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tv   [untitled]    September 2, 2021 9:30am-10:01am AST

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jordan government started he to destroy the device from a fight independence in egypt to an infamous hollywood production and his algebra world, his personal stories from those who are that my own private history on algebra. ah, i'm not madison and don't have the headlines. and ours is in the you and says food enough kind of son could run out in just a month. and there isn't enough cash to buy basic supplies. it's warning of a humanitarian catastrophe. speaking from couple on wednesday, the us, you monetary and coordinator in the countries said one in 3 afghans is facing hunger. tradition of human data in perspective continues to be stimulated
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as i speak to you today from couple more than half of the children do not have it tonight or not. and that's the reality of the situation that makes it really concerned about the future of the social sector. as there will be all these limitations in the ability to see it. saturday of the teachers and education workers and those social sector workers be paid because most of the budget issues to be the salary as extra k from the for an aide. and right now we don't have budgeting provisions to cover those. those aspects of the taliban has surrounded the only province, resisting its rule and talks to negotiate a settlement of failed. the rugged mountain area of kind of suns, ponzio valley is north of couple people there, resisted taliban rule. during the 19 ninety's, dozens of people were killed on tuesday when taliban forces launched
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a renewed assault of the us. supreme court has refused to stop the implementation of an extreme abortion law that's been enacted in texas. it bands most terminations by prohibiting the procedure after 6 weeks of pregnancy, that includes cases of rape and incest. a group of gunman has abducted 73 students in northwest nigeria. the children have been taken from a secondary school in the remote village of kaya in some follow state. all schools in the state of in order to close more than 1000 students have been kidnapped nigeria since december. tropical storm ida has brought flooding to the us east coast and our reports of homes being distorted in new jersey and in new york city. a state of emergency has been declared after record breaking rain lead to flooding . there comes 4 days after either made landfall in the southern state of louisiana as a powerful category for how to get, but it's not weakened. those are the headlines back, not a shout,
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a world. goodbye. in the joint hearings of the house select committee to investigate covert arms transaction with iran in the select committee on secret military assistance to iran and the nicaraguan opposition will come to order. congress began to address what they perceived to be an insanely out of control series of covert actions with little to no congressional oversight. we eventually blank, lethal weapons to cherish nations involving the u. s. government in military activities in direct contradiction of the law and lying through the congress. now i believe that democracy cannot revive that kind of abuse.
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and people like dick cheney and donald rumsfeld, who were relatively new to government at the time, did not like when congress had, we need to step in and confront the national security state. and what's become a very out of control pill program cheney that went on during the reagan years in the eighty's to serve in congress. and when the iran contra scandal broke out into the open, chaney did not like congress being involved with anything that the executive branch was doing. and you had the 2 others handle that emanated from the highest echelons of power. and the reagan administration was acting as though it had nothing to do with it. i've told you all that i know and you know, the truth of the matter is for quite some long time. all that you knew is what i told you. it was our witness this morning is mister robert mcfarland, the former national security adviser to the president. mr mcfarland. we welcome you
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to the committee and we look forward to your testimony. mr. mccall, and did you have any discussion about the possibility of an effect farming out the whole contra support operations in nicaragua to another country which will cor country one? yes, that's correct. and did you, in fact, succeed in obtaining money from another country, which will cor country toe the that's correct. ah, i had the practice of meeting periodically with the official from country to about assistance. we could provide some cases, arm or sales. and they intended to provide a contribution of a $1000000.00 per month to the contras through the end of the year. you have no
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problems working with us. we have no problem working with the united states government. and unless it does not work for the government, then i think we have a big problem. there have been a case when some americans are question that a, you know, well thank having those occasion was not in connection with i think that there was a substantial shadow government trying to run foreign affairs united states. these events have been characterized by some pretty strong statements. we've heard talk of a grave constitutional crisis and even been treated to talk about a cool and winehouse. not only does cheney sort of defend around contra, but he argues that iran, contra is actually a model for how the u. s. should be conducting its national security policy. he is
