 200 are still they are stranded but bite and insists not forgotten. and for those remaining americans, there is no deadline. we remain committed to get them out if they want to come out . but the president pace is going criticism from political opponents. and even though is on his own site, the say he fail his leadership, fail, america, fail, the lives have got to stop the accountability needs to be there. but most importantly, americans need to be able to be brought home. this cannot be our history. this cannot be where this ends. we will not allow it. whitening says he did the best job possible after the previous administration. never mentioning, come by name, saying to deal to pill trips out without political assurance that until the new threat group behind last week, suicide attack at the international airport. there was this warning to isis k. we
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are not done with you yet. the year left to organize been carried out in such a short space of time was undoubtedly a military, diplomatic and humanity. and success with americans left behind it for very little america has questions to ask about this involvement in afghanistan. questions that are obvious and difficult. you'll buys and has been politically damaged by what has happened over the last few weeks. he didn't start the war, but what happened at the end? well, hang over the remainder of his time and often. allen fisher, i'll just eat up at the white house. let's bring in gabriel elizondo, whose life worth in washington d. c. gabriel biden. in his speech, not only talks about a star, but he also talked about the big picture of wanting to change u. s. foreign policy. tell us more about what he had to say a map that's right. biden did give out more of an umbrella if you will,
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of his over arching foreign policy vision vision that he's believed in for many, many years, if not decades. but that he laid out again during his speech to the american people, he said 2 things that he said that the u. s. really needs to learn from the last 20 years and half canister. and he said that any foreign engagements by the u. s. in the future should be guided by 2 principles, one that any missions should have clear and achievable goals, something that he thought that the u. s. got away from the last many years in afghanistan, he reminded the american people that the u. s. went into afghanistan to get some a bin laden and to extract ok to that was done, but then the u. s. stayed there and got bogged down in afghanistan for many, many years as we all now know. and joe biden also said number 2, that any foreign missions by the us now need to be focused on the fundamental national security interest of the united states and not any other country. he
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thought the u. s. got away from that as well. and that's a lesson from the last 20 years in afghanistan, he said that he mentioned both china and russia, saying that that the u. s. needs to focus more on immediate threats. and he pointed to beijing and moscow. and also even mentioned cyber threats as well. he said that both beijing and moscow would like nothing more than to see the u. s. bog down in a can a stand for another 20 years. the bottom line here is that a joe biden has for a long time, said that if he became president, he would pull all us troops out of afghanistan. he said that even when he was vice president and advised, then president brock obama to do just that obama took a different route, kept troops there. now, joe biden is president. he followed through on his decision. all us troops are out of afghanistan,
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and based on biden's address to the nation. it is clear that he has no regrets about his decision. many thanks about gabriel alexander jefferson washington. while the foreign force is gone from afghanistan, the taliban is now looking to the future. hours after the departure of the u. s. taliban leaders spoke of attracting international investment and forming an inclusive government. others surveyed what was left of america's last military installation that cobble airport charlotte bennett has this report. the roar of j t engines and the cries, the vacuum. we've gone. the united states biggest humanitarian, a lift is finished. foreign forces have left and the taliban is surveying territory . it hasn't howled into decor today without any doubt with a day of f ganeth. dan's independence when we don't see a single foreign soldier and whoever invaded this country without permission,
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we got rid of them. and this was a proud historical moment for us, but the celebration return fell flat it cobble international. when we drove from the civilian to the military side of the airport. we are very sad, believe me, after we saw the situation where hurt. this is where the americans vacated from last night. you can still see their planes. equipment helicopters here. the tele bond was us here. and last night they moved was one of joy celebration. they were shooting in the sky. there were, there were fireworks. they were very happy that the americans had left. then they saw what was left behind disabled planes and helicopters. after the last c, 17 transport plane took off. solomon aka was the 1st to enter the former us. the 1st thing was they were panicking in
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a hurry and destroyed everything that was useful rigorously. they didn't leave us anything useful nor did they leave any dignity or pride in themselves. the telephone c is it won't supposed have relationship and mutual respect with the us and international community as the group seeks foreign investment. but they say this is a bad start. this, the national betrayal, nato said we will help you and continue our assistance. what kind of help is this the focus now is on researching commercial flights. the taliban lex, the resources. ready and technical personnel for this sir cutter and turkey, helping thousands of ask and still want to leave cabal. and believe they are eligible for foreign visas. meaning still fearful. the taliban will run a brutal repressive regime reminiscent of the 1900 ninety's. the taliban held a news conference aimed at reassuring people. it wouldn't. that's nice to bother
