tv [untitled] September 5, 2021 1:30pm-2:00pm AST
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the vehicle checkpoint 3 iraqi soldiers died in another attack in the northwest in district of blackmore, the animals and the non duration ceremony in montenegro. bishop knew as the new head of the serbian orthodox church has taken place, despite protests, demonstrators long rolls and font with police before the non curation an update on the situation in afghanistan, men and the fighting in tangier valley. let's speak to stratford correspondent in couple bring us up to speed with the latest on the fighting, and the resistance forces claiming to be gaining more ground. well, certainly according to soldiers we've spoken to. they're saying that the resistance are claiming that they have taken hundreds of taliban fighters, prisoner. they say that the child abounded moved into an area or district called darlin sank. at which point the n r f claim. they blew up a bridge and i've taken,
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as i say, by somebody to me, it's up to 1500 taliban prisoner. now we obviously cannot confirm these reports. it's very difficult to get solid information out of the pat year valley because all communication networks have been shut down. we also know that the taliban, so they claim to of turned off the electricity in that, in that area. we understand that the fighting has be very heavy. certainly over the last 24 hours. we would that the day before yesterday and witnessed heavy shutting . that seems to have continued yesterday and into today. i'm huge concerns for civilian population inside the valley, around 152200000. but georgia, the ethnic tactics and a civilian population around the valley as well. some of those which we spoke to the day before yesterday and they were saying that they did vacuum today, women and children and were very scared. indeed,
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there were concerns that it was gonna be a break out of the valley and their lives and livelihoods were in danger. certainly in the area that we were to say was very, very close to the entrance so that there were a lot of shells landing close by. but it's very difficult at the moment to verify any of these claims you've had nothing yet from the taliban. in response to this claim made by the n r f with respect to these prisoners that they say they've taken . so as a very fluid situation, one could only imagine a very terrifying situation for the, for the 10s of thousands of people who live in that area. thank you very much for that update. jobs transferred live for us there in campbell. inferior government forces have shelled the southern rebel held enclave of ballade injuring civilians. it follows a 3 day sci fi which has seen russian soldiers patrolling the rebel stronghold. but people in there, i say the government did not allow a to get in. the accused government forces of trying to take control of the area,
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i think, to my one cumberland who's head of policy analysis at the center for research and policy studies. he's joining us by scott from here in doha. thank you for being with us. my launch, this is being described as the heaviest fighting in iraq since government forces to control and a c fire had been negotiated by the russians. i understand. why is it not holding? well, i have, or probably as you know, i mean that there was an agreement that was assigned by the americans and the job in, in 2018 that has actually allowed the city and vision to take control of more of this, of this area. and in exchange for excluding your on back from actually thinking why can position and so did you position actually near the porters with justin and is that you use there has been some sort of
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things off of this agreement on both sides. but in recent, in recent weeks, actually that she decided that they should actually take control of actually that still had by, by the opposition that 2000 agreement. if only my weapons in the hands of the opposition, it's actually forced to post them to, to, to start under their heavy work dance and machine guns. but now that he actually is finding a golden opportunity to take control of the whole area and to force the opposition into what i'm doing, even at the lights, weapons that are still there are still keeping in in the area right now right now and trying to get in between the cd and,
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and the opposition and the student actually to do so. last wednesday seems to be that they, they actually, they had a new terms of the new mission. they wanted actually to increase the number of security just one from 49. they wanted actually to had like a fish house to house when the, when they actually get into the area. and they want actually to force some leaders of the opposition to leave the area or to leave actually, to that way more when you talk about the opposition. and when we talk about the rebel forces, which forces are involved here. and currently who's got the upper hand, it's mainly, as most of the horses actually are many local, the local, the local people actually were allowed to try to keep the life weapons
