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tv   [untitled]    September 2, 2021 10:00am-10:31am AST

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behind the people who are writing even know what i am with exclusive interviews and so forth, has teams on the ground with intensifying rain. people here appear that these are temporary solutions to bring. you move toward winning document trees and live need, [000:00:00;00] ah told to ended up rebellion against the taliban rules failed, as it tries to cement its power and put together a government warnings that the country's economy is close to collapse. the price of the soaring rating fears were possible humanitarian crisis. ah, roman,
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watching onto there like my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 30 minutes . the u. s. supreme court uphold the law in texas, dunning, most abortions make me the strictest in the country. also cleaning up shop a new agreement in bangladesh, springs hope for better protection for workers, one of the wolf top. com and text me welcome to the program as the telephone proposed to unveil a new government of gun phones. economy is near collapse. prices of essential goods of sword and access to cash and overseas transfers is limited. the us is frozen about $10000000000.00 in national reserve, mostly held abroad. economists say forward investments will be needed to help the country recover. now the taliban is still facing opposition, an arm resistance in the mountainous province upon cher, north of cobble. as be more fighting, not talks between the 2 sides, fail to reach
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a settlement, dozens of people have been killed. this was over to rob mcbride. he's a monetary lender for a thin cobble and ready the sense to sweeten. so to take over the country, the focus for any resistance has been in the northeast of the country. as we just mentioned, north of the capital is the pantry valley where the former a operatives are in a stand off with the taliban, just bring it up to speed on development. they rolled i mean this remains just about the only resistors that there is throughout the whole of i've got this done at the moment the past year, which we understand now some days has been completely surrounded by highly band units. but the resistance off bill that they are still holding out now that have been tools going on the days to try to bring about some sort of peaceful resolution, some kind of surrender, as we've seen from other provinces throughout afghanistan. and that have a moment at which we thought that that was going to be some breakthrough the latest
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days from the taliban is that that talks have stalled. and that the taliban have been appealing now, directly to people in the patent, to put pressure on the leaders to recognize the islamic cameras to come around and accept the fact that this is a done deal. but having said that, to be at that have been reports of some clashes, some civilians have been reported leaving the valley. they clearly believe that the situation could well deteriorate. so we have to be seen how that could be results. now you remember the punch, it was the face for resistance to the taliban in the past, it was where the northern alliance that was cold came from 20 years ago. but you know, things are very different to how things were then the punch, this time is cut off from any other possible support in the north of afghanistan. no, indeed, across the border into tajikistan where it had previously supply lines also this
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time around because it can't call and has support from the mighty united states that force those as strikes simply that this time. so we really, that remains to be seen exactly what happens is we keep an eye on that developing situations of course, against national community as well as many africans wait to hear what sort of inclusive government will be put in place as stated by the taliban. but it's not going to be inclusive enough for women now, is it remains to be seen. you know, these talk that taking place down in kandahar the spiritual home of the taliban to form this new government to decide who will be the the, the figure head and then who will take over the various ministries. and we have heard the various talk about the inclusive it see that this is a different type of taliban. but you know, there are suspicions just about what this will mean despite assurances of respect for human rights. and in particular for women's rights the it remains to be see what that means because of course the taliban says, all of this comes within the framework of sherry
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a law. so it's very much upon what a teacher should be. that framework, there is a lot of talk, but this will not be the strict interpretations or the strict implementations that we saw 20 years ago. about how far the taliban is willing to compromise or not remains to be seen. because of course, you know, it can't stray too far from its idea, logical beliefs. it's fundamental. otherwise it wouldn't be the taliban. and there is a suspicion here that you know, given time was cobble and the taliban is no longer the focus, the world's attention. that it could well revert to tied to that despite what the leaders here say on the street. when it comes to the implementation. we could see a past strict implementation of that. that is the fear for many women here which continues abroad with the update for some cobble. thank you. now the un says the food could run out in just a month, and there isn't enough cash to buy basic supplies. it's the amount of tearing