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this just yeah, we should turn a new chapter. we should bury the hatchet. we have no animosity against any particular faction, party or individual one. we transcend above this. all. this is a close chapter of our history yet, but we are looking forward to the future with one goal in sight. i mean rebuilding our country. but this is a country with a long memory divisions and distrust run deep. the taliban admits it will take some years for its government to reach its potential. it may take many more, the afghans to heal charlotte bellis. osha, 0, couple italian military house. flo, nearly 5000 pounds to italy since the taliban. to go over. many of the refugees is still on the quarantine, while that process for resettlement. adam rainy visited the country's largest refugee camp. if evacuated in arizona at this camp an hour outside of rome, more than a 1000 african refugees are starting
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a new life. now far from the country they called home, many of them like this man felt they had no choice but to flee. a la, i worked with italian and after military. so i was a target for the taliban. he like others we spoke to, asked us not to show his faith out of fear for loved ones. back in afghanistan, one of the sort of madness. i am happy to be here, but i am extremely worried about my family. but i haven't been able to contact them for 7 days, so i don't know how they're doing or where they are. ok. it's a story repeated here among those who worked with italian or other international forces during the war. as the taliban closed in, they rushed to cobble airport. some lost family and mechanic rush to escape and haven't seen them since i was one refugee we met served as a policeman in the former government. he told us he felt particularly at risk of taliban retribution since august 14th,
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nearly 5000 afghan refugees have arrived in italy, the largest number of any european union country i feel safe here. but i always worry about my future. how can i organize everything? how, how can i continue to my higher education, those running the camp are trying to address such concerns? you know, of course, they want to know about the future, the process of inclusion, what county at which now they are going to do in to be included in our society about today. they did the schools for the children job and all of us. of course, we can not give an answer to all of these questions. so by doing gauging, explaining the process that by step this camp run by the italian red cross is the largest processing center for the refugees in italy. more than 1300 african evacuees have been sheltered here temporarily, as they await longer term placement after being screened for cove at 19. many
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received vaccinations after being processed here the fact that we are then taken by bus to other shelters and hotels across italy. officials hope to resettle everyone at this camp by friday, the 1st step and helping these refugees rebuild their lives in a new country. adam rainy al jazeera of at santa italy. fil, ahead on al jazeera, $300000000.00 a day for 20 years. look at what the u. s. spent on it longer. and if you thought you had to write a problem, sarah thought to these people, the neighborhood taken over by hundreds, a copy borrow. ah ah, it's time for the journey to winter sponsored by cut on airways
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hollow. the rain klaus refused to move across the korean peninsula. at the moment, you can see the main front, still straddling northern parts of china, running up towards the korean peninsula that will bring some very heavy rain in here as we go through a wedding, stay then, and then it'll punches, way over towards the central and southern parts of japan. so hong choosing some very wet weather. coca looking fairly wet as we go on through thursday, pick down pools, coming through here. q. she will sing some live shot, but the northern parts of japan, not too bad, should be largely dry support, getting up to 27 degrees celsius. a china thing, some went well more than pass a little dry by this stage of 30 celsius, therefore basing $32.00 down towards the south or for hong kong, but a few showers around the region unusual scattering showers. meanwhile, because much of southeast asia, we've seen flooding recently into silhouette, see floods and mud slides, just the round sumatra, more heavy downpours as we go through the next couple of days. and she's
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a very heavy down post to into western parts of india. we have got red warnings in force at present, where the rain will east over the next couple days for my rush. jeff will go to wrap. it will turn very, very well indeed. and that wet weather delivery of low pressure here, spinning away into southern pakistan sponsored pay cut on airways in countries like mine, people have been killed to be when the united states have privatized the ultimate public war. this was a deal with saudi arabia. things were done differently. saudis and other arabs when they came to britain to be all to help the bombs deals along your ram. so this meeting, saddam, is it that interesting there i am. shadow on al jazeera. ah, ah,
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the me watching out as a reminder, hope stories that our us president joe biden has defended. his withdrawal of troops from don said the evacuation has been a success. he criticized his creed, assessment, deal with a telephone on a timeline. he said he had a few options to change ours. after the u. s. departure taliban leaders spoke with attracting international investment and forming an increase of gums. they say they were disappointed at what's been left behind planes and helicopters were disabled and all the equipment to join. meanwhile, they've been non queues outside banks in couple the countries economic problems have gotten worse. as the taliban advanced, people have been trying to withdraw the maximum limit of $200.00
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a day or the war in afghanistan was expensive. president joe biden says it cost an estimated $300000000.00 a day. the us spent more than 2 trillion dollars in its 20 years. more than 800000000000 was used to cover things like opertitional costs like weapons tanks across carriers and strikes. military training for afghans added up to about $85000000000.00 a campaign to deter afghans from selling. however, in an opium cost over $9000000000.00 and a further $4000000000.00 when to humanitarian aid. and then nearly $300000000000.00 was spent on services like health care for veterans, which is an expense that will continue for years to come. early, i speak to retired general wesley clark, who is nato's former supreme allied commander. he explained why,
