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tv   [untitled]    September 2, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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risking is sierra leo on al jazeera, the with a warning that have got his son's economy is close to collapse prices of storing, raising phase of a possible humanitarian crisis. that the taliban works to put together a government. ah rahman, you're watching out there like my headquarters here in the whole. so coming up states of emergency declared in new york, new jersey as the northeastern united states, as battered by a tropical storm. ida, it's called death san shut down the subway. also the us supreme court upholds the
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law in texas spending most abortions making it the strictest in the country and cleaning up shop a new agreement in bangladesh brings hope of better protection work is one of the world top government exported. i welcome to the program as the taliban proposed to unveil a new government of gun. his sons economy is near collapse prices of essential goods of sword and access to cash and overseas transfer. the limited, the u. s. is frozen about $10000000.00 in national reserve, mostly held abroad. economists say a foreign investment will be needed to help the country recover. let's just take you to the hall where they says a live shot from the foreign ministry, whether you case foreign secretary is into hall meeting his calorie count off. of course to discuss, i've got to stop future will be getting the alive as soon as they have their statements ready. while taliban is still facing opposition and armed resistance in
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the punch valley, the mound to the same place is 150 kilometers north of cobble. and since the capital fell, its been the only province to hold out against the group. that is the more fighting after talks between the 2 sides fail to reach and settlement. dozens of people have been killed. let's go over to our correspondent, rob mcbride, who's in cobble, and rob. the pension valley obviously is the focus of attention and it has been certainly for a few weeks. but with the talks, you might say having failed. what next? yeah, it does remain a very dangerous position at all around the punch. the taliban have completely surrounded the valley. and there have been various attempts in recent days of mediation and trying to get some kind of the co ca surrender of the resistance movement within that valley. because of course, the other parts of the province. enough guy this that did surrender without a bite,
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it's the hope that that will also be the case with the pan share. but i talk have been ongoing and they have the most recently collapse. now, as these tools have collapsed, the taliban have been telling people in the past year to urge its government to respect and, and to acknowledge the lubbock amarillo. and the fact that they, that this is a faded, completed, is done that they should lay down their arms. but they're also the televisions. those have been saying why these latest rounded tools have collapsed and accusing the resistance move, but making completely irrational demand. now that the resistance movement is that by the sued and according to the taliban in negotiations with masoud, the, the group was calling for a to be able to be allowed to retain its weapons at jobs, which isn't an outlandish demand. but also in addition to that, according to the taliban, that been asked people one 3rd representation in the new government. then you basically palate by and government, which is about to be established here. which does seem to be an incredibly big
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given the relative weakness, a bit resistance movement. the punch here, as we know, was the home to the northern alliance of 20 years ago. but this movement, you would have to say is a shadow of its former self. it doesn't have anything like the kind of backing that the northern alliance could claim across the northern waves. afghanistan, it seems to be far more isolated. and so you wonder where these demands seem to be coming from because they do seem to be detached from reality that the taliban version of the demands is to be taken at face value. so if they remain to tent, stand off that, that does seem to be no meeting in the middle, the taliban, but will probably will not give away to these concessions. i just, they do. we know that there has been an increase in fighting. we know that civilians have been leaving the punch yet, which all indicates that they may well be expecting some violence to break out. that will be brought with the update then. so it's joining us from cobble. well,
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there are still questions about what went wrong with the departure of american forces from a gun. this phone, us defense streets have been facing the press for the 1st time since the end of the withdrawal. they say the war has been fought in vain. particle heinous move from washington, d. c. these are the men in charge of running the us military, ultimately responsible for carrying out the president orders. now defending the withdrawal from afghanistan. it was her, oh it it was historic duty to focus on the fact that they say 124000 people were evacuated in a hostile environment. but that leaves out the questions. how could the intelligence be so wrong about the strength of the taliban? why was it such a chaotic situation? why weren't able to get out all americans and the 10s of thousands of afghans they pledge to help during disorderly evacuation? that's all 175 people killed, including 13 us service members from