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and just to defend themselves. of i know right now that she is trying actually to force them even to start on the day of life life events and to, to have full control over the area. and they are resisting the resisting to fears from house to house. they are resisting dock, the force departure of some of their, of their leaders. so this is why actually they could in so far at each as cease fire. and the demon has collapsed actually. yes. thank you. ron coverline. thank you so much for your insight into this byron campbell on joining us from hearing. jo. huh. thank you. thank you and update now
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on the situation in guinea cannot cri whereas we reported earlier. heavy gunfire has been heard near the presidential palace in chronic re unclear who is responsible for this gunfire. we're going to bring in west africa correspondent and nicholas hawk was joining us on the phone from the car in synagogue. and nick, i know you've been speaking to people in con cree. what are they telling you about what's happening? well, currently, fully, there is heavy gunfire. troops deployed in b column, which is the adjuster in downtown clinic cree, where the presidential palace is believed that the president of the con, there early this morning, went out towards hotel column. where she works respectively ambush by a, by, by people who started shooting at we know now that he is decided that hotel. 1 is safe and well, but there continues to be a gun paddle in the. b district, eye witnesses, they the wounded being taken to the hospital. and you know,
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this comes just after a week where the national parliament had voted the budget for the president, the, and the parliamentarians, increasing budget for both the president and stuff that works, that the president at the national assembly but decrease as it sounds will decrease in budget for those that work in the security forces, the police and the military, 5 percent decrease in their salary. so there could be growing, told officers that could be behind the gun battle. we have no confirmation or cruise behind it. we know that the president has confirmed that 2nd day is safe, but of course there has been ever since he's been re elected. empower a year ago. there's been some political unrest in guinea. he had tweaked the
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constitution to allow him to run for the 3rd mandate and the opposition had had said that he wasn't the legitimate winner of those elections. and ever since he took power, he had to manage the conflict between the opposition people within his ranks. that one thing more from his power, people within military as well, that are, are disgruntled with salaries or wages for the moment there's, there's a sense of fear in downtown could actually of what is what is happening, is it a qu, we don't know if it's true or not, is there something else that we really know, right, but yeah, no, i was going to say that the report that the army has, has been deployed to the streets of con, a cri, as you say, i mean political unrest, of course, is not new in guinea, what would be significant and interesting here is this element of, of the,
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perhaps tension within the army or the, or the military. you talked about the army, perhaps members of the army being disgruntled, that would be significant. in this case. yes, i mean there's been every time there has been a coup attempt in guinea and there has been just last year. well, that has come from rank of the military and you have to remember the during the last elections alpha can they really push than an ethnic element to the forefront. guinea is a salami. the majority country the but then k has been the ones that have been ruling guinea for the last. 5 few decades and they are members of the military, lower ranking members of the mature people who are from other regions like getting who are disgruntled with and feel disconnected with the central power of the con. the shrewd politician, he's been member of the opposition for, for decades. but really this is another testing time for him to see if he could. a
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bring the country together and of course the country that is extremely wealthy and yet where people live in dire poverty. and there's a sense from those that are critical of the government that she's not doing enough to redistribute that wealth, including those ranks of the military. so, you know, there's in the parliament last week i've been increased budget for the president unit decrease budget for those who are civil servants, including members of the security force. it hasn't gone down. well, there was a press conference yesterday where they were strong words put forward against the alpha con they so it doesn't come as a surprise, but they would be on the streets in protest, but no confirmation. ok, now keep a close eye on the situation with you. of course, nicholas correspondent, in the synagogue with the latest on the situation in guinea, where the reports of heavy gunfire in the capital con, a cri,
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this sunday in yemen. the who the rebels have a task fade oil facilities in saudi arabia. they say they used drones and miss on the have several targets, including facilities in rochester, new era, and the city of jetta. earlier the sound he led coalition set it in deceptive 3 miss on strikes in the east and south. 3 people were injured including a child, at least 14 houses were badly damaged. now people in morocco are said to vote in local, regional, and national elections this week. the 3rd scene for a new constitution was introduced, introduced after the spring, but executive power is held by the king on the 6th. and the way votes are allocated has been changed to stop one party dominating parliament. bernice smith has more from our cash. the every vote, county for the largest party in morocco's pond. but the conservative justice and development party has to reckon with