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despite all that investment, the u. s. couldn't permanently beat the ton of no telegram, always had a secure of foothold inside pocket on. and the long record of insurgent warfare shows that if you can have a secure base area, you can eventually when. and so that's essentially what happens. i think it's very clear that the taliban is a creature of august on and in last the united states was able to do it will affect to live with august on or you're going isolate afghanistan from ingress 5 boxes, donnie supported caliber forces. we weren't going to make a permanent dent in the trial. vaughn walker sounds played a very interesting role. course. there are a former us ally we had or a separation after protest on became a nuclear power. but we've done our best to work with pockets on post 911. but at
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the same time, august john's in our services intelligence group was organizing funding training and guiding the tell bob. and there's a strategic reason for this is because boxed on is essentially a military state and is worried about a conflict with india. cut off, foreign minister says i've got missed on is going through a critical stage on the taliban must cooperate in the fight against terrorism. also meeting with his german counterpart, shake mohammed been up the rock not tawny said the international community must learn from its mistakes in dealing with the taliban when it last ruled. afghanistan, jamal j. o has more of the playing a leading role in the evacuation process over the past week or so. it seems a cutter is now shifting its focus to trying to lead when it comes to discussions with the new rotors on the ground in afghanistan, i. e,
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the taliban in joint press conference between the 34 minutes from home. now the man signing his german counterpart hi co mass shipping from it's spoke about the importance to engage with the taliban. that this didn't necessarily mean that countries would be recognizing them politically. but that the mistakes of the past, particularly back in the late ninety's in the early 2, thousands when the international community isolated the taliban, which many believe lead to the radicalization, quote unquote of the group and the own sick on certain consequences that those mistakes should not be repeated here is part of what caught us for a minister, how to say, we believe that isolation is not on such yet that it condition there's not a priority for us. so this is given our system and that part
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of on being isolated in 1996 has led us to the situation that we, we were and previously and i've gone on yet we have seen that they engage meant can give us some positive results from germany as perspective, when they were the foreign minister was asked about his country's relationship with the taliban. he told us that their former ambassador or the country's ambassador to of gun his son was in continuous talks with taliban, here in doha. because now the as should be the hope kind of a personally, i believe talk to continue with the taliban. on the one hand we should seek solution to this very critical issues like the full operation of the airport. because on the other hand, any instability within afghanistan undermine our ability to combat terrorism in the region. we should convey our expectations to the taliban should be judged not by their words, but by their action. this was just the 1st of a series of discussions that i thought was having with its allies, with regards to
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a dentist on the country for a minister will be meeting with the dutch for a minister in less than 24 hours. and there are reports that you case dominic rob will also be in the hot some point this week. quarter continues to be at the forefront when it comes to the afghan file. and it seems that it has won the trust of international, of the international community, particularly with the success of helping out in that huge evacuation effort that took place over the past 10 days. let's get some of the news. their reports, the syrian government and local leaders from the rebel health city of the ra, have reached an agreement for 3 days cease. fire is due to begin on wednesday. government forces have recently ramped up the offensive to take the ra, including blocking the supply of food and medicine. there's been a state of rebel attacks and on the checkpoint in neighboring towns. or can either
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have left hundreds of thousands on the u. s. gulf coast without drinking water and electricity, louisiana governor called the destruction catastrophic and nighttime curfews in place in new orleans to don't for the crime to the city was left in darkness. and their health concerns as the region swelter and late from a heat, official se could take weeks to fully restore electricity. at least 4 people have died. phil laval has more new orleans, the city itself fed. okay, in times of the damage from hurricane ida when it comes to the water release. but it's when you get outside of the main city area to place it like this is la plus just north of new orleans as a city. that's where you see just the damage that was caused. the winds wrought through here, there is a huge amount of water. it was blown. we are told from a nearby lake and it is completely submerged. this area, the search and rescue operation is going on. they going door at all. there is no
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way of getting down these roads. i mean, this is an actual road leads up to the freeway. so what was happening is people having to go by boat volunteers, go by boat door to door to try to reach people. now, there are a number of dangers here. first of all, the fact that you have alligators here, perhaps not one of the obvious pages, but this is louisiana. this is marshall and you've got all of this area where you would typically have alligators living once. i mean, if you wouldn't tend to see them walking down main street, suburban streets, but once the bosses create these rivers, that means they've got more space to move around to the store at george, katrina, more alligators. and we know at least one case in the last couple of days where there is been an attack, a 71 year old man, being attacked by an alligator, his wife trying to save his life. she didn't manage to it, his body has since disappeared. the other issue is disease because this water there is a current, but it is filthy and it is sitting here. lots of people who will have been hit by