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a suicide attack near the airports. that they said are questions for later. cannot also say that no operation is ever perfect. i will tell you that we will do what we always do, and that is to, to look at ourselves and do after action reviews and, and we want to make sure that we learn every lesson that can be learned from this experience. they may be questioning themselves in private, but allies are doing it publicly in the most you, we do not need another such job political event to rest, that you must twice for greater decision making to autonomy and greater capacity for action and throughout. the disappearance was less about reassuring allies than their own troops. the emotion of this moment made clear by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. this is tough stuff. war is hard. it's vicious, it's brutal. it's unforgiving. and yes, we all have pain and anger,
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and when we see what is unfolded over the last 20 years, and over the last 20 days, that creates pain and anger. the mission now is to try and contain the political fall out and figure out what went wrong. well, trying to reassure the troops that 20 years of war were worth it, even though they left the taliban back in control using their equipment and celebrating what they say was the total defeat of united states. paddock lane, l g 0, washington. 6. people have died in the northeastern united states as tropical storm, lighter brings record rainfall and floods. for those renew york city build, valencia has called it a historic weather event and declared a state of emergency. residents are being warned of dangerous conditions on the roads. now the city subway service has been suspended after part of the network. we're deluged. this is just one of several video shad on lines or water gushing into stations and on to tracks arteries cause we have
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a can neighboring new jersey where states emergency is also the fact that all threats of tornadoes on the store moves north automate landfall in the southern state of louisiana, the category for hurricane, but it has now weekend. well, it's bringing out as a senior meteorologist stevenson fox. it just doesn't look good. does it have it? and now it's absolutely shocking. so if the trace be now and we've seen huge amounts of brian for them, we still have to neither watches, enforce across parts of southern new york, southern areas of new england. so i can look at the broader picture. you can see that lots massive cloud and in there we have got either tucked in, of course i was the pastor, well, the days this is the storm just making his way up towards the northeast corner through the tennessee valley. and we have seen vast amounts of rainfall, of course, on that storm, as he was saying earlier, that's the position of the system. now, they're just easing up a cross towards new england, middle, grassy went up towards a canadian maritime. we'll just throw some numbers that you knew it seen 250
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millimeters of rain in the space of just 24 hours. compare that with the september average with a specter and $97.00 millimeters of rain. so staggering amounts of rainfall push up into new york. laguardia airport reported a $175.00 millimeters of rainfall in 24 hours. in the space of 6 hours. we only had what we had $152.00 millimeters to frank was a little wonder. we have seen that widespread flooding here. take a look at new york city. it's west ist day on record 18 millimeters of rain coming down in only one hour. so a staggering amount of rainfall here as well. and hence we've had those problems i assume in and take a look at what's been going on then. so she's going on to wednesday in that side and making its way across the tennessee valley, the high valley. nothing further north was easing up towards new york wednesday through thursday. this is when the problems of rudy sat in that heavy rain really
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gathered over new york continued to make his way further north was now pushing into new england the 3 the remainder of the 1st event. you can see deal now law she try . it's going to take days for that rain to clear away, but as we go through the remainder of thursday, that's going to continue making its way through new england, pushing up towards the canadian maritime before finally clearing away. so thanks very much of it. and now the u. s. supreme court has now he rejected an emergency appeal against a new abortion law. in the state of texas. the court voted 5 to 4 to allow the country's most restrictive law to remain in place. now bands a procedure from 6 weeks into pregnancy and makes no exceptions of rape or incest. and galahad reports on wednesday, the so called fetal heartbeat bill of texas became law making it one of the strictest abortion measures in the us. this is now the only state binding abortions after a heartbeat has been detected at around 6 weeks before many women even realize they're