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a radical subscriber to this notion of the unitary executive effectively. what you're doing is saying on certain parts of american policy, we don't have a democracy. we have a dictatorship. as a matter of fact, i was very definitely involved in the decisions about support to the freedom fighters. my idea to begin with. in my opinion, there is no justification for further restrictions on the power in flexibility. a future presidents ah, the national security lead today is mostly composed of people who hit the revolving door multiple times during their last name of richard b chaney. to be secretary of defense is they make a name for themselves in the private industry, and then they come into the go. this revolving door keeps the national security leave very small and very wealthy and increasing its wealth as it goes up the chain
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to the extent that then when you get to the top, as cheney did, then you can become a member of the flu talker. see that runs the country to impress the crowd, the haves and the have morse cheney commission, to study by halliburton to find out how much more of the defense department can be privatized. halliburton, proud to serve our troops. elberton was elated to get this $1000000.00 contract and of course returned a verdict. oh mister secretary, lots more of it can be privatized. um, dick cheney leaves the defense department and goes and has halliburton himself. and he spent the entire 1900 ninety's, building up the halliburton war empire. well, if we're going to talk about star wars, we might as well invite darth vader. happy
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to accept it. then he comes back into power as vice president. and then they start hiring halliburton too, you know, in advance, even of us troops going into iraq, halliburton, personnel and equipment was being deployed to the golf. it's hard to, to look at this and not say, these guys had a very long term plan for how they were going to increase the powerful infrastructure of private companies. what we've essentially done is to create a network of corporations that have the fire power of small nation states that could, you know, over throw some small governments around the world. nations we in the united states have privatize the ultimate public function. ward.
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you know, bombs, i've got a time limit delay food emissions to us. so by that through the in iraq, the f sixteens. and as a teens were firing 6000000 dollars within seconds, coming back re army and going up again. there is no hope of ending war because there's always a small cobble of people for war is really, really good. it doesn't matter that we're losing the war and against
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albert careless couldn't for them. good for profit, me the me the well we've undergone a corporate qu data in slow motion cult quote john austin, fall. 35000 lobbyist, washington. they write the legislation,
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they write the bills. all it takes is one phone call from somebody on the hill to someone in the pentagon saying, hey, turn on the dogs, the hills out to get our program. the guys in the center on on board, we need you to turn on the gucci. shoot guys to straighten this thing out the gucci . she guys being the lobbyist. and what this does is just lock the system up and that's the whole name of the game. and it's called political engineering. and unlike political science, political engineering is real. me one of the most important things to understand it essentially creates what we call a self like in ice cream cone. ready and it's like a perpetual motion machine. forgetting ever increasing defense by just the way we do it is by downplaying the future consequences to start a new weapon, we over promises performance under promise its cost. we then systematically spread dollars, jobs and profits to as many congressional districts as quickly as possible so that
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everybody has skin in the game. ah, the people who are invested in this state or people like the largest defense contractor in the world, lockheed martin, they will die before they see, go was going to change the world next. we're probably already working on it. a good margin basically gifts, intellectual last 2 players and listeners. tentacles, you know, in all branches of the government and then the helman and that's how they make them. i feel like i'm under school was fiscal year 909092.3 trillion missing fiscal year, 2001 point, one trillion missing the pentagon is claimed year after year. that the reason it can't account for the money is because it's computers don't communicate with each
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other. one trillion $1.00 bill dec tie would reach nearly 68000 miles into space. one 3rd of the way to the moon. i got a phone call from the f b. i thing that i was a target of a death rick. and that's what happens when you go against the big boys who had the contract today to make those systems communicate with each other and how much have the tax payers paid for them. there are times that corporations do things they should not do, in which case they tend to be suspended for some period. there are times then the corporations can get out of the penalty box. it was never in the penalty box. if you could proceed to my 2nd question, please, the, the 2nd question i forgot what the 2nd question was.
