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tv   [untitled]    September 3, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm AST

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who risk their lives to protect it from destruction? an extraordinary film, archives planning for decades, review the forgotten food of the country's modern history. the forbidden real. coming soon on jessie, i this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm emily angry. this is the news ally from joe hi, coming up in the next 60 minutes. the final fight for afghanistan. i'm sure stripe reporting from the entrance to the punch ship valley where the fighting is escalating between italy and will be described as the last bastion of opposition.
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to the rule. several people have been injured in new zealand after a knife attack at a supermarket. the prime minister says it was i feel inspired. and japan is said to get a new prime minister after yoshi hide is to go said he would step down as the leader of his governing party on joanna roscoe with fort b for investigates, racist abuse aimed at them. plays during welcome qualified they would tell by charleston had objects thrown at them during the whole no, when, as a hungry and ah, we started going to stand where fighting is escalating between the taliban and a resistance group. in the pan, she veiling the mountainous enclave is about 150 kilometers north of the capitol cobble, if in the only problems to hold out against taliban rule, despite being entirely surrounded. national resistance front is
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a multi ethnic group, made up of militias and former african security for members. dozens of people have been killed on both sides in recent days. child straps, it has more from a village near the pen, she valley. behind me, you're just about be able to see the town of goulburg hall. now that is the entrance to the punchier valley, the only entrance to the punchy valley civilian population in the thousands. when we arrived there was a lot of smoke. there was a lot of artillery being fired at that town. we understand that the taliban, the teller binary control of it, but they have been responding as well in the last 5 minutes or so. again, more artillery heavy machine gun fire being heard. we've spoken to locals in the area of many locals telling us how terrified they are. they say the fighting started about 4 days ago. and as i say, they say that it's especially bad at night. it has been an escalating. they also say that the resistance,
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this group called the n r s that are in control of punch valley. they said that they sold a group pulling in weapons, bringing weapons into the area in and around the time that the taliban took control were pushing towards taking control of cobble preparing themselves for this fight. now, bear in mind that this valley is historically known for its, for its strong resistance. the soviets, whenever able to take it, the tale bond have never been able to take it. it is 95 percent plus tasha population of around 10150000. the resistance is being led by a man called ultimate masoud, the son of a very famous fight against the russians in the eighty's. we know that they have been negotiations in the last few days. obviously they have fallen by the wayside now. they have failed. afghanistan, future was one of the topics discussed during a meeting between the british and pakistani foreign minister, his stomach,
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rob says the u. k. is boosting a for afghanistan neighbors as i deal with refugees fleeing the country. me and he's pakistani counterpart shop, mahmud coo, she said, he'll stand with any afghan government that's backed by the people. there are certain compulsions that we have to deal with that. perhaps you don't have to what example duty crossings are for about 20 to 25000 people in middle times. it's a huge number. can be brought to that we got can we get them? yes me shot. are the risks yourself that organizations are there that are not send you us and anyone. so we have gotta give start as read. bank after trade goes to pakistan. you bet is open any place them. and if you do them, are we contributing to
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a humanity in questions over that? right. and if you have to prove that we talk to anyone who's in charge in gauging with that authority is a compulsion that we have to deal with. so recognizing these challenges, barcas on a said it's 4 hands to decide about the future. we will engage with a, a government that has the backing of the people of afghanistan. for more on this, the summer binge of a joins as live from the past. you are assigned what the foreign minister say about pakistan's role in helping the british get people out of afghanistan. well that has been, the core issue that was discussed would be between these 2 leaders on how to