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pregnant. texas governor greg abbott, signed the bill in may with the expectation of legal challenges they work together on a bipartisan basis to pass a bill that i'm about to sun that ensures that the life of every unborn child who has a heartbeat will be saved from the ravages of abortion. by midnight on tuesday, clinics across the state were turning women away, who are more than 6 weeks pregnant, were having really difficult conversations where patients are filled with anguish and worry and fear as they try to figure out what's next to them. i'm in health group say it amounts to a total ban on abortion, but the new law also empowers ordinary citizens to su abortion providers. and those who help women get the procedure. we think that we could see lawsuit against a huge range of people including frontline workers. that health center is including counselors to provide genetic counseling to someone about their pregnancy and
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ultimately refer them for an abortion if that's what the patient wants. several other states mostly in the conservative south, have tried passing similar abortion restrictions with mixed success. pro abortion rights group, say the legal push, maybe leading up to a direct challenge to the 1973 landmark road. the way the federal ruling that gave women the right to seek an abortion state of mississippi is now directly challenging that constitutional rights. and with a more conservative leaning supreme court, it may be the biggest test in decades. we certainly have reason to fear what the supreme court will do with this stretch challenge to row and what's happening today and going forward. and texas is deeply alarming because they may have found a blueprint for rolling back a portion access regardless of what the supreme court decides with the jackson case . access to abortions is long been a divisive and deeply political issue in the us. that momentum seems to be gathering pace to challenge the choice of women across this nation. and galico al
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jazeera well still had here on al jazeera bank to class, but for how long the education crisis in lebanon that state schools and parents to fend for themselves. as well as opposition then a full year election boy will hear why they've had a change of heart. they story after the break. ah hello, welcome to the look at the international forecast. got the usual scattering of showers across much of southeast asia. we've seen some very heavy rainfall recently . it's a central areas of thailand, maybe $200.00 millimeters afraid coming through here. it stays disturbed because much of the region places as a little dryer into some archer and also into job one of the showers will gather
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across southern parts of sumatra as he make her way into the weekend elsewhere. as you can see by the shower surround borneo, the philippines, seeing some, a wet weather and plenty of showers there, continuing across a good part of indo china costs and wet weather making its way across australia. and that will harold, something of a change, this massive cloud will that represents something about a southerly buster. actually there's a cold front coming through ahead of that was seen warm interior wins that brick failed a wind. and that seemed temperature in adelaide getting up to 30 degrees celsius the earliest time we've seen 30 celsius in adelaide at this time of the year. so we are looking at some very hot weather. it's not gonna last week. i'm just solely buster washed. cloud of the rain comes through the wind swing round to a southerly direction. 16 celsius. then you'll see that west weather making its way towards melbourne as well. telling a good deal cooler as the rain was east ah,
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in 900. 854 young anti apartheid activists were murdered by south african security forces. if you are gone, solve the problem by removing the guy, then you would keep that 36 years on a family's quest for justice reveal systemic resistance to prosecution. must all be convicted for taking my father away from me and exposes the influence, the former part i just stablished and still wielded in the new south africa. my father died for this. a people empower investigation on al jazeera ah walk about to i'll just say, well, let's take you straight to joe hall where the british foreign minister is speaking with his guitar. he counterpart about i've got some, let's listen him. i mean, we have to historic relations with the placidity
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with his country and it was a chance to discuss bilateral relations and also the means to balance these relations on own front. we also discussed issues of need to concern, and that is no doubt the latest development in afghanistan has taken i sizable amount of our talk. i reiterated his exit and see the minutes of that cut us off. efforts as a mediator will continue at the same time, we will continue to corporate and coordinate with all the allies and friends estates to the best interest. get any paper. but we also assist the current situation politically and in terms of security, we share the same views with respect to the necessity to continue to cooperate and
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push on this issue. we also discussed the outcomes of the meeting held by his excellence. he was with us secretary of state where that was an international consensus on the afghan issue. we also reiterated that it is a paramount necessity to uniform unify and intensify our efforts to ensure the safe passage of citizens and the necessity to deliver relief . aid to that people at the same time, it is of paramount importance to continue to corporate in our efforts combating terrorism or the so to ensure that there is no