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coordinator told down to 01 in 3 africans of facing hunger. tradition of human data in perspective continues to be stimulated as i speak to you today from couple more than half of the children are. they didn't have him in tonight or not. and that's the reality of the situation that makes me concerned about the future of the social sector. as there will be all these limitations in the ability to see saturday of the teachers and education workers and those social sector workers be paid because most of the budget we choose to pay the salary as extra k from the for an aide. and right now, we don't have budgeted provisions to cover those, those support. now there is still questions about what went wrong with the departure of american forces from afghanistan. u. s. defense chiefs have been
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facing the press for the 1st time since the end of the withdrawal. they say the war hasn't been fought in vain. patrick line reports not from washington d. c. these are the men in charge of running the us military, ultimately responsible for carrying out the president. orders are now defending the withdrawal from afghanistan. it was her. oh it, it was historic duty to focus on the fact that they say 124000 people were evacuated in a hostile environment. but that leaves out the questions. how could the intelligence be so wrong about the strength of the taliban? why was it such a chaotic situation? why weren't able to get out all americans and the 10s of thousands of afghans they pledge to help during disorderly evacuation? that's all 175 people killed, including 13 us service members from suicide attack near the airports. that they
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said are questions for later. and i also say that no operation is ever perfect. i will tell you that we will do what we always do and that is to, to look at ourselves and do after action reviews. and, and we wanna make sure that we learn every lesson that can be learned from his experience. they may be questioning themselves in private, but l eyes are doing it publicly in most you. we do not need another such job political event to rest, that you must twice for greater decision made into autonomy and greater capacity for action and dwelt. the disappearance was less about reassuring allies than their own troops. the emotion of this moment made clear by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. this is tough stuff. war is hard. it's vicious, it's brutal. it's unforgiving. and yes, we all have pain and anger, and when we see what is unfolded over the last 20 years and over the last 20 days,
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that creates pain and anger. the mission now is to try and contain the political fall out and figure out what went wrong. well, trying to reassure the troops that 20 years of war were worth it, even though they left the taliban back in control using their equipment and celebrating what they say was the total defeat of united states. pedagogy in elgin 0 washington. the u. s. supreme court is the only reject it an emergency appeal against the new abortion law in the state of texas, the court voted 5 to 4 to allow the country's most restrictive law to remain in place. it bands a procedure from 6 weeks into pregnancy and makes no exception. so rape, or incest. and the color reports on wednesday, the so called fetal heartbeat bill of texas became law making it one of the strictest abortion measures in the us. this is now the only state binding abortions after a heartbeat has been detected at around 6 weeks before many women even realize they're
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pregnant. texas governor greg abbott, signed the bill in may with the expectation of legal challenges they worked together on a bipartisan basis to pass a bill that i'm about to sign. that ensures that the life of every unborn child who has a heartbeat will be saved from the ravages of abortion. by midnight on tuesday, clinics across the states were turning women away, who are more than 6 weeks pregnant, were having really difficult conversations where patients are filled with anguish and worry and fear as they try to figure out what's next to them. i'm in the health group say it amounts to a total ban on abortion, but the new law also empowers ordinary citizens to su abortion providers. and those who help women get the procedure. we think that we could see lawsuit against a huge range of people including frontline workers. that health center is including
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counselors to provide genetic counseling to one about their pregnancy and ultimately refer them for an abortion if that's what the patient wants. several other states mostly in the conservative south, have tried passing similar abortion restrictions with mixed success. pro abortion rights group, say the legal push maybe leading up to a direct challenge to the 1973 landmark roe v wade federal ruling that gave women the right to seek an abortion state of mississippi is now directly challenging that constitutional rights. and with a more conservative leaning supreme court, it may be the biggest test in decades. we certainly have reason to fear what the supreme court will deal with this stretch challenge to row and what's happening today and going forward. and texas is deeply alarming because they may have found a blueprint for rolling back abortion access, regardless of what the supreme court decides with the jackson women's health case. access to abortions is long been a divisive and deeply political issue in the us. but momentum seems to be gathering