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evacuate buttons and people who worked for the united kingdom's to come out to the neighboring countries and pockets on being the closest and probably the safest route out there. is a lot of emphasis on park to sons facilitation. that's something that was discussed between dominic rob and foreign minister shop with gracie. they also discussed about how the u. k. can help approx on to cope with this crisis as you heard the before and miss and making the case for progress on we've, we've been speaking to him in the last few weeks and he told me as well, that box on has been hosting a number of refugees, millions of them rather in pakistan without recognition from the international community. dominic rob today assuring him that there is going to be somewhere around $40000000.00 of additional funding for a gun to son neighbors to help facilitate the guns and others coming to these countries. there were also a lot of other issues that were discussed in this meeting focused on in the united kingdom by dr relations. this is the issue of
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a foreign action task force about the finances for terrorist funding. and all of those issues coming down to words focused on the role that it is playing in trying facilitate some sort of a peaceful transition in have gone to the foreign minister off focus on thing. what focus on wants is stability. and about a son by son has been hoping for that civil at the end, it will use all its leverage because it is in bucket sounds interesting. abundance and remain stable. there are no major outflows of refugees. and then there is some sort of opportunities for bucks on how big it 2600 kilometer long border. they're about $78.00 crossings between the 2 countries about the fund is also looking at the opportunities for peace and stability and got a son. so there's increased increased trade and the focus on these can play a role in the future. shippable got a son. as a taliban are all set to announce a got them. you mentioned it very briefly in that answer. but they also discuss preventing afghanistan becoming
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a hub to terrorist groups. what more can you tell us about that? well, the last few days you've seen, we've been visiting all of these areas. we were, we crossed into on the rugged terrain and how difficult it is to man this border and the, and the threat from not just i c k. but the focus on these are lavonne offshoots over there and others that have been operating in this area for a long time. because on has been denying the criticism that it was a supporting some of these groups. and seeing that it has been a victim of these attacks, more than $130.00, only soldiers have died to fear because of these attacks. so it is a very difficult terrain to monitor the united states before them try to monitor it . but drones, we've seen number of drone strikes, they're trying to take out facilities. so it is going to be a difficult struggle, not just for pakistan itself, but for the taliban as well. because they were short the world that they are not going to allow. i've gotten soil to be used against any country, whether it's neighboring countries or abroad. so it is going to be crucial for any
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form of government to give these assurances. but it is going to be a difficult task ahead for whoever comes in this region to make sure that these groups do not take advantage is off of the gaps in between. and the vacuum that has been left behind as we have gone. security forces with the way we appreciate your update. some of been job aid. joining us live there from peshawar. the taliban spokesman says china has promised to keep its embassy in afghanistan open and to increase aid. the chinese government says it wants to play a role in the reconstruction of afghanistan, but it hasn't given many details. katrina, you has more from beijing. latan is foreign ministry has posted a statement on its website confirming that the phone call took place in that statement. it was quite brief. it affirmed the friendship between the 2 countries and at wish the people of afghanistan well and going forward and rebuilding their country. but it was quite scans on details. this message by the taliban could be
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its way of putting a little bit of pressure on aging, perhaps to keep its promises. aging has said that it will play a role in the economic reconstruction of the country, but it's been quite vague as to how it intends to do that. but no doubt the aging doesn't tend to play a role here because it does have some existing investments enough cornerstone that it probably wants to protect. it also has very extensive investments in neighboring pakistan. so it is looking at the economic potential of the country and the impact on the region at large. now china as a major player, was one of the 1st to recognise the taliban as a legitimate political force. we had tell about leader up to gunny bar, actually visit china in late july, and he met with china's foreign minister one e and throughout this whole process throughout the keiko of as well as this transition. china's embassy in cobble has remained fully open and operational. no
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paging has been very critical of the u. s, saying that it's hasty with the role was to blame for the chaos caused in the country. but at the same time, china has said that the u. s. should not just cut and run that. it has responsibilities in the country and should help contribute to its economic rebuilding as well. okay, let's bring in andrew small who's a senior transatlantic fellow with the german marshall fund of the united states asia program and joins us live from berlin. hello there. tell us a little bit about what role you expect china to play in the reconstruction of afghanistan. what's in it for them, and what's in it for the taliban? well, there's a short term. i mentioned to this and as a long term dimension, suddenly for the long term, it kind of was able to get some of the minds that it's already committed to particularly the mat coppermine some of the lithium investments and other things that are all significant resources that china is one of the actors that is keen to step in and benefit from it. and the level of revenue that could accrue to taliban