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chance for any prospect opportunity for us to re operate within this region. gotta reiterate its firm stance to support the stability and security in the region since it's a great place to be here. thank you very much for the warm, hospitable welcome. and it was an important opportunity. and i don't to meet with his highness the mayor as well. as his excellency shake it, we discussed as what does off grandest on the bilateral relationship which we cherish we prize and we're excited about building on in the weeks and months ahead . but obviously i've got this done, has been at the forefront of what we discussed. i had the opportunity to visit the compound, which is accommodating african refugees here in doha. and here of the heart rending stories. it reminded me of my father who came to the u. k. h 6. and we will extend
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a warm welcome and provide haven to those who wish to come to the u. k. and who are eligible. our commitment on the part of the u. k. to afghanistan remains we need to adjust to the new reality. and i think we had good conversations about what that would involve. it's was saying that in the air lift between the 15th of august and the end of the month, we secured the safe passage of over $50000.00 people out of afghanistan. the biggest operation of its kind in our living memory and in no small part because of the corporation from architecture, friends. so i want to really emphasize how much we appreciate that i think challenging times you know, the meaning of friendship and certainly catch all has done an exceptional job. now of course, we need to adjust to the new reality and our media party is to secure the safe
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passage of those remaining british nationals, but also the africans who worked for the united kingdom and indeed others who may be at most risk. again, we working closely on that and looking at the practicalities of, of how that can work with the u. k. center rapid deployment team to this region. because we want to make sure working with countries that we can process like the nationals, but also the after work is under the apps games and anyone else and support the countries in their efforts. we're also very mindful of the, the regional challenge that the flow of afghans from afghanistan will create the instability at risk rating for those neighbors. one of the reasons we're doubling our age spending 286000000 pounds is to try and help support those countries bearing the brunt. i want to thank you all for the incredible what they're doing to
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support us in almost every effort, including hosting the united kingdom's relocated embassy thrust kind of stuff here . we do want to make sure we can retain lines of engagement because that's how we will in just to the new reality that i mentioned. it is going to be a challenge and it will require a new set of strategies. so i think there are 4 key things that we've discussed and we very like minded on the 1st is making sure the dentist on is not a haven or harbor to terrorist again in the future. secondly, preventing us, you might have terry and crisis. and again, that's why we've doubled our age spending for afghanistan this year. the knock on effect that is to present, present and to preserve regional stability and 4th, to test and hold to account the taliban on back commitments to progressed to more inclusive government. and obviously we'll be looking very carefully at what happens
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in the field of human rights and the treatment of women and girls. i think it would be important to build an international coalition around this. i think alcatel re friends are clearly lynch, been influential player in that and we are working with our g 7 presidency on nato membership. we'll see secured with the french, the germans and the other members of the security council resolution recent days in new york, which i think is important. it provided, i think, a good framework that all countries should be able to agree on as a way for moving forward. now we need to get why there, by and regional countries involved. clearly there's a lot of countries with the direct stake and what happens now grindstone as well as countries who will feel and be moved by the humanitarian risk and the plight. i think above all, we need to put a grouping together. they can exec maximum moderating influence on what the taliban
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does next. and we will certainly be judging them. yes, on their words. but more importantly, what they are willing to do to dive out to the assurances that they've made. we'll certainly keep working with all of those partners, none more energetically than natalie friends to, to make sure that we can preserve the gains that have the made in afghanistan over the last 20 years and continue to support the afghan people. thank you. thank you. chad come on in the low luncheons in a sam kylie cnn question. for the contrary, foreign minister, you've been intimately involved in the important practical but also symbolic regeneration of the airport. you give us an update on when you think it might open and mr. rob, what sense of guilt do you feel over the people who have supported britain? both britons themselves and people who supported britain that you've left behind?