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pace to challenge the choice of women across this nation. and to galka al jazeera the group of government has abducted 73 students in northwestern nigeria, the children were taken from high school in the remote village of care. in some foreign states, the government has imposed a curfew and ordered all schools in the state to close. more than 1000 students have been kidnapped in nigeria since december. now the attacks are often carried out by criminal gangs. well, still a had here on out there, back to class, but for how long have an education crisis 11 or even schools and parents to fend for themselves and venezuela's opposition and a full year election boy hope will hear what they've had, why they had a change of heart straight up ah
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ah, hello there, let's begin where we've got some active weather for iberia and these cluster of cells are going to in least some heavy rain toward the north and also the east of spain. and we know areas like valencia, for example, over the last fellow bit, scooping up about $200.00 millimeters of brain with in only a couple of hours. so really soggy, conditions here, more rain, certainly not good news. off the circuit getting some aggressive rain for the black sea region in particular the northeast, once again, hitting places hard like our hobby rate up against the border with georgia toward the south. we've got settled conditions on tahlia high of 35 degrees with plenty of sun, wider view of europe right now will show us. we've got high pressure in charge over the republic of ireland and the united kingdom through central areas of europe, but disturbed weather as we head toward the east western russia. some rain spilling into ukraine is fall on thursday. flooding across south sudan has displaced almost
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400000 people. these are the images that were sieges, flooded out homes toward the north of the country. but of a break are heaviest. rains on thursday will be reserved as we head toward nigeria, great through into garner and the ivory coast. so john has a high of 25 degrees that your update. see you soon? ah frank assessments, by way it is a lesson to suppress informed opinion what he saw happening. give months if there was 40 to come. there was petune is the critical debate. the ria gothic here? it's not between any other conference here between 34 years re running to keep them people in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on our gym 0.
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0, a book about want to 0 means the whole realm. the reminder on top stories i've got this phones economy is place to collapse after the rapid withdrawal of us forces and the taliban takeover prices of essential goods sold. while the us is person about $10000000000.00 in national reserve, moves beheld abroad not an easy us. supreme court has now only rejected on emergency appeal against a new abortion law and the state of texas the most restrictive law of its kind in the country. then the procedure from 6 weeks into pregnancy be $73.00 students get the niger areas as far as states. the children were taken from
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a high school in the remote village of kaya, the government has ordered all schools in the states to close. the wall of galveston, where many western powers are looking to cancel for diplomatic help. the u. k. foreign secretary is indo home meeting with his guitar re counterpart. the golf state has played a key role in recent evacuations. trying to use its influence to give people safe passage. manuel has more of also asked his excellency, very kindly to, to agree to the relocation of the netherlands embassy from couple to doha. that was for a minister of the netherlands commenting on discussions into how we got our foreign minister. similar requests have come from other western nations, including the u. s. and the u. k. the military mission is over, a new diplomatic mission has begun. as of today, we suspended our diplomatic presence in campbell and transferred our operations to doctor. it shows to what extent katara has emerged as
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a reliable piece broker in the region, especially with regard stuff, gonna stop. gotta be gone, its efforts for peace and i've got to start a decade ago in 2011 it to granted asylum to taliban leaders who were released from the u. s. prison at guantanamo bay. they laid the groundwork for subsequent talks with the afghan government. the gulf nation is home to the largest us space in the middle east with nearly $10000.00 towards the request of the us upon the bank. political office was opened in though in 2013, 5 years later, the u. s. on body ban began, died at talks, leading to last year's agreement. and senior us military officials began holding face to face talks with by the band leaders in doha. when the evacuations began in college, the american base at the low date in cut off, suddenly became a hub for tens of thousands of people leaving off guns time. 40 percent of all
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evacuees passed through it. but the departure of foreign troops doesn't me. in the end of afghanistan's difficulties, the country is facing several challenges. after decades of war, 10, thousands of skilled workers feel to have left the country cutoffs influences will be needed even more now, as the by the, by the works to set up. what it says will be an inclusive government. while many are waiting to see if a body band will follow through with its promises to respect women sites and work with other nations being also fair and the new media in the past few years between without it's between fight yvonne and the us or body bon and the other african parties has built last with all the african parties, not only with bite yvonne and this investment that resulted with