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to, to a few tracks kind of document would be very significant. but as many years away, in fact, before, that really translates into meaningful resources for whoever is in power. so you have a short term question which is in the immediate economic crisis and the immediate aftermath of a new government. what it, what sort of measures he's trying to, willing to take in those circumstances kind of doesn't do large scale aid. it will provide aid in more modest times, provide humanitarian assistance. and it's not going to bailout a new government. and they might do some smaller scale investments, but those long term investments even will depend on that. being enough stability in the country in security, in the country for these to turn into something that's economically viable channels and wants to make sure that it's a government sufficiently politically stable, that they can make these long term bats. there are still some limitations to china, really going to be willing to do economically, even if it's continues to be happy and the taliban came to be able to send these signals to china is willing to swing in on scale. the weak population in
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afghanistan are concerned about this diplomatic relationship. what are your thoughts on how this muslim minority group will be treated as paging and the taliban continue their cooperation? well, that's one of the other big issues that china has with the taliban. and one of the big outstanding questions that i have made these guarantees is, as your correspondence mentioned, to say that ask, i'm sorry, will not be used for a tax on our neighbors. but from china perspective, they want to see whether these agreements and commitments the taliban has been making them to for a long time, really translate on the ground. there is the weaker dimension to this. there is of course, the pakistani taliban on the risks of attacks on chinese personnel. soft targets in the neighborhood. but the pressure from china is going to come on. the weaker question, specifically some of the week us involved have been fighting with with the taliban
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. there is a group the talk is funded like party and that has has allegiance to the taliban and has been operating alongside them. i think certainly, as we've seen from the way that trying to put pressure on other neighbors, to having people over at to them to, to, to arrest them, to detain them. there is an understandable concern. i think among the other we goes, not the fighters were working alongside the taliban in the country that they might be victims. it's not something that the taliban has traditionally been willing to do for china. china, still concerned about, in fact, will not follow through on some of these promises. but it matters a lot of course to the tyler, but they are able to have trying to swing in diplomatically and economically to be able to provide a form of support that they know will not be coming from the west. how closely will the us be watching this relationship between china and television develop they've used this relationship in some ways in the past as, as well. they know that china has both a direct relationship with the taliban and through pakistan on some level of
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additional influence over them. so it's not a relationship that china, the united states is necessarily always viewed in problematic terms. you can see it from the continued exchanges between one e and sexual blinker on this question. they know that china is going to be a political protagonist in afghanistan in a way where some of their interests are not necessarily so far distant from, from those of the u. s. they want to see if they black, they want to see some kind of a political settlement emerging now that inclusive, they're all they would like to see the power button at least behave in ways that are sufficiently acceptable to the international community that they can achieve some level of diplomatic recognition doesn't obviously a prior state on it's on its borders again, operating under us sanctions. so i think they will have an eye on it. but they're not just trying to see this as, as a threat. they know, of course, was arrested china get sucked into the situation. i'm going to stop something. china is quite, quite worried about. i don't think it's going to be an area of whether you
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primarily looking so anxiously and looking to kind of confront financing in various other areas of the world. i think this is still an area in which some limited elements of code nation have have been possible even in recent weeks. i suspect to, you know, a very limited degree will, but we'll still continue. we appreciate your insights for andrew small, a senior trans atlantic fellow with the gym and marshall fund. thank you. thank you . the us says, eat airlifted a total of more than $120000.00 people from cobble, but many afghans who applied for a special visa, including interpreters, who worked with american forces, has been left behind. some say they were based in as i tried to get to the a port charlotte balice has moved. this woman was an interpreter for the us department of state and defense enough canister. first 5 years. she tried and failed to get in lifted. that makes me hopeless because we serve for the youth