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a new and unusual system of allocating votes that the parties lead to say is specifically designed to reduce their influence. seats in local and national assemblies will be divided by the number of registered voters, regardless of whether or not they cast follows should. unfortunately, the name of this law which was passed by opposition parties and those in coalition with us, is to minimize the just and development party. that's why we rejected it from the outset. it's a strange, a very strange law. it's aim is to limit the p. j d's, chance of winning, the biggest challenge, all the waiting people to vote one major survey suggest 64 percent of all them on the real power. still live in hand. king the how much he takes all the major strategic economic decision. the king allowed constitutional reform after the arab spring, 10 years ago. political parties were given
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a greater role in policy. but mohammed, the 6 appoints the government and high as all fires, cabinet ministers matter and the new way off calculating houses are located will stop one party dominating which is what happened in the 2 previous elections when the p j. d shift important results. now the door would be open for smaller parties because the 2 tional coat is also rolled, that this new law doesn't go again as the constitution. i. the 2nd largest party in parliament is the authenticity and modernity founded by a former advisor to the king. it's viewed by diplomats in the local press as being close to the palace, its candidate, the marin, my cash rejects suggestions that the new law is unfair. nobody else you can stop morocco from trying its own experiment. once we have the right to do our own experiment, or do we have to always worry about what the fee is? we'll say, every time we've taken a step forward in democracy with our own tools,
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the new system is expected to result in coalitions made up of many parties that could make government's weaker, and it's being brought in during the pandemic. when the king is consolidating his power by taking all major decisions from buying vaccines to economic support packages, bernard smith, alger 0, marrakech noisy, discovery of oil in the 1960 s transformed its economy. but with climate change emerging as a major issue in this month, autumn entry election. there are signs the public is questioning the country's reliance on crude. fewer farms are now taking up noise office to drill for new oil fields in the arctic. full rece report from the northern city of hammer fest come a fest, the so stalled nor the most city in the world where the what the to much this optic town is the gateway to the oil industry in the bar and see one of the sources of noise $1.00 trillion dollars, sovereign wealth fund. here engineers group threads into pipes that must be
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accurate to $15.00, hundreds of a millimeter to avoid catastrophic leaks when drilling for oil and gas. the meaning of oil in norway. exceptional, this is what we have been over 50 years in norway. this is, this is making norway, norway. we will develop. this is also to go more and more green, but still we are dependent on the joint. re goliath was towed north from how fast, but it may be one of the last this year noir offered up licenses to explore for oil in a new areas in the parents and one in the north sea. only 4 of them were taken up. firms like the state oil company, often plugging away in the byron see despite having drilled a number of dry wells in recent years. but the pounds, general lack of interest in exploring this part of the continental shelf comes as the norwegian, people seem to be just starting to turn away from the industry that transformed that country from one of the poorest in europe to one of the richest in the world
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with an election looming, the green's you want to end all exploration look like getting enough votes to make them king make is in a coalition. the government has responded by reducing how much taxpayers will subsidize new drilling. we still have a long term view on the activity on which content the self. but having said that, we are preparing for the future with less demand and also less production. in fact, we do predict that in which an old production will perhaps go down by as much as 65 percent towards the middle of the century. and that's simply because the know which in continental shelf is mature. and we are probably, well above the peak. now, noise, past and present, come together and how fast fishing and render hurting continues a few miles from echoes liquid nitrogen gas plant. but it's the future that's in focus in this camp where indigenous activist last beer is one of 6 environmentalists who have taken norway to the european court of human rights over its drilling in the arctic. hopefully it will have a serious consequence of the region. policy will have hopefully have a government that takes into account the weights and the are course in climate