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this last, i think we need all to use it in a good way for the good of the future of a gun. it has also agreed to join fs with turkey in order to operate the international airport in couple of vital lifeline for the landlocked country. it's also expected to host more future talks about a new era of afghan nationalist stability and reconciliation mohammed fund and dizzier. though tropical storm ida has brought flooding to the us east coast. there are reports of homes being destroyed in new jersey and in new york city, a state of emergency has not been declared after record breaking rain lead to flooding it. come 4 days after i'd have made landfill in the southern states of louisiana as a powerful category for hurricane. but us now weakened. well, in north america, more people under the age of 50 are in hospital with cove at 19 than at any point during the pandemic dance, according to the pan american health organization which says infection rates of
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surgery in the region, the health agency is also paying for more vaccine from south america and the caribbean, where it says 3 quarters of the people have not been fully immunized. it's going on countries with excess drams to urgently share them. after nearly 2 years of home study during the pandemic students in lebanon are returning to school, but they're likely to miss out for 3rd year as the lebanese education sector faces it's worst crisis in years. so i've heard reports now from beirut. it's a big day for a high who's registering his children at the local school that he's concerned for their future. i mean, we're scared the academic year won't continue, especially for those starting school for the 1st time. some parents are struggling financially and can't afford to send their children, but i'm worried whether we'll be able to continue paying school, tuition, and expenses. more than 1000000 children in lebanon have been out of school since about demick begun. the economy has deteriorated further and now major fuel
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shortages, they, the electric and internet blackouts means classrooms may stay emptier for longer and the bottom concerns for our students. how will they get to school without fuel or afford meals? this is a port neighborhood. parents owning a little money are in a difficult situation. they can't even afford to, not just please, but so 5, we need solutions. some school officials and teachers of told algebra that's in the absence of a clear plan by the k take government. they've been forced to rely on themselves. now this is one of many schools 11 on the relies on the electric generator to even say open. it says it has enough fuel for the 1st month of the new school year, which is due to start. but teachers, i'm not sure what they're going to be doing beyond that. they've already started looking at alternative options to the smart interactive board there. and competes is the school students rely on and the replacing them with be these are the old fashion white boards. some schools say that they'll be able to use the phone panel,
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but it's an extremely expensive option. the not all schools in the country can afford nearly 3 quarters of schools and 11 on our private high a tuition fees are forcing thousands of students to switch to state schools this year. just have a half of 11 on population now lives in poverty, high inflation, and the evaluation of the lebanese layer. it's almost $20000.00 to the dollar means basic school supplies on affordable for most last year was $35000.00. now it by under 11000. this is normally the busiest time of the year for study, but he's hardly sold in the academic books. the caretaker education ministry hasn't printed them out this year, leaving mostly imported but expensive ones on offer. the ministry says it's waiting on assistance from the finance and energy ministries plus international donation. 60, to have the cloud, we're facing many challenges. that doesn't mean we're ready, but we're working day by day on
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a plan to make it easier for students to return to school. if living on those is it's advocation sector, it loses everything. last is something calmer knows, well, she quit a job as a teacher to start a new life outside of lebanon. teachers of threatened to go on strike if their salaries aren't increased. they say $50.00 a month paycheck. fairly covers daily. expensive future, for example, can help with a salary her husband's with that and with, with the car expenses, the food, especially the food for example, in the essential things you buy for your kids. but for now, you can do nothing with the salary except for filling up your car with gas. sees the children is described educational situation in lebanon as catastrophic learning levels were relatively low before the current of virus. but now the future of an entire generation has become even more uncertain. so to have al jazeera beta,
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14 venezuela's opposition is switching tactics after boycotting regional and local elections for the past 4 years. after months of internal disagreements, the main coalition has agreed to field candidates in november. the polls are latin america and salisia newman has more. would they wouldn't say that was the question that's finally been answered. why? why not? after a very conscious and deep analysis, we decided to participate in the spectral process regional elections to choose venezuelan governors and mares a shed, ruled for november 21st. the main opposition hard, his boy caught in the last presidential elections and 2018. and the subsequent legislative elections in which they lost control of the national assembly, they argued the conditions for a fair, competitive, and transparent election didn't exist. in fact, they say they still have no guarantees,