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some regarding the airports, actually, we are still in the evaluation process. there is no clear indication when it's going to be fully operational yet, but we are working very hard and also engaging with bought a bond to identify what's on the gaps and that is for having therefore to back up or running. but we would remain hopeful that we wouldn't be able to operate it as soon as possible. as we mentioned earlier, it's very important and a very strong statement. also f spot on. we demonstrate their commitments to provide safe passage and freedom of movement for the people are gone. it's done so we are trying our best to help and serving that interest. and we will do our
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best. we are engaging with them engaging with also turkey, if they can provide any technical assistance on, on that front. and hopefully in the next few days we'll hear some good news. and on the questions from a look, we've secured safe passage out of afghanistan for august, 17000 british nationals after workers, other special cases since april. and, but at least we feel a responsibility to make sure that the remaining british nationals in africa workers can come to the u. k. that's why we watch with great interest what may be possible to bill for the world. so here, and i'm here, not just in catawba, going off to, it's to talk to regional countries about how we can ensure safe passage through sad countries. so i'll tell you what jasmine been questioned by the babies. he
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thanks a lot, i'm and i guess, you know from the b b c. my 1st question is that you said mr. rob that there are new realities. so do you see any working relationship with the taliban? and keep in mind the new realities on the ground. and secondly, we have been getting reports that doesn't of contracts. those who used to work with the british embassy and called but they have been left behind. could you please tell us why and what is your message to them because they are hiding and other people who used to work with the you can find it organizations. thanks a lot. thank you. we are pragmatic, unrealistic. we don't recognize governments. we will not be recognizing the taliban, but we do see the need to be able to have direct engagement. otherwise we can't provide messages. we can't listen to the response. and i think as my friend shake,
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ma'am it said, i think there's an early test for the child. upon one was their approach to the airport during the evacuation. now we're into a different space. can we see safe passage provided out of afghanistan? that would be quite an important 1st test. we need to be able to discuss that on gauge on that. and there'll be other issues. we all want to avoid that she wanted terry and disaster crisis. well that will require the taliban to be able to provide and ensure a permissive climate and environment right workers. so i think engagement will be important in order to set the tests. and what will be judging taliban by is the actions not that was sort of told him why jim and carla tell amber. i just want to see the friends and news agency they brought him by the we, if be i have to question. the other 130 technical team already arrived. the in
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capital airport is guitar planning to operate the airport as the head of the gun of the issue with or if you're ready said that the are ready to sign partnership agreement with the part for minister dominic what might encourage you to make relations with the taliban, thank you. regarding regarding the air force actually like now we are in an assistant and surveying period if hell is going to make a difference and make the airport up and running. so i definitely will not hesitate to help and support that process. but there is no agreement yet how this form of operation is going to take place and still under the discussion as i just mentioned, we are trying our best to support now bringing back and forth to be up and running
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. and this is, this is remaining our focus in the next short term period. thank you. the reality is i, as i described, we will not be recognizing the taliban anytime in the facility future. but i think there is an important scope for engagement and dialogue and test the intentions. and indeed the assurances that have already been made by the time about safe passage out of afghanistan. and i'm afraid to my friends in the b. c. i didn't mention it but to ask as well, because the contract is who eligible is to want to come to the u. k. or indeed, other countries i think the commitments they've made not to allow us to understand to be a base or a safe haven to terrorist groups. the permissive environment, humanitarian workers. they've talked about forming a more inclusive government in all of these areas. we would just in but what they
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by what they do, but just by what they say chicago out of come, why chicago scifi and thank you and thanks all on the media present. watching alters their english and the cars are a foreign minister shake. mom had been up the romano tani hosting his british counterpart secretary of state. so far as dominic robin dough had taking questions . of course, from the assembled press call about the situation of gun is done. and what to actually expect in the coming days as they tried to work away, like many of the foreign ministers have from across europe, certainly on the us to get the nationals and their support staff out of afghanistan through channels and through 3rd countries. if possible. we of course.


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