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government. they say the social media, we are helping our allies. how many of your allies have been evacuated? she says she and her family were beaten and pushed back from the airport. gates by us funded militia? no one is in d s 0 units. they were laid by the ca, my family members got injured because of the people, the in the people that the unit you want to do with do. they were trying to kill everybody. it didn't get even, you're a kid, you're young, you or whatever. they were just trying to harm you. oh, you 0 filmed a 0 units as they moved into position at the airport, seemingly with immunity one day after the taliban took control of cobble in recently 0 units have been widely accused of human rights abuses, conducting violent night rates, and acting with impunity. it worst nightmare and
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a lot of those guys were just bounty hunters. they were paid us off and symbol is not the n d s. good in even call them forget about controlling as a total ca operation in one day they have the answer to the american people. the us put them in charge of the ports, northern perimeter to separate western forces from the telephone, the militia members, band filming. so we recorded on our phones. this is how they treated people trying to leave. the shooting appeared to be the preferred method of crowd control. the interpreter told us they would let her leave if she paid them $5000.00 us dollars for each family member. married with 3 young children, she did not have the necessary $25000.00 to pass out. the escapades corroborated her claims of bribery. they all confirmed the us funded units lead people into the
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port with our site, into the cation or valid paperwork. i was the what if i was watching them? we were just, we were just hopeless to seeing all these people have been evacuating from the same get. the taliban took over this area from the 0 units on saturday morning. we spoke with him earlier in the week and we were told that they were from the 03 from 10 to from the 02 in the east, and from the 01 in cobble they told us that they were here to create a buffer zone between the telephone and western forces and that an exchange, they would be evacuated. thousands of the militia and the families were prioritized for evacuation the taliban. quickly filling the void, interpreters in other us allies are angry. that militia members were flowing out all day who helped foreign forces for years, have been left behind. charlotte, bella soldiers, era campbell, plenty. morehead on this news hour,
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including struggling to dry out. the cleanup is underway in parts of the northeast in the united states. after tropical storm ida waves are killing at least 45 people . literally watching children die was very organized families in madagascar insects and mobbed in an effort to survive one of the worst famines caused by climate change of age continue for a calendar grand plan of the us open. joe will have all those details coming up in a officials in new zealand say, a man who stabbed several people at a supermarket was being closely monitored by intelligence agencies. police shot and killed the attacker who wounded at least 6 people in oakland. wine, hey, has the latest and afternoon shopping in new zealand. largest city was interrupted
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by a burst of gunfire and sirens. i'd soon emerge that police shot and killed a man who had walked into a supermarket in the west of oakland and detect shoppers with a knife. he said this woman came out. okay. and then i went down to the other day and there was an old gentleman in main line on the crown. he said it didn't take long for the police and the prime minister to label it terrorism. and to reveal details about who the tech was. the sure lincoln came to new zealand 10 years ago. and for the past 5 years had been a person of interest to security and intelligence agencies. and because of that, police said they were able to stop the man before he attacked more people. the attack began at $240.00 p. m. and was undertaken by an individual who was i know, one threat to new zealand. the individual was under constant monitoring.
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and it was the police surveillance team and special tactics group who were passive, that monitoring and surveillance that shot and killed him within. i'm told the space or roughly 60 seconds of the attack starting there were also restrictions in place in oakland because of the cove at 19 outbreak. meaning there were few shoppers inside the supermarket. the normal new zealand has been on alert for attack since march 2019 when australian white supremacist brenton. terrans killed 51 people in 2 mosques in christ church. the prime minister said it wasn't clear a friday stabbings in oakland were revenge for what happened in christ church. but the police say that confident this was a one off and that the attacker was acting alone. wayne, hey, al jazeera toner, new zealand, japan's prime minister. yes. she had a suga says he won't seek re election as leader of the governing party this month.