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daybreak, who would have been injured. you do not want to get this water on an open wound because the fact that you could get illness disease from this is a big problem and getting to a hospital as an even bigger problem because it's very difficult to move anywhere out of cost as the issue of power because you can say down over here, the power lines, these will really badly had these ones still kind of standing. but there are some elsewhere that we've passed it all completely down. these are in the water and the power is off. but there are always, there's always the possibility that it could come come on intermittently, while they try to get it back up because a 1000000 also residents here and we see it all without power. that's a big issue because it means that people can't keep cool. it is very hot here, they're expecting temperatures in the regions of the late thirties celsius, somewhere around about 100 degrees fahrenheit today. that means that people who need to keep cool cause they can't keep their food cool. people have got to keep hold of their food because there's no way of getting supplies, and this is a real issue. we are told that the search and rescue operation could go on for
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several days. meanwhile, they just surveying the damage. we look at this, this motel, you can see the sign over there ripped away. if you go over that, zoom into the front of it. the windows completely blown out. people are trying to clean up, but they're also trying to say stay safe and there is still no words when this will all be over, but it's less likely to last several weeks. and out of control wildfires continuing to spread to as a northern california city. despite the efforts of almost $4005.00 sites is called a fire threatening south lake tahoe. tens of thousands of people have been ordered to leave their homes at school. it's more than 700 square kilometers mid august, and destroyed hundreds of houses. more than 2 dozen, 5 raging across california, fueled by drought and strong winds. 32 people have died in peru off the bus, plunged off a cliff. these 20 others were injured in the crush. 2 children are among the dead. it's the 3rd such accident in the country in the space for days. 6 members of
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an al qaeda link group and bangladesh have been sentenced to death for the killing of 2 gay rights activists in 2016 matters were part of a wave of attacks targeting a fist moderates and foreigners in dhaka to other members of the islam group. quitted by special anti terrorism tribunal, defense lawyers say the plan to appeal tolerance parliament as holding a special session to discuss prime minister pro utah tortures handling the coven 1900 pandemic. the ne confidence debate is expected and with a vote on saturday. opposition politicians say the country was put in a vulnerable position leading to a 3rd wave of virus. well, the debate isn't expected to peace. anti government protested who's been rally since last year. scientists in south africa have detected a new corona,
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virus variance, but they don't yet know how infectious it is. it was 1st identified in may and has now been recorded in 7 other countries across africa, europe, asia test. the currently underway to see if vaccines will remain effective against it. the exact right from this variance, we don't really know. we're not at the stage of fully understanding that the reason we were worried about the kind of combination of mutations was that many of the mutations we see and in this, the dot one dot 2 are the same mutations we've seen in some other beta in self concern particularly the the beater and the alpha and the gamma. but it's in a different combination. south sedans, new parliamentary speaker, has drawn attention to a conflict in one of his folder, regents jemma new, new combat, told parliament the killings have gotten so out of hounds in western equatorial
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state bodies aren't even being buried. and she says, hundreds of homes happen, but down the conflict is between neighboring communities which support rival sides in the new unity government. the leader of tarzan a as main opposition party as appeared in court to face terrorism charges. the case is raising concern about the state of democracy in the country. freeman by way was arrested along with several other party members last month ahead of a plan meeting to demand constitutional reforms. he's charged with terrorism financing, and conspiracy bow and supporters of accused police of torturing him in custody to force him to make a statement in the trial to argentina now, where hundreds of cathy bearers those a giant right and native to south america taking over a wealthy neighborhood around $400.00 of the creatures and living amongst residents of no dela in te gray on the outskirts and when is that is the luxury gated
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communities built on a wetland? that is b copy bars natural habitat. now some residence, a cooling for the right, it's numbers to be better managed. yeah, eco means elliptical did upper last year and what can be done to control it when we need to find a way so that the population stops growing. we want the copy virus to keep living here. you know, we live well with them. we like them. we don't think there is enough space for them . so we need to stop an increase in the population. nope. ah. this is out there are these, you top stories. you as president joe biden has defended his withdrawal of troops from afghanistan and said the evacuation has been a success. criticize his predecessors deal with the taliban on a timeline. he said he had few options to change. we succeeded what we set out to do and i can't stand over
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