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change. what are we if we lose our area? our nature we're speculation in the burns may be welcomes, wind increasing number of voters, but existing norwegian field still pump out 4000000 barrels of oil a day with noise economy under generous benefits. reliance on that production. change to green energy will only come about slowly pull reese al jazeera, how fast and chinese government is cranking down race entertainment industry. it wants to remove what it calls negative and chaotic influences in order to promote socialist values is targeting celebrity fan flags, online gaming, and l g b t y. katrina, you has a story from a chain for millions of young fans, loyal to famous actors and singers are lucrative force in china's entertainment industry. now, celebrity fan club has become the latest target of government regulators. authorities has banned activities,
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which encourage fans to spend money on their favorite stock. online leverage rankings, and discussions about the salaries are also prohibited. state media and newspaper. the global times says fan clubs could be used to manipulate lines and split chinese society. mega rich entertainers have been criticized and punished for tax evasion and other undesirable behaviors. the moves are part of aging efforts to promote chinese socialist values among young people and cracked down on so called negative influences and entertainment culture. it follows the announcement of new rules limiting how much time young people can spend playing online video game. mine is, can now log on for 3 hours a week, maximum, and only on weekends. aging since the cuts unnecessary to call that gaming and internet addiction. the critic se it'll do the opposite of prominent i don't think the new regulation makes any sense to help teenagers or for the less access you get,
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the more curious you will be on the surface. these changes seem like rules designed to stop unhealthy or obsessive behaviors. among young people, but for the chinese communist party, it's much more. it sees the entertainment industry as an ideological battle ground that needs to be kept in check. regulators have also been the portrayal of a feminine men and online l g p t q i. communities have been censored. activists are meetings says the government is actively trying to mold the identity of young chinese hoshal aria and the government wants a traditional image for its people, not to diverse why. i think this really limits the imagination and creativity of the young people. it shows the societies becoming less accepting to those who are different. i mean, and others like him are worried. there are no changes ahead. and the freedom of chinese youth will increasingly be replaced by the agenda for the communist
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government. katrina, you al jazeera paging still ahead on college. is there a tennis? well, number one, know about job rich things on course we went to like open title and he's here with that story next. ah frank assessments, by way it is a lesson freedom surprising informed opinions what you saw happening. come on to it was 40 to there was also put soon as the critical debate. the real cost here is not between kula and any other than we have concrete here between the 2 years. re running to keep people in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on our jazeera in back because it's journalist and government panic. they
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didn't have the infrastructure they needed. they promised results in 5 days. but it's been a year examining. the headline is this another potential flashpoint for conflicts? voice is from different corner. every house here has someone who has made it to the top of ever. it's not just one but several time program that has been your i to turn it to view of the world today on algiers, near oh, a andy, thank you so much, folly well, well, number one, ashley bossy is out of the final grand slam of the seas. in the australian was beaten in round 3 of us opened by hung player shelby roaches more just coming back
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from being 5 to down in the final set against the writing. when the champion robin, the 43 bench for winning the deciding 2nd, it's great to move through the last 60 tried to fight every morning. so i'm sorry i you guys are awesome. i didn't want to leave. i mean, i just said, you know, make, try to stay in the match. i can't get any words or every time i try something different. you can't win every single tennis match that you play and i'm proud of myself from proud my team for all the efforts that we put in over the last 6 months . it's been absolutely incredible. i think we, we could have asked a much more honestly, i probably wouldn't change a thing with, with all of the, the tough moments that we have had. it's created some of the most enjoyable experiences and not so much about myself. roch's will pipe britton's m a rud economy round for the 18 year old dropping just one game in a straight set when here of spain. so our service to him, i wrote