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it sets to stay for his replacement after just one year in office. so good to go over after formulations ob i resigned last september, siding for health. so there's approval, writing has seems dropped below 30 percent as the nation struggles with it was why it was closed at 19 infections. a general election is expected next year. michael penn is president of the she gets to news agency, an independent japanese news agency. he said suca has struggled in the face of growing criticism. the fact that he's out as prime minister in the season is not, is not much of a surprise at all. although the, you know, the timing that it would happen. you know, within about 12 hours of him saying he was going to run. so like last afternoon he confirmed that he would be running for the presidency of the party. and then in the morning he said, i'm not running. so that part was a little bit surprising, but he was, you're basically in the middle of
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a political crisis and wasn't able to overcome. it. pseudo was never able to move from that number to position or essentially he was, you know, the right hand man, the enforcer, the person who would go and sort of, you know, knock together bureaucrats and terrify them to get done with the government. want to get done, but then you become the number one man. you become the prime minister. and a big part of your job is communication. it's creating a career man, a connection with the japanese people. and on that score. suga was just never showed a spark. you never showed any ability and essentially for the entire year, every time at a local election came up, the ruling party was losing. so it was clear, he just didn't have that touch of, of connecting with the japanese people. that's what he was really missing to us now in president joe biden has pledged a federal help for north eastern states. after remnants of hurricane ida hit the region we reco, breaking rains to be flooding is reported over 400 kilometers stretch from maryland
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to new york. flood waters have submerged subways, damaged homes, and kind of power to millions. at least 45 people have been killed. new york cities may coded a historic weather event. the city is under a state of emergency. christian salumi has the latest from new jersey. the ne woke up to flooded cities and impassable streets. many had to be rescued as the remnants of hurricane either made their way north, more than 3 days after 1st making landfall. thousands of kilometers away in louisiana. there were even tornadoes, seeming to catch heavily populated big cities like philadelphia, off guard, with the record rain fall. serious flooding caused the complete shut down of the subway system. the new york borough of queens suffered the most fatalities in the city,
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at least 12 resident dying as water flooded basement apartment. the 1st crisis for new york's new governor, the human loss, which is hard to imagine that people simply in their cars, in their homes, in their basements that come to raise the ravages of a brutal storm. and their families must just be in such pain this morning. in new jersey, governor phil murphy was out early thursday. visiting the town of the leak, a hill hit by those tornadoes, which left devastation normally associated with the southern united states. the ferocity of the storm took many by surprise trapping families in basement apartments and motorists on roadways that quickly turn to rivers. more than 20 centimeters of rain fell overnight in some areas as much as typically falls in the entire month of september. when i start, this man we spoke to in new jersey, had stopped in his truck to take a video with water and the street suddenly began to rise the river.
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all the sudden i looked down the road and literally it was like a river coming towards me. and me and my daughter, my 12 year old with me and we just panic. i put in a 4 wheel drive and just backed out real quick before it summers my truck, northeastern governors and president biden say the trail of destruction left by ida is yet more evidence of climate changes impact on weather systems across the united states. and bite and says the country needs to prepare for more to come. we need to act on congress return this month. i'm going to press further action on my bill bag . better plan. that's going to make historic invest mentioned in electrical infrastructure. modernizing our roads, bridges are water systems for those left, counting the cost, divide as destruction, relief can't come soon enough. christian salumi al jazeera, new jersey. a clean up operation is underway across northern and central spain
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after v slash flooding on wednesday. the capital and coastal town of al tana was one of the worst places he's with several cars swept into the mediterranean, people with a report waters more than a mesa. high rushing down the straits lodge areas of northern spain and the surrounding islands remained under a storm lunch. after 4 years of drought, the island nation of madagascar is experiencing one of the word worlds. first, famines rather to be caused by climate change. the united nation says at least 30000 people don't have enough to 8th with fees. that number could rise dramatically. the un has also reported more than a 1000000 people in madagascar have resorted to aging locusts wildly and cactus fruits, madagascar as produces a tiny fraction of the world's annual carbon dioxide emissions. suffering some the
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worst effects with unreliable rains and crop values. the world of food program is warning of a severe humanitarian crisis. is southern that a gas car in the families are eating texas flowers, they're eating mud or eaten locus, just to survive and they're barely survive in this role. i'm looking, this is heartbreaking him. we're literally watching children dying before very and we've gotta help the people in southern madagascar. if we get the support, we need the funds we need. we can stop the suffering and mini bass has plunged into valley and west in iran, killing at least 16 paypal. it happened in the kurdish speaking cornerstone region . one survivors that she jumped from the window when she realized the vehicle was out of control. it's unclear what caused the crash. iran has one of the worst road
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safety records in the world. still ahead on al jazeera, secure ourselves 1st to be able to get back to the country. we'll have a report on why thousands leaving lebanon in search of opportunities abroad. also, i do not have any whole title. why these families in india say the government is keeping them from working and were saving a much needed subsidy? i didn't before with joe action from the world comp qualifies as messy and tina continues to run. ah ah hello, getting going on september 3rd, here's what you need to know for the 3rd time we've had flooding across spain this
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time in catalonia, where hundreds of millimeters have rain, have fallen in a short span of time since a mudslide triggered.


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