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individuals operating in the shadows and never having their names called are able to leverage the power of the military and the foreign policy apparatus for their own personal pecuniary ins was now who's the enemy? how do we justify all the settings, oldest planes, all this bullshit. what better new enemy done, and i pathetic go. invisible enemy called the war on terror. the
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to the matter so they then yellow mysteries are so young. but of the i don't know, those who need to know, but she did, she retorted, committee one on middle. so this which i really don't need any assistance from the majority of credit union the, you know, for all the money in my my few are seeing the 79 in the say those from the use
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for them and morrison to get the we and i can see on the get a bit earlier. ah, at the i think of the most basic level when we realized how we entered into a permanent state of war like went off in proponents of counter terrorism on a global scale. think of as a long war. but without, in something like that. and i think that what we've accepted is a political machine that is sustained by fear is a very old, very old political tactic. i mean, machiavelli,
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us and the prince is better for the prints to be feared or loved. and his conclusion is because the locus of fear, the, the source of fear resides in him, in the prince. it can be constant for his rule, whereas the locus of love resides in the people in their power. and some for them could be constant and long lasting mean. so machiavelli already opens a question that he, he probably doesn't provide us the answer with what would it mean to have our social arrangement like the basis of our social choices be founded on love. i don't think one has to justify the cost in nature or the national security state . one just has to keep the people fearful enough to support it. but what i want to bring to your attention today is the potentially much more sinister nexus between iraq and the kite a terrorist network. every word in that speech was gone over by the director of
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central intelligence and his deputy directory after we slept. so is nothing that i made up, it was nothing that i stuck in there, and in fact, some people tried to stick extra things in there that the intelligence community wouldn't verify with multi sourcing. and i said no, active rec, powell grab me physically, which was unlike him and drug me into a space at the ca, at langley, and said, throw all the material in my presentation about terrorism out, cut it out out this amount. this is just within an hour large tenants, the director of central intelligence, made a spectacular bar michelle presentation. we have just to learn from a high level al qaeda operative under interrogation about significant context between baghdad, mood of rot and al qaeda. this was devastating. here's the director of central intelligence telling the secretary of state that he
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has interrogated evidence. ready while the secretary turned to me and said, put it back in how kind it continues to have a deep interest in inquiring weapons of mass destruction. as with the story as the car we in his network, i can trace the story of a senior terrorist operative telling how rac provided training in these weapons to al qaeda. later i learned that that was shake out. libby that had happened just instantly happened. it happened months before that he'd been water boarded in egypt . 20 did this, no us personnel were present and he had recanted within a couple of weeks. and we never were told about that. every statement i make today is backed up by sources solid sources. these are not assertions. what we're giving you, our facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence. we were indisputably. we were lighted at this hour,
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american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free to people, and to defend the world from great danger. as karl rove famously said to this reporter, you guys a reality based communities. we make reality by the time you figured out what's wrong with our reality, we moved the creation of another reality. did you sell or cause to come into the possession of saddam hussein, weapons of mass destruction? did the united states yell to him? absolutely not. they run around such a scale. i was only run inside and i went down to the back. i was actually given a gas kit. and so let me take the train back. right all the way up to tear on. the carriages were crammed with iran, and soldiers had been ghast so much as coughing and wretched, and a one man was re put a handkerchief white glove to his lips. gradually to cargoes became permeated with
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a sort of $36.00 smell. and i realize it's the smell of the gas, they were coughing up from the lungs when i was going along the car, those long windows on the night trying clean the train out of the smell of obviously of chemical water. after 2003 i was being attacked on radio shows, especially for america complaining about the american event you pro saddam. and i said, excuse me. i was on the train of iranians, guessed by the iraq is and the chemical components came from the united states. at the very time the, your rumsfeld was meeting saddam, you were meeting with saddam hussein. i think we have some video that of that meeting. tell me what was going on during this. where did you get this video from the iraqi? tell them this is from iraqi television. when did they give it to you recently or back then we've dug this out of the sea and in library, i say, isn't that interesting? there i am