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a connie through to the last 16 at a 2nd strike grand slam. so no joke that shot come from a set down to keep his push for a grand slam. going the will, number one, losing a 1st set firebreak here against the japan kwanisha corey, which was the hit back to when in full, since the aims to become the 1st place is rod laver. back in 1969 to win all 4 major prices in a single lloyd harris is $316.00 at a major for the 1st time after this. when i was 7, the dentist, she has a lot, harris beating his canadian opponent and strength fee for president johnny francine . it was paid a visit to african refugees in tulsa next year. welcome hosts of health house, around $600.00 refugees in a complex built as official accommodation for the 2022 football oh belgium strike originally la copa wants to say infancy new and fee for doing
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more to combat racism. football well, governing body has opens an investigation to england, plays with targeted turn that will qualify against hungry on thursday. i think now it's the time that you know, something has to happen because, you know, we are 2021. i think a lot of teams, you know, have a lot of pleasure, different any initiatives, religious and, and such a i think now i think the find the u. f. a has to step in because enough is enough . well, qualifying is continuing. writing champions, france drink one or with ukraine, my color chopper rank, i was brilliant strength footing ukraine had just before hops on that is 1st ever international goals. things just, you know, any more equalizing with his 1st goal for from to 5 years. his side of all points clear the top of the group, the response things we've done whole has his 1st when the 2nd show to the netherlands for the time. ball salon is memphis high school. the 1st few against
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months and i gosh, but captain jean went out and got the bird and they said that best, the last cody got her killing in a great drive to school. his 1st gulf is country full. nearly finished netherlands are 2nd in that group. and i can go for punch can light is on target for $15000000.00 payday. kind of i will take a 2 shot lead into the font around the t. j tools, season and events when the ball and john ramos is closest rival at the championship and one and senior from a 3 point lead over the u. s. stuff that they want to be so on kept there and see what actions that come europe or the writing champions after they went in scotland 2 years ago. on a few minutes time, the closing ceremony, the paralympics will get in the way in tokyo house japan want to go metals on the funnel. they have competition with shawna finishing on top of the middle table. overall, the head of the international parliamentary committee has admitted to having continuous stance over whether the event could or should have taken place to to
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cove it 90. there were many times when when we thought these games cannot happen, even before the post bomb and after the performance. but if i may, again, i would like to highlight just the fact that from the japanese side we all had the support. they were solid firm, they were always assertive, they were always positive. we are going to the leave these games maxed up and we'll be hoping home support can help him to victory the bus girl and pray. little lights around the country getting ready to host. then at foreign race for the 1st time in 36 years and stuff and we'll be starting and poll position. the red bull dry, the qualifying ahead of necessities. lewis hamilton and valence reports us stop in trials. hamilton in the world champion, standing by just 3. okay. that is high school is looking for more from a little later on. i do thank you very much for that. that's it for this new bar, but to stay with friends, world news coming up,
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including the latest on the situation in getting back into the news news news. ready too often of kind of style is portrayed through the prism of war. but there were many of us thanks to the brave individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction. an extraordinary film archive spanning for decades, review the forgotten truth of the country. modern history the forbidden real
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coming soon on the jersey trail. ja, aboriginal children as young as 10 being arrested and locked up in the 1st of 2 special report. one on one ac investigates straightly as indigenous incarceration prod on which is 0. this isn't my story. it's the story of my friend, jesus i'm, she told us that she didn't want to be here. she didn't want to live anymore. was too hard. a survivor dedicates her life to educating and saving others from suicide . we're the ones that are dying, where the ones that are losing our friends, and therefore we have to be the ones that will stand up and solve it because no one else is going to. where there is hope, a witness documentary on a just as soon as the sun goes out, challenging place to work. as a journalist, they're always pushing boundaries. part of the sample must always under love. we
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are the, was traveling the extra mile, their auto media go, go. we go there and we give them a time to tell their story. ah, i have a gunfire near the presidential palace in guinea could not cree president con days, said to be ah, you're wanting algae here. i live from deal with me for the back. also coming up, renewed fighting in afghanistan, span giovanni with this.
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