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but the change of heart is proof that they no longer believe that continuing to bet on a self proclaimed interim government. led by opposition leader one by law is feasible for reading the past, but you believe in we'll continue to trading because we cannot continue leaving a fantasy. president nicholas, my ludo congratulated the opposition, but could not resist taking a jab wise all who had favored boycotting the elections again. philip, i told my wife celia to get some good popcorn because i'm going to sit in my arm chair in front of the tv with my popcorn to see one white oh, hold on november 21st. and there i will applaud because we managed to include him in democracy again to include him in the constitution. mcgruder has good reason to celebrate. he hopes opposition, participation in the elections will ease international pressure and cope restore
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diplomatic recognition by many you. latin american and north american countries put participating in the elections, also gives you our position a chance to gain ground, especially while carrying out intensive negotiations with the government to recover the independence of venezuela's democratic institutions. why dont responded to my ludo tweeting, get serious. we all know there are no guarantees of a free and fair election. that's exactly why you are sitting at a negotiating table with those of us who are demanding a literal and political guarantees. and a time table for future elections. mother was demanding that the united states and great britain, we moved stiff even on mac sanctions, in exchange for progress being made in the internationally sponsored negotiations, taking place in mexico city. for that to happen, the government will have to be prepared to make concessions that until now have been unthinkable to see in human houses era. and he deal between global clothing
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companies and factories in bungler dash could mean better condition for workers. now the agreement means that retailers could also face legal action if they don't meet safety standards. tanveer chandry has the story when they're on a plaza building collapse in 2013, killing more than a 1000 workers. it brought unprecedented pressure on the global government industry and led to an agreement between clothing, brand and local manufacturers in bangladesh. that agreement has improved workplace safety here, and the new deal is now expected to build on that progress and provide further protection money in the national export. we feel that the new internal accord that has been agreed on for 2 years is a major victory for unions and the workers. now the accord will not be limited to building electric and fire safety. it will also look into occupational safety, health, and other issues that benefit worker safety. the new car makes it mandatory for
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global brands to set bass, extend of the workplace safety, as well as establish minimum wage independent factory inspection, public reports on the factories and constant repairs and renovations on like the previous agreement was specifically focused on fire and building safety. the new york prod broaden the scope to ensure the general health and safety of the worker. it's also legally binding. the new agreement contains many of the rules set out in the original, including the ability to hold global retail brands legally accountable. if there factors fail to meet safety standards, we do abide by the safety protocols and regulations introduced by the court alliance, including maintaining health and other issues. safety comes 1st in the factory. it's important for the organization here, along with the international partners and retail brands will continue to inspect factories, monitor a safety standard,
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then provide training. they're ready made garments. sustainability council will be in charge of implementing the agreement. basically, the international agreement between the brands and union is a bilateral one. it does not impact the functions of ready made government sustainable if he council receipt. because i received an independent platform where there are 3 stakeholders for industrial, there unions are there. and also brenda that so the c c and the health and safety issues are being taken care of in odyssey to try for a tight although most workers are not fully aware of this new agreement. some have basic ideas about yes, we have heard of it. the fact the managers all regulations and safety procedures, according to chord alliance guidelines like the building safety and health issues all are maintained according to the alliance. we feel quite safe and secure.
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although there is still a long way to go to ensure the safety of bangladesh, garment workers, the new card is a significant victory for campaign. are seeking a better working environment. can be child re, i'll just see the doctor. now chris, the other. rinaldo has become the greatest of a goal scorer in international football just today before completing his move to man just the united. but it didn't start well for the portugal captain against the republic of ireland and the world cup qualifier. he saw his early penalty saved, then island went into the break with a one mill lead, thanks to johnny cans header. and they were just minutes away from a famous when, when a pop rinaldo, to school, he's 100 and 10th goal for the country, making him the all time top score and international matches. but yeah, you're right. he wasn't finished there as he headed in portugal when i
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watching, you know, just there lisa, whole roman here in the hall. reminder of all top news stories got his phones economy as close to collapse after the rapid withdrawal of us forces in the taliban


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