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with the our war on terror begins out. but it does not in this war on terror is irrational. it's like saying a war and when the serious pro office launched his investigation into the crimes that we were uncovering, it turned out that many of these arms deals had been forced through by tony blair personally. he's a dedicated arm salesman. and once you start a war, you open and kind of pandora's box, you don't control and it controls you today,
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there are good dennis and mad did is the bad better said those in yemen who the united states names to be a threat. the good terrorists are those who are inferior. the joke here is we've been there before. i mean, if you consider the of non a stand story, nothing to do. if i say that the saudis are giving money to groups that are in the city,
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not only but also the i s i s. people who say you want to consider as it is me. the medical salary, we put $1000000.00 each to give them arms training equipment. we are the ones who cleared all those people to go. we a new piece, that's what we want. freedom and the doctrine that is endured from bush to obama is that the world is a battlefield. and that the united states has the right to go into any country around the world to conduct what they call kinetic operations, legal operations, regardless of what international law says. if you're a small state like we were for a 150 years, in essence, reasonably, spain, france, angling, and even russia, you've got to be exquisitely good diplomacy. you've got to be able to talk yourself
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out of lots of things and make deals and compromises. and so forth. but if you're the world henchmen you don't deal with anybody, you smack them use your military smack of the they wanted 43000000 pounds worth of weaponry. that was 6000000 pounds in commission. there was no hope of ending war because there's always a small cobble of people for really, really good live in athens, we in the united states have privatized the ultimate public function war shadow on al jazeera. around 200 wildfires have struck turkey in recent weeks and also support has how to bring them on the control almost
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a decade that go west spaniel. martine was an exchange student in turkey's booster province. she had no idea she will be flying planes over touches, age, and coastline to have come back. wildfires is one of a dozen tie fighters who everite from spain to come to fires that have eaten up for us and testers. along turkey's age, him and mediterranean causes into distance headquarters feel their empty buckets for another go at the fires, many are now contained, others have stubbornly spread due to change in ruins, aircraft. how played a white a role in these patients because they can't cover long distances in a matter of minutes, especially in mountainous terrain along turkey, stockton coast. ah.
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hello hope september's after a good start for you weather wise across the middle east. it's pretty well unchanged. we've got hot sunshine and temperature is above average as we look toward back that 45 degrees q 845. adela also above average with a high of 41 degrees next for go into pakistan and we may see some might mon sooner moisture just clipped. southern areas, karachi, i'm going to put the risk of some showers in there for you. not expecting some drenching rains. however, with a high of 32 degrees after turkey and the black sea region getting hit hard again with them. heavy falls particularly toward the northeast, impacting places once again, like our hobby rate up against the border with georgia, it's stumble. we'll look for a high of 27 degrees on thursday. after the tropics of africa, we've got her storms, where we would expect to see, particularly through the ethiopian highlands, south sudan into the democrat republic of congo. temperatures are bouncing back through south africa. look at this, keep town. 18 degrees jo. 24 durban,
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26 degrees. but we will have to contend with them fairly breezy conditions. and so let me show you those. so you know what to prepare for. i could see wind gusts up to 55 kilometers per hour, and those will spread to the eastern cape as well. that's it for me. the news in ledger? yes, life use a bit or do use for boys one of you with that. right. i do not know any of the john that is followed in that you are like football. my name is nadia is development manager. it is my nigel, my, my on i'll do there. ah. when the new break on wednesday it will be a largest fire in california history. when people need to be heard,
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any people who are writing people even know what i am with exclusive interviews, support teams on the ground with intensifying rain. people here appear that these are temporary solutions to bring you more award winning documentaries and live need ah, talk to ended up rebellion against the taliban rules failed because it tries to cement its power and put together a government warnings that the country's economy is close to collapse the price of the soaring racing phase, the possible humanitarian crisis. ah rahman, watching onto there like my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 30
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minutes. the u. s. supreme court uphold the law in texas, dunning, most abortions make the strictest in